Pea porridge in a saucepan proportions. How long does it take to cook pea porridge? How to cook pea porridge correctly

Pea porridge has been present in Russian cuisine for several centuries. Traditionally, it was cooked from the unshelled product, with the addition of a large amount of water. The peas were boiled completely, and the dish was considered successful when it acquired a puree-like consistency. They ate it with fried onions, which were added after cooking. And the remaining mass from dinner was not thrown away, but was used as a filling for pies.

Advantages and disadvantages of the dish

Such significant attention to the product is explained by its high nutritional value. The dish is high in calories (from 180 Kcal), very filling, even without additional ingredients. It is the richest source of plant protein, which can replace animal protein during fasting or if you need to quickly restore strength after hard work.

Today, the recipe for pea porridge is interesting for vegetarians who avoid eating meat products. It must be present in the diet of athletes - track and field and strength training. But the dish will also benefit an ordinary person, because it is rich in microelements and amino acids. Despite the calorie content, it will support your diet, as it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. Porridge can be deliciously prepared from split peas.

The advantages of the product include:

  • Can be used as a stand-alone dish. You can season it with any vegetable oil, but not with cream. This combination is too heavy for the stomach;
  • combination with meat and fish products. A simple and satisfying side dish will be a good addition to cutlets, stewed meat in large pieces, baked fish, and fried seafood.

People with gastrointestinal dysfunction are advised to approach the question of how to prepare pea porridge with caution. If in a healthy person it provokes a slight but productive cleansing of the intestines, then in a person suffering from colitis it can cause an attack of flatulence and bloating.

The product is also harmful for people with kidney disease and cholecystitis. You should not abuse it if you are anemic, despite the fact that peas actually help improve blood counts. The effectiveness of the product is many times lower than that of medicinal iron preparations, and the likelihood of digestive upset or weight gain is high.

Subtleties of cooking

There are no trifles in the question of how to cook delicious pea porridge puree. The choice of product, its preliminary preparation, maintaining proportions, the choice of dishes and the boiling process itself are important. There are so many cooking recipes, choose any one, the main thing is to know the rules of preparation and preparation of porridge.

  • Green peas cook very quickly. It is enough to cook for 20 minutes and grind it with a blender. But not everyone will like the green dish. And its traditional version is made from dried yellow peas.
  • Requires pre-soaking. It performs 2 tasks: to allow the cereal to swell, which will reduce cooking time. And remove the specific smell, which is considered a drawback of the dish. This smell is not caused by the pea kernels themselves, but by thin transparent films on them. When soaked, the films come off the kernels; washing in running water gets rid of them completely. The optimal soaking time is 8 hours.
  • After soaking, drain the water. And boil the peas in fresh, covering the grain by 1 cm.
  • If you don't have time to soak in water, you will still get good pea porridge. The recipe without soaking allows you to immerse the cereal in water with soda diluted in it (for 3 liters, ½ teaspoon is enough). After 1 hour, you can drain the water, rinse the cereal and put it on the fire.
  • How long to cook pea porridge depends on the quality of the peas and the soaking time. The better it swells, the faster it will turn into puree. Follow the ratio of ingredients. After 8 hours in water, 1.5 hours of cooking is enough. You can soak the peas overnight so you can cook them in the morning.
  • Use thick-walled cookware. It has a better chance of keeping the porridge from burning. In a regular saucepan, stir it often.
  • Cook on the stove over low heat. On high heat, the whites in the peas will curdle, causing them to become tough.
  • Don't add salt. Do this at the very end of cooking, otherwise the peas will take longer to cook.

Check readiness by checking the condition of the peas. If it is still hard and the water has already boiled, pour in a mug of boiling water. Adding cold water will degrade the taste. If it has already boiled and there is still water left, just drain it and keep the pan on low heat without a lid for 5 minutes.

Delicious step by step recipe

Try making a simple thin porridge, ideal as a side dish for meat and fish. Or a complete dish that requires a minimum of effort.

Simple porridge

Cooked with water or milk, it can be considered a completely dietary dish. The feeling of satiety when consuming it comes very quickly.

You will need:

  • dry peas - 1 cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - a piece.

Cooking step by step

  1. Pour water over the soaked peas and place on fire.
  2. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam.
  3. Reduce heat, cover with a lid, and cook until the water boils away.
  4. Check the readiness of the peas, add butter, stir.

If individual peas are soft, but most retain their shape, just stir the porridge. The finished cereal will immediately fall apart into puree.

With stew

Pea porridge with stewed meat is very filling. This is a complete dish for an everyday dinner for a large family.

You will need:

  • dry peas - 2 cups;
  • meat stew - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Place the prepared peas in a cooking pot and cover with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook until tender over low heat under the lid.
  3. Salt and add butter after the cereal is ready.
  4. Peel and chop the onion and carrots, fry in oil in a frying pan. Add the stew to the vegetables, mix and heat.
  5. Mix the porridge with meat dressing.

Try the dish after cooking. The stew usually contains spices, but if there are not enough of them, add ground pepper and paprika to the pan.

With meat. Classic recipe

This dish is necessary and can be served at the holiday table. Pea porridge with meat looks original and turns out very tasty (as in the photo).

You will need:

  • dry peas - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • meat (pork) - 300 g;
  • salt.


  1. Boil the peas until tender over low heat. Add salt and stir until pureed. If it is uneven, mash with a potato masher.
  2. Cut the meat into slices.
  3. Peel the onion and chop into half rings.
  4. Fry the onion until tender, place the pork pieces on top, and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat, add spices and salt.
  5. Place the roast on the puree and pour over the juice.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°, place the dish for 10 minutes.

You can serve this porridge in the form in which you prepared it. This way she will look simply luxurious. Therefore, before baking, place it in a heated ceramic container. A similar principle is used to prepare pea porridge with smoked meats - chicken, pork ribs.

We hope that there are no secrets left for you in the question of how to cook pea porridge. Making and eating this porridge is very healthy. And this hearty dish, alone or with meat, will take its rightful place on your table.

Step 1: Wash the peas.

As you know, peas are very rich in a set of useful vitamins and minerals, and even in dried peas after drying, a large amount of substances useful for the human body remains, so you need to prepare pea porridge at least once a week. Take the required amount of peas, place them in a colander with a fine mesh and rinse them thoroughly under cold running water.

Step 2: soak the peas.

You have never eaten more simple and fussy porridge. But there is a small drawback to this dish; in order for the porridge to turn out great, the peas must be soaked. Therefore, throw the peas from the colander into a deep bowl and fill it with regular running, cold water so that it covers the peas and is 10 - 12 centimeters higher than them. And now the main secret of high-quality and tasty pea porridge is that the longer you soak the peas, the better they boil and the softer and more tender the pea porridge turns out. Therefore, soak the peas or night, either during the day or in the evening, cook the porridge, but if you don’t have time, you can soak the peas for at least 2 hours. In about 1 hour Bubbles and foam will begin to appear on the surface of the water, drain the water and fill the peas with new portions of cold water.

Step 3: cook the peas.

After the peas sat, they swelled and increased in size to approximately 2 times Having absorbed almost all the water, drain the remaining water from the pan, drain the peas in a colander, rinse again under running water and place in a deep pan. Pour the required amount of clean, distilled water into it and place the pan on the stove, turned on to medium level. After the water boils, reduce the stove temperature to the lowest level and cook the peas 25 – 30 minutes. Stir the porridge periodically with a tablespoon so that it does not burn at the bottom of the pan. If foam appears on the surface of the water, remove it with a slotted spoon. Through 30 minutes You can salt the porridge to taste, be careful with this ingredient, pea porridge is easy to over-salt. Cooking the porridge depends on how long you soaked the peas. Well-soaked peas boil quickly within 25 – 30 minutes if the peas are soaked less well then the porridge will cook from 30 to 50 minutes. Properly cooked peas should fall apart and have a soft, porridge-like consistency, without small undercooked hard pieces. Stir the porridge with a tablespoon; if the peas are boiled and begin to crumble, it means that your porridge is almost ready and it’s time to chop it and season it with butter, thus bringing it to full readiness.

Step 4: chop and season the pea porridge.

Grind the boiled soft peas with a potato masher until mushy. Season the pea porridge with the required amount of butter and stir the mixture with a tablespoon until smooth. Then, using a ladle, pour a portion of porridge into a plate and enjoy an excellent dish!

Step 5: serve pea porridge.

Pea porridge is served hot, seasoned with butter, placed in a deep serving plate. This excellent dish, rich in vitamins and nutrients, will be an excellent side dish for fried sausages. Ideal as a side dish for cutlets. It will be great to savor with a dressing of fried onions, carrots and cracklings. Any side dish will suit her! Tasty, not expensive and simply delicious! Bon appetit!

- – If you really want to taste pea porridge, but you don’t have time for a long soak, go around everything, rinse the peas thoroughly and steam them for 40 - 50 minutes in boiling water. Change the hot water every 15 minutes, then rinse the peas again under running water and cook them as described in the above recipe.

- – If you have a very thick porridge, dilute it with hot boiled water to the desired consistency and then season with butter.

- – Pea porridge can be cooked not only in water, but also in any type of broth, for example, beef, chicken, pork or vegetable broth.

- You can give your porridge a richer, deeper flavor by using your favorite spices that are suitable for vegetable or meat dishes, such as ground cloves, marjoram, allspice, coriander and many other spices.

Step-by-step recipes for healthy pea porridge in a pan with meat, smoked sausages, vegetables and butter in water and milk

2018-03-27 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

14 gr.

9 gr.


36 gr.

315 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pea porridge in a saucepan

It is believed that preparing porridge from peas is long and difficult. This is not entirely true. Yes, it is better to leave the grains in water overnight so that they cook evenly later. But infusing peas does not take time or effort. This means you will spend no more than 40 minutes actively in the kitchen cooking pea porridge in a saucepan.


  • a full glass of dry peas;
  • water for soaking;
  • two glasses of filtered water for cooking;
  • salt to taste;
  • 35 grams of butter.

Step-by-step recipe for pea porridge in a saucepan

Pour the yellow split peas into a sieve or colander. Wash under running cold water.

Then transfer the grains to a bowl. Pour in cold filtered water until the peas are completely submerged in the liquid. To cover with a lid.

Leave for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight). After the specified time, drain the cloudy water. Place the swollen grains into a saucepan.

Now pour in two full glasses of water. Bring to active bubbling over high heat.

In the next step, reduce the temperature to the lowest possible level. Without covering with a lid, cook the pea porridge in a saucepan for about half an hour.

By the way, it is better to salt the dish towards the end of cooking. In this case, the peas will boil well.

As soon as the grains disintegrate, forming a fluffy, heterogeneous porridge, turn off the heat.

Throw a piece of aromatic oil inside. Beat with a whisk or long-toothed fork until completely dissolved.

Serve hot with crackers or thin croutons. It is not advisable to store such porridge.

The cooking time for the presented porridge may vary significantly. This depends on the number of hours during which the grains will remain in the water. If all night, 20 minutes is enough. But after a couple of hours of soaking, the peas will take longer to cook (up to 40 minutes).

Option 2: Quick recipe for pea porridge in a saucepan

How to prepare pea porridge if the grains themselves need to be steeped for at least a couple of hours? It's simple! Replace dry split peas with ice cream or fresh ones.


  • two glasses of frozen peas;
  • a glass of filtered water;
  • coarse salt to taste;
  • butter into porridge.

How to quickly cook pea porridge in a saucepan

Pour frozen green peas into a fine sieve. Place it over a bowl. Pour in cold water so that the grains remain completely in it.

After 2-4 minutes, drain the liquid. Place the peas into a saucepan. Pour a glass of water. Add a little salt.

Cook over medium (closer to minimum) heat for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, the grains should become very soft and the water should boil away by two-thirds.

When this happens, turn off the stove. Add butter to taste. Wait a few seconds for it to dissolve.

At the last stage, use an immersion blender to grind the pea porridge in a saucepan until relatively smooth. Serve immediately with store-bought crackers or crusty bran bread.

If you are preparing this dish in the summer, you can cook it from fresh peas. Moreover, cleaning the pods takes a few minutes. But in this case, it is important to increase the boiling time by 10 minutes. And the process itself is best done under a closed lid.

Option 3: Pea porridge with smoked sausages in a pan

Not many products are suitable for peas. Therefore, independent side dishes are often prepared from it with a minimum amount of ingredients. But there are smoked sausages that can truly bring out the flavor nuances of dried peas. We will use them to prepare our porridge in this recipe.


  • a glass of yellow split peas;
  • two glasses of cool water;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • 205 grams of smoked sausages;
  • a little salt.

How to cook

Rinse the cracked grains. Place them in a shallow bowl and immediately pour in purified water. Leave for several (the longer the better) hours on the kitchen counter.

Before starting cooking, drain the liquid. Place the swollen grains in a suitable pan.

Pour in a couple of full glasses of water (filtered). Stir and bring to a boil over high heat.

Immediately reduce the heat to minimum. Continue boiling the pea porridge in the pan for a quarter of an hour.

Then add just a little salt. Throw in the smoked sausages cut into neat small cubes.

Also add a piece of butter and mix everything well.

Bring to the desired consistency and turn off the burner. Serve immediately hot. If desired, add crackers or croutons.

Before slicing the sausages, they must be washed well. In addition, if there is a protective shell, be sure to remove it. As for the shape (circles or cubes) of the sausages, it all depends on your own preferences.

Option 4: Pea porridge with meat in a saucepan

Like butter, it’s difficult to spoil porridge with meat. Especially if it is lean pork, pre-fried with aromatic onions. We definitely recommend trying this option at least once. You will not regret it!


  • 215 grams of lean pork;
  • small onion;
  • a glass of split peas;
  • dessert spoon of refined oil;
  • two glasses of water (cold) for cooking;
  • salt/spices "For pork".

Step by step recipe

Place the washed yellow split peas into a suitable sized bowl. Add cold water, which should completely cover the grains.

After a few hours, peel the pork (lean) and onions. Cut the first into small cubes, and finely chop the second.

Now drain the liquid from under the peas. Transfer to a saucepan. Immediately add cool filtered water.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil over high heat. Then lower the temperature and continue the boiling process.

At the same time, fry the meat and onions in heated oil. Stirring, cook for about 9-10 minutes. The pork should be completely cooked.

Pour the frying along with the butter into the soft boiled pea porridge in a saucepan. Mix vigorously.

Cover the container with a lid and let the dish brew for 5-10 minutes. Serve with the obligatory croutons or salted crackers.

In addition to pork, it is quite acceptable to use veal or beef for porridge. You can also take chicken fillet or rabbit meat. In any case, it is important to fry this ingredient with onions or other vegetables until fully cooked.

Option 5: Pea porridge with milk and pumpkin in a saucepan

If you don't mind the taste of pumpkin, be sure to try making pea porridge with this vegetable. As for the water, which is usually used to prepare today’s dish, we suggest replacing it with fresh cold milk.


  • a glass of green split peas;
  • salt to taste;
  • a glass of water (filtered);
  • a glass of fresh milk;
  • 105 grams of fresh pumpkin;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • butter into porridge.

How to cook

Wash firm green peas thoroughly. Place the grains in a saucepan and pour in boiling water. Leave for half an hour (until the liquid cools).

During this time, peel the pumpkin. Cut into small cubes. Rinse.

Now drain the water from the green peas. Wash again. Add pumpkin cubes to the grains. Add a glass of filtered water.

Add salt to the ingredients and bring to a boil, setting the temperature to maximum.

Then reduce the heat. Simmer the future pea porridge for about 12-13 minutes.

As soon as the water has completely evaporated and the grains and pumpkin are soft, pour in a glass of milk. Mix with a spoon.

Continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes. At the end, add ground pepper and add butter.

Using an immersion blender, puree the pea porridge in a saucepan until it reaches a smooth consistency. Sprinkle with crackers, which you can buy or make in advance with your own hands from stale bread.

In addition to the indicated method of serving, it is quite acceptable to do it in another way. For example, pumpkin can be boiled separately, cut into small cubes. And in this form, add pea puree to the blender. It will turn out very beautiful.

Option 6: Porridge of peas and vegetables in a saucepan

For the last option, we left a porridge recipe that included several different vegetables. We suggest pre-frying them. But if you adhere to Lent (with the prohibition of using oil), boil finely chopped fruits along with steamed peas raw.


  • a glass of yellow dry peas;
  • salt to taste;
  • refined oil (for frying);
  • onion;
  • small zucchini;
  • medium carrot;
  • spices “For vegetables” to taste;
  • small red pepper (bell pepper);
  • two half glasses of water.

Step by step recipe

Place dry split peas into a bowl. Fill with filtered water. It is advisable to leave overnight, covered with a lid or a suitable flat plate.

Immediately before starting cooking, peel all vegetables. Wash, removing areas from the stalks, "butt" and partition.

Clean ingredients: finely chop zucchini, onions, peppers and carrots.

Heat just a little liquid oil in a regular frying pan. Pour the prepared vegetables inside.

Then salt the contents of the pan and add spices “For vegetables”. Mix. Fry for about 5-7 minutes.

While this culinary process is taking place, drain the liquid from under the swollen peas. Wash the grains and add water to the pan.

Bring the future porridge to a boil. Reduce the burner heat to low. Boil peas for 25 minutes.

During this time, the grains will almost completely “disperse”. After this, add the vegetable frying from the frying pan. Mix. Simmer for a couple more minutes. Serve the pea porridge in the pan immediately.

Since we are using several vegetables at once, it is better to slightly reduce the volume of water for cooking peas. The vegetable juice formed during frying will replace the missing amount of liquid. As for the list of vegetables, you can safely expand or change it.

You can talk about the benefits of peas for hours. In Rus', it was one of the key food products: soup, porridge, jelly were made from it, noodles were made and pies were baked. The variety of dishes using peas was huge. Today, the popularity of the brightest representative of legumes has fallen somewhat. Peas are mainly purchased canned for making salads.

It is, of course, useful, but it cannot replace dishes made from fresh (dry) peas. They are the most valuable source of protein and can even to some extent replace meat, which is especially important for vegetarians. Moreover, the components included in green peas help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve constipation, heartburn and other unpleasant problems associated with digestion.

Pea porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

“Shchi and porridge are our food,” and pea porridge is so good! And if you season it and mix it with overcooked onions, it will have no price. Pea porridge prepared according to all the rules is very tasty, healthy and satisfying. But how to cook it correctly? What culinary secrets do you need to master? We will try to answer these important questions.

Before you start cooking the porridge, the peas should be washed and pre-soaked in cold water for 5-8 hours. This way it will boil faster and provide the dish with a soft puree-like consistency. When the peas swell, they are placed on the stove (together with water), brought to a boil and only then salted, not forgetting to reduce the “heat” of the burner.

Cook the peas over low heat for an hour with proper stirring, since the peas burn very quickly to the bottom of the dish. A few minutes before the porridge is ready, enrich it with spices, herbs, fried onions, carrots, cracklings and other ingredients as desired. At the very end of cooking, you can crush the peas with a masher - the one that is usually used for making mashed potatoes. Before serving, pea porridge is seasoned with butter or heavy cream.

Pea porridge - food preparation

When producing cereal, seed peas are usually left whole or “split” into two parts. Split peas cook much faster than whole grains, even after swelling, but unshelled peas contain slightly more useful elements, the main part of which “dies” as a result of additional heat treatment. Based on this, it doesn’t matter at all which variety you choose: whole or chopped. It is almost impossible to run into dry peas of poor quality in the store. The only thing worth paying attention to is the absence of debris and additional impurities in the pea cereal.

Properly selected utensils play an important role in the successful preparation of peas. It should have a thick bottom and walls to ensure even cooking of the peas.

Pea porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pea porridge with meat

Pea porridge prepared according to this recipe will definitely become a frequent guest on your tables. The peas themselves are very filling, but if you cook them with meat, you get just a royal dish. Although not quite festive, it is very juicy and beautiful in appearance.


- two glasses of dry halved peas
- four to five glasses of water (or meat broth)
- bulb onions
- ground pepper
- pork fillet 300 gr.
- salt (spices) to taste

Cooking method:

1. Wash the peas and fill them with cold running water, preferably overnight. The next morning we wash it a second time, drain the water, add clean water at a ratio of 1:2. You can add pork broth. Place the pan over medium heat until it boils, then reduce the heat and add some salt to the porridge.

2. Cook until the peas are cooked and the liquid has evaporated. If it evaporates ahead of time, add a little more until the peas are completely cooked and stop crunching.

4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry the onion until varnished, and then lay out the pork, cover with a lid and simmer the meat until cooked. Salt to taste, add herbs and spices if necessary.

5. Add the finished frying to the pea porridge, place it in a preheated oven for ten minutes. Then take it out and serve with butter.

Recipe 2: Pea porridge with smoked chicken

The peas are a perfect variation of the smoky flavor. Many people are not even aware of this feature. The combination of pea porridge with smoked meat is a magnificent something that is endowed with a delightful aroma and generous taste. Alternatively, you can use any smoked meat, such as pork ribs. But in this case, the cooking time for pea porridge will increase slightly. Attention! We add salt to the dish at the very end. Smoked meats themselves have a salty taste, so there is a possibility of over-salting the porridge.


- one and a half cups of peas
- two large onions
- one medium carrot
- two medium smoked legs
- vegetable oil
- greens, salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Soak the peas overnight, then drain the water and rinse them. We separate smoked legs from bones, skin and too fatty parts. Fill the meat with water (500 ml), bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes (ribs - up to 40 minutes).

2. Remove the meat from the broth and pour it over the peas so that the liquid covers the peas by two fingers. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the peas for about an hour and a half under the lid, stirring occasionally. If the broth boils away ahead of time, add additional water. The main thing is that the peas are well boiled.

3. While the porridge is boiling, fry the onion and grated carrots. When the ingredients are fried, add boiled smoked meat and fry over high heat for several minutes. Five to ten minutes before the pea porridge is ready, add fried vegetables, chopped herbs and add salt to taste. Then turn off the stove and let the dish stand under the lid.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin-pea porridge with mushrooms

Another good option is to cook pea porridge in a pumpkin, which will act as a pot for the dish. It is best to boil peas in meat broth, so boil them in advance. Let's get started!


- 250 ml broth
- one medium pumpkin
- 100 gr. dry peas
- mushrooms (ceps, champignons) - 100 gr.
- garlic clove
- greenery
- spices to taste
- onion
- butter 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the swollen and washed peas in salted meat broth until they are completely cooked. Crush it with a masher until it becomes puree and put it aside for now.

2. Cut off the top “lid” of the pumpkin, remove the seeds, fibers and part of the pulp with a spoon, leaving the walls two centimeters thick.

3. Fry finely chopped onion, add washed and sliced ​​mushrooms to it and sauté until tender. In a couple of minutes, add the chopped garlic and herbs using a garlic press.

4. Mix the pea puree with the overcooked ingredients, put it in the cavity of the pumpkin, put butter on top, close the pumpkin lid and put it in an oven heated to 180 C for fifteen to twenty minutes. We take it out and place it on deep plates. Bon appetit everyone!

— Many chefs claim that pea porridge is surprisingly tasty with cream. But if you are a follower of a healthy lifestyle, it is better not to be tempted by this combination and choose sunflower or olive oil for dressing;

— If you are sorely short of time to soak peas, use one secret: place the cereal in water diluted with soda (about half a teaspoon), and after an hour you can boil it. Don't forget to rinse the peas well first to remove the smell of baking soda.