Shelf life of bee bread in granules. How to store bee bread at home

, pollen and bee bread (breadbread) - all of them are saturated with healing enzymes of little workers and, in combination with their natural qualities, have long been used by humans in preventive and medicinal purposes. Of particular value is beebread - a unique brood food prepared by bees with the addition of active substances from their glands and honey.

The flower pollen compacted into the honeycombs is held together by the saliva of insects during the laying process - this is when valuable enzymes from the body of bees enter it. When the comb is almost full, a little space is left on top - about 1/5. It is filled with honey. In the honeycomb, pollen begins to germinate, releasing lactic acid - an excellent preservative, which, together with honey, after sealing with wax in the honeycomb, can store bee bread until spring.

During the preparation process, bee bread, in addition to the already existing set of valuable components, is enriched with vitamin E, which is also called the “vitamin of youth.” Bee bread contains almost all vitamins, many essential amino acids, fatty amino acids (including Omega-3), micro and macroelements. Thanks to this, beebread is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, in for cosmetic purposes, as an energy drink for athletes.

Important! One of the most valuable properties of bee bread is its absorption human body 100% However, the properties of the bee product may vary depending on storage conditions. And since at the same time there is a change in qualities not for the better, beebread must be stored under optimal conditions. There are several commercial types of bee bread: in honeycombs, ground, dried.

The preservation of bee bread in honeycombs can be used for two purposes:

  • Preparation for use as medicinal raw material;
  • Supply of food for bees for the spring;

In both cases, the beekeeper must comply with a number of requirements so that all useful components of beebread remain unchanged:

  • Humidity. Excessive moisture is harmful to any product, especially those produced by bees. Even in a hive, humidity can cause more harm than, for example, lowering the temperature. Therefore, to store beebread, a humidity level of no more than 30% is required. When this indicator increases, there is a risk of mold development, and in a too dry room, beebread dries out and loses some of its healing qualities;
  • Temperature. Temperature indicators are no less important to comply with: t should not be higher than +8°C, or better – from +1 to +5°C. A decrease to negative values ​​leads to the freezing of bee bread and, accordingly, the destruction of some useful substances. In a room that is too warm, there is a risk of being affected by moths - and not only wax moths, but also ordinary ones, as a result of which the product becomes unsuitable for consumption;
  • Illumination. Exposure to light, and not only sunlight, has a detrimental effect on many substances, including those that make up bee bread.

Important! Most often, frames with beebread are stored in specially equipped rooms in a suspended state or filled with honey (or covered with powdered sugar). This “preservation” protects against the destructive effects of oxygen. To protect against wax moths, place containers with 75% vinegar essence. And although some believe that beebread in honeycombs has an unaesthetic appearance, nevertheless this particular product is the most natural, although it is stored only until the next harvest.

Promote biological value product and at the same time create optimal conditions For storage, grinding beebread honeycombs in a meat grinder and adding honey to them is possible - approximately 25-30%.

Store this product in a dark glass container, tightly sealed. The temperature conditions remain the same - in a dry and cool room, preferably without access to light. Maintaining all quality indicators increases the shelf life of bee bread in this case to a year. In the refrigerator at normal temperatures, bee bread paste can only be stored in a tightly sealed container, since the humidity levels in the refrigerator compartment are higher than required for storing bee bread.

Important! Although the safety of ground bee bread with the addition of honey is high, the disadvantages of this method are: the possibility of allergic reactions due to the honey content (beebread itself is a low-allergenic product), low content specifically bee bread, as well as its unknown concentration.

There is another way to prepare bee bread for use: in the form of granules extracted from honeycombs and dried. It is the most labor-intensive, which is why it costs the most. However, it has one undoubted advantage - the ability to accurately dose the drug when taking it. And since beebread has high levels of biogenic activity, the question correct reception with precise adherence to doses comes first:

  • Dry granules of small size (up to 1.5 cm) are thoroughly cleaned of wax and dead particles and dried;
  • The dried product is stored in glass containers open or covered with canvas fabric in 1-2 layers;
  • Humidity should not exceed 25%, and 10% is optimal. These conditions must be met, since even a dried product contains a certain percentage of moisture.

Requirements to temperature conditions not so strict, because the almost complete absence of moisture makes the product the most stable. Even in hot conditions, beebread will only dry out slightly and lose weight. However, all valuable components in the dry matter will be retained.

Important! Granulated bee bread is the most convenient, safe, although more expensive type of bee bread. But even in this condition and if all requirements are met, it is recommended to store bee bread for no more than a year.

To obtain maximum benefit from taking a valuable bee product, it is necessary to carefully observe the recommended doses, and also study possible contraindications. Bee bread has very few of them, since it is the lowest allergenic among all beekeeping products. And it is even used to treat allergies.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance. Therefore, they begin taking it with a minimum dose, carefully monitoring the body’s reaction. For some pathologies (oncology, uterine fibroids, increased anxiety, Graves' disease), it is recommended to take bee bread only after consulting a doctor. Standard dosage regimen:

  • Average doses for treatment – ​​1 tsp. shortly before or after (depending on indications) a meal. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a month break and repeat if necessary. If you are not sure about the correctness of your actions, visit an apitherapist;
  • For the purpose of prevention, administration is carried out in half doses, and its duration is 15 days in the spring and autumn periods. Some additionally carry out prevention in winter;
  • Children are given bee bread in greatly reduced doses - 0.25 of the adult norm, and a mandatory medical consultation is carried out regarding the age limits;
  • A portion of bee bread is dissolved in the mouth without drinking anything, and after taking it, do not drink or eat anything for another 30 minutes.

If all conditions are met, the shelf life of bee bread does not exceed 12 months. And although it can be stored longer, medicinal properties such a product is questioned, and the effect of taking it is minimal.

Recently, a beekeeping product such as bee bread has become widespread. Bee bread received another name, “bee bread”, due to the fact that bees can feed on it all year round.

It turns out that beebread is made from flower pollen that remains unspent on brood. The bees first place it tightly in the honeycombs, gluing it with their fermented saliva, and then, to ensure the safety of the product, they cover it with honey and seal it with wax. The sealed pollen becomes beebread during the fermentation process.

Bee bread has found its application in medicine, food and cosmetic industries. Bee bread is rich in vitamins, amino acids and microelements, which makes it very valuable product for a person. IN in kind It is used as a general tonic and to combat many ailments.

Collecting beebread on time and correctly is only half the battle. You still need to save the bee bread for long time without losing all the beneficial substances and unique healing properties.

ABOUT useful properties A video from the Azaria PergaPlus channel will tell you about beebread and the rules for taking it.

There are several periods during which beebread honeycombs can be removed from a beehive without harm to the family:

  • In the spring. During this period, the bees are already beginning to actively collect pollen, so the old frames can be taken away.
  • In summer, honeycombs in which the cells are completely sealed with wax are removed.
  • In the fall before winter.

Before further harvesting, beebread honeycombs should have no signs of mold, foreign odors or contamination.

Storage methods

Experienced beekeepers store beebread at home in three ways:

In the honeycomb

Storage in honeycombs is the most important matter, since the product should be protected from oxygen, and also ensure a temperature within +1..+5 Cº. Pieces of bee bread with honeycombs are placed in small glass jars and tightly closed with lids.

In the form of a paste

In order to prepare bee bread paste, it is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with a small amount liquid honey. Store the product in jars in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

In granular form

The granulated product is obtained by extracting bee bread from the honeycomb. Pieces of clean bread, freed from wax and other impurities, can be stored much longer.

Before storage, the bee bread is dried. You can do this like in a natural way, and when using heating devices.

The natural method involves drying the bread in a dry room at a temperature of +20...+25 Cº. This process is quite lengthy and takes several months.

If the granules are dried in an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, then the heating temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

The readiness of the product is determined by squeezing the granule. If it wrinkles like tight plasticine, then it’s too early to finish drying; if it crumbles into pieces, it’s overdried. Properly dried bee bread leaves a crack after compression.

A video from the “Belarussian Beekeeping” channel will tell you in detail how to dry bee bread in an electric dryer.

Shelf life of bee bread

Bee bread retains its beneficial properties for 1 year. The main thing when storing bee bread at home is to maintain the temperature, the required level of humidity and limit access to the product of oxygen and foreign odors.

Perga is one of the most healthy products beekeeping. With its help, you can strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems, and also stimulate brain activity. However, more than 50% of consumers lose some of the beneficial properties of a natural product due to non-compliance with its storage rules. Read more about the shelf life of bee bread and storage methods later in the article.

You can purchase bee bread directly from our apiary "Sviy honey".

How to store bee bread in different forms?

Before you learn how to store and take bee bread, you need to decide in what form you want to buy natural product. There are three main options:

  • in honeycombs (raw)
  • granular (cleared of honeycomb)
  • ground (ground into powder or paste)

Each of them has its pros and cons. Depending on the type of bee bread you are going to buy from a beekeeper, the storage method and rules may differ slightly.

How to store bee bread in honeycombs?

Storing beebread in honeycombs at home is considered the most risky option. The fact is that the waxy shell of the cells attracts moths, the larvae of which can hatch in the honeycombs. In addition, you still will not be able to consume beebread in its natural shell and you will have to clean the granules.

Interesting fact: there is one folk remedy which will protect the bee product from moths. It is recommended to place a bottle of acetic acid (75%) nearby.

  • high level of benefit due to the presence of a wax casing
  • inconvenient to store in pieces
  • Before use, you need to clean or spit out any remaining wax when chewing.
  • high risk of moths

Article on the topic: Bee bread is a real vitamin “boom”!

How to store beebread in granules?

The shelf life of bee bread in granules is longer due to preliminary drying. This allows it to be adapted to indoor storage conditions and protects against the risk of mold formation. Before storing peeled bee bread, just transfer it to an airtight container - this is convenient and reliable.

  • ease of storage
  • ease of dosing for use
  • risk of crushing granules with large volumes in containers

Storing ground bee bread

Another way to use and store bee bread at home is in crushed form. To do this, the natural product is passed through a meat grinder or crushed using a blender. This will allow you to cook based on bee bread traditional medicines, add it to dishes or apply externally.

  • ease of storage
  • When crushed, some of the beneficial properties are lost

Beebread storage conditions

You already know about the beneficial properties of bee bread and how to take it. Storage is an equally important task. It should be treated with special responsibility. Consider the TOP 3 important conditions for storing bee products.


The first rule for storing bee bread at home is the tightness of the container. Failure to comply with this point is the most common cause of spoilage of a natural product. Otherwise, moth larvae may form in the bee bread and foreign odors may leak out.

As for container materials, the most environmentally friendly are glass or vacuum bags. Food grade plastic is only suitable for short-term transportation of the product. Paper or plastic bags not suitable for storage as they do not guarantee absolute tightness.


Bee bread is not too capricious when it comes to temperature control. The range from +1 to +25 degrees is quite acceptable. But there are risks associated with a particular temperature: the shelf life of bee bread in the refrigerator can be long, but is it too humid inside? In this case, room temperature seems like a better option, but there is a risk of wax moths.

Article on the topic: Wax moth: treatment with bee pests

Freezing natural bee products (as well as keeping them in direct sunlight) is not recommended. Thus, beebread will lose some of its beneficial properties.


The beneficial properties of bee bread depend on how you store it at home. And no less important condition - optimal level humidity. In the room where bee products are stored, this figure should not exceed 30%. Otherwise, mold will quickly form on the surface of the honeycombs/pellets and they will be damaged.

Perga: shelf life

The shelf life of bee bread is up to 12 months. This period of time is fixed in the official document DSTU 7074:2009.

Since beekeepers receive fresh bee bread every year, there is no point in storing it longer. Every summer you can replenish your supplies with a new batch.

The shelf life of bee bread and its storage are closely related. If all conditions are met, you can use the natural product beneficially throughout the year. Otherwise, violating the rules may result in a reduction in the maximum possible shelf life.

Article on the topic: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration date

How to store honey with beebread?

Storing honey with beebread allows you to protect natural bee products from external factors: from moth larvae to mold. In order not to lose, but to increase the healing properties of the mixture, directly.

Article on the topic: Honey with beebread - a powerful health tandem

How to prepare the mixture:

Grind the bee bread in a meat grinder or using a blender. Mix with liquid honey equal proportions, pouring it in gradually and stirring constantly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

The shelf life of honey with beebread is 1 year. The mixture should be stored in glass jar with a sealed lid at temperatures from +1 to +18 degrees. The humidity level should not exceed 30%.


Wikipedia: Perga

Video "Beebread with honey"

Honey is not the only one bee product. Every resource remaining after making sweets is priceless, thanks to the huge range useful vitamins and minerals.

All beekeepers and apiproduct lovers should know a lot about storing beebread at home.

The beneficial properties of this product have been valued since ancient times, so it can often be found in recipes. traditional medicine and cosmetology. Bee bread must be preserved under special conditions so as not to lose its valuable qualities.

"Bee bread" (informal name) is a product that insects feed on year-round. Regardless of the season, natural functions are preserved. This substance becomes the result of the work of bees, and it consists of unspent pollen, which is compacted into honeycombs.

A person interested in how to store bee pollen at home should understand how it affects the body and why it is so valuable. The product contains many amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and therefore proper preservation allows bee bread to have the following effects on the body:

  • lowering cholesterol and preventing the formation of new plaques;
  • improves hematopoiesis, useful for anemia;
  • the functioning of the liver and pancreas is normalized;
  • The immune system is strengthened, so the body copes with diseases quickly and effectively.

Storage at home

Not everyone knows what bee bread is. Not everyone knows how to store this substance at home. This apiproduct is created from pollen. After collecting it and delivering it to the hive, the bees place the pollen in the honeycomb. There, under sealed conditions under the action of a natural preservative, fermentation and preservation begin. In the end you get bread.

IN ideal conditions In a preserved honeycomb, beebread is stored for years, and when removed, it deteriorates within a few days if it is not stored correctly. In the natural environment, bread is stored by bees until the next season.

Bee bread powder and granules

It is most convenient to consume the bee product in dry form, but today you can often find bee bread granules. They are a hexagonal dried cylindrical shape.

You need to know the intricacies of how to store beebread in granules or powder. This API product is kept in an airtight opaque container where it will be isolated from:

  1. Ultraviolet rays. With prolonged exposure to light, bee products lose their beneficial qualities.
  2. High humidity. In case of prolonged contact with air with a humidity of 15% or more, bacterial activity begins to increase. Bee bread becomes moldy and decomposes.
  3. Strongly flavored products. Dry beebread absorbs foreign odors.

Pre-dried granules are often doused with honey to make them attractive. This product can last no more than a year. If you do not dry the bee bread or use unripe honey, the product quickly loses its beneficial properties. That is why, immediately after purchase, it is better to place the jar in the refrigerator and periodically check for changes in appearance.

Storing in honeycombs with honey

This storage method is the most natural. The active active compounds are preserved with honey and wax. In this form, the vitamin complex can be stored for up to 2.5 years. Of course, during this period the activity of the components decreases somewhat, but the key properties will remain unchanged.

Such storage involves the following actions:

  • pieces of honeycomb are placed in an opaque container;
  • pour honey over everything;
  • carefully seal the dishes;
  • put in the refrigerator.

The volume of the dishes is selected based on one treatment course. You shouldn’t constantly expose all the bee bread to changing conditions; it’s better to open one small jar of the product each time.

Ground honeycomb with honey (paste)

Honeycombs with beebread are difficult to pack, and therefore beekeepers often grind them into a paste. Then they mix them with honey and sell them.

This remedy copes well with stomatitis, sore throat, and skin damage. To preserve biological capabilities, the shelf life of bee bread should not be exceeded. Necessary conditions provide:

  1. Temperature - up to 12 degrees, but not less than 0 degrees. If the indicators increase, bacteria will actively multiply.
  2. Tightness is the main condition limiting the free access of air.
  3. Humidity - this indicator should not exceed 15%.

Wax honeycomb (frames)

It is better to store honeycombs in frames at a temperature of 5 - 10 degrees. The main enemy of honeycombs is considered to be moths, and therefore the following conditions must be observed:

  • frames are placed vertically;
  • air circulates freely between the rows;
  • once a month the temperature drops to -1 degree. This is necessary for the death of moth larvae.

Optimal storage conditions

To ensure the preservation of the beneficial properties of bee bread, each of the following conditions must be met:

If an api product is covered with mold, it should not be consumed. The consistency of granulated bee bread should be free-flowing in the form of hexagonal grains. The color is predominantly dark with light splashes.

There should be no excess moisture in the bread. It is easy to check if a product is not dry enough. A handful of granules is squeezed by hand, and if a lump is obtained, one can judge the poor quality of the beebread.

How long the bee product is stored is now known. Regardless of the method chosen, all conditions must be met. The long-term preservation of beneficial properties depends on them. It is best to use a mini-fridge for this, where the temperature is controlled.

Attention, TODAY only!

One of the varieties of beekeeping products is bee bread. The storage and shelf life of this substance require compliance with certain standards. What are the features of using this natural remedy?

What is bee bread

One of the types of beekeeping products is bee bread. It is as popular as other types of beekeeping products.

What is special about this product? Let's try to figure this out together.

- This is one of the varieties of beekeeping crops. It is probably inferior in popularity to a product such as honey, but nevertheless it is also in certain demand in the market.

In fact, beebread is nothing more than bee pollen. It is kept in hives. However, why isn't it honey yet?

The fact is that the pollen was collected by honey insects from flowering plants and transferred to the hive. It was then hidden in the honeycomb, sealed and compacted. However, such a medicine has not yet had time to turn into full-fledged honey: this may require a certain period of time.

However, do not think that this product is not intended for further use for culinary and medicinal purposes. After all, many people even use pollen V pure form for similar purposes.

Storage rules

How to store it correctly this type beekeeping products? Of course, certain standards must be observed, and then your product will not deteriorate for the longest time.

The beekeeping products we consider are of three main types:

  • in honeycombs;
  • in ground form;
  • in granular form.

As we can see, the main difference in this classification lies in the form of storage of these beekeeping products. Despite the fact that in essence they are all the same substance, the storage standards for each of the types we have indicated may differ significantly from each other.

What are they? First of all, let's look at the conditions for keeping this type of beekeeping product in the most natural conditions for it, that is, directly in the honeycombs.

Despite the fact that it would seem that such a medicine is found in its natural environment, there are certain requirements that must be strictly observed so that your harvest does not spoil ahead of schedule. And here it is necessary to exercise extreme caution.

The fact is that a natural product, as a rule, is not subject to any additional processing. This means that it is the most perishable of the varieties presented. And this factor should be taken into account both when containing such a substance and when it is subsequently consumed by a person.

With natural content medicine in its natural state, it is important to exercise delicacy and caution. It is important to comply with certain temperature requirements, as well as comply with recommended humidity conditions.

To ensure that your products are kept in their in its original form for as long as possible, try to place it in a room where certain conditions are met.

The humidity there should be no higher than 75 percent, and the temperature should not exceed five degrees Celsius.

What is the difference between this type of beekeeping product we are considering, besides its naturalness and the minimum shelf life? First of all, this substance has a characteristic taste, by which it can be distinguished from analogues.

The naturalness of this type of product allows it to be used not only by humans, but also by the winged apiary workers themselves. It can be used as spring complementary food. Young bees especially love this delicacy.

Remember that this type of bee bread has the most minimum shelf life. If any violation of the rules for its maintenance occurs, it becomes moldy and is no longer suitable for further use.

It's better to use some little tricks than to lose your harvest. Therefore, you can additionally fill such honeycombs with another popular beekeeping product - honey. The fact is that not all honeycombs are well sealed by the bees themselves; Fresh air, stimulating processes that negatively affect the condition of the product. And honey helps create an additional protective film on such a delicacy for the winged apiary workers.

Protect your crops from wax moths. In order to defeat this unpleasant insect, you can use 75 percent acetic acid. Just leave a little of this near your crop.

In this case, the specified substance does not even need to be removed from the container where it is contained, but simply leave a small gap between the lid and the main container. This way, you will not spoil the feeding for your charges.

This remedy can also be used by humans. To do this, you do not need to remove the bee bread from the honeycomb. These natural containers are simply chewed as thoroughly as possible, swallowed useful substance and spitting out inedible wax.

However, when choosing honeycombs for use in food, it is necessary to monitor their quality. They should not be old and blackened, otherwise they will be unpleasant to eat. And also check them before eating for the absence of larvae, so as not to accidentally eat them.

Expiration dates

Any food product has very specific expiration dates. This statement also applies to bee bread.

How long can the beekeeping products we are considering be stored? It is believed that the optimal shelf life of a similar substance is one year.

However, it is important to note here that during this process it is necessary to strictly follow all recommended norms and rules. First of all, products such as bee bread should not be exposed to high humidity and temperature, away from water sources, as well as exposure to sunlight.

Otherwise, you may deprive such a healing remedy of yours. useful qualities given to him by nature. The opposite effect, manifested in the impact of cold on bee bread, is also prohibited.

Low temperatures can also have a negative impact on the type of beekeeping products we are considering. Thus, we can conclude that bee bread cannot be frozen.

When exposed to high humidity, such a product can quickly become moldy. Therefore, such a substance can only be stored in dry places.

Application of bee bread

What do people use bee bread for? The scope of application of this type of beekeeping product is quite extensive.

It can be used as food additives, and if you do not have an individual intolerance to its constituent components, then you do not have to be afraid to eat such a substance. You should not experience any side effects.

In addition, such a substance can be given to the bees themselves so that they store additional energy. This especially applies to weak bee colonies.

However, such a substance is more suitable for bees if it has not been extracted from the honeycomb. The fact is that honey insects love exclusively natural products.

Now let’s look at the storage conditions for such a substance in its already processed form. Although the requirements here are more relaxed, they should also be followed for your own safety.

If you purchased such a medicine in granules, this means that it has already been removed from the honeycomb, and then further cleaned of foreign impurities. First of all, this treatment removes components such as merva and wax from the honeycomb.

The finished granules will have properties such as high density and relative dryness. They can be stored in ordinary glass jars, like ordinary seasoning.

It is not necessary to put the product in the refrigerator. Ordinary room temperature is also suitable for keeping it. Instead of glass jars, you can use small canvas bags.

On the contrary, it is better not to freeze granules. In such conditions, they may begin to become moldy. It is better to leave bags and jars with a small hole to allow air to enter: this will prevent the appearance of a musty smell and bad taste for such a medicine.

If you purchased a similar product in ground form, then you should know that the natural substance in in this case has also undergone some processing. The honeycombs containing this substance were carefully crushed.

This product can be additionally mixed with honey to mutually enhance the healing effect of these products. As for the contents, dark-colored glass containers can be used for such a medicine. The optimal temperature is from 2 to 5 degrees Celsius. It is better to use a dark place for this, as well as dry conditions.

Bee bread finds its application in the national economy. This is due healing properties of this substance.

However, when using it, it is necessary to strictly observe storage conditions and standards. Only then can you achieve the desired effect.