Moonshine thermometers are essential. Thermometer for moonshine: electronic, digital and bimetallic

If you decide to start producing strong drinks at home, then you definitely need to know what the moonshine consists of and understand the features of the alcohol distillation process. Moonshine still - the equipment is quite simple, if you know and understand what this or that element is required for. Today we will consider such an integral part of any moonshine as a thermometer. Without this device, distillation is, of course, possible, but with a thermometer it is much more convenient to monitor the correctness of the process.

When distilling alcohol from mash, it is extremely important to observe the temperature regime. If the raw material overheats or vice versa, has a temperature below the required one, this will certainly affect the quality of the finished product. At too high a temperature, excess impurities will enter the product, which will not only spoil the taste of moonshine, but can also be harmful to health, and at a low temperature, the loss of moonshine will be too large.

What is the benefit of a thermometer for a moonshine still?

Alcohol is obtained from mash when boiling and the release of alcohol vapors, which, getting into the refrigerator, condense and the finished moonshine is obtained. The optimum temperature for the extraction of alcohol fractions is 77-78 degrees Celsius. If the temperature of the raw material rises above 86 degrees, then fusel oils will get into the product at the outlet, which at this temperature will not completely settle in the cleaning devices - the dryer. Therefore, it is very important to know the temperature at which the mash boils away and, if necessary, control it.

What thermometers are suitable for moonshine stills?

All thermometers for the distiller are divided into certain types. Classification is done according to the principle of determining the temperature of each type. Depending on the principle of operation, thermometers for moonshine stills are:

  • bimetallic - determines the temperature using a bimetal tape or spiral;
  • electronic - a conductor works as a sensor, which changes resistance when the temperature of the medium rises or falls;
  • digital - temperature is determined by pressure jumps in the measured medium;
  • liquid - the temperature is determined by the liquid that is inside the device;
  • infrared - the temperature is determined without contact with the measured medium.

As a rule, manufacturers of household distillers use the first three types of thermometers in their devices. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Bimetal thermometer is the most reliable. Such devices are not afraid of bumps or falls, and in case of a minor breakdown, it is easy to fix them with your own hands. There is one significant drawback - this thermometer does not show the temperature very accurately, so it will be more useful for connoisseurs of home brewing who already have experience in preparing alcoholic beverages. If you are new to this business, then it is better to purchase more accurate temperature measuring instruments.

An electronic thermometer for a moonshine still determines the temperature much more accurately. However, such devices differ from the previous type in their fragility. From the very first blow, such a thermometer can break down for good, it is very difficult to repair it on your own and, as a rule, it is easier and cheaper to buy a new one than to try to fix a broken one.

The digital distiller thermometer is the most accurate. But the big minus of such thermometers is their cost. In addition, they, like electronic thermometers, are very fragile. And the repair of such a device will be quite expensive and for this you will need the help of a professional.

It is better not to use liquid thermometers in systems with high heat, as there is a possibility that the installed thermometer will burst and mercury, which is toxic, will leak out. So, if you are going to use such a thermometer, be extremely careful. In the event of a mercury leak, you will have to throw away not only the finished product and raw materials, but also thoroughly clean the entire apparatus, in addition, mercury vapor can enter the respiratory tract and subsequently bring many health problems. Infrared thermometers are used in distillation columns, where the liquid temperature is pretty high.

How to install a thermometer on a moonshine still?

Despite the fact that a thermometer for a moonshine still is a necessary thing during the distillation of alcohol, not every manufacturer equips their machines with thermometers. If you bought a distiller without a thermometer or you assemble your moonshine still with your own hands, then you need to find out the intricacies of how the thermometer is correctly installed in the moonshine still.

Before installing a thermometer on a moonshine, first decide where exactly you will mount it. For a homemade household distiller, it is best to install a thermometer on top of the still. Thus, you will know the temperature of the sublimated vapors directly at the outlet of the distilled tank. To install a thermometer on a moonshine, you will need to drill a hole in the distillation cube, the diameter of which must match the dimensions of the cylinder for installation, which is included in the thermometer kit. Before you insert the cylinder into the hole, you need to put a suitable seal between them, which will help maintain the tightness of the equipment. The best for this purpose is a gasket made of food-grade silicone, which will not react with distillation products and will last a long time. It is not recommended to use rubber gaskets that are sold in plumbing stores. Rubber comes into contact with alcohol vapors and thereby introduces into the finished product not only an unpleasant taste and smell, but also harmful impurities. Next, the cylinder is inserted into the prepared holes and nuts are screwed onto the bolts.
After you have installed the thermometer on your moonshine, be sure to check the functioning of the entire system. The easiest way to do this is to use plain water. Having poured water into the distillation cube, carry out the entire distillation process. In this case, you need to monitor the readings of the thermometer, the tightness of the system and the stability of the device in the distillation tank.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a thermometer for moonshine?

The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the temperature range in which the thermometer operates. You can determine this simply by looking at the division scale of the device. Typically, thermometers for household distillers operate in the range from 0 to 120 degrees Celsius. This range is more than enough to get alcoholic beverages at home. At higher temperatures, not only will high-quality alcohol not be obtained, but there is also a risk of breaking the moonshine still.

Much depends on the material from which the thermometer is made. It is best to purchase a stainless steel thermometer. Such a tool will serve you for quite a long time, it will not corrode upon contact with distillation products and is not afraid of shocks and shocks. You should not buy plastic thermometers, since this material, firstly, is quite fragile, and secondly, it will melt from high temperature during the first distillation.

Another important point is the method of fastening the thermometer. It is best to buy a tool that is attached with a nut and bolt. This good old method is much more reliable than fashionable Velcro or plastic clips, which will quickly fall off the cube when the container is heated.

After installing the thermometer on the moonshine still, it will be much easier for you to control the process of obtaining moonshine. However, do not forget that the thermometer will only help you monitor the temperature, and to correct the situation, you will need to install a power regulator on the distiller, which you can buy in a store or make yourself.

To control all the processes taking place in the moonshine, we need to know the temperature of the mash and alcohol vapors.

Distillation and rectification are directly dependent on temperature. Different fractions have their own evaporation temperature, a low one leads to distillation termination, a high one leads to a breakthrough of fusel oils into the final product.

To control the processes in the apparatus, you need a high-quality device - a thermometer.

It has the following characteristics:

  1. Accuracy. Alcohols in Braga begin to actively evaporate at 78.4°C. At temperatures above 94 ° C, water vapor and fusel oils are guaranteed to come out of the cube. To obtain an optimal result, the measurement accuracy should be within 0.5 degrees, changes even in fractions of a degree indicate a change in the composition of the mash vapor.
  2. Measurement amplitude. A scale below 60 ° C is not suitable for use in a moonshine still. The operating range should be from 60 to 120 °C.
  3. Reliability. Structurally, the measuring tool must be durable, shakes and accidental shocks during installation should not damage or knock off readings.
  4. Type of installation and body material. Measuring the temperature of the outer walls will not give the desired picture and may distort the desired parameters. The sensor must be built into the heating medium - inside the pipe or cube. The housing must be made of inert materials such as glass, stainless steel, copper or chemically resistant alloys.


Depending on the principle of operation and the execution mechanism, the accuracy and ease of use differ. After analyzing the physics of the device, you can choose the best one.


They work on the principle of fluid expansion:

  • They consist of a heated flask, an expander tube and a scale.
  • When heated, the liquid in the flask expands and is forced into the tube.
  • The edge of the liquid relative to the scale is the indicator.

Reference! Laboratory mercury thermometers have the highest accuracy, but they have been discontinued. If the fragile glass bulb is broken, the mercury can spill out, which is dangerous.

Another problem with liquid thermometers is calibration accuracy. Shaking or dropping can knock the scale off the mount, then the device will not show correctly.

Mechanical bimetallic

Based on the principle of thermal expansion of metals.

A plate soldered from two dissimilar materials bends when heated. The temperature is transferred to the plate by the adjusting pin.

Reference! A bimetallic thermometer is the cheapest and most common device that can be used in home brewing.


  1. insufficient information content of the pointer dial,
  2. the possibility of temperature distortion due to case cooling.

The measuring device can be installed directly on the body of the moonshine, but measures the temperature directly at the wall - as far as the mounting pin will allow.


They work on the principle of changing the conductivity of a thermocouple - two wires of different materials soldered together.

Have the highest accuracy, since they are configured once by the manufacturer.

This is also a minus - with cheap performance, the quality of tuning is low, the thermometer will persistently “lie” by several degrees. Having identified a discrepancy, such a thermometer can be used, taking into account the error.

Electronic sensors can be:

  • with digital display,
  • arrow display.

The thermometer sensor can be connected to the housing, or it can be taken out separately.

Important! The most convenient way is a remote sensor, it can be installed anywhere - the center of the cube, the sampling unit, the surface of the mash.

There are also sophisticated devices that monitor temperature on multiple sensors. The measuring device in this case acts as part of the controller, which, according to a given program, controls the processes in the moonshine still.


They work on the principle of changing the spectrum of infrared rays.

In home brewing, a non-contact thermometer is an unnecessary luxury, and cannot measure the temperature inside the pipes. The only possible application is as a thermal imager for checking the insulation of a cube and a column.

The video shows the process of testing and identifying errors in thermometers for a moonshine still:

Selection and installation rules

When buying, you should determine which thermometer is needed, where and how it will be installed.

The most important installation points:

  1. Braga surface. The intensity of evaporation of alcohol vapor depends on the surface temperature. The thermometer can be installed permanently, just below the expected level of the mash, or on a movable "float" inside the cube. Movable fastening is only possible with the use of an electronic sensor thermocouple.
  2. Selection node. In distillation columns, the temperature of the outgoing vapors and reflux is the most important parameter. It is best to measure the temperature just above the sampling opening. A bimetal or digital thermometer with a pin sensor is perfect.
  3. Cooling coil. To control the condensation of alcohol vapors, a thermometer can be installed in the cooler. Its indications are especially important if running water is not used. Cooling in the case of a coil and a water tank deteriorates over time, as the coolant heats up.

Watch a video that shows the correct installation of a thermometer in a moonshine still:

Proper installation will prevent steam from leaking from the system and maintain tightness.

Depending on the type of thermometer, you can take the temperature directly or indirectly.

direct way consists in installing a thermometer sensor inside a pipe or cube. In this case, there is a sealing problem. It is solved with the help of rubber gaskets, plugs, sealant or fittings. The device in this case is part of the system, and it is more problematic to replace it.

Indirect way consists in the fact that the sensor is immersed in a metal flask filled with oil or other heat-conducting liquid. The flask is soldered into the body of the apparatus in the right place. The disadvantage of this method is a certain temperature inertia, an undoubted advantage is the easy possibility of replacing the thermometer.

Both markets and Internet sites are full of offers of household moonshine stills. Their diversity is astonishing. Here are apparatuses of liters for 10-12 mash and options for 30-40, capable of providing a good village wedding with "author's" products in a couple of days.

In addition to size, a huge number of options in shape, equipment, as well as providing various additional options. But the thermometer for the moonshine in the modern version is rather commonplace. Even the cheapest and most unpretentious models are equipped with temperature measuring instruments.

Why do you need a thermometer in a moonshine, this detail, or just a beautiful little thing - a reason for the manufacturer to raise the price of their products?

A little chemistry (educational program of a moonshiner)

In order to more freely navigate the issues of home brewing, including deciding why a thermometer is needed for a moonshine still, it is worth remembering a little the school course in the chemistry of saturated hydrocarbons.

The very first in their series is methane, its formula CH 4 is a carbon atom surrounded by 4 hydrogen atoms.

We remove the hydrogen atom (H) and insert a hydroxyl group (OH) instead. So we got the first alcohol, while the truth is not drinking - methyl (the strongest poison).

The second in the series of saturated hydrocarbons is ethane, it is one hydrocarbon link longer than its predecessor.

And alcohol from ethane turns out to be ethyl - the same one that is contained in all alcoholic beverages.

How moonshine is chasing

The workers who supply us with both strong and low-alcohol drinks are ordinary yeast. Their physiology is designed in such a way that, by absorbing (eating) sugar, they produce alcohol as a waste product.

The departed mash is nothing more than a mixture of alcohol and water, with a strength of about 14-16%. During sublimation, a partial separation into fractions occurs, and the process is based on the difference in the boiling points of the components. Alcohol begins to turn into a gas at a much lower temperature than water, and when the container with mash is heated, it is he who begins to evaporate first. The vapor cools and turns back into a liquid.

Thus, it becomes clear that a thermometer for a moonshine still is needed as a means of monitoring the temperature regime of the distillation process.

The main principle of cleaning

Readers unfamiliar with good moonshine may have a prejudice about this drink. Very often, moonshine comes with a bad taste and an unpleasant odor. But here it's only a matter of the moonshiner's skill. Good moonshine has a pleasant hoppy smell and it (and this is with a strength of 40%) can be safely drunk in small sips.

What's the secret? There are many ways to clean moonshine, but the very first should be cutting off the so-called "heads-tails". What kind of animals are these?

The trouble is that in the process of yeast work, unfortunately, not only ethyl alcohol is produced, it appears quite a bit in the capacity of methyl and propyl alcohols. Both are poisons, especially methanol, a killer even in the smallest doses.

How to be? Take advantage of the physical properties of these substances, or rather, the difference in their boiling points:

  • methanol - 64 °С;
  • ethanol - 78 °C;
  • propanol - 96 °C.

When you buy a thermometer for moonshine, the price of the device will increase slightly. But, armed with it, the moonshiner can avoid getting unwanted and harmful impurities into the final product.

How to measure the process temperature, the location of the thermometer

It would not be superfluous to say that moonshine, taken completely during the race, is strikingly different from a drink made in compliance with the fractional principle (selected in the temperature range of 78 ° -85 ° C).

Particularly dangerous is that part of the product that flows from the cooler at temperatures up to 78 ° C. This is a real fly in the ointment that spoils the entire product. Part of the moonshine produced at a temperature above 85 ° C is collected, but not used as a drink, but poured into the next batch of mash before sublimation.

And here the first assistant of a good moonshiner is a thermometer for a moonshine still. Where to install the sensitive part of the device so that its readings can be safely guided?

Most moonshine manufacturers install a thermometer at the top of the evaporator or in the pipe leading to the evaporator. Moonshiners on the forums agree that it is this location of the device that most accurately characterizes the temperature regime of sublimation.

The use of classic thermometers in home brewing

When choosing a device, you should, first of all, pay attention to its characteristics such as the temperature range in which it operates. It is desirable that the upper bar is not lower than 120-130 ° C.

In this regard, an electronic or bimetallic thermometer for moonshine is, of course, preferable. However, many, especially homemade devices, are equipped with classic mercury or alcohol thermometers. It is worth noting that they, especially the old Soviet years of production, are very accurate and reliable, their service life is unlimited.

There is only one “but” - the fragility of glass, which does not affect, say, an electronic thermometer for moonshine. Installing a mercury thermometer requires a significant re-equipment of the device. A special glass is mounted on its wall and a thermometer tube is already placed in it. This is necessary both for the safety of the thermometer itself, and for protecting the mash from mercury getting into it if the glass still bursts or breaks.

The simplest option will cost, oddly enough, the most expensive. A good mercury device that can withstand temperatures up to 120 ° C will cost at least 3500-4000 rubles. And this is without taking into account the installation device (glass).

Bimetal thermometer

Such a device works on the principle of thermal expansion. Two plates made of materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion are reliably soldered to each other. Obviously, with a change in temperature, such a double plate will begin to deform. The position of the thermometer needle depends on its degree. Everything is simple.

A bimetallic thermometer for a moonshine is just a godsend: it is easy to mount anywhere, is not afraid of shocks and shocks (like mercury), does not require changing batteries or connecting to the mains. The disadvantage of a bimetallic thermometer is a limited resource; after a while, its readings begin to differ from the truth.

You can buy such a device for $ 5 on one of the Chinese Internet sites. But it’s better not to spoil the moonshine with mounting holes. A bimetallic thermometer, according to the readings of which you can navigate in the manufacture of home-made drinks, will cost about 2,000 rubles.


Very easy to use electronic thermometer for moonshine. It works on the principle of changing the electrical resistance of some materials under the influence of temperature. The strength of electronics is that the device itself can be installed in a safe (not hot) place, and only a probe can be placed in the area where you need to measure the temperature. This is usually a small metal tube.

The only drawback that a digital thermometer for a moonshine still has is the need for an electric current source. But the price of a normal working device with a measurement accuracy of 0.1 ° C is about 1500-2000 rubles.

Non-contact infrared

Undoubtedly, the most "advanced" of the listed thermometers for moonshine. Works by capturing and measuring the level of infrared rays emanating from the subject. The price of such a device will be in the range of 1000-2000 rubles.

But experienced moonshiners do not recommend non-contact thermometers, since the temperature of the mash tank outside and the temperature of the vapors (they are of interest to us) can differ significantly. And the price of the issue is either a deterioration in the quality of the drink, or unjustified "production" losses.

The process of making high-quality home-made alcohol from mash. And at all its stages, thermometers for moonshine are a necessary toolkit. At the factory, technologists control the temperature in both the raw material tank and the alcohol tank, as well as the degree of steam heating in different areas. Why is a home distillery worse? We can take control of production and achieve maximum results. Moreover, the costs will be negligible.

Why you need to know the exact temperature

Initially, there is a mixture of various substances, some of which are completely unsafe. All of them have different boiling points: ethyl alcohol - +78.4°C, acetic aldehyde (one of the most harmful impurities) - +20.8°C, methyl alcohol (poison for humans) - +64.7°C. If the raw materials are heated slowly and evenly and brought to + 100 ° C, then we will get a “bouquet” that will definitely undermine health.

If you use a thermometer for a moonshine still, you can. As a result, we will reduce the duration of those phases in which the compounds we do not need evaporate. So an ordinary thermometer for a hundred rubles will allow us to get better moonshine.

What processes need to be controlled

The most important parameter for us is the t of raw materials in the still. Therefore, thermometers for moonshine are mainly installed on their lid, that is, they measure the degree of heating of vapors. It is also possible to embed the device in a dry steamer in order to assess what part and what substances are deposited in it, but this is not necessary.

It is also important that the alcohol at the outlet has a temperature of less than +30°C, otherwise it will quickly evaporate from an open tank, and in addition, high heat is a sign that some of the valuable substance may not reach the collector.

Using a thermometer, it will be possible to sample all phases at the recommended speed and temperature for them. Then the yield of the product from the raw material will be maximum, and the amount of impurities - minimum.

Which meters are better to buy

Our thermometer for moonshine should ideally have the following characteristics:

  • high thermal stability and strength;
  • small measurement error (preferably 0.1°C);
  • gradation up to 0.1 ° C (important, since alcohol boils at + 78.4 ° C, and not earlier);
  • scale up to at least +100°C.

Now on sale there are various types of thermometers:

  • electronic outdoor (may not work properly when in contact with steam, liquid);
  • culinary electronic with a probe;
  • alcohol homemade ("strip" type; almost always not suitable, since they are designed for t up to + 40 ° C);
  • floats (also do not capture high temperatures);
  • in bimetallic cases - an excellent option.

According to the subjective opinion of professionals, a culinary electronic thermometer with a stainless steel probe or models in bimetallic cases can be considered optimal. They are easy to use, reliable and give the accuracy you need.

At first glance, the preparation of alcohol at home seems to be a fairly simple process, but this is not entirely true. It is important not only to understand the essence of the ongoing chemical reactions, but also to control them, as well as to create optimal conditions for their passage. This can be done with the help of special equipment, which can be purchased at specialized outlets or improve an existing system with your own hands.

In order to obtain a high-quality drink that meets taste requirements and has a sufficiently high strength, it is important to observe the temperature regime for obtaining an alcohol solution. As you know, the boiling point of water is higher than that of alcohol compounds, and this process underlies the production of moonshine and other strong drinks. Sharp jumps in temperature, high or vice versa, low rates - all this can affect the quality of the final product. A thermometer will help prevent such phenomena, which can be provided by the manufacturer for the moonshine still, or if the unit is made by hand, it can be strengthened.

Those who have been manufacturing alcoholic beverages for a long time, use classic moonshine stills made independently from improvised means, for example, pressure cookers, flasks, may not agree on the need for a thermometer. In fact, this device can be useful in the following cases:

  • Regulation of the selection of the lightest fractions, which actively begin to stand out at a temperature of about 67°C. It is important to withstand this temperature for a while;
  • During the main process of obtaining alcohol from heated mash, alcohol vapors are formed, which condense and exit as a finished product from the moonshine still. At this time, it is important to maintain the optimal mode before the alcohol vapors stop being released. It is believed that this is in the range of 78-83°C. If the mash begins to boil and the temperature rises above 85 ° C, then fusel oils will get into the solution. It is quite difficult to get rid of their specific taste, you will need to distill moonshine, apply several filtering methods.

To a certain extent, a thermometer can prevent unpleasant consequences that may affect the quality and strength of an alcoholic beverage.

A thermometer is already installed in almost all devices on the market. It will not be difficult to choose an installation that is suitable in terms of cost, technical indicators, equipment, including the presence of a thermometer, a dry steamer and other necessary attributes. This applies to both domestic models, which have already proven themselves in the world market, and foreign ones.

How to Install a Thermometer in a Moonshine Distillation System

There are several options for using a temperature measuring device - this is the purchase of equipment with an already installed sensor or a do-it-yourself installation. In the first case, the manufacturer has already taken into account the specifics of mounting the device, the product itself was selected in accordance with the working conditions. Such models are initially convenient to use, and if units manufactured by professional companies are preferred, then you should only study the technology for making alcohol and the attached instructions. There are units where the measuring element is built into the evaporator or into the container itself for distilling the mash. If we compare these types of equipment in terms of measurement accuracy in the process of preparing alcohol, then the installation option in the evaporator part is preferable.

If you already have a system for making homemade alcohol, but it lacks a thermometer, then you can install it yourself. Technically, this is not difficult, it is necessary to prepare a hole, seals so that the tightness is not violated. If a pressure cooker is used as a moonshine, then the thread is made in the lid, gaskets are inserted that are resistant to temperature changes and the device itself. It is important that the element did not come into contact with the surface of the device, otherwise the indicators will be distorted and the data of the cube wall, and not the environment, will be recorded.

Which thermometer to choose

Not every thermometer is suitable for a moonshine still, since rather high temperatures will be measured during the distillation process. You need to pay attention to the scale, the maximum temperature indicator should not be less than 120 degrees. Usually, a bimetallic thermometer is used for this, the mechanism of which is based on the elastic deformation that occurs between the metal plates. The bimetallic strip is deformed on that side of the surface where the coefficient of linear expansion is smaller. The temperature values ​​​​of such equipment are quite accurate, and the bimetallic element used for moonshine stills has the following advantages:

  • Accurate measurement of temperature conditions, which only facilitates the process of distillation of alcohol, and also improves the quality of the distillate;
  • Resistance to high temperatures, mechanical stress and chemically aggressive environments, which is achieved through the use of reliable bimetallic plates. Mercury analogs do not have similar features;
  • Long service life. Multiple use of the device does not affect its functionality, which allows the use of thermometers during the entire period of use of the equipment;
  • Wide temperature range possible for measurement;
  • Compactness, ease of use;

The advantageous features of the product include the ease of installation with your own hands. For this it is enough:

  1. Prepare a hole of the required diameter in the cover or body;
  2. Place the special setting cylinder into the hole by screwing it in;
  3. Fix with a nut;
  4. Install the bimetallic thermometer itself into the cylinder;

In addition to bimetallic devices, electric thermometers also began to be actively used. Such models can have a wide range, for example, from -50 to 300 degrees. For ease of use, the product is equipped with a liquid crystal display, has a long probe made of stainless steel. An electric appliance and a bimetallic one do not have much difference in price. They are available for purchase both in specialized stores, online resources for those who want to buy everything you need to make alcoholic beverages at home.

Despite the usefulness of a thermometer in a distillation system, the device should be selected according to the operating conditions. Although the element is easy to install with your own hands, if you plan to only engage in moonshine before such a practice, then it is better to immediately pay attention to the already equipped devices.

There are also mercury-type thermometers, but their use is limited to a certain extent by the range and low practicality indicators. Sudden temperature changes, mechanical impacts can violate the integrity of the case and lead to unpleasant situations. On the other hand, with careful handling for some time, a mercury device can be useful in the process of making moonshine.

The purchase of installations already assembled by the manufacturer, including thermometers, a dry steamer, a distillation cube and other related elements, ensures that the process will proceed safely. Subject to the technology, the alcoholic beverage itself will turn out to be of high quality in terms of taste parameters, including due to compliance with temperature conditions. In addition, there is no guarantee that home-made moonshine stills will differ in performance, and industrial-type devices are already designed for one or another product output. The lack of the required tightness, errors in calculations, insufficient thermal conductivity of materials and a number of other factors can affect the yield of the final product.

Before using a moonshine for the distillation of alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to study the temperature regimes, which will help to properly control the entire process and set the temperature regime. In order to increase the yield of distillate, it is not necessary to increase the temperature, its indicators, during the main production process, should be in the range of 78-83°C. If for some reason there was an exit from these indicators and the solution became cloudy, then the process of distillation of the already obtained product can be repeated. This will help get rid of the unpleasant fusel flavor and other related compounds that degrade the quality of alcohol.