Raw candies made from dates and nuts. Homemade dried fruits and nuts

Whatever names they are given: candy "Health", Energy, fitness candy.I call them healthy sweets.Judge for yourself that not an ingredient, then a vitamin bomb.

And the most important among them is the date, but it is the main one in my recipe. More often put raisins, prunes or dried apricots, by the way, are also no less useful dried fruits.

Experts claim that daily use Dates can slow down aging, give endurance and strength, have a beneficial effect on male potency, prolong life and cleanse the body of toxins. Dates are recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Entire books have been written about their use. I don’t even presume to list all the vitamins and microelements contained in dates, since the entire periodic table will turn out. Contraindication is individual intolerance. 2-3 sweets are recommended per day. What's good, children like them too, because you can't force them to eat dried apricots, dates or raisins just like that.

With such healthy goodies, you yourself will not notice how you stop using sugar.

Dates will be mixed with nuts. It is not for nothing that the Arabs sell dates stuffed with nuts - this is not only healthy, but also very tasty. I collected all the nuts that were at home: almonds, walnuts, peanuts. If there are no nuts, you can replace them peanut butter. I also suggest adding granola.


  • dates - 400 g
  • granola - 100 g
  • a mixture of nuts - 200 g
  • sesame, cocoa, coconut flakes- 2 tbsp. spoons

KBJU per 100 grams: 300 / 5.15 / 9.16 / 51.46

How to make healthy sweets:

Wash the dates and pour boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes. They will become softer and it will be easier for you to remove the bones.

Lightly dry the nuts in the oven or in a pan - it will be tastier.

Granola can be replaced with oatmeal.

Chop nuts and granola.

Puree the dates in a blender. Put everything in a large bowl to make it easier to mix.

Prepare cups with cocoa, coconut and sesame seeds. Form into balls and roll them in the sprinkles.

Healthy sweets keep for quite a long time if you put them in a container and put them in the refrigerator.

Ruzanna especially for "Food and Figure"

Greetings, my dear readers! Do you like sweet things? I noticed that most of my friends and acquaintances love sweets. By the way, I also belong to this “most sweet tooth” 🙂 Therefore, I decided to make a surprise for you. Today I will tell you how to make raw candy at home.

Such sweets will turn out incredibly tasty. But, after all, they say: "It is better to see once - than to hear a hundred times." I’ll clarify: it’s better to try once than hear about how delicious it is many times. Therefore, friends, you have a chance to personally appreciate the amazing taste of this delicacy.

However unique taste raw food sweets is not their only advantage. You can safely eat these tasty treats and not be afraid that they will harm your health. They are free of artificial additives and mysterious chemical ingredients. The composition of such sweets includes only the most useful and natural.

And I will introduce you to the recipe for sweets "Bliss". These sweets are made from dates with carob. Their recipe is very easy to make, with just a few ingredients. By the way, the ingredients themselves are also very tasty. Therefore, friends, when preparing sweets, try to refrain from eating the ingredients. And then you won’t get to the sweets 🙂

A little about the amazing carob

To give chocolate flavor This recipe uses carob powder. Unlike cocoa, it is sweet on its own. Therefore, you do not have to add additional honey or other sweetness.

In addition, carob is lower in calories. It's all about the lower fat content - only 0.7 g in carob versus 17.5 g in cocoa.

The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal (per 100 g). For cocoa powder, this figure is 374 kcal.

The chemical composition of carob is rich and varied. The following components are present here:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others;
  • mineral components (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash;
  • some saturated fatty acids.

And carob does not contain fromamine, so it does not have allergenicity, which is characteristic of plain chocolate. Since carob does not contain phenylethylamine (found in regular chocolate), it does not cause migraines.

Therefore, it is safe to say that carob is a worthy substitute for cocoa. The so-called "healthy chocolate".

In comparison, cocoa powder contains theobromine and caffeine (tonics) and phenylephamine (antidepressants). In general, he has a complex chemical composition. And he possesses amazing property: able to improve mood, as well as increase vitality. But there is also a “reverse side of the coin”: cocoa powder can provoke an allergic reaction.

In addition, carob can be eaten without pre-treatment. Well, cocoa seeds must be processed and burned, and only then they become edible.

Secrets of making sweets "Bliss"

  • I advise you to use royal dates. They are usually sold in a cardboard box. These dates are large and their skin is not dried, unlike other varieties.

  • Don't like dates? Then you can make a yummy out of bananas and prunes. The amount of ingredients depends on how much candy you make. For a small amount, it is usually enough to take half a banana and grind it to a puree state. banana puree will give sweets softness and an amazing flavor. Also take a few pieces of prunes. It must first be soaked, otherwise the prunes will be too dry.
  • In general, with the choice of ingredients you have complete freedom of action. That is, you can add whatever you want. For example, figs, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

I just have a request for you. Then write in the comments what you used from the ingredients and whether you liked the sweets. And share the link to this article with your girlfriends. I bet they have a sweet tooth too. I think they will love this recipe.

And here is the recipe for raw food sweets "Bliss".


3-5 servings 20 minutes. Weight ready meal: 460 gr.

for balls

150 gr

45 grabout 3 tbsp. spoons

220 grseedless

35 gr2 tbsp. spoons


Greetings, my dear readers! Do you like sweet things? I noticed that most of my friends and acquaintances love sweets. By the way, I also belong to this “most sweet tooth” 🙂 Therefore, I decided to make a surprise for you. Today I will tell you how to make raw candy at home.

Such sweets will turn out incredibly tasty. But, after all, they say: "It is better to see once - than to hear a hundred times." I’ll clarify: it’s better to try once than hear about how delicious it is many times. Therefore, friends, you have a chance to personally appreciate the amazing taste of this delicacy.

However, the unique taste of raw food sweets is not their only advantage. You can safely eat these tasty treats and not be afraid that they will harm your health. They are free of artificial additives and mysterious chemical ingredients. The composition of such sweets includes only the most useful and natural.

And I will introduce you to the recipe for sweets "Bliss". These sweets are made from dates with carob. Their recipe is very easy to make, with just a few ingredients. By the way, the ingredients themselves are also very tasty. Therefore, friends, when preparing sweets, try to refrain from eating the ingredients. And then you won’t get to the sweets 🙂

A little about the amazing carob

This recipe uses carob powder to add chocolate flavor. Unlike cocoa, it is sweet on its own. Therefore, you do not have to add additional honey or other sweetness.

In addition, carob is lower in calories. It's all about the lower fat content - only 0.7 g in carob versus 17.5 g in cocoa.

The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal (per 100 g). For cocoa powder, this figure is 374 kcal.

The chemical composition of carob is rich and varied. The following components are present here:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others;
  • mineral components (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash;
  • some saturated fatty acids.

And carob does not contain fromamine, so it does not have allergenicity, which is characteristic of simple chocolate. Since carob does not contain phenylethylamine (found in regular chocolate), it does not cause migraines.

Therefore, it is safe to say that carob is a worthy substitute for cocoa. The so-called "healthy chocolate".

In comparison, cocoa powder contains theobromine and caffeine (tonics) and phenylephamine (antidepressants). In general, it has a complex chemical composition. And it has an amazing property: it can improve mood, as well as increase vitality. But there is also a “reverse side of the coin”: cocoa powder can provoke an allergic reaction.

In addition, carob can be eaten without pre-treatment. Well, cocoa seeds must be processed and burned, and only then they become edible.

Secrets of making sweets "Bliss"

  • I advise you to use royal dates. They are usually sold in a cardboard box. These dates are large and their skin is not dried, unlike other varieties.

  • Don't like dates? Then you can make a yummy out of bananas and prunes. The amount of ingredients depends on how much candy you make. For a small amount, it is usually enough to take half a banana and grind it to a puree state. Banana puree will give sweets softness and amazing flavor. Also take a few pieces of prunes. It must first be soaked, otherwise the prunes will be too dry.
  • In general, with the choice of ingredients you have complete freedom of action. That is, you can add whatever you want. For example, figs, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

I just have a request for you. Then write in the comments what you used from the ingredients and whether you liked the sweets. And share the link to this article with your girlfriends. I bet they have a sweet tooth too. I think they will love this recipe.

And here is the recipe for raw food sweets "Bliss".


3-5 servings 20 minutes. Weight of the finished dish: 460 gr.

for balls

150 gr

45 grabout 3 tbsp. spoons

220 grseedless

35 gr2 tbsp. spoons


See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Have you ever tried to make candy at home? I offer a simple and very delicious recipe homemade sweets based on soft Iranian dates and nuts. I used ground almonds but will work just as well. walnuts, hazelnut or pecan. These do not contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and stabilizers. Delicious and healthy sweets will give you and your children moments of pleasure. So, I’m telling you how to cook delicious sweets with your own hands in just 15 minutes.

healthy homemade candy recipe

For preparations nut candy we will need:

  • 400 g dates;
  • almonds 200 g;
  • 4 tbsp. l. coconut flakes;
  • 1 st. l. carob or cocoa;
  • 3 art. l. water;
  • blender and coffee grinder.

Let's cook the almonds first. Rinse it and dry it well on a towel. We put completely dry almonds in a coffee grinder and make almond flour. Remove the pits from the dates and put in a blender, add most of the ground almonds (reserve a couple of spoons for sprinkling), coconut flakes and a little water (literally 2-3 tablespoons). Blend everything in a blender until homogeneous mass. Also, a food processor with an s-shaped knife is perfect for this purpose.

The mass is quite thick and sticky. We form sweets of any shape from this mass, I made round ones. Roll each candy in the sprinkles. As a topping, I used almond flour, coconut flakes and carob (you can take cocoa). That's all. Our homemade sweets are ready! They can be eaten right away.

While I was rolling candy balls, my husband prudently brewed fresh tea. So our sweets lived with us for literally 10 minutes. It turns out to be very tasty and healthy yummy, I recommend trying it!

Everyone is interested in your opinion!

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As promised, today there will be a recipe for healthy and tasty raw food sweets from crushed almonds (nut cake), which I have left after cooking. This is the case when, during the cooking process, a certain product appears that can be used to prepare something else, in my case, these were tasty and natural sweets.

By the way, while rolling sweets, attracting additional labor is a must 🙂 in general, friends, relatives and loved ones to help you, this is a fun and rewarding pastime.

To make these vegan candies, you need:

  • 1 cup almonds (or the remaining pressed cake from);
  • 1 cup dates;
  • coconut flakes for dipping.

For candy sprinkles, in addition to shavings, you can take cocoa, sesame seeds, carob, etc. You can also take any nuts for sweets or even mix several types.

1. Remove the seeds from the dates and soak them in water for 10-15 minutes.

2. While the dates are soaking, grind the almonds into flour using a blender or coffee grinder. [If you already have crushed almonds, then of course you skip this step]

3. Drain the water from the dates, squeeze out excess water and grind with a blender, you get such a viscous paste. We mix this paste with crushed almonds, we should get a dense, moist, but not liquid mass. You can add cinnamon, a little ginger or ground cloves here, but even without these spices, sweets will be just delicious.

4. Let's start sculpting sweets, now we need coconut flakes, it needs to be scattered on the surface in order to roll balls in it. We collect the mass with a teaspoon, roll the ball with our hands and roll it on all sides in chips. We added whole almonds to some of the sweets (Anton decided to make vegan Raffaello)

We got 22 raw food candies. Put them on a plate and refrigerate for 1 hour. Keep these healthy sweets it is better in the refrigerator up to 5-7 days, but I don’t think that they will lie with you for so long.

Raw almond and date candies


Total time

Amazingly delicious and naturally sweet candies! The whole family will love this treat!

Recipe type: Candies, Desserts

Kitchen: Vegetarian, Raw

Servings: 20-22


  • 1 cup almonds;
  • 1 cup dates;
  • coconut flakes for sprinkling