Potatoes boiled in a slow cooker recipes. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Boiled potatoes are one of the simplest dishes you can prepare. Absolutely every housewife or gourmet knows how to make it.

And, to be honest, there aren’t really many recipes. But we have chosen one for you that may seem original to you. Today we want to tell you how to cook boiled potatoes in a Redmond slow cooker.

For the dish we need a special device. Any model of Redmond multicooker that has the “Steam” program will do. Fortunately, it is quite common among both the most functional and budget models. For example, you can use the Redmond RMC-M29. It is equipped with the necessary program and also has a spacious 5-liter bowl.

Ingredients for cooking boiled potatoes in a Redmond slow cooker

  • Potatoes - 600 grams.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

Method for preparing boiled potatoes in a Redmond multicooker

1) Peel the potatoes and cut them into 4-5 centimeter cubes.

2) Place the chopped potatoes in the multicooker bowl. Then pour water into it, add salt and spices.

3) Using the “Menu” button, set the “Steaming” program. After this, set the cooking time to 30 minutes.

4) Press the “Start” button. We prepare until the end of the program.

Everyone knows how to boil potatoes in a saucepan on the stove. But not every beginner knows how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. I made this conclusion for a reason. My friends, having bought a multicooker, ask me: “Is it possible to cook potatoes in it? And How?" Similar questions are often asked by newcomers on social networks and on multi-cooker websites. Therefore, in my very simple recipe, I will tell you in detail how this is done in a multicooker on the “PASTA” mode. If your “magic pot” does not have such a mode, turn on the “Soup” or “Cooking” program. “Steam” is also suitable, and boiling will occur faster than with “Soup”.


  • Potatoes - 6-8 pcs. (medium tubers)
  • Salt - to taste
  • Water - 1 l.

How to cook boiled potatoes in a slow cooker

1. In the photo, the main ingredients are potatoes and salt. Naturally, if I’m going to boil it, I need water. I use cold and not boiled. It can be poured straight from the tap. Or filter it further.

2. I washed the tubers very thoroughly, peeled them using a vegetable peeler, and cut out any existing “eyes.” Then I washed the potatoes again in cold water and cut them into smaller pieces (I have potatoes of different sizes, but not large ones, I cut some into 4 and some into 6 pieces).

3. I pour cold water into the multicooker bowl (Redmond M170). Added salt to taste. I close the MV and select the “Paste” mode. I set the cooking time to 20 minutes. (Actually, the time depends on the variety, how quickly it boils.) After setting the time, I press the “start” button. If I want “Heating” to be turned off, then I immediately press “start” again. The program worked, but at this stage the numbers on the display are displayed, BUT there is no countdown (note: the dots between the hours and minutes do NOT blink.) I don’t go far, the water will boil quickly. A sound signal will notify you when the water is boiling.

4. After the signal, carefully open the lid and place the prepared potatoes in boiling water. Then I close the lid and press the “start” button again. The multicooker continues to operate - the time on the display begins to count down. Now you don’t have to monitor the device, but just wait for the end of the program.

5. Ready potatoes hot water It's better not to leave it. Therefore, after the signal, I turn off the multicooker and remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon (not metal!) or drain them into a colander. Then everything is up to the wishes of my family - I can make mashed potatoes from potatoes, adding butter and hot milk or cream. Or leave it unpuréed. Today I just put it on a plate. At the same time, put a piece of butter and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Time: 20 min.

Servings: 3-4

Difficulty: 1 of 5

Secrets of cooking boiled potatoes in a slow cooker

How to cook It would seem a simple question, but it confuses inexperienced multicooker owners. After all, the “Boil potatoes” function is not available on any model! And how would you like this root vegetable to be cooked?

The devil is not as scary as he is painted, and today we will show you how to cook. Next you will see two simple recipes, which will not require special effort or expense from you - steaming potatoes, and boiled potatoes in their jackets.


Depending on which vegetable you like best, its quantity can be increased. The beauty of steaming is that all the vegetables retain their color and won't turn into a slimy mess like you would if you tried to boil them all together.

Step 1

Wash the potatoes and peel them. We rinse the vegetables if you took fresh ones, or take supplies out of the freezer. Cut the corn in half. Cut carrots and potatoes into slices.
Pour water into the bottom of the multi-cooker bowl - about 2-3 multi-cups, and place the container for steaming.

Step 2

Place the vegetables in a basket, lightly sprinkle with spices and salt.

Close the lid of the multicooker and select the “Steam” mode. The time it takes a kitchen assistant to cook aromatic dish- 15 minutes.

After the signal that the dish is ready, carefully remove the vegetables along with the steaming container, let them cool slightly, and serve. This dish can be given to very young children.

Seems too dietetic for you? You can add a spoonful of simple sauce:

  • in a cup, mix a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or unflavored yogurt, finely chopped herbs;
  • Pre-crush a couple of cloves of garlic on a cutting board using the flat side of a knife blade, finely chop and place in a cup for the future sauce.

It turned out both tasty and healthy. Steamed fish or lean meat are ideal for this dish.

Recipe two: Boiled potatoes in their jackets

Simple, but so tasty dish will delight you when cooked in a slow cooker. This magical machine can do literally everything, you just need to know how to approach it, and you can cook delicious jacket potatoes.


  • New potatoes – 7 pieces.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Water – 500 milliliters.
  • Butter for serving.
  • Fresh herbs - a bunch.

Step 1

Why do you need new potatoes to cook them in their jackets? Because its peel is quite thin, and is not saturated with harmful toxins that are found in mature, old potatoes.

We wash the potatoes under running water - you can even gently rub the skins with a brush, ridding them of dirt, because crunchy earth on your teeth is not the best seasoning.

Step 2

Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker, add salt to taste, and place the potatoes in their jackets.

Close the multicooker lid and set the “Soup” or “Stew” mode for 40 minutes.
Jacket potatoes can be cooked in a slow cooker in other modes - for example, by selecting “Steam”, and even without a container, you will cook the potatoes in 30 minutes.

If you want the potatoes to be slightly baked, select the “Baking” mode, while looking at the multicooker from time to time - the water should not completely boil away, otherwise you risk getting burnt potatoes, and not with an appetizing crust.

Note: you can add a couple of crushed garlic cloves directly into the multicooker bowl where the potatoes will be cooked - their taste will only get better.

Step 3

Cut the hot potatoes crosswise with a knife and serve as a separate dish, seasoned with a piece butter, placing it in the cut of the potato. On top you can add a spoonful of chopped herbs - dill and green onions the taste of this is especially well emphasized simple dish, familiar to everyone since childhood.

All kinds of pickles will be ideally combined with jacket potatoes - cucumbers, tomatoes, strong pickled mushrooms, or juicy fatty herring. The main thing is to have time to grab at least one potato while your family and guests are sweeping the food off the table.

Bon appetit!

Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker, how long to cook and on what mode? Potatoes are the simplest and most everyday product that can be cooked in a multicooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Scarlet, Moulinex, Vitek and other models). We offer methods and modes of cooking potatoes in a multicooker that are suitable for any model. By the way, read more.

Ingredients for cooking potatoes in a slow cooker:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 measuring cups of water;
  • salt and spices to your taste.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker: recipe

So, the first mode in which you can cook potatoes in a slow cooker is "Steaming". Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into equal (approximately) pieces. IN in this case All the potatoes in the slow cooker are cooked evenly.

Connect your assistant to the network. Place potatoes in a bowl. Fill 2 multi-cooker cups with water. Close the lid. Use the menu button to place the cursor next to the “Steam” program.

Cook the potatoes in a slow cooker for 30 minutes. After the signal, the pan will switch to heating mode. Turn off the program. Drain the water. Boiled potatoes in a slow cooker are ready.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker if there is no Cooking mode

Prepare boiled potatoes in a multicooker you can use the “Pilaf” mode (program). It will turn out very tasty. To do this, place peeled and sliced ​​potatoes (1 kg) into a bowl.

Add 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and a little butter. Add salt (1 level teaspoon of salt). Pour water (1 multi-cooker cup). Close the lid. Set the “Pilaf” mode.

Start the program with the start button. How long to cook potatoes in a slow cooker? After 30 minutes turn off program. Don't wait for the beep. Open the lid, add herbs and stir. Leave with the lid closed for a minute.

This method of cooking potatoes in a slow cooker allows you to get light golden brown crust. There will be no water after 30 minutes, so there is no need to drain it. You can eat right away. Bon appetit! Thus, now we know how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker.

Boiled potatoes - it would seem, what could be simpler? However, the preparation of this simple dish has its own subtleties. Especially if you cook potatoes in a slow cooker.

A wonderful feature of a multicooker is that you can cook two dishes at once. So today I cooked potatoes and eggs at the same time. And the container for steaming helped me with this - a device that, in my opinion, comes with absolutely all modern multicookers.

As a result, we can easily and quickly get tasty and full second a dish that will be even more appetizing if served with vegetables: green peas, cucumbers, tomatoes. Well, if you managed to cook something from meat, potatoes and eggs cooked in a slow cooker will turn out to be an excellent side dish.


  1. Potatoes - 1.5 kilograms
  2. Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  3. Onions - one piece

How to cook potatoes in a Redmond slow cooker

Peel the potatoes. Large tubers can be cut into two halves. Place the potatoes in the slow cooker and add the peeled onion there. Add salt and pour in cold filtered water to cover the potatoes.

Place a container for steaming on top and lay out the eggs. They must first be rinsed with water.

Close the lid and turn on the “Steam” program, set the time to 30 minutes.

We prepare until the signal. As soon as the signal sounds, the boiled potatoes and eggs are ready. Remove the basket with eggs and place them under cold water so that they can be cleaned well.

Place the potatoes on a plate and serve them boiled eggs. You can decorate with herbs and serve for lunch. Bon appetit!

If you need to cook more hearty dish, can be cooked.