Brief history of McDonald's. Who owns fast food in Russia

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 McDonald's (3) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

McDonald's is an American corporation, the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants. Richard and Maurice McDonald Richard J. McDonald (1909–1998) & Maurice McDonald (1902–1971) brothers, owners of the first fast food restaurant. Come from a family... ... The fate of eponyms. Dictionary-reference book

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Corporation ... Wikipedia

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McDonald's Corporation Founded May 15, 1940 Key figures Michael Roberts (president) Type Public company ... Wikipedia

McDonald's Corporation Founded May 15, 1940 Key figures Michael Roberts (president) Type Public company ... Wikipedia

McDonald's Corporation Founded May 15, 1940 Key figures Michael Roberts (president) Type Public company ... Wikipedia

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After reading this article, you are unlikely to want to eat at McDonald's and would prefer to cook at home.

1. Raymond Albert Kroc drove the McDonald brothers out of business simply out of a desire to annoy them.

McDonald's was founded in 1940 by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. In 1961, American entrepreneur Raymond Albert Kroc, who had previously collaborated with McDonald's, acting as the exclusive franchising agent, bought all rights to the company from them for $2.7 million.

The McDonald brothers decided to keep their very first restaurant, which they renamed "Big M". They only managed to buy furniture and renovate the interior, like Kroc, who, apparently, hated the McDonald brothers and decided to annoy them. Shortly after the deal was completed, Kroc opened a new McDonald's directly across from the Big M restaurant, putting him out of business.

2. McDonald's food doesn't spoil for years.

Food from McDonald's does not spoil for years. This is a well established fact. In 1999, American David Whipple bought a hamburger at McDonald's, put it in his coat pocket and forgot about it. Imagine his surprise when, fourteen years later, he took a hamburger out of his coat pocket and saw that it was fresh and had not spoiled at all.

If this doesn't seem suspicious to you, then perhaps you will be concerned by the fact that neither beetles nor flies want to eat McDonald's food left outdoors.

According to representatives of the McDonald's company, their hamburgers do not spoil for a long time because they contain virtually no water. According to scientists, McDonald's food is overloaded with fat, sugar and salt, so under normal conditions it does not spoil and rot.

3. McDonald's French fries contain 14 ingredients.

The McDonald's company is trying in every possible way to convince the public that the food sold in their restaurants is not harmful, as we are accustomed to believe.

As part of this effort, the company's owners paid Grant Imahara, a contestant on the TV show MythBusters, to go on camera to say that McDonald's food was "natural." However, the large-scale propaganda launched by the company did not help hide the fact that the French fries served at McDonald's in the United States contain fourteen chemical additives and preservatives. For comparison: French fries sold in Russia are made from, strictly speaking, potatoes, vegetable oil, salt and sugar.

4. McDonald's salad is worse than a Big Mac

Salad is certainly a healthy thing, but only if you prepared it yourself and did not buy it at McDonald's. The ingredients McDonald's workers use to make salads typically include dressing and fried chicken. This makes salads so unhealthy that in some situations you might be better off ordering a Big Mac than a side of salad that has twice the fat of a double bacon cheeseburger and fries.

5. McDonald's was involved in one of the longest lawsuits in history.

You may not be too surprised to learn that McDonald's has been involved in one of the most protracted legal cases in English history. But you will certainly be amazed by the fact that the owners of McDonald's ultimately won it (but only on paper), having spent ten years of time and a decent amount of money. They were opposed not by companies or lawyers representing the interests of numerous people, but by two ordinary British citizens who did not want corporations to get away with the ruthless destruction of nature.

The story began in 1986, when five London residents began handing out leaflets near one of the capital's McDonald's, calling for support for the campaign against the destruction of tropical forests by the owners of McDonald's. They also accused the company of using children in its advertising and exploiting workers. When the owners of McDonald's began to suffer losses from this, they immediately accused the campaigners of libel. Three of them were frightened by the legal battle with McDonald's and withdrew from the game, but Helen Steele and David Morris resolutely stood their ground; they wanted the company to receive the punishment it deserved.

After the trial began, in which Steele and Morris were forced to represent themselves, McDonald's owners spent millions of dollars trying to force the couple to back down, but to no avail.

Helen Steele and David Morris subsequently appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. They considered it unfair that they were not allowed to seek legal help, while the owners of McDonald's hired an army of lawyers. The court agreed with them and ordered the British government to pay compensation in the amount of several thousand pounds.

Technically, McDonald's won the case, but to achieve this they had to spend millions of dollars and ten years in court. Meanwhile, Morris and Steele spent £30,000 and received compensation of £57,000 after going to the European Court. This can certainly be called a victory.

6. Tax evasion

McDonald's, like other large corporations, uses many loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Over the past decade, the company has been accused several times of evading billions in taxes, but it has never received the punishment it deserves. In turn, representatives of McDonald's say that they always pay taxes on time.

7. McDonald's Tried To Hire Rappers For Big Mac Ads

Modern consumers are gradually becoming immune to traditional advertising methods. As a result, companies have to find new ways to get people to buy their products. There was a time when the owners of McDonald's approached many hip-hop stars with a request (for a certain amount of money, of course) to include the word "Big Mac" in their songs and constantly ran into refusal.

Under the terms of the deal, rappers would receive five dollars for every time a song that mentioned the word "Big Mac" was played on the radio. Naturally, not a single rapper agreed to accept such a “profitable” offer.

8. In the 1990s, McDonald's stopped tracking the number of customers served.

For years, McDonald's has kept track of how many customers they served in twelve months at their restaurants around the world. Every year their number increased until it eventually reached 99 billion. After this, McDonald's stopped tracking the number of customers served. In 1994, the company's owners decided it would be easier to write "billions of customers" on restaurant signs rather than reinstall them every couple of years.

9. Filet-o-Fish and Pathetic Burger

Everyone knows that the Filet-o-Fish burger was added to the McDonald's menu in order to attract devout Catholics, who traditionally did not eat meat on Fridays, to the chain's restaurant, which was located in a Catholic suburb and was not particularly popular.

When the creator of the Filet-o-Fish first presented his creation to Raymond Kroc, he didn't think the fish burger would become so popular, so he was preparing to surprise everyone with the Hula Burger (a bun with a slice of pineapple). His expectations were not met. “Fillet-o-Fish”, according to consumers, turned out to be better than “Hula Burger”, which is not surprising.

10. The actors who played Ronald McDonald were not allowed to tell children where their food came from.

Ronald McDonald was relegated to a tertiary role in McDonald's commercials after most people began to think that clowns were creepy and scary. However, decades ago, Ronald McDonald was one of the most recognizable and beloved mascot characters on Earth.

An interesting fact is that the actors who played the role of Ronald McDonald never ate hamburgers or French fries from McDonald's because it could ruin their makeup. In addition, they were not allowed to tell the children what the food was made from at McDonald's. If one of the children asked where the food sold at McDonald's came from, the clowns answered that hamburgers and French fries were grown in special fields.

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Let's look at the very first establishment under this sign in the world.

The very first establishment of the brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald opened in 1940 in the Californian town of San Bernardino. It was an ordinary cafe for motorists. It brought them about $200,000 a year, but Richard and Maurice were constantly looking for ways to improve it. The very first restaurant was called “McDonald’s Famous Barbeque” and offered its visitors about forty types of fried meat.

In the photo above you can see exactly that original restaurant in its original form.

When in 1948 the brothers realized that their main income came from selling hamburgers, a brilliant idea came to their minds. The move was risky, but they decided to do it and converted the restaurant’s interior into a hamburger production line. The menu also changed, now there were several types of hamburgers, Orange juice and chips, and a year later the menu was replenished with French fries and, beloved by all of America, Coca-Cola. A limited menu and fast conveyor service allowed the price of hamburgers to be reduced to 15 cents, which was much lower than what other establishments in the city offered. The sandwiches sold out with a bang!

They were the first in the world to introduce a completely new concept of fast food, based on fast service, low prices and high sales volume. They introduced self-service in the hall and remodeled the kitchen, changing equipment with the expectation of mass production and greater speed of preparation of portions. This sharply reduced the prices of hamburgers, which formed the basis of their range.

Word of their success quickly spread, and after an article about their restaurant was published in American Restaurant Magazine in 1952, they began receiving 300 inquiries a month from all over the country. Their first licensee was Neil Fox, and the brothers decided that his drive-in restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona, would be a prototype for the chain they wanted to create. The building, clad in red and white tiles, with a sloped roof and golden arches on the sides, became the model for the first wave of McDonald's restaurants to appear in the country, and a permanent symbol of the industry.

Crawling around their tennis court, the McDonald brothers chalked out an assembly line-style kitchen design that was twice the size of their first restaurant's kitchen. By studying the movement of workers during the cooking process, they were able to arrange equipment most efficiently. The rain washed away the chalk, and the brothers had to redo everything again, improving the design. They could not have dreamed of such success for their business in San Bernardino, but the potential of the franchising concept, of which they were pioneers, was far from being fully exploited.

For just a thousand dollars, licensees received the name "McDonald's", a fundamental description of the high-speed service system, and could, within one to two weeks, use the services of Art Bender, the brothers' first employee at the counter at the new restaurant, who helped the licensees get started. But in 1954, a traveling salesman selling milkshake machines, Ray Kroc, saw with his own eyes the McDonald brothers restaurant. The quick service restaurant industry was ready to take off.

In 1955, the McDonald brothers submitted licenses that would allow them to open a chain of fast food restaurants in neighboring cities. The list of cities where it planned to open branches included Phoenix, Arizona and Downey. Downey is still home to one of the very first restaurants. When it came to opening a chain of restaurants across America, the brothers took on Ray Kroc, who sold machines that made milkshakes, as partners. McDonald's became a corporation in April 1955. The first restaurant, which was opened by McDonald's, was called Original McDonald's, and it was from here that the story of success and popularity of the world-famous chain began. Coca-Cola has been a partner of McDonald's, one might say, since its founding.

Exterior of the first store in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Ray Kroc was 52 years old. At this age, many people are thinking about retirement. And Kroc founded the company that became the McDonald's we know today. Kroc, who dropped out of school at age 15 to work as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross during World War I, was a dreamer...a traveling salesman who was constantly looking for a final product to sell. He started out selling paper cups to street vendors in Chicago, dabbled in real estate in Florida, and finally built a nice business as the exclusive distributor of Multimixers. It was the Multimixers that first brought him to the McDonald Brothers hamburger restaurant in San Bernardino, California. After all, if he could discover the secret of how they were able to sell 20,000 cocktails a month, how many more cars could he sell them? But when Kroc showed up at the brothers' restaurant one morning in 1954 and saw a fast-moving line of customers buying whole bags of burgers and fries, he had one single thought: “This system will work everywhere. Everywhere!"

The McDonald brothers did not want to personally oversee the expansion of their concept throughout the country, so Ray Kroc became their exclusive franchising agent. The great traveling salesman had found his final product. On March 2, 1955, Kroc founded a new franchise company called McDonald's System, Inc. On April 15, 1955, his McDonald's restaurant opened in Des Plaines, Illinois, with the help of Art Bender, who provided diners with the first McDonald Brothers hamburger and now Ray Kroc's first McDonald's hamburger. Bender then opened Kroc's first licensed McDonald's restaurant in Fresno, California, and retired as the owner of seven restaurants.

Photo from 1955, this is Ray Kroc's first restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Soon after they opened new restaurant, it became obvious that they had hit the mark and this was exactly what the Americans wanted. The restaurant's name quickly spread among drivers, and its red-and-white tiled building with a sloped roof and golden arches on the sides began to attract more and more customers.

But Kroc knew that to continue to grow, he needed to buy the business from the McDonald brothers to remove the contractual restrictions under which he operated. Despite the successful operation of the restaurants, Kroc's company's net profit in 1960 was only $77,000, and its long-term debts were $5.7 million. The brothers asked for $2.7 million in cash, with $700,000 going to taxes, leaving them with $1 million each. A reasonable price for the time, the brothers thought, for inventing the fast food industry. In 1961, Kroc managed to obtain a loan against the company's real estate. And although it ultimately cost him $14 million to pay off the loan, he bought control over his growing system.

McDonald's team in Des Plaines.

That same year, in the basement of a restaurant in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, he opened Hamburger University, a training class for new licensees and restaurant managers, which grew into an international training center for senior management using advanced training methods.

Milestones of growth in the United States included turnover, number of restaurants, number of hamburgers sold, and the establishment of standards of quality, service culture, cleanliness and availability (QC&A) previously unknown in the fast food industry. By 1963 we were selling one million hamburgers a day, Ray Kroc sold the billionth hamburger to Art Linkletter during a television show.

The first national meeting of restaurant licensees was held in Hollywood, Florida in 1965 to commemorate the chain's tenth anniversary. And in the same year, McDonald's became a joint-stock company, putting its shares on public sale at a price of $22.5. Within weeks, stock prices soared to $49 per share.

For Ray Kroc, years without a paycheck paid off. The first shares he sold were worth $3 million, and the remaining shares he held were worth $32 million. Even June Martino, Kroc's longtime partner and secretary at Multimixer, shared in his success, selling $300,000 worth of stock and keeping an additional $5 million in stock. A year later, on July 5, 1966, McDonald's was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, a major achievement for the hamburger chain. In 1967, the price of a hamburger at McDonald's increased from 15 to 18 cents, the first increase since the McDonald brothers set the price at 15 cents two decades ago. And the next year, the thousandth restaurant opened in Des Plaines, Illinois, not far from Kroc's first restaurant.

Ray Kroc has maintained the principles laid down by the McDonald brothers: a limited but high-quality menu, an assembly-line portion system and fast and friendly service, while adding the highest standards of cleanliness. The quality of food, accessibility, service culture and cleanliness to this day remain the main principles of the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain, which have won success all over the world.

By 1970, nearly 16,000 McDonald's restaurants in all 50 states and four countries outside the United States had sales of $587 million. That same year, a restaurant in Bloomington, Minnesota became the first to achieve $1 million in annual sales, and a restaurant in Waikiki, Hawaii, became the first to serve breakfast. The following year, the first McTown opened in Chula Vista, California. McDonald's crossed the billion-dollar sales mark in 1972 and split its shares for the fifth time, bringing the original 1965 stock of 100 shares to 1,836 shares.

In 1975, the first McAuto restaurant opened in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This new service system now accounts for almost half of the turnover of all McDonald's restaurants in the United States. That same year, the company's 3,076 restaurants operating in 20 countries generated $2.5 billion in sales. The following year, the 20 billionth hamburger was sold.

Exterior of the first fast food restaurant with its neon arches, 1955

In 1977, Ray Kroc was named senior chairman of McDonald's, and Fred Turner, a grill man at Kroc's first restaurant, was named chairman of the board. That same year, more than 1,000 restaurants had sales exceeding $1 million, and 11 restaurants exceeded the $2 million mark. By the time of the Silver Anniversary in 1980, 6,263 restaurants in 27 countries were generating sales of $6.2 billion and more than 35 billion hamburgers had been sold. On January 14, 1984, Ray Kroc died, fulfilling his McDonald's dreams. That same year, his company's sales exceeded $10 billion, 50 billion hamburgers were sold, and there were 8,300 restaurants in 36 countries. A McDonald's restaurant opened every 17 hours worldwide, and the average restaurant generated annual sales of $1,264,000. By 1990, trade turnover had increased to $18.7 billion, and the number of hamburgers sold exceeded 80 billion. 11,800 McDonald's restaurants operated in 54 countries.

And in 1990, the company's leadership changed for only the third time in its history: Fred Turner became Senior Chairman, passing the baton to Mike Quinlan, named chairman and senior executive, who began working at McDonald's part-time in 1963 as a sorting clerk. mail.

Fred Turner and Ray Kroc are considering a future restaurant project

As a testament to its systematic and consistent performance over many years, McDonald's has been the only company in the Standard & Poor 500 to report 100 consecutive quarters of year-over-year growth in revenue, earnings, and earnings per share since 1965. It's no surprise that Better Investing Magazine named McDonald's the most popular company and its common stock the most widely held... And Life magazine named Ray Kroc one of the 100 most important Americans of the 20th century.

The site of the first McDonald's restaurant, San Bernardino, California

Ray Kroc's dreams of growing the company in the United States were fully realized, but the story was just beginning. McDonald's began to conquer the world. While experts were surprised at the rapid development of the hamburger chain in the United States, our company was preparing another surprise for them in the form of expanding the system outside the United States.

The first restaurant outside the United States was in Canada on June 1, 1967, and the race was on. Today there are over 1,000 restaurants in Canada. When McDonald's Canada introduced pizza to its menu in 1992, they overnight became the largest retail chain selling this dish.

First ever McDrive held in Sierra Vista, Arizona

On April 29, 1988, an agreement was signed in Moscow on the creation of a joint venture between the Canadian company McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited and the Main Directorate of Public Catering of the Moscow City Executive Committee - Moscow-McDonald's.

The authorized capital of the future joint venture was 14.952 million rubles.

It was planned that the total number of McDonald's catering establishments in Moscow would be increased to 20.

In 1988, Moscow newspapers reported that the first Moscow McDonald's would hire students and schoolchildren, most of them on a part-time basis. “Given the intensive work, the pay will be high - two to two and a half rubles per hour,” newspapers of those years wrote.

On May 3, 1989, construction began on the first McDonald's restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, and on January 31, 1990, it opened.

At dawn on January 31, 1990, over 5 thousand people gathered in front of the restaurant, waiting for the opening. On the first day of operation, the McDonald's restaurant on Pushkin Square served more than 30 thousand visitors, setting a world record for the first working day in the history of McDonald's. Previously, the world record belonged to a Budapest restaurant - 9 thousand 100 visitors

The first fast food establishment had 700-900 seats inside the building and another 200 in the summer outdoor area.

In 1990, a hamburger cost 1.5 rubles, and a Big Mac cost 3.75 rubles, with the average salary of a Soviet person being 150 rubles. For comparison: a monthly bus pass cost 3 rubles.

The second and third restaurants of the chain opened in 1993 on Old Arbat and Gorky Street (now Tverskaya Street).

The first restaurant outside the capital was opened in St. Petersburg in 1996.

Also in 1996, McDonald's launched Russia's first concept of serving visitors in cars - MakAvto, which works on the principle of several windows, which allows you to order and receive products while in your car.

In 1992, the McComplex was opened for the production of semi-finished products for a chain of restaurants, producing about 70 million kilograms of products per year.

Today there are 218 McDonald's restaurants in Russia, which serve more than 600 thousand visitors daily.

In 1971, the first restaurants were also opened in Germany and Australia. Today there are over 600 restaurants in Germany, and about 635 in Australia. In France and England, the first restaurants appeared in the early 1970s; currently there are 625 enterprises in France, and more than 700 in England.

Here is the oldest McDonald's in Downey, California. The restaurant has remained virtually unchanged since it opened in 1953

Richard McDonald opens the first McDonald's Bar-B-Que in San Bernardino at the intersection of 14th and East streets, where it is still located.

The McDonald brothers decided to renovate their cafe and change the menu, which from now on contains only nine dishes. The main dish on the menu was a 15-cent hamburger, with which, for just 5 cents, visitors could get a huge glass of orange juice.

McDonald's introduces its famous French fries, which become a bestseller.

Ray Kroc visits McDonald's and becomes partners with Richard and Maurice (also known as Dick and Mac). Soon Rey is already an official franchise agent. He introduces a milkshake to the restaurant's menu.

A second McDonald's is opening in Des Plaines, Illinois, thanks in large part to Ray Kroc. On the day the restaurant opened, its revenue was $366.12. Over the next decade, more than 700 McDonald's will open.

23 years after the opening of the first restaurant, the 500th McDonald's opens in Toledo, Ohio.

In 1965, McDonald became a formal corporation by publicly selling its shares at $22.50 per share. The initial sale of shares took place on the 10th anniversary of the opening of the network.

Ronald McDonald entered the business; the net profit of the McDonald's chain exceeded $1 million.

With the opening of the first McDonald's restaurants in Canada and Puerto Rico, McDonald's became an international chain. This process has continued continuously since then, ultimately leading to McDonald's branches being opened today in 118 different countries.

The famous Big Mac appears at McDonald's.

In addition to the lunch menu, McDonald's also offers breakfast, which includes sandwiches and an egg called McMuffin. The Egg McMuffin was invented by Herb Peterson, a McDonald's manager in Santa Barbara, California.

McDonald's is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

In an effort to please customers who care about their figure and health, fresh salads appeared on the McDonald's menu on May 15, 1987.

Opening of the first McDonald's in the USSR and Russia on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. At that time, it was the largest of all the restaurants in this chain, which broke the record of the McDonald's chain, serving 30 thousand visitors on the opening day.

McDonald's launches a website,

In 2005, McDonald celebrated its 50th anniversary of opening its first restaurant.

McDonald's introduced a snack (snack) to the menu, adding a sandwich to lunch.

As part of its competition with cafes and bistros, McDonald's is launching a line of lattes and cappuccinos in restaurants - McCafe, which also includes freshly squeezed fruit cocktails and Frappes.

McDonalds Museum in Des Plaines, Illinois

The museum of this king of fast food is located in San Bernardino, here you can see a mini-replica of the corporation's first restaurant with original equipment, which includes Ray Kroc cocktail machines. Very interesting exhibits are the uniforms of the employees, which were changed several times over the long years of operation of the network. And of course, there are a lot of old advertisements, photographs and a video library, from which you can trace the history of the development of the restaurant chain.


And along the way I’ll remind you what it looks like, and also amazing The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -


The company's first Russian restaurant opened in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square (Bolshaya Bronnaya, 29) on January 31, 1990.

The new establishment, familiar to the West, but in sharp contrast to traditional Soviet public catering, became a real sensation for the USSR: to get into it, you had to stand in line for several hours. On the opening day, the restaurant was visited by 30 thousand visitors, which became a record for the McDonald’s chain.

The second and third restaurants were opened on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya Street) and Old Arbat in the summer of 1993.

Subsequently, the McDonald's network in Russia developed at an increasingly rapid pace. In April 1994, the first restaurant outside Moscow appeared - in Mytishchi, in 1996 - the first restaurant in Russia with the "MakAuto" function (serving customers driving up in cars) - in Moscow. In September 1996, the first restaurant opened in St. Petersburg on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt. By 1999, 50 fast food businesses were operating.

The company's revenue in Russia in 2009 exceeded 33 billion rubles.

On June 7, 2013, McDonald's was opened in Syzran.

On October 4, 2013, the first franchise restaurants were opened in the new terminal of Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg.

In 2014, a planned refurbishment of the Moscow restaurant on Pushkin Square was carried out, which is why it was closed for three months. As of 2015, it served more than 8 thousand people daily.

On July 26, 2014, the chain's first restaurant in Siberia opened in Novosibirsk.

On August 20, 2014, the Moscow Office of Rospotrebnadzor, after an inspection, decided to temporarily close four enterprises, including the most famous first restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square. Within a few months, all restaurants resumed operations.

In 2014, a planned re-equipment of 170 McDonald's enterprises in Russia was carried out.

In 2016, the company opened a distribution center in Novosibirsk to organize supplies to restaurants in Siberia.

On June 28, 2017, McDonald's launched food delivery in Moscow in test mode. Food and drinks were ordered through the UberEats application, the delivery cost was 99 rubles. McDonald's also began testing a new service - the ability to place an order to the table, which the waiter will bring. The service worked in 5 restaurants in Moscow.

In 2017, 41 McDonald's enterprises were opened, including in the cities of Balakovo and Anapa. 5 of them were opened under the management of McDonald's franchise partners in Russia: 3 enterprises in Kazan, Tyumen and Perm from SPP LLC, 2 enterprises in Kemerovo and Barnaul from GiD LLC.

McDonald's announced plans to open 40 more restaurants in Russia. In the same year, the company began changes in the Happy Meal composition in favor of more healthy eating. According to the new standards, the menu will not include cheeseburgers and chocolate milk, items will only be available as an additional option. The calorie content of the menu will not exceed 600 calories. Currently, 28% of children's menus in the 20 countries where McDonald's is present meet these parameters, but they will be distributed in 120 countries. The company also intends to reduce the amount of artificial colors, preservatives and flavors. The share of fats and added sugar in McDonald's products will not exceed 10%. It is planned that by 2022 50% children's menu will meet the new requirements.

McDonald's completely renovates all its restaurants every 10-15 years. Typically, the decorations of the hall are replaced, the design of the facade is changed, the ventilation and air conditioning system is modernized, and electronic terminals for accepting orders for MakAvto and paying for orders in the hall are installed.

The largest number of establishments are located in the capitals: there are 126 McDonald's restaurants in Moscow, and 71 restaurants in St. Petersburg.


As of December 2018, there are 660 McDonald's restaurants in Russia. Almost all restaurants, except those located in food courts of shopping centers, have free Wi-Fi access with mandatory identification provided by VimpelCom and Enforta.

Over the 28 years of operation, McDonald's in Russia has welcomed over 5 billion guests.

Every day, McDonald's restaurants in Russia serve more than 1.5 million visitors.

By the end of 2019, McDonald's will offer a service - the ability to receive your order at the table. The service will be provided at all McDonald's locations in the country.


The chain's interests in Russia are ensured by its subsidiaries - Moscow-McDonald's CJSC and McDonald's LLC. The franchising scheme for opening restaurants in Russia was not used until April 2012 (when the first franchise for opening McDonald's in airports and train stations was issued to the Rosinter company). In 2015, the corporation entered into its first major franchising agreement. McDonald's restaurants will open as franchises in the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk regions and Altai Territory. Thus, an important stage in the development of the chain in Siberia was the opening of the first McDonald's restaurant in Novokuznetsk, where Inrusinvest OJSC is located, with which a franchising agreement was signed. Franchising accounts for more than 90% of McDonald's businesses worldwide.

In Russia in 2018, about 100 McDonald's enterprises are managed by franchisee partners. Development Growth LLC operates enterprises at Pulkovo airports in St. Petersburg and Sheremetyevo airports in Moscow. Guide LLC is developing business in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo regions, the Altai Republic, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory. SPP LLC is engaged in business development in the Sverdlovsk region, Perm region, Orenburg region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk region, Kurgan region, Tyumen region (including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), Republic of Tatarstan, Komi Republic, Kirov region, Mari El Republic, Chuvashia, Udmurtia


As of 2015, the company purchases products from 160 Russian manufacturers, providing more than 98% of production. In Russia, all components of the Big Mac sandwich are supplied by domestic producers. With the exception of French fries, all main menu items are produced in Russia.

Suppliers of meat products use products from Russian factories as meat raw materials.

One of the first enterprises with which McDonald's entered into a supply contract is Belaya Dacha.

The production of McDonald's suppliers uses the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system. HACCP identifies any potential hazards (chemical, physical or biological) at every stage of the manufacturing process and either reduces them to an acceptable minimum or eliminates them completely. Before sending the final product from the food processing and distribution center to the McDonald's restaurant, it is laboratory tested to ensure compliance with the physicochemical, microbiological and organoleptic indicators of McDonald's standards. The sanitary and hygienic condition of production lines, the plant territory, and employees’ compliance with McDonald’s standards are also monitored daily.

Social projects

Charity projects

McDonald's is involved in charitable activities through the Ronald McDonald House Charitable Foundation, established in 1984. Over 31 years, more than 460 million rubles have been allocated for charitable purposes in Russia. The Ronald McDonald House Charitable Foundation has provided assistance to more than 210,000 children and families in difficult life situations. In 2017, about 70 million rubles were transferred to support the Foundation's projects. Over 28 years, more than 680 million rubles were donated to charitable purposes.

Main projects of the fund

Sports projects

Caring for the environment

Work at McDonald's

As of 2018, the Russian network employs more than 50 thousand employees. In 2018, it is planned to provide 20,000 jobs. Students make up about 60% of McDonald's employees in Russia. A special bonus is paid annually for excellent achievements in work and study. The McDonald's employee education support program has existed since 2001. By the beginning of 2018, the company allocated about 56 million rubles to support education.

In 2017, a new program “Growing Talents” was launched. Students who pass a competitive selection and work at McDonald's get the opportunity to undergo an internship at the McDonald's head office in Moscow.


  1. Marc Carena has been appointed General Director of McDonald's Russia (undefined) . (September 17, 2018). Retrieved October 10, 2018.
  2. McDonald's in Russia
  3. Radio station “Echo of Moscow” / Broadcasts / Interview / Tuesday, 01/26/2010: Khamzat Khasbulatov
  4. 25 years of McDonald's. Photo report
  5. The first McDonald's restaurant in Moscow. Reference
  6. McDonald's made $1 billion in sales // (Accessed January 1, 2014)
  7. Photo report (undefined) . Retrieved April 9, 2017.
  8. “Russia’s oldest McDonald’s reopened after 3 months,” (11/19/2014). Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  9. The first McDonald's in Novosibirsk opened in Aura (photo) (undefined) (26.07.2014).
  10. In Moscow, Rospotrebnadzor suspended the operation of 4 McDonald's restaurants at once (undefined) . Retrieved October 27, 2014.
  11. Rospotrebnadzor closed the oldest McDonald's in Russia (undefined) .
  12. The McDonald's restaurant on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow is reopened (undefined) . Retrieved March 16, 2015.
  13. Business Moscow " News
  14. McDonald's launched test delivery in Moscow
  15. McDonald's food delivery service launched in pilot mode in Moscow
  16. Waiters appeared in Russian McDonald's
  17. McDonald's announced plans to open 40 more restaurants in Russia
  18. Less fat and sugar. McDonald's will make Happy Meals healthier
  19. McDonald's has introduced “Wi-Fi with a passport” in all restaurants of the chain in Russia
  20. McDonald's in Russia: 30 years of investment in the future
  21. Waiters will appear at McDonald's
  22. Yulia Gribtsova. McDonald's begins franchising in Russia (undefined) . // Retrieved January 1, 2014. Archived June 22, 2012.
  23. McDonald's will launch the first major franchising project in Russia:: Business:: RBC
  24. A McDonald's restaurant opened in Novokuznetsk

How a complete loser who sold mixers at 52 turned the fast food industry upside down. I will talk about people who are considered the kings of “fast food”.
These are brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, founders of the McDonalds restaurant chain.

So, at the end of the forties, two brothers Mac and Dick McDonald opened a small California restaurant. Everything was going well for them and their income of two hundred thousand dollars a year completely satisfied them. The restaurant bore the name “McDonald's Famous BBQ” and contained about 40 different barbecue dishes on the menu and was especially popular with people passing by. However, at one point the competitors disturbed the peace and harmony. The brothers' profits began to fall rapidly due to several restaurants operating nearby. The McDonald brothers did not have any special merits, and yet they were the ones who created the fast-food restaurant format.

To survive in a fiercely competitive environment, they needed to come up with something new in order to emerge victorious from this battle. They looked at the reports and came to the conclusion that the restaurant's best-selling product was the hamburger. Everything else didn't sell so well. It's time for change.

The brothers decided to develop a completely new restaurant format. A restaurant where food is cheap and accessible to most customers, and the food is prepared very quickly. This has never happened in California before. Just imagine, the best-selling and favorite hamburger, which cost 30 cents, now costs fifteen. Competitors could not boast of such price and quality. There are no waiters to show you to your table, you order and receive your food right at the counter. The menu has been reduced to 10 items. This, of course, is the favorite hamburger, cheeseburger, three types of soft drinks, milk, coffee, pies, chips and french fries. They just went and made a real conveyor belt out of the kitchen.

They studied the movement of cooks in the kitchen and designed it to reduce the time a cook spends moving from one equipment to another. The speed of food preparation has increased significantly. And just a week after opening, they saw huge queues outside their restaurant. People liked the new format.

Conversations about the brothers who created a new restaurant format, beloved by many, were going on throughout California. The brothers were happy. They had enough money and didn’t even think about expansion. They were happy with everything. The popular American Restaurant Magazine even published an article about their service system. The McDonald brothers were quite lazy and did not show much interest in the business, and therefore were in no hurry to expand it. They did not yet know what potential lay in their invention.

The restaurants' income of $100,000 a year and well-smooth work allowed the brothers to live for their own pleasure. Actually, that's what they were doing. But one day, a man appeared in their lives who turned a couple of restaurants into the largest chain of restaurants on a global scale. His name was Ray Kroc. And he has rightfully earned the title of king of franchising.

Franchising is the rental of a trademark. In our example, this is if you want to open a restaurant under the brand of some well-known chain, for example McDonald's. You are buying a franchise. Which gives you the right to raise the McDonald's sign and sell the same dishes as in any other restaurant in this chain. Accordingly, you pay a percentage of the company’s income.

Let's go back to Ray Kroc.

In general, the story of this man is very interesting. In the history of public catering there is hardly anyone more famous than Ray Kroc. Many famous businessmen at least somehow showed their entrepreneurial spirit in their youth. And by the age of 50 they had their own corporations and huge bank accounts behind them. Now imagine you are 52 years old. And you have been wandering around the states for seventeen years and selling 1-2 milk mixers to cafes and bars. The country's economy has been thriving since the end of the Second World War. Huge amounts of money are being made and empires are being created. While you are selling milk mixers.

Not exactly a successful career at such and such an age. Is it true?
You can imagine how Ray Kroc felt in this situation. Old Krok did not make a huge fortune for himself, although he made some money from his business. All his life he had various kinds of business ideas, but they did not bring him success. Also, by the age of 52, he had serious health problems. It would seem how this old loser can become a successful businessman and turn over an entire sector of the world economy.

Throughout his life, Kroc was a jazz pianist, a real estate dealer and manager at a radio station, and even a best man in the service of the Red Cross. In the end, fate led him to selling mixers, which played a very important role in his life. important role. One fine day, Ray Kroc, as usual, took orders for one or more best case scenario 2 mixers, but suddenly, he received an order from one restaurant for 8 mixers! In 17 years of work, Ray Kroc has never seen one small restaurant order eight mixers at once. This made an impression on him, and he immediately personally decided to go to this wonderful restaurant. To look at those guys who dare to mix forty cocktails at a time. These were the McDonald brothers, and the sight that Kroc saw when he arrived at the restaurant changed his whole life.

As soon as he arrived at the right address, his eyes met a beautiful building with glass walls, behind which people were quietly having lunch. The surroundings were clean, and the restaurant staff were dressed in neat white uniforms. He was amazed at how quickly people came in and out of the restaurant.

No dirty glassware, everything is plastic. Huge turnover and very low prices provided the restaurant with high income.

This was the most amazing example of effective customer service I have ever seen!
Krok later confessed. And as we already know in his 17 years of selling mixers to various restaurants, he has seen a lot.
The McDonald brothers organized the work effectively, but it was Kroc who managed to build a huge, truly large business on the basis of this small business. Brothers Richard and Maurice had absolutely no desire to invest their souls in expanding their business.

But Raymond Kroc, despite all the signs he had of a complete loser, thought completely differently.
That day I felt like a kind of modern Newton, who was hit on the head by a hefty potato from an Idaho garden.

Kroc noted in his autobiography. He spent the whole night thinking about what he saw, and finally realized that such a system would work all over the world! And this is exactly what he has been waiting for all his life, and at 52 he will not have another chance like this. He decides to enter the brothers' business.
Kroc immediately proposes a revolutionary idea - to expand the business through the sale of franchises and ultimately create a huge chain of restaurants around the world. The brothers didn't want to do it themselves, so they left all the expansion work to Kroc. He was incredibly happy, because now he was doing a really big business.

In 1955, Ray launched his first McDonald's restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois and organized the McDonald's System, Inc. franchise company, which in the future sold franchises to restaurants for $950 per franchise for 20 years.

In 1960, the company began selling a franchise per restaurant, rather than per state, as had previously been the case. That is, in order to open a second McDonald's restaurant, it was necessary to prove to the company that the first restaurant operates efficiently. In addition, restaurants paid 1.9% of their monthly income to the company. Of which 1.4 was received directly by Kroc, and 0.5 was received by the brothers for the idea.

Initially, the business brought in very little, since only 18 franchises were sold in a year. The big problem was that businessmen did not want to invest their money in such a risky business as fast food. But one day it happened that journalist Sanford Agathe, having bought a franchise from Kroc. Within two years it exceeded the income of Ray Rock himself. After this, the sale of McDonald's restaurant franchises began to gain incredible momentum.
And here one of the key moments in the history of the McDonald's company occurs.
Ray Kroc offers the brothers to sell him the company for 2.7 million dollars. The brothers had already earned enough money from restaurants, and did not want to waste their time and energy on further development of the restaurant chain. So they agreed to Kroc's proposal. But here Kroc had a small problem; he didn’t have $2.7 million. Since lenders considered fast food a very risky business, he was rejected by every bank.
Strong people don't give up
Therefore, I had to show my entrepreneurial spirit and get out. He changed his mind about a brilliant way out of this situation.
Ray Kroc and his financier friend Harry Sonnenborn open the Franchise Estate company. Which is engaged in the acquisition of land with restaurants for the construction of a McDonald's on that site. The whole trick was that the McDonald's company, as it were, rented land for its restaurants for 20 years at a price of 700 dollars per month.

A restaurant that bought a franchise first paid 1,000 dollars a month, and later a percentage of income. In addition, it was necessary to deposit $10,000, 50% was returned after ten years, and after another ten the remaining 50%. Thanks to such cunning things, it turned out that the restaurant owners themselves paid for the rent of the land.
Since McDonald's Corporation leases buildings, in the reports they can be safely recorded as assets of the company. Real estate prices are constantly rising. As a result, the loan was successfully received, and the brothers received their 2.7 million dollars.
Ray Rock began to make his dreams come true. While Sonnenborn was dealing with financial issues, Kroc was expanding the network and taking care of his restaurants. The way he diligently performed his work inspired his employees.

McDonald's amazed people. It gradually became part of the lifestyle of the average American. Affordable prices, affordable for the majority of the population, and very tasty products did their job. In 1963, about 1 million hamburgers were purchased from McDonald's every day. And two years later, the billionth hamburger was sold. This significant event was broadcast on television. The company grew rapidly, and in 1966 it went public in New York, where a fast food chain has never gone before. Within four years, the company had more than 16 thousand restaurants.

I think this wonderful story has a lot to teach us. Just imagine, a man, having lived the life of a complete loser, at the age of 52, did not stop dreaming, believing in himself, he took and turned the entire fast food industry upside down.