How to make a chocolate flower. simple chocolate flower

They can effectively decorate a birthday cake, and making it is much easier than it seems.

For work, we need about 50 grams of chocolate of the main color and 20 grams of additional. Flowers made of white and dark chocolate look beautiful. You can take white chocolate and tint it any way you like. Just be careful with dyes! Firstly, they should only be edible, and secondly, chocolate should not curl from them. There are special dyes for chocolate on sale, but they are not cheap. And for a one-time action, I don’t see the point in buying them. I took the most common powder dye, diluted it literally in a drop of water and added it to melted white chocolate. If the structure of the chocolate after kneading has become a little inhomogeneous, you can try adding a drop of refined sunflower oil to it and knead until smooth. In most cases this helps. For the first time, so as not to risk, take better chocolate of two colors

I don't use chocolate, I use frosting.It is less whimsical when melted, does not require tempering: no matter what temperature you melt it, it will always shine. In addition, it quickly hardens even at room temperature, and the figures from it are more durable than from chocolate and do not melt at the slightest touch. Also, white chocolate will never produce as bright a white color as icing. if you use white chocolate, then your products will be with a slight creamy tint.

I apologize in advance for the quality of some of the photos, without daylight - well, no way, but during the day I can’t take on such work. I will try to explain in detail those moments that are not captured in the photo.

Using a teaspoon, apply a little melted white chocolate to the file. On the convex side1 teaspoon, we collect a little chocolate of a different color and draw it over the chocolate, forming a petal of the desired shape so that the colors mix. Freeze petals in refrigerators. The first layer - 3 narrow, the second and third - respectively 5 and 7 wide petals. For wide petals, you will need a little more white chocolate. For the first time, draw with a margin - fragile petals can break during assembly.

The shape of the petals can be different, and the edges are uneven, so even better - the flower will look even more realistic.
While the petals are waiting in the refrigerator, we will make a form for assembling a flower from foil. It should look like a truncated cone.

We collect the first layer in a foil mold, drip a little chocolate of the main color inside. I have it white.We put the three smallest petals in a mold and send it to the refrigerator for a few minutes. And so that the working chocolate does not freeze during this time, it is advisable to place the container with it ina larger container with warm water.

Now we slightly bend the edges of the mold, dip the petals of the second layer with the wide side into chocolate and glue it to the first layer. The foil will hold them until the chocolate hardens. We carefully send the entire structure to the refrigerator.

Glue the last layer in the same way as the second. And put it back in the fridge. We get this flower.

On the cake, it will perfectly complement the leaves. For their manufacture, you can use the leaves of a houseplant, once I successfully used camellia for this. But now I don't have it. Therefore, I used this print for mastic.

We apply melted chocolate on it, forming a leaf of the desired size and shape.

We give it a good harden in the refrigerator, gently pry it with a knife - and here is the result.

And this is what the whole composition looks like.

Thanks to everyone who read and watched to the end! I will be very glad if my experience is useful to someone. Be creative, dream up and don't be afraid to experiment!

In this master class with a photo, we offer you to get acquainted with an interesting and simple way to quickly decorate any cakes. We will show you how to make chocolate flowers for the cake with your own hands.

Tools and materials Time: 2 hours Difficulty: 5/10


  • cake to decorate
  • a small amount of butter cream left after making the cake;
  • chocolates or white chocolate icing;
  • confectionery sugar balls of a suitable color;
  • food coloring.


  • small spatula or table knife;
  • pastry bag for cream;
  • parchment paper for baking;
  • small bowls or round plastic containers;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • scotch.

To create a stunning spring garden-inspired cake, here are a few simple ingredients and tools that every woman in the house probably has. Thanks to them, we will be able to make magnificent chocolate flowers for the cake with our own hands.

This method can also be used to decorate small cupcakes, only the size of the flowers will need to be reduced.

Step by step master class

So, let's start making chocolate flowers for the cake with our own hands.

Step 1: Draw Patterns

With a black marker on waxed baking paper, draw the outlines of the petals for the future flower in the form of ordinary triangles. Petals should be three sizes. Choose the largest size depending on the diameter of the cake you are going to decorate. For example, for the cake with a diameter of 15 cm, shown in the photo, petals with a length of 10 cm, 7.5 cm, 5 cm were used.

Cut out all the petal templates, leaving 1.5 cm of free space around the outline.

Step 2: prepare the frosting

Melt chocolate or icing in a heat-resistant bowl, add a few drops of the desired coloring to it and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Step 3: form the petals

Before applying the chocolate, turn the pieces of parchment paper down with the side on which you drew with a marker. Use a small spatula or table knife to spread the melted chocolate onto the petal template. Work from the tip and work towards the base of the triangle, intentionally leaving lines and ridges on the surface of the melted chocolate. The base of the triangle will be the outer edge of your petal. Try to make the edge of the petal a little "torn", and not in the form of a solid line. This will give the flower more realism.

Step 4: Shape the Petals

While the petal is still wet, place it in a bowl or plastic container with a smooth concave rim to shape it. Use tape to secure the petal in place until dry. Do this for all petals. If possible, make 1-2 additional parts of different sizes in case a petal breaks during the work.

Step 5: Glue the Large Petals

After the petals are completely dry, separate the parchment paper from them. Place the largest petals in a circle on top of the cake.

Step 6 glue small petals

Fill a pastry bag with a little buttercream. Do not worry if the color of the cream differs from the color of the petals - this will not be noticeable when the work is completed. Use cream to attach the second and third layer of petals to the cake.

Step 7: Making the Center

Take some matching confectionery sugar balls and stick them in the center of the flower with some of the melted chocolate used to make the petals.


We are principal opponents of mastic in our school. She's so ugly, wow! But what if you want to decorate the cake with flowers or figurines? Let's make them out of ... CHOCOLATE!

Unbelievable: but true: by simple manipulations, ordinary chocolate can be turned into a plastic mass that can be rolled out, cut out, molded from it ... It looks great, it tastes like chocolate!

Of course, there are many subtleties in working with plastic chocolate. It is sensitive to temperature. It is easy to mix or undermix. But the result is worth it! And most importantly, it does not dry like mastic. That is, you can bite off a chocolate rose and eat it, and it will melt in your mouth like a chocolate bar! Miracle, and only!

In our workshop, we will cover:

  1. How to make plastic chocolate from ordinary chocolate
  2. How to color white plastic chocolate
  3. How to make plastic chocolate soft for sculpting, or vice versa dense to keep its shape
  4. How to make patterns on plastic chocolate
  5. And most importantly - how to make plastic chocolate flowers!

Everyone will train with chocolate! Everyone will knead plastic chocolate for themselves and make a magnificent basket of flowers out of it!

We will make: rose, daffodil, peony, poppy, simple flower, leaves. Let's learn how to work with cutouts for flowers and viners for textures, and learn how easy it is to do without them!


The course is completely practical. Everyone will have their own workplace, tools, everyone will sculpt all the flowers and take with them their own fashioned bouquet!


Marina Zyazina has a diploma from the French culinary school Le Cordon Bleu, specializing in confectionery.


A new word in the decor of cakes - waffle flowers. They look absolutely elegant, while being done easily and quickly. Even one spectacular flower on the cake will make the cake absolutely fantastic!

In appearance, waffle flowers resemble mastic flowers, but have a number of significant advantages:

  1. Are done quickly. It does not take time to dry the petals. A flower can be made in 15 minutes!
  2. Wafer flowers are light and do not slide off the sides of the cake
  3. It is possible not to use inedible elements: wire, teip tape, plastic stamens. That is, the cake is completely edible.
  4. No need to achieve similarity with real flowers. Waffle flowers are very spectacular and in a "fantasy version" - as your imagination tells you!
  5. Wafer paper is inexpensive and has an unlimited shelf life.

At the master class you will learn:

  1. Make a flower pattern, cut out waffle petals
  2. Coloring wafer paper with liquid and dry dyes
  3. Make round and flat petals
  4. Give wafer petals a natural structure with viners
  5. Collect flat and voluminous flowers without the use of inedible elements
  6. Collect compositions with stems and leaves using floral wire and teip tape (you can’t do without this in compositions)

In our master class, we will make several types of beautiful waffle flowers:


The easiest and most spectacular flower that can be made in 15 minutes!

After our master class, you can come up with the shapes of your fantasy flowers yourself!

Very delicate and beautiful flower with many petals. Can be made in any color. Including fancy colors.


Delicate uncomplicated flower, very similar to a real one.

By choosing different colors, we can make a realistic or fantasy rose, a bud or a loose one. Favorite wedding romantic flower!


Anastasia Sudbinina, confectioner, school founder and website author.


To sign up for a master class, click on the "SIGN UP" button at the top of the page, you will be redirected to the shopping cart, where you can conveniently pay for the lesson. A place is reserved for you only after payment.


Master class cost 7000 rub

Discounted 5 day course 30 000 rub.

You can participate both in the entire five-day program, and separately in each day of the course.


If for any reason you change your mind or are unable to participate in the master class, the payment is refunded in full, provided that you notify at least 7 working days in advance. The working days of the school are all days, including Saturday and Sunday, except for public holidays and school holidays.


If you see the “REGISTER” button, then there are still places for the master class and by clicking on it you can book a place.


To receive a gift certificate, simply indicate when registering for a master class in the comments your desire to issue a certificate for a specific master class or for an amount, and the name of the future owner.

It also says how to do it according to the rules. Choose your way! I'm making a white chocolate flower. Its natural color is slightly yellow, and I want to get a white flower, so I tint the chocolate with titanium dioxide white. Just pour the powder and mix well, rubbing with a spatula on the sides of the bowl.

Making petals

Now we take our film. I have acetate in rolls, so I just cut off a piece of the required length. For someone else, you need to cut strips about 7 cm wide and about 25 cm long. However, for the future, the width depends on what size the largest petals of your flower will be. With a spatula, palette knife, knife, or whatever suits you, we apply chocolate on the film in the form of our future petals. If it’s a little uneven, it’s not scary: this will not be noticeable in the finished flower, more precisely, it will, but small irregularities look harmonious, because in nature there is nothing symmetrical and “correct”.

Now we place the film inside the paper towel sleeve. You can use something else of a suitable shape or glue a paper pipe, for example. It is necessary that our petals take a slightly curved shape. In this form, we leave them on the table. The chocolate should crystallize and become firm. If you've tempered it properly and your room isn't too warm, this will happen fairly quickly, within about 15 minutes.

But this number of petals for a flower will not be enough for us. Therefore, let's make a few more such stripes for the time being. We “draw” petals of different sizes, like a real flower. In the same way, we place them inside the sleeve or any improvised pipe. And leave on the table until they harden.

Do not forget that we need very small petals. Here I put chocolate on the film ...

... and then I place it in a narrower than in previous cases pipe - a roll of cling film. I want the petals to be more curved.

I remind you that chocolate crystallizes quite quickly, you need to work at the pace of a waltz. (That's why it's quite difficult to remove things like this.) Watch the chocolate in the bowl, if it thickens, heat it up in the microwave or with a regular hair dryer, but don't overheat! You can also melt the chocolate in batches. First prepare the part for the petals, then for assembly. Then - for the leaves. So, here are our petals hardened! We take them out of the bushings. Look, they will lag behind the surface of the film, retaining their shape!

If you have tempered the chocolate correctly, the petals will not melt in your hands (unless, of course, you have very hot hands and hold the chocolate for too long). They don't leave any marks either.

We spread the finished petals on a clean sheet of baking paper or a plate.

Collecting a flower!

We are building a bowl. We take a bowl and put foil in it, forming a round bowl. If the foil is thick, you can get by with just that. It is clear that the size of the resulting bowl (depth and diameter) must correspond to the shape of the future flower and the size of the petals made.

Pour a small amount of chocolate into the bottom.

We place the largest petals in a circle.

Now take a slightly smaller size. Dip the base in chocolate...

Now it's the turn for small petals.

And there were very small, the most "curly".

Gently insert them into the middle.

We give the petals time to make friends (this happens very quickly under appropriate temperature conditions) and carefully remove the foil from the bowl, open it. If we consider it necessary, we can add a few large leaves, in the same way, dipping their base in chocolate.

You can drop a little chocolate into the core of the flower (it is convenient to do this, for example, using a pastry bag) and pour pastry beads.

Here is our ready chocolate flower! Simple but beautiful!

We color the chocolate green (I use Squires Kitchen dye, “Dark Green”) and apply a layer of about 2 mm to the leaf with a brush. I have a regular brush, from a stationery store, with synthetic bristles. This one is easy to clean and doesn't leave hairs.

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What could be better than a delicious and beautiful chocolate flower? A giant chocolate flower, of course! Place it on top of the cake for an incredibly elegant cake that is appropriate for any celebration or holiday - from Easter to Mother's Day, birthdays, bachelorette parties. A huge chocolate flower will not leave anyone indifferent! We offer you a great photo lesson from an American confectioner Erin Gardner.

Use a few simple ingredients and tools that are sure to be found in every home to create a stunning spring flower. You can also create small flowers to decorate cupcakes with this technique. Flowers are made from tempered white chocolate, dyed with fat-soluble dyes or colored cocoa butter. Learn how to temper chocolate here. Candy Melts from Wilton can also be used.

Tools and Ingredients:

  • A small amount of oil cream;
  • Tempered chocolate;
  • Colored sugar dragees;
  • Small spatulas or spoon;
  • Pastry bag;
  • parchment paper;
  • Small bowls or round plastic containers
  • Black marker;
  • Scissors;
  • Scotch.


Step 1. Using a black marker, draw triangles of varying sizes on the parchment. For a round cake with a diameter of 20 cm, cut out 3 sets of triangles 5, 7 and 10 cm long.

Step 2 Temper the chocolate, color it with a fat-soluble dye or colored cocoa butter. If using Candy Melts, melt them according to the instructions.

Step 3 Flip the parchment triangles over so that the marker line is down and out of touch with the chocolate. Using a small spatula or spoon, gently coat a triangle of parchment with chocolate. Work from tip to wide base. Do not strive to make a perfectly smooth surface, stripes and grooves will only add texture to the future flower.

Step 4 Before the chocolate on the future petal has hardened, place it in a bowl or plastic container to give it a curved shape. Use tape to secure the non-chocolate edges of the petal to the bowl.

Read also Video-MK "Cake decor in watercolor technique"

Step 5 Thus, prepare all the petals, 6-8 pieces of each size. You can make a couple of spare petals, because fragile petals can break during assembly.

Step 6 When the petals are completely dry, remove the parchment paper. Place the largest petals in a circle, filling the top of the buttercream cake.

Step 7 Fill a small piping bag with a little buttercream.

Step 8 Use butter cream to secure the second layer of petals to the cake.

Step 9 In the same way, collect another layer of petals, the smallest. In general, you can vary the number of petals depending on how big and fluffy the flower you need.