How to make delicious lamb skewers. The most delicious marinade for lamb skewers so that the meat is soft

Initially, shish kebab was made from lamb, and today many recognize only this. However, not everyone dares to fry this particular meat on coals, fearing that it will turn out to be harsh or smell unpleasant. All these fears are groundless if you know how to choose the right meat for barbecue and make a delicious marinade for lamb barbecue. If the technology for preparing meat for barbecue is well known and clear to you and you managed to find a successful marinade recipe that is suitable specifically for the meat you have chosen, you will not have to expect unpleasant surprises.

How to marinate lamb

In order for the lamb kebab to turn out tender, juicy and fragrant, it is not enough to know how to properly fry it on the grill. Much more significant role is played by the preparation of meat. Choosing the right lamb and marinating it, you will almost certainly get an excellent kebab that will appeal to all picnic participants.

  • Avoid buying meat that has been frozen for barbecue. After defrosting, especially if it was done quickly, in violation of the rules, the meat loses its juiciness. The kebab from it is highly likely to come out dry and tough. Sometimes thawed meat is sold in the market under the guise of fresh meat. Under a piece of such lamb you can find a bloody puddle, on the surface of the meat - traces of snow. Even if there are no obvious signs that the lamb has been frozen, it makes sense to try to put pressure on the piece with your finger. If a hole is formed on it, filled with liquid, then this indicates that the meat was still frozen. There will be no hole on fresh meat, it will quickly take its original shape.
  • It is better to take the meat of a young lamb for barbecue. It cooks faster, it turns out more tender, has a more pleasant smell. In color, such meat is lighter and brighter than old lamb, and its fat has an almost completely white tint, while in old lamb it is yellowish.
  • The length of time that lamb should be kept in the marinade before frying depends on the composition of the marinade and on the meat itself. Young lamb meat is usually marinated from 1 hour to 3-4 hours, old lamb must be marinated for 8-12 hours.
  • Lamb marinade usually contains acidic foods that prevent the protein from folding during heat treatment, which makes the kebab soft. When these products come into contact with aluminum, harmful substances are formed, which is why such dishes for pickling lamb for barbecue are not suitable. It is better for this purpose to choose containers made of glass, ceramics, stainless steel, as well as those coated with enamel.
  • Salt is added to the marinade only half an hour, a maximum of an hour before frying the meat. Otherwise, the salt will draw a lot of liquid out of the lamb and the kebab will be dry.

Each type of meat has its own set of spices and seasonings. For this reason, pork marinade recipes are not always suitable for lamb or chicken. Therefore, for the preparation of lamb kebab, you should choose marinade recipes that are suitable specifically for this type of meat.

Kiwi lamb marinade

  • lamb - 2 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • kiwi - 0.3 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 5 ml;
  • herbs, pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and dry the meat. Remove inedible parts. Cut the pulp into pieces about 5 by 5 centimeters in size.
  • Peel the onion, cut each onion into 4-8 pieces. Grind the onion in a blender or with a meat grinder. Put in the container in which you plan to marinate the meat. Pour the onion juice released during grinding into the same container.
  • Wash the lemon, cut it in half. Squeeze out the juice from it into a container with onion puree.
  • Wash and peel the orange. Divide it into slices. Cut into small pieces with a knife. Put the orange in a container with the onion-lemon mass, drain the released orange juice there.
  • Peel the kiwi. Chop the pulp with a knife. The smaller the pieces, the better.
  • Put the kiwi pieces to the rest of the chopped products, mix.
  • Add spices and herbs to taste, mix again.
  • Dip the lamb into the resulting mass. Toss with your hands until the marinade coats each piece of meat. Place in refrigerator.

Fruit acids are very effective in tenderizing meat. Kiwi marinade is so good that it is enough to hold even old lamb in it for 2.5 hours, no longer. The meat of a young lamb will be ready in an hour. It is undesirable to keep it in the kiwi marinade for more than the specified time, because if the meat is overexposed in it, it will begin to separate into fibers right in your hands.

Marinade with Vinegar and Onion for Lamb

  • young lamb - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • vinegar essence (70 percent) - 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers, salt - to taste;
  • dried basil - 20 g;
  • coriander seeds - 5 g;
  • water - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the meat by rinsing it, blotting it with a napkin, removing the veins and cutting into pieces weighing 40–50 g.
  • Sprinkle with pepper and basil, coriander seeds, mix with your hands.
  • Free the onions from the husk and cut into not too thin rings or half rings. Remember a little with your hands so that the onion starts up the juice, and put it on the meat. Stir to distribute the onion evenly.
  • Mix vinegar essence with oil and dilute this mixture in a glass of clean water.
  • Pour marinade over meat. Add enough water to completely cover the meat.
  • Remove the lamb container from the refrigerator.

It is not necessary to marinate young lamb with vinegar and onions for a long time, two hours is enough. If the lamb is old, then it should be kept in the marinade longer, 8-10 hours. You need to salt the meat about half an hour before cooking it.

Marinade for lamb with mayonnaise

  • lamb - 2.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l;
  • mustard - 20 ml;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • ground dried paprika - 5 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • thyme - 5 g;
  • cilantro (dried) - 5 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place the mayonnaise in a small bowl or bowl.
  • Add mustard, spices, sugar. Mix thoroughly so that the sauce acquires a uniform consistency.
  • Put the mayonnaise sauce in a saucepan or other container in which the lamb will be marinated.
  • Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings and mix with the sauce.
  • Cut the prepared meat into pieces suitable for shish kebab and dip into the pan with the sauce. Toss with your hands so that the sauce coats each piece.
  • Remove the pot of lamb from the refrigerator.

Marinate young lamb in mayonnaise for about 2 hours, old lamb for about 6-8 hours, you can leave it overnight. An hour before cooking kebabs, lamb can be salted. In mayonnaise sauce, lamb turns out to be especially tender and juicy, with a pleasant spicy taste, imparted to the meat by mustard and spices.

Marinade for lamb with mineral water

  • lamb - 2.5 kg;
  • carbonated mineral water - 0.3–0.5 l;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • rye bread - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the lamb for marinating by washing it, blotting it with a kitchen towel, and cutting it into pieces about 5 cm.
  • Pour seasonings into a container with meat, roll meat pieces in them.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into thin rings. Put them on the meat.
  • Wash and cut the tomatoes into circles, place on top.
  • Finely chop the bread, spread the bread slices on the tomatoes. You can use rye crackers - it will be even better.
  • Squeeze juice from one lemon into a glass of mineral water, stir. Pour this mixture over the contents of the bowl.
  • Top up with mineral water so that the liquid completely covers the meat, vegetables and bread.
  • Lamb should be marinated in the refrigerator.

Mineral water-based marinade turns out to be quite soft, so it takes a long time to marinate meat in it. Usually young lamb is kept in it for 2.5-3 hours, old - from 10 to 12 hours. But the kebab in the end is very tender and juicy.

Marinade for lamb with wine

  • lamb - 2.5 kg;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • red dry wine - 150 ml;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash a piece of lamb, dry it with a kitchen towel, cut into pieces of 40-50 g each.
  • Sprinkle with spices and finely chopped garlic, mix.
  • Free the onion from the husk and cut into half rings. If the onions are not too large, you can cut into rings.
  • Separate the onion with your hands and put it to the meat, mix, evenly distributing the onion.
  • In a separate bowl, mix soy sauce, wine and juice squeezed from one lemon.
  • Pour the marinade over the lamb.

Marinate the meat in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, depending on how young the lamb was. Salt the meat half an hour before cooking the barbecue.

According to this recipe, lamb ribs can also be marinated. They can be fried both on skewers and on the grill.

Honey marinade for lamb skewers

  • lamb - 2.5 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • dried barberry - 5 g;
  • dried basil - 20 g;
  • honey - 20 ml;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the lamb and cut into pieces of the desired size.
  • Crush the garlic with a special press, mix it with basil, soy sauce, oil and honey melted to a liquid state.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small pieces, mix with the marinade.
  • Put the lamb pieces in the marinade, mix well.

Marinate lamb in honey sauce for 2-4 hours. The delicate taste of shish kebab from such meat is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

By choosing the right lamb marinade recipe and marinating it correctly, you will surely be able to cook a delicious shish kebab, juicy, tender and fragrant. Serve it with adjika or other spicy sauce, pickled onions and fresh vegetables. Instead of bread, it is advisable to serve pita bread.

A good barbecue is not just an appetizer, it is something grandiose. And the cooking process itself turns into a whole ritual. Of course, the dish can be prepared from almost any meat that your heart desires, but lamb skewers, familiar to many firsthand, cannot be confused with any other. Properly prepared, it turns out very fragrant, juicy and extremely tasty.

There are an endless number of variations on how to cook lamb skewers. From the simplest recipes without pre-marination to more complex, sophisticated ways using the most unusual marinades based on complex sauces, dry wine, mint, onions, spices and exotic spices. One way or another, preparing a marinade for lamb skewers is one of the most important and crucial moments. It is from what and how our nutritional base for lamb is prepared that the final result, the juiciness of the meat, and its aroma will largely depend.

Lamb shish kebab - food preparation

Of course, the selected meat will play an equally important role in the preparation of delicious kebabs. It actually starts with him. So how do we choose exactly what we need?

Without a doubt, lamb meat up to two or three months is considered the most ideal option, but you can taste such a delicacy only in the spring. In addition, tender milk lamb is quite an expensive pleasure. If it is not possible to purchase it, pay attention to the meat of young animals up to 9-12 months old. As a rule, it is distinguished by red color, elasticity and snow-white fat. The meat of older brothers has a dark color and yellow layers. In addition, fresh meat has a pleasantly sweet smell - keep this in mind when buying.

Arriving home, cut the lamb into pieces of about 500 grams, rinse well, clean from tendons, films, cut off excess fat. Now you can cut into cubes the size of a walnut (or more). It is not necessary to get rid of small cartilage and bones, because they also have their own piquancy and charm.

Lamb shish kebab - preparation of dishes and equipment

To cook lamb skewers, it would be nice to get a brazier or an electric barbecue grill. But if you want to feel that undeniable connection with nature, that memory that has been embedded in our genes since ancient civilizations, when our distant ancestors roasted their hunting trophies on coals, build a hearth from non-burning material (stones, bricks) and kindle a fire.

Dishes for marinating meat should be deep and necessarily non-oxidizing, because we will create an acidic environment for our kebabs. A large enameled pan or basin is perfect for these purposes.

Recipe 1: Caucasian Lamb Shashlik

Caucasian kebabs are a refined dish that is simply unacceptable to cook from thawed lamb. This is a whole art that prefers male hands! For such a responsible matter, only the meat of a young animal will do.


- lamb 1 kg
- 4-5 onions
- ground pepper
- salt
- dry wine 150 gr.
- vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Clean the lamb from unnecessary tendons and films, cut into small pieces. Season them with pepper, salt, mix with chopped onion rings, sprinkle with wine, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Leave to marinate for a few minutes. Young meat is very tender and quickly absorbs the aroma of spices. If the meat is not very young, leave to marinate for a longer time (3-4 hours).

Next, put the pieces on metal skewers mixed with onions and fry over coals for ten or fifteen minutes. During cooking, turn the skewers over and sprinkle the pieces with wine. Serve a lot of greens for the finished barbecue: basil, parsley, green onions, cilantro, etc.

Recipe 2: Lamb Skewers with Yogurt

An unusual combination, isn't it? For this recipe, it is advisable to use unsweetened yogurt. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with thick kefir (3.2% fat).


- 1 kg lamb
- a glass of yogurt
- 4 tbsp. l. olive oil
- one lemon
- garlic 2-3 cloves
- half a teaspoon of thyme
- half tsp rosemary
- mint
- black pepper, salt

Cooking method:

Cut the lamb into approximately equal pieces. Salt, pepper. Mix yogurt with olive oil, thyme, rosemary. Rub the zest, squeeze the juice from the lemon, finely chop the mint. Add the zest, mint and juice to the mixture, mix everything. Pour the pieces of meat with the prepared marinade and marinate for 5-9 hours. After that, you can start cooking barbecue on hot coals.

Recipe 3: Lamb Kebab with Kiwi

Original outlandish recipe! For the marinade, along with the generally accepted ingredients, we will use mineral water, but the most unusual thing in this dish is kiwi.


- 600 gr. lamb pulp
- half a kiwi
- a bunch of cilantro
- 1-2 garlic cloves
- half a lemon
- 1 large tomato
- 1 large head of onion
- sodium glutamate (sodium salt) 1 table. a spoon
- 150 gr. vegetable oil
- mineral water 200 gr.

Cooking method:

Cut the lamb into large pieces 2-2.5 cm thick. Cut the onion in half (or quarters) and pass through a meat grinder (garlic crusher) so that it gives juices and taste to the marinade. Cut the tomatoes into slices and crush, garlic - into large plastics, chop the cilantro finely.

Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, squeeze out the lemon juice and add monosodium glutamate (a natural flavor enhancer related to salts), mineral water to the marinade. Crush the peeled kiwi and add it to the marinade, pour vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly with cooked pieces of meat. Leave to marinate for 3-8 hours. After that, you can start cooking barbecue.

Recipe 4: Classic lamb skewers

For this recipe, you can use the loin, the back leg of lamb, preferably young. In addition, such components as kidneys, liver, heart will also make an excellent barbecue. The dish is fried on the grill or electric grill.


- lamb 1 kg
- 6 onions (bulb)
- 3% vinegar half a glass
- 4 tomatoes
- tkemali sauce 4-5 tbsp. spoons
- lemon 1 pc.
- dried barberry on the tip of a knife
- melted lamb fat 20 gr.
- salt, pepper, any herbs

Cooking method:

Cut the meat, as always, into small pieces, put in a bowl, season with pepper, salt, finely chopped onion, vinegar (lemon juice), mix. Cover with a lid, leave for two to five hours to soak. After this time, string the pieces mixed with slices of onions, tomatoes on a skewer, then grease them with lamb fat and on the grill. Keep the meat over hot coals, constantly turning over, it takes 10-15 minutes. Serve tkemali sauce and a lot of greens with ready-made kebabs. Enjoy your meal!

For any barbecue, coals from linden, cherry, oak or birch firewood are most suitable. It is better not to use raw materials from coniferous trees, otherwise you will get kebabs with a characteristic taste of resin. The use of gasoline, as well as other combustible substances, is also unacceptable.

Rotate the skewers regularly during the frying process to achieve even cooking. If the meat begins to dry out or burn prematurely, brush it with the remaining marinade. Do not forget to sprinkle the kebabs from time to time with water or wine acidified with vinegar. This will prevent premature burning and allow the meat to remain juicy inside.

If you decide to cook lamb, then you should take care of the marinade. It happens not only in the preparation of delicious barbecue, but also in the manufacture of various lamb dishes. For example, before baking lamb in the oven, it is better to pre-hold it in a marinade of sparkling water, lemons and spices. This will make the meat more juicy and flavorful. In this article, we will share with you recipes for making marinade for lamb, and also tell you how to marinate meat properly.

How to marinate lamb for barbecue

Classic lamb marinade recipe

What you need to prepare a classic lamb marinade:

  • Onion (medium size) 2 pcs.
  • Mineral water (medium carbonated) 1-1.5 l. (for 1-1.5 kg of meat).
  • Lemon juice 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, spices to taste.


  • Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
  • Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and mix it with onions.
  • Cut the lamb into pieces and place them in a deep bowl or saucepan. Pour the meat with a mixture of lemon juice and onions. Salt lamb and add spices.
  • Open the mineral water and fill it with lamb so that it does not completely fill the meat. If you are using highly carbonated mineral water, then you need to leave it open for 30 minutes so that it becomes less carbonated.
  • Cover the bowl with a dish and put the lamb in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

Kiwi marinade for lamb

What you need to make kiwi marinade:

  • Onion 2 pcs.
  • Kiwi 1 pc. (for 1 kg of lamb).
  • Highly carbonated mineral water.
  • Spices for barbecue.


  • Peel the onion and cut it into large pieces.
  • Put the pieces of lamb in a large bowl, salt it and add spices.
  • Mash the kiwi and add it to the meat. Then fill it with a small amount of mineral water so that it only slightly floods the meat.
  • Marinate the meat for 2-3 hours. Lamb does not need to be kept in the marinade for more than 3 hours so that the kiwi does not soften too much.

How to Marinate Lamb for Oven Cooking

Marinade for lamb with kefir

What you need to prepare marinade with kefir:

  • Kefir (low-fat) 3-4 tbsp. for 1-1.5 kg. lamb.
  • Fresh herbs 1 bunch.
  • Salt, spices to taste.


  • Chop fresh greens and add it to kefir.
  • Cut the lamb, salt it and add spices. Pour the meat with a mixture of kefir and herbs.
  • Marinate the meat for 2-3 hours.

Mustard marinade for lamb

What you need to prepare mustard marinade:

  • Onion 2 pcs.
  • Mustard 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Cream 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Dry white wine.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.


  • Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Fry the onion in vegetable (olive) oil.
  • Pour some wine over the onion. Wait until the wine has evaporated by one third. Add mustard and cream to the onion. Mix everything, salt and pepper the marinade.
  • Simmer the marinade for 5-7 minutes.
  • Pour the lamb pieces with the cooled marinade and marinate the meat for 1-2 hours.

  • If for cooking lamb it needs to be cut into pieces, then it is better to make them large enough. It is advisable to cut the lamb into pieces of 4-5 cm. This way you keep the juiciness of the meat.
  • You can add your favorite spices to the recipe if you like. For example, lamb goes well with coriander, dried herbs, saffron, bay leaf, mustard seeds, etc.
  • Old meat needs to be kept longer so that it is better saturated with spices and becomes juicy.
  • Before cooking lamb, you need to clean it properly so as not to spoil the taste of the dish: remove fat and films, as well as bones (if any).

After the meat is marinated, it is better to immediately start cooking it. So you keep the juiciness and pleasant aroma of meat. The marinade itself can be used in the cooking process. For example, you can bake lamb with a marinade that kept the meat on the eve of cooking.

Grilled dishes came to us from the Caucasus. The main thing in them is, of course, meat. You can use pork, beef and even game, but the best kebab comes from lamb.

Milk lamb not older than 2 months is best suited for these purposes. The color of the pulp should be bright red.

If the meat has a specific smell or a dark, weathered appearance, it is not suitable for barbecue. It is best to take chilled lamb - frozen kebab will be hard and dry. The meat should feel elastic to the touch, in no case slippery and without protruding blood.

The ham is the most suitable part for barbecue, however, if the leg is very large, then this is meat from an old ram. A good option for this dish is tenderloin from the back around the spine, loin or ribs.

There should not be too much fat: during cooking, it will melt and only veins will remain. When the meat is selected, the moment comes to take care of the marinade, the varieties of which will be discussed later.

Marinade with vinegar

Recipe Ingredients:

  1. Onion - 6 pieces;
  2. Lemon - 3 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  4. Wine vinegar 6% - 2.5 tablespoons;
  5. Refined vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons;
  6. Spices and salt - to taste;
  7. Lamb loin - 2.5 - 3 kilograms.

Take the meat, cut it into large pieces. If there are veins or large layers of fat, it is better to cut them out.

Put it in a deep cauldron. Then start preparing the marinade. Take large onions, peel them and cut them into thick rings so that they can be strung on a skewer along with the meat.

After that, wash the lemons and cut into half rings. Put the chopped products to the meat, add sugar, vinegar, oil, spices and mix well the whole mixture.

You can use almost any seasoning at hand: thyme, basil, black pepper, and anything else to your taste. Cover the cauldron with a lid and leave for 1.5 - 2 hours at room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.

Kiwi Marinade

This marinade for lamb kebab includes the following components:

  1. Onion - 5 pieces;
  2. Kiwi - 3 pieces;
  3. Refined oil - 2.5 tablespoons;
  4. Salt and spices to taste;
  5. Lemon - 1 piece;
  6. Orange - 1 piece;
  7. Lamb tenderloin - 2 - 2.5 kilograms.

If you come across not very young lamb for barbecue or you need to marinate it quickly, kiwi marinade is the most suitable option.

Prepare the meat, put it in a deep pan. Clean your existing fruits and vegetables. Grind the onion in a blender, cut the kiwi and orange into small cubes.

We combine the prepared products in a small plate and mix. Due to its composition, kiwi quickly breaks down animal proteins and destroys the rigid structure of the fibers.

Therefore, the finished marinade should be kneaded with meat and spices 1 - 1.5 hours before cooking. If you overexpose it in such a marinade, it will lose its taste and will be divided into fibers right in your hands.

Marinade with kefir

Ingredients for this recipe:

  1. Onion - 4 pieces;
  2. Kefir - 1 liter;
  3. Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  4. Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  5. Ground black pepper - a pinch;
  6. Spices to taste;
  7. Ham of a young ram - 2.5 - 3 kilograms.

Kefir marinade is perfect for lamb skewers, it will add a little sourness and soften it.

Take the meat, cut off excess fat, film and veins. Divide into large pieces, put in a deep container.

Salt, pepper and add sugar. Peel the onion. Cut it into thick circles and, separating the rings, mix with the finished meat.

After that, start adding kefir in small portions and mix everything together thoroughly. Knead until the barbecue is saturated with kefir.

After that, cover tightly with a lid and put under oppression. Leave 1 - 1.5 hours at room temperature, after which you can start frying the kebab.

Marinade on mineral water


  1. Highly carbonated mineral water - 300 milliliters;
  2. Onion - 3 pieces;
  3. Pepper, salt, spices - a pinch each;
  4. Tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  5. Gray bread - 3 slices;
  6. Lamb - 2.5 kilograms;
  7. Lemon - 1 piece.

Wash and dry the meat, cut into medium cubes and place in a large bowl. Peel the onion, wash the tomatoes and lemon. Cut everything into large rings.

Place in a bowl and top with bread slices. Add seasonings, mix well and fill with mineral water. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 6-7 hours.

Soy sauce and wine marinade


  1. Lamb ribs - 3 kilograms;
  2. Soy sauce - 150 milliliters;
  3. Dry red wine - 100 milliliters;
  4. Salt, spices - to taste;
  5. Onions - 4 pieces;
  6. Garlic - 1 clove;
  7. Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  8. Lemon - 1 piece.

Wash and place the ribs in a deep saucepan. Peel the onion, garlic. Wash the lemon.

Onion and lemon should be cut into thick rings. Pass the garlic through a press.

Put prepared foods to the ribs, add salt, sugar and available spices - these can be basil, marjoram, sage. Mix everything well, pour in the wine and soy sauce.

Once again, mix the whole mass. Close the lid and put under pressure. The ribs are marinated for 3-4 hours.

Mustard and mayonnaise marinade


  1. Lamb meat - 3 kilograms;
  2. Homemade mayonnaise - 250 milligrams;
  3. Homemade mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Onion - 3 pieces;
  5. Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Dried paprika - 0.5 teaspoon;
  7. Thyme - 0.5 teaspoon;
  8. Cilantro - a pinch.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut it into large steaks. Peel the onion, chop it into small cubes until gruel forms.

In a separate container, combine mayonnaise and mustard, add chopped onion and sugar, mix everything well. Rub the steaks with salt and spices. Let them lie down for 30-40 minutes.

Then pour in the resulting sauce and mix everything well. Meat with such a marinade will be ready for cooking in 2 to 3 hours. Steaks can be grilled on a barbecue grill.

honey marinade


  1. Lamb ham - 3 kilograms;
  2. Onion - 2 pieces;
  3. Dried barberry - a pinch;
  4. Fresh basil - a few branches;
  5. Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  6. Corn or sunflower oil - 100 milliliters;
  7. Soy sauce - 100 milliliters;
  8. Garlic - 1 clove.

Take a lamb ham, wash, dry and cut into portion size pieces. Put everything in a deep enameled or stainless steel bowl.

Peel the onion, cut it into thick rings. Remove the husk from the garlic and finely chop with a knife, or rub on a grater.

Add salt, sugar and soy sauce, spices, vegetable oil and chopped vegetables to the meat. It is necessary to mix all components thoroughly. After 3-4 hours, you can start frying.

You will love our recipes!

When going on a picnic, bookmark the Caucasian lamb kebab recipe, how to do it right.

If you do not eat meat, you will need a recipe for champignon skewers in the oven. and be sure to try this recipe.

Culinary totals

Marinade is the second most important barbecue after meat. Properly marinated and well-chosen meat is a 100% guarantee of excellent taste.

If you need to quickly prepare meat for frying, it is better to use kiwi or kefir marinade.

If there is no hurry, a marinade with vinegar or mayonnaise with mustard will make your lamb skewers incredibly tender, but a honey or soy sauce marinade will add specific notes to the taste of your meat.

You can use different. As a rule, such meat is soaked in a creamy sauce, garlic, tomato and others. We will talk about how the mentioned and other marinades are made in the presented article.

Step-by-step recipe for lamb marinade (for baking in the oven)

Surely all housewives know that after baking lamb almost always becomes tough and dry. Most often this is due to the use of the wrong marinade. Therefore, the meat of such a domestic animal requires a special method of preparation.

So, to make a lamb marinade, you need to prepare:

  • lamb shoulder blade - about 1 kg;
  • natural yogurt without additives - about 250 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger, finely grated - about 1 large spoon;
  • fresh cilantro - about 40 g;
  • crushed chili pepper, black pepper and salt - to your liking.

Cooking process

(mutton) in the oven should be done immediately before soaking the product. We decided to take natural yogurt as the basis of this sauce. This product is also capable of making it tender and juicy.

After adding grated ginger and pepper for spiciness to the yogurt, as well as chopped garlic and fresh chopped cilantro, they are thoroughly mixed. After that, hot pepper and salt are added to the ingredients to taste.

Having received a fragrant and very spicy gruel, they rub a pre-treated shoulder blade with it. In this form, dishes with meat and marinade are covered with foil or film, and then put in the refrigerator.

After keeping the product in the cold for several hours, it is laid out on a baking sheet and baked for an hour at 190 degrees.

This time is quite enough for the lamb to be covered with a golden crust, and inside it is completely baked, it becomes juicy and tender.

Vinegar marinade for lamb in the oven

In the sleeve, this meat is especially tender. What is it connected with? The fact is that in the bag this product is baked in its own juice, as well as in the marinade. Therefore, it is very important to make a special dressing for him.

So, to prepare a delicious lamb marinade, you need to purchase:

  • fresh lamb (tenderloin) - 1 kg;
  • onion - about 3 pcs.;
  • table vinegar 3% - 150 ml;
  • salt and ground pepper - use at your discretion.

Cooking method

Marinade for lamb, baked in the oven, does not have to be cooked separately from the meat. It can be done in the process of preparing the main product for baking.

So, before heat-treating the meat, it is thoroughly washed, and then all unnecessary veins, films, etc. are cut off. After that, the lamb is divided into the necessary pieces. They are laid out in a deep enameled bowl, after which they are salted and peppered to taste.

After mixing the components, sweet onions are necessarily added to them, which are first peeled and then chopped in half rings. Also pour a little into a bowl of meat and pour table vinegar.

After mixing the ingredients again with your hands, they are covered with a lid and left in this form at room temperature. If the meat product was completely thawed, then you will need only two hours to soak it. If it was a little frostbitten, then it will take at least half a day to soak the lamb with marinade.

As soon as the meat product becomes fragrant and forms juice, it is laid out in a culinary sleeve, where all the broth with marinade accumulated in the bowl is necessarily poured.

Having tightly tied a bag with lamb, it is placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. Maintaining a temperature regime of 190 degrees, the meat is baked for about 60 minutes. During this time, even more fragrant broth should accumulate in the culinary sleeve. In this case, the lamb should become as juicy, tender and soft as possible.

After heat treatment, the pieces of meat are carefully removed from the sleeve and laid out on a large dish. After adding aromatic broth to them, they are sprinkled with cilantro or finely chopped green onions, and then served at the table along with some side dish.

Bake meat in foil with tomato-cream sauce

To make this dressing, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh lamb (any part) - 2 kg;
  • cream is the fattest - about 100 ml;
  • ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • cilantro, onion - to your liking;
  • granulated sugar - 2 dessert spoons;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • salt and ground pepper - use at your discretion;
  • dried parsley, dill and other seasonings - to taste.

How to cook?

Marinade for lamb in the oven in foil is quite simple. The meat is processed first. If it is with a bone, then it is better to get rid of it. Also remove unnecessary veins and films. After that, the product is thoroughly washed and dried with paper towels.

As soon as the lamb is processed, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. To do this, use the fattest cream. They are beaten with a blender, gradually adding granulated sugar, salt and ground pepper.

Leaving the dairy product aside, proceed to the preparation of tomatoes. Fresh tomatoes are washed thoroughly and then converted to a pulp in a blender bowl. Parsley, lemon juice, dill, green onions and other spices are also added to them.

After the described steps, both parts of the sauce are combined and mixed.

Marinate meat with such a dressing should not be long. Lamb at room temperature is placed in a container and poured with marinade. After rubbing it into the surface of the product, the dishes are tightly closed and left for 20-40 minutes.

After a while, fragrant and tender meat is carefully transferred to a sheet of thick cooking foil. Having formed small sides on it, all the sauce remaining in the container is added to the lamb. After that, the foil is tightly wrapped, making sure that it does not tear.

In this form, the bundle with meat is placed on a baking sheet and kept at room temperature for some time (about ¼ hour). Next, the sheet is sent to the oven.

At 190 degrees, such a dish is baked for a whole hour. According to experienced chefs, this time is enough for the lamb to be fully cooked and, of course, to absorb all the marinade.

Summing up

Now you know how to make lamb marinade for roasting in the oven. Using these and other homemade dinner recipes, you are sure to get a tasty, juicy, tender and very aromatic meat dish. It should be recalled that lamb is ideally combined with potatoes, fresh vegetables, rice and herbs. It is with these products that it is recommended to be served at the family table.