Fried taimen. Taimen cooking recipes

This fish is not so common in our stores, so the housewives who have become its owners are wondering how to cook taimen? It should be noted that excellent fish soup can be prepared from taimen, it can be fried on coals and in a frying pan. Some recipes for cooking taimen are described in detail in this article.

Taimen recipes

Taimen ear

So, in order to cook ear from taimen, you need to take:

  • large fish;
  • salt;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • dried dill.

How to cook taimen - recipe

  1. So, before cooking taimen, it is cleaned of scales, gutted, cut off the head and fins. The finished fish is cut into small pieces and put in a large saucepan, into which 3.5 liters of cold water are poured. The contents of the dishes are brought to a boil over medium heat, then the fish soup continues to be boiled, avoiding strong seething of the liquid.
  2. To cook taimen, the onions are peeled, washed, cut into half rings and put in a saucepan with the prepared fish soup. Bay leaves, peppercorns and salt are also added to it.
  3. After 30 minutes from the moment of boiling the taimen soup, put a little dried dill grass in the pan, and boil the fish soup for another 5 minutes.
  4. Then the taimen soup, like all first courses, is allowed to brew for no more than 6 minutes and poured into plates. It is customary to serve dried bread to the ear of taimen.

Fried taimen recipe

In order to fry taimen, you will need:

  • large taimen;
  • 100 g butter;
  • salt;
  • some rye flour.

Step by step cooking taimen:

  1. Continuing to answer the question - how to cook taimen, housewives can also be recommended to fry this fish.
  2. At the preparatory stage, taimen is cleaned, as described in detail in the first recipe. Then its carcass is cut into thin pieces, no more than 4 cm thick. Taimen is fried in a thick cast-iron frying pan. If such dishes are not available in everyday life, then any thick-walled frying pan will do.
  3. To cook taimen, melt butter in a frying pan. Pour a little rye flour into a bowl and roll each piece of fish in it. Then it is placed in a frying pan with boiling butter.
  4. Taimen should be cooked over medium heat until a golden crust appears on one side of it. After that, pieces of taimen are turned over, and they are also fried on the other side. The finished fish is laid out in a dish and served on the table.

In Siberia, in the rivers of which taimen is not uncommon, they prefer to drink it with drinks made from currant leaves and lingonberries.

Cooking taimen baked in mustard with breadcrumbs

After successful fishing, we assume that you still caught a fast and strong taimen, you can also cook it. There are many recipes, including taimen can be cooked in the same way as salmon, but then we will describe one of the most interesting dishes from this fish.

We need one carcass of taimen. Then we clean it, gut it and remove the fillet on the skin, it is worth noting that by this time the oven has already been heated to a temperature of about 180 degrees Celsius. After we have cleaned the fish, we cut it into pieces (steaks), the width of which should be 2 - 3 centimeters, and the weight should be about 90 grams. After that, the cut pieces are put together and from two steaks we make one serving. After this not tricky operation, we coat the portion with granular mustard, and sprinkle bread crumbs on top of the mustard layer, which was previously mixed with ground parsley. Put a thin layer of butter on top of the breadcrumbs. Be careful, salt and pepper are not used in this dish.

If you have performed all the above steps and have not forgotten anything, put the fish in a preheated oven. You need to bake taimen for seven, eight minutes. After this time, the fish can be served on the table.

Hot and cold smoked taimen

There are two ways to smoke fish: hot and cold. But regardless of the method of smoking a particular fish, it is always stored in a cool place.

Hot smoked fish is made in a smoker, which you can buy in a store or make yourself, but we will not talk about making a smoker, so let's imagine that you bought it in a store.

What does a smokehouse look like?

Usually it is a rectangular box, the size of which can be arbitrary, this box is made of stainless steel (stainless steel) or non-galvanized iron. The box should have a lid, either removable or hinged, and a grate, which should be fixed at a distance of five to eight centimeters from the bottom. Of course, instead of a box, you can also use a stainless steel bucket.

If you are going to cook hot-smoked fish, then you must first gut it, while the fish can be cleaned, or you can leave it in scales, rinse well, rub with salt and leave for two to three hours so that it is salted.
Then, a layer of alder sawdust should be laid out on the bottom of the oil lamp, it is worth noting that birch and pine sawdust will not work due to the fact that too much resin or twigs are released during combustion, the layer height should be 1 - 2 centimeters. Then, a juniper branch, which is previously cleared of needles, and a bay leaf are added to the sawdust. Then, the fish is placed on the grate, and it is laid in such a way that the carcasses do not touch each other, and various spices can also be placed in the cut belly of the fish. Then the box is covered with a lid and put on fire. After about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the carcasses placed in the smokehouse, the fish should already be cooked. If you removed the lid and saw that the fish was not smoked enough, then continue smoking until done. If the fish is ready, then it should have a bronze-golden color and a pleasant, but specific smell.

If you decide to cook hot-smoked fish, then this will require you to spend a significant amount of time, but at the same time, the cooked balyk will not deteriorate for a very long time. It is worth noting that taimen is especially tasty when cold smoked.
Fish, before cold smoking, are gutted and salted. After two days, the fish must be ventilated, and then transferred to a smokehouse, while the smokehouse is a canopy or hut, which is surrounded by mossy turf. Then the smokehouse is heated with aspen rot, while you can add some fragrant herbs, as well as juniper, peeled from needles. The smokehouse should always maintain a very thick smoke, and its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Thus, the fish must be smoked for two days, and more. After cooking, the fish must be cooled and placed in a container in which there is air access.

Cooking taimen for fishing
The most favorite food of Siberian spinningists is boiled taimen heads. They eat everything - lips, skin, cartilage, brains. However, the eyes, or rather, the eye frame, are considered an unsurpassed delicacy. It is no coincidence that eagles and gulls first of all try to peck out the eyes of salmon.

It is best to fry fish in a cast-iron pan, after rolling thin (up to 4 cm) slices in rye flour. Fry in butter until soft golden brown. If there is no oil, collect all the taimen offal in a tin can and place it near the fire. When the fat is rendered, drain through cheesecloth into a bottle. In terms of its useful qualities, it surpasses sunflower oil, it does not at all have that nasty smell, which distinguishes cod fat, which has overshadowed the happy time of childhood for many anglers. Taimen fat can be seasoned with porridge, pasta, potatoes, and also lubricated boat oarlocks so as not to be annoyed by creaking.

If in a hurry you forget a frying pan at home, you can “bake” the fish. They choose graylings, small lenoks, and taimen are laid along the ridge, salted from the inside and laid on a hot hissing stone slab. Turn over after ten minutes. You can coat the fish with clay and bury it for half an hour under a fire - in hot sand.

For a fishing feast, do not forget to cook boiled taimen. The fattest fat man is cut into pieces, poured with salt water and simmered for twenty minutes on low heat. From seasonings add: carrots, parsley, onions, bay leaf, allspice and bitter pepper.

Hot boiled taimen is served with baked potatoes, wild garlic salad, and cold - horseradish with vinegar or fried mushrooms, which anyone can easily pick up, if only they are not too lazy to take a few steps from the fire.

Fish giblets, according to the unanimous opinion of Siberian spinners, are an irresistible delicacy. Liver, heart, swim bladders, cleanly scraped stomachs are taken from taimen and lenok - and all this is fried together to a crisp.

Very good "taimen on a spit." Pieces of salmon are strung on a steel ramrod from a carbine and, sprinkled with fine salt and fragrant pepper, they are held over hot coals, turning from time to time and pouring with melted butter. Eaten with wild green onions.

If you are very hungry, you can roast the whole taimen on a fire - just like in ancient times, our ancestors roasted the carcasses of wild boars, deer, and saigas at hunting feasts.

Taymesatinu is pleasant to drink with tea brewed with lingonberry leaves, blackcurrant branches or rosehip roots and berries. In spring, you can brew with birch buds, and in summer with fireweed flowers and chaga.

It is advisable to load a couple of baskets of amber sea buckthorn onto a raft. At home, you can make a wonderful liqueur from it, for which it will be especially pleasant to remember Siberian travels. And if honeysuckle comes across, immediately pick up a full pot of these berries and put it in the most prominent place of the “holiday meadow”. When, after the taimen feast, the stomachs begin to strike, run quickly to the pot - honeysuckle will help out better than any pill.

Salted graylings can be recommended for breakfast. It is necessary to rub two dozen excellent hunchbacks from the inside with fine salt and put them in an enamel pan overnight. Graylings are skinned with a stocking and served either whole or on flat birch logs, cut into slices like a herring. No condiments or garnishes are required - and without them it is delicious!

You can also cook jelly, for which taimen heads, tails and swim bladders are boiled in a bucket for at least two hours. Then, in the same broth, the second portion of heads and fins is boiled, all bones are removed, and the jaws with fangs are hidden in a backpack (they can successfully replace combs, which will certainly be lost in the very first days of the trip). The wild garlic is crushed into jelly, poured into bowls and put in a hole where there is permafrost, or in a cold spring. Served with horseradish in the morning.

You can treat your friends to a great aspic. Part of the broth intended for jelly is made “crystal”, pieces of boiled taimen, grayling, lenok, whitefish and pike are dipped into it (for comparison). This dish is nice to decorate with clusters of ripe lingonberries.

You should definitely try the freshly salted taimen. The sidewall of a young billhook is cut into small rhombuses and, sprinkled with salt, placed in a glass jar. Three days later, an excellent snack is obtained. You should also try pickled taimen. The marinade is cooked on a fire in the same way as housewives, not forgetting either sugar or bay leaf, cool and dip slices of lightly salted salmon into it. It becomes white, unusual in taste. Some cooks pre-scald the taymesatin with boiling water.

You can diversify your camping menu with hot kopchushkas. They choose fatter fish, gut it, wash it and, after salting it, put it in birch bark troughs for five hours. Especially large fish are cut along the back. In a steep bank, they dig a niche 70 cm deep, with a section of 40 by 50 cm, lay the fish on poles and burn a fire under it. They drown with aspen stumps, rotten, willow brushwood. After two or three hours you can feast. Beer lovers will not miss the opportunity to bring Siberian roach - dried grayling. After the usual salting, they are hung out, expanding the peritoneum with chopsticks, and let them dry themselves in the wind. Taimen and lenok should be dried gradually, not kept in the sun for a long time, because their meat is very tender, it easily falls off the bones.

How to cook Taimen fish? and got the best answer

Answer from Xenia[guru]
TAIMENI is a genus of fish of the salmon family. Length up to 1.5 m, weigh up to 60 kg. 4 species, one in the rivers of the Korean Peninsula, 3 species in the rivers of Russia, in the Danube basin, from the upper reaches of the Volga to the Amur and the Sea of ​​Japan, near Sakhalin Island. Prepare like any red fish. I like the following recipe .. A large amount of carrots and onions are fried, laid out in a saucepan, then the fish is cut into portions, salt and pepper to taste, poured with mayonnaise. After 15-20 minutes the fish is ready.

Answer from focus[guru]
Bon appetit

Answer from Yergey Ptichkin[guru]
The cloaca is cut out. The intestines are pulled out through the mouth. The entire peritoneum is filled with salt and the fish is wrapped in canvas. The cooking time is approximately the same as cooking the fish soup on the fire. Who does not like raw. Fish with salt lasts longer. you drink 150 grams of Parliament vodka and bite off a fish. To the ridge, salty, closer to the skin, raw ... BLUEPOTA! And under the ear, the second portion of vodka

Answer from tradition[guru]
and the cutlets come out wonderful, they are cooked like from ordinary fish. fat, sleepy!! mm!!

Answer from slash[active]
no way to cook. it is listed in the Red Book.

Answer from log[guru]
Taimen can be cooked in any way. Ukha, for example, is either fried or baked. Or just make a tola - cut the frozen fish into toooooo thin slices, dip in vinegar and eat.

Answer from Water polo[guru]
Nelma or taimen grilled
800 g fish, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of diluted citric acid, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1/4 lemon, parsley; salt, ground pepper to taste.
Cut the prepared fish with skin into portions. Put in an enameled or ceramic dish, salt, pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil and diluted citric acid, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Keep in a cool place for 30-40 minutes. Grease the grate and fry the fish over hot coals. Serve garnished with lemon slices. Potatoes can be served as a side dish.
Salted taimen
We take freshly caught fish.
We remove the intestines and gills by making an incision along the abdomen.
We cut the carcass from head to tail along the ridge to the skin (without piercing it).
We lay out the carcass (the resulting two halves) on a flat surface with the skin down. We make cuts along the ridge at a distance of one centimeter from each other, but carefully, without cutting through the skin. The spine and rib bones can be removed.
Salt I use a "heater", the grinding is not very large (the largest piece of salt is the size of a match head). We salt as if we are going to fry the fish. Carefully get salt into all cuts of the carcass evenly.
Next, we turn the carcass to its original position. We rub a little salt on the outside of the carcass (the scales were not removed from the taimen, but when they made salmon, they cleaned the scales).
We put the carcass (if available - in a basin) with the back to the bottom and leave it in a cool place.
Particularly impatient people can eat little salt after 30-40 minutes, but in large fish, longitudinal cuts should then be done even more often. Aesthetes remove all bones except fins! This is how I cooked only fish on the table during my birthday. In field conditions, of course, you have to keep the fish either in a plastic food bucket or in a strong plastic bag. The main thing is that the brine resulting from salting does not flow out of the carcass. That is, the fish would be kept with the back down and with the ventral incision up.
Must be kept cold. In the heat, such cooking is unacceptable.
Thus, after a day, two people put the cooked fish into the freezer, and then, as needed, took it out and cut it into small chips. Vku-u-usno-oh-oh-oh! Properly cooked fish is cut into pieces and ... then only fingers are licked!
Taimen (lake trout, salmon) under a fur coat with herbs
1 lemon, 4 lake trout fillets 200 g each, salt, pepper.
Herb coat: 1 kg of potatoes, 1/4 l of salted water, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of chives, salt, pepper, 2 egg whites, 2 pcs. chopped shallots, 50 g softened butter, 1/8 l dry white wine, 200 g whipped cream, salt and pepper, ground in a spice grinder.
Squeeze the lemon on a citrus juicer. Sprinkle the trout fillet with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Peel potatoes, boil in salted water, drain and let cool slightly. Wash the herbs, dry and grind in a multi-mixer. Add potatoes, bring to a mashed state, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour the egg white into a bowl and beat until a thick mass forms. Introduce into the potato mass with herbs. Grease a baking dish with oil. First put the shallots, trout on it. Top with potato mixture. Drizzle with melted butter and wine. Put the mold in the oven, bake. Take out the fish, put in a warm place. Pour the broth into a saucepan, add, stirring, whipped cream and cook until 1/4 of the original amount remains, add spices and serve with trout fillet. Garnish: needle brown rice.
Smoking salmon or taimen
The recipe is simple and does not require any special equipment other than a large board for cutting fish. The caught fish is carefully divided into two parts along the ridge, the bones and the ridge are removed. The fillet remains on the skin. This fillet (skin inside) is attached with special wooden nails to the board, as if stretched on it. Chalkboard with p