Mint tea. Benefit

Historically, in our country, tea has long been perceived exclusively as a hot drink. However, now iced tea has gained immense popularity, which is especially relevant in hot summer.

It perfectly cools the body, invigorates, and simply very tasty. On sale you can find chilled tea drinks from different manufacturers, but, unfortunately, their composition is far from ideal. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a soft drink at home.

The history of the drink

The recipe for iced tea appeared relatively recently - just over 100 years ago. His invention was due to the climatic features of the United States, where at the beginning of the 20th century there was a sultry heat almost all year round. One enterprising American decided to make tea with the addition of ice, and such a drink quickly took root among the local population and was called ice tea.

It is noteworthy that under the guise of this drink at social events, the Long Island alcoholic cocktail was served. Outwardly, it looked like iced tea and the police had no reason to check the contents of the glasses.

Soon, an entrepreneur from Switzerland, who traveled around America and managed to appreciate the refreshing tea, decided to put it on sale, pouring it into a convenient container. It is to him that we owe the appearance of such popular drinks today as Nestea tea, Lipton, etc.

However, if you care about your health, do not rush to buy ice tea in the store. Unfortunately, a large amount of sugar, flavors and preservatives will not bring benefits to the body.

Try making your own iced tea - it takes a minimum of time and ingredients

Cooking methods

For the first time, ice tea was prepared without a special recipe and was brewed black or green tea, which was cooled with ice. Now there are three options - how to make iced tea at home:

  • Hot brew.
  • insistence method.
  • Classic recipe.

hot brew

This method is incredibly simple and consists of only two steps. To begin with, we brew a strong tea infusion at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water. However, for the drink you will need only 1/3 of the tea leaves. Now pour it into a glass and fill the remaining volume with mineral water. At the end, you can add sugar, syrups or spices to taste.


Unlike hot brewing, this method allows you to save all the benefits of the tea leaf, because it is not subjected to heat treatment at all. To prepare cold tea using infusion, take 1-2 gr. tea leaves and place them in the bottom of a carafe or glass jar. Pour water at room temperature into a container, close it with a lid or cling film. Place the decanter in the sun on a windowsill or, if possible, outside for a whole day. The readiness of the drink can be determined by the saturated shade. The taste of tea after infusion is very soft and rich.

Classic recipe

And this is how ice tea is made in bars - the glass is half filled with ice cubes, if desired, syrups, lemon juice and mint are added. A strainer with tea leaves is placed on top of the glass and hot water is carefully poured into it. Thus, the tea is immediately brewed and cooled. It is believed that this method of preparing a drink is the most correct.

If you have already decided to make iced tea at home, here are a few tips that will help make the drink even tastier and healthier:

  • Use only good quality leaf tea leaves - tea bags will not work!
  • Water must be purified from impurities, so it is optimal if it is mineral or at least filtered.
  • Replace sugar with fruit syrups.
  • Take ice cubes to cool the drink, not crushed.
  • Ice tea goes well with mint, ginger and lemon - they add not only taste, but also benefits to the drink.

Lemon iced tea recipe

Iced tea with lemon is a classic of the genre. It is not for nothing that Nesti was the first to release such a drink for sale, which was very fond of young people. The recipe for iced tea with lemon is easy to repeat at home. To do this, pour 3 teaspoons of dry tea leaves with a liter of hot water. Leave for a few minutes to infuse.

Strain the drink so that the tea leaves do not get into it and add the lemon juice from half a citrus, as well as a teaspoon of honey or sugar. When the tea has cooled, cut lemon slices into it and add ice. If desired, you can diversify the taste with the help of confectionery spices.

Such a drink can be prepared on the basis of any tea leaf, but cold green tea with lemon quenches thirst better and has a great effect on body tone.

With lemon and mint

Also try this homemade Lipton Lemon Mint Tea recipe. You don't even need ice for this refreshing drink, because the ingredients will keep it fresh.

First, brew green tea in the usual way in a half-liter container, but take twice as many leaves as usual. Take a few sprigs of fresh or dried mint and put them in the bottom of the carafe. Using a sieve, pour the cooled tea, lemon juice into the container and add a little sugar. The remaining volume of the carafe is filled with non-carbonated mineral water.

Ice tea with mint and lemon is an excellent summer drink that not only refreshes and invigorates, but also replenishes the fluid deficiency in the body and saturates it with vitamins.

On the basis of cold tea with mint and lemon, you can prepare a non-alcoholic cocktail. Just instead of mineral water, carbonated sprite is added to it, as well as ice cubes. The cocktail is garnished with a mint leaf and a slice of lemon. It is perfect for summer holidays and picnics. It is very easy to make, and guests will surely enjoy this rich mint flavor and aroma.

citrus tea

Based on the recipe for making ice tea with lemon at home, you can make an interesting citrus drink.

You will need:

  • 150 ml of cooled tea;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp orange juice;
  • mint syrup (optional)

First, brew a weak tea and cool it. In a separate bowl, mix lemon and orange juice with mint syrup. Pour them into glasses in small portions. The remaining space of the glass is filled with tea and at the very end a teaspoon of honey is added.

fruit ice tea

Iced green tea can be used to make an unusual fruit drink. In fact, here the scope of imagination is not limited and you can try adding new fruits and berries every time, or use the following recipe.

Take 1/3 of an apple and a pear, as well as raspberries, lingonberries or cranberries. Using a muddler or a French press, squeeze the juice out of them and add a little water. Add currant, mint or basil leaves to the juice - any herbs that suit your taste will do. Give the nectar time to infuse.

Pour the cooled green tea into a decanter, add sugar or honey to it, as well as ice cubes. Strain the infused juice and add it to the container

Fruit iced tea is ready. Be sure to give them to your loved ones!

ginger iced tea

Another popular recipe for making cold tea at home is ginger. It not only perfectly tones, but also helps to fight extra pounds.

Ginger tea is prepared differently. Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated ginger. Reduce the heat and add 80 g brown sugar. Stir the ingredients and leave on the stove for 10 minutes.

Squeeze the juice from half an orange and pour it into the strained ginger tea. Add some red pepper or coriander to make the taste more intense. The cooled drink must be put in the refrigerator for an hour. This tea can be enjoyed both in winter and summer. It contains a large number of useful substances that protect the body from bacteria and viruses.

Homemade iced tea is not only delicious, but also healthy. Unlike store analogues, it can be used constantly by both adults and children. And the presented variety of recipes will allow you to experiment at least every day.

Tea is by far the most popular beverage in the world. Fragrant, perfectly warming in the cold and quenching thirst in the heat, tea deservedly won its recognition. Iced tea occupies a special niche among the popular drink. Herbal, fruit or berry varieties of tea will open up a new taste of your favorite drink when served cold, and most importantly, they are very easy to prepare at home. We have prepared two recipes for your choice on how to make cold green tea with lemon and mint. What kind of tea do you prefer, with lemon or mint, or maybe both? Choose!

Great refreshing drink! Cold green tea with ice and lemon will give you a charge of coolness, vivacity and good mood. The recipe is very simple.


  • 1-2 tsp green tea leaves,
  • 125 ml water
  • 1 lime or lemon
  • 50 ml peach or apricot nectar
  • ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Pour green tea leaves with hot water (60-80°C). Let it brew for 3-5 minutes. Then pour the tea and leave to cool.

Cut a lemon or lime in half. Cut one half into thin slices, and squeeze the juice from the second. Mix juice with peach or apricot nectar.

Put ice and slices of lemon or lime in a tall glass (you can decorate the edge of the glass with one slice). Pour the drink mixed with chilled tea.

Cold green tea with ice and lemon is ready! Enjoy (refresh) and have a wonderful summer mood!

Iced green tea with lemon and mint - recipe

Iced green tea with lemon and mint is a delicious, healthy and refreshing tea, especially relevant in the summer heat. Instead of buying expensive ready-made iced teas that contain a lot of harmful substances for the human body, you can make delicious, fragrant iced tea at home. Let's start cooking!


  • Green tea - 1 tsp leaves,
  • 125-150 ml of water,
  • Lemon - slices 3-4,
  • Mint - dried or fresh.
  • Sugar - to taste

Cooking method:

Brew tea with mint, then add lemon slices (you can squeeze lemon juice) and sugar. Cool down.

Then store in the refrigerator. And it is best served with ice so that this coolness does not go anywhere from you.

Cold tea in the summer heat is a real pleasure. This magical drink is much more pleasant to drink than ordinary water, and it refreshes and tones much better. There are many recipes for such drinks, but iced tea with mint and lemon occupies a special place, which certainly deserves your attention. Delicate aroma and pleasant taste make it so desirable on hot summer days. In addition, such gulls have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increase efficiency and even help to cope with excess weight.

If you think that tea can only be hot, then we advise you to prepare a cold version, which rightfully has a reputation as the best protective agent against heat and thirst. By the way, such cold tea can also act as a drink served at a party, especially if it is decorated in an appropriate way. By adding a fancy straw and a couple of cocktail cherries, you can get a festive luxurious drink. Take on board the best recipes for mint-lemon tea and enjoy life to the fullest.

Cold mint tea with lemon


  • mint leaves - 20 g
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • honey - 1 teaspoon
  • water - 1 glass
  • ice - 5 cubes

Cut the zest from the lemon in a thin layer, mix it with chopped mint, pour boiling water over it. We insist tea for 15 minutes, add honey and lemon slices, cool, add ice and get.

Cold tea with mint and citrus

Tea according to this recipe is incredibly beautiful, tasty and rich. It not only quenches thirst, but is also suitable for family gatherings. It's just a great replacement for the popular soda we've been addicted to lately.


  • green tea - 0.5 tsp. spoons
  • mint - 3 sprigs
  • orange - 2 circles
  • fresh ginger - 5 g
  • lemon - 2 circles
  • honey - 0.5 tsp
  • ice - 0.5 cups
  • water - 0.5 cups

We brew strong enough tea, add orange and lemon zest, grated ginger and mint leaves. We insist under the lid, then add freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice here, filter, add honey and ice to the cooled tea.

Moroccan mint-lemon spiced tea

This versatile drink will appeal to absolutely everyone. It will give you vigor and strength, relax, improve digestion, and also delight you with an unusual taste.


We crush the mint in a mortar, mix with orange and lime zest, add tea leaves, chicken stick, cloves, ginger, sugar and lemon slices. Pour boiling water over everything and insist under the lid until completely cooled.

Ice tea with mint, lemon and strawberry


  • strawberries - 4 pcs.
  • green tea - 1 cup
  • lemon juice - 1 table. a spoon
  • chopped mint - 1 table. a spoon
  • sugar and ice - to taste

Beat strawberries with lemon juice and mint in a blender, mix with chilled tea, add ice and sugar to taste.

Ice tea with mint and apple and lemon


  • mint - 3 sprigs
  • lemon - 2 circles
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • vanilla and cinnamon - 1 pinch each
  • boiling water - 1 cup
  • sugar - 5 g

Cut the apple into thin slices, add mint leaves, previously crushed by hands, Add lemon, crush everything well, sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water, season with vanilla and cinnamon, drink chilled. If desired, add crushed ice to the tea. We also advise you to learn how to cook

In the article we are talking about mint tea - the benefits for men and women. You will learn how to prepare mint tea according to various recipes and find out if a tasty and healthy drink has contraindications.

Mint tea is good for women and men

Rich, refreshing, natural, healing and fragrant drink is popular all over the world. It is valued for its pleasant taste and availability. Is mint tea good for you?

The benefits of mint tea are as follows:

  • invigorates and improves brain activity;
  • reduces headaches;
  • well restores the functions of digestion;
  • eliminates nausea, relieves spasms in gastric colic, restores bile balance, reduces flatulence and bloating;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: eliminates the state of anxiety and improves the quality of sleep.

The benefits of mint tea are undeniable in respiratory diseases, so cook it if you need to improve expectoration, eliminate nasal congestion, reduce fever. Drink mint tea as a preventive measure to strengthen the immune system and prevent beriberi.

The beneficial properties of mint in tea are determined by the components that make up the plant:

  • menthol;
  • ascorbic, pantothenic, folic acids;
  • tannins;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • phytoncides;
  • trace elements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

Benefits of mint tea for women

The benefits of mint tea for the female body are as follows:

  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • improves the condition in the premenstrual period and during menstruation;
  • restores skin cells;
  • eliminates the symptoms of menopause.

In the absence of contraindications, women can drink mint tea 2 cups a day. A low-calorie drink (8.5 kcal per 100 g) is popular with those who carefully control their weight. It reduces appetite, permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger and reduces cravings for sweets. Drinking mint tea between meals speeds up the metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the figure and overall well-being.

Benefits of mint tea for men

Men with a tonic drink should be more careful, because the added mint to tea will benefit or harm, depending on the amount.

One cup of mint tea before bed can help relieve stress and relieve insomnia.. In large quantities, mint reduces testosterone levels, which will cause male impotence.

Is it possible to drink peppermint tea during pregnancy

The properties of mint in tea for pregnant women are controversial among obstetricians and gynecologists. Some claim that in small quantities mint:

  • smoothes the unpleasant symptoms of early toxicosis;
  • eliminates dizziness and constipation;
  • tones the uterine muscles;
  • prevents heartburn;
  • reduces swelling of the limbs;
  • boosts immunity.

With the use of mint tea, it can also bring harm to women in position:

  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive muscle tone of the uterus, leading to miscarriage;
  • severe heartburn (especially in the 3rd trimester);
  • reduction in blood pressure in hypotensive patients.

After the birth of a baby, knowing how mint tea is useful for a woman, doctors recommend drinking it rarely (2-3 times a week). If pregnancy and childbirth proceeded with complications, if there were health problems before conception, then the use of the drink should be agreed with the observing gynecologist.

Mint tea recipes

Peppermint tea can be brewed with various additives.

Various additives help to diversify the taste of tea and supplement the benefits of mint - cinnamon, lime or lemon, honey, pine nuts, as well as blackcurrant leaves, raspberries, cranberries or strawberries. Prepare a natural drink according to the best recipes for yourself and your family.

Soothing tea

Prepare a soothing tea to relax before bed, relieve headaches and get rid of insomnia.


  1. Peppermint leaves - 1 tbsp.
  2. Oregano - 1 tbsp.
  3. St. John's wort - 1 tbsp.
  4. Chamomile pharmacy - 1 tbsp.
  5. Honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix all herbs in a ceramic or glass teapot. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes.

How to use: Drink 1-2 glasses. The effect of the prepared drink will answer the question, is it possible to drink mint at night?

Result: Mint herbal tea soothes, relieves headaches, relieves stress accumulated during the day.

With ginger and honey

In the morning, ginger-mint tea will invigorate, in the evening it will soothe and relax.


  1. Black tea - 1 tsp
  2. Sprig of mint - 1 pc.
  3. A slice of ginger root.
  4. Honey - 1 tsp

How to cook: The indicated ingredients are for the preparation of 1 serving of the drink. Brew black tea. Place mint and ginger in a bowl. Fill them with hot tea. Insist 5 minutes. Add honey before drinking.

How to use: Strain the prepared tea or drink it straight with mint and ginger. A day - no more than 2 mugs.

Result: What is the benefit of mint tea with ginger? Regular consumption of the drink will reduce the amount of cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, speed up metabolism, restore weakened immunity, prevent inflammation and relieve stomach cramps.

With cranberries and honey

Tea with mint, honey and cranberries perfectly quenches thirst (in summer it can be drunk chilled). The drink relieves fatigue and increases efficiency.


  1. Chinese red tea - 2 tsp
  2. Cranberries - 100 gr.
  3. Cane sugar - 2 tsp
  4. Crushed peppermint leaves - 1 tsp
  5. Sprigs of peppermint - 2 pcs.
  6. Honey (to taste)

How to cook: Pour tea and mint into a warm teapot. Slowly pour in boiling water. Insist 5 minutes. Rub the cranberries and mix with sugar.

How to use: Divide the cranberries and honey into cups, then pour the mixture over the prepared tea.

Result: The benefits of black tea with mint and cranberries are undeniable - you normalize digestion, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, increase immunity and quickly restore the body after vitamin deficiency.

With cinnamon and lime

If you want to lose weight, then choose a recipe for mint tea with cinnamon and lime.


  1. Large-leaf green tea - 2 tsp
  2. Lime - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Sprigs of peppermint - 2-3 pcs.
  4. Cinnamon stick (length 3-5 cm) - 1 pc.

How to cook: Pour mint and tea into a heated teapot, put cinnamon. Fill with boiling water. Insist 2-3 minutes. The more you steep the tea, the more the cinnamon will start to taste bitter. Instead of cinnamon sticks, powder can be used, but in this case, the tea will have to be filtered.

How to use: Take in the morning or evening, cold or hot, freshly made tea with the addition of lime slices or squeezed juice from it, honey or fresh berries.

Result: How useful is green tea with mint, cinnamon and lime? It is great for those who want to lose weight: it improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, reduces sugar levels and breaks down fats.

Moroccan tea

In the homeland of Moroccan tea, the drink is taken throughout the day to quench thirst. European tourists prefer to drink it chilled with the addition of ice cubes. Try this invigorating drink.


  1. Green tea - 2 tsp
  2. Sugar (to taste)
  3. Peppermint leaves (to taste)

How to cook: Pour green tea into the kettle, pour hot water (temperature not more than 85 degrees) and leave for 15 minutes. Without stirring, carefully pour into a stainless steel teapot through a filter. Add sugar. Bring the drink to a boil. Tea is ready. It remains to add mint: do not spare the leaves if you want to get a drink with a pleasant bitterness. If you like, add milk or spices (ground cinnamon, cloves), lemon or orange zest.

How to use: Pour tea into tall glasses and drink throughout the day, but no more than 5-6 cups.

Result: Tea has an excellent tonic effect, increases efficiency and gives strength for the whole day.

For more information about mint tea, see the video:

Contraindications and possible harm

With the benefits of mint tea, harm from the drink is possible if you have:

  • allergy to menthol;
  • low blood pressure - mint tea will lower it even more, which will lead to drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness;
  • varicose veins or heartburn - mint causes an exacerbation of these pathologies;
  • impotence;
  • constipation - tannins in mint have a fixing effect.

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties of mint tea are in the effect on the nervous system and digestion, heart and blood vessels. The drink has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, and is effective for beriberi.
  2. Peppermint green tea is especially beneficial for those who want to lose weight.
  3. With all the benefits, hypotension, allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from varicose veins and gastrointestinal diseases can feel the harm from mint tea.
  4. For men, peppermint tea should only be taken in small amounts.

It's summer outside. It's time to use the gifts of nature to improve health, for example, brew tea from fresh herbs. I offer you my personal top 7 ways to make mint tea.

Mint is considered to be the queen of herbal teas. Its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. The leaves of the plant contain menthol, ascorbic acid, carotene, flavonoids, tannins and esters. Several hundred species of mint are known, including hybrids. In this case, no more than twenty are used. The most popular varieties are field, lemon, pepper, curly, garden, menthol, Moroccan and Korean.

Wild field mint can be found in vegetable gardens, forest edges, and along roadsides, where it grows like a weed. To always have mint on hand, you can grow it at home on the windowsill. To do this, you need to dig a small bush with a clod of earth and transplant it into a pot with drainage. You can also grow mint from seeds.

For medicinal purposes, decoctions and infusions are used, but the leaves added to tea will have a beneficial effect. Mint is used as a sedative and sedative, with nervous excitement. A cup of mint tea in the morning will give you a boost of energy for the whole day; in the evening it will help to relax, relieve fatigue and headache.

As part of the collection, mint greatly enhances the properties of other herbs. In combination with lemon and honey, it is used to treat and prevent colds. It is indispensable when you need to remove stagnant water from the body. It has diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic properties.

Peppermint tea helps digestion after eating a heavy fatty meal. The brewed leaves relieve allergy symptoms, relieve nausea, while the refreshing aroma of menthol reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

Do not forget about contraindications.

Mint is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, arterial hypotension and chronic diseases: heartburn, inflammation of the gallbladder, obstruction of the bile ducts, gastritis. Doctors advise against giving mint to children under the age of three. Mint should be used with caution during pregnancy and allergies.

Classic mint tea


  • 2 tsp green tea
  • 3 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Pour the ingredients into a warmed kettle, pour boiling water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Black or red tea can also be used for this recipe, but neutral Chinese green tea is best. Loose tea "Green Powder" is perfect. Perhaps this is the easiest way to make mint tea. The main principle here is not to overdo it.

Cinnamon mint - a charge of vivacity for the whole day


  • 2 tsp green tea
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 1 cinnamon stick (4-5 cm in size)
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Pour green tea, mint and cinnamon into a heated kettle, pour boiled water (80-90 degrees). Let it brew for 3 minutes. Pour into cups. The longer the tea is infused, the stronger the bitter taste of cinnamon will be felt. So if you do not plan to drink tea immediately, then it is better to strain and pour it into a thermos.

Lime and mint - all the freshness of taste


  • 2 tsp large leaf green tea
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh mint
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Finely chop the lime, grind the mint leaves and put it all in a preheated teapot. Pour boiling water over and leave for 2 minutes. Add green tea. After 2-3 minutes, you can pour into cups. Honey to taste. This drink is good both hot and iced.

Mint tea with pine nuts


  • 3 tsp black tea (preferably Kenyan granulated)
  • 1 sprig fresh peppermint
  • 1 handful of pine nuts
  • Honey (chestnut)
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Pour tea into a preheated teapot and pour boiled water (90-95 degrees). Let it brew for 3 minutes. Then add mint and wait another 2 minutes. Pour into cups, add honey and stir well. Add 6-7 pine nuts to each cup and let cool slightly. A warming drink with a refreshing taste is ready.

Mint and lemon for health


  • Juice 1/2 lemon
  • 3 tsp finely chopped mint
  • Honey (to taste)
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Grind fresh mint, pour into a heated teapot and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 3 minutes and strain. Add the juice of half a lemon and honey. Pour into a thermos and drink in small portions. Very tasty and useful remedy for colds.

Immune from fresh herbs


  • 2 sprigs of peppermint
  • 2 sprigs of lemon balm
  • 3 black currant leaves
  • 1-2 raspberry leaves
  • 5 leaves of lemongrass or a small bunch of lemongrass (can be replaced with lemon zest)
  • Honey (to taste)
  • 400 ml water

Cooking method:

Rinse the herbs well and select the branches that, when brewed, will give bitterness. Put in a kettle and pour boiled water (90-95 degrees). Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Pour into cups, add honey to taste.

Herbal collection has cleansing, antioxidant and antiviral properties. Melissa gives vivacity and energy, raspberry warms, and currant helps to remove excess water from the body. Such tea can be included in the body detoxification program. And be sure to take it with you to the bath.

Want to expand on the recipe? Linden, nettle, oregano, sage, thyme, wild rose and chamomile are always at your service!


  • 2 tsp Chinese red tea
  • 100 g cranberries
  • 2 tsp cane sugar
  • 1 tsp chopped mint or 2 fresh sprigs
  • 350 ml water

Cooking method:

Pour tea and mint into a preheated kettle, pour boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes. Grate cranberries and mix with sugar. Pour the tea into cups and add the cranberry mixture to them.

Happy tea!

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