How to draw on coffee foam at home. How to draw on coffee

Many people start the morning with a fragrant cup. strong coffee, however, only a small part of the lovers of this wonderful drink know that very interesting and unusual drawings can be made on its surface! By using this method people confess their love to each other or just want to give a pleasant surprise to a loved one. How to make drawings on coffee is the topic of this article. Thanks to the instructions given here, you will learn the basic methods and secrets for making the most beautiful coffee designs.

Drawing on coffee began several centuries ago in Italy. At first, the images were mostly flowers or hearts. Today, this type of art is called latte art, and artists are called baristas or coffee bartenders, who have advanced far in their creative work and can depict not only standard flower leaves, but also beautiful portraits and landscapes. However, is it possible to do this at home and, most importantly, how?

Drawing on coffee at home - drawing methods

Today, among amateurs and professionals of latte art, as a rule, there are five main techniques:

  • Etching - drawing with a thin pointed object (for example, a toothpick)
  • Pitching. With the help of a pitcher - a special jug made of stainless steel, you can draw a heart, a flower, an apple and other drawings that are considered their derivatives. Pitching is the most difficult type of drawing and requires experience and considerable time to learn.
  • Mixed media is a combination of the first two methods.
  • 3D technique is the creation of three-dimensional figures on the surface of the drink.
  • Stencil - the easiest and simplest, with which you can master the art of latte art without any special skills!

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods:

  1. The essence of the first method is as follows: you need to add whipped cream to the coffee surface (previously turn them into a thick foam), tint them a little chocolate icing and then start drawing any drawing with a toothpick! However, the disadvantage of this method is that not everyone has good artistic abilities. Using this method, you can draw a twig with leaves, a heart or a tree, but more complex drawings (portraits, landscapes) are best done using a stencil, given the lack of preparation and lack of experience.
  2. The stencil technique is simple in that it only requires a stencil to work, which can be created in any shape (drawing, inscription), and then you just need to attach it to a mug of coffee and sprinkle grated chocolate or cinnamon through the workpiece. As you can imagine, this is done quite simply and quickly!

Step by step instructions on how to draw

  1. Pre-heat the mug, and brew coffee in a Turk. You can also melt chocolate or regular instant coffee, which will be used as a "touch-up".
  2. How to whip cream - one of the ways: heat pasteurized milk to 65-70 degrees, and then beat with a mixer or blender (ideally, a French press).
  3. Pour whipped cream into a mug of coffee, apply a stencil and start drawing. Use cinnamon, chocolate, or cocoa for a clearer image.

Now you know how to draw on coffee. Try, experiment, and you can surprise your friends or loved one with your amazing coffee surprise!

All coffee lovers know the joy when a barista serves a cup of latte with a pattern. It is unexpected and pleasant, and especially fun when companies offer different images, while drawn so easily, it would seem, with a few hand movements, in passing. Well, you too can learn how to draw on coffee and master latte art. True, for this you will have to work out, and drink (or treat friends) large quantity coffee. But then you can also surprise and delight your guests.

To draw on coffee, you need a coffee machine with a milk frother function. Just like that, with a whisk, you won’t beat it. Simple battery-operated beaters are also difficult, at least until you have experience. We will talk about the methods available to you in such conditions, but later. First, let's deal with traditional way. We take:

  • Quality milk, better than 3.5%. The more fat content, the stronger the foam will be;
  • Coffee - do not take the best one until you learn - spoil quite a lot of product, and drinking so much espresso in a short time is harmful;
  • Pitcher, stainless steel pitcher for whipping. You can use any other, but with this you will definitely feel the right temperature and be able to whip the milk to the right degree. It is a jug that is needed, a metal bowl will not work;
  • Cup, preferably round;
  • A toothpick or a special thicker wooden stick;
  • Espresso machine;
  • Syrup, preferably chocolate (not for all recipes).

You need to make the perfect creamy milk foam that will create the "cushion" for the drawing, the base on which the white drawing will then rest.

First, you need cold milk, and do not heat it before steaming. When it comes to latte, whole is usually used. fat milk- fat-free for beginners is definitely not suitable. Pour the milk into a jug and lower the steamer into it, but be careful not to raise it too high. If you see big bubbles, it means the steamer is too high.

Hold the jug with your other hand - when it gets very hot - it means that the desired temperature of about 60 degrees has been reached. Tap the pitcher on the table to remove large bubbles and thicken the foam. Swirl the milk a little and it will be ready to pour.

While you're making froth, brew your espresso. You can even make it ahead of time, let it cool a little, it's better than the foam settling while you brew coffee.

How to draw on coffee: 3 ideas and instructions

So, you have a round (not too flat and not too tall) cup with a shot of espresso in it. Now let's try to draw.


The most simple and invariably pleasing drawing. Tilt the cup at a 45 degree angle with one hand and pour the milk into the center with the other. The jug must be held high so that the milk spills through the layer of coffee to the bottom of the cup. When the cup is three-quarters full, shake your hand a little (not the cup, but the jug), then bring the jug closer to the cup and pour until you notice the appearance of white circles. The moment the cup is almost full, pour the milk in a line from one side to the other across the center.

Rosette, she is a plant, leaves

On the net, it is called differently, but these are the same leaves of different sizes, similar to a plant or a twig. Tilt the cup at about a 45 degree angle and start pouring the milk, but don't hold the jug too close to the cup. Make sure the milk flow is thin so that it creates a base as the froth sinks to the bottom.

When the cup is three-quarters full, bring the pitcher closer to the cup until he is almost in contact with it. As soon as the jug touches the cup, pour in a little more milk and you will see a dot of white foam. At this point, start moving the pitcher from one side to the other. When you reach the rim of the cup, start pouring less milk, lift the pitcher and pour a stream of milk through the center. It turns out that you first draw the wide part, reach the tip, and then draw a line to the base.

Chocolate star, snowflake

To prevent the syrup from sinking to the bottom, you need to make your foam thicker, this will keep it on top. Beat it a little harder. Using syrup, draw a spiral from the center of the mug to the edge. Then take a toothpick or something slightly thicker and then draw lines from the center out to the edge. Make five stripes to make it look like a star. Then between these lines make lines from the edge to the center. Ready! Do not forget to wipe the tip of the toothpick with a napkin after each line.

The syrup should be in a bottle with a thin spout, not liquid, not in glass bottles with a portion dispenser.

On a thick cushion of foam, you can draw anything with chocolate, write inscriptions. You can also make a thread:

Draw a snake along the edge of half of the cup and stretch it with a toothpick - you get a branch of the plant. And in the center you can draw a circle, and stretching it out with a toothpick, get a heart.

How to make a drawing on coffee if the foam is not whipped

Don't worry, you can decorate the drink anyway. To do this, you will need a stencil - it can be easily made from any paper. Cut out a heart or something more complicated, you can bend the paper to make it symmetrical.

  • Grate chocolate or take cinnamon.
  • Holding the stencil over the cup, fill in the decor.
  • Even if the foam is frankly weak, you will make the drink interesting and beautiful.

Try, experiment, and you can make a drawing on coffee.


  1. To make a drawing on coffee, the main thing is to beat a strong foam, on the basis of which it will hold white layer drawing.
  2. The easiest way to beat the foam is with a steamer in a pitcher.
  3. Pour first at a 45 degree angle, then level the cup and pour until a white circle is visible, then paint by moving the jug.
  4. Well-whipped foam holds chocolate or any dark syrup perfectly.
  5. AT last resort, you can draw a heart through a stencil, sprinkling cinnamon through it.

Hello. Lately, creativity has made me happy and gives me energy, or rather a video with drawing on YouTube. I was looking for information on drawing on T-shirts and came across incredibly original coffee pictures. Coffee-art is an original technique for creating paintings using coffee. Today it is becoming more and more popular. Coffee-addicted artists are subject to any subjects, from self-portraits to translations of masterpieces of world art into the language of coffee. Drawings of coffee on paper are unusual and admirable. And it’s easy to draw, see the detailed master classes on the video.

  1. Paper. It is better to choose thick watercolor paper, with a density of at least 200 g / m2.
  2. Tassels. Good natural brushes (for example, speakers) are suitable, as well as synthetic ones. I like synthetics because the brushes are quite elastic and do not lose the villi when drawing. Basically, I use synthetic brushes of different sizes. Wide - for the background, thin - for small details.
  3. Coffee. Of course, we need to talk about coffee. For drawing, you can also use very tightly brewed ground coffee(stronger than ristretto). But I prefer instant ground coffee in granules. It is instant coffee that allows you to get a rich, almost black tone. And this allows you to make drawings contrasting, from the lightest shades to deep dark accents. Indian artist Amita Dutta refers to her painting solutions as "coffee syrups". Indeed, you can dilute coffee in such a way that you get a syrupy thick natural paint. The brand of coffee is not critical, but I use organic coffee. It is produced completely without the use of chemicals, without dyes and flavors - they simply brew the coffee extract and dry it.
  4. Water. Ordinary clean water is needed both for preparing the coffee solution and for washing the brushes during the drawing process.

Detailed lesson in Russian

Many people start the morning with a fragrant cup of strong coffee, but only a small part of lovers of this wonderful drink know that very interesting and unusual drawings can be made on its surface! With the help of this method, people confess their love to each other or simply want to give a pleasant surprise to a loved one. How to make drawings on coffee is the topic of this article. Thanks to the instructions given here, you will learn the basic methods and secrets for making the most beautiful coffee designs.

Drawing on coffee began several centuries ago in Italy. At first, the images were mostly flowers or hearts. Today, this type of art is called latte art, and artists are called baristas or coffee bartenders, who have advanced far in their creative work and can depict not only standard flower leaves, but also beautiful portraits and landscapes. However, is it possible to do this at home and, most importantly, how?

Drawing on coffee at home - drawing methods

Today, among amateurs and professionals of latte art, as a rule, there are five main techniques:

  • Etching - drawing with a thin pointed object (for example, a toothpick)
  • Pitching. With the help of a pitcher - a special jug made of stainless steel, you can draw a heart, a flower, an apple and other drawings that are considered their derivatives. Pitching is the most difficult type of drawing and requires experience and considerable time to learn.
  • Mixed media is a combination of the first two methods.
  • 3D technique is the creation of three-dimensional figures on the surface of the drink.
  • Stencil - the easiest and simplest, with which you can master the art of latte art without any special skills!

Let's take a closer look at some of these methods:

  1. The essence of the first method is as follows: you need to add whipped cream to the coffee surface (previously turn them into a thick foam), tint them a little with chocolate icing and then start drawing any pattern with a toothpick! However, the disadvantage of this method is that not everyone has good artistic abilities. Using this method, you can draw a twig with leaves, a heart or a tree, but more complex drawings (portraits, landscapes) are best done using a stencil, given the lack of preparation and lack of experience.
  2. The stencil technique is simple in that it only requires a stencil to work, which can be created in any shape (drawing, inscription), and then you just need to attach it to a mug of coffee and sprinkle grated chocolate or cinnamon through the workpiece. As you can imagine, this is done quite simply and quickly!

Step by step instructions on how to draw

  1. Pre-heat the mug, and brew coffee in a Turk. You can also melt chocolate or regular instant coffee, which will be used as a "touch-up".
  2. How to whip cream - one of the ways: heat pasteurized milk to 65-70 degrees, and then beat with a mixer or blender (ideally, a French press).
  3. Pour whipped cream into a mug of coffee, apply a stencil and start drawing. Use cinnamon, chocolate, or cocoa for a clearer image.

Now you know how to draw on coffee. Try, experiment, and you can surprise your friends or loved one with your amazing coffee surprise!

A cup of coffee with a pattern on milk foam - branded feature of many coffee houses and cafes. For the institution, this is a way to attract new visitors, for the barista, it is an opportunity to show their imagination and creativity.

To make something like this at home for a person who has not undergone special training and does not have the same technical capabilities as a professional barista is not easy, but one must try.

If successful, you will present to your beloved or beloved not just “coffee in bed” (although this is already great), but a confirmation of sincere feelings, if it is, for example, a cup with the inscription “I love you” on the foam or a drawing of a heart.

In the instructions for beginner artists, it is emphasized that the main component of success is a good milk foam, which is applied to the drawing. Nevertheless, own coffee foam is also extremely important - in a well-brewed drink, it lasts for a long time, giving the master the opportunity to create. Sometimes this foam is sprinkled with cocoa powder, and this contributes to the traditional coffee color scheme additional, beige shades. Information about the benefits and harms of cocoa powder can be found. Read the article on how to properly whip milk for cappuccino.

Varieties of coffee art

Coffee painting is developing in several directions:

  • pitching - to decorate the drink, a vessel for frothing milk, which is called a "pitcher" is used;
  • etching - a drawing is created using foamed milk, and the artist’s tool is some kind of pointed object;
  • cappuccino art - in addition to milk, safe edible dyes are used here;
  • multi-art - is a combination of etching and cappuccino art;
  • espresso art - the "canvas" for applying patterns is the so-called "cream" - the foam on the surface of the espresso.

Recipes for making espresso coffee at home can be found.

You can make a drawing using different types technology. One of them is called stencil and more suitable for beginners, since the pattern or inscription is already carved on a special plate, which greatly simplifies the task of the coffee artist. The second is 3D technique. It is not difficult to guess what it is: realistic, voluminous (they can be viewed from different angles) images are the aerobatics of latte art.

By the way, recently this technology ceases to be the lot of the elite. A unique Ripple Maker machine has been created that literally reproduces drawings and inscriptions from a customer’s smartphone onto coffee foam in just seconds. The maximum dimensions of the original (text, photos, including selfies) are 180 x 95 mm.

How to draw on coffee

Whatever drawing technique the master chooses, he first of all prepares an invigorating high-quality espresso or cappuccino in a coffee machine. The drink is poured into a cup or glass (as you like) and sprinkled with chocolate, cocoa powder or cinnamon on top. Thanks to these ingredients, the drawing will turn out to be especially interesting, expressive.

Then milk foam is prepared. Cream (fat content of 30 percent) or milk (fat content of at least 3-3.5) is best suited for this purpose. The foam preparation technology provides use of chilled product, which is then heated to the required temperature and at the same time whipped under pressure.

The whipping process, according to experts, should not be too long, because its purpose is to achieve a degree of easy thickening of the product. To simplify the task, in addition to coffee machines, a special milk jug (pitcher) is provided, they are used as follows:

For a beginner, this will be quite difficult to do, but experienced baristas are able to achieve the desired result in different ways:

  • placing the pitcher at different heights from the cup (thus changing the strength of the jet);
  • adjusting the speed of the jet;
  • by selecting various points on the coffee surface and directing the jet to them.

To apply patterns, various thin and sharp sticks like toothpicks. They are lowered into coffee to the desired depth, and then raised, grabbing a little coffee and bringing it to a snow-white surface, and applying a light dark stroke, geometric lines, zigzags, ovals, flowers to it.

Also suitable for creating original coffee pictures confectionery syringe with a thin nozzle, it is filled liquid chocolate or thick syrup(caramel, strawberry, chocolate) and create patterns directly on top of the milk foam.

If the perfect picture does not work out, for a start it is better to master a simpler way of drawing - using a stencil, buying ready-made or cutting it out yourself from cardboard. Stencils should be slightly wider in diameter than a cup or mug, but the pattern should not go beyond it.

If you make a stencil yourself, try not to make the slits too thick - then the image will turn out to be more elegant. The stencil is placed over a cup, the surface of which is covered with milk foam, and grated chocolate, cinnamon, and ground nuts are poured onto it. On a dark surface of espresso, it will be interesting to look at the image from powdered sugar- for example, a swan, a bunny, a deer.

Technique for creating patterns and images

Latte art, as if on three whales, stands on three basic design elements, these are:

  • heart;
  • Apple;
  • rosette (rose).

It is necessary to learn how to perform these particular drawings, then other, more complex ones, will be easier, because they, as a rule, are a kind of combination of basic techniques multiplied by the performer's imagination. Here's how it's done.

Heart: a circle is mentally drawn on the surface of the coffee and filled with milk through the pitcher's nose (it should be directed to the center of the circle), at the final stage, the pitcher is lifted, the stream is made very thin and crosses out the circle filled with milk in diameter.

Apple: they begin to draw it from the wall of the cup, depicting a small twig, and then, sending a stream of milk to the center of the cup, create the fruit itself.

Flower (rosette): the surface is mentally divided into 4 sectors and first the two upper “quarters” are filled, then, shaking the pincher slightly, they fill the lower left and lower right, the last portions of milk are poured out in a zigzag motion. They complete the work, as in the case of the heart, lifting the pitcher and crossing out the picture with a thin stream.

Tulip: at the heart of this image are several hearts that are crossed by a milk strip-"stalk".

The following video will help you consolidate your skills:

What kind of coffee foam is needed to make a drawing at home

Pessimists argue that without professional equipment, patterns cannot be drawn on coffee. Optimists try and succeed. The goal is to prepare a foam of such density that it retains the pattern for a quarter of an hour. To do this, the foam should consist of the smallest bubbles. If they are large, the mass will be loose and will settle very quickly, dissolve in the drink along with the pattern.

You can get the foam of the desired density using:

  • hand mixer (whipping cream should be while heating them to 70 degrees);
  • manual milk frother(He will complete the task faster).

In any case, coffee must be brewed in advance, because the milk foam will not wait, it must be put into operation immediately.

In an art like latte art, not all baristas are willing to divulge their deepest secrets. But even if they share them, beginners have to train for a very long time in order to reproduce the "handwriting" of the master. Here are some tips that might be helpful:

  • to direct the image in the right direction, the line-jet is drawn with a sharp, fast movement;
  • the heart pattern performs not only a decorative, but also a taste function - the foam goes down from the center to the edge of the cup, enhancing the aroma of each sip;
  • to make multi-colored drawings, you can use syrups, in which a little starch is added for density;
  • be sure to heat the cup so that the coffee and milk foam poured into it remain hot longer;
  • if sugar needs to be added to coffee, it is better to sprinkle foam on them, if rum or cognac - pour directly into coffee.