How wine is faked. Or the whole truth about powdered wines! What is powdered wine and how to identify it

The correspondent of "Bagnet" found out where and how much you can try the best wines and cognacs of the Kherson region and how to distinguish a good drink from a fake powder

noble drink

One of the most famous wineries in the Kherson region is the Tavria plant in Nova Kakhovka. This city is located on the same 48th parallel as the French city of Cognac in the province of Charente. A similar climate, fertile lands create excellent conditions for growing grapes.

The company's technologists emphasize that they use only natural raw materials. They have 1300 hectares of vineyards at their disposal. Cognacs are aged oak barrels that serve at least 40 years. “We use wood from 80-year-old oaks from Krasnodar. Oak absorbs alcohol and saturates the drink with tannins,” explains technologist Lyudmila Tereshchenko. After the aging period, the cognac "rests" in the bottle for 10 days, then it goes on bottling.

For many who visited the factory, it was a discovery that Tavria produces not only cognacs, but also dry, semi-dry wines. This is where the tasting begins. The specialists of the plant offer to evaluate "Cabernet" and "Bouquet of Tavria", made from the Aligote grape variety with the addition of Cabernet for coloring.

The cost of tasting depends on the group and quality of drinks. Economy option for 20 participants will cost 100 UAH. from a person. At the same time, they offer 3 varieties of wine and 6 types of cognac. Tasting elite drinks costs 205 UAH. per person for a group of 10 people.

Sun in a glass

The story of another famous winery in the Kherson region is reminiscent of a detective story.

The young, unmarried prince Peter Trubetskoy won the lands of the Kherson province in a bet. Arriving with friends to explore new possessions, he decided that the conditions here were suitable for raising horses. He builds stables, breeds trotters. People learn about the enterprise, stallions are bought abroad. Then Trubetskoy marries the daughter of Count Lev Golitsyn, who by that time was a famous winemaker. It was he who suggested that the king refuse the services of French specialists and produce wines on his own. Golitsyn at this time begins to build a sparkling wine factory near Sudak, but there is not enough raw material, since the grapes of the sunny peninsula were ideal for dessert and liqueur wines, but not for dry ones, which are necessary for champagne.

Having stopped by his son-in-law, Golitsyn understands that the Kherson lands create excellent conditions for growing table grapes. Every 15 degrees of the southern slope is equivalent to moving 100 km to the south. And the slope of the local lands is 38 degrees. Plus - rocky chestnut soils and the proximity of a reservoir. But Trubetskoy refuses to listen to the opinion of his eminent father-in-law.

An adventurer by nature, Golitsyn, without the knowledge of Trubetskoy, planted Riesling grapes on his lands and in 1900, at a competition in Paris, among his Crimean wines, he presented table Riesling wine. The wine receives the Grand Prix. The count's machinations are discovered, but, as you know, the winners are not judged, and he is forgiven for this lie. To celebrate, Trubetskoy closes the stud farm, and develops a powerful wine production in the former stables.

After the October Revolution, the plant continues to work as a state farm plant named after. Lenin. The wines produced here "Oksamit of Ukraine", "Pearly Stepu", "The Sun in a Glass" are gaining popularity both in the USSR and abroad.

“Times changed, owners, but the climate and soil remained, which gave excellent grapes. There is no other such place in Ukraine. The best dry wines can be obtained here,” says Olga Kirsanova, chief winemaker of the Trubetskoy Plant OJSC. This modern name enterprises. Now it is being actively restored: new equipment is being purchased, production capacities are being increased. While Trubetskoy wines can only be purchased at the factory, they are manually bottled into plastic or glass container. We are planning to launch an automatic cold bottling line.

Collection wines are stored in the old stone cellars of the factory. You can’t speak loudly and stay here for a long time “Wine is a living organism, it needs rest. Don't touch anything with your hands. Spraying on bottles is his passport,” the winemaker warns.

When the temperature changes, the wine changes its properties. Therefore, Golitsyn tasted wines right in the cellar. “There was an oak table, an armchair. He quietly uncorked his exclusive samples and treated only honored guests,” added Kirsanova.

Among the valuable exhibits of the collection are 9 bottles from the time of Trubetskoy. They were discovered by chance during the construction of another cellar. So that the workers do not steal valuable product, each bottle found was exchanged for a box of any wine.

The oldest bottle with the coat of arms of the Trubetskoy farm is over 120 years old. No one dares to open it, but experts believe that there is still a living product there, although it lives less than strong dessert ones.

The tasting takes place in the old building of the plant, built in the time of Trubetskoy. The tasting of dry wines (Sauvignon, Aligote, Rieslin, Cabernet) ends with the dessert wine "The Sun in the Glass" with more than ten years of aging.

The cost of a tour of the plant - 30 UAH. per person, with tasting - 50 UAH. The tasting includes six varieties of wine.

The winery is located near the village of Veseloye, Berislavsky district.

How to Recognize the Signs of "Powdered" Wine

Excessive cheapness of wine is the first sign of a fake, says Olga Kirsanova, chief winemaker of the Trubetskoy Plant OJSC. “If a bottle costs 12-15 UAH, this should alert. After all, a kilogram of grapes costs 3-4 hryvnias, and long-term processing is necessary - these are huge costs. And no one will sell wine at a loss,” the specialist explained.

In addition to the price, overly saturated taste, color and aroma should be alarming. Too bright colors and strong aromas are evidence that the drink is made with the help of chemical additives, the specialist warns. “You try the wine, and there is such a strong apricot smell, the brightest orange color. So there was no chemistry. Everything that is too much - speaks of a fake.

Thick wines should leave traces on the walls of the glass, the so-called "ladies' legs". “It means there are glycerins in the drink. They will never be in artificial wines,” says the technologist.

Dry wines are not profitable and difficult to counterfeit. Dessert and fortified ones, on the other hand, are easier because they contain sugar, which helps to hide the chemical taste.

Quality Formula

It is possible to determine whether the manufacturer is cunning, declaring that he uses only natural raw materials, using simple arithmetic. It is enough to compare two numbers: the amount of wine produced and the area of ​​land on which grapes are grown.

“A ton of grapes produces up to 680-690 liters of dry wine minus precipitation. At the same time, the normal yield of technical varieties is 60, maximum - 75 centners per hectare. Of course, you can collect 120 and even 200 centners, especially for table varieties. But the wine from such grapes will be "flat". The berry should take the maximum from the soil,” added Olga Kirsanova.

It is difficult for today's manufacturer to resist the temptation to use artificial additives. Their use is provided by technology, and all chemical components have been certified in Ukraine. The technologist of one winery spoke about how this happens in practice, on condition of anonymity.

“Comes a representative of the company. Opens the case with various additives. He asks: “What do you need? What wine? Here is Saperavi, 3 drops per 200 liters are enough. Here is the Cabernet. So, what color do you want, dark red, light? Please choose any. Next, the wine must have a body. Here are extracts from all the most valuable things that are in grapes. All products are natural and certified. And how can plants survive? Taxes are pressing, and the owners need a profit. And some of my colleagues complain: we have one problem - the old plumbing. Therefore, it is important to know the manufacturer, and it is useless to read the label.

According to the technologist, Crimean winemakers are trying to keep the quality bar, because historically winemaking began to develop precisely from the Crimean peninsula.

Taste memory

To protect yourself from counterfeiting, you need to know the true taste of natural wine, develop a culture of wine consumption. Memory taste buds much longer than ordinary memory, says winemaker Olga Kirsanova. “After tasting real wine, you won’t drink powdered wine,” she says. For example, at Sauvignon light currant tones are heard in the aroma, the taste, like all white wines, is highly acidic. Aligote It has a floral smell and mild taste. Riesling- light floral tones of meadow flowers, light smoke and apiary aroma. This is a more strict, masculine wine. He needs 2-2.5 years to mature. At Cabernet you can catch the aroma of overripe cherries, prunes, light cream. It's called morocco tone."

Drinking culture

Dry table wines are drunk with or after meals. hearty lunch. “All cultured nations consume table wines at dinner time, daily. The rest of the alcoholic drinks are only tried, in a very large quantities. A person must know his body and everything about wines, then they will be beneficial,” the specialist emphasized.

White wines are recommended to be served with white meat and fish, red - for meat, barbecue, fatty dishes, because red wines improve digestion. Dry white wine quenches thirst well. To do this, it is advised to dilute it with water.

People with hyperacidity stomach wine should be consumed carefully. White wines have higher acidity than red wines. When mixed, you can get pink, which is suitable for people with high stomach acidity.

Dry wines have a strong bactericidal effect. During cholera epidemics, regions where the culture of drinking wine was developed were not affected by the disease. “If you find yourself in an area with contaminated water, add one-third of the wine to it, it will be safe,” advises Kirsanova.

Cabernet - the king of dry wines

Among the many varieties of red wines, the Cabernet variety is especially useful. It contains the entire periodic table, many hematopoietic trace elements. "Cabernet is medicinal product. It improves potency, promotes the restoration of the walls of blood vessels. 50-200 g per day, depending on age and weight, completely protects a person from cardiovascular diseases. No other wine contains such an element as rubidium. It adsorbs radionuclides and removes them from the body,” the specialist emphasized.

How to properly store wine

Keep dry wine you need in a closed bottle, in a cool place. Under such conditions, it can retain its qualities for up to six months. Dry wine contains acids, so when the temperature drops, a precipitate may form, but it is harmless.

Open dry wine is desirable to drink immediately. Being a living product, chemical and biological reactions begin to take place in it. It is not surprising if in the morning a sediment appears in an unfinished bottle of wine, and the drink has changed its taste and smell. If nothing happens to the wine in the open air, this is another sign of a fake. “Tea will grow moldy in the air, and chemical wine can stand for a year and not ferment. Well, if there wine acid, not something worse,” the winemaker claims.

Svetlana Tsibulskaya

Brandy factory "Tavria" in New Kakhovka

The hot season simply encourages the use of liquids in large quantities. For many, this is a great chance to drink something alcoholic.

Good natural wine will not only help quench your thirst, but will also be useful in moderation for the body.

Why is it on iPhones? Useful and up-to-date information is never superfluous.

So, despite the general enthusiasm for beer against the backdrop of a football holiday, it is more beneficial for a person to drink wine. A glass of red or white will not only cheer you up, but also improve your health.

For all its benefits, wine remains an alcoholic drink, which means that abuse will not lead to anything good.

Why is wine so beneficial?

Red wines useful for of cardio-vascular system organism. It has long been proven that daily use a glass of red wine with dinner reduces the risk of heart attack, minimizes the possibility of heart failure and related diseases.

Depending on the variety and production technology, red wines are rich in the active substance - resveratol. It is able to lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development diabetes and even slow down the progression of cancer cells.

The substance piceatannol prevents the formation of fat cells and protects the body from neurodegenerative diseases. The antioxidant capacity of red wines is many times higher than that of vitamin E. No other alcoholic drink can boast of this.

White wines appreciated for great content beneficial vitamins, trace elements and essential oils. Organic acids contained in white wine increase appetite and promote the digestion of food, allowing protein and iron to be efficiently absorbed.

White wine is fatal to many viruses and microbes. Drinking wine in moderation during epidemics reduces the risk of infection.

The substances tyrasol and hydroxytyrasol are able to activate the energy centers of human cells, and they, in turn, begin to actively use stored fats, giving the body energy.

The main thing to remember: wine should be natural, and the amount of drink drunk should be moderate.

How to check the wine for naturalness

The shelves of shops, supermarkets, wine cellars, cafes and restaurants are full of a variety of bottles and etiquettes. There are several simple and proven ways to quickly distinguish a good wine from a low-quality fake.

1. Checking with iPhone

Any owner of a smartphone or tablet can quickly check alcohol for legality. This is the first stage of separation of counterfeit and legal goods.

All thanks Law 171-FZ. From July 1, 2016 sellers alcoholic products are required to record the sale in the state system EGAIS and issue a receipt to the buyer with a QR code and a link to the FSRAR verification site.

Require compliance with this rule and immediately check the purchased products. This requires one of the applications:

We point the camera at the check with the QR code and instantly get the result. Only then can other verification methods be applied.

2. Testing with water

For the simplest test of wine for naturalness, you need a small container of water and a test tube with a narrow neck.

Pour a little wine into the test tube, clamp it with your finger and hold it horizontally.

We lower the test tube to the water level and slowly remove the finger covering the neck of the test tube.

If the wine dissolves in water, coloring it, then this is a low-quality fake. Natural wine should not be mixed with water because it has a higher density.

3. Check with soda

Almost every home has baking soda, we only need a small pinch.

Pour soda on a saucer or bottom of a glass and pour a teaspoon of red wine on top.

Natural wine will darken upon contact with soda. may become gray or bluish. A fake with dyes will practically not change its shade.

4. Checking with glycerin

This viscous transparent liquid is sold in any pharmacy. To check, you need to mix wine with glycerin in a ratio of 5: 1. Glycerin pours into the wine and begins to settle.

After a few minutes in unnatural wine, glycerin turns red, yellow or even purple. This indicates the presence of non-natural dyes in the drink.

Natural wine practically does not stain glycerin, leaving the viscous liquid in its original form.

5. Foam and sediment

Two indicators of poor quality wine are excessive foam and the presence of a large amount of sediment.

The first check can be made even before the bottle is opened. If you sharply turn it upside down, then return it back and look through the lower part into the light, you can see the sediment that has accumulated in the bottle.

Natural wine should not have sediment at all., some varieties may have a slight sediment, this is the so-called cream of tartar. unnatural powdered wine will have a large number of sediment, which indicates the presence of impurities in the drink.

A second check can be made immediately upon spillage. As the glass fills foam in natural wine is practically absent and quickly disappears.

Unnatural wine foams in the glass, the bubbles remain at the edges of the container for a long time after spilling.

6. Plug test

Even good wine deteriorates if it is poorly bottled or stored. The cork in the bottle may indicate this.

A good cork practically does not allow air to pass through and opens with great effort. The inside of the cork should have a slight wine flavor, but should not be musty or damp.

The cork in a bottle of good wine should not be dry., the lack of moisture on the inside will indicate the wrong composition of the drink.

7. Check in the glass

Wine real and fake - how to distinguish. Good wine- great taste and

But, alas, they often “fool our brother” - a wine lover. ((Yes, the winemaker must know which additives are not allowed to be used. I I'm talking only about dry wine and about classic small winemaking with the aim of making WINE, and not homemade "harvesting".

Below Simple Tips that will help you recognize counterfeit wine and maintain good health and faith in WINE.

But first, a few words about fake wine and its varieties. There are many opinions about which wine is considered fake.

Others want to correct the shortcomings of the drink with sugar, water, alcohol, other additives - and still consider their creation as wine ... Yes, youor someone else, if you like, you can make such wine for yourself. And to treat those who wish. It is your right.But there are winemakers who want to make and drink good dry wine. I agree with them. You can try and you will definitely get wine, albeit less, albeit more difficult. But wine.

Types of fake wine. IMPORTANT . I also include wine drinks among them, and the so-called. "corrected" faults.

  • Gallized: low-quality wort with the addition of sugar and water to the required density
  • Petiotized: based on pulp (pressed grapes) - wine drink.
  • Sheelized:.with the addition of glycerin to improve palatability low quality wine
  • Chaptalized: sour must "softened" with sugar and alkaline additives
  • "Powder": this term for wine is absolutely not correct, because qualitatively lyophilizing wine (turning it from a liquid into a powder) is a very expensive process, and it is not suitable for reducing the price of wine. Talk about powdered wines originates from the old GOST, concerning the production of the so-called. "original" wines, which was adopted in the 90s. According to this GOST, wines could be produced using artificial flavors, dyes, etc., produced in powder form. At present, this GOST has been canceled, but, alas, the bodybuilders have remained. Now raw materials for low-quality ordinary strong wines grape must (must before fermentation!) is used from high-pressure press fractions, evaporated to a dry or very thick residue. Then, at the right time, it is diluted with water and alcohol (with the addition of flavors.) In general, that is still disgusting, a little better than artificial (see below).
  • artificial: a plausible (in color and even in taste) combination of water, alcohol, sugar, yeast, citric acid, preservatives, flavorings, something to drink but nothing to do with wine and grapes.

What to pay attention to

In the shop:

At home:

If there is a reason for suspicion, be sure to check the wine. Your "chemical" experiments will, of course, be a sad sight for guests who, for example, brought this particular wine. But, believe me, it’s better for us healthy to laugh at the eccentricity of a friend than to guess later - what we poisoned ourselves with. Or just spoil your mood and the evening with fake wine….

But the presence in VINE shouldn't scare you. It will be present in some acceptable amount in almost any wine, since it is an approved drug for

Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. Many countries produce their own wines, but still France, Italy, Portugal and Spain are considered leaders in quality. There are good California wines, Chilean wines.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Unfortunately, there are many dealers who are not engaged in the supply of real high-quality wine at all, but in the production of fakes that arrive on store shelves under the guise of a well-known product.

How to distinguish real wine from a fake?

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

1. Examine the bottle and pay attention to the following details:

Experts advise to be wary of wine in clay bottles. The thing is that in such a container it is very difficult to create guilt. the necessary conditions storage in a store or warehouse. Georgians do age wines in earthenware jugs, but this happens at a certain constant temperature in special places. For the subsequent implementation of wine, it is still preferable to bottle it exclusively from dark glass.

The information that is indicated on the label, cork and collar on the neck of the bottle must match. Also, the date of the spill must be indicated. Look at the composition of the wine - it should be written in plain text: “natural wine”. If another phrase is used, such as: wine product, special wine or something like that, then you have a fake.

Such attentiveness even before buying wine will help you choose a natural product.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

2. Pay attention to the color of the wine:

White wines have a pleasant straw, golden color. They should not be too transparent or rich yellow, should not have any shades, such as greenish.

Red wines should have an intense, rich color and aroma depending on the variety. Just because a wine has sediment doesn't mean it's bad.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

3. Let's start tasting the taste and aroma of wine:

Natural wine cannot have a too specific taste or smell, it is usually soft and unobtrusive. If you immediately recognize strawberries or cherries in the taste in the smell, and in general there is some kind of overly candy shade, this is most likely a fake. If you have tried real quality wine before, you will definitely be able to feel the difference.

There are also small tricks with the help of which they check if the wine is fake:

4. Using plain water:

Take a bowl filled with water. In a test tube or a small container that is available with a thin neck, and pour the wine. Close the top of this container tightly with your palm and lower your hands under the water. Release your hand from the top of the container and watch the wine combine with the water.

The fact is that wine and water have different densities, which means that natural wine will be difficult to mix with water. If the wine is a fake, then in a split second it will mix with water into a homogeneous mass.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

5. Checking with soda:

Such a check is also incredibly simple and affordable, because soda is in every home. Pour some powder into a bowl. baking soda. Drizzle one tablespoon of red wine over the baking soda and watch for color changes.

If it has darkened, become more gray or more blue, somehow changed its shade - do not be alarmed, this is a high-quality natural wine. The color of the fake, most often will remain unchanged.

Home photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

Victoria Demidyuk

The naturalness of wine often raises doubts among the consumer. Into a world of artificiality, it's easier to mix different ingredients and make a profit immediately, rather than engage in the production of wine. This is a laborious process - to grow grapes, harvest on time, squeeze the juice, let it brew, and so on. Therefore, real wine cannot be cheap. But how to buy real wine? How to choose a quality wine from a huge range of wines on store shelves?

How to check wine for naturalness at home

It is almost impossible to check the wine in the store, the producers try to write the composition in small print, write something incomprehensible to consumers. Therefore, you can choose a brand of wine either according to reviews of friends or written on the Internet. Having made a choice in favor of a particular type of wine, it is not a fact that you will buy natural. You can check for natural ingredients at home:

We check the taste, smell and find out why the tasters twist the wine

By palatability it is difficult, even almost impossible, to define a wine, if you have not tried this type of wine several times before. But by smell, you can try to distinguish a fake. We open the wine and let the bottle stand for about 30 minutes. The smell of alcohol in real wine should disappear and a fragrant bouquet of smells should remain. A fake, which is made with the addition of alcohol, will still smell like alcohol.

We opened a bottle of wine and smelled vinegar - it's better to pour out such a liquid, it's not worth the risk. Wine, if not proper storage, got access to the air and fermented. This property of damage is most susceptible to Home wine. Factory wines are made under harsh technological conditions and the process of turning wine into vinegar is practically excluded.

Pour some wine into the glass and begin to swirl in a circular motion, slightly tilting the glass. The wine will begin to spread in a thin layer around the edges of the glass. Now stop spinning and watch the wine flow from the rim to the center of the glass. Real wine flows slowly, leaving a thin film behind. Wine from the powder will drain quickly and without traces. The thickness of the film tells about the age of the wine, the thinner, the older the wine.


Make a choice wisely, do not chase the best price. Make a purchase in large chain stores, give preference to varieties that are well known. Choose a bottle with a cork stopper. Check the composition, the grape variety, vintage year, etc. must be indicated. The more information the better. And remember, real wine contains a bunch of useful vitamins and minerals. IN small quantities good for your health.