Everything you need to know about sparklers. Bengal lights - history of origin

Invented many centuries ago by the inhabitants of ancient India. One of the parts of the country is Bengal - a place on the coast of the bay of the same name, which is why such small fireworks are called Bengal. These are thin wire sticks on which a mixture of chemical elements is applied, which, when burned, produce a peculiar crackling sound and bright colored flashes.

Nowadays, such safe and beautiful lights are widely used all over the world at festivals, weddings, anniversaries, and sparklers are especially often purchased before the New Year. It’s safe to light them even at home, you can let your children admire such beauty, they are incredibly happy at such moments.

Of course, the easiest way to buy such fun is in a store or market, but for those who like chemical experiments, we’ll tell you in the article on how to make a sparkler at home.

Getting ready for the process

To start mixing the necessary chemical ingredients, you need to prepare them in advance. Many people are hesitant to create sparklers with their own hands, thinking that choosing materials is very difficult. We will now look at the simplest way to prepare the ingredients.

First you need to cut into identical pieces steel wire. It is advisable that the length of the handle be at least 15 cm so that the fireworks fire does not burn your fingers. The total length is taken to be 20-25 cm.

Then you need to prepare a vessel where the ingredients will be mixed. It should be narrow and long so that you can place the sticks in the mixture without smearing the handle.

For the mixture itself you will need to take 5 grams of aluminum powder and the same amount of aluminum sawdust. You also need dextrin - 2 grams.

We make dextrin

If, in order to make sparklers at home, you were unable to find the last necessary element, do not worry, it can be made at own kitchen, having starch and a frying pan.

Having preheated the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, place a frying pan in it, on which ordinary starch is spread in a thin layer. Occasionally you need to stir the contents with a wooden spoon.

The result is a dark yellow or brown powder after one hour of simmering in the oven. This will be the missing chemical element to make sparklers at home. Dextrin acts as a binding element so that the mixture sticks well to the steel wire and does not crumble before it ignites.

The process of mixing the mixture

After the resulting powder has cooled, begin to mix the ingredients. First, aluminum powder and fried starch are thoroughly mixed. Then sawdust is added and everything is carefully mixed again. Next, to make sparklers with your own hands, you need to place the resulting powder in a long vessel. You can use a tall chemical flask or take a thin, preferably glass bottle, but some craftsmen even used plastic packaging from a marker.

Then you need to add a little water or alcohol. Mix the liquid, adding in small portions to obtain the consistency of condensed milk or thick sour cream.

How to make sparklers: the final stage

Before dipping the steel wire into the mixed mixture, experienced craftsmen advise first bending the edge of the wire. The resulting hook is more convenient for hanging sparklers to dry.

Now you know how to make sparklers at home. All that remains is to figure out how to apply the mixture to a stick. This process is not fast. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with such a mixture, try to protect your hands, mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth from contact with the solution.

The sticks must be inserted into the flask five times. After each dive, allow the mixture to “drip” from the wire, carefully transfer it and hang it on the hooks of the rope. Place unnecessary dishes underneath, just in case the solution drips onto the table.

You need to dip the wire only 5-10 cm, no more, leaving a longer length for the handle. Compulsory The condition before making a sparkler yourself is to prepare the steel wire. If the metal is different, for example copper or aluminum, then when ignited, the high temperature will melt the wire and burn your fingers. It is not safe! So it’s better not to experiment, but to listen to experienced masters and not risk your health.

For a wedding, you can make a surprise for the newlyweds. Knowing how to make sparklers with your own hands, you can twist the wire into a heart shape and decorate it beautifully, placing it on the newlyweds’ table in a metal bucket, as in the photo above.

What can you replace the ingredients with?

You can use aluminum gunpowder instead of powder in the composition for making a flammable mixture. It is taken in the same proportion, but the gunpowder will give the fire a bright white color. The only thing bad for a gunpowder sparkler is the presence of sulfur powder in its composition. If you did use this bulk mixture, do not light a fire indoors. The sulfur will produce smoke.

You can also use cast iron filings instead of aluminum ones. They sparkle even more, and the sparkler turns out more beautiful.


From the article you already understand how to make a sparkler with your own hands. This is not difficult and can be done if desired. You can diversify the sparkler sticks, make not only hearts for lovers for a holiday or wedding, but also all sorts of figurines of your child’s favorite characters for his birthday or numbers for a cake showing how old the birthday person is.

He will be incredibly happy. If you also involve him in creating a masterpiece, then you will interest your baby in scientific experiments. And such curiosity will help him when studying at school.

so-called in pyrotechnics, a composition that, when burned, distributes bright white or colored light. It got its name from the method of signaling used for the first time in India using light, obtained by burning a mixture of 16 parts of saltpeter with 6 parts of sulfur and 4 parts of antimony sulphide in bamboo tubes. Coloring of fire barium is obtained by adding various substances to the above mixture: for example, barium nitrate gives green color; copper oxide sulphate - blue; sodium nitrate - yellow; Strontium nitrate is red. A composition close to white sparkler is used in warfare for torches and filling signal flares.

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The modern sparkler contains barium nitrate as an oxidizing agent, aluminum or magnesium powder as a fuel, dextrin or starch as an adhesive, and oxidized iron or steel filings to produce sparks.

Bengal candles consist of pieces of iron wire with a sparkler attached to one end.

The name is derived from the province of India - Bengal - where a similar composition was first used for signaling.

In literature

“Sparklers” is one of Nikolai Nosov’s stories about the adventures of bosom friends Misha and Kolya.

see also

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Bengal fire // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

Excerpt characterizing Bengal fire

“Residents of Moscow!
Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King wants to stop their course. Terrible examples have taught you how he punishes disobedience and crime. Strict measures are taken to stop the disorder and restore everyone's safety. The paternal administration, elected from among yourself, will constitute your municipality or city government. It will care about you, about your needs, about your benefit. Its members are distinguished by a red ribbon, which will be worn over the shoulder, and the city head will have a white belt on top of it. But, except during their office, they will only have a red ribbon around their left hand.
The city police were established according to the previous situation, and through its activities a better order exists. The government appointed two general commissars, or chiefs of police, and twenty commissars, or private bailiffs, stationed in all parts of the city. You will recognize them by the white ribbon they will wear around their left arm. Some churches of different denominations are open, and divine services are celebrated in them without hindrance. Your fellow citizens return daily to their homes, and orders have been given that they should find in them help and protection following misfortune. These are the means that the government used to restore order and alleviate your situation; but in order to achieve this, it is necessary that you unite your efforts with him, so that you forget, if possible, your misfortunes that you have endured, surrender to the hope of a less cruel fate, be sure that an inevitable and shameful death awaits those who dare to your persons and your remaining property, and in the end there was no doubt that they would be preserved, for such is the will of the greatest and fairest of all monarchs. Soldiers and residents, no matter what nation you are! Restore public trust, the source of happiness of the state, live like brothers, give mutual help and protection to each other, unite to refute the intentions of evil-minded people, obey the military and civil authorities, and soon your tears will stop flowing.”

These pyrotechnic fires have been known since antiquity. Originally, fancy glow sticks were used as a means of attracting people to church. The technology of sparklers improved over time, and soon different colors were obtained when burning, and then the burning time itself was lengthened. Since then, the technology of this pyrotechnics has remained virtually unchanged.

New Year's holidays, as well as others, are not complete without fireworks. And this is all because it is these lights that give us special joy and a unique feeling of holiday to both adults and children. The magic of the New Year is symbolically made up of tangerines on festive table, the smell of spruce in the house, fireworks and sparklers.

Sparklers- this is the same pyrotechnic composition of an oxidizer, a flammable substance, a cementitious agent and sawdust. For chemists, the oxidizing agent can be barium nitrate, powdered aluminum or magnesium; the cementing agent can be starch or dextrin. For us, sparklers are cute sparkling sticks that give the magic of light and a special mood.

However, sparklers are not only the wire lights familiar to humans, but also the so-called triumphal candles. They differ in that a fiery composition is placed in a paper sleeve, which as a result gives a greater effect. This candle cannot be held in your hands - in mandatory, it is placed on the surface.
Children love sparklers because adults trust them to light them and hold them in their hands.

How to light sparklers

You need to know how to properly light sparklers to avoid the possibility of burns. Before you start lighting the candle, you need to carefully inspect it. The surface of the applied composition must be uniform. If there is damage or chips, then when burning such a candle can be dangerous for human clothing and skin. The color of the coating should be uniformly black or gray, depending on the manufacturer.
It is best to light a candle outdoors. In order not to burn your hand with sparks, you need to keep the fire at a slight angle.
When taking sparklers out of the package, you need to hold them by the metal wire without coating. In order for the candle to light, you need to carefully light the opposite end of the candle.

Would you like to have fireworks for your holiday?

Many are looking forward to New Year's holidays in order to go out to the chimes, with a festive glass of champagne in hand, light the sparklers and watch. This small traditional part of the holiday lasts a few seconds, but gives an unforgettable feeling of comfort, joy and happiness. IN New Year's Eve The sky over every city is illuminated by fireworks, which can be arranged near your home or on a convenient site, bringing together neighbors and loved ones. In order for everything to work out as well as possible, it is best to contact an experienced company that will provide high-quality fireworks support. will organize fireworks for your celebration and give a holiday to you and your guests.

The history of sparklers goes back to ancient India. It was in Bengal, as historians testify, in the 5th-6th centuries. n. e. During religious ceremonies in temples, a fire of unusual brightness flared up on the altars and quickly burned out. At the same time, depending on the wishes of the clergy and the type of ceremony, “it smelled of evil” (probably the composition contained sulfur powder, which when burned forms sulfur dioxide), or “blessed breath” was spread throughout the temple (probably in this case, instead of sulfur, rosin was used in the composition of the sparkler ).

The high efficiency of the action due to the people’s deification of fire and light stimulated the rapid development of the use of fiery compositions and the improvement of their recipes by clergy. By the beginning of the 8th century, the compositions of colored fire were already known - blue, green, yellow. Methods have emerged to lengthen the burning time. To do this, the sparkler composition was filled with hollow, dry plant stems and tubes twisted from dried, wide leaves. These first sparklers not only produced a bright flame, but their burning was also accompanied by a characteristic crackling sound.

In the folk life of the Eastern Slavs, around the same years, “fire fun” took place, which was organized using a club moss. Moss moss or lycopodium, a creeping evergreen herbaceous plant that appears to be moss. Its mature dry spores, when ignited, produce an instant lightning-like flash without smoke. The flame of a moss is amazing and very fun to watch, especially when thrown at night or in the dark. To make a loud noise, add dried and powdered birch leaves.

It was in Europe (according to the Spanish researcher Bertrano Luengo - in Valencia) that Bengal torches and indoor compositions first appeared. The next stage on the way to today's Bengal candles, which are familiar to us, was the appearance of sparkling fire recipes in the 6-7 centuries. The effect was achieved by adding iron scale, crushed cast iron, and later magnesium powder to the flaming compositions of the sparkler.

Thus, The sparkler developed in two directions - as fiery and as sparkling. Flame compositions are usually packed in paper sleeves, sparkling ones are applied in several layers to wooden sticks or metal wire.
Russian pyrotechnician Professor Petrov recommended for making flaming sparklers “sleeves made of 3-turn writing paper, 20 mm in cross-section and 35 cm in length. They put 5 cm of clay into the sleeve and then fill it with the fiery composition of a sparkler, lightly tamping it down...” Such a candle burns out along with the sleeve, so it is not possible to hold it in your hands. However, these candles fixed along the contour of the pattern, due to the even, bright flame they give a wonderful “fiery picture”. If, when making a sleeve, we wind it on a wooden stick 5-7 cm in length, then we will get a flaming sparkler candle that is convenient to hold in our hands. These products have survived virtually unchanged to this day. The main manufacturers of such candles are China, India, and Japan.

The modern name of these products is triumphal candles. The products are practically smokeless and can be successfully used indoors. At the same time, both individual candles and combined table toys are produced. This is a tabletop figure made up of three or more candles placed in a stand and the upper part pulled together in a tense state. When the product is set on fire, the candles expand and form a multi-beam burning composition.

Bengal torches are quite popular, especially in Europe. The products are available in different colors (red, green, blue, white, yellow), different sizes (length from 20 cm to 100 cm), and for different purposes (outdoor and low-smoke indoor). Bengal torches were an indispensable attribute of all fireworks shows in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were used to set fire to products and in all situations where it was necessary to suddenly illuminate a large area of ​​the stage or decorations with colored light.