How to pickle obabka mushrooms at home. How to prepare fried boletus mushrooms for the winter

Not every housewife can boast that she knows how to pickle boletus mushrooms. Nevertheless, this is not a difficult matter. You just need to know the basic methods and be able to use them correctly.

Different variants

People always try to make preparations. This is inherent in them by nature itself. True, when it comes to mushrooms, not everyone has the courage. Many people fear the consequences due to their ignorance. Indeed, an unfamiliar or spoiled mushroom can cause irreparable harm to human health. Therefore, among the rich selection in the forest, it is better to take only familiar specimens. Boletus has always been considered one of the most popular and safest mushrooms. Moreover, it can be prepared by the most different ways. In the villages, every woman knows how to pickle boletus mushrooms. This version of blanks has always been popular in Rus'. After minimal processing, mushrooms retain their unique taste and natural smell. There are several ways to pickle boletus mushrooms:

2) Hot.

3) Cold.

Each of them has its own special advantages and disadvantages.

To choose one of the three options, you need to have a complete understanding of each of them. This will help you not only learn how to pickle boletus mushrooms, but also make the only right decision at the right time.

"Hot" pickling

Any type of mushroom is suitable for pickling. It all depends on the desires of the housewife and the taste preferences of her household. If she is doing this for the first time, then it is better to first ask people with experience. Each of them will probably say that the “hot” method is the easiest option on how to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter.

The mushrooms are aromatic, appetizing and very tasty. To work you will need a minimum of products:

1 kilogram of boletus mushrooms, bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill (inflorescences), 50 grams of salt, and cherry or currant leaves can be used as spices.

Everything needs to be done in order:

  1. Separate the stems from the caps.
  2. Using a knife, carefully peel them and then check for insects.
  3. It is generally better to salt the legs separately, as they can taste slightly bitter even after cooking.
  4. Rinse the products well, put them in a clean pan and let them stand for a while.
  5. Prepare the brine. To do this, the salt must be dissolved in warm water. Pour the resulting solution over the mushrooms so that it covers them completely.
  6. Place the pan on the fire and cook for 20 minutes over low heat after boiling.
  7. As soon as the mass begins to settle, the container can be removed from the heat.
  8. Place the mixture in a colander and leave it to drain for 2 hours (do not pour out the brine).
  9. After this, carefully transfer the mushrooms into sterilized jars, lightly sprinkling them with salt, and add all the spices according to the recipe.
  10. Boil the brine again and pour it over the food.
  11. Roll up the jars and store in a cool place.

If you choose how to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter, then this method can be considered the easiest.

Slowly but surely

If you don’t want to bother with the stove, then you need to know how to pickle boletus mushrooms in a cold way. Usually, lamellar mushrooms are prepared in this way. But you can do the same procedure with boletus mushrooms.

In this case, the same starting components are used, only you need to take a little less salt (3 grams per kilogram of the main product). For this option you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Sort the raw materials, clean and rinse thoroughly under running water. Lamellar mushrooms They soak it, but with boletus mushrooms everything is different.
  2. Prepare a container for pickling. This can be a saucepan, a tank, or other containers enameled or made of glass, clay or stainless steel. The very bottom must be tightly covered with spices.
  3. Carefully place the mushrooms on top, sprinkling them with salt, in rows 5-7 centimeters in height.
  4. The entire structure is also covered with spices.
  5. Cover the food with a plate and place pressure on it. It can be any heavy object.
  6. As the brine is released, after a couple of days, constantly add new portions of fresh mushrooms

In 1-2 weeks aromatic products It is fashionable to serve them at the table, seasoning them with fresh onions and vegetable oil.

Simplified version

You should know that dry pickling is used only for lamellar mushrooms such as russula or saffron milk caps. This option is not suitable for tubular specimens. In this case, the mushrooms must first be sorted, cut, and then the pieces should be laid out on a wooden surface so that they can dry out a little in the open sun. Then the pieces need to be mixed with salt in a ratio of 5:1, placed tightly in dry, clean jars and rolled up. But you can’t do this with boletus mushrooms. In the sun they will completely limp and become unsuitable for further salting. What else can you do with them? How to pickle boletus mushrooms at home? Some use the accelerated method at their own risk.

To do this you need:

  1. Process the mushrooms, wash them, add clean water and leave to soak for a day. It is better to change the water every 2-3 hours so that the product does not turn sour.
  2. After this, they need to be strained and squeezed.
  3. Then pour the mushrooms again cold water, but with salt, put on fire and cook for half an hour.
  4. Drain the water, put the mushrooms in a salad bowl, add onion, oil and spices. It is better if they stand in this composition for a couple of days in the refrigerator.



Salted boletus mushrooms, sealed in jars for the winter, you and your loved ones will surely like them as soon as you try them. The process of salting them is completely simple; even a very young novice housewife can handle it.

There are two ways to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter: cold and hot. Cold pickling of mushrooms implies the absence of heat treatment. Boletus mushrooms closed in this way turn out very tasty and retain their real taste and the composition of useful components, but are stored for a relatively short time. Another thing is hot pickling of mushrooms. Although some microelements disappear during the cooking process, such boletus mushrooms are stored much longer and also differ spicy taste and the smell of spices.

One of the main advantages of hot pickling mushrooms is the speed of the process. If, during cold salting, boletus mushrooms would need to be soaked for several days, then choosing hot way you will spend no more than two hours preparing the snack.

As for spices, it is not necessary to use exactly those indicated in our recipe. You can add something of your own, ranging from traditional bay leaf and ending with various dried herbs and flowers. This will help make salted boletus mushrooms more original in taste and aroma.

It is best, of course, to go mushroom hunting in person. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save money on buying mushrooms in the store, and also breathe fresh forest air, which will have a positive effect on the body. However, if you do not have the opportunity to go out into the forest, then store-bought boletus mushrooms will also do, just be careful when choosing them. Do not buy spoiled, wilted or rotten mushrooms, and also beware of poisonous spears.

Pickling porcini mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms are also pickled for the winter. These mushrooms are not salted fresh. Only done hot pickling of mushrooms: porcini, boletus, boletus. Mushrooms are cleaned, sorted and stems are cut off. It is better to cut large caps into pieces so that they are approximately the same size. Rinse with cold water. Spices used for boiling:

  • salt - 2 tbsp/kg mushrooms
  • bay leaf - 1 leaf/kg
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs./kg
  • cloves - 3 pcs/kg
  • dill - 1 sprig/kg
  • black currant leaves - 2 leaves/kg
  • water - 1/2 tbsp. for 1 kg of mushrooms.

Pour water into the pan and salt it, heat it to a boil and add mushrooms. Remember to stir the mushrooms constantly while cooking, as they may stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. After boiling, be sure to remove the foam and then add the spices. Cooking time is from 20 to 25 minutes. Signs that the mushrooms are ready and that cooking has ended are:

  • mushrooms settling to the bottom of the pan
  • the transparency of the brine in which the mushrooms are boiled.

When the mushrooms have cooled, they are placed in jars along with the brine and covered. You need to make sure that the brine in the jar is no more than 1/5 of the weight of the mushrooms. You can eat mushrooms after 45 days. This is how you can prepare edible mushrooms for future use, if there are any a large number of that you can’t eat fresh. There are such abundant years that you dry it, pickle it, and pickle it, but they never end. But this rarely happens.

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Previous article:

Dear readers, during the forest harvest season I decided to return to mushrooms once again. Recently I shared recipes and told how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. See these recipes on the website. Today we will talk about another storage method - pickling mushrooms for the winter.

Pickling mushrooms can be varied. And not only salt and soda, but also various spices, herbs, sugar, onions and other ingredients can participate in the process of preparing forest delicacies for storage. They will certainly add their own flavor notes and give the dish a special zest.

How to properly sterilize jars for pickling and storage

I told you how to properly sterilize jars for sealing for the winter here in in this case Any of the described methods is suitable: under steam, in the oven, in the microwave. It is possible to pickle mushrooms in regular saucepan or in a barrel, washing them thoroughly. The main difference between jars and a pan (barrel) will be only that in the latter version you will have to eat the mushrooms within one or one and a half months, depending on the recipe. You can store the product in sealed jars until the new harvest season, that is, for a whole year.

Cold pickling of mushrooms - butter

Let me note that this method of pickling mushrooms is suitable for people who have a cold cellar or basement. You can make food in the refrigerator, but to do this you will need to clear some space in it for jars in advance. The cold pickling method involves cooking mushrooms at a temperature no higher than +16 degrees.


  • 5 kg. beautiful ones (choose small ones with even caps) are oiled.
  • 10 leaves of currant bush.
  • 10 grape leaves.
  • A glass of salt (use coarse salt for salting).
  • Dill inflorescences (umbrellas) – 10 pieces.

If the mushrooms are of different sizes, distribute them into groups: large, small and medium. First of all. Place the largest specimens on the bottom first, followed by the medium and small ones. Place butternut caps down.

Algorithm of actions:

Add a level spoonful of salt to the bottom of the container, place the first layer of mushrooms, the second and the third.

After the third layer, add salt again. We lay out four leaves of each plant and four dill umbrellas.

We apply the herbs with butter, now we make two layers and again add the herbs and salt.

We complete the laying out process and cover all this beauty with the remaining salt, grape and currant leaves, and dill.

Cover the container with gauze or any clean natural fabric.

We put a press on the fabric and put it in the cold for 25-30 days. If your taste is salty, soak a little (about an hour) in water before consuming cold water. Such mushrooms should be stored in the cold for no more than two months, and remember, the longer they are stored, the saltier they become.

Salt butter in a cold way in a wooden, glass or enamel dishes. In other words, one that cannot be oxidized.

You can salt mushrooms in this way directly in jars, or first in a barrel or pan, then transfer them to jars for convenient storage. I recommend pickling saffron milk caps by laying them out with their caps facing up, sprinkling salt on each layer.

You will need to prepare:

  • A kilogram of saffron milk caps.
  • 50 grams of salt (about 2 tablespoons).
  • 15 peas of black allspice.
  • Horseradish leaf.
  • 4 buds of cloves.
  • If desired, a bunch of fresh dill and a few (three to four) cloves of garlic.

Cooking process step by step:

1. Sort through the forest gifts (remove stuck leaves and needles, scrape dirt from the legs). Now there is no need to wash the gifts of the forest, this method and differs from others in that it is dry and in this case the products should not be moistened.

2. Place 1/2 part of a horseradish leaf, torn into pieces, but not very finely, at the bottom of the prepared containers; this product will not allow mold to appear during the salting process.

3. Chop the dill and peeled garlic, you need to crush it very finely, preferably larger ones. Mix these ingredients and divide into three parts. Place the first part on a horseradish leaf at the bottom of the jar, use the second in the middle and sprinkle the third on top of the ingredients.

Instead of dill, it is possible to use currant or oak leaves, this is the case if you salt in jars, if used for pickling wooden tub, then it itself will give the product a pleasant woody aroma.

4. Place the first layer of saffron milk caps up, add salt, place the second and third layers, sprinkle with salt again, etc. until the container is completely filled. Salt should be used every two layers of mushrooms. Don’t forget to apply the prepared dill-garlic mixture about halfway through the salting process. Along with it, place cloves and peppercorns in jars (the latter products can be placed all at once, or distributed in parts bottom-middle-top).

Don’t worry that some of the layers will not be salted well; during the preparation process, the saffron milk caps will release juice and it will permeate all the products evenly.

If there are a lot of mushrooms, then calculate the amount of salt as follows. For each bucket of saffron milk caps, take 1.5 cups of coarse salt.

5. Cover the top of the saffron milk caps with the remaining horseradish and spices.

6. Cut a piece of gauze so that it is enough to cover the container. Place pressure on top of it, for example, a stone or a jar of water; if you salt mushrooms in a saucepan, leave the saffron milk caps in this form for 14 days in a cool place. Change the gauze every three days.

7. After 14-18 days, the saffron milk caps are ready. You can already serve them on the table and eat them with pleasure, with a pleasant feeling that you did it yourself and treat your friends. Or cover with tight lids and store in the refrigerator/cellar until convenient.

On a note! Salted mushrooms should be stored together with the brine, without draining it. If during the pickling process (during the first 7 days) space begins to appear in the container (the mushrooms secrete juice and settle), feel free to add a new portion there.

Be careful! During the cooking process, the saffron milk caps will change color and become darker, brownish-green, don’t worry, this is a common occurrence, it does not mean that you used a bad product.

  • Boletus mushrooms (in quantities per prepared liter container, the jar should be filled to the very neck);
  • A liter of clean water.
  • Cooking sil – 50 gr.
  • Peppercorns – 5 pcs.
  • A clove or two of garlic to your own taste.
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • Fresh dill – 4 sprigs.

Hot cooking method:

Sort through and wash very thoroughly (you should wash until the water is completely clear). Dry the selected boletus mushrooms a little.

On a note! Salted boletus mushrooms turn out to be the most delicious if you use only the caps during the cooking process, but here you can see for yourself, if there is not much food, chop the legs as well.

Transfer the prepared boletus mushrooms to a saucepan.

Prepare brine from the ingredients indicated in the recipe. To do this, simply dissolve in hot water salt, add laurel, dill, pepper, garlic, boil for 2 minutes and pour all this over the mushrooms.

Place the mushrooms on the stove together with the brine, bring to a boil, and simmer for 20-25 minutes over low heat. At this point, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

Place your favorite spices in ready-made sterilized jars (take what you like, dry herbs, fresh dill umbrellas, horseradish, parsley, garlic, mustard seeds and etc.). You can not use spices, but use those from which the brine was cooked.

Distribute the mushrooms into containers along with the brine, seal or roll up the products tightly, and let them cool. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator or any cool place.

To prepare for cooking:

  • A kilogram of boletus, boletus and birch boletus.
  • A glass of coarse salt about a third from the top.
  • A bunch of dill and parsley.
  • A large head of garlic.

Step by step steps:

Sort out all the gifts of the forest, rinse, place on paper towels, and let dry.

Wash and dry the prepared greens, chop not very finely with a knife.

Peel the garlic cloves and cut each into circles.

Add a little salt to a thoroughly washed pan, then a layer of mushrooms (place caps up), herbs, garlic, mushrooms again, a few pinches of salt (distribute evenly), repeat the layers in this order until everything is finished.

Cover the food with a cloth and place a bowl with a heavy load on it. Place in the refrigerator or cellar for 15-17 days.

After two weeks or more, take out the assortment and eat it or put it in jars. Seal it and you can store it in the cold. The shelf life at temperatures from +5 to +8 degrees is up to 5 months. If the storage temperature is higher, the shelf life is reduced.

Quick and easy cold pickling of mushrooms (milk mushrooms)

Why quickly, and because there is no need to cook the mushrooms or any heat treatment. But the truth here is that you will have to thoroughly clean the “forest brothers” and rinse them thoroughly.

Here you can save a little time pre-treatment. But, as you understand, the hot method of pickling mushrooms involves heat treatment. Or easier, cook it in boiling water.

For salting you will need to take:

  • Two kilograms of boletus.
  • Four tablespoons of salt (use chalk, but not iodized).
  • 2-3 bay leaves.
  • Eight black peppercorns.
  • 6-7 dry clove buds.
  • Two dill umbrellas.
  • A bunch of fresh dill.
  • Six currant leaves.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter using the hot method

Prepare the boletus mushrooms (wash, peel, cut), if they are large, cut them, leave small ones whole or simply separate the caps from the stems.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, no more, it’s better to take a little less, boil, add mushrooms to the boiling water, reduce the heat, cook for thirty minutes, removing any foam that appears each time.

When the foam has stopped forming, add all the seasonings according to the recipe, except for herbs, which should be added 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

When the boletus settles to the bottom and the brine becomes transparent, this will indicate that everything is ready.

Now all that remains is to pour the products into sterile jars and roll them up. Pour the boletus mushrooms along with the brine so that the liquid covers the mushrooms by about 2 cm.

Pickling mushrooms is finished! Let the seams cool completely, but there is no need to wrap the boletus. Then put it in a cool place and store it all winter. You can eat boletus prepared in this way within 1-1.5 months. The shelf life of rolled cans is up to 5 months.

Good luck and all the best!

Boletus mushrooms belong to noble mushrooms. They look fabulously beautiful, have high nutritional value and very tasty if prepared correctly. Finding a large number of these mushrooms is a great success. If you have collected so many of them that you can afford to prepare these gifts of the forest for future use, it won’t hurt to learn how to pickle boletus mushrooms, including in jars, for the winter. If you follow the salting technology, the boletus appetizer turns out to be first-class.

Features of the technology

Boletus mushrooms do not need complex preparation for salting, however, this process has some peculiarities.

  • Do not collect boletus mushrooms along busy highways, near industrial enterprises, or in other sanitary zones. Avoid birch plantings along the roads. The fact is that mushrooms absorb toxic substances like a sponge. Therefore, even edible ones can become poisonous if they grow in an environmentally unfavorable place.
  • Boletus mushrooms need to be sorted out and cleared of debris carefully. No matter how unfortunate it may be, you should refuse to harvest loose and wormy mushrooms, as well as overgrown ones, for the winter. The smaller and harder the mushroom, the better it is suitable for pickling. All damaged areas must be cut off and the contaminated areas rubbed with a brush.
  • If you do not want salted boletus mushrooms to taste bitter, clean their stem by removing the top layer with a knife. It is also recommended to cut off the lower part of the cap. This process is quite labor-intensive, so many people simply cut off the stems and only salt the caps. This approach cannot be called economical. If you still decide to go the simple route, do not throw away the legs, but clean them and put them on the caviar.
  • Boletus mushrooms are not small mushrooms, so it is not advisable to salt them entirely. Before salting, they must be washed and cut in large pieces. There is no need to cut only the smallest mushrooms.

The rest of the cooking technology will depend on the chosen salting method. For city dwellers, the hot method is more suitable, which allows you to put mushrooms in jars: storing them in them is much more convenient. For villagers who have a cold cellar and wooden barrel, will fit cold method, which, however, also allows the use of glassware.

How to cold pickle boletus mushrooms

  • boletus mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • dill - 6 umbrellas;
  • black currant leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 9 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 9 pcs.;
  • cloves – 9 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.,
  • garlic – 12 cloves.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the mushrooms.
  • Peel the garlic, cut all the cloves into thin slices.
  • To the bottom enamel pan or a small tub, put two umbrellas of dill, lay laurel and currant leaves (two pieces each), a horseradish leaf, put three peas of allspice and black pepper, the same number of clove inflorescences. Sprinkle them with a tablespoon of salt.
  • Place about half of the boletus caps down, sprinkle with two tablespoons of salt, and add half of the remaining herbs and spices.
  • Place a second layer of mushrooms, sprinkle them with the remaining salt, and place the remaining spices on top. If the pan has a narrow bottom, then the layers do not need to be made wide: in this case, it is advisable to make each layer from 0.5 kg of mushrooms.
  • Cover the mushrooms with a clean cloth and place a lid, plate, or other object that can be used to press down the mushrooms on top of it, placing something heavy on top of it. You can use containers of water as a load, but you cannot use bricks or limestone, as they can interact with the brine.
  • After two days, check whether enough juice has been released. A small amount of brine indicates a lack of load; replace it with a heavier one.
  • If you want to keep cold-salted boletus mushrooms in jars, after two weeks you can transfer them there. It is recommended to sterilize jars. When transferring the mushrooms into a jar, add spices and garlic along with them. Pour the brine on top of the boletus mushrooms, which formed in the container where they were salted; pour a little on top to prevent mold from forming. vegetable oil, close nylon covers. If you are satisfied with the container you initially selected, leave the mushrooms in it.

Boletus mushrooms should be salted and stored in a cool place, at a temperature no higher than 16 degrees. If you salt them cold, they will be ready to eat only after 2 months.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms using the hot method

  • boletus mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • currant leaves – 12 pcs.;
  • dill (fresh) – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and cut the boletus mushrooms. Boil them in two liters of water, in which you must first dissolve 10 g of salt (that’s two teaspoons). You need to cook the mushrooms for half an hour, constantly skimming the foam from them.
  • Place the mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain, and wait until the mushrooms cool.
  • Filter the broth where they were cooked.
  • Sterilize the jar (you will need a two-liter jar) and its lid.
  • Divide the mushrooms, dill, laurel and currant leaves into four parts.
  • Place the mushrooms in layers, sprinkling each layer with a tablespoon of salt, dill, bay and currant leaves.
  • Boil the broth in which the boletus mushrooms were cooked and pour it over them.
  • Seal, turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool under it.
  • When the jars have cooled completely, put them in a cool place.

At temperatures up to 18 degrees, hot-salted boletus mushrooms can be stored for 9 months. They are allowed to be eaten 45 days after salting.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars

  • boletus - 1 kg;
  • salt – 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the peeled mushrooms into thin slices.
  • Place the plates on a wire rack, preferably a wooden one, to dry them a little.
  • Mix them carefully with salt so that they are salted but not crumbled.
  • Place tightly in a jar, cover with salt, tie the neck of the jar with a double layer of cellophane or parchment paper.

Salted boletus mushrooms hidden in jars will be ready for consumption in 2 months. You can use them for preparing soups and other hot dishes within a week. This preparation is stored in the refrigerator all winter.

To pickle boletus mushrooms according to any of the above recipes, it is permissible to take spices and spices that are not indicated in them; cherry leaves, walnut leaves, and horseradish root are especially suitable. You should not use only parsley and onions: the parsley will make the mushrooms lose their crispness, and the onions may cause them to sour.