Fortune telling on coffee grounds and interpretation of symbols. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: symbols, interpretation, meaning

Fortune telling on coffee grounds - ancient technique, which consists of reading coffee symbolism, which can be used to predict a person’s future. Many have heard about such fortune telling. But not everyone who tried to guess could immediately understand all the symbols on the cup - this is the main difficulty. The procedure has undergone almost no changes since ancient times. Is that in the past this mystical action was accompanied by spells, without the utterance of which it was believed that fortune telling is just a game, and only special magic words make it possible to accurately read all the symbols in the cup.

How to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds? First it is taken natural coffe and brewed according to the correct method. To achieve the required consistency of the grounds, you need to mix fine and coarse coffee in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of the first and 2 teaspoons of the second, after which this mixture must be brewed. Fortune telling for coffee is done at a certain time of the day: early in the morning or late in the evening, since at other times the result may be incorrect.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to come up with a question in advance to which you want to “see” the answer at the bottom of the cup. The cup must be white and have no patterns. After brewing, you need to wait until the coffee cools down, which will take 5-10 minutes, and then drink everything to the very thick. Next, remember the question that worries you, shake the grounds 3 times in a circle, then turn the cup over with your left hand and lower it onto the saucer. Wait 7 seconds, return everything to its original position and start looking at the symbols.

All the thick stuff on the saucer is your past. Located on the edges of the cup is your future.

The patterns and symbols formed on the thicket should be read in a certain order: from left to right, then vice versa, then read the symbols from the bottom and finally from the walls.

Reading coffee grounds- the most difficult part of fortune telling, since it requires knowledge of the order in which to consider “coffee blots”, how to interpret certain patterns and how to build a single picture from scraps, which will be the answer to the pressing question. There are many different signs and symbols that need to be seen on the bush: lines, numbers, letters, people, animals and much more. For example, the larger the size of the sign, the more strongly it will influence a person’s life; The closer the patterns or symbols are to the edge of the cup, the faster the wish will come true. And the farther they are located, the longer the wish will come true (in this case, fulfillment can last from 3 months to 1 year). The lighter the walls of the cup look, the happier and more enjoyable life will be. Well, if all the thick stuff has accumulated near the handle, then it is believed that some problems are pressing on the person.

There is also such a sign in fortune telling: if less than 5 symbols are visible in the cup, then you need to brew new coffee and start all over again. At first, fortune telling with coffee grounds may seem difficult and incomprehensible, especially at the stage of reading symbols. But if you have the desire, then skill will come with time.

Thicker is the most famous and popular. Of course, not everyone has tried this method of prediction, but few have not heard of it. The origin of this fortune telling is attributed to Turkey, where the unusual properties of coffee grounds were first noticed at the court of the sultans.

The rich history of this technique is evident. Over the years, it has changed and improved in many ways, but the essence remains the same. A cup of coffee and a saucer are used for fortune telling. You need to drink the drink, ask a question, then decipher the symbols on the grounds. These can be people or animals, letters or numbers, plants or objects.

Step-by-step coffee fortune telling plan for beginners

The fortune telling technique is determined by various factors. For example, in Italy, when brewing coffee, magic words are uttered, and when deciphering, the fortuneteller must whisper a conspiracy that is known only to a select few. This is not the only format in which the ritual is performed; there are options where even a beginner can achieve success at home.

In the simplest version you will need:

  • white porcelain cup and saucer;
  • natural coffe;
  • Turk.

Before starting fortune telling, concentrate on the question. This will take a few minutes. Think about every aspect of the problem in detail and formulate it clearly. In this case, fortune telling will be effective and revealing.

Having determined the question, pour the coffee into the cup. Don't rush to empty the vessel. Hold it in your hands for a while, tune in emotionally and psychologically to solve the problem. After this, drink the coffee and leave a few teaspoons of liquid at the bottom.

Now take the cup in your hand and mentally say the question. Next, shake the contents three times in a circular motion, distributing the grounds evenly. Men rotate clockwise, and women rotate counterclockwise. This way, the sediment will lie flat on the bottom and walls of the cup. After this, turn the cup over onto the saucer and wait 7 seconds until the residue is completely gone.

The preparatory stage is completed. We will find the answer to the question asked by the stains left by the thicket. The symbols on the bottom will tell you about the past, and the symbols on the walls will tell you about the future. You will find a detailed interpretation of the letters in this article, the numbers in this article, and the symbols here.

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Popular types of fortune telling

Despite the relatively long preparations, deciphering the symbols is a key point in fortune telling on coffee grounds. Most seers have their own techniques that have been developed over the years, but there are more simple options, very popular among amateurs.

Fortune telling for the future

If you are not very good at determining the meaning of symbols, fortune telling on coffee grounds may seem difficult, but you will be able to find out the future even more in a simple way.

If you formulate a question so that it can be answered “yes” or “no”, even a beginner will find a solution.

After finishing preparatory stage, take the cup with the resulting pattern in your hands. If the spots have a defined outline, are round and smooth, this means a positive answer. If the blot is more vague, certain obstacles and doubts await. When the grounds are distributed in small droplets, it tells the fortuneteller a clear “no.”

Coffee bean fortune telling: “Does he miss me?”

A huge part of the problems many have is related to their personal lives. Even if you have a loved one, relationships are not always ideal, so you want to understand feelings more specifically by determining how your partner feels about separation or parting. If a loved one is bored, this may become a reason for decisive action on the part of the fortuneteller.

There are many ways to determine the strength of feelings - from elementary to incredibly complex rituals. This kind of fortune telling gained popularity at the end of the 19th century. Then it was actively used both in Russia and in Europe.

To begin, divide a sheet of paper into 30 squares. In each, write a number from 1 to 30. Take a coffee bean and drop it on the paper. It should go into one of the cells and point to the number with the answer. The decryption directly depends on the number drawn. For example, sector 16 means that your loved one needs to be given time, and 27 says that he has another.

Fortune telling for the day

Few people know how to use the present competently. However, the wisdom of this approach is obvious. The past cannot be changed, the future has not yet arrived, but today can be made special, incredible. If you know for sure that a serious event is coming in the coming hours, you can find out for sure whether luck will accompany you.

To identify upcoming events on the coffee grounds, pay attention to the symbols that are located along the handle of the cup and to the right of it. You can use fortune telling with a direct question, as in the method described above. If you have experience deciphering stains, get more specific information.

Flash fortune telling

In connection with the popularization of fortune telling on coffee grounds and the development modern technologies, a new opportunity has appeared - online prediction. This method lacks the atmosphere of the process with real coffee, but anyone can use it. In this case, the computer will independently process the data and produce the result.

Fortune telling, beloved by many, is available on sites related to esotericism. The ritual goes like this: you open the application, come up with a question, concentrate and follow the instructions in the program. It is noteworthy that flash fortune telling involves very exact interpretation symbols, which is important for those who have little understanding of the intricacies of coffee grounds.

The popularity of fortune telling on grounds is not difficult to explain, because coffee is far from a magical attribute, so its use for esoteric purposes is partly just entertainment. It is difficult to prove the practical value of the results; the process itself brings more pleasure. Help to make it better simple tips and rules.

How often can you tell fortunes using coffee grounds?

You can turn to the “advice” of coffee grounds as often as life circumstances require; there are no restrictions. However, it is worth understanding that the same issue can be addressed from different angles.

Having learned new information, a person makes some decisions, which can affect the final result. The future is multivariate a priori, so you should not rely entirely on the outcome of fortune telling. But to take note of some points, to better understand the attitude to the issue - this is what you need to strive for.

Should you believe fortune telling on coffee grounds?

It is not recommended for overly impressionable people to resort to this method. Plans that show images on the cup may not correspond to personal wishes. Someone may give up or change their mind when making an important decision. Fortune telling is an imprecise phenomenon, which is effective if it puts you in a positive mood, gives strength and calms. You shouldn’t unconditionally believe everything that the coffee grounds show; you can pay attention to the signs that fate sends. The rest is everyone's personal business.

How to properly brew coffee in a Turk for fortune telling

It’s not so easy to brew the right fortune-telling coffee, but the whole essence of the ritual depends on this stage. Following cooking techniques and recipes will help you get a clearer picture, which will make fortune telling easier.

Important! For the ritual, only natural brewed coffee is used. Otherwise, fortune telling may not work.

Pay attention to the type of coffee. Choose the one you like in terms of aroma and taste. The ideal thing is to purchase grains and grind them yourself before cooking. You can first hold them in your hands, mentally asking them to reveal the veil of future events.

Heat the ground coffee a little on the fire. When the heady aroma begins to spread, add the desired amount of sugar. Stir the drink while cooking. After boiling, foam will begin to appear. At this point, consider the coffee ready. Let it brew for a couple of minutes and start telling fortunes.

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Fortune telling on coffee grounds is not only a useful, but also a pleasant ritual, because the process of obtaining answers to questions is accompanied by a pleasant aroma and rich taste spicy drink. The ritual immerses you in your own thoughts and helps you listen to the events happening in your soul. In part, one can perceive such fortune-telling as a psychological session.

Don't forget about the practical benefits. With the help of coffee grounds you can get an answer to an exciting question. Thanks to simple fortune telling methods, anyone can find a solution, motivate themselves to take action and have a good time. The main thing is to take everything lightly and positively.

For a long time people have tried to come up with various types fortune telling to determine your future fate. Each person believed in a certain fortune-telling. Only proven methods of fortune telling have survived to this day - which have come true. But the most popular was fortune telling using coffee grounds. This is what we will talk about now. We’ll also try to figure out how to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds at home.

The history of fortune telling on coffee grounds

This fortune telling is considered the most effective. It is believed that predictions made from coffee grounds always come true. However, we must remember that fortune telling is just a warning about how fate will turn out. But everything can be changed.

For the first time, fortune telling on grounds began to be used in the West, where coffee originated. They began to guess at the moment when people discovered that the sediment remained in the form of a pattern. Almost everyone had fortunes in that era. However, when fortune-telling rulers and high-ranking officials, they had to be wary of a bad prediction result. Otherwise, the fortuneteller was simply sent to the fire.

In Russia, fortune telling on coffee grounds appeared relatively recently - during the reign of Peter the Great, who brought coffee to the country. If you want to know how to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds at home, you should follow some rules:

How to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

  • It is best to tell fortunes after sunset, using candles for fortune telling. For fortune telling, light-colored dishes are best; this will allow you to see the image more clearly. It is forbidden to pour out coffee; you must drink it. It is also strictly forbidden to add sugar to coffee - after this, fortune telling becomes incorrect.
  • To start fortune telling, you need to roast the coffee beans. After frying, you need to grind them. It is believed that it is best to grind the grains manually (using a manual coffee grinder), this will direct the flow of energy during fortune telling. You need to grind the grains to the consistency of powder. Next you need to brew the coffee. For one cup of “fortune telling” drink you will need 1-2 teaspoons of such powder.
  • Having carried out all these procedures, we wait for the drink to be prepared. As soon as the coffee boils, you can remove it from the heat and pour it into a mug. You also need to wait a little for a precipitate to form.
  • You need to drink coffee slowly, carefully thinking about your question, directing all your energy to it.
  • For fortune telling, you need to leave the grounds and a little water in a cup of coffee. You need to turn the mug counterclockwise three times and carefully pour the contents onto the saucer, covering it with a cup on top. To form a clearer pattern, you need to leave the mug in this position for 10-15 minutes. It is forbidden to look under the cup at that moment.
  • Interpretation of symbols when telling fortunes on coffee grounds: to decipher the picture you will need to use your imagination, because the image can be absolutely anything. You can also purchase books on the Internet that contain transcripts of many of the drawings.
  • Symbols on coffee grounds: clear geometric figures- this is for quick love. A circle or oval - to replenish capital. The meaning of a circle with two or more dots in the center is to join the family. And any addition is always a great joy.

Coffee lovers probably know that using aromatic drink you can learn a lot of interesting things. For example, an answer to an exciting question. After drinking liquid vigor, do not rush to wash the cup.

Let's talk about how to correctly guess on coffee grounds, what the symbols you see mean, and how to learn to guess on your own.


You need to prepare in advance for fortune telling using coffee grounds. . Preparation involves simple manipulations:


Counts, that a drawing remains on the saucer, by which one can interpret a person’s past. The cup itself will predict the future and tell about the present. Future events can be “read” from the walls of the vessel. The past is focused on the bottom.

Pattern location

To implement correct interpretation of symbols fortune telling on coffee grounds, you need to evaluate at least five signs seen.

The interpretation is based on the images seen by those who drank coffee. Individual vision of images is formed throughout life, and it is based on personal experience. Therefore, different people can see different symbols on the same cup.


Looking at the pattern on the sides of the cup, rotate and tilt it to identify the symbols.

First you need to consider ouzo p from the edge of the container to the center, after which the central area and bottom are assessed. The symbols on the edges show events in the near future, and the central drawings demonstrate future changes.

The state of the bottom tells what is in a person’s heart. If there is a thick, lumpy sediment left on the bottom, then the soul is grieving. A clean and open bottom shows the absence of sorrowful experiences.

It happens that the bottom is so covered with sediment that it is impossible to see the symbols on it. In this case, you should move the index finger of your right hand along the bottom, and then shake out the grounds. The stains remaining at the bottom are interpreted. The largest characters have meaning.

Horizontal lines


The interpretation and meaning of fortune telling on coffee grounds depend on the drawings seen by the fortuneteller. Symbol meanings, explanation:

  1. Spot. A large black blot indicates grief or misfortune;
  2. Many even stripes indicate a carefree, but in some sense useless life;
  3. If the intermittent stripes are mixed with dots, then a pleasant journey awaits the fortuneteller;
  4. Clean circles portend profit, and the presence of dots inside the circle promises a new addition to the family;
  5. The triangle will talk about work, changing fields of activity and changes in the professional environment;
  6. If the triangles are plural, you are waiting to arrive;
  7. The mitten promises a meeting with an old friend, first love or old acquaintances;
  8. A bicycle portends a trip in which difficulties may arise;
  9. Vase, cup - disappointment, shed tears;
  10. A fork means profit, winnings or material wealth;
  11. Seeing a wreath is a lucky coincidence;
  12. Flies warn of loss, the possible death of a loved one;
  13. Camel - unexpected profit;
  14. Dove - marriage, marriage proposal;
  15. Crow - death in a close circle, loss of a loved one;
  16. The swan promises separation if it is a single symbol. A pair of these birds, on the contrary, means joy and a pleasant event;
  17. Animals carry a negative meaning, with the exception of the horse and dog;
  18. The hare is a new hobby that can end badly;
  19. Snake - meanness, infidelity and betrayal;
  20. A cow indicates prosperity, unless it is skinny in the thicket, otherwise this symbol promises poverty;
  21. The horse talks about the path and trips;
  22. The fox warns about a new acquaintance with a dishonest character;
  23. Donkey - conflicts with neighbors;
  24. The elephant is a positive symbol. Prosperity awaits you;
  25. An owl promises loneliness and melancholy;
  26. Seeing a rooster means meeting a rival;
  27. A flock of birds - failure in love, unrequited feelings;
  28. A dog is a strong friendship, a reliable person;
  29. Fish: large - gossip and ill-wishers, small - cash bonus;
  30. Frog - unhappy love;
  31. The anthill and its inhabitants are labor that will be fairly rewarded;
  32. Monkey is a person who wants to pretend to be a friend, but is not one. Monkey is a bad sign;
  33. A deer indicates a successful coincidence of circumstances, the right decisions;
  34. Eagle - struggle, effort and effort. The outcome is positive;
  35. The bear warns: beware of strangers;
  36. The saddle foreshadows a trip;
  37. Castle - rumors and gossip around the fortuneteller;
  38. The cross can mean troubles that await a loved one;
  39. Brick - infidelity of the other half, disappointment;
  40. A shovel is a symbol with negative connotations, the loss of something;
  41. Plants. A living tree is prosperity, a shriveled tree is a new love interest;
  42. Bushes - relates to the professional sphere and portends a business trip;
  43. Forest - negative events, losses, infidelity of loved ones;
  44. The flower means a love adventure. If it is framed in a circle, money is waiting for you. The cross next to the symbol is marriage;
  45. Cucumber - unpleasant little things, troubles, omissions;
  46. Rose - good luck in love, creating a family;
  47. Heart - passion, love;
  48. Eyes appear before future changes;
  49. Silhouettes of people can mean rash actions and dangerous events;
  50. A man on horseback is an assistant in business, an iconic personality;
  51. The deceased father - the need to remember him, light a candle;
  52. The mill means rash actions, mistakes;
  53. A car promises carefreeness and relaxation;
  54. Stove - wealth, well-being;
  55. The house portends spending, expenses. Stains around the house can mean income, changes for the better;
  56. Ruins - disappointment, loss of motivation;
  57. Cage - negative situation, difficulties;
  58. Horns - enemies, danger;
  59. Candle - slander, accusations;
  60. Chair - stability and advantageous position;
  61. Table - well-being, income and prosperity;
  62. Pillow - outside help;
  63. A blanket is a chance to change the situation, which determination will help you take advantage of;
  64. Strawberries - happiness in love;
  65. The figure of a crocodile - strengthens the symbol standing next to it;
  66. Turtle - good luck in business, focus;
  67. A butterfly is a person who has a huge influence on the fortuneteller;
  68. Dinosaur - secrets hidden far in the past;
  69. The mermaid is a tempter present next to the fortuneteller in everyday life;
  70. The cat is a negative symbol. Cunning, poverty, lies;
  71. Wolf - recent changes in life, a heroic act, a previous illness;


Often the drawings on the walls show not only images, but also numbers. What does each number mean? when interpreting fortune telling on coffee grounds.

Coffee is not just Reviver, possessing pleasant taste and aroma, it is a world of riddles and answers, symbols and movements. The energy of coffee is so strong and subtle that it allows you to duplicate the person drinking it. Fortune telling using coffee grounds is considered one of the most accurate and truthful ways to find out your future.

The history of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not known for certain. The Italians consider themselves the founders of fortune telling. In the 18th century they proposed a list of the symbols used in it. Some say that the history of fortune telling with coffee grounds was discovered by a Bedouin who was transporting a caravan through the desert. One day, after drinking coffee, at the bottom of the mug he saw a skull made of coffee grains. Since eastern peoples are superstitious, it was decided to postpone the start of the crossing. Later they learned that more than one caravan was damaged as a result of a terrible storm in the desert. Since then, every Bedouin, before starting the crossing, looks at the bottom of the mug to find out the future. In Russia, fortune telling on coffee grounds has appeared since the time of Peter the Great, when coffee beans began to be brought to the country. Today it is widespread in our country and is available to everyone who drinks this aromatic and strong drink.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

With the help of fortune telling, each person can find out what to expect and what to fear in the near future. Professional witches know how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. By carefully studying the pattern on the bottom of the saucer, they can accurately find out a person’s thoughts, see the state of his health, and predict future ups and downs. To learn how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, you need long and hard training. However, not every person is capable of achieving real mastery in this matter. But anyone who is confident in their own abilities and has intuition can master the basics of fortune telling using coffee grounds.

For fortune telling, you will need a light porcelain cup for coffee, a smooth saucer without a pattern, and a Turk. Best drink For fortune telling, it will be possible to brew 2 teaspoons of coarsely ground coffee and 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee per cup. Ground coffee pour into the Turk, pour cold water and bring to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. As soon as a thick foam appears on the surface of the Turk, remove it from the heat - the coffee is ready. Before you begin fortune telling, you need to clearly formulate (mentally or even out loud) the question to which you want to find the answer. Then pour the coffee into a coffee cup, let it brew for a few minutes, then slowly drink the drink you have prepared, but not completely (about 1 tablespoon of liquid should remain at the bottom of the cup). When you drink, think about your question. After this, take the cup in your left hand and make three movements in a circle (clockwise). You need to rotate the cup quite vigorously so that the sediment is evenly distributed over its walls. After this, turn the cup upside down and place it on the saucer so that one edge is on the edge of the saucer, and the other on the bottom, and count to seven. Then turn the cup over and look carefully at the patterns of coffee grains formed on the walls.

The meaning of fortune telling on coffee grounds

  1. First, look at the patterns located along the handle from the edge of the cup to the center of the bottom - this will allow you to see the state of affairs at the moment.
  2. The patterns of the cup wall from left to right will tell you the whole truth about the past.
  3. The patterns on the walls of the cup from right to left will help you learn about the near future.
  4. The patterns on the bottom symbolize events in the distant future.

Fortune telling symbols on coffee grounds are viewed in the direction from the edge of the cup to the center of the bottom. The lighter the cup, the happier the person’s life, and, conversely, the darker it is, the more the burden of problems weighs on the person. Fortune telling on coffee grounds is based on the associative connections that arise between the shape of the pattern and the corresponding object of the material world. In each pattern you can see a different picture, which means you can interpret it differently. But among a number of figures that can be seen in the coffee grounds, there are those that will be generally accepted in all cases. Very often, looking at the patterns on the bottom of the cup, you can see signs reminiscent of numbers, letters, and geometric shapes. For example, straight lines are a favorable sign, symbolizing well-being and happiness, wavy lines predict a long trip, and curved lines warn of secret enemies. If you see an oval, this may be a harbinger of an imminent marriage, and a triangle means good luck and luck. Often at the bottom you can see images that resemble the outlines of animals and human faces. A snake foretells that there is a secret enemy among friends, a camel promises financial success, and a butterfly symbolizes a quick date.

The meaning of fortune telling on coffee grounds is determined after a thorough analysis of at least 5 figures. The way the symbols are arranged is also important for prediction. In each pattern you can see something different and interpret it in your own way. Therefore, although fortune telling on coffee grounds is quite simple, for a detailed and most accurate prediction, the presence of magical abilities will not be superfluous. Only practice and experience will help you correctly determine the meaning of a particular symbol, as well as the meaning of their combinations. But, no matter how accurate the interpretation of the symbols, the symbols of fortune telling on coffee grounds cannot reflect the whole variety of events that happen in human life.