How Armenians marinate pork kebab. How to cook Armenian pork shish kebab. Secrets of preparing Armenian marinades.

Ingredients: Pork neck tenderloin - 4 kilograms Onion - 1 kilogram Mineral water - 0.5 liters Coriander grains - 2 tbsp. spoons Mixture of dried tomatoes and paprika - 1-2 tbsp. spoonBlack ground pepper- 0.5 St. spoons Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Number of servings: 6-8 I don’t know exactly what the classic Armenian kebab is considered to be (if it exists at all), but since a good Armenian friend shared this recipe, in our family it is called Armenian.

They were crooked, dirty, smelly. But no, they were not dressed as if they had left school. Some were even dressed. Like a scene from recently, we tried to forget. It's true that they didn't ignore me. And since no one was looking at them, my presence, my observation, caused disturbance in these footsteps. Of dust spots on faces? And before muttering any words, the boy stopped.

It was a serene look, no secrets. The interesting thing is that it was actually unusual, but for me it was a unique moment. But there, on this street full of cars and people, boys and girls walked as one should not walk. Maybe they were going somewhere to ask for money and food, or to leave their cars.

Description of preparation:
First, about the origin of the recipe. I read it on the Internet, and there are a great many variations of Armenian kebab, and many of them have nothing in common with each other. From this I conclude that classic recipe In principle, barbecue in Armenian does not exist - everyone prepares it differently. I called this recipe Armenian because a good friend of our family, a purebred Armenian, assured us that in Armenia it is customary to cook shashlik this way. I don’t know if this is true, but what I can answer for is that the kebab turns out really fantastically delicious!

Or are they just dirty children playing? It was then, right in front of Lage Park, that they crossed the street and entered. My surprise couldn't have been greater. There, leaning against a tree, was a young lady in her mid-70s. White hair, cotton dress, tiara, leather sandals.

The children ran and shouted: Aunt Lucia! He hugged her tightly. Then all the children came and hugged her. Some received forehead kisses, others drew attention because they didn't shower. Various instruments appeared from inside the fair. Tambourines, caracas, sweet flutes, bagpipes, drums and rattles.

Shish kebab on this simple recipe It turns out very tasty and aromatic; dried tomatoes and paprika give the meat a special taste. And mineral water, absorbing into the meat and marinating it, makes the kebab soft. I hope that with the help of the Armenian kebab recipe with photos, everything will work out for you, and a good outdoor recreation will be guaranteed :)

It's as if God sent 15 archangels to play Bach's Passion. According to Matthew, this song came into my head. That it was in the plans of ideas. None of this happened. And only the lucky ones could listen. A tear fell, I said, the lady said proudly, that only to her mother.

The new one already existed, but my eyes were accustomed to looking at the same things. This didn't happen anywhere except for me. These were the archangels that God sent to sing what I needed to know. To talk about beauty in Syria, it is necessary to generalize all the Arab women known for their bustle and abundant use of precious stones. Even if you have never been to one of these countries, you have probably noticed that the more decorations, the greater the wealth and prosperity of that family.

How to cook "Armenian pork shashlik"The most important thing is to choose the right meat for barbecue. I advise you to take the pork neck. The meat is soft, with layers of fat, and the kebab will turn out juicy. If you couldn’t buy such meat, it doesn’t matter, you can cook from any meat, even ribs.
Cut the meat into pieces the size of about one and a half to two matchboxes.
Place the meat in large saucepan or a bucket. We peel and cut the onion and send it to the meat.
Sprinkle the meat with onions with black pepper and cilantro grains (I recommend chopping half the grains). Add the tomato and paprika mixture. Salt.

Another striking and highly appreciated detail is the appearance. As culture determines the need to cover the head, and in some cases the entire face, women found in the look represent their feelings and expressions. Bright and feminine, Arabs use makeup to enhance their eyes, making them appear striking and seductive.

Arabic makeup is known for its painted eyes, done with eyeliner, in addition to intense colors, highlighting its contour and shape well. In special events such as weddings and parties, makeup becomes almost artistic, with real works of art adorning women's faces.

Mix meat with onions and spices. It is advisable to mash the meat well so that it releases juice. Fill with mineral water (about one and a half glasses).

We put the meat in the refrigerator overnight, and you can fry it in the morning :). The mineral water remaining after marinating will be useful for pouring over the kebab when frying.

I saw this kind of Armenian kebab in a video by chef Hovhannes Hakobyan. It was prepared from pork, i.e. in Armenian it is khozi khorovats. The meat was marinated in fresh onions, and the spices were dry basil, ground black pepper and some other Caucasian herb, which the cook classified...

Below are examples of the beauty of the Arabian gaze, as well as actress Giovanna Antonelli as Jade in the novel O Clone. If you are a woman and you want to get to know Syria, first check out some important tips. Men can rest easy, you have nothing to worry about.

When the time comes to receive the changes made by the person, wait for him to put it on the rack. When you're alone in a restaurant, you might look inquisitively at the regulars. Try not to bump into anyone, ignore them and eat quietly. Don't forget to put toilet paper in your bag, some bathrooms do not provide it. Public toilets and some house buildings are those that only have a hole in the ground. Check with the hotel if you have a toilet before booking.

  • You probably keep your hands shaking.
  • This will be the time for you to receive the money.
  • There are no shorts, little dresses, tight clothes or outer shoulders on the streets.
The airport is located in the capital Damascus.

The chef advised marinating the meat for at least a short time, even overnight in the refrigerator, but be sure to take it out 1.5 hours before frying and let it warm up until room temperature. Even in that video I saw a new moment for myself! At the end of cooking, the kebab was covered with thin pita bread directly on the grill for several minutes.

About pork. The most suitable cut for shish kebab is the neck, preferably chilled and not defrosted. Guaranteed juicy results, quickest and easiest to prepare and no additional marinating required to soften. The main thing is to have well-hot coals and everything will work out.

A return ticket costs about $000. Syria is divided into 14 provinces, each of which has a capital. Among many places to discover, we have divided the country into 5 zones to begin our cultural tour. We start with the capital of the country, Damascus, and follow the south, northwest, Mediterranean coast, deserts of Syria and the northeast.

One of the old recipes

This is the oldest city in the world, the queen of the waters, the blessed skies, the emerald of the desert, as it was called since ancient times. The core of the city is an ancient walled city where life has been developed for thousands of years and today, after so many invasions and new inhabitants, it is a mixture of races with different religions who live together, working tea and talking tirelessly.

P.S. There is one in my notebook called “Pork shish kebab with onions according to a recipe from an old Armenian.” I tried it on pork ham and I think that it also deserves attention, so I advise you to take note...

To prepare Armenian pork kebab, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Slice pork neck into cubes if you are placing it on skewers or on steaks if you are placing it on a wire rack.

Narrow streets hide courtyards with orange trees, mosques, palaces and houses inherited over the centuries. The walls of the old city are from Roman times. There are 7 doors on the wall: Bab Tuma, Bab al-Jabi, Bab Sharqi, Bab Kessian, Bab al-Jenik, Bab Shaghir and Bab al-Faradis.

To enter it, the traveler must remove his shoes and women to cover the veil that is offered at the entrance. Next to the mosque is Azem Palace, the most nice example architecture of Damascus, which shows the contrast between simple and almost primitive appearance with the sophistication found in the interior. Palace wrapped in fresh aroma the flowers of its gardens and adorned with fountains that pour their cascading waters over the houses.

Grind the black peppercorns or simply crush them, for example, with a metal mug with a flat bottom. Sprinkle the pork pieces with pepper and dry basil. Rub dried basil leaves with your fingers to enhance their aroma.

Beyond the walls of the old city and to the west lies a great avenue that follows the Barada River as it leaves the city for two. It was built as a center of study and devotion and to accommodate the poor pilgrims who stood in the apricot on their way to Mecca. Not far from here are the Army Museum and the craft market.

To the north along the avenue is the National Library, a magnificent building of recent construction containing more than a thousand volumes, including several thousand incunabula. The city extends towards Mount Kazin. Don't forget to visit the Church of St. Paul in Khakhaniya, which commemorates the saint and the Damascus Historical Museum.

Chop the onion, squeeze it lightly and place it all over the pieces. There is no need to add salt yet; it is recommended to do this before frying.

Prepare coals for grilling on a grill or similar device. By the time they are completely ready, i.e. when the coals are red hot the pieces pork neck should already be skewered and lightly salted. Place the pieces loosely against each other with a small gap so that the skewer can be heated by the coals and the meat can be additionally fried from the inside.

There are places worth visiting around Damascus: Maloula and Seydnaya. To the south of the dam is the Shrine of Saida Zainab, the interior of which is decorated with silver and gold. The most interesting of these sites are the mosaics of Shahba, for which it is worth visiting this city. It preserves numerous Roman remains: palaces, temples, public baths, triumphal arches, a theater and a huge wall around it. Shahba or Felipopolis is an ancient city where Emperor Felipo, an Arab, was born.

This area has the most beautiful and best preserved Roman theater in Syria. Every summer, local and international events are held here, majestically taking part in the natural setting of Roman arches and columns. The city also preserves a large number of Roman ruins. But not only the Romans left traces of their passage, but also the church and Byzantine Cathedral, Al Mabrak Mosque and Al Aroussa Mosque are worth a look.

Behind the Armenian kebab you can see the kebab with onions, for which the onions in large pieces marinated in vegetable oil along with meat!

Fry the meat over the coals, turning the skewer periodically so that the pieces are cooked on all sides. The pork must be fried completely until the juice runs clear when cut and there is no blood! At the end of cooking, briefly cover the kebab with thin pita bread.

It is the second city of Syrian significance and, due to its cross-cutting setting, has significant cultural and historical richness. It is famous for its architecture, attractive churches, mosques, schools, tombs and baths. But the most impressive is undoubtedly the Citadel, which rises 40 meters above the city. From its minaret the city rises to its feet, with its domes, viewpoints and small entrances.

The National Museum is characterized by the richness of its rooms. The monumental complex of Saint Simeon is located 60 km northwest of Aleppo. After the death of the hermit, the cathedral was built in the place where he prayed in the year. Although it is very old, there are very few remnants of the past, destroyed by invaders or devastated by earthquakes. That's why the main attractions around Ugarit and Saladin's Castle, which the Crusaders climbed onto a rocky slope to secure control of the coast.

You won’t believe it... Just as I was about to cover the kebab with lavash, a light rain started dripping. We moved into our house under construction, and the final portion is already filming the part of the house that was left from the picnic...

Serve the finished Armenian kebab with sauces to taste.

This is the most impressive castle in Syria, due to its location, preservation and sheer size. It stands on a hill dominated by the triangle formed by Tartus, Tripoli and Hamami, with the green gap of Bukaa at its feet built by the Templars of Tripoli on the model of a European warrior.

A small town located 6 km from Baniyas, which the crusaders built on a Muslim castle with strong basalt walls of enormous size. From its old towers you can see green valleys on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other. It is Syria's second largest port in the Mediterranean Sea. It was called Antharada during the time of the Phoenicians, and the Crusaders knew it as Tortosa. Arches, walls, towers and narrow paths give an idea of ​​what the city must have looked like in the Middle Ages. The cathedral is a gem of Roman art that is now being converted into a museum and contains relics from various Syrian civilizations.

Have fun and delicious picnics!