The action of the game mass effect andromeda year. Mass Effect Andromeda - Review of the game that has a second face created by BioWare

Admit it, some of you feel satisfied that EA failed. Criticism of animation in mass effect Andromeda is in the shadow of all other elements of the game. Too bad, because BioWare's latest product can take a lot of the fun out of it.

Although the human-centered concept has always made it clear: on a universal level, we are nothing more than a small tribe that has just had permission to eat great people at the table and as such we are being treated. obviously is no exception. Humanity is still one of the youngest species to discover intergalactic travel, and even in the Andromeda galaxy, the mood is not changing: there is no room for conquest, only for survival.

The engine of events is the Andromeda Initiative, a colossal project to colonize the Andromeda galaxy, which, however, is a minor con to being a one-way trip, since it takes more than six hundred years to reach the new frontier of humanity. Your character and it's a functional design choice to keep that sense of discovery, you know exactly what you think of the worlds it explores as well as the mountains that fill it. We added to the scheme that people want to know what is beyond the border, and we ended up with Andromeda.

Mass Effect Andromeda Game Reviews

The bugs, flaws, and lack of polish in a title discredit elite RPGs. Poor animation, odd behavior patterns, facial expressions, and ugly fatal character models make this BioWare production below the overall average.

However, by expanding one's horizon this much, there is a risk that some aspects will be sacrificed in favor of "a ludic proposal that points more to quantity and variety than to quality." This new feature among others is a big surprise: by spending special points to unlock weapon designs, which can also be renamed as they see fit. They will also make their debut between a body-weapon that has a dedicated equipment slot. The Rider you build as you explore the galaxy will be able to use any skill from any industry, making the development system completely flexible to your needs.

This is what happens when a key project falls into other hands. You should know that the new Mass Effect Andromeda is not up to par with the people who created the original trilogy.

EA decided to support the movement and gave the project into the hands of BioWare Montreal. This is a relatively young studio that was founded in 2009 with the mission of supporting the "core" BioWare. The Montreal team dealt with less complex tasks. She created 3D models and content for multiplayer modes. Mass Effect Andromeda is the first game they made from A to Z, with a jump in the depths, almost breaking their neck.

Depending on the combination of skills you choose, you can unlock profiles that can be triggered so you can trigger mission-based default loading, speeding up the initial setup. Focusing on characterization rather than polarization required a complete abandonment of the concept of such expensive previous sections. Together with Andromeda, we want to play a lot more on the nuances,” Condominis said as he introduced the game. The idea behind the solution is to use shades of gray that are in the middle of right and wrong concepts, making sure any answer can help define the protagonist's social relationships and the impact they have on the story.

Looking deep into the eyes of my Aryan avatar, one can understand that some elements of Andromeda have passed internal tests. For example, dry, soulless eyeballs look like they've been removed from plastic toys.

The new Mass Effect is full of small glitches that should be fixed at the development stage. This does not mean that it is full of errors that drastically interfere with the game. Space stories digest the mass production of small bugs. Initially, no attention is paid to them, but sometimes, this overflows the cup of bitterness. There are too many games of this caliber, at this price and with the same name. BioWare Montreal is discredited.

It was not possible to try it on consoles, but it seems that the resignations can be significant. To further enrich the dialogue system, you can add a specific tone to your response, so be careful not to be too sarcastic or aggressive because Krogan Dill is a dangerous Krogan. On a graphical level, the image is filled, the colors are rich and wilder. It seems like the series wanted to get rid of that cosmic heaviness a bit due to the threat of the raiders to give a less depressing eye, which is reflected in the clipping of the selected photo.

The game is the thief of your time

For each completed task, two new ones appeared. After each visited another planet. There is no set time to get away from the console in this game. Amazing thief of your time.

For a moment, I felt like an interplanetary commando, immediately turn into a seasoned politician. The role manipulation is very intense, with a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the player.

Exploration phases on the planets that allow it to really give the impression that around every corner a new discovery can appear, and does nothing that we find most of the time something that proves that it was nuclear, the ability to detect some kind of alien an artifact, a project for a weapon, or a search for rare materials, it promises to take that step further into the unknown. The action component is predominant, and while technically we're in front of a shooter shooter, the combat is more dynamic than you might think.

Well, that's wonderful. The game in the previous trilogy, even those who had the title of savior of the Milky Way twice, was treated like errand boys. Now everything is different. Although we start out as a complete recruit, as a result of events and degrees, it actually starts to mean something that inspires respect through which one gets the impression of a lineup of petitioners, lobbyists and fans from all over the galaxy. A very interesting perspective.

Enemies are on average aggressive and always move with a decision to attack, pushing the player to be very mobile and often further away from their enemies. The forces work exactly the same as they did in the past, and also the orders they can give their teammates everything related to the cards on the table is a jet pack that adds a dynamism that was hardly imagined before. Using it at the right time allows you to get close to the enemy instead of running away, but looking for a good deal is to take a moment's breath as well as save a vague ally.

Contrary to what you may have read online, the combat is also interesting. BioWare Montreal tried to embellish some of the melee encounters. There are swords, katanas, hammers and other weapons full of white. After a while, I got the impression that other special attacks are very different from each other.

The fact that it's going to reload and maintain the technical time between a jump and another should then prevent fights from being overly schizophrenic, but obviously this addition pushes the action a little more towards insanity. On the contrary, the exploration stage is beneficial in itself without reservation: by making such long and high jumps, the game acquires a verticality that it never had, making the environment more complete, reliable and organic.

The opera that captivated millions of players, ferried them into a beautiful, vibrant, vibrant universe, pumped adrenaline into their veins with insane acts of heroism and with notes of Sam Hulick in the background and a dying companion in his arms, he too was able to burst tears. It's hard to forget the minutes spent watching the stars from the Normandy porthole, the hum of the engines wrapping the room, the fish figures in the aquarium, and the dim light of the lamp illuminating the models on the shelves. You can't get excited again as you revisit domestic challenges, the life histories of our armed brothers, or prank exchanges with the seasoned Joker.

The best thing about Andromeda is definitely portability.

When I first picked up the jet pack, I had a smile from ear to ear. My avatar not only jumped high in the air, but was able to hover over the hoists and also floated over the edge like Lara Croft. It's a giant step up from the previous look. It is a pity that after returning to the space station on board the ship, the backpack back to fatal walking.

The cards on the table to succeed are everything: a galaxy to be discovered, Andromeda populated by worlds and races that paint new and unprecedented images, along with the many elements that made the first three space RPGs great. A glass as charming as the rare turian woman and the brutal Krogan Drek. However, the Canadian developers, who have good but not surprisingly good views, perhaps solutions that are too ambitious and do little to match the spirit and set of the series.

From this point of view, Andromeda is a kind of return to the roots, a game that wants to take elements from the past, then cut through successive productions and resume them with even more force. Everything is very nice on paper, but can you combine the exploration of huge areas, perhaps filled with enemies and tasks, with a told story, cinematic and linear? Some of the latest products have been able to showcase open world maps without sacrificing secondary quality content and, above all, without emphasizing that approach too much in the main narrative thread.

BioWare Montreal has given a great story about the first human landing in the new galaxy. The unknown climate, alien landscapes and unexplored environment was so dense that I could cut it with a cyber-blade. At times, Mass Effect Andromeda was almost like a Prometheus movie! Amazing first moments of the game. Unfortunately, they come to meet a new generation of intelligent technologies and all the magic disappears like a soap bubble.

As fans of the series, we can only hope that the base study in Canada has matured to begin such an experience, and above all, the desire to improve the project so much will not sacrifice distinctive and valuable elements. The beautiful yet unexplored views of the Citadel were happy sci-fi fans, and the linear progression, yet cohesive and calculated, created a great tune with the protagonist and his companions. The system will disappear and moral choices will no longer be signaled in a color-coded options dialog: as the developers report, the decisions will cover the "grey scale" and will affect each partner individually.

The creators did not use the fact that we are leaving the Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy is unexplored and unknown, only in theory. In fact, everything has remained the same. There are not so many new races that, quite by chance, are at the same level of technological development as humans. Various civilizations have ranged weapons and ships, just like humanoids.

This news is definitely positive, but it does not fully understand the purpose of Andromeda: turning at the deepest depths is accompanied by a desire for immensity, and two things do not always come with love and agreement. So it's always good to remember that a well-crafted RPG isn't one that includes all the best features, one that's forged by an unlikely dream team made up of the most experienced on the scene. Best Products this kind are the most harmonious and useful, who do not try to overcome and focus on their outstanding functions. Andromeda would be strange if Andromeda did not think in this philosophy.

Big, big shame. The creators of Andromeda definitely lacked imagination. After all, the new galaxy is an opportunity to turn everything upside down! Why can't the people of Andromeda be, for example, a smart gust of wind? Who said that the locals are confined to the pills and protein formulas of Mendeleev. There are no such conflicting ideas. Obviously, we are opening a new galaxy, but in the old game.

In these cases, however, it is always better to wait and stay informed: we will soon be able to return to talking about the game after a direct test to find out other detailed aspects of this article, such as the combat system, the novelties introduced during the use of the jet, and finally , not in last turn, a multiplayer compartment that is still wrapped in mystery. Hopefully, with the release of the latest Canadian-born talent, he is out of the question and wins us from all points of view, which proves to be a worthy indicator of the saga and, perhaps, a new, brilliant start.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is addictive, full of content, addictive but still skill

They missed that magical component that games like The Witcher 3, Persona 5 or Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild have - it's a little piece of art. BioWare's new game can impress in places, mostly because of the exotic setting. However, immediately after being applied to the grid with unnatural conversation, accompanied by strange behavior and hardened interface, the Magic disappears.

Which main character do you want to impersonate?

Whether you want to focus on the story and relationships with your comrades, or multiplayer intergalactic encounters with your friends, this guide has everything you need to know. All start a new game, you can choose whether to play using the default character or your own Rider.

What level of difficulty do you prefer?

You can also set the difficulty level during one campaign. Available difficulties range from Narrative to Crowd, with the default set to Normal. The storytelling level is the least complex. Choose this level if you want to enjoy the story without worrying about your performance in battle.


Don't think that Mass Effect: Andromeda is a bad game. Of course not! Although the role-playing game does not receive the pantheon of championship, it still has a great value for the content. We get an adventure of many tens of hours without any solid competition in the atmosphere of science fiction. The Internet demonizes this title too much.

Crazy level is the hardest one, aimed at those who are looking for incredible high level fight and ready to die many times. You can adjust the difficulty at any time, so you are not bound by the choices you make at the beginning of the game. In this new chapter, the dialogue system has been overhauled.

You now have the ability to shape the character that best suits your play style by choosing the tone of Ryder's responses in many situations. Sometimes you have all four options, others you can only choose between two opposite solutions, for example. Cool or professional; Emotional or logical.

What gives the game

  • The thrill of first appearing in a new galaxy
  • The illusion of power and the position of the discoverer
  • The high performance of the planet
  • Clear fight as part of the game
  • Incredible mobile satchel for the series
  • Mass, content mass
  • Variable character - from war to politics, and construction

What didn't work

  • Unsatisfactory new dialogue system
  • Unacceptable mistakes in facial expressions and animation
  • Side missions are excruciatingly boring and insipid
  • Untapped potential for a new galaxy
  • Free passage from planet to planet
  • Bugs and delays in multiplayer modules
  • Tasteless interface
  • Music doesn't stick in memory

Instead of precise cuts by a surgeon, a lumberjack worked on the folded code of the new Mass Effect game using a rusty axe. Andromeda is sometimes very roughly carved. However, in the middle, under the weight of calming and repetitive side quests, it's the same core as the beloved original trilogy.

The question mark in the center of the conversation wheel indicates the possibility of further investigation to get more information before making a decision. The choice of story is indicated by the arrow icons in the conversation wheel. The friendship and jurisdiction options are useful for starting and developing relationships with other characters.

Sometimes during a conversation, episodic actions appear and timers are set. Some conversation options appear only once. If you missed an option or you are wrong, the only solution is to download the most recent savior. To resume conversations more easily, we recommend keeping multiple and multiple save slots.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Game - Video Trailer

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The continuation of one of the most famous game series, expected by millions of players around the world. The Mass Effect franchise, despite its popularity, draws controversy and heated debate with surprising ease. Five years ago, everyone was pulling pitchforks because of the ending of ME3, and now the Internet has been flooded with memes and videos about animations and bugs in new game series, Andromeda. And although in some cases the problems were exaggerated, it is difficult to deny that the main claims have a basis. But despite the failure at the end, the third part was still a great game. In the case with Andromeda problems much deeper, which makes it all the more surprising that the game can be addictive and enjoyable.

Narrative, missions

Exploration is a central theme of Andromeda because protagonist Scott or Sarah Ryder (depending on the chosen gender) is the person responsible for establishing outposts on golden worlds - planets that have been explored beforehand and proved to be ideal candidates for life. All this data turns out to be wrong, and none of the planets is ready to immediately support life.

The goal is changing to making these worlds usable, which means slowly clearing them of various environmental threats. The surface of Eos, the first of these planets we stumble upon, is suffering from radiation. As Ryder completes various tasks (some within the main story, others side missions), the radiation decreases. This allows you to explore more parts of the planet, which in turn leads to the possibility of doing more more tasks that make Eos even more usable. Everything here is so cyclical.

All this is also very dull and monotonous. Andromeda can't "find its feet" because it spends too much time without an easily recognizable underlying conflict. In the Shepard epic, the Reapers were going to get rid of all life and essentially start a new countdown for the galaxy. Shepard and the team had to stop this from happening. The threat was constant and imminent. It was easy to point to the Reapers and say that it is because of them that we fight, because of them we are here.

Andromeda is not like that. She's so preoccupied with fogging herself that she doesn't even care to give us a real reason to push ahead. At least it's thematically consistent in that it focuses on exploration and keeps the player moving into the unknown all the time while Rider does the same. The point, however, is that driving through miles of boring, barren desert in the hope of finding something interesting is unlikely to seem like an interesting activity to anyone.

Instead, Andromeda focuses on things that at first seem not entirely related to Ryder's challenge. We're here to settle down and start a colony. Gaining knowledge of these new enemies - the very aggressive kett aliens and the synthetic machine race, the relics - seems somewhat off-topic and off-topic, even though the purpose of the research is to gather information. We are being asked to believe that this offshoot of the plot is moving in some important direction. Over time, this proves to be true, as things pick up a bit in the second act. The last third is really entertaining, which is largely thanks to the fact that Andromeda is finally open in terms of what's going on.

Plot issues affect the overall mood of the game. At times, Andromeda seems like a rather odd Mass Effect-inspired creation. Too many characters are incessantly positive and animated. Of course, in a story about new beginnings, there is no escape from hope, but a surprisingly small number of characters approach such a scenario with seemingly true feelings - caution, anxiety, awe and fear of the future.

Overly cheerful mood is a big problem until Andromeda limits it enough to focus on one thing. It's hard to forget one early conversation, though, in which the krogan gave up on the genophage, guided by the logic that, they say, it was a long time ago, and let the past remain the past. Unbridled optimism overwhelms much of this game.

The new dialog wheel is also responsible for this. The developers got rid of the classic hero / renegade dialogue options that helped classify your character as a bad or good guy. This is replaced by a new, more nuanced system with different answers - logical, emotional, casual and professional. It rarely seems like it makes a difference. Often all the answers seem technically the same. It is very difficult (maybe even impossible) to make a real goat out of Ryder. It's more about how sleepy or animated you want it to be.

Again, it doesn't really matter. The game doesn't even try to give the illusion that Ryder's decisions could lead to a political storm. A lot of the game feels like paths to the same end rather than wildly different routes. At one point, I made a difficult decision that led to the fact that the krogans died. Drac, the krogan who is a teammate, was naturally unhappy, but it lasted some 15 seconds. He bounced back in a frighteningly short amount of time.


It's a bit ironic that Andromeda takes the player through a mostly linear narrative while the worlds have been expanded and become mostly open-ended. With this innovation, though, comes a steady stream of side missions. Almost everywhere you go, there will be another marker, signaling that you can do something on the quest you are doing. It's a staggering amount of content, so much so that the in-game mission tracker often doesn't keep up.

Since the gameplay is focused on exploration, it's useless to try to figure out which of the tasks are really important. So there is always a temptation to do what is nearby. There is the fear of missing out, the knowledge that any of these side missions could turn into something extremely interesting. Let's say one harmless quest can lead to a grand battle that can overshadow everything that is presented in the main plot. Who knows how many of these special moments Andromeda hides in itself?

Combat system

The aforementioned side quest boss fight (yes, all fights, really) is enjoyable because of the most significant addition to the series, the jetpack. Combat is significantly faster and more movement-based than in the past. The AI ​​of the opponents is designed so that they will flank and knock you out of cover, which makes the game more like Vanquish than Gears of War. Sitting still for too long is a death sentence, even with the powers of a biotic and two companions on hand.

In short, the combat system is very good. Getting used to this style of play, which always needs to move, however, will take some time, and therefore it is worth taking for granted some early deaths. The enemies seem to be tougher than in previous games in the series, but it all depends on how quickly you adapt and notice their features. At the same time, the contractions are always tense, it will not work for a long time behind the shelter.

Key shooter mechanics feel stronger than any game in the series before, and a flexible development system lets you freely pick up cool abilities to your liking, rather than limiting you to a preset class. You can generally create a space ninja using stealth to become invisible, biotic abilities to quickly approach enemies, a buffing sword to deal damage, and a standard jetpack to get out of the fire and hide.

However, one massive downside to the combat aspect is crafting. Crafting is the only way to get the weapons and armor you really need, but you'll have to live with the constant scanning of objects to get research points and the awkward interface that can give you headaches. With a game UI, even something as essential and simple as comparing weapon stats can be difficult or even impossible. Crafting and equipment stations are also on opposite ends of Ryder's Tempest ship, making it hard to run back and forth to get things done.


Where everything is simplified is in multiplayer. In Andromeda, you'll find four-player multiplayer where you'll have to deal with a horde that comes crashing down on you - in a word, almost the same as in the third part of the series. There is a level up system to unlock new levels, and a loot system to get you new weapons. This is all important as the multiplayer is very unforgiving at first.

In the early stages, your squad of four will most likely barely survive the Bronze Challenges (Bronze, Silver, and Gold are difficulty levels). Weapons will not be very effective, and skills will not help much in battles. The only way to change this alignment is to invest time and get bumps. Well, it's either that, or microtransaction crates that give out, among other things, weapons.

The developers have included a multiplayer component in the single-player campaign for those who do not like to team up with other players. With the help of certain terminals, Ryder can send squads on missions, which, if they are successful, will get some multiplayer rewards. These missions, however, do not happen instantly, and some complete only after 3+ hours. Luckily, after dispatching the squads, you can safely continue to roam Andromeda.

Dive into this completely new world is an intriguing process, even though there isn't much going on in it. Andromeda's shortcomings are in plain sight and hard to ignore. But over time, getting along with them becomes easier. Something will keep pushing you - maybe it's the spirit of exploration that's all over the place.