Pickled beets with essence. Canteen-style beetroot marinade - recipe

The ancient Greeks began eating beets back in the fourth century BC. Later the vegetable spread throughout Europe.

There is a lot in beets useful minerals and vitamins. Beetroot is used in cooking in boiled, baked and raw form. Our housewives have long prepared pickled beets for the winter. It can be used as an independent snack or used to prepare vinaigrette, borscht and other dishes.

You'll have to spend about an hour, but in winter you just need to open a jar of homemade and enjoy the taste of pickled beets.


  • beets – 1 kg;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • vinegar – 100 gr.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Bay leaf– 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt – 1/2 tbsp;
  • pepper, cloves.


  1. For this recipe, it is better to take small, young root vegetables. Peel the beets and boil over low heat until soft. This will take about 30-0 minutes.
  2. Let it cool and cut into halves or quarters. Can be cut into thin slices or strips.
  3. Place the pieces in sterilized jars, add bay leaves and prepare the marinade.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt, granulated sugar and spices. A few black peppercorns and 2-4 cloves. If you like, you can add half a cinnamon stick.
  5. Add vinegar to the boiling brine and pour into a jar.
  6. If you are going to store the product for a long time, it is better to sterilize the jars for 10 minutes and then roll up the metal lid using a special machine.
  7. Turn over closed jars and let cool completely.

Pickled beets in jars can be stored until next season. You can eat such beets as a side dish meat dishes, add to salads and soups.


  • beets – 5 kg;
  • water – 4 l.;
  • caraway seeds – 1 tsp;
  • Rye flour–1 tbsp.


  1. Ripe root vegetables need to be peeled and cut into pieces.
  2. Next they need to be folded into suitable container, sprinkling layers of beets with cumin seeds.
  3. Rye flour needs to be dissolved in warm water and pour this mixture over the beets.
  4. Cover with a clean cloth and press down with pressure.
  5. Leave in a warm place to ferment for about two weeks.
  6. Then the finished beets should be stored in a cool place.

The beets are delicious, have a rich color and a spicy cumin flavor. They can serve as a basis for various salads or be a separate dish.

These beets can be served as an independent appetizer, or used to decorate a hot meat dish.


  • beets – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l.;
  • plums – 400 gr.;
  • apples – 400 gr.;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • salt – 1/2 tbsp;
  • pepper, cloves, cinnamon.


  1. Peel small beets and boil.
  2. Blanch the plums for about 2-3 minutes. Cut the apples into slices and place in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  3. Cut the beets into slices or circles and place in prepared jars, alternating layers with apples and plums.
  4. Whole beets look beautiful in jars if they are small enough.
  5. Prepare the brine; you can add other spices.
  6. Pour hot brine over your preparations and seal tightly with lids.
  7. If you store these pickled products in the refrigerator, you can do without sterilization.
  8. The acid contained in berries and fruits will give this dish the necessary sourness. But if you're worried, you can add one spoon of vinegar.

Pickled beets with cabbage for the winter

With this method of preparation you will get an interesting snack. Crispy cabbage and spicy beets are two pickled vegetables for your table.

You can pickle beets in grated form, whole, cut into slices, cubes, cubes, etc. It should also be said that absolutely any marinades can be used to prepare such a snack. The main thing is that they are able to preserve the taste and color of beets throughout the winter.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled beets

Beets are a very healthy product for the human body. But, unfortunately, not all cooks like this vegetable. Therefore, we recommend preparing it for the winter. Using flavored marinades, you can do it for real delicious snack, which neither an adult nor a child will refuse.

So how to pickle beets? For this we need:

  • medium fresh beets - about 1 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - approximately 200 ml;
  • not very coarse table salt - 1 dessert spoon;
  • allspice black peppercorns - 3 pcs. in each jar;
  • light sugar - approximately 30 g;
  • root horseradish - about 30 g;
  • fragrant cloves - 3 buds;
  • hot chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon (use as a stick) - 1 pc.

Preparing vegetables

Before pickling beets, they must be well processed. The red tubers are thoroughly washed, placed in a deep pan, filled with water and cooked until fully cooked.

After the vegetables become soft, remove them and cool at room temperature. Next, carefully remove the skin from the beets and chop them into cubes.

Marinade preparation process

Beets should be pickled so that the appetizer is not very spicy, but at the same time has a special piquancy. To prepare such a marinade, ordinary drinking water (1 liter) is mixed with table vinegar, and then bay leaf, clove buds, table salt, horseradish root, hot chili pepper, peppercorns, cinnamon stick and granulated sugar are laid out.

After mixing all the ingredients, place them on high heat and quickly bring to a boil. After removing the dishes from the stove, cool their contents at room temperature.

How to roll up jars?

Pickled beets instant cooking it turns out no worse than the one that requires several weeks of aging to create. That is why this recipe is especially popular among modern cooks.

After the marinade has cooled, the beet sticks are placed in sterilized jars and filled with aromatic liquid. After closing the containers with lids, they are immediately put into the refrigerator.

How to serve an appetizer?

Instant pickled beets become ready for consumption within 24 hours. Red vegetables are placed in a bowl along with the marinade and served with a slice of bread.

The most delicious pickled beets: recipe

It's no secret that beets are very high-calorie product, especially when boiled. That is why marinades made from it turn out to be very satisfying and nutritious.

If you plan to pickle beets for the winter, we recommend using the presented recipe. To implement it we will need:

  • medium fresh beets - about 3 kg;
  • natural table vinegar - approximately 180 ml;
  • not very coarse table salt - 3 dessert spoons;
  • allspice black peppercorns - 4 pcs. in each jar;
  • light sugar - approximately 100 g;
  • bay leaf - several petals;
  • drinking water - about 2 glasses;
  • fresh garlic - a few cloves;
  • large white onion - several heads;
  • Refined sunflower oil - a full glass.

Preparing vegetables

The presented recipe for pickled beets for the winter is good to use if you want to get a juicy and very tasty snack. To prepare it, small fresh tubers are thoroughly washed and placed in boiling water. Cook the beets over low heat for 50-70 minutes.

After the tubers become soft, they are removed from the pan, cooled and peeled. Next, grate all the beets on a coarse grater.

Concerning onions, then it is cleaned and chopped into thin half rings. Later they are added to the grated beets and mixed thoroughly.

Making the marinade

The pickled beets, the recipe for which we are considering, turn out to be very tender and tasty. This is due to the fact that its marinade contains a large number of oils

To prepare such a snack in large saucepan pour in plain water, and also add black allspice, bay leaf, white sugar and table salt. After bringing all the ingredients to a boil, remove them from the stove. Add to dishes table vinegar and mix the marinade well.

As for sunflower oil, pour it into a deep bowl and heat it very hot over medium heat. By the way, some housewives add this product directly to the marinade during its heat treatment.

Seaming process

Beets should be marinated in oil brine for about a month. Only after this period has passed can the jar of snacks be opened and safely presented to the table. But before you carry out these steps, you need to properly roll up all the vegetables.

Grated boiled beets with onion half rings are placed tightly in small sterilized jars, and then 2/3 is filled with marinade. Having filled the containers with hot sunflower oil, they are immediately rolled up with metal lids.

After the snack is formed, all the jars are turned upside down and left in this position for exactly one day. After time, the pickled beets are sent to any cool room.

How to use?

Beets pickled in oil marinade, can be eaten only after 4 weeks. During this time, the red vegetable will become as juicy and soft as possible. As a rule, it is served as a aromatic snack along with toast or just a slice of bread. However, there are also housewives who use this product to prepare other hot dishes. For example, very often pickled beets are added to various borscht and goulash. With this ingredient, dishes acquire rich color and unsurpassed taste.

Canning is the basis for a delicious winter meal! In the absence (or at an insanely high cost) fresh vegetables and nothing better than homemade fruits has been invented. Unfortunately, most housewives limit themselves to cucumbers and tomatoes. IN as a last resort, is added sauerkraut and lecho - we only consider unsweetened preserves. Instant food, among other things, remains unfairly forgotten. But this is a universal preparation - for borscht, salads, and “caviar”. In this article, we decided to correct historical culinary injustice.

Just pickled alyssum

Let's see for ourselves simple recipe, how easy it is to close a quick cooker. For it, it is better to select small root vegetables - these can be covered entirely. But even the big ones will work just fine. The main thing is to preparatory stage sort them by size so that the alyssettes take the same amount of time to cook. The beets are washed well, with a cloth, their tails are cut off, and they are cooked for about half an hour. Then the root vegetables are cooled in cold water - this way the skin is peeled off more easily and with less loss. If your vegetables are very small, you can put them in a jar whole; if they don’t fit, you will have beets pickled in pieces. Their shape does not matter - cut as convenient. Five peppercorns and cloves, two bay leaves, and beet slices are placed in dry sterile jars. The marinade is made: salt (a tablespoon) and sugar (one and a half - per liter of liquid) are dissolved in water, half a glass of vinegar is poured in, and the mixture is boiled for a minute or two. The jars are filled with marinade, pasteurized for about seven minutes, sealed, turned upside down and wrapped until cool.

Pickled “straws”

If you need quick pickled beets “for now”, you can use the following recipe. Take four small root vegetables, boil them, peel and cut into strips. You can use a grater to Korean carrots, if you have it. To fill, combine three full spoons of strong, 9% vinegar and vegetable oil. Add half a teaspoon of sugar, ground pepper, salt and a tablespoon of horseradish - better, of course, freshly grated, but store-bought will do, just without any extraneous additives. Warm alyssum is poured with marinade - and an hour later you get a salad of pickled beets, all that remains is to season it with onions and herbs. It can also be preserved - made in large quantities, place in sterile containers and pasteurize.

Beetroot in apple cider vinegar

If you are preparing marinated recipes, you can use very diverse ones. However, the beginning is the same almost everywhere: the beets are boiled, peeled, cut and distributed into jars. The difference is what the marinade is made from. Beetroot, drenched, turns out to be very fragrant the following composition. Mix half a liter apple juice and a stack (50 g) of apple cider vinegar. Half a glass of honey and a spoonful of salt dissolve in this liquid. A little clove is added for scent. This solution is enough for a kilogram of root vegetables. It is evenly poured into the jars, and the rest of the space in them is filled with boiling water in which the vegetables were cooked. Liter containers are pasteurized for about 10 minutes, and then immediately rolled up.

Baked pickled beets

The nuance of preparation is that the root vegetables are not boiled - they are baked entirely in the oven until soft. When cooled down, they are peeled, cut and packed into jars mixed with apple slices(take sour fruits) and shavings of horseradish root. Water is boiled with weak vinegar, salt, cinnamon, sugar and cloves - all spices to taste, vinegar - at the rate of one shot per liter jar. The resulting brine is poured into quick-cooking pickled beets, the jars are tightly closed and removed. The snack will be ready tomorrow, and can be stored in a cool place until spring.

Caraway recipe

The beets prepared using it do not cook too quickly - they must be aged for quite a long time. However, it turns out to be so tasty that you can wait until it “ripens”. It will have to be stored in the cold; but still, these shortcomings of the recipe pale in front of the indescribable taste. First, the root vegetables are boiled, peeled and cut as standard. The slices should be small. They are put into a bulky bowl and sprinkled with cumin “by eye”. Those who like this spice don’t have to regret it - you can’t overdo it. Then some of the cool water is poured into the beets so that they are barely covered. The rest of the quantity, already heated, is diluted with rye flour and added to the container. The total amount of water is eight liters per 10 kilos of beets. You will need a dessert spoon of flour. The container is covered, pressed down with pressure and left warm for two weeks. Then it is transferred to a cool place and gradually empties to the very bottom.

Spiced beets

If you like spicy and flavorful pickled beets, there are a long and varied list of winter recipes to choose from. Try doing this, for example. The prepared beetroot is placed in jars, sprinkled with coriander, cloves, nutmeg, allspice (as much as you like) and filled with marinade, which includes one and a half liters of apple juice, half a glass of vinegar (preferably apple too), five heaped spoons of sugar and one of salt . All this is boiled and poured into jars. Pasteurize, roll up, remove - the instant pickled beets are ready.

Beetroot with onion

You don't even need to pre-cook the root vegetables in this recipe! They are cleaned, cut into slices, placed in a pan and filled with a liter of water and a half glass apple cider vinegar and the same amount of liquid honey. A spoonful of salt, cloves and peppercorns are added to the water. In this solution, the alyssum is boiled for three minutes, then placed hot in containers, interspersed with layers of thick onion rings. There should be equal amounts of onions and beets. The vegetables are poured with beetroot marinade, and the jars are pasteurized for 10 minutes (if they are half-liter) and 15 (if they are liter). All that remains is to roll it up and put it away.

How do we usually use beets? Well, we’ll cook some borscht or add it to salads. Meanwhile, beets are ideal for preparing for the winter, starting from a banal dressing for the same borscht, and ending delicious marinades, of which there are also many. I’ll tell you about one of them: these are beets, pickled for the winter, without sterilization. The sweet and sour, pleasant-tasting marinade combines surprisingly harmoniously with the taste of beets. This preparation can then also be used in salads, served separately as an appetizer, and in soups, together with the marinade!


  • beets – 1-1.5 kg,
  • water for marinade – 2.5-3 tbsp.,
  • table vinegar (9%) – 120-150 ml,
  • sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l. to the marinade + 1 tsp. when cooking beets,
  • salt - 1 tsp,
  • allspice – 3-6 peas,
  • cloves (buds) – 3-4 pcs.,
  • laurel sheet – 2 pcs.,
  • cinnamon (optional) – 1 stick.

How to pickle beets for the winter (without sterilization)

First of all, we need to boil the beets. To do this, wash it thoroughly, it is advisable to even use a hard sponge or brush, and lower it into boiling water. The water level should be 5-8 cm above the beets. There is no need to add salt to it, but you can add a small spoonful of sugar - they say this speeds up the cooking process somewhat. I can’t say for sure whether it helps or not, but I always add it just in case.

It is also undesirable to cut off the tails, because the more complete the beets, the more less juice It will lose during cooking, and the prettier it will turn out in the end. And finally, in order for all the beets to cook quickly, for pickling it is better to choose medium-sized vegetables and approximately the same size.

Boil small beets for about 25-30 minutes. (depending on the size of the vegetables, the time can be increased to an hour), cover with a lid, then place it directly in the saucepan under running cold water for about 15 minutes. Let all this time cold water continuously pours on her. This way, the beets will reach readiness faster, and peeling them later will be simple and easy.

As soon as the beets are ready (you can check this with a fork - they go into the finished vegetable very easily, like a knife into butter), peel them and cut them as you prefer: into rounds, cubes or cubes. Very small vegetables can be left whole.

Now it’s time to prepare the jars - they must be washed and sterilized. Again, choose the most convenient method for you - steam sterilization or in the oven or microwave. For pickled beets, jars with a volume of up to 0.75 liters are suitable; their sterilization time is up to 10-15 minutes. over steam and in the oven and 2-3 minutes. in the microwave. We also sterilize the lids; I usually let them boil for minutes. 10 and you're done. By the way, if you do not plan to store beets for a long time, it is not necessary to sterilize the jars for them; it will be enough to wash them well. In such jars, pickled beets will last perfectly in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Leave the jars to stand, covered, for 10 minutes. Next, pour the water into the pan.

Add salt, sugar and spices there. Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour in the vinegar, and as soon as the marinade boils again, remove it from the stove and use it for its intended purpose, that is, pour it back into the jars with beets.

The marinade turns out to be very rich; of course, the amount of all ingredients can be adjusted to your taste.

We screw the lids on the filled jars tightly and, turning them over, leave them in the room until they cool. Beets marinated in this way will be ready within a day. For long-term storage put it in a cool place.

Instructions for those who still do not dare to do it without sterilization. Place the jars in a saucepan, the bottom of which is covered with a napkin, cover with lids, pour water up to the shoulders, place on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes. Then roll it up.