Recipe for fish soup from river fish at home. Delicious soup at home. Which fish to choose

Ear - delicious dish, which has a specific, but pleasant aroma. Being in its essence, it must necessarily be prepared only from freshly caught products. Otherwise, the dish will no longer be considered a real fish soup. Moreover, the use of frozen ingredients is not allowed. This article describes how to prepare an ear from river fish. Getting this camping dish is quite easy and simple.

For example: in the spring, the cherry tree flower predominates; in summer it is customary to consume cold dishes such as cold pasta or "soba"; in autumn they eat fried fish and decorate it with red leaves; in winter they eat dishes cooked in special burners next to the dust of the fire, where they participate and share visitors in their preparation, one of the famous is "Sukiyaki", a soup of meat and vegetables. This is usually done by a human, perhaps because of the ancestral custom of hunting, the human takes the prey and cooks it. - The combination of colors, flavors, cooking modes and elements is important.

The best and most delicious fish soup from river fish is obtained by using several of its species. When preparing this truly camping dish, immediately after the catch on an open fire, all the “little things” caught on a fishing trip are necessarily used. It is poured into the cauldron, while ruffs and perches can not even be cleaned of scales. But you still have to gut any fish, even small ones. How more species is used, the richer and more aromatic the broth is.

They use 5 colors, 5 fragrances, 5 arts and 5 elements. - Time, details and variety are basically what you need. The ware is various and helps to carry out this principle. - Cutting vegetables and fish is fundamental, according to the ingredient, and its cooking form will have a different treatment. For fried, it is necessary to cut the sheets; for mixtures, diagonal; for salads, slices. For example: Eggplants are cut for frying and boiling, cut into saute, cones for frying, brushes for frying, or cut to length without damaging the shape, for cooking and frying. - Cooking vegetables is also important for them appearance, boiled vegetables are preparing in in large numbers water and for a short time, so they retain their shape, their nutritional value and are easily digested.

While the ear is being cooked from a small one, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Caught larger individuals are carefully and carefully released from the intestines, as it is possible to accidentally crush the gallbladder. Such a "defective" fish, butchered "hastily", can spoil the whole dish with a bitter taste. Therefore, if bile gets on the meat, cut it off without sparing, while capturing the surface around it a little, and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Divided into equal pieces, put medium and large carcasses into the broth after straining it. Also, river fish soup is usually dressed with vegetables such as onions, fresh carrot, potato. During cooking, be careful not to overcook the ingredients. After immersion in the ear of the fish mass, 10-20 minutes is enough. Be sure to use a variety of spices and herbs in large quantities. Serve the dish hot, "smoky", putting a few pieces of fish on each plate.

Cooked vegetables, or sauteed at a high temperature, and with a well-heated skillet, keep them from softening or stirring during cooking. Marinated vegetables with salt, lemon and soy sauce within 1 or 3 days emphasize its taste. - There must always be harmony between the ingredients, the container and the utensil in which each dish is served. If the dish is square, it is advisable to serve round items, and vice versa, if the stew contains broth, it should be presented in a bowl.

White rice is always served in a small bowl and separate from other dishes. - Aesthetics advises many dishes with not large quantity food, she frowned at a plate of more food. - A poorly presented dish where the vegetables appear watery, dark, or poorly trimmed is rejected by the diner. Utensils Using different utensils for each type of food prevents mixing of flavors in food. - Wooden bowls covered with several layers of lacquer have the ability to resist acid, alcohol, salt and moisture, in addition, they do not transmit heat, the latter is of fundamental importance, since the Japanese are used to eating with a bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other. - Chopsticks or Khashi, the custom of eating directly from the dishes determined the length of the chopsticks.

from river fish "Private"

2.5-3 kg of freshly caught (any) fish;

3.5 liters of raw plain water;

2 medium onions;

1 carrot;

1 small parsnip root;

4 medium potatoes, chopped;

3 bay leaves;

1 large bunch of fresh young dill;

There may be a relation to social status, as the Emperor uses shorter than the rest of the court. A cup that cannot be eaten with chopsticks is not Japanese dish, For example, fried rice of Chinese origin or Hindu curry with rice, among others, they are consumed with a fork and spoon respectively. Chopsticks are used for both eating and cooking, the difference is that the latter are longer and are called "culinary gouges", their size makes it easier to handle food, prevent burns, stay away from the oven and sprinkle with grease.

7-8 peas of fragrant black pepper;

1 tsp dry tarragon powder;

1 incomplete art. l. ordinary salt.


  1. In hot, lightly salted water, put the potatoes, chopped into strips. You can immediately lower the fish heads (without gills) and tails.
  2. After boiling, remove the resulting foam. Finely chop the onion and parsnips, and chop the carrots with coarse grater. Put the vegetable mass in a saucepan and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  3. Ear from river fish must necessarily consist of large pieces, and not too overcooked. Divide the most important mandatory ingredient into equal portions (5-6 cm wide) and dip into the finished broth with vegetables.
  4. After 15 min. slowly cooking the fish will come to readiness. Salt to taste and add all the spices. Chopped greens are thrown into the ear after the fire is turned off. Let the dish rest for about 10 minutes. The aroma is indescribable, isn't it?

I propose to arrange a fish day and cook hearty ear from river fish asp. Fans of sport fishing often cook it outdoors, on a fire, however, at home, the dish turns out to be no less nutritious and tasty.

In certain Shinto or religious ceremonies, the priest uses long chopsticks to give food as a gift to worshipers by placing it in the palm of their hand. It is not good to perceive or take food by the direct means of chopsticks, this happens only in the ceremonies mentioned. In the case of serving a tray plate, chopsticks can be used on the thick side, i.e. do not use a stick on the side that eats. This is also a mistake, at the table, hesitate with chopsticks in front of the food dish, it will make him seem indecisive, it is better to serve what will actually be eaten.

Asp fish soup at home - another recipe for lovers fish dishes. Transparent rich broth, unsurpassed taste and aroma will leave few people indifferent. I had an asp fish (a representative of the carp family), from which the head and other parts suitable for cooking fish soup remained. The carcass was quite large, I fried it, here is the recipe. And the head and part of the ridge was enough for large saucepan first course. A mandatory rule is that fish soup from any fish must be boiled in non-oxidizing dishes. Best for hob enamel pan. If you plan to cook fish soup in the oven, then you can take earthenware.

When offered long pastas, they are eaten with chopsticks that have slots to keep the food from slipping. There are also disposable toothpicks that are used once and are usually thrown into restaurants for hygiene reasons. - The spoon is used for desserts. - A knife on the table is not needed, as the berries come in bite-sized pieces, but if it is basic for cutting ingredients, especially fish, which requires very precise and thin cuts. - A piece of porcelain or other material, visually designed and of various shapes, is used to rest the chopsticks for cleaning the table and dishes. - There are dishes of different sizes, shapes and decorations, each with its own special function. - Cups with lids are used to serve miso soup because the liquid has to reach the table very hot.

Recipe Information

Cuisine : Russian .

Cooking method: cooking .

Total cooking time: 40 min.

Servings: 5 .


  • asp fish head and spine
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • greenery
  • pepper, salt
  • vodka - 50 ml (optional)
  • water - about 2.5 liters
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice.