Healthy candies made from almonds and dates (vegan). Homemade dried fruits and nuts

Homemade Coconut and Date Candies


Dates - 150-200 gr;

Coconut flakes from one coconut;

Sesame - about 6-7 tablespoons.

First you need to prepare the coconut flakes, for this we rub the contents of one on a fine grater. You can see how to open a coconut easily and safely here.

After the coconut flakes are ready, we start dates. Mine, let dry a little, remove the bones and put in a small saucepan or stewpan.

Add a little water and put on a small fire. The task is to get a soft homogeneous mass, you can use a spoon or spatula. If the dates are soft, then the mass is ready in a couple of minutes. Then let it cool down a bit.

Add coconut flakes to it and mix everything thoroughly.

The resulting mass can be removed in the refrigerator for a while, so it will be better molded.

Fry the required amount of sesame seeds in a pan or in the oven until a light golden hue, let cool. Pour the sesame seeds into a small bowl.

Let's start forming balls. To do this, simply take a little candy mass with your fingertips and form a small ball, then put it in a container with sesame seeds, where we roll it from all sides.

These are some amazing candies!

I learned the recipe for sweets from dates with nuts a long time ago from a friend, but I didn’t make them for a very long time. And so I decided to share with you this simple and delicious recipe for sweets from dates with nuts.

Recently, I began to think more and more not only about vegetarian food, but also about the fact that it was healthy. Many people love various sweets, but if you pay attention to their composition, it leaves much to be desired. Healthy dried fruit candies are the perfect replacement for store-bought sweets. We can make them so diverse that our desires have no limits. Today I will tell you one of the simplest recipes for dates from dates. And in the future I will share other recipes for sweets.

Candy composition:

  • Dates 300 grams
  • Dried apricots 200 grams
  • Seeds 50-100 grams
  • Hazelnut 35-40 pieces
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Any spices as desired
  • Lemon juice
  • Coconut flakes 50-100 grams

Recipe for candy dates with nuts:

1. The recipe for sweets is very simple, and if you have an electric meat grinder it will be even easier. First of all, we will rinse well and pour boiling water for 15 minutes on dried apricots and dates. After they become softer, drain the water and peel the dates from the stones, I make a cut along the length with a knife and take out the stone.

2. We simply wash the dried apricots.

3. Now we take a meat grinder, and grind dried apricots with dates into one plate.

4. Then add seeds and spices to the resulting mixture to taste. And squeeze some lemon juice.

5. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Prepare coconut flakes.

7. And of course hazelnuts, if desired, you can first dry it in the oven, it will be more delicious.

8. Now the matter is simple, we take a small pile of the mixture, insert a nut into the center and roll the ball, after which we roll it in coconut flakes. We do this with each ball.

Here is such an easy-to-prepare and very healthy recipe for sweets from dates with nuts, I told you. Many people will like these candies because they are sugar-free and very healthy.

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Have you ever tried to make candy at home? I offer a simple and very tasty recipe for homemade sweets based on soft Iranian dates and nuts. I used ground almonds, but walnuts, hazelnuts, or pecans will also work. These do not contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and stabilizers. Delicious and healthy sweets will give you and your children moments of pleasure. So, I’m telling you how to cook delicious sweets with your own hands in just 15 minutes.

healthy homemade candy recipe

For the preparation of nut sweets, we need:

  • 400 g dates;
  • almonds 200 g;
  • 4 tbsp. l. coconut flakes;
  • 1 st. l. carob or cocoa;
  • 3 art. l. water;
  • blender and coffee grinder.

Let's cook the almonds first. Rinse it and dry it well on a towel. We put completely dry almonds in a coffee grinder and make almond flour. Remove the pits from the dates and put in a blender, add most of the ground almonds (reserve a couple of spoons for sprinkling), coconut flakes and a little water (literally 2-3 tablespoons). Blend everything in a blender until smooth. Also, a food processor with an s-shaped knife is perfect for this purpose.

The mass is quite thick and sticky. We form sweets of any shape from this mass, I made round ones. Roll each candy in the sprinkles. As a topping, I used almond flour, coconut flakes and carob (you can take cocoa). That's all. Our homemade sweets are ready! They can be eaten right away.

While I was rolling candy balls, my husband prudently brewed fresh tea. So our sweets lived with us for literally 10 minutes. It turns out to be very tasty and healthy yummy, I recommend trying it!

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Most people love sweets! I don’t know about you, but I just consider myself to be this most sweet tooth) At the same time, people usually strongly associate sweets with something harmful and forbidden. You need to at least limit yourself in their use, and it is better to completely refuse, which of course requires hellish efforts of the will! Personally, I am not a supporter of such artificial restrictions in nutrition or in other areas of life.

Rather than constantly exhausting yourself with prohibitions, it’s better to figure out once carefully what exactly this or that product is harmful and how useful it can be replaced. For me personally, knowing what specific destructive processes take place inside my body when I eat a chocolate bar or other harmful product allows me to consciously and calmly refuse these nasty things. Indeed, in my mind, they move from the category of "food" to the category of "poisons".

The best thing is that there are a lot of healthy sweets that will not harm your health in any way. For example, homemade sweets based on dates. After all, they do not contain sugar, fatty oils, and even more so artificial additives and incomprehensible chemical ingredients. Everything is only the most useful and natural.

I have posted the recipe on this site before. Be sure to try making these sweets, they are my favorite! Today I want to tell you how to make delicious coconut sweets.

We only need three ingredients:

Coconut - 1 pc.

Dates - 20-30 pcs. depending on the size. The ratio of dates to coconut pulp should be approximately 1:1.

Dry coconut flakes (for sprinkling) - a few tablespoons.

I'll tell you a little about how to choose the right dates. In the markets and in shops, dates are most often sold in sticky sugar syrup. I try not to buy these. Read about how dried fruits are processed and how to distinguish natural dates from chemical ones. I really like Iranian Kaspiran dates. They are sold in small boxes weighing 600 grams. These are:

They are not processed by anything and are very soft and tender in texture. They look like this:

So, how to make coconut candy:

1. Soak the dates for 20 minutes in water at room temperature. Remove the bones before soaking. If these are dates of the Kaspiran variety, which I wrote about above, then they do not need to be soaked, since they themselves are super soft.

2. When the dates become soft, they need to be ground into a thick, homogeneous gruel. This can be done with a blender, meat grinder or grinder. In the case of soft Kaspiran dates, you just need to mash them with a fork! Right along with the skin, although if you get confused, you can remove the skin from each date. I do not do this.

3. We open the coconut. See my separate article. If you read the article and did it right, you should end up with two neat halves of coconut meat.

As a result, you will get these headings - date pulp and grated coconut:

5. Mix dates with coconut. You should get a fairly dense, thick mass.

6. From this mass we sculpt small balls with our hands. This is done simply - by rolling the ball in the palms of your hands until it becomes smooth and round. Then it remains only to roll the resulting balls in dry coconut flakes. The fresh shredded coconut you grated is not good for sprinkling, as it is not dry. Dry shavings can be bought in a store or on the market. Or you can make your own by drying fresh coconut flesh in the oven or dehydrator. By the way, you can add purchased dry coconut flakes to the sweets themselves, it's much easier. But the taste of sweets will not be so tender.

That's it, delicious coconut sweets are ready! It is better to put them in the refrigerator for a while. There they finally “grab” and become especially tasty. These sweets are very delicate in taste, literally melt in your mouth) Be sure to try it!

Enjoy your meal! Treat yourself to healthy vegan treats!

Greetings, my dear readers! Do you like sweet things? I noticed that most of my friends and acquaintances love sweets. By the way, I also belong to this “most sweet tooth” 🙂 Therefore, I decided to make a surprise for you. Today I will tell you how to make raw candy at home.

Such sweets will turn out incredibly tasty. But, after all, they say: "It is better to see once - than to hear a hundred times." I’ll clarify: it’s better to try once than hear about how delicious it is many times. Therefore, friends, you have a chance to personally appreciate the amazing taste of this delicacy.

However, the unique taste of raw food sweets is not their only advantage. You can safely eat these tasty treats and not be afraid that they will harm your health. They are free of artificial additives and mysterious chemical ingredients. The composition of such sweets includes only the most useful and natural.

And I will introduce you to the recipe for sweets "Bliss". These sweets are made from dates with carob. Their recipe is very easy to make, with just a few ingredients. By the way, the ingredients themselves are also very tasty. Therefore, friends, when preparing sweets, try to refrain from eating the ingredients. And then you won’t get to the sweets 🙂

A little about the amazing carob

This recipe uses carob powder to add chocolate flavor. Unlike cocoa, it is sweet on its own. Therefore, you do not have to add additional honey or other sweetness.

In addition, carob is lower in calories. It's all about the lower fat content - only 0.7 g in carob versus 17.5 g in cocoa.

The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal (per 100 g). For cocoa powder, this figure is 374 kcal.

The chemical composition of carob is rich and varied. The following components are present here:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others;
  • mineral components (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash;
  • some saturated fatty acids.

And carob does not contain fromamine, so it does not have allergenicity, which is characteristic of simple chocolate. Since carob does not contain phenylethylamine (found in regular chocolate), it does not cause migraines.

Therefore, it is safe to say that carob is a worthy substitute for cocoa. The so-called "healthy chocolate".

In comparison, cocoa powder contains theobromine and caffeine (tonics) and phenylephamine (antidepressants). In general, it has a complex chemical composition. And it has an amazing property: it can improve mood, as well as increase vitality. But there is also a “reverse side of the coin”: cocoa powder can provoke an allergic reaction.

In addition, carob can be eaten without pre-treatment. Well, cocoa seeds must be processed and burned, and only then they become edible.

Secrets of making sweets "Bliss"

  • I advise you to use royal dates. They are usually sold in a cardboard box. These dates are large and their skin is not dried, unlike other varieties.

  • Don't like dates? Then you can make a yummy out of bananas and prunes. The amount of ingredients depends on how much candy you make. For a small amount, it is usually enough to take half a banana and grind it to a puree state. Banana puree will give sweets softness and amazing flavor. Also take a few pieces of prunes. It must first be soaked, otherwise the prunes will be too dry.
  • In general, with the choice of ingredients you have complete freedom of action. That is, you can add whatever you want. For example, figs, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

I just have a request for you. Then write in the comments what you used from the ingredients and whether you liked the sweets. And share the link to this article with your girlfriends. I bet they have a sweet tooth too. I think they will love this recipe.

And here is the recipe for raw food sweets "Bliss".


3-5 servings 20 minutes. Weight of the finished dish: 460 gr.

for balls

150 gr

45 grabout 3 tbsp. spoons

220 grseedless

35 gr2 tbsp. spoons
