An old recipe for pea soup with smoked ribs. Pea soup with smoked pork ribs

Pea soup with smoked meats is an ideal solution when it is frosty and cold outside, at such a time it will be especially pleasant to enjoy a hearty, fragrant and unusually tasty hot dinner.

The technology for creating a delicious dish is so simple that it will not cause difficulties even for novice cooks and housewives with no experience.

Peas for soup are soaked for several hours in a large volume of water, after which they are thoroughly washed again. Smoked meat products can be used as a component that determines the taste of a dish: ribs, brisket, bacon, wings, chicken, balyks, sausages and even smoked cheese or fish.

Depending on the recipe, smoked meats are boiled together with cereals or added to the soup at the final stage of its preparation, along with vegetable frying. Pea soup with smoked meat is aromatic in itself and does not require the addition of a large amount of spices. Successfully and profitably emphasize the taste of hot bay leaf and, if desired, pepper.

Classic pea soup with smoked meats

Craving a smoked soup? Try to cook a very tasty pea soup with smoked meats. It turns out thick and satisfying. Pay attention to the peas from which you will cook. When choosing split peas, you can not soak it. Ordinary peas must first be soaked overnight or for the time indicated on the package.


  • shelled peas - 300g
  • smoked pork knuckle with bone - about 1 kg
  • water - 3l
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2–3 pcs.
  • smoked sausages, smoked sausage or salami


Put the knuckle in a large saucepan, cover with water, season with salt to taste and cook for at least an hour. Add peas and cook for another hour. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the soup and cook for about 30 minutes more. Remove the shank from the soup, cut the meat off the bone, cut into cubes and put back into the pan.

Finely chop the onion and carrot, fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Transfer the vegetables to the soup and boil for no more than 20 minutes over low heat. Add sliced ​​smoked meats to the soup. Serve the finished soup hot with crackers or rye bread.

Pea soup with smoked brisket


  • Peas 450 g
  • Carrot 150 g
  • Parsley 100 g
  • Smoked brisket 250 g
  • Water 1.5 l
  • Bulb onion 50 g
  • Fat 20 g
  • Wheat flour 25 g
  • Marjoram to taste
  • Garlic 2 cloves

Cooking step by step:

  1. Sort the peas, wash, soak for several hours in cold boiled water. Boil in the same water. When the peas soften, salt.
  2. Boil brisket broth with vegetables. Rub the peas through a sieve, pour strained broth.
  3. Peel the onion, chop, fry until light golden color with flour. Dilute with cold water until smooth. Put in soup, boil. Season to taste with garlic mashed with salt and marjoram. Put the brisket cut into cubes.

Pea soup with smoked meats and croutons


  • split peas two hundred and fifty g
  • Beef seven hundred g
  • Potato two hundred and fifty g
  • Salt one tsp.
  • pork loin two hundred g
  • pork ribs three hundred g
  • onion one piece
  • Carrot one hundred g
  • sweet orange pepper one pc.
  • smoked brisket two hundred g
  • Three hundred g bread
  • olive oil fifty ml
  • Garlic four cloves
  • Parsley twenty g


Soak the peas in water for several hours, or better - overnight. According to rumors, this is not at all necessary to do with peas, but we soak it just in case. Peas swell and cook faster. While the peas are soaking, we will make the broth. Put the meat in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, cook for two minutes. Make separately boiling water (three-3.5 liters).

After that, take out the meat, pour out the water, wash the pan, pour the cooked boiling water into a clean saucepan, put the meat there, bring to a boil and make a quiet fire. Add peeled onions and carrots, cook for about 2 hours (depending on the quality of the meat) until tender.

You can add some water, but in the end, 2.5 liters of pure broth should come out.

When the broth is ready, take out the onions and carrots, then throw the peas into it, cook for 40-60 minutes. Peel and cut into cubes potatoes, throw into the broth. Boil fifteen minutes. Add passerovka to the soup, boil for an additional 10 minutes. Cut the loin into cubes, divide the ribs and add everything to the soup. Salt to taste.

Cut onions, carrots, sweet peppers. Cut the brisket into long strips, fry in an empty pan. Next, add chopped onions, carrots, peppers to the fried brisket and sauté over low heat for a couple of minutes. The soup is ready, we proceed to the manufacture of croutons. Cut the bread into 1x1 cm cubes.

Pour oil into the pan, flavor it with garlic (squeeze the garlic). Throw bread, fry a little and put on a baking sheet, bake in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve crackers, neatly chopped parsley with the soup.

Thick pea soup with smoked sausage

Simple pea soup can be served with sausage - and it will immediately become more fragrant and appetizing!


  • Dried peas - one hundred g
  • Potato - two hundred g
  • Carrots - one hundred g
  • Onion - one hundred g
  • Water - 1.5–2 l
  • Vegetable oil - three tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5–2 teaspoons
  • Smoked sausage - five hundred g


Soak the peas for 5 hours. Rinse afterwards. Cook peas for 1.5–2 hours, so that they cook, but do not boil. Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Peel the carrots, wash, crush on a grater. In a frying pan, heat 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Fry the carrots over medium heat, stirring, until soft (ten minutes).

Peel the onion, finely chop. In a frying pan, heat 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Fry the onion over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until amber (7 minutes). Peel potatoes, wash, cut into cubes. Pour in water and cook for 10 minutes. Add onions and carrots, mix. Cook for 5 more minutes. Add one teaspoon of salt.

Add boiled peas. Stir. Cook for five more minutes. Cut the smoked sausage into cubes. Put sixty-seventy grams of chopped sausage into each bowl of soup. Pea soup with smoked sausage should be served. Bon Appetit!

Pea soup with smoked ribs

Pea soup with smoked ribs is an extraordinary and very successful combination of flavors. Hearty, nutritious, and also exceptionally healthy first course. Peas contain excellent taste qualities, as well as medicinal properties. It is saturated with protein, it is exactly the same amount as in beef, but pea protein is absorbed by the body much better and also faster, contains the necessary amino acids, thanks to these compounds, peas are very necessary in the nutrition menu for children, vegetarians, and also all people in general. Combining peas and smoked meat into a whole soup can be called the most successful option. Such a soup can be prepared not only with smoked ribs, but also with other smoked meats to your taste.

Everything is explained by the fact that the taste of smoked meat gives this dish a special refinement and exquisite taste. Take this recipe into service, then cook it for yourself and for your loved ones.


  • Peas, peeled three hundred g
  • Carrot one pc.
  • Onion one piece
  • Potato six pcs.
  • Dried bay leaf one pc.
  • Salt one chip.
  • Ground black pepper one chip.
  • Garlic one tooth.
  • Smoked pork ribs five hundred g
  • Salt as desired
  • Ground black pepper optional
  • Parsley as desired


Rinse the peas thoroughly in several waters, fill with cool water and leave for a couple of hours (or before going to bed). Then pour swollen peas with water or broth, cook until it is soft. While the peas are cooking, prepare the roast. To achieve the desired result, three medium-sized carrots on a large grater. Similarly, for frying, we need an onion, cut it into a cube.

Take a medium sized potato. Peel, wash, dry, cut potatoes into cubes or cubes. When the peas reach the required condition, add the crumbled potatoes, 1/3 of the onion and carrots. Bay leaf. Cooking 10-15 minutes.

Then we pass the onion in sunflower oil until transparent. To a slightly fried onion, add the rest of the carrots. Salt, pepper to taste, add squeezed garlic, fry everything together for another three to five minutes.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add the washed and dried smoked pork ribs. It is desirable to take ribs more meaty. After about 5-7 minutes, add browned vegetables to the soup, stir. Salt and pepper the soup as desired. Remove the bay leaf, bring to a boil. We remove from the fire.

Immediately sprinkle pea soup on pork ribs with chopped herbs. Let it simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve with fried lean bread or crackers. Very appetizing and satisfying. Bon Appetit!

Pea soup puree with smoked meats


  • Peas (chopped) - one stack.
  • Water - one l
  • Pork ribs (smoked) - two hundred g
  • Bacon (smoked, piece) - two hundred g
  • Onion (small, finely chopped) - one piece
  • Carrots (grated on a coarse grater) - one piece
  • Garlic (finely chopped) - three teeth.
  • Potatoes - two pieces
  • Salt (optional)


Take split peas, it cooks 2 times faster than whole. Divide the ribs into bones. Flood the peas, as well as the ribs with water and cook over medium heat until half cooked, add salt. 15 minutes before full readiness, add neatly chopped potatoes.

While the peas are cooking, fry the bacon chunks in a skillet. There is no need to add oil, as the necessary amount of fat will be rendered from the bacon. The flavors are… mind blowing. Add carrots, onion and garlic to bacon. Roast for another five to ten minutes.

Remove large bones from the soup, and grate the rest of the mass with a blender. After that, return the ribs, add the fried bacon and vegetables, then cook for another five to ten minutes. Croutons for pea soup are classics of the genre. Lay the slices of bread on a baking sheet and let dry for a few minutes in the oven.


Each recipe is delicious and healthy in its own way. And no matter which of them you choose, no matter what this dish is prepared with, one thing is clear: neither old nor young will remain indifferent to it. Because it is simply impossible not to love this hearty and fragrant soup. The editors of the site "Quick Recipes" wish you a pleasant appetite.

To prepare 5 liters of pea soup with smoked pork ribs, you will need:

  • Smoked pork ribs - 500 gr
  • Whole dry peas - 400 gr
  • Turnip onion - 150 gr
  • Fresh carrots - 150 gr
  • Potato - 800 gr
  • Spices - to taste
  • fresh parsley
  • White bread loaf

Pea soup with ribs has been the main dish of the poor in almost all of Europe since ancient times. This happened because peas are unpretentious and very productive plants. Dried peas are stored for a very long time, retaining all their useful properties. Peas contain a lot of protein, which is very close in composition to meat protein, so it is very nutritious.

Great Britain, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Sweden are famous for delicious pea soups with ribs. Each of these countries has its own recipe for a thick soup with ribs. No less we love pea soup in the countries of Eastern Europe. In Russia, Poland, Ukraine it is served with croutons.

Soup preparation steps

Here is a step-by-step recipe with a photo of a thick pea soup with smoked pork ribs the old fashioned way.

  1. Sort dry whole peas from impurities and rinse in water. Pour the peas with cool water and let stand for at least 12 hours (for example, overnight). The water in the pan should be twice as much as the peas.
  2. Pour smoked pork ribs with water and cook for 1 hour. You don't need to salt the ribs.
  3. While the ribs are cooking, prepare the vegetables. Potatoes should be peeled, cut into medium cubes and left in water. Peel the onion and carrot and cut into small cubes.
  4. Prepare the stir-fry for this pea soup with smoked ribs. Pour the oil into a heavy-bottomed pan and fry the onion and carrot until tender.
  5. Drain the water from the peas and rinse it for the last time with water.
  6. Add peas and salt to the cooked ribs. Boil 1 hour.
  7. Put the potatoes in a pot with ribs and peas and cook for 30 minutes.
  8. Add roast and spices. Boil 5 minutes. So delicious pea soup with smoked ribs is ready.
  9. While the soup has cooled slightly, prepare the croutons. Cut a loaf of white bread into small cubes and fry in a dry frying pan without oil.
  10. Pour the soup into a bowl and sprinkle with fresh parsley. Serve croutons on a saucer.

This is how soup has been prepared in Russia since ancient times. Peas are usually soaked overnight, and in the morning they begin to cook. If the peas stand in water for a few hours longer, and then immediately boiled with the ribs for 2 hours, then the peas will boil. Pea soup with smoked ribs is ready. After all, some people like peas to be completely boiled.

Cooking soup takes the hostess a lot of time. To prepare such a soup, you must not forget, in advance, soak the peas. And modern life dictates its own rules. In the morning, running away to work, a woman sometimes does not know what she will cook for dinner.

With a slow cooker, cooking pea soup will be even easier

And then multicookers-pressure cookers came to the aid of all the women of the world. You can cook soup with ribs in the Polaris slow cooker in just 30 minutes. Because peas do not need to be soaked to make soup. And the soup turns out just as tasty and healthy.

How to cook pea soup with ribs in a slow cooker?

  1. Rinse the peas and smoked ribs.
  2. Put the ribs and peas into the slow cooker. Close the lid. Select "Pressure Cooking" or "Quick Cooking" mode. Cooking time 20 minutes.
  3. Prepare vegetables in the same way as in the previous recipe for pea soup with ribs.
  4. After the signal to stop cooking, put the potatoes in the slow cooker. Select "Pressure Cooking" or "Quick Cooking" mode. Set the time to 10 minutes.
  5. After cooking, put the frying in the slow cooker and bring to a boil in the “Frying” mode. Boil 5 minutes.

If you cook the soup according to this step-by-step recipe, then the peas will turn out to be boiled, and the soup will be thick and tasty. And you don't need to spend a lot of time on it. When serving, sprinkle the soup with herbs and serve croutons to it.

There are several special nuances that help give the soup an extra flavor. Frying can be cooked not on vegetable oil, but on raw smoked bacon. In this case, the bacon is cut into very small pieces. First you need to fry only the bacon, and then add the onions and carrots to it. In pea soup with ribs, frying goes along with fried bacon. And this will give it an additional aroma and taste.

You can put the spice "Provencal herbs" instead of bay leaf. The soup will have the aroma and flavor of mint and marjoram. Because of these herbs, pea soup with smoked ribs will seem a little different.

There is a subtlety in the smoked ribs themselves. Before adding vegetables, the ribs can be removed from the broth. Separate the meat from the bone. Cut the meat into pieces and return to the broth. Then cook according to the recipe.

Having tried for the first time to cook pea soup with smoked meats, namely with ribs, any other option for making this soup ceased to exist for me. The combination of peas and smoked meat is considered one of the most successful. Also, this soup, in addition to the unearthly aroma, is very satisfying.

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients for making pea soup with smoked pork ribs.

Split peas should be washed and covered with water. In this form, it can be left for an hour and a half, or you can immediately put it to boil. In the second case, pour 2-2.5 liters of water.

Fresh potatoes are cleaned, washed and cut as it is convenient for us - cubes, straws. Put the potatoes in a bowl with the peas.

Preparing vegetables for frying. We clean and wash the onion with carrots, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Fry in a dry frying pan for 3-4 minutes, stirring, and making sure that the vegetables do not burn. Transfer the cooked roast to a bowl. If the ribs are not very fatty, then frying can be done in oil.

We cut the ribs into separate bones with meat, put in the soup. Pour salt, you can add pepper, bay leaf. Cook for another 20 minutes.

After the soup is cooked, let it brew for another 10 minutes under a closed lid.

Pea soup with smoked ribs is ready. Pour it into plates, decorate with fresh herbs before serving.

You can also serve chili peppers for spiciness, fresh vegetables to the soup. Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making pea soup:

We prepare the necessary products for making delicious pea soup. We spread in a saucepan for the transparency of the broth 0.5 onions, 0.25 pcs. sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcarrots and previously cut greens from dill and onions with parsley.

We send to the pan 600 gr. prepared prefabricated meat and pour water, then add allspice peas to taste. Turn on the stove on high heat and bring the broth to a boil, closing the pan with a lid.

To prepare the croutons, we cut the required amount of bread into cubes and, laying it on a baking sheet, dry it in the oven at 100 degrees for about an hour. Not very finely chop the onion head and put it in the pan, adding 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Grate one carrot on a coarse grater. As soon as the broth in the pan boils, switch the stove to a small fire and remove the resulting foam. We spread the grated carrots in the pan to the onion and cook, stirring until it is soft.

Pass two cloves of garlic through a press and add to the pan with vegetables, also add 0.5 tsp. suneli hops, two bay leaves and simmer for about 5 minutes on the smallest fire of the stove.

After thirty minutes, we remove the previously laid onion from the pot with boiling broth, cuttings of greens from dill and onion with parsley. Put the peas soaked for 3 hours and washed several times well in a saucepan and bring the broth to a boil over high heat.

When the broth with peas boils, remove the resulting foam and lower the heat of the stove to low. Add to the pan 300 gr. smoked pork ribs and continue to cook the soup, covering the pan with a lid. After a few minutes, put the cooked vegetable frying into the pan.

We cut the required amount of potatoes into cubes and, removing the boiled slices of carrots, put them in a saucepan. Bring the pot with the soup to a boil over high heat, add salt to taste and, lowering the heat of the stove to a minimum, continue to cook the soup until cooked.

Add a mixture of peppers with dried herbs to the pan to taste 5 minutes before readiness, then mix all the ingredients and let the cooked soup brew, covering the pan with a lid.

We cook together, we cook simply, we cook at home the most delicious dishes from available products according to our recipes! Bon appetit everyone!

Good day, dear readers! Pea soup is popular both on the Russian table and in many European countries. Not surprising, because peas have a pleasant taste and many useful properties. To make the dish even tastier, we will help the broth with smoked meats, which will give it an alluring aroma. So, the hero of our today's recipe is pea soup with smoked ribs.

The cooking process itself takes a little time, but I like to cook with dried peas, which I soak the night before. But if you decide to cook spontaneously, it's okay: our step-by-step recipe will help you become a virtuoso cook.


Step by step recipe

video recipe

5 recipe options

Let's take a look at five popular variations of making pea soup.

  • From a rabbit

Tender rabbit meat makes the dish more tender and light. If you are tired of chicken and turkey, it's time to try the dietary rabbit meat.

This option is prepared faster, easier to digest and looks more aesthetically pleasing. If you are tired of cutting vegetables into strips for the next broth, then this recipe is for you.

  • with sausage

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something tasty, albeit not the most useful. Soup with sausage will allow you to take a break from the trendy “correct” cuisine and save a little time.

  • With mushrooms and pickled vegetables

An unusual combination of peas, mushrooms and pickled vegetables will diversify your everyday meal and give you new taste sensations. Try the original version of the usual dish.

  • With barley and meat

An even more satisfying option with fresh meat will give you not only an amazing lunch, but also a lot of strength and energy.

  1. To make the peas softer, it is ideal to leave them in water overnight. If this is not possible, you can leave it for a couple of hours, you just need to cook longer.
  2. If you leave soaked peas overnight, refrigerate them otherwise they may turn sour.
  3. It is not necessary to rinse the beans. This is necessary for the transparency of the broth.
  4. Not everyone likes onions in soup. Add a whole onion along with the ribs for flavor. And after cooking, easily remove it from the broth. In frying, in this case, you will only have carrots.
  5. Be sure to try the soup for salt. Since the ribs are already salted, it needs to be salted less than usual.
  6. You can use any smoked meat, but ribs are the best, as they give more fat and satiety.
  7. Add fresh herbs only to the plates, as it reduces the shelf life of the dish by 2 times.
  8. The finished dish can be decorated with crackers or croutons of white bread. Children will especially like it.


No matter how much soup you cook, it is unlikely to stay in the refrigerator for a long time. The most important thing is to resist the temptation and let it brew after cooking. Did you like our recipe? Feel free to share it with your friends!