A recipe for simple and delicious dumplings in a slow cooker. Dumplings with steamed strawberries in a slow cooker - preparation, calorie content

Very simple and quick recipe steamed dumplings. But remember that such dumplings need to be eaten immediately. They should not stand, because then they are simply not tasty - they dry out, and the filling may leak out.
That's why I always cook a little at a time. And there are always not enough of them.
Let's take our products for testing.

Pour kefir into a bowl room temperature and add soda and salt. Mix. We are waiting for the reaction, kefir and soda. There should be bubbles. Throw in an egg. Then add flour. Pour in as much as the dough will take. It took me about 400 grams.

Knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands, but don’t make it too stiff.

Let the dough rest. and while it is resting, we prepare the filling.
We wash our berries and cut off the tails.

Then we cut it. Not small and not large.

We don’t mix it with sugar, as the juice will run out and it will be impossible to make our dumplings. Everything will start to flow out. And add sugar just before modeling.
Take the dough, pinch off a piece and roll it out not very thin. Approximately 3-4 ml.

And squeeze out circles with a glass.

Place our strawberry filling in the middle of each circle and sprinkle with sugar.

Then we make our dumplings.

We do the same with the rest.

When the dumplings are molded, put them on steam.

I did this using a slow cooker. If you have a steamer, even better. And if you have neither one nor the other, then you can get by by putting gauze over the pan and then covering it with a lid.

For the recipe with photos, see below.

In the midst of summer, it's so nice to treat yourself to delicious food. homemade strawberries! When in fresh If you've already had your fill of berries, try making juicy dumplings stuffed with fresh strawberries. Cooked in a double boiler, these dumplings do not lose a drop of flavor and do not become overcooked.

Today I will share with you a new recipe for dumpling dough using hot water. The dumplings turn out very tasty and tender, I recommend them!

Don't know what else you can cook with strawberries? Try baking sweet pies filled with strawberries and sorrel on soft yeast dough, yummy!

Dough for dumplings/dumplings in hot water

This dough can be used both for making dumplings and for homemade dumplings. Prepared using hot water, the dough rolls out very easily and thinly without tearing. You can roll out the layer as thin as a piece of paper!

Proportions of products for preparing the dough:

  • hot water (temperature

50 ° C) 1 glass;

  • 1 egg;
  • salt 1/2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp;
  • flour 3-4 cups.
  • How to prepare dough for dumplings in hot water

    Pour water into a cup, add salt, break the egg and whisk until foamy. Gradually add flour and vegetable oil, knead the dough. The dough for dumplings should be moderately tight, elastic, and easily pull away from the walls of the dish. Wrap the dough in film and leave to rest for 30-40 minutes in a warm place.

    Dough on hot water It turns out so soft and easy to roll out due to the more complete swelling of the gluten contained in the flour.

    Roll out the rested dough into a thin layer and cut out circles with a glass or any other container of suitable diameter.

    How to cook steamed dumplings with strawberries

    Wash fresh strawberries and dry with a towel. Place 2-3 strawberries on a circle of dough and sprinkle with sugar. You don’t need to add a lot of sugar, otherwise the filling will float. I put less than 1/2 tsp. sugar for 1 dumpling.

    We form dumplings, pinch the edges with a fork or a pigtail. Grease the steamer trays with butter or vegetable oil, place the dumplings not too tightly to each other. Cook steamed dumplings with strawberries (2 floors) for about 30 minutes.

    Place the finished dumplings on a plate and pour over the melted butter. Serve with sour cream and fresh berries strawberries Bon appetit!

    Everyone is interested in your opinion!

    Time: 40 min.

    Servings: 6-8

    Difficulty: 4 out of 5

    The recipe is simple and delicious dumplings in a slow cooker

    Sometimes you want to pamper your family with something tasty, but you don’t want to bother. And then they come to the rescue - their majesty dumplings. Is it with potatoes or with sweet filling like cottage cheese and berries, dumplings always welcome guest on any table!

    Today we will prepare dumplings with potatoes in a slow cooker, and the second option will be steamed dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker. Agree, good choice!

    To cook this budget dish with potatoes, you will need:

    The calorie content per 100 grams of delicious dumplings will be 148 calories.

    Let's start cooking

    Step 1

    First, let's prepare the flavorful filling. The potatoes need to be boiled (by the way, you can use a slow cooker for this).

    Peel the onions and chop them as finely as possible.

    In a frying pan with a small amount fry the onion in oil until nice golden brown.
    In the meantime, our potatoes are already ready, and we puree them using a blender, or the old fashioned way - with a masher.

    Mix the onions with the potatoes and leave to cool to room temperature.

    On a note: if desired, you can add fresh onions instead of fried onions green onions- it will only taste better.

    Step 2

    Now let's move on to the test. Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Add sifted wheat flour so that there are no lumps. Pour in warm boiled water and salt to taste.

    Knead the dough first with a spoon and then with your hands until you get homogeneous mass, which we cover with film, a lid or a towel, and leave to “cook” for 30 minutes.

    Step 3

    The ingredients are ready. All that remains is to combine them and cook the dumplings in a slow cooker.

    On a floured board, roll out the dough into a thin layer, no more than 5 millimeters thick. Using a glass or mug, make circles in the dough, onto which we spoon the filling.

    Carefully pinch the edges so that the filling does not leak out during cooking.

    On a note: You can purchase a special device for dumplings at any large store, then the edges will definitely be pinched tightly.

    Step 4

    Fill with hot boiled water the multicooker bowl to about halfway, activate the “Steamer” mode, and lower the products into the water. How long should you cook them in a slow cooker? About 4-5 minutes, and a little longer if the dumplings were previously frozen.

    That's it, the dumplings are ready in the slow cooker. When serving, garnish with fresh herbs and a piece of butter.

    Dumplings in a slow cooker with steamed strawberries

    The dough recipe for these dumplings is a little different, but we assure you that you will appreciate it taste qualities these berry crumbs! Moreover, these steamed dumplings in a slow cooker will not dangle in hot water, which completely prevents the filling from leaking out.

    Dessert ingredients:

    • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.
    • Whey or kefir – 1 glass.
    • Chicken egg – 1 piece.
    • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
    • Yeast – 1 teaspoon.
    • Salt – a pinch.
    • Fresh strawberries – 300 grams.
    • Sugar for filling – 7-9 teaspoons.

    Energy value per 100 grams finished product will be 201 calories, so you shouldn’t get carried away with such a delicacy at night.

    Let's start cooking

    Step 1

    Beat an egg into the warm, slightly heated whey (can be replaced with kefir). Add sugar and a little salt - it will highlight the sweet taste.

    Shake the mixture with a whisk or mixer, then add sifted flour and yeast.

    Knead the dough with your hands. The consistency will not be too thick. Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel and set aside for one to two hours in a warm place.

    Step 2

    Roll out the dough in the same way as described in the recipe above.

    Cut out circles with a glass, put a couple of strawberries in each, sprinkle with a little sugar, pinch the edges of the product. Repeat the procedure until the dough runs out.

    Ready-made dumplings should be covered with a clean cloth to prevent the product from weathering.

    On a note: if you decide to use frozen strawberries, you will need a little more – about 600 grams.

    Before using frozen strawberries, you need to defrost them and drain off excess juice and water.

    Step 3

    Pour water halfway into the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

    Place the container for steaming, grease with vegetable oil and place the dumplings loosely in the basket.

    Close the lid of the miracle pot, activate the “Steam” mode, and cook the products for 30 minutes.

    Serve the finished dumplings in a slow cooker with sour cream or cream.

    Watch another version of this dish in the video below: