Birthday table. Fish in batter

For all recipes there is a result in the form of a final photo and of course a description. If there is no description with step-by-step photos in the text itself, but there is a link in the recipe on another page. Just click on the highlighted text and you will be taken to the detailed recipe of the dish you like. Choose!!!


First, let's start with what is really fast and really not expensive. And, of course, snacks. The simplest version of a birthday is a buffet table, and next to it is music and pleasant communication. What can fill the buffet table? We offer several recipes.

Don't skip the usual ham sandwiches either. The modern industry says that people buy pleasure. If the sandwich is decorated beautifully (and this can be done simply), then your guests will get double the pleasure. Here is an example of a beautiful sandwich with ham, laid in a wave and stabbed with a skewer.

Filled tarts! The tartlets themselves are sold in any more or less small supermarket and they are not expensive. So there is no need to mess around with the test. you can start with anything, from rice with mayonnaise and herbs to minced meat with cheese, you can also cook fruit. A huge selection of toppings for tartlets -.

Chicken and potatoes would also be very good. The cooking time is minimal, the same as for the previous chicken + to peel the potatoes. Potatoes are better to choose not large. Sauces can be served separately (if there are several, it will also decorate the festive table).

The next inexpensive and quick option for a birthday is stuffed champignons! We offer you a recipe with minced meat. This is the most satisfying dish. But you can fill it with cheese and boiled egg and even boiled rice mixed with herbs. The main thing is to choose large champignons.

Here is a recipe for simple and delicious mushrooms - ““.


Well, firstly, vegetables can be served simply sliced. It's not a lot of money, even less time. Arrange these chopped vegetables in the form of small skewers. Very elegant!

Salad with beans! Yes, it is very tasty and very economical. Beans are hearty and very soft in a salad. The easiest option: boiled red beans (or canned) + boiled chicken breast + croutons + herbs + mayonnaise ....

There are a lot of variations - choose any: salads with beans on the festive table.


Ear Napoleon. Ears are the so-called cookies in the form of two circles, it is tender and crumbly. Preparing such a cake is very easy: buy cookies "Ears" 800 grams and cook from 1 liter of milk. Lay out the ears in layers and lubricate each layer with cream. Be sure to let it brew and soak.

Fried bananas. Bananas are peeled and cut into 3-4 pieces. Then roll them in flour, and then in a beaten egg. And then again in flour. And deep-fry for 2-3 minutes. Very original and very satisfying. This dish is also suitable for a buffet table.

Pancake cake. This is a modern invention, although it has not yet gained popular popularity, but the dessert is very tasty. Pancakes should be fried with a minimum amount of oil. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable deodorized oil to the pancake batter. grease the pan 1st time and then without oil. Any cream for such a cake is suitable, but the best for my taste is from semolina or custard.

Your guests will not even guess that these are pancakes if you serve sliced ​​cake in portions.

outdoor birthday party

Summer and autumn are the time for organizing friendly meetings in garden plots, in the garden, in nature. The menu at these receptions should not be overly sophisticated. The treat usually consists of appetizers, meat dishes cooked in the fresh air, seasonal salads and salads from raw vegetables, fruits, and cakes.

Table setting is usually modest. Dishes with food, baskets of fruit, jugs of drinks, plates of cakes are set on multi-colored, often oilcloth, tablecloths. Approach the table setting with imagination, use stylish design, interesting little things and nuances that will make the reception interesting and memorable. Serve fruits and vegetables not traditionally, but colorfully and unusually.

“Garden bouquets” of vegetables and fruits look unusually impressive.

A vegetable bouquet is slices of cucumber, tomato, radish, red pepper, planted on sticks and stuck, for example, in a head of cabbage.

Fruity bouquet - slices of apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches planted on long sticks and stuck in some large watermelon, pineapple or pumpkin. They wonderfully decorate the table and attract the eye with their shape and various colors. They are also very good tasting and healthy. By experimenting with the height of the sticks used for “bouquets”, you can get an unexpected solution in the form of three-dimensional figures from vegetables or fruits.

An excellent solution for a "picnic in nature" is to prepare various types of salads and offer them to guests a la buffet. The rest of the dishes must be prepared so that they can be eaten standing or sitting and only with a fork.

Sandwiches prepared in a bizarre shape, interestingly or funny decorated, will help to add a touch of humor.

Outdoor dining can be made more inviting by serving food from the grill. They are not only exceptionally tasty, but also spectacular. They have the advantage that they are prepared practically without fat. Due to the high temperature, the outer layer of the meat thickens, a crispy crust forms, which protects against the loss of juice, aroma and nutrients.

All types of meat, offal, fish, vegetables, such as potatoes, red peppers, eggplant, are suitable for grilling. You can also experiment here by trying grilled tomatoes or onions.

In all receptions, in addition to the principle of proper nutrition, it is important to adhere to one more thing, namely: do not force anyone to eat, do not forcibly put dishes on the guests' plate. The same applies to the reception of guests in the fresh air, or a picnic.

I love accuracy in everything, so I always make a birthday menu in advance. Even if the guests are scheduled almost for tomorrow, I will still make time for this. It is better to spend an extra 10 minutes writing a list than to go to the store twice because of something you accidentally missed.

What lists are needed?

I write several lists at once:

  1. a list of dishes and drinks that will be on the table;
  2. list of ingredients and purchases;
  3. a to-do list, that is, a sequence of actions so as not to forget anything.

Example: organizing a husband's birthday at home

I will show you how I organized this process for my husband's birthday.

Initially, we decided that we would celebrate this day together in a restaurant, but later my husband said that he would just like to sit with friends and drink beer ... and this is at home ... tomorrow. Does it happen to you? In 5 minutes, the men decided that the restaurant was canceled, and long live the homemade feast. Shock? Stress? No, absolutely.

We specify the number of guests: together with us, we got 6 adults and 2 children. So the menu I counted on this number of people.

If you have more time, it means more opportunity to plan everything carefully and correctly, but if you don’t have it, as in my case, just stop for a few minutes and think about what the people who come to visit you like. I know that two of the guests do not eat liver, two more seafood, etc., so these dishes on the table are not desirable. It is probably impossible to take into account all tastes and preferences, but what guests do not eat for sure is not worth cooking. And vice versa, if you know for sure that your guests love some of your dishes very much, they always eat it first, be sure to cook it!

I don’t really bother with the compatibility of dishes, I cook what I am sure of. Just because it's a beer party doesn't mean there won't be cake or snacks. Less conventions, unless you have to meet some ambassador.

An example of a birthday menu at home

Previously, my menu did not always fit on one sheet. Three salads, three types of sandwiches, 3-4 appetizers, etc. Naturally, all this remained after the holiday and disappeared. What for? To show what a good hostess I am? This is superfluous, my guests already know it :)

I'm not calling you to minimalism, I'm calling you to be objective. Just think, would you eat so many dishes at a party? If so, you don’t need to invent anything else and add another extra salad.

Because I have little time to prepare, I chose all the recipes simple and not too labor-intensive:

Salads and appetizers

  • Salad with smoked chicken (hearty)
  • Spring salad (light)
  • Tomato salad with green dressing (instead of appetizer)
  • Baskets with mushrooms and chicken


  • Rustic potatoes
  • Grilled chicken wings
  • Khachapuri homemade


  • Strawberry yogurt cake


  • Beer, wine
  • Juice, compote, tea, coffee


  • Adjika, mustard, ketchup


Making a shopping list

If I cook according to certain recipes, then I select all the recipes I need on the table: I print them out, take them out of folders, or put notebooks aside.

Why do I need it? So I am sure that having written out all the ingredients, I will not miss anything I need, but I will not buy too much either. Often, relying on our memory, we stand at the store counter and cannot remember how many grams of chicken we need for a salad, or whether there is cheese in this dish at all, so we always take more than we need, being safe.

I AM making a shopping list based on the ingredients of the recipes I need. After reviewing all the ingredients, I write out only what I don’t have at home, immediately indicating how many grams, kilograms, etc. I need one or the other. My list this time looked like this:

Tip: Take the time to rewrite your list to match the departments of the store you go to. I know exactly the location of my favorite supermarket, so I start with fruits and vegetables, then meat products, cheeses and sausages, etc. Those few extra minutes will save you a lot of time in the store. you will not rush around the entire store, but calmly go around it only once.

And one more important point. If there are products on the list that you need to go to a specialized store or market, take them out separately. With such a detailed list, you can send your husband to the store, and do other things yourself.

I think you noticed that on my list chicken wings and potatoes are highlighted in red. That's because we ordered them to be made at a beer specialty store that has a huge grill. If there is an opportunity to facilitate your preparation, and you are sure of the quality, be sure to use this. The price difference with raw foods is not as big as it might seem.

We plan a sequence of actions

Important plan a sequence of actions so that before the arrival of the guests do not run around in an apron and a dressing gown, cutting food.

Everything that can be cut in the store should be cut there. Having a sliced ​​​​loaf and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsausage for sandwiches on hand, you spend 5 minutes, not 20.

I said that I am writing a list of actions, while indicating what the husband can do, for example. And don't forget to include things like hair washing and beauty treatments on your list. You don't want to remember this half an hour before the guests arrive.

What can you do the night before

If possible, do some of the preparatory work the night before: cook compote, bake cake layers, boil eggs and vegetables. In the morning, you can start cooking directly, rather than preparing the ingredients and chilling them.

I cooked compote in the evening to cool it down, baked a biscuit, and made croutons for salad in the cooling oven. Also boiled chicken fillet and eggs. In the evening, it is better to clean the house, wash the bathrooms and wipe the dust. Tomorrow you just might not be in time.

If I cooked the wings at home, then I would pickle them in the evening too. I usually marinate the wings in a mixture of vegetable oil, soy sauce, ketchup and honey with garlic.

If possible, then in the evening you can cook the whole cake, it will perfectly stand in the refrigerator until the next evening. If not, then start from this point in the morning.


In the morning it is necessary to do the remaining preparatory work, namely, cut the eggs and chicken fillet for salad and baskets.

I trained myself to cut the same type of food for several dishes at once, for example, all eggs for all recipes. Naturally, I take into account how many of them are needed for which dish, and I divide them into different salad bowls. It really saves time - you only wash the grater, board and knife after this product, not 3-4.

You can also do with cheese and other products. At this stage, I also cook mushrooms so that I no longer have to be distracted by snacks.

It is important to do it in advance stuffing for baskets , then you just have to lay it out in baskets and bake. cook salad with smoked chicken. Since all the ingredients are already cut, it will take quite a bit of time.

What is important to do during the day

In order to switch, and simply not to miss this moment, you need to set aside all the necessary dishes that you need for serving. I put it on a chest of drawers in my room, checking to see if anything needs extra wiping or rinsing along the way. Of course, it is better to accustom yourself to thoroughly wash and wipe the dishes after each feast, then before the holiday it will take only 5-10 minutes.

Prepare the tablecloth and napkins. Refrigerate drinks if necessary.

Whisk dressing sauce spring salad and tomato salad .

cook spring salad , for which mix 4 diced boiled eggs, sliced ​​​​radish rings, thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers. Separate a third of the green tomato salad dressing, add sour cream and dress the spring salad. Garnish with quail egg halves.

Transfer the adjika to the bowl (if there is no adjika, take care of another sauce for the wings in advance).

What to do in the evening

An hour before the arrival of guests, you can start cooking sandwiches . Sharing a family recipe. At first glance, the combination is strange, but try them, you will definitely like them. Lubricate the loaf slices with a thin layer of butter, mayonnaise or tartar sauce, lay the sausage slices and top with a slice of kiwi. Garnish with half an olive.

How long did it take for this dish? On the strength of 5-7 minutes, because. only kiwi had to be cut. Such sandwiches look spectacular on the table, kiwi gives sourness and emphasizes the taste of sausage. In this recipe, it is best to use boiled smoked sausage.

If you decide, like me, to make khachapuri, then put the dough on the kneading. We need about 40 minutes to knead and rise. We will do the main work when the guests have already gathered.

While the bread machine is running, spread the filling in baskets . When the guests are already at the table, put the dish in the microwave for a few minutes.

cook tomato salad , it is quite simple, so it is prepared quickly.

It's time to set the table. You can put appetizers and salads, sauce, sandwiches.

It only took me a few minutes to heat up the wings and potatoes. The table is set, the guests are assembled.

If you, like me, decide to treat your guests to khachapuri, then it's time to roll out the dough. They bake pretty quickly. So the guests will not have time to deal with snacks, as you serve them with heat and heat on the table. No fuss, but no one will leave hungry.

I hope that in this birthday menu at home you will find something useful for yourself, making it easier for you to prepare for a holiday or a feast. Put on a beautiful dress, a radiant smile and meet the guests!

Merry and joyful home holidays!

Preparation for the holiday is not always troublesome and takes a lot of time. If the piggy bank has the right recipes for quick, but tasty and beautiful dishes, then you can manage in a couple of hours.

How to please guests on their birthday?

Quick Meals for a Birthday - General Cooking Principles

The festive table is usually assembled from hot dishes and cold appetizers. For dessert, there is enough cake, which can be bought or prepared in advance. Hot dishes are easy and quick to cook in the oven. This method is good because it does not require active participation, it is enough to put everything in a form, put it and you can start preparing cold snacks. It is they who will occupy the main part of the table and it is desirable to make several different types.

What are quick salads and snacks made of:

Cheeses of different types;


Canned and fresh vegetables;

Lavash, tartlets, chips, croutons.

Mayonnaise is often used for dressings. Almost all cold and hot snacks love greens that can be put inside or used for decoration. If the dish is hot, then it is undesirable to make it in advance. Any dish, even difficult to prepare, rarely takes more than two hours.

A quick hot recipe for a birthday

Opens a selection of quick birthday recipes for a very tasty, satisfying, but easy-to-prepare hot dish of potatoes, meat and poultry. And all this is put together. For cooking, it is better to use a high baking sheet or a large form with sides of 4-5 cm.


800 g pork;

1 kg of potatoes;

1 kg chicken drumsticks or wings;

30 ml soy sauce;

spice mix;

1 tsp honey;

2 tsp mustard.


1. Cut the pork into slices of half a centimeter, lightly beat off, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper or a mixture of spices for meat, spread out as a first layer on a greased baking sheet. If desired, chopped onion can be laid on the pork.

2. Rinse the shins or take the wings, throw them into a bowl. Add soy sauce, mustard, a teaspoon of honey and stir thoroughly, leave to marinate.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces, add mayonnaise and spices to it, stir, salt.

4. Put the potatoes in a baking sheet on top of the pork.

5. Put in the oven for 20 minutes, bake at 200 degrees.

6. We take out the form with the dish. Lay the chicken pieces on top in a single layer.

7. Put it back in the oven, bake for about half an hour. During this time, the potatoes will be baked, the pork inside will be saturated with juices from the products, the juices will turn out very tender, and the chicken pieces will be fried to a very beautiful color.

Salad "Team" - a very quick recipe for a birthday

A variant of a very simple salad that is prepared in five minutes. Nevertheless, it turns out very tasty, bright, fragrant.


Bank of beans;

Bank of corn;

A pack of crackers;

200 g sausage;

2 cucumbers;

Mayonnaise, garlic.


1. Cut the sausage. You can take boiled, smoked sausage, ham will do.

2. Cut fresh cucumbers into slices, add to the sausage.

3. Open a can of corn, drain the liquid, pour it into the total mass.

4. Open the beans and transfer to a colander, let the liquid drain well. Drain the marinade too slimy, this often happens. You can rinse the beans with cold water and shake the colander to get any droplets out.

5. We shift the beans, squeeze out a clove of garlic, season the salad with mayonnaise, stir. If necessary, transfer to a beautiful dish.

6. Top the salad with croutons. You need to stir them just before serving, otherwise the pieces will become sour, they will not crunch.

Vegetable Salad (Quick Birthday Recipe)

Of course, you can just cut the vegetables and put them on a plate. But there are more interesting and also quick birthday recipes. This is based on Chinese cabbage.


0.5 head of Beijing cabbage;


0.5 cans of olives;

0.5 lemon;

3-4 tablespoons of olive oil;

120-150 g of cheese.


1. Cut Chinese cabbage into large pieces, thickened veins can be omitted. Place in a large mixing bowl.

2. Cut the tomato into slices, add to the cabbage. Cherry tomatoes are often used in this salad. They need to be cut in half.

3. Chop the cucumber into large but thin slices, transfer to the main vegetables. If you cut the food finely, then there will be a lot of juice in the salad, it will just flow.

4. Cut all the olives in half, pour over the vegetables.

5. Cheese also needs to be cut into thin slices, the size of the pieces is about two centimeters. You can cook without cheese.

6. Make a gas station. To do this, squeeze the juice of a lemon, mix with olive or any other vegetable oil, salt and pepper. If desired, add mustard, sometimes they put liquid honey, one teaspoon is enough.

Lavash roll (very quick birthday recipe)

Another option for a quick birthday recipe. This is a versatile snack that you can take with you or serve on a festive table. The number of products is calculated on one large sheet of pita bread.


150 g soft cheese;

200 g crab sticks;

A bunch of any greens;

two cucumbers

2-3 boiled eggs.


1. Finely chop a fresh cucumber. Pour into a bowl.

2. Release the thawed crab sticks from the film, also crumble, pour over the cucumber. You can use crab meat.

3. Add boiled eggs to the total mass. They can also be cut or take a grater and quickly rub.

5. Lubricate pita bread with soft cheese. You can use any product with fillers. If the cheese is not soft enough, then it is recommended to beat it with a blender with 1-2 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream, in which case there will be no problems with the spread.

6. Spread the crab filling. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

7. Level the layer, roll up the roll.

8. Put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Before serving, the appetizer must be cut. It is better to make slices obliquely, like cutting sausage. It will turn out much more beautiful.

Surprise Eggs: A Quick Birthday Recipe

A very easy and quick variant of stuffed eggs. If you boil them in advance, the process will not take more than twenty minutes.


Cheese in foil;


40 g of red fish;


1. Cut the boiled eggs lengthwise, remove the yolk, put it in a bowl. Mash thoroughly with a fork.

2. Grate cheese. You can also use hard cheese, but with a processed product, the filling is more tender.

3. Add a little mayonnaise, spices, stir.

4. Cut the red fish into small cubes. You should get 14 pieces.

5. Arrange the fish in eggs, it should fit.

6. Put the cheese and yolk filling on top, smooth it gently. Eggs will turn out with a good slide, it is better to immediately transfer them to a flat plate.

7. Decorate each egg with a small sprig of greens or just sprinkle.

Quick recipe for a birthday: Salad "Straws"

Another one of the quick birthday recipes. This salad will take no more than fifteen minutes to prepare. If desired, mayonnaise can be replaced with a mixture of sour cream and mustard, it will also turn out very tasty.


250 g smoked sausage;

250 g of Korean carrots;

2 cucumbers;

1 clove of garlic;


1. Beat one egg with a fork, but not until foamy, just until smooth. Pour into a greased hot pan, shake to make a pancake. Bake on each side, this is done very quickly. Do the same with the second and third eggs. Let the pancakes cool for now.

2. Cut the smoked sausage into strips. We drop into a bowl.

3. Add Korean carrots to the sausage.

4. Cut fresh cucumbers into strips. But you can also make a salad with pickled cucumbers, but it is important not to add salt, as there is a lot of it in the sausage.

5. Squeeze a clove of garlic.

6. Roll egg pancakes into one tube and cut into strips. Add to salad.

Herring Sandwiches: A Quick Birthday Appetizer Recipe

You can cook everyone's favorite herring under a fur coat. But it's so long! There are other quick birthday recipes from this fish.


One herring fillet;

100 g of oil;

0.5 loaves of dark bread;


1. Cut the bread into squares no more than 5 cm. You can dry it in the oven or fry it in a pan.

2. Brush each sandwich with butter.

3. Cut the herring fillet crosswise into pieces. The width is arbitrary.

4. Spread the herring on the bread.

5. Cut the cucumber in half, then across to make semicircular slices.

6. Arrange cucumbers on the free part of the sandwich, additionally decorate with herbs.

If there is very little time to prepare the festive table, then it is better to cook, peel and crumble all the vegetables and other snack foods the day before, just do not mix them. It is better to put everything in containers and refrigerate, and quickly assemble the dishes before the feast.

Did the mayonnaise run out or was it left completely on the bottom? You can mix sour cream with mustard, spices, add a little lemon juice. You will get a delicious sauce.

Festive dishes differ from everyday dishes in decoration. Even a boring sandwich, decorated with greens, vegetable figurines, olives, will be a wonderful treat.

Anniversaries are a very symbolic date. It means that a person has passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate anniversaries on a special scale. Today it is customary to celebrate such a day in restaurants and cafes, where professional chefs are ready to turn any fantasy into reality. If funds are limited, the celebration can be held at home in a narrow circle. Our article will tell you how to create an anniversary menu and cook holiday treats at home.

The anniversary menu should be designed so that the dishes in it are:

Then your holiday will surely be remembered by the guests for a long time, and, probably, later your help will be in demand for compiling the menu for the anniversary.

We offer a festive menu that includes original and simple treats.



Finely cut the tops of 8-10 tomatoes with a thin-bladed knife. Take out the pulp. Grate the inner walls of the tomatoes with salt and put the holes down on a paper towel for half an hour. Mash 200 gr of Adyghe cheese, beloved by many, with a fork. Rinse a bunch of fragrant green onions, a bunch of dill and a bunch of parsley, chop finely enough. Then combine with cheese. Squeeze 1 clove of garlic into the mixture and add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream / mayonnaise. Spices to taste. Fill the tomatoes with the filling. Put on a wide dish.


Chicken fillet (3 pcs) cut into thin plates each, beat off. Add salt and spices. Leave for half an hour. Put curd cheese (100 grams), 1 tomato on the fillet and wrap tightly each of the mini-rolls with bacon. Bake in cast iron for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.


1 French baguette cut into slices, brown without adding oil in a pan. Then grate 3 boiled eggs. Next, mash 1 canned cod liver, combine with your favorite cheese (quantity optional) and finely chopped herbs (dill / parsley). Add 5 tbsp mayonnaise sauce. Spread the mixture over the baguette slices. Serve at the table, after sprinkling with herbs.

1) "Gift"


The salad consists of the following layers, each is smeared with mayonnaise:

Cubes of chicken fillet;
coarsely grated boiled carrots;
fried champignons with onions, seasoned with pepper, salt;
grated apple;
chopped walnuts;
crushed yolks;
finely chopped egg whites.

Salad "Gift"

To decorate the “Gift”, make a bow out of beautifully cut ribbons of raw carrots. Garnish additionally with chopped dill and tomatoes.

2) "Fish cake"


Basis: 5 tablespoons of boiled rice, a pack of crab sticks, a pound of salted salmon, 4 boiled eggs.

Cream: 100 grams of cheese similar to Philadelphia, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, the same amount of mayonnaise, 8 grams of gelatin.

Separately grate sticks, proteins, yolks. Lay strips of salmon on the very bottom of the form, covered with cellophane. On the fish, lubricating with cream, put rice, yolks, squirrels and sticks in layers. Cool for several hours in the refrigerator. Take out and invert onto a plate. Decorate with greens and red caviar.

Salad "Fish Cake"



Rinse half a cup of rice. Then dip in boiling water for 20 minutes. Hold a small cabbage fork in hot water for 3 minutes. Take out and disassemble into leaves. Sauté the onion, carrot, 5 champignons and a clove of garlic in 2 tbsp of oil. Then grind 300 g of chicken fillet in a meat grinder. Then mix with salt, fried vegetables, rice and spices.

For tomato sauce: Grate 3 tomatoes, pass through a sieve. After add 300 gr of sour cream.

In tartlet molds, greased with any butter, put the cabbage leaf, and minced meat on top. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of sauce and fold over with the free edges of the sheet. Then pour the remaining sauce over all the cabbage rolls.


Cake "Woodpile"


Boil 1 cup running water with a small pinch of salt. Then add 100 g of butter. Next 1 tablespoon of sugar, 150 gr. wheat flour and stir vigorously. Let cool and beat in 3 eggs 1 at a time. Mix the mass with a mixer. On a baking sheet lined with good parchment paper, squeeze out a "log" piping bag the size you want.

Boil a little more than half a liter of milk. Next, add a couple of eggs, 2 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp white sugar. Beat everything with a whisk. Bring to a boil. Cool down. Grate the zest of 1 lemon. Whip with butter. Then put it in your refrigerator for half an hour.

Put a layer of custard cakes on the bottom of a rectangular shape, smear liberally with cream. All other layers are laid in the same way. Leave the resulting "Pilennitsa" in the refrigerator until the guests arrive.

Cake "Woodpile"

An airy dessert is the perfect end to a festive meal.

Birthday anywhere will be a sweet, pleasant and long-awaited holiday. In addition to the fact that the birthday holiday is associated with a huge number of gifts and congratulations, it is associated with the arrival of guests. This means that it will be necessary to set the festive table, in particular, if the event is held at home.

I would like to celebrate every birthday, but there are not always funds for a big holiday. In order not to deny yourself the next planned meeting with friends and relatives, the site offers its own version of the budget menu for a birthday at home.

This article gives recipe options that can be included in the birthday menu at home. Depending on the number of guests, more or less ingredients should be taken. The standard menu layout looks like this:

  • Several salads;
  • Several snacks;
  • Hot dish with garnish;
  • Dessert;
  • Separately, it is worth recalling alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks;

Salad with crab sticks and pickled onions

Not quite a traditional salad recipe, the composition will contain a minimum of ingredients, but it is in this combination that you can get an unusual spicy taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Four eggs;
  • A pack of crab sticks;
  • One bulb;
  • Five tomatoes;
  • Two sweet peppers (it will be beautiful if you take peppers of different colors);
  • mayonnaise and vinegar;

Onion must be cut into thin half rings and pour vinegar. Leave to marinate while preparing the salad. Peel the pepper and cut into thin strips about 4 cm long. Boil eggs and chop finely. Cut tomatoes and crab sticks into medium cubes. It remains only to mix all the ingredients, add the squeezed pickled onion. Season with mayonnaise, 2-3 tablespoons will be enough.

Simple salad with mushrooms

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 grams of mushrooms (you can take pickled, you can boil);
  • One bulb;
  • five eggs;
  • Bank of corn;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream;

Onions should be peeled, cut into 2 parts and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. This will help get rid of the strongly pronounced taste of bitterness. Then cut into thin slices. Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater, add corn to them (drain the liquid), mushrooms and onions. Mix everything, use mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing.

Appetizer of zucchini and tomatoes

Vegetable appetizer with cheese, which is equally delicious warm and cold. Plus, this recipe for a festive dish decorates the birthday table with its bright colors.

Required Ingredients:

  • Two small zucchini;
  • Five tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Three cloves of garlic;

It will be necessary to cut the zucchini and tomatoes into circles. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add garlic, passed through a press and finely chopped greens. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on each circle of zucchini, put a circle of tomato, and put a tablespoon of the cheese mixture on top. Send for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Snack cake with fish

Required Ingredients (for cakes):

  • 100 grams of margarine;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda;
  • One egg;
  • Two and a half glasses of flour;

For layer:

  • Bank of canned fish in oil;
  • One processed cheese;
  • Two eggs (boil);
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Bulb;
  • 300 grams of mayonnaise;
  • Greenery;

To prepare cake layers for a snack cake, you need to melt the margarine and add soda to it (quench it with vinegar), finish off the sour cream, egg and flour. Mix everything well. Immediately divide the dough into four parts and put in the refrigerator for an hour. Roll out each piece of dough into a layer, pierce with a fork and bake until done. Readiness can be determined by the ruddy dough.

Each cake must be greased on one side with mayonnaise. On the first cake, put the grated melted term on mayonnaise (hold it in the freezer for 20 minutes to rub well), mixed with garlic, passed through a press. Put the second cake on the first one and sprinkle with grated egg on a coarse grater, which is mixed with finely chopped onion. Put the third cake and lay out the fish, which must first be removed from the oil and mashed with a fork. Now, on the fourth cake, which has taken its place on the cake, you need to sprinkle with hard cheese, grated on a coarse grater and finely chopped greens.

This is the easiest and most economical option for a hot dish. The recipe can be safely included in the budget menu for a birthday.

Required Ingredients:

  • one chicken;
  • A kilogram of potatoes;
  • Onions, spices;

Season the chicken on all sides with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut each into 4 parts and put around the chicken. Put in the oven for an hour at 200 degrees. Sprinkle with herbs and your favorite spices before serving.

jelly cake

At the first stage of preparing this beautiful cake, you will need three bags of jelly. It will be necessary just, as it is written on the pack, to fill in three trays of multi-colored jelly. To make the jelly more solid, you need to take a little less water than it is written in the instructions.

Next, you will need to bake cakes. To do this, add half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder and two tablespoons of melted margarine to three eggs. Mix everything and gradually add three tablespoons of flour to the dough. Mix everything again and bake a biscuit. Prepare the second cake according to the same recipe, but add two tablespoons of cocoa to the dough. When the cakes have cooled and the jelly has frozen in the refrigerator, you can begin to collect the birthday cake.

Cut the cakes and jelly into cubes, mix everything. It remains only to fill this cake with sour cream. It is made on the basis of 750 ml of sour cream, a glass of sugar and 30 grams of gelatin (soak in advance). Now put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, and by the end of the birthday celebration, you can serve a delicious and beautiful dessert to your guests. If there is no time to cook a cake, then you can always serve it to your guests or with milk.

We offer such an excellent menu for a birthday at home. This is a budget option, in addition, all recipes are easy to prepare. Let your birthday be remembered for a long time not only with a pleasant atmosphere and interesting gifts, but also with bright dishes!