After an intramuscular injection, she pricked her finger, possible infection. I pricked myself with a needle.

Injected with a syringe found on the street? Is it possible to get infected with something if you prick with a used syringe? Diseases such as AIDS or syphilis - no. Otherwise, it's the same as getting scratched with a rusty nail. Can you become infected with something by accidentally pricking yourself with a needle found in a syringe? There is no visible blood (or other virus-containing fluid) - there is no risk of HIV infection. There is visible (fresh) blood - there is a risk if it is someone else's blood and it enters your body. The vast majority of HIV infections in the world have occurred through penetrative unprotected sex, injection with used syringes, blood transfusions or organ transplants, and from mother to infant. In all these cases, the virus-containing liquid is fresh, present in sufficient quantity (including in the groove of the syringe) and is injected into another organism (including directly into a vein). Soberly assess the risk (or lack thereof) in your particular situation and do not fall into speedophobia. What to do if you accidentally prick yourself with a needle from a syringe? Whether infection with such infections as a HIV, viral hepatitis is possible or probable. About accidental injections various types needles (information taken from studies conducted among medical staff of hospitals in Zambia, where the level of HIV among patients is about 50%).
Contact with any amount of blood on intact skin is not dangerous. The same is true of the mucous membranes (also intact).
When pricked with a hollow needle (from a syringe) containing obviously infected blood, the probability of infection is 20%.
When pricked with a solid needle (surgical needle) - the probability is no more than 2%. It's all about needles with fresh blood.
HIV is extremely unstable in the external environment. Dried blood does not contain live viruses.
There is also another, much more unpleasant virus - the hepatitis B and C virus - here the numbers are different - a hollow needle - 95%, a solid one - 20%. And intact skin in 10% is the same surmountable barrier.
It is the hepatitis B virus (but not the hepatitis C virus) that has significant resistance in the external environment. The probability of contracting hepatitis C by pricking with a hollow needle with fresh infected blood is no more than 20%, with a surgical needle - about 2% (i.e. the numbers are the same as with HIV). Just like HIV, the hepatitis C virus is inactivated when dried.
In other words, the main danger from such syringes is hepatitis B. When frozen, the virus retains its activity and can be stored for many years. To high temperature is unstable. Boiling instantly inactivates the virus.
Hepatitis B vaccination is now included in the vaccination calendar and is given to all newborns.
So in your case, along with the examination for needle pricks, it is also necessary to have a conversation with the child about the extreme danger of such "toys".

If a child pricks his finger with a used syringe found on the street

If a child pricked his finger today, then there are still 48-72 hours from the moment of the injection to consult a doctor at the AIDS Center to decide whether it is necessary to start taking prophylactic drugs against HIV and emergency vaccination against hepatitis B.

The exact risk of HIV transmission through sexual contact or needle stick is not known, but the risk of a single exposure is probably lower than expected:
Injection with a needle or syringe - 0.3%
Biting or beating - 0.004%

The syringe does not need to be examined. Keeping it all the more dangerous because of the risk of accidental injection. It is desirable to burn it on the spot or cover it with earth.
And take the child to the AIDS Prevention Center at the place of residence for a consultation, it is highly desirable within 72 hours after the injury.
If a child is vaccinated against hepatitis B, then practically nothing threatens him. If not vaccinated, he will be vaccinated according to an emergency scheme.
Risks for HIV and hepatitis C in such situations usually tend to 0.

In the Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of August 6, 2007 N 5961 "PREVENTION OF INFECTION, INCLUDING MEDICAL WORKERS, WITH THE HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS IN THE WORKPLACE"
In case of skin damage (cut, injection) if there is bleeding from the damaged surface, it does not need to be stopped within a few seconds. If there is no bleeding, then you need to squeeze out the blood, treat the skin with 70 degrees. alcohol, then iodine solution.

If victims bring a selected syringe to the AIDS Center, it must be done in a rigid package such as a closed glass jar or bottles, so that the syringe does not pierce the container during transportation and does not prick other people. Manipulations with the syringe should be minimal, otherwise all the frightened relatives who will grab it, look at it and shift it will prick. After contact with the syringe, wash your hands with soap and water and wipe with any alcohol-containing liquid, such as vodka.
How much it is necessary to select and drag a syringe for examination is not regulated anywhere, unfortunately I also do not know how to deal with it correctly in this case.
Foreign experts recommend not to worry too much about such injections with a needle, do not carry a syringe for research, because. the probability of contracting HIV in this case tends to 0 (the HIV virus is not stable in the external environment), and the population, including children, is usually vaccinated against hepatitis B.

Let's turn to the 2008 WHO guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV infection.
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection Joint WHO/ILO guidelines on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection, 2008
It says that post-exposure prophylaxis should begin as early as possible, but no later than 72 hours. Animal studies have shown that prophylaxis given within the range of 12, 24, 36 from contact is more effective than 48-72 hours. The same studies showed that prophylaxis is ineffective if more than 72 hours have passed since the moment of contact.
Thus, today 48 hours (especially 72) have not yet passed, and if the victim seeks help and they decide that post-exposure prophylaxis is necessary, then everything is fine.

Hepatitis C and HIV viruses do not persist in the external environment for a long time - up to 5-6 hours.

Lots of photos, news social networks we read about shprips scattered on the streets of the country. Sometimes used syringes are found at kindergartens and schools, which poses a threat to young children who do not yet understand the dangers of playing with a used syringe.

Therefore, we offer a little help about the possibility of infection and how to act if injected with a used syringe.

Risks of infection

The likelihood of contracting HIV

When pricked with a needle with fresh blood (from a syringe), containing obviously infected blood - 20%. When pricked with a solid needle with fresh blood (surgical needle) - no more than 2%. Dry blood does not contain live viruses.

The likelihood of contracting hepatitis

Hepatitis B is infected with a hollow needle from a syringe - 95%, continuous in 20% of cases of injections. It is the hepatitis B virus (but not the hepatitis C virus) that has significant resistance in the external environment. The probability of contracting hepatitis C by pricking with a hollow needle with fresh infected blood is no more than 20%, with a surgical needle - about 2%. Just like HIV, the hepatitis C virus is inactivated when it dries.

Hepatitis C and HIV viruses are not stored in the external environment for a long time - up to 5-6 hours.

First aid

In case of injury with a needle or other sharp instrument contaminated with human blood or biological materials, the contact point is washed with soap and water; the wounded surface is under running water for several minutes or until the bleeding stops.

In the absence of running water, the damaged area is treated with a disinfectant gel or hand washing solution.

At the same time, compression or friction of the damaged area, extrusion or suction of blood from the wound, the use of a solution ethyl alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.

Also, you need to contact your outpatient department. If a person is potentially infected, they are treated appropriately with antiretroviral drugs. This treatment is paid by the state.

Don't go to the cinema, don't ride the subway - should you believe the "horror stories" about HIV in social networks?

In social networks appeared "horror stories" related to HIV. For example, villains supposedly hide virus-infected needles in the seats of movie theaters. A man came, sat down in such a chair and ... injected himself. jumped up. And then I saw a note: "Congratulations, you just got HIV." A man rushes to take tests. Passed. Virus not detected.

Approximately the same "horror stories" are spread about the subway and other public places. What is it, the calculation to sow panic? May be. But the situation with HIV is really alarming. This year, as of the end of September, 75,962 new cases of HIV were registered in the country. An increase of 1.9 percent over the same period last year. We are talking about all this with the head physician of the dental clinic Amiran Lezgishvili and Doctor of Medical Sciences, dermatovenereologist, leading researcher at the Center for Theoretical Problems of Physical and Chemical Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgenia Dvoryankova.

Amiran Lezgishvili: About needles in cinemas, the subway, etc. These are inhuman jokes. Moreover, it is almost impossible to get infected with HIV in this way, even if it is a needle of an HIV-infected person. The virus dies on the used needle after the blood dries.

Are you saying that to infect the needle of an infected person, you must use it immediately?

Amiran Lezgishvili: Exactly. There are many cases when children found discarded HIV-infected syringes. Accidentally and not accidentally pricked them and did not get sick.

They are not outcasts. They are in trouble, and the doctor's duty is not to aggravate this trouble, but to help to fully live with it.

What about dental visits? When a toothache appears, a person goes to the dentist, thinking about HIV the least. But there are cases when, having got rid of a toothache, the patient is among the HIV-infected. Can you, the head of the clinic, guarantee your patients that this will not happen?

Amiran Lezgishvili: Modern methods of sterilization - tools, equipment, the place of this or that manipulation, the hands of medical personnel - exclude this.

Is a patient infected with HIV obliged to warn you that he is a carrier of the virus?

Amiran Lezgishvili: Probably obliged. But, firstly, some patients may not know that they are carriers of HIV. Secondly, it is not stipulated in the legislation.

Is such a clause necessary?

Amiran Lezgishvili: In the current situation with the spread of the plague of the XX-XXI centuries, I think this would be useful. Moreover, modern rapid tests show that this is not a problem. I will add that if the patient is shown surgery, then we are in without fail directed towards such research.

So you sent for such a study, and it showed that your patient is HIV-infected. What are your next steps? Are there cases where treatment was denied?

Amiran Lezgishvili: It is unacceptable! We have no right to refuse a patient with acute pain. Moreover, as I said, modern methods of sterilization make it possible to help such patients. They are not outcasts. They are in trouble, and the doctor's duty is not to exacerbate this trouble, but to help them live fully with it.

Can dentists recognize HIV during an appointment?

Amiran Lezgishvili: HIV is a major disruption in immune system person. So when it does not work, most diseases, including dental ones, are practically untreatable. And then we send the patient for a blood test.

Now, not only dental clinics are at every turn, but even in ordinary shopping centers there are "teeth whitening points"?

Amiran Lezgishvili: These items should not operate without a medical license. This is dangerous to health. Some statistics: 70-80 percent of HIV infection occurs sexually. Virus transmission in the dental chair accounts for 0.005 percent.

Are the statistics related to cosmetology different?

Evgenia Dvoryankova: There are no such statistics. Yes, and it's probably not the case. The likelihood of passing HIV through a needle is not as great as is commonly believed. Nevertheless, in the global medical community there are certain rules and requirements that must be observed when conducting medical procedures, which are more than enough in cosmetology.

The rules are great. Do they guarantee against infection?

Evgenia Dvoryankova: When fully implemented, they are guaranteed. After all, now virtually all the tools that we use are disposable. Before carrying out a cosmetic manipulation, the physician is obliged to open the sterile package with the instrument in front of the patient. And the patient must see it. Definitely a must!

Does the patient himself know about this right?

Evgenia Dvoryankova: As a rule, no. Moreover, he does not consider it important.

And that means that a person came to do peeling or holes in the ears for wearing earrings. I didn't pay attention to the doctor's actions, and...

Evgenia Dvoryankova:... exposed to potential risk. You mentioned that teeth whitening stations are now opening in shopping centers. And beauty salons, academies of pedicure, manicure and so on. There is always a huge demand for them, even in difficult times. I'm not talking about the so-called permanent makeup, when they don't just paint eyebrows or lips, but apply paint under the skin with a needle.

75,962 new HIV cases registered this year in the country as of the end of September

I'm not sure that these institutions have proper state supervision. By the way, it is wrong to reduce everything to the threat of HIV infection. Viral hepatitis, common herpes and other infectious complications are much more likely to overtake lovers of beauty and modern face and body jewelry.

But it is impossible to deny a person the desire to find beauty, to meet modern fashion standards?

Evgenia Dvoryankova: In no case! But not to the detriment of health. Competent should be not only a medical worker, but also a beauty seeker. Say, if you are unwell, then in no case should you undergo invasive (that is, with damage to the integrity of the skin) cosmetic procedures.

And the carrier of a HIV or the same hepatitis has the right to beauty or any appeal to the cosmetician or it is counter-indicative?

Evgenia Dvoryankova: He has the right. But you have to be aware of your illness. For example, about HIV or hepatitis. And then the specialist takes responsibility for carrying out or not carrying out this or that procedure. That's the norm. This same speech not about treatment those same teeth. It's about aesthetics. And this is a completely different matter.

By the way

Director of the Department of Public Health and Communications of the Ministry of Health of Russia Oleg Salagay said: "In connection with the receipt of inquiries to the Ministry regarding a proposal made in the media to deprive HIV-positive citizens of a driver's license or the right to travel abroad, I would like to inform you of the following. This initiative may encourage a person to refuse HIV testing and related treatment, which are strictly voluntary by law.Moreover, today it is known that a person with HIV who takes drugs regularly can live a normal life, create a family, give birth to healthy children, and work effectively.For this reason, this initiative by the Ministry of Health Russia is not supported."

Irina Krasnopolskaya, "RG"

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I pricked myself with a needle

Asks: Ekaterina, Rostov

Gender Female

Age: 23

chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, I pricked myself with a needle while closing the lid of a class B container. I was wearing gloves. My problem is that the container was without dez. Means and before that, about 6-7 days ago, I threw a needle from an HIV-infected person there. I didn’t take blood from him with this needle, I took clean blood and with this needle I pierced the lid of the test tube (it is vacuum) and squeezed his blood out there and then removed the needle and threw it off. The injection was not deep, I processed it as it should be, after I remembered that there was nothing to give out. Our doctors said nothing like this often happens. What should I do? Was there a risk?

8 responses

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Ekaterina! If the needle with which you had an accident (finger puncture) did not contain remnants of the blood of an HIV-infected person, then there is no reason to worry. If this needle was with the remnants of the blood of an HIV-infected person, then the algorithm for examining a health worker in case of an accident with the blood of an HIV-infected person comes into force. The health worker is examined by an infectious disease specialist, donates blood for HIV, is given preventive treatment with an antiviral drug, and blood for HIV is donated every quarter.

Ekaterina 2016-04-30 21:53

I just went to the clinic and the department to the head (infectious disease doctor), they said that I took blood from him 6-7 days ago and the virus had died a long time ago, there was nothing to worry about. I did everything according to the algorithm. I asked about ARV therapy, they said it was not needed and that was it. The eldest said the same thing, that I was an alarmist, the small needle only scratched the wound, etc. and now there is no point in taking it, 5 days have passed?

Ekaterina 2016-04-30 21:56

I did not see blood, I did not take blood from the patient with this needle. I took a clean needle, stuck it into a test tube (it is vacuum) and bled, then discarded it. So I don’t know, I hope that in 7 days it dried up there (if it was)

Ekaterina! It turns out that the blood was in the needle during the descent of blood into the test tube. Then this needle lay in a container without dez. Funds That is, after all, the accident was with a needle that passed the patient's blood through itself with HIV infection. In your case, now you only need to donate blood for an HIV test. "The injured health worker should be examined every 3 months. Respectively, after 3,6,9 and 12 months. If after a year the test for HIV infection, the negative health worker is removed from the dispensary, if HIV infection is detected, then we are talking about an accident at production after additional epidemiological investigation". SanPin "Prevention of HIV infection".

Olga 2017-01-08 15:04

Hello. Washed the patient who has confirmed hepatitis C and HIV with a catheter in the nose, held the catheter and the liquid with blood dripped down the glove. Then, having opened the ampoule, I began to draw up the medicine to inject into the catheter, and my syringe slipped off and I felt the end of the needle. She was wearing two gloves. I can’t understand if there was a puncture, because when I took off the glove, treated my finger with alcohol and perikesium, I didn’t see blood, I tried to squeeze it out in every way, but there was no blood. Maybe the wound healed quickly. Tell me, I could get infected with hepatitis C and HIV, the needle was clean, but the neti glove passing through the glove could get these infections into my body. I am worrying a lot

Olga! It was necessary to immediately check the integrity of the gloves by filling them with air and des. Solution. If the first inner glove was not damaged, then the fingers should not be pressed. Squeezing blood out of the wound has long been prohibited by the algorithms for providing assistance in case of damage to the skin during manipulations to the patient. Since this process promotes the movement of blood further along the wound channel. Requires rinsing under running water with soap, treatment with alcohol or disinfectant. Means. Applying a bactericidal patch. Informing the head nurse of the department about the incident. She makes arrangements for further action with a healthcare professional. Here, no experiences are needed, but the correct professional actions in case of an accident.

Gvozdik_y 2017-06-10 13:58

Hello! I have a question for you. She had an industrial practice in the cardiology department, took out a needle from her grandmother's vein (dropper) and accidentally pierced her finger with the same needle. I treated after 5 minutes, with an alcohol wipe, crushed, washed my hands with an antiseptic, and again treated with an alcohol wipe. Tell me, is there a risk of contracting Hepatitis or HIV?