Macaroni with cream cheese and spinach. Spinach Spaghetti in Creamy Vegetable Sauce

Spaghetti with spinach and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Italians, pasta lovers, know thousands or tens of thousands of recipes on how to cook delicious pasta with seasonal vegetables, mushrooms or herbs.

Of course, in such dishes, the main role is played not only by the combination of vegetables and the type of pasta, but also by the dressing or sauce with which the main dish will be served!

The easiest way is to serve spaghetti (penne, farfalle, ditalini, etc. to choose from), seasoning olive oil extra virgin, fresh garlic and a mixture of dry Italian herbs(basil, oregano).

However, if you want to cook a truly tasty, tender and healthy dish Then be sure to learn how to cook spaghetti with spinach and mushrooms in a creamy sauce. For vegans, cream can always be replaced with vegetable or coconut milk. By the way, coconut milk goes well with mushrooms, making them softer in taste.

So, we need:

  • 1 pack of spaghetti (400 g)
  • 1 bunch fresh spinach or 200 gr. frozen
  • 300 gr. mushrooms (porcini, champignons, shiitake or others to taste)
  • 150 ml. cream or 150 ml. coconut milk
  • parmesan cheese for garnish (optional)
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Step by step cooking spaghetti with mushrooms and fresh spinach

Wash mushrooms, cut. Fry until light brown vegetable oil. Then add spinach leaves. If the spinach is not young, then it can be cut into large pieces or tear by hand.

Spinach should be fried on "low" heat for no more than 1 minute!

Now you can pour in the cream or vegetable milk. By the way, a similar dish can be prepared from and fresh vegetables which is especially delicious during the ripening season of tomatoes and sweet peppers!

Don't forget to salt and pepper to taste.

Stew vegetables with cream for 3-4 minutes. In the meantime, you need to boil until the spaghetti is fully cooked.

Then drain the water and pour pasta to ready mushrooms and spinach with cream. Cover and simmer for a few more seconds so that the spaghetti is saturated with the aroma of cream sauce and mushrooms.

Finished pasta can be garnished with thin slices hard cheese Parmesan and fresh herbs.

If you like this dish, then be sure to try cooking Italian at home. "Macaroni" of this color is very popular with children, and delight adult guests!

Bon appetit!

Regardless of what kind of spinach you have in the refrigerator, just cut from the garden or frozen, it will always be an excellent field for tasty and healthy culinary experiments.

according to this recipe, you can prepare a sauce for any type of pasta, or you can take cannelloni (tubes) or conchiglioni (shells), stuff and bake, but then you will need one and a half times more spinach than indicated in the list of components.

Pasta with spinach in a creamy sauce - recipe, ingredients for 2 servings:

  1. 300 g fresh or frozen spinach
  2. 120 ml cream of any fat content
  3. 50 g Parmesan cheese
  4. 100 g of any soft cheese type "Feta" or "Cheese"
  5. 1 bulb
  6. 250 g paste
  7. Nutmeg to taste
  8. Black ground pepper taste
  9. Salt to taste

Step by step preparation:

Step 1:

We clean the onion, finely chop and fry until transparent in vegetable oil. If you are not crazy about calorie counting, then creamy, and it will be even tastier.

Step 2:

We send washed and dried spinach or frozen bars to the same pan. There is no need to pre-thaw the greens.

And in tiny:

Step 3:

After 5-7 minutes, pour in the cream, continue to simmer, stirring occasionally for the same amount of time.

Salt, pepper, sprinkle nutmeg. The first two components are to taste. The latter is enough half a teaspoon. It will give the sauce a pleasant spicy and slightly sweet flavor.

Step 4:

We cut the soft cheese into cubes, send it to the pan and simmer the spinach for a couple of minutes.

Step 5:

Actually, our sauce is ready and it is quite possible to mix it with any kind of pasta. But since I just love conchiglioni, they often stuff them with spinach, adding more herbs or mushrooms, as I wrote above.

Here's what it looks like:

Then I sprinkle with grated parmesan and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes so that the cheese melts.

Pasta prepared according to classic recipe of this sauce on the preview.

Bon appetit! I'm sure you'll want to come back to this dish again and again!

Usefulness from "Pate": pasta with spinach cream sauce cook with boiled chicken, shrimps, mushrooms, bacon. Choose your favorite ingredients and experiment. It's so interesting!

And for a snack, another cool recipe from cooking guru Jamie Oliver:

Everyone who watches their figure is familiar with such a plant as spinach. This leafy vegetable is especially popular in Europe and America. In our country, until a certain time, spinach was underestimated. And absolutely in vain. In addition to a large amount of vitamins and minerals, spinach is rich in protein. 100 grams of green leaves contain almost 3 grams of protein, which is much more than is found in legumes. At the same time, it is very low - only 23 kcal per 100 grams.

Spinach is widely used in cooking. From it you can cook soup, stuffing for rolls and pies, sauce and salad. In Italy, traditional pasta with spinach is prepared. In this dish, a leafy vegetable is added both fresh and grated as a sauce. By the way, to make green pasta, spinach is also added to it.

Pasta with spinach and cream

This is the easiest, fastest and delicious recipe with spinach. Beautiful lung variant supper.

Therefore, boiled in in large numbers water until half cooked (150 g per 1 serving). At this time, you need to prepare the spinach: rinse it under cold water and cut finely. Sauté the chopped leaves in a frying pan. a small amount butter. Then add 70 ml heavy cream, wait until the mass boils, and shift the pasta into it. Mix everything well, warm under the lid for a minute - and you can serve.

Pasta with spinach, the recipe of which is offered above, will turn out even tastier if you sprinkle it with grated parmesan or fresh herbs when serving. Bon appetit!

Lean and spinach

Any type of pasta is suitable for this dish. It is boiled in a large amount of water until half cooked (for 1 serving 150-200 g). At this time, you need to prepare the dressing for the pasta.

To do this, boil broccoli in salted water, after disassembling the head of cabbage into inflorescences. While the cabbage is cooking (5 minutes), fry finely chopped garlic and onion in olive oil, then add parsley and broccoli, and after another 2 minutes, spinach. Simmer for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Spread spinach and broccoli dressing over pasta. Sprinkle with Parmesan and garnish with olives. lean pasta ready. This is great option dinner for vegetarians and not only.

spinach and cheese pasta recipe

For this dish you will need special kind pasta - conchiglioni (conchiglioni). These are pasta that are shaped like big shells. They need to be stuffed with spinach and ricotta filling, and then sent for baking in the oven. By the way, the pasta does not need to be boiled first.

To begin with, garlic is fried in a frying pan with heated olive oil. Then add about 300 g of frozen spinach to it, salt and pepper. When the dressing has cooled down a bit, you need to mix it with ricotta (250 g). Salt to taste and add nutmeg.

Prepare bechamel sauce. To do this, melt 30 g of butter in a frying pan, add 30 g of flour, fry a little and pour warm milk into the mixture. Do not stop stirring constantly so that lumps do not form. When the sauce thickens a little, remove from heat.

Stuff the conchiglioni with the spinach and ricotta filling. Place in a baking dish and pour over the bechamel sauce. You can sprinkle grated parmesan on top - and it's time to send it to the oven. After 40 minutes, the spinach pasta will be ready. Bon appetit!

and spinach

A real find for athletes will be pasta with spinach and chicken dressing. This dish is not only tasty, but also rich in protein, which is just what you need to build muscle.

First, fry a few slices of bacon in a pan. Then add chopped bacon chicken breast. Saute for 5 minutes and then add the spinach to the pan. Pour in 30 ml of cream and simmer the dressing for 5 minutes.

While the sauce is cooking, boil the pasta. Place dressing on top, sprinkle with grated cheese if desired. Spinach and chicken pasta is ready. It can be served for lunch or dinner.

How to make spinach pasta dough

For those who like the taste homemade pasta, you will like the following recipe for cooking this dish. According to him, spinach is added directly to the dough, which from this acquires a beautiful emerald hue.

For you will need 200-250 g of flour, 2 eggs, 100 g of fresh spinach, salt, boiling water. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator beforehand, all the ingredients for the dough should be at the same room temperature.

First you need to prepare the spinach. To do this, rinse it under running water, then put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over it, leaving it in water for 2-3 minutes. At this time, prepare a bowl with ice water. Using a slotted spoon, remove spinach from hot water into the cold. This is done in order to keep bright green color plants. After that, spinach should be squeezed well and chopped in a blender. In total, you should get 2-3 tablespoons of pureed green mass.

Now you can start kneading the dough. To do this, sift the flour directly on the table, form a hill out of it with a recess, into which add salt, spinach and beat in the eggs. Knead with your hands elastic dough. Shape into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours. After that, take out the dough, roll it thinly and make a paste with a rolling pin and a knife or drive it through a special machine.

Pasta with spinach is boiled in the same way as regular pasta. It can be served as independent dish- both with sauce and without it.

Spaghetti with creamy spinach sauce can be served as an independent dish, or as a side dish. The dish goes well with chicken or shrimp, and cooking does not take more than 15 minutes.


  • Fresh spinach - 50 gr.
  • Cream 20% - 150 ml.
  • Pine nuts - 30 gr.
  • Cheese - 30 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spaghetti - to taste


Step 1: Boil spaghetti in boiling, slightly salted water until tender. For real spinach lovers, you can choose spinach spaghetti.

Step 2: Cheese grate on a fine grater. Wash the spinach and drain in a colander.

Step 3: While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce. Blanch the spinach in boiling, salted water in a separate saucepan, about 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and let the water drain.

Step 4: Heat a frying pan or saucepan over medium heat. Put the spinach and pour the cream so much that during the stewing process they are practically absorbed into the spinach. Simmer for 5-7 minutes, salt to taste, you can add a pinch of nutmeg.

Step 5: When the pasta is cooked, drain the water and arrange the spaghetti on plates. In portions, add creamy spinach sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and pine nuts.