What is the difference between ale and beer. Ancient drink ale

Bitter ale is the national variety of English ale. Although bitter means “bitter” in English (and German), this ale is actually not that bitter. It acquired its name several centuries ago, when English brewers began to use hops, which give the beer a bitter hop flavor. A typical bitter ale is a dark copper color, although some specialty brews range from amber to bronze. Varieties of bitter can be divided into three groups: Ordinary bitter (ordinary bitter), with a density of 9-9.5%, Special bitter (special bitter) - 9.5-10.5% and Extra special bitter (ESB; special extra bitter) - 11-12%. Usual fortress - 3-4% vol.

MILD, soft ale

Indeed, the strength of soft ale of low density (8-9%), somewhat reminiscent of Russian kvass, is very small - 2.5-3.5% vol. Mild has a full, well-defined malt flavor, and is dry and less bitter than pale ales. Two types of soft ale are produced today: Pale mild ale - a beautiful golden color and Dark mild ale - dark brown.

BROWN ALE, brown ale

Brown ale is a good beer for beginners on the hunt for new taste sensations; even experienced connoisseurs like it. Brown ale is not too thin, has a soft malty taste with muted nutty-caramel tones, pleasant and soft; quite aromatic. Brown ale is a fuller and stronger beer than its closest relative, mild. Some brands of this ale are light brown in color and have a sweet, nutty flavor, such as Newcastle Brown Ale. Others, like Old Peculier, are darker, stronger, sharper and more unusual. As a rule, brown ale contains 4.6-6.5% vol. alcohol at a density of 10-12.5%.

PALE ALE, pale ale

Not as dark as brown ale (pale means "weak", "dull" or "light"), and contains more hops and alcohol than bitters of similar origin. The most common pale ale variety is Classic English pale ale. It has been brewed for more than two centuries on the hard water of the English city of Burton-on-Trent, saturated with mineral salts, especially calcium sulfate and carbonates. The color of a pale ale is more of a golden, copper or amber color, which is why in the US it is often referred to as Amber ale (amber ale). The palate is slightly fruity with hints of nuts and toasted malt, pleasantly dry and often with a bitter aftertaste. Fortress 4.5-5.5% vol. alcohol, density 11-16%.


Heavier than pale ale and much stronger. That's what they call it - English strong ale. Old ale is also brewed in England. This type of strong ale has a slightly bitter taste, but is sweeter and thicker (15-19%) than pale ale. Alcohol content - 6.5-8.5% vol. This brown ale is especially good for a leisurely afternoon sip or evening drink. Another version of strong ale is produced under the name Dark ale (dark ale).


Scottish ale is a direct competitor to the strong ale brewed in the cool northern regions of the United Kingdom. The main differences are a darker color, a malty flavor with a buttery-nutty roasty undertone, and often a light smoky aroma that reminds you that Scotch ale comes from the same peat bogs as the famous Scotch whiskey (although Scotch ale is similar in taste to English bitters). ). In fact, this ale is a semi-finished whiskey, only not subjected to distillation and aging. There are several varieties of Scotch ale: Light 60/- (7.5-9% gravity, 3-4% ABV), Heavy 70/- (9-10% gravity, 3.5-4% ABV) and Export 80/- (density 10-12.5%, strength 4-5.5% vol.). The slash in the name means the price of a pint in shillings. Finally, there is Strong Scotch ale (gravity 19-21%, ABV 6-8% vol.), which is perhaps the closest to English strong ale and is indicated by numbers from 90/- to 160/-.

BARLEY WINE, barley wine

This exotic sort of beer owes its name to its exceptionally high strength: there is as much alcohol in it as in wine - 8.5-12% vol. The density of the wort - 22.5-30% - is higher than that of its related soft ale. This ale has a fruity-caramel aroma and a complex malt flavor, with natural sweetness quite harmoniously combined with hop bitterness. Its usual color is a dark copper-gold. Barley wine is bottled in the original shape and is often served in a wine glass or even a large brandy glass. This is probably why barley wine is sometimes called the cognac version of beer. It keeps well and gets even better with time.


Porter was created in England around 1722 and was intended for people engaged in hard physical labor - porters, porters, draft carters. Initially, it was called that - Porter's ale, that is, "ale of port workers", but only the word porter has survived. Once upon a time, porter was perhaps the most popular daily beer. It contained many additives - herbs, spices and other potions. The modern porter is an almost black frothy ale that is pleasant to sip at leisure, especially on stormy evenings. However, it is not easy to characterize this variety of British ale exhaustively - due to the inconsistency of its properties: it has a slightly sweet malt flavor with a pleasant aroma of toasted grains. Porter is prepared from several types of malt: light, dark and colored, or burnt, and in addition, lightly seasoned with cane sugar. There are different types of porter - from light and medium density (10%, ABV 4.5-5% vol.) to strong with high density (14%, ABV 6-7.5% vol.).


Stout is the rightful heir to the porter, very popular in the UK. A strong variant of porter once had the name Stout porter, which has since been shortened. Stout is always very dark, almost black, as it uses roasted malt with the addition of caramel malt and roasted barley. There are five varieties of stout: Classical Irish stout; stout foreign type (Foreign-style stout), that is, not Irish; sweet stout (Sweet stout); oatmeal stout and Russian Imperial stout. A stout has a stronger roasted malt flavor than a porter, even with some coffee accents. Fans of this drink do not get tired of saying that stout is one of those little joys that make life worth living. By the way, in the past this beer was considered healing and was recommended even to nursing mothers.

The classic Irish stout is produced by the Arthur Guinness and Sons brewing company (Dublin). Guinness is a typical low-alcohol stout with a clean hop bitterness and a pronounced hop aroma.

A foreign stout is one that is not made in the British Isles. The Irish went even further - in a fit of xenophobia, they declared every non-Irish stout foreign. Foreign stout is brewed in many countries, for example, in Jamaica - Dragon Stout and in Canada - St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout.

sweet stout, also known as a London-style stout, or cream stout, is a competitor to the classic Irish. Instead of roasted unmalted barley, so-called chocolate malt is used to make sweet stout. This creates some difference between these very similar varieties: the characteristic sweetish-creamy aftertaste of a sweet stout is due to the addition of lactose (milk sugar), which is not fermented by yeast. Due to the presence of lactose, Sweet stout is sometimes referred to as milk stout. To stop fermentation, the sweet stout must be pasteurized. Density 11-14%, fortress 4.5-6% vol. The most famous English brands are Watney's Cream Stout and Mackeson XXX Stout.

Oatmeal stout differs from others in that oats are used in its production, although the share of the latter rarely exceeds 10%. Perhaps the popularity of oatmeal stout is due to the British commitment to oatmeal, which they consider very healthy.

Dry stout (dry stout) is a variation of the classic Irish stout. It is slightly more bitter and aromatic than a sweet stout. With a full and dense taste, the alcohol content in Dry stout is slightly lower - 4-5% vol. Dry stout is represented by the Guinness Extra Stout brand. In the town of Galway, a beer festival is regularly held, during which they drink dry stout and eat oysters. Gourmets find this combination very refined. Dry stout is often used to make cocktails. (More on this in the Special Varieties chapter.)

Russian imperial stout, or simply Imperial stout (imperial stout), with its extraordinary persistence and ability to endure long-distance sea voyages resembles Indian pale ale, and can compete with good port wine in strength and taste. According to legend, this copper-brown beer was loved by Empress Catherine II, and from 1780 to 1914, by order of the imperial court, it was delivered by sea to St. Petersburg. Today, this beer is aged in barrels for two months, remaining unpasteurized, then it is bottled, and it matures for another year. Density 20-22%, alcohol content 7-10.5% vol. The most famous brands are Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout (England) and Grant's Imperial Stout (Washington, USA).


Perhaps the only representative of the ale family, leading its origin precisely from Ireland. A balanced combination of malt and hop flavors, as well as a characteristic creamy texture, distinguishes Red Irish ale from all other ales.

Many beer drinkers believe that Irish ale is a type of beer, but this is not entirely true. These drinks differ significantly in composition and production technology. Today, British and Irish pubs serve ales of every taste and color: from black strong porter with a pronounced bitterness to amber pale, soaked in the aromas of meadow grasses.

What is el?

Historians believe that the ancient Sumerians met with such a drink for the first time before our era. However, the composition and production technology of ale were developed only in the XII century AD. e. Since that time, the drink has firmly entered the lives of people. In the Middle Ages, it was a staple product and, due to its high calorie content, replaced bread. Light and dark ales are still brewed according to the old recipe.

Until the 15th century, hops were not used in beer production in the British Isles. Everything obtained as a result of fermentation was called ale. They drank it daily at the table, like kvass in Russia. Unlike milk, this product did not spoil and did not need special storage conditions. After the start of imports of aromatic hops from the Netherlands in Britain, they began to distinguish between traditional hop and Irish ale of dark and light varieties.

Etymologically, the word "el" has an Indo-European root meaning "intoxication". This version is confirmed by the presence of similar words in related languages ​​to English (Danish and Norwegian "ol", Lithuanian and Latvian "alus", Finnish "olut"). In Northern Russia, a low-alcohol intoxicating drink was called "ol".

How is ale different from beer?

To understand how ale differs from beer, you should consider the process of making the product. English and Irish dark ales are top-fermented. In accordance with this ancient recipe, the yeast rises to the surface of the beer wort in a few days. Such a drink is fermented faster than using bottom fermentation (no more than 6 days).

The difference between ale and beer is also manifested in the aging temperature of the wort. When preparing a traditional English drink, it is higher: up to + 21ºС. Fermentation at high temperature speeds up the process and does not require additional refrigeration equipment. So the product is actively saturated with essential oils and other aromatic substances. Then it is poured into special metal containers and sent for fermentation at a temperature of +11…+14ºС.

Unlike lager, hops are never added to ale. Instead, gruit, a mixture of various herbs and spices, is used as a preservative and flavoring agent. Boiled in the must, they saturate the product with a unique fruity and meadow aroma. Preference is given to wheat and barley, less often rye. Some recipes include unmalted grains.

Due to the absence of hops, the bitterness in the ale is not felt as bright as in the camp. The taste is richer and denser, and the color is darker. The traditional British drink has a higher strength on average. Some varieties reach 12-15% vol. at the initial density of the wort 30-35%. To prepare the product, take water rich in mineral salts. The entire technological cycle is about 4 weeks, but in some cases reaches several months.

Composition and useful properties

Unlike lager, authentic live ale beer is never pasteurized or filtered. As a result, it retains many useful substances that are found in brewer's yeast and barley malt. The latter is rich in such valuable elements as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Vitamins of groups B and E, which are present in abundance in grain products, normalize the metabolic process and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

It is no coincidence that top-fermented products are called “liquid bread”. They are a source of amino acids, which are necessary for the growth and normal development of muscle mass. It has been proven that bitter hop products have a sedative effect on the body and have a beneficial effect on sleep. With regular consumption of ale, digestion is normalized, the secretion of gastric juice is intensified, and vision improves.

Top fermented product provides support to people suffering from high blood pressure. Drinks such as green ale dilate blood vessels and help fight atherosclerosis. At the same time, you should observe the measure and not abuse the amount of alcohol you drink, and pregnant and lactating women should completely refuse it.

Ale varieties

Porter is a dark ale that originated in England in the early 18th century. This product was intended for people engaged in heavy physical labor, as evidenced by the name ("porter" in English means "loader", "porter"). Therefore, it has a high calorie content and contains a large amount of amino acids. Porter is a frothy drink of almost black color, which is made from several types of malt: light, dark and burnt. The strength of the drink is from 5 to 7.5% vol. at a density of 11-14%.

Barley Wine is an extremely strong ale (up to 13% vol.) with a high density (up to 30%) of a dark copper hue. Hence the name: barley wine. The caramel flavor is in harmony with the malty bitterness of the drink. The product is bottled in the original form and often served in wine glasses. Unlike other varieties, Barley Wine keeps well.

Mild Ale is a soft ale somewhat reminiscent of Russian kvass. The strength of the product is low: about 3% vol. at a density of 8.5%. The drink reveals all shades of malt flavor and does not have a pronounced bitterness.

Pale Ale is a light golden amber drink. In addition to malt, it has a pronounced fruity and nutty flavor. The product is made with water extremely rich in mineral salts, especially calcium sulfate. The fortress is about 5% vol., and the density of the must reaches 15%.

Stout is one of the most sought after varieties in Britain. He is rightfully the successor to porter. The aroma of roasted malt in this product is even more pronounced than in porter, sometimes reaching the bitterness of coffee. The most famous stout in the world is brewed by Guinness. This is a classic Irish drink with a pronounced aroma of caramel malt. There are different types of ale stout: sweet, dry, oat. Their average strength is 4-6% vol. at a density of 10-14%.

Bitter Ale is an amber-copper drink with a pronounced hop bitterness. Unlike other varieties, aromatic hops are added to bitter ale. Distinguish between ordinary and special bitters. The strength of the drink is about 3.5% by volume, the density of beer wort is 9-11%.

How to drink ale

This drink is the highlight of the program in the famous English and Irish pubs. Just like traditional beer, ale does not tolerate fuss. The process of filling the glass sometimes takes up to 5 minutes. The liquid is carefully poured along the inner wall of the mug to knock off the foam cap.

It is necessary to drink the drink slowly, savoring every sip. It is believed that the rate of consumption of ale should correspond to a leisurely horse step. However, it is also not worth delaying too much, because over time, “liquid bread” loses its aroma and taste. Before serving, the beer is cooled to +7…+12ºС. Some people prefer to warm up a porter or stout, but this is a matter of taste.

In summer, light varieties are better, and a dark product is served on rainy autumn and winter evenings. Ale is a versatile drink that goes well with a variety of dishes. Light varieties are well complemented by spicy snacks. Amber is served with all dishes, from soups to vegetable stews. Dark ale goes well with meat products: game, veal, chicken, sausages.

What do we know about ale? Some believe that this name is a synonym for the word "beer". Others believe that ale is a kind of barley foamy drink. And some are sure that Stevenson's beautiful ballad (translated by Marshak) is composed of Irish ale. Remember: "And he was sweeter than honey, drunker than wine ..."? Stevenson describes that this ale was brewed by dwarves in mountain heather caves. And how was it really? Let's learn about the interesting history of ale, a traditional Irish and Scottish drink. Can we try it out? And what kind of ale does he have in his homeland, and in other countries where the culture of brewing is traditionally developed?

The history of the drink

Now everyone knows that beer is brewed from hops, barley (sometimes wheat or rice) malt and water. But it wasn't always like that. It is believed that the secret of beer was discovered by the ancient Sumerians five thousand years ago. But they brewed it without hops. The process of making the drink did not take as much time as it does now. Malt without hops ferments faster, but the drink is sweeter. To give the bitterness so beloved by many, to balance the taste, hops began to be added to beer. But this plant was not known in the British Isles until the 15th century, when it began to be imported from Holland. In relation to the new drink, brewed with the addition of hops, the word "beer" (beer) was used, and to the traditional one - "ale" (ale). In addition to technology, it differs from the familiar barley drink in taste. British, Scottish and Irish ales were known. But now it is also brewed in Belgium and Germany.


We will not go into unnecessary details here. Let us trace only the general scheme of production. Unlike lager - a bitter, calm beer, ale is not pasteurized. The sweetness of malt (sprouted and fermented grain) in the ancient drink is not balanced by hops, but by a mixture of spices and herbs called gruit. It is boiled in wort. Yeast during cooking does not sink to the bottom, but floats on the surface. Irish ale is left to ferment at room temperature 15-24 degrees C. The lager is exposed to coolness (5-10 degrees C), and the yeast in it sinks to the bottom of the vat. Therefore, ale is called top-fermented beer. But even poured into barrels, this drink does not cease to ripen. A little sugar is added to it to resume the fermentation process. Both the taste and its strength change depending on how long the drink plays. Then it is bottled to stop the accumulation of alcohols.

Drink characteristics

At such a high temperature, the fermentation process is faster than that of the same lager, and much more vigorously. Without the bitterness of hops, with the addition of herbs, the drink turns out to be sweeter, with a rich fruity taste. It can be the aroma of prunes, banana, pineapple, pear or apple. As a result of the fact that the drink is left to mature in barrels, it really becomes "drunker than wine." How strong is Irish ale beer? How many degrees is in it? This, as in wine, depends on the aging period. In the porter, so named because the porters fell in love with it for its strength, 10% alcohol. And in barley wine (barley wine) - all 12. At the same time, there are weaker drinks: soft or light ale (2.5-3.5%). But what is characteristic of this type of beer is that it is sweeter and not bitter. And in terms of consistency, it is thicker, richer than a traditional intoxicating drink.

Varieties of Irish ale

The drink has become so popular among the people that it would be strange if its recipe remained the only and unchanged. Soon after the real, traditional honey drink, which, by the way, is poured without pressure from above, unlike ordinary beer, other varieties followed. Among them, dark Irish ale should be noted. This is the world-famous Guinness. Named after its founder, a Dublin entrepreneur, this stout is given its coffee color by the addition of roasted barley grains and caramel malt. It is also called a particularly strong porter, although it contains about 7% alcohol. Kilkenny, a red Irish ale, is also very popular. It has a full flavor and rich ruby ​​color. It got its name from a small Irish town where the abbey of St. Francis is located. Local monks have been brewing this beer since the 18th century. The strength of the drink is about 4%, and an interesting color is achieved by adding a small amount of specially processed caramel malt.

Irish ale in mainland Europe

In those countries where the traditions of brewing are rooted in the distant past, it is also customary to make ale. After all, the use of hops is a German innovation. In Belgium, the Trappist monks since the early Middle Ages have done just fine without it. However, over time, brewers began to experiment by adding hops, barley and wheat malt, yeast, and even juices to the drink. This is how such ales as Rhenish Kölsch (light foamy drink) were born. Altbier (literally translated as "old beer") is also very popular in Germany. It is brewed in Düsseldorf. Belgium is able to seduce with beer even those who claim that they cannot stand this drink. One has only to try "Scream" and "Trapper Fathers", "Double" and "Triple", with the aroma of raspberries, bananas, cherries ...

El in Russia

In the Altai Territory, in the village of Bochkari, Irish ale has also recently begun to be produced. Reviews of those who have tried an authentic product say that the Russian drink is similar to the original. The first sip gives a false sensation of a bitter aftertaste, but from the second the fullness of caramel sweetness is revealed. Aroma of creamy toffees, copper-amber color, foam not too abundant. In the final, no bitterness is felt, but only a slight aftertaste of roasted grain. Reviews assure that this beer is easy to drink. It gives the overall impression of a moderately attenuated drink. Here it is - Russian, called "Irish Ale", beer. How many degrees is in it? The alcohol content is quite tangible - 6.7 percent.


Ginger ale

Ginger ale is a refreshing, mildly sweet drink with a subtle ginger flavor. It is most often used in its pure form, but sometimes as an additional component to cocktails.

In addition to its taste, ginger ale has many health benefits. It is recommended to be used for indigestion, it also soothes coughs and sore throats. As mentioned above, ginger ale is popular in non-alcoholic cocktails. This helps those people who do not drink alcohol, but do not want to fight off the company. So let's quickly look at a couple of recipes with you on how to make ale.

Ginger non-alcoholic ale recipe


  • ginger root - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • carbonated water - 3 l;
  • mint leaves - to taste.


How do you make ginger ale at home? We take fresh ginger, peel it, rub it on a coarse grater and, without draining the resulting juice, mix well with granulated sugar. Then add the finely grated lemon zest, mix and press the resulting mixture with something heavy for about 20 seconds. Next, we pass the peeled lemons through a juicer and add all the juice to our mixture. Fill with sparkling water and let the drink brew for about 10 minutes. Then, carefully try and, if it turned out too sour, then add a little more sugar, and if sweet, then dilute it with lemon juice. We filter the finished drink and pour into glasses. Decorate with mint sprigs on top. On summer days, ice cubes can also be added to the drink.

Alcoholic ginger ale recipe


  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • ginger root - 30 g;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • dry yeast - ¼ teaspoon;
  • boiled cold water - 2 liters.


How to make alcoholic ginger ale? So, we take a clean 2-liter plastic bottle and use a funnel to pour sugar and dry yeast into it. Then we take a fresh ginger root, peel and rub on a fine grater. You should have approximately 2 tbsp. spoons of ginger puree Carefully transfer the grated ginger into a faceted measuring cup and set aside.

Take a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and add it to a glass of ginger. Thoroughly mix the contents of the glass until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add a little pre-boiled, but chilled water and stir well. If you still want to make non-alcoholic ale, then at this step just add honey or sugar, mix and pour into glasses, garnished with fresh mint. But to get alcoholic or fermented ginger ale carefully pour the contents of the glass into a bottle with yeast and sugar. Close the lid and shake well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then we pour water into the bottle, without adding about 2 cm to the neck. Now we put our drink in a warm place and wait 2 days for the ale to ferment. You can check the degree of fermentation in the following way: gently press the bottle with your finger and as soon as it becomes hard and does not begin to be squeezed, then the fermentation is completed. This process usually takes 24 to 48 hours. After that, the alcoholic ginger ale is ready. Before drinking, the drink must be filtered through a strainer or gauze. Another nuance, before opening a bottle of ginger ale, it must be thoroughly cooled in advance in the refrigerator, otherwise the drink will simply splash out.

Pour the alcoholic drink into glasses, decorate with mint, cinnamon or orange zest and serve.


Ginger ale

We all know a huge number of beers. But among them there is one that stands separately - this is ginger ale (beer). This drink, in principle, only in color and foam can remind us of real beer. It is classic non-alcoholic. But there are recipes that allow you to cook it as an alcoholic one. All this can be easily done at home. Your beer will differ from store analogues, only natural products. Ginger beer is a highly carbonated, brown-colored sweet drink with a strong ginger flavor. As a rule, it is drunk chilled in its pure form or added to spirits (vodka, whiskey, gin). Ginger beer can taste like regular kvass, which can be a little sweeter. Instead of a malt base, it uses a mixture that consists of ginger, lemon and cane sugar. Such a drink was invented by the surgeon and American pharmacist Thomas Cantrell. The first recipe for such beer appeared in the 70s of the nineteenth century.

non-alcoholic ginger beer recipe



Grate the ginger root and mix it with sugar. Add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Pour our mixture with cold mineral sparkling water. We insist 5 minutes. Then we filter the ginger beer through cheesecloth, add mint and a few pieces of lemon. We serve to the table.

Alcoholic ginger beer recipe


  • 25 g of crushed ginger;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 150 ml of white wine;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 g dry yeast.


Mix ginger with wine and sugar, pour hot water and let cool to 30°C. Add dry yeast. When fermentation is noticeable, after about 2-3 hours, pour ginger beer into a bottle and put it under a water seal (as an option, you can put a medical glove on the bottle and make a hole in one of your fingers). We filter our drink through cheesecloth after 2 days. Pour it into bottles, close tightly with lids and put in the refrigerator. After one day in the refrigerator, ginger ale is ready to drink. It foams like real beer thanks to carbon dioxide.

Jamaican ginger ale


  • 30 g of tartar;
  • 100 g of ginger;
  • 2 kg of cane sugar;
  • 4 lemons;
  • package of brewer's yeast.


Mix chopped lemon with skins, grated ginger, sugar and cream of tartar. Then we cook this mixture for half an hour on low heat for half an hour. Cool to room temperature and add yeast. The mixture ferments for a day. Then pour it into another bowl and leave until fully ripe.

A little about the features of ginger beer:

  1. Another name for ginger beer is ginger lemonade.
  2. Pairs well with whiskey.
  3. Ginger non-alcoholic beer is often drunk by characters from the Harry Potter books.
  4. Used to treat headaches, coughs and indigestion.


Ginger ale: drink properties and cooking recipes

Nowadays, there are numerous alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, among which ale is very popular. This is a type of beer that is produced by rapid top fermentation at high temperature, and the history of the appearance of this drink dates back to the Middle Ages. The drink is presented in a variety of variations, including ginger ale. A number of questions arise: what is it, what is its composition, what properties does it have, and how to make ginger ale at home? To answer all these questions, we must turn to history. Namely, the history of the creation of this drink. More on this later.

History of ginger ale

Ginger ale is a highly carbonated drink that has a sweet taste and a slight ginger aroma. It is customary to drink this drink both in its pure form and as an additional component of alcoholic cocktails. Ginger ale can be prepared both as an alcoholic and non-alcoholic tonic.

Ginger beer appeared in the middle of the 18th century in the English county of Yorkshire. Over time, the ale's popularity spread throughout England. And in the 20th century, at its very beginning, when prohibition existed in the United States, ginger ale was a kind of folk outlet. Just at this time, ginger beer received the status of a fresh, tasty and tonic drink.

Composition and properties of ginger ale

The original drink recipe consists of products such as ginger root, granulated sugar, water, lemon juice and yeast. The mixture was left to ferment for several days, after which an excellent ginger beer was obtained. Depending on the recipe, the composition of the drink may also include honey, lemon or lime, fruits and tea tree petals. There are 2 types of ale: dark and light. Dark ales have a richer brown hue and a brighter flavor than light ales.

Ginger ale is extremely effective for colds and other inflammatory conditions, since its main ingredient - ginger - has very useful medicinal properties. The composition of this spice includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and others. Ginger is excellent as an analgesic, has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

However, there are some contraindications to drinking ginger ale. It should not be taken by people suffering from low blood pressure, inflammatory skin diseases during an exacerbation, with stomach ulcers and cholelithiasis. It is also worth refraining from drinking this drink for bleeding of various localizations, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Ginger Ale Recipes

To make ginger ale at home, you do not need to resort to any scientific technology, you just need to choose a recipe to your taste and arm yourself with the necessary list of products. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare this drink.

The recipe for making non-alcoholic ginger ale includes:

  • ginger root - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 3 pieces;
  • carbonated water - 3 l;
  • mint leaves to taste.

Fresh ginger root must be peeled and grated, then combined with sugar. Remove the zest from the lemons, also finely grate and add to the mixture of ginger and sugar. Peeled lemons must be passed through a juicer. Add the resulting juice to ginger and pour the entire mixture with carbonated water. Let the resulting ale brew for 10 minutes, then strain the drink, pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves.

The recipe for making a classic alcoholic ale includes:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • ginger root - 30 g;
  • lemon juice - half a glass;
  • dry yeast - half a teaspoon;
  • chilled water - 2 liters.

Dry ingredients, i.e. sugar and yeast, must be poured into a clean glass jar, then add peeled and grated ginger on a medium grater. Lemon juice must be thoroughly mixed with ginger, granulated sugar and yeast until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cover this mixture with a lid and wait until the sugar dissolves.

Then you need to add water to the jar with the ginger mixture, then put the ale in a warm place for 2 days before starting the fermentation process. This recipe calls for a fermentation time of 24 to 48 hours, after which the ginger ale needs to be strained and cooled just before serving.

The recipe for non-alcoholic ale with ginger and honey consists of:

  • 50 g fresh ginger;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey;
  • 1 liter of mineral water.

In order to prepare a drink, it is necessary to remove the zest from a lemon and combine it with peeled ginger grated on a fine grater. Then add honey to the lemon-ginger mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved. Leave this mixture to infuse, and after 10 minutes add mineral water to it. Cover the container with the prepared ale tightly with a lid and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

The recipe for ginger ale with raisins consists of:

  • 4 liters of cold water;
  • 200 g of ginger root;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 100 g raisins.

This recipe involves painstaking and fairly long work, but the result is worth it. In order to prepare this ginger ale, you need to place raisins in a liter jar, add the juice of 1 lemon along with the pulp, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. All this mixture is required to pour 300 ml of water, cover with a thin cloth and leave in a warm place for 3 days. After a predetermined time, the mixture begins to ferment, and from that moment it must be “feeded”, that is, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of ginger every day for 7 days.

On the 10th day, add 0.5 kg of sugar to 600 ml of boiling water and stir until a clear syrup is formed. Add the juice of the remaining lemons, stir and strain. Pour the resulting solution into the remaining water, mix thoroughly and pour into containers prepared in advance. Leave to infuse for 4 days, then put in the refrigerator.

The recipe for ale with whiskey is also unusual. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • 50 ml scotch whiskey;
  • 150 ml of previously prepared ginger ale;
  • half a lemon;
  • 200 g ice.

Pour ice into a cocktail bowl to the top, pour in whiskey and ginger ale, squeeze the juice of half a lemon. You can decorate the cocktail with lemon zest or mint leaves. It is appropriate to use this recipe when holding a warm friendly party.
In hot weather, a cool ginger drink serves as a direct salvation from thirst, because ginger gives a tonic effect, while lemon gives a pleasant freshness.


Recipe: Ginger Ale | Beer, brewing and brewing.

All ingredients for ale assembled!

A few comments on ingredients:

  • I'm making 5 liters of ginger ale today, so there are 2-2.5 times more ingredients in the photo.
  • Ginger root is sold in stores and is quite inexpensive.
  • I use Saf-Levure yeast for three reasons: they are proven, they are sold in many places, and I have only seen beverage yeast from this company (blue packaging). But regular (red) baker's yeast works just fine, so use whichever you find.
  • Sugar can also be used ordinary, it is needed for two things: so that the yeast has something to eat and process into alcohol, and just for sweetness. But reed, in my opinion, is much better. I buy foreign cane sugar, because in our country there is no GOST for such a concept, and you can often buy ordinary tinted sugar that you put in tea.
  • Water from the tap or from a household filter must be boiled, and then cooled so that it is no more than 30-40 degrees, at a higher temperature the yeast will die. I am too lazy to boil and cool, so I use store-bought still water.

Let's start making ginger ale.

First of all, you need to wash the lemon and ginger well. Set the lemon aside for now, and peel the ginger as you peel potatoes. Then rinse again.

Peeled ginger, skin in the trash

The next part can be done with a combine, maybe a blender. I have neither one nor the other, so I use a fine grater. The smallest one, which crumbles, or with small round holes - it doesn’t matter, it’s easier with holes. ginger fibers constantly cling to the tearing grater, but the effect is the same - I checked. In the process, you can take a tablespoon and measure out how much you have already rubbed, otherwise I rubbed 2 times more than necessary for the first time.

Fork to help

When a small piece remains, and some pieces of ginger are basically small, use a fork to protect your fingers, as shown in the photo above.

This is how the ginger mass turns out

Now it's the turn of the lemons. For 2 liters, I use half, as the recipe says, or a whole lemon. Sometimes the lemon is small, sometimes it’s just a pity to throw it away. In general, it will not get worse, but it is always better to follow the recipe. From a lemon, we only need juice, for this purpose I have a miracle meat grinder, which turns into an elegant citrus juicer with a flick of the wrist. If there is nothing at all, then insert a knife with a narrow blade perpendicular to the cut of the lemon so that it is stuck approximately in the middle and press by hand - this way the main amount of juice will flow down the knife, and it will be easier for you to press when the pulp rests against a hard knife surface. Remember that you are working with a sharp object, so be careful and control your movements.

The pulp remaining in the juicer, I also throw it into the juice, you can not throw

Squeeze the lemon into an empty container, and then add the previously grated ginger to the resulting juice. Then we set aside this container - let them make friends a little. Let's move on to water, sugar and yeast.

Put aside ginger with juice, time for the rest of the ingredients

To make it more convenient, I poured water from a five-liter canister into a large saucepan. We won’t cook anything, I just mix all the ingredients already in the container, and then fill it with water - it’s easier for me.

Pour sugar into an empty canister. The photo shows white sugar in a bottle - I forgot that this time I put 5 liters and bought 500 gr. sugar - 2 glasses, instead of the prescribed three. I had to fill up a glass of regular.

All sugar in a bottle

Sprinkle yeast on top of sugar. Remember that I prepared a teaspoon for 5 liters, 1/4 teaspoon is enough for 2 liters. If the yeast eats too much sugar, there will be a nasty mash.

Pour yeast into sugar

That's all and ready, now as with an invite: just add water

Actually, we have nothing to wait for, fill the contents of the bottle with water, leaving 3 centimeters free to the lid, tightly twist the lid and shake well until all the sugar has dissolved. You can, of course, wait until it melts itself and then shake it a couple of times to stir it, but almost a kilo of sugar will melt for a long time, and 250 grams too, and the final stage is still waiting for us - a water seal.

We put the ginger ale under the water seal

Let me explain, just in case, what a water seal is and why it is needed. During the fermentation process, ale can actively release carbon dioxide, which, sooner or later, can simply burst your bottle if you do not let it out. But here the difficulty lies in the fact that upon contact with oxygen, fermentation products turn into vinegar instead of alcohol. Therefore, we have to kill two birds with one stone: bleed off excess gases and keep oxygen out. For this, a fairly simple valve design is used, called a water seal. You can buy it in the store, or you can simply make it at home yourself.

To make a simple water seal, we need a tube from a medical dropper (sold in pharmacies, sterile), a cap from our bottle and a container partially filled with water - I use another bottle. We make holes in the cap from a bottle of ginger ale with a diameter slightly smaller than a tube and manage to insert one into the other. Get it right the first time if you don't have spare caps. The goal is to ensure that air only passes into the tube and does not leak into the gap between it and the lid. We twist our ale with a lid with tubes, and lower their other ends into an auxiliary container with water so that under no circumstances the tubes come out of the water.

Everything is ready, only 4 days of tedious waiting ahead

Since I have thin tubes, just in case, I made 2 holes and two tubes for more efficient gas removal. I’m not a pro yet and I can’t explain why, but it happens that with absolutely the same recipe and storage conditions, one batch of ale ferments intensively and seethes with a water seal, like a steam locomotive, and not a bubble escapes from the tubes of another.

In this form, we put the ginger ale somewhere where it will not be knocked over by the household. There he will stand for the next two days. You don’t need to let it ferment longer, the yeast will eat all the sugar and you will get a bitter mash.

After 2 days, remove the water seal and put the ale in the refrigerator for another two days. Carefully! When opened, there may be a violent reaction to contact with oxygen. Be prepared to close the lid like you would with a shaken soda.

Another feature, because of which it makes sense to make ale in bottles of 2 liters - not everyone has a place in the refrigerator that will allow you to place a 5-liter canister. After two days in the refrigerator, be sure to pour the finished ginger ale into any other container (at least the same canister), passing through cheesecloth. After that, the ale is already drinkable, but I like to hold it for another day or two, then it becomes highly carbonated and more tasty, in my opinion.

I hope you enjoy my ginger ale recipe, although it has a very specific taste.


ale recipe

Dmitry Aleksandrovich

For the recipe you will need:

Light dry malt - 2.1kg

Crystal malt - 227g

Munich malt - 57g

Chocolate malt - 99g

Brown sugar - 227g

Dextrin Powder - 113g

Gypsum - 1/2 tsp

Salt - 3/4 tsp

Hops - 80g

Water - 22l

Sugar - 3/4 cup

Yeast for ale - 14g.

Pour malt with water, heat up to 66°C and leave for about an hour in a warm place. Put a colander on a saucepan, discard the grains and rinse with hot water (up to 50 ° C). Use all liquid in further preparation. Dissolve dry malt, gypsum, brown sugar, dextrin and salt in 7.5-8 liters of water and boil. Add the first variety of hops along with brown malt and boil for about half an hour. At the last moment, add the scented hops. Cool liquid to 20-25°C and add yeast. Pour the liquid into sterile vessels, filling them 2/3. Ensure the tightness of the vessels and leave for fermentation for 5-7 days. Carefully pour the finished beer into another vessel, trying not to stir up the precipitate that has formed. You can do this in two stages with an interval of two days, and then you get a beer without sediment. Boil sugar and add to beer. Pour beer into bottles. Close the bottles, leaving some free space under the cap. El can be tasted in 1-3 weeks.


To make 10 liters of ginger ale:

* 3 and 3/4 pounds of cane sugar (1 pound = 453 gr.)
* 3 and 3/4 ounces of grated fresh ginger root (1 ounce = 28.3 grams)
* 1 oz Tartar
* 4 lemons in quarters
* 1 packet of ale yeast

Cook all ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool to 17 degrees and add yeast. Leave to ferment for 24 hours, then strain. Let it ripen until fermentation is over.

In film production, it is used as a visual substitute for real beer so that artists do not get tipsy.

What is ale? Ginger ale? Is it beer or not?


Types and brands of ales:

Bitter (Bitter)
Light Ale (Light Ale)
Mild Ale
India Pale Ale (India pale ale)
Barley wine (Barley wine)
Brown Ale
Old Ale
Alt (Alt)


ale always beer

Denis Tereshchenko

analogue of beer, alcohol

Alexander Tulenkov

El beer in English. Made from the same stuff as beer!


This is something similar to beer, but it will be stronger. The stuff is delicious.


booze like that. A K


This is Schweppes

Alena Lyakh

Ale (English ale) is a strong bitter beer produced by rapid top fermentation at a relatively high temperature.
Ale has been known in England since at least the 15th century. , a similar drink without hops was brewed back in the 7th century.

Crafting Recipe

Components for 5 gallons:
3 and 3/4 pounds cane sugar
3 and 3/4 ounces grated fresh ginger root
1 ounce cream of tartar
4 lemons in quarters
1 packet of ale yeast

It tastes like the Soviet Pinocchio.

In Russia, Ginger Ales are represented under the brands Evervess and Schweppes.


Ginger Ale is a sweet, highly carbonated drink with a ginger flavor.
It is used in its pure form or as a component of a cocktail with strong alcohol (vodka, gin, whiskey). In film production, it is used as a visual substitute for real beer so that artists do not get tipsy.
Crafting Recipe
Jamaican Ginger Ale (Boston Brewing Company recipe, no longer brewed).
Components for 5 gallons:
* 3 and 3/4 pounds of cane sugar
* 3 and 3/4 oz grated fresh ginger root
* 1 oz cream of tartar
* 4 lemons in quarters
* 1 packet of ale yeast
Cook all ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool to 17°C and add yeast. Leave to ferment for 24 hours, then strain. Let it ripen until fermentation is over.
It tastes like the Soviet Pinocchio.
The drink was invented in the 70s of the 19th century.
In Russia, Ginger Ales are represented under the brands Evervess and Schweppes.

The fact that ale is a beer that the British love is known to most compatriots from films and books.

In Britain, they say that you can only recognize their country by stepping over the threshold of a pub, where ale beer is still brewed and its bittersweet taste and fruity aroma are considered a gift from God.

The taste of ale differs from the usual beer, but still it certainly belongs to the family of foamy drinks based on barley malt. The taste of classic ale is special - you can hear shades of herbs, spices and fruits in it, and the absence of hops and quick preparation make it sweetish.

The finished product is not filtered or pasteurized. Features of the technology provide this variety with unique qualities - having tasted ale once, you will never confuse it with lager or beater.


In the XII century, a drink with this name already existed in England. The recipes and composition have not been preserved, but it is known for sure that hops were brought to the island of Great Britain much later.

Everything that was prepared by brewers was called ale, and in order for the drink to ferment and not spoil too quickly, herbs and spices were added to the wort - gruit, consisting of wormwood, ginger, nutmeg, heather, etc. In the Middle Ages, bread and ale were the main products - the minimum set, without which the British could not imagine life.

Hops were brought to England from Holland only at the end of the 17th century, and brewers began to add it to the wort. To designate a new drink with hops, they began to call it beer, but ale continued to be prepared according to the old recipe. A hundred years later, ale was recognized as a type of beer, now it is included in the generic concept along with porter, beater and lager.

Now ale is produced in many countries, for example, in the USA, Belgium, Ireland. Now they often use in recipes, which violates the classic recipe, but brings the drink closer to modern tastes.

How is ale different from beer?

Ale cannot be different from beer - it is beer itself, or rather, one of its varieties. Like all varieties, English ale is obtained from the fermentation of the must. Recipes use barley or wheat malt, sometimes rye and unmalted grains, and usually no hops.

We are accustomed to the pale frothy lager we think of as a true beer, so it makes sense to understand the differences.

Type of fermentation

Ale is top-fermented, an ancient method used by the Sumerians. On our continent, in the era of the birth of ale, "light" fungi grew, during fermentation, they floated to the surface and formed a yeast cap.

"Heavy" fungi arrived in Europe after the discovery of America, they settle to the bottom of the fermentation tank. It is this yeast that is used in the lager recipe.


Light yeast loves heat, so the optimum fermentation temperature is 15-24°C. For other types of beer, a material is used that is more comfortable in cool temperatures up to 14 ° C. In the cold, undesirable microorganisms lose their activity, the wort does not sour and can slowly ferment for a long time.

But in the heat, ester compounds are released, giving the ale a bright and deep taste. The temperature factor also plays a role in the fermentation period - ale matures faster than lager, in some breweries it takes as little as 2 weeks.

Filtration and pasteurization

Real English ale is not filtered or pasteurized, it ferments to the last drop. Live beer is stored for several days, but its taste is very rich.

Lager can travel long distances, which largely explains its popularity.


Real ale is easy to recognize after the first sip - it is almost always weaker than lager and has less carbon dioxide. Ale is not intended for intoxication, it is drunk for pleasure and thirst quenching.


Ale is a tasty, weak and perishable beer. Its characteristic feature is a sweet aftertaste and a light fruit and vegetable aroma without a pronounced smell of alcohol.

Each brewery has its own set of ingredients, in British pubs you can find a soft drink that resembles kvass, bitter weak and very dark, light strong with a nutty flavor and many more varieties.

Ale types

The criteria for classifying British and Irish ales are taste, color, aroma and sourdough additives. There are almost as many varieties as there are breweries - practically every pub in the UK offers 2-3 varieties of the drink.


Barley Wine- strong ale from 8.5 to 12% vol., known as barley wine. Brewed from a dense wort, which gives a bitter taste. This beer has a pronounced fruity aroma and dark honey color. Due to the strength, the variety does not lose its qualities for a long time, and over time it becomes soft.


Weizen Weisse- light, smelling of freshly baked bread, flowers and fruits. The ancient recipe and golden color distinguish the variety from a number of modern ales. Fortress - 5-6% vol.


This beer was once called Porter's ale- that is, ale for port workers. The brand is known all over the world, the taste of beer with aromatic additives made Porter one of the leaders in popularity. Porter can be dark or light - it depends on the additives and types of malt. Medium strength beer - from 4.5 to 7% vol.


Stout is often confused with porter. Irish stout is derived from porter, but is always dark due to the roasted malt. The species has long been considered a rejuvenating drug, and the darkest of all ales is now drunk for pleasure.

Varieties differ in strength, saturation of color and taste, but coffee notes are always guessed in the stout.


Weisse or Berliner Weisse- very light (2.8% by volume) sour German ale. In Germany, light beer with a slight fruity note may be served with sweet syrup.


Bitter the British rightly consider it a matter of national pride. In fact, this is not the most bitter variety. The bitterness is due to the use of hops and the absence of sugar in the recipe. It can be very light or dark copper in color. Fortress - from 3 to 6.5% vol.


Lambic- reddish Belgian variety with cherries and raspberries. Prepared in old wine barrels from barley malt, unsprouted wheat and hops. Yeast is not used in cooking. The strength varies depending on the aging time and the recipe.


Easiest MILD, close to kvass in strength - from 2.5 to 3.5% vol. Two types are produced - light and dark, both with a distinct malt flavor.

What is the use of ale?

In beer that has not been filtered and pasteurized, the beneficial substances of barley and brewer's yeast are preserved.

  • Chemical elements P, Mg, Mn, Ca, Se, vitamins E and group B. This set is useful for metabolism, maintaining healthy hair and skin.
  • Live beer contains many amino acids that activate protein metabolism, which, in turn, stimulates muscle growth during physical exertion.
  • If the ale contains hops, during top-fermentation its substances have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve appetite and soothe irritability.
  • In moderation, the drink has a relaxing effect, blood vessels dilate and pressure decreases.

Attention! Starting a course of beer therapy, do not forget about the sense of proportion. 100 ml of ale contains about 40 kcal. This must be taken into account if you value the figure.

How to drink ale?

  • Pour the beer slowly down the side of the tilted glass. Ale does not like high foam - a pleasant bitterness goes into it. In pubs, filling a mug can take more than 5 minutes.
  • Do not chill for a long time, the taste opens at +7-12 o C. The British usually heat up a dark drink, but this is a matter of tradition.
  • Dark beers are good for warming up, while light beers are good for the summer beer season.
  • Do not rush to empty the glass in a few sips, but do not drag out the process, otherwise the aroma will fizzle out. The British compare the pace of drinking with a slow gait - not in a hurry, but moving towards the goal.

Such a drink as beer is popular all over the world. It is made by fermenting grains and yeast. There are many types of intoxicating drink, but many divide them into 2 groups - ale and lager. The term "lager" is more often replaced by the term "beer".

Irish ale and beer: how are they different?

The difference between these two drinks is that they are prepared by different methods (brewing method) and in the fermentation of yeast. Previously, hops were not included in the composition of the ale, but today most producers add it.

What is the difference between ale and beer ? The difference lies in how the yeast is fermented in barrels: ale uses yeast that collects at the top, while beer uses yeast that ferments at the bottom.

The production of ale and beer begins in the same way - brewer's yeast is added to dried barley or another type of grain, as a result, the fermentation process occurs. When brewing ale, fermentation is faster, the drink is stronger and does not keep as long as beer.

The fermentation process of ale is carried out at a higher temperature. Yeasts with a high enzyme content are used. Yeast rises to the top like beer enzymes, resulting in foam on the top of the beer barrel, the required temperature is between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Classic beer is fermented at a lower temperature using a different type of yeast that ferments under the right conditions. As a result, the yeast settles to the bottom. Fermentation is slower, so beer lasts longer than ale. Typically, ales are limited to a few weeks, and beers to months.

Also, these two drinks differ in taste. In ale, it is brighter, richer, hoppy. In addition, it usually has a higher alcohol content. The beer has a mild aroma, not as hoppy.

They also have different popularity in different regions. Ale is found in Belgium, the British Isles, the United States and Canada. Classic beer is popular in Germany and other European countries.

What are the most popular types of ale?

There are many types of this drink and today we will tell you about the most popular and in demand. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to try them by visiting one of the above countries, as it is very difficult to find ale in our stores:

Bitter ale (Bitter) - for those who prefer classic taste. It can be distinguished from other types by a bitter taste, the strength of the drink can vary from 3 to 6-7%. It contains hops, thanks to the addition of caramel coloring, you can find ale of different shades on sale - both very light and dark.

Barley based (Barley Wine)- compared to the previous version, it is much stronger, the alcohol content can reach 12%. The drink will appeal to those who love fruity taste and aroma. They drink such ale in wine glasses.

Based on wheat (Weizen Weisse) - it can be recognized by its light shade, it combines the aroma of fruits and plants. Quite soft, pleasant to the taste of ale.

mild- soft, light drink, with a minimum alcohol content (about 3%), has a malty aroma. You can buy a light or dark version.

stout- you will recognize it by its dark caramel color, the drink contains roasted malt. The drink is healthy, contains many nutrients, relaxes and soothes, has a minimal alcohol content.

Porter- You can recognize this ale by its herbal aroma. It has an average strength, up to 6-7%. Color may vary depending on composition.

How to serve ale?

We are used to drinking classic beer chilled. Ales are usually served unchilled, at room temperature. But nevertheless, it all depends on the type of drink, some varieties are still cooled before serving. The general trend is that the lighter the ale, the colder it should be.

Which is better - ale or beer?

It is impossible to say for sure which of the presented drinks is better. It depends on habit and taste. If you like a bright hoppy aroma, opt for ale, but in our area it will not be so easy to find.