Ethnic rooibos tea: an African family doctor. Rooibos for weight loss

Rooibos tea gets its name from a shrub found in South Africa. Since ancient times, local natives have used its stems and leaves to make a fragrant drink, which is credited with a lot of useful properties. Europeans learned about the existence of rooibos only in the last century and immediately drew attention to its pleasant taste and smell.

Rooibos or rooibos is what the Africans call linear aspalathus (Aspalathus linearis), a bushy plant of the legume family. It got its name for its color and literally translates as "red bush".

Rooibos reaches 2-3 meters in height, and has yellow flowers and pine-like needles. It begins to branch almost at the very ground. For the preparation of tea, as a rule, tender shoots and leaves of the bush are used.

A decoction of the rooibos plant in Africa was used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat various diseases, and also as a dye. African rooibos tea came to the European continent at the beginning of the 20th century, when the merchant Ginsberg decided to sell it in England. The local population liked herbal tea so much that they quickly learned about it throughout Europe.

This shrub is very thermophilic, so it is not found anywhere except South Africa. About 100 years ago, when rooibos tea became incredibly popular in Europe, whole plantations began to be planted in its homeland. And in the middle of the twentieth century, the South African government created a special agency that began to control the cultivation and export of raw materials.

Rooibos shrub (aspalathus linearis)

The plant reproduces similarly to other legumes - with the help of seeds that ripen in separate boxes. It is very difficult to collect them, because immediately after maturation they quickly fly out. And from unripe pods it is almost impossible to get germinating seeds. Therefore, it is often necessary to sift all the sand around the bush in search of beans.

Seeds are planted in the ground in special nurseries in February, and by the beginning of summer, seedlings are transferred to open ground. Shoots and leaves of a plant that has already reached 2 years are suitable for making tea.

Production features

African rooibos tea is red and green, depending on how the raw material is processed. Green rooibos is not fermented. To stop the fermentation process in the shoots of the shrub, they are treated with hot steam immediately after cutting. Such a drink will have a light shade, delicate taste and aroma with a herbal tint.

The red appearance of the drink is obtained due to the additional fermentation of the raw material, that is, its drying in the open sun. Such tea comes out more saturated, cloying, with woody notes.

Flavored rooibos is produced separately - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. There is even an espresso from this plant. Only certain varieties of shrubs are suitable for its preparation. Outwardly, it practically does not differ from a coffee drink, but some believe that its taste is even stronger and richer.

Composition and useful properties

The composition of tea includes a complex of vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils, acids and antioxidants. Due to the fact that it does not contain caffeine at all, rooibos can be drunk even by small children, nursing mothers during breastfeeding, and anyone who is contraindicated in drinks with this invigorating substance.

In this type of drink, there are practically no tannins, which give bitterness and astringent taste.

Rooibos, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies, has the following medicinal properties:

  1. The antioxidants it contains slow down the aging process of cells and help get rid of free radicals that provoke the development of cancerous tumors.
  2. The compounds that make up tea have antispasmodic properties. The drink is prepared for babies who suffer from colic. Rooibos during pregnancy is advised to drink to prevent constipation and flatulence, which expectant mothers often suffer from.
  3. Eliminates the symptoms of asthma and alleviates the condition of patients with allergic reactions.
  4. An infusion of the plant is used to treat problem skin and eliminate acne.
  5. Rooibos has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. It is used for the prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions.
  7. It has a calming effect on the state of the nervous system, reduces headaches and relieves insomnia. Therefore, it is often recommended to drink it for nervous disorders, depression and overwork.
  8. The substances included in its composition contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, so rooibos tea is often recommended for weight loss.
  9. The drink has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure and cleanses the vascular walls of cholesterol plaques.
  10. It has an expectorant effect and is prescribed for bronchitis and other pathologies of the respiratory system.
  11. Provides prevention of caries and osteoporosis.
  12. Improves the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.
  13. Helps to increase the body's defenses.
  14. The drink quenches thirst well and has a tonic effect on the body.

Considering the unique properties of rooibos tea, it is safe to say that regular consumption of this drink helps to cope with a lot of problems, normalize digestion, pressure, relieve stress, and replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. And due to the absence of oxalic acid in it, patients with urolithiasis can drink rooibos. However, before drinking, one should consider not only the potential benefits of rooibos tea, but also the possible harm.

Harm and contraindications

There are practically no contraindications for rooibos. With caution, it should be drunk by those who have individual intolerance to individual components. Also, the use of rooibos drink should be abandoned if:

  1. Diabetes. This is due to the fact that glucose is present in the tea, so you should first consult with your doctor.
  2. Reduced blood pressure. It has been proven that the drink helps to reduce it, therefore, in hypotensive patients, its regular use can provoke disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. anemia. The composition of the drink contains substances that slow down the absorption of iron. Therefore, you can drink it only after consulting a doctor and some time after eating.

Types of rooibos tea

In addition to pure red and green rooibos, you can find other varieties of it obtained by mixing raw materials with other ingredients and flavors:

  • vanilla;
  • kalahari (with flowers of cornflower and lemongrass);
  • marrakesh with orange;
  • ginger;
  • with almonds and marzipan;
  • strawberry and others.

Also, as mentioned above, espresso is prepared from an African plant. Then, according to recipes similar to coffee, such interesting drinks are prepared, rooibos latte and rooibos cappuccino.

How to brew rooibos

To enjoy the incredible taste and aroma of the drink, as well as get the most out of it, you need to learn how to properly brew rooibos. To some, its taste may seem too spicy. Therefore, the first acquaintance with the drink is recommended to start with flavored species, which are lighter.

Brewing rooibos is not difficult - there are no special secrets and cooking recipes. It is enough to pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and wait 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the drink to brew and acquire its characteristic taste and aroma. The same batch of tea leaves can be used several times. The taste and benefits of the drink remain virtually unchanged.

Rooibos can be drunk either hot or chilled. It will not lose its unique properties even a day after brewing.

Relatively recently, a tea appeared on the shelves of stores, which has received the fame of healing all over the world: Rooibos tea. It is made from the leaves of a South African plant. With proper preparation, tea turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, benefits the body. The taste of rooibos differs from the usual tea in that it does not contain caffeine, and it has a very mild effect on the body, and the beneficial properties of the plant are priceless. In this short time, this healing tea has a lot of fans, someone drinks it precisely because of the effect on the body, which the manufacturer is talking about, while others simply choose a pleasant taste. The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea is the topic of this article.

What is Rooibos

The plant from which tea is made is a legume. The shrub has a very unusual appearance: the branches are distinguished by a bright red color and a pointed shape. Such an unusual appearance gives the image of the plant an ominous look and provokes a lot of myths around. The origin of Rooibos tea dates back to ancient times. The indigenous Khoi tribes respected rooibos for its medicinal qualities and used the useful plant as a natural dye. In addition, he was credited with the properties of rejuvenation, health promotion and life extension and reducing harm from the environment.

The healthy drink gained worldwide popularity only at the beginning of the 20th century, until that moment the properties of tea were kept secret. It is generally accepted that after the indigenous peoples of Africa, the taste and benefits of rooibos tea were recognized by the British, who settled in Cape Town.

The tea has a refined fruity flavor with a delicate smell of nuts. Due to its light sweetness and astringency, there is no need to add anything to tea, it has a full range of taste in itself.

Reference! Tea connoisseurs such as the Japanese claim that the beneficial properties of rooibos can be equated with the healing qualities of green tea, which is known to be able to eliminate environmental damage.

Types and varieties of Rooibos tea

According to the type of processing, green and red rooibos teas are divided. Green rooibos is obtained when harvested raw materials are steamed. This helps to stop fermentation, which helps to maintain a slight herbal flavor and a transparent light color.

If the fermentation is not stopped, but the harvested leaves are dried under the sun, red rooibos will be obtained. Its differences are a pronounced sweet aftertaste, but this does not prevent the locals from drinking it with sugar and milk.

They also produce various flavored varieties of rooibos:

  • with strawberry aroma;
  • with vanilla;
  • with the smell of chocolate.

Reference! There is even rooibos espresso, its technology was developed and patented by Karl Pretorius from South Africa.

Outwardly, rooibos espresso is very similar to a regular coffee drink, only if you look very closely, you can notice a reddish tint of saffron and even the presence of foam.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Rooibos tea

The calorie content of Rooibos tea per 100 g is 16 kcal.

In addition to the taste properties, this tea boasts more benefits. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins - A, E, C, P. In addition, tea from Rooibos leaves is rich in trace elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, fluorine, zinc and iron. The beneficial properties of rooibos are priceless for the body.

Due to the extensive composition, the beneficial properties of this tea will benefit people of age, athletes who regularly endure overload, children, as it has the property of strengthening the nervous system. Tea will benefit the metabolic processes of the body, as it neutralizes the harm from the effects of the external environment.

It is important to note that, despite the property to tone and stimulate, rooibos does not contain tannin or caffeine, which means that it will not cause harm at any time of the day.

Natural tetracycline, which is contained in the resulting drink, is an indispensable remedy for colds, and unlike medications, it will not cause harm.

Benefits of Rooibos tea

According to numerous studies, tea from the African plant rooibos has the following beneficial properties:

  1. With 50% more antioxidants than green tea, rooibos is much more effective at neutralizing free radical damage. Beneficial for cancer, osteoporosis.
  2. It lowers blood pressure, stabilizes blood glucose levels, and contributes to the normalization of liver function.
  3. It has an antihistamine effect, which is beneficial for allergies, hay fever and asthma.
  4. It has a preventive effect against the progression of cataracts, eczema, atherosclerosis.
  5. It has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.
  6. It has calming properties on the nervous system, helps to reduce mental stress.
  7. It has restorative effects on the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning.
  8. Has benefits for bones.
  9. 2 cups of this tea a day help meet the daily requirement for vitamin C, and 3 for fluoride and iron.
  10. Tea will also be beneficial in case of physical exertion, due to the optimal amount of potassium and calcium in the broth.

For women

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the beneficial properties of tea for the female body:

  1. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, Rooibos tea is able to slow down the aging process in the body.
  2. Benefits for the female cycle. Rooibos tea contains a high amount of iron, which is why rooibos is recommended for early pregnancy. For women suffering from anemia, it will help to cope with iron deficiency without harm.
  3. The bactericidal properties of tea contribute to the treatment of many skin diseases. It is used in the form of compresses and lotions, it works especially well as a cleanser.
  4. Strengthening effect on the nervous system. Rooibos is useful for insomnia, headaches, depression and irritability. In this case, the body is benefited, not harmed.

For men

For men, red rooibos tea will benefit if their work is associated with physical activity. The beneficial properties of tea are also known to people who are actively involved in sports. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, the drink neutralizes the harm of free radicals, which helps to increase male strength.

For children and the elderly

For the children's body, Rooibos will also benefit. The high content of potassium, zinc, fluorine, manganese and many other valuable trace elements makes it the richest in useful properties in relation to the formation and development of the child's body.

Reference! During growth, the child needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, they can be obtained not only with meals, but also when drinking such a valuable drink as Rooibos tea. In this case, the child will be benefited, not harmed.

It should be noted that Rooibos has a slightly sweet taste, which is often liked by children.

For older people, tea will help strengthen the nervous system and normalize metabolic processes, which will lead to good health. In addition, rooibos does not contain caffeine, which means it will not cause harm in the form of pressure surges. Moreover, it has a lot of useful properties in relation to the cardiovascular system, which is very important for people of age.

Is it possible to drink Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant women and nursing mothers can consume Rooibos without fear. Tea is made exclusively from natural raw materials, so it does not cause allergies or other harm.

Attention! In the postpartum period, this drink will be of great benefit, as it helps strengthen the nervous system and improves mood.

Is rooibos tea good for diabetes?

Rooibos is one of the few natural sources of the antioxidant aspalathin. This antioxidant is known to have beneficial anti-diabetic properties. Therefore, by drinking this drink, diabetic patients receive the following benefits:

  • blood sugar balance;
  • decrease in insulin resistance.

Moreover, the beneficial properties of the drink can provide prevention for those at risk of developing this disease.

Rooibos tea for weight loss

In the process of losing weight, Rooibos tea will benefit only if it is combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. Drink should be taken twice a day in a glass half an hour before meals. It has the useful property of removing excess fluid from the body, normalizing metabolic processes and stool.

Important! In order for drinking to benefit, and not harm the figure, it is necessary to exclude the use of sugar.

Rooibos tea in folk medicine

Useful properties of Rooibos are actively used in folk medicine.

Soothing and therapeutic baths

If a person has frequent stresses, colds, increased fatigue and other deviations in the functioning of the body, then baths with the addition of Rooibos will help him. The brewed tea is added to the water while taking a bath. The smell of the plant calms the nervous system, and the components rich in useful properties neutralize the harm to the environment and benefit the body.

For disease prevention

Decoction for skin inflammation

A decoction is recommended as a useful remedy for skin prone to inflammation. To do this, Rooibos is boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. In the resulting infusion, a cotton pad is wetted and used as lotions. Since this remedy is equated to a natural antibiotic, it is able to neutralize the harm from inflammatory foci and remove redness.

Rooibos tea in cosmetology

The rich health benefits of Rooibos tea make it a highly desirable beauty ingredient. The fact is that this product is an excellent tool for rejuvenating the body. Its uses are very varied:

  1. Can be used instead of water for washing. The beneficial properties of the decoction help to improve complexion and even out skin texture.
  2. If you use the product as lotions, then the benefits will also be great: the decoction will remove bags, dark circles and crow's feet.
  3. Homemade masks, in which at least a teaspoon of Rooibos tea is added, will help neutralize environmental damage, smooth the skin and rejuvenate it.
  4. If you rinse your hair with a decoction of Rooibos, then the beneficial properties of this decoction can activate their growth.
  5. Baths with the addition of Rooibos extract will help relieve tension and gradually smooth out the "orange peel".

How to Brew and Drink Rooibos Tea

Proper brewing of rooibos contributes to the activation of its beneficial properties. Therefore, to get the full benefit, it is important to follow the recipe, then there will definitely be no harm from the drink. For brewing, you need 1 tsp. plants in 1 cup boiling water. Water must be boiled and pour the plant mixture with boiling water. It takes about 10 minutes to infuse the decoction. The drink should be consumed like regular tea.

An important step is the infusion of the drink. Prolonged steeping time promotes the release of antioxidants, which explain the beneficial properties of the drink. It is antioxidants that neutralize the damage from free radicals.

Reference! For cooking, it is better not to use earthenware, it can spoil the taste and aroma of the drink.

If you brew the drink again, it will enhance its taste and give the drink a red-brown color, as well as a sweet-sour taste. Rooibos can be drunk both cold and hot.

What can be added to rooibos tea

On sale, Rooibos is often found with the addition of flavors - orange, strawberry, lemon, vanilla. But it is better to buy a classic drink and add slices of orange, lemon. Fans of this drink often dilute the drink with milk.

Possible harm of Rooibos tea and contraindications

African Rooibos tea and its benefits and harms are a pretty straightforward question. The benefits of the drink, no doubt, are great, but do not forget about its possible harm. It can be harmful in case of individual intolerance. If a person has never used Rooibos before, it is recommended to make the first intake of the drink minimal, and track the reaction of the body.

Important! In order to get no harm, but maximum benefit, it is better to use dry raw materials as quickly as possible, since the beneficial properties of tea greatly decrease over time.

How to choose and store

  1. Before purchasing tea, it is important to study the composition on the package. It is better to prefer those types of tea that contain natural herbs, spices, dried berries and fruits.
  2. The pieces in the mixture should be about the same size and crumble easily. When yellow leaves are visible in the mixture, this means that the tea is of low quality.
  3. The presence of pieces of twigs and bark should not be intimidating, on the contrary, it indicates the high quality of tea.

It is better to store tea in a dry and cool place. First, pour the mixture into an opaque container with a tight lid. It is the correct choice and storage of Rooibos that will avoid harm from its use and guarantee maximum benefit.


The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea are incomparable. The drink is extremely rich in useful properties and its use is shown to almost all people. Moreover, it is impossible to get harm from such a drink, the main thing is to adhere to reasonable limits when using it.

Perhaps the history of any tea is not shrouded in such legends and myths as the history of rooibos tea. Translated as red bush. Tea is the true drink of the indigenous tribes living in South Africa. The native tribes deeply believed that this drink was given to them by the ancient Bushmen as an elixir of a healthy and long life. That it is the source of longevity.

The raw material for tea comes from the rooibos bush. He looks rather strange. Long red branches, more like needles, that's all the "splendor". How many did not try to grow this shrub in other climatic conditions and regions - nothing gave success. Only on the lands of South Africa remains its natural location. Planting material in the form of seeds is collected at the end of winter in February, and planted on plantations in the summer. However, high-quality raw materials for tea can be obtained from it only after a year and a half. The term for the collection of raw materials falls on the beginning of spring March, raw materials in the form of branches and leaves are cut off and sent for further processing.

Tea came to the European continent in the form of an exotic drink at the beginning of the last century, and was not evaluated as something that stood out too much. Only connoisseurs of tea business - the Japanese in a new way discovered the properties of a drink new to Europeans, discovering in it a lot of wonderful, useful qualities. It should be noted that the rooibos variety is both green and red. It all depends on the fermentation of the feedstock.

To obtain the red color of the leaves, a natural fermentation procedure is used. And then, at the end of the process, they are dried under the hot sun. As a result, the tea turns out to be slightly sweetish in taste and has a pronounced woody tint. The natives prefer just such tea, they drink it strongly brewed and sweetened. Rooibos is also prepared instead of coffee; by the way, it is not inferior to it in terms of tonic properties and strength.

Composition of rooibos tea

The quality of the drink directly depends on the length of the leaves used and how old they are. The branches of the plant and their trunks are also processed. Therefore, it is permissible to purchase rooibos in tea shops in a packaged form.

It is for the chemical composition, which includes a lot of useful components, that rooibos tea is so valuable.

  • The first quality of tea is that it does not contain at all among its constituents caffeine. This makes it possible to use tea in your diet not only for adults, but also for children. The fact that tea naturally tastes sweet already limits human consumption of sugar.
  • Research scientists have shown the presence in tea of ​​substances such as flavonoids. These are natural antioxidants, their ability to remove harmful substances from the body and prevent the appearance of cancer cells by binding free radicals cannot be underestimated. The presence of a bioflavonoid in red tea rooibos aspalatina 50 times higher than in green tea. But this is an indicator of the powerful ability of antibacterial action.
  • rich in chemical composition and essential oils, which have a positive effect on the body due to their calming properties. There are about 100 of them in tea.
  • The presence of minerals and trace elements copper, fluorine, magnesium, calcium and zinc start processes accelerating metabolism.
  • However, indicators vitamin C ascorbic acid are not too high, but great amount antioxidants make up for this deficiency.
  • Presence in rooibos polyphenols help tea acquire anti-inflammatory and antiviral qualities. It is this type of tea that includes in its composition the largest number of them, the efforts of its properties to strengthen the body's immunity.

Rooibos tea: 12 health benefits

Representatives of South African tribes have long discovered in a valuable drink the ability to rid themselves of many ailments. Including from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and colic in the abdomen of babies. But not only because of this, tea has become one of the most popular drinks among the European population. Rooibos is well recommended for:

  1. Cardiovascular health

    Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in tea, has been strongly linked to a wide range of heart disease. It is able to lower blood pressure, and being an antioxidant scavenges free radicals. It helps to improve the level of good (good) cholesterol and removes bad cholesterol from the body, providing additional protection to the heart and protecting it from diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.

  2. cosmetic effect

    Rooibos tea contains alpha hydroxy acids and zinc in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Alpha hydroxy acids have become very popular in cosmetic applications due to their ability to reduce wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Zinc has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Compresses on the skin from this tea are able to treat such ailments as acne, pimples, sunburn and other similar skin diseases. Minerals and especially essential oils of tea help it acquire excellent tonic and rejuvenating properties. Beauticians include tea in many facial skin care products.

  3. Help with hypertension

    Hypertension is a disease accompanied by an increase in blood and arterial pressure, which often leads to cardiovascular disorders, and sometimes to heart attacks. Rooibos tea is known for its anti-stress and nervous properties and lowers blood pressure. With such a disease as hypertension, associated with jumps in blood and arterial pressure, rooibos tea performs the function of strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

  4. In South Africa, rooibos tea is used as an effective treatment for allergies, eczema, hay fever, and allergic bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory qualities due to its phenolic acid content, which is why it is also prescribed for asthma and allergic reactions of various types throughout the body. Rooibos contains Quercetin, a powerful polyphenolic antioxidant that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Quarcetin-based preparations help to ease the body's response to pollen and other seasonal irritants.

  5. Help with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections

    Tea is distinguished by persistent mucolytic, expectorant action. It is drunk with acute manifestations of ARVI diseases and sore throats. It thins the phlegm in the lungs and helps to clear it out.

  6. Unique polyphenols Aspalathin is one of the rare antioxidants that are present in rooibos tea. It has a number of unique qualities that normalize blood sugar levels, improve insulin resistance, improve glucose uptake by muscles, and increase insulin secretion from the pancreas. All this is an excellent protection against type II diabetes mellitus, one of the most common at present.

  7. For depression and neurosis

    Tea can be drunk both during the day and at night. Moreover, in the morning it has an invigorating state, and in the evening it will help to calm down and put the nerves in order.

  8. Rejuvenating effect

    The antioxidants present in rooibos tea can slow down the aging process of the human body, as well as increase the resistance of the immune system. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body that damage the skin, hair, bones, and other organs of the body, making them vulnerable to disease and damage. Rooibos tea is one of the strongest drinks in terms of antioxidant content. It also reduces the effects of oxidative effects in the brain, which helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.

  9. Rooibos red tea is rich in calcium, manganese and fluorine. They provide invaluable support for bone tissue and strengthen teeth. The presence of calcium in tea helps to significantly reduce the possibility of diseases such as chronic arthritis, osteoporosis, relieve joint pain. The presence of manganese stimulates enzymes that affect bone growth and repair existing damage. About fluoride, everyone remembers when it comes to teeth. All mouthwashes and pastes contain fluoride. So, you can not only drink roubush tea, but also rinse your mouth with it. Your teeth will only say thank you. The presence of calcium in rooibos tea makes it a popular drink for those who lead an active lifestyle, and especially for athletes. It helps to maintain the balance of minerals in the body at an optimal level and for people involved in heavy physical labor.

  10. Digestive health.

    Rooibos tea is an excellent antispasmodic. It is able to reduce spasm and relieve pain in the abdomen. Due to the action of potassium ions, hyperactivity in the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders are prevented. It will also relieve the unpleasant symptoms of nausea, heartburn, and will have a mild effect on gastric motility.

  11. Does not contain caffeine

    Doctors recommend this tea to people suffering from insomnia. A cup of rooibos tea, drunk before bedtime, will help you relax and fall asleep peacefully. After all, caffeine addiction is the most common all over the world, but not many people are aware of this danger to themselves. In turn, tea will give strength and energy without caffeine influence.

  12. Newborn health

    Rooibos tea can be useful not only for adults, but also for children, even very young ones. African women have long used sweetened rooibos milk tea to relieve bloating in children and colic in toddlers.

  13. Help with urolithiasis

    The composition of tea does not contain oxalic acid and this makes it possible to use it in any quantity for people suffering from urolithiasis. Those suffering from stone kidney disease usually need to be selective in their choice of drinks such as tea. oxalic acid in many other teas increases existing stones. In turn, in rooibos tea, it is completely absent, and this makes it an exception. Tea can be successfully included in any therapeutic diet.

Rooibos tea: benefits in cosmetologists

  • after freezing tea in the form of ice cubes, it is recommended to wipe your face with them, replacing washing. This will help the face to acquire a healthy look;
  • cooled tea can also be used in the fight against dark circles around the eyes;
  • you can add tea to home-made masks, this will only enhance their effect;
  • you can also rinse your hair with infusion of tea, this will only help increase their growth and increase volume;
  • strongly brewed tea is also added to the water for taking a bath, this will help relax the muscles of the whole body;
  • tea can be used as an aid in sunburn, rubbing damaged areas with it.

Rooibos tea: how to brew

Originally from South Africa from representatives of indigenous tribes, tea does not require special ceremonies. Anyone can brew it. Tea leaves are poured with hot water, approximately at a temperature of about 85 degrees, let it brew for 5-6 minutes and the tea is ready. The local population of Africa, sometimes just boil it. It turns out that the longer tea raw materials are boiled, the more useful it becomes.

You can drink tea both hot and cold. You can simply prepare a "preparation" of tea, store it in the refrigerator, and, if necessary, add it to cocktails and other non-alcoholic drinks.

The taste of red rooibos will not be entirely clear to Europeans, as it has a woody, sweetish taste. It is recommended to start acquaintance with this type of tea in green varieties, they will be more understandable and familiar. In domestic stores, you can buy rooibos tea in combination with cinnamon, strawberries, or citrus fruits. More exotic varieties of tea are found with the addition of banana, coconut and almonds. Children are encouraged to give tea diluted by half milk.

To prepare rooibos tea, any dishes are used, with the exception of earthenware, it is believed that clay dishes can spoil the taste of the drink. Raw tea has a fairly dense texture. The drink looks attractive in a transparent glass container. To spice up, it is considered acceptable to add a small slice of fresh lemon or a little boiled milk to a cup of tea.

For connoisseurs of tea, rooibos is not some miracle curiosity today. You can buy it in any specialized store at an affordable price.

Rooibos tea: contraindications

Rooibos has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Discover a new fragrance.

What else is useful?

In Africa, rooibos tea is as popular as coffee in other countries. This ethnic African drink has a rich sweetish taste and a delicate woody-nutty aroma. To make it, you need the leaves of a shrub of the same name, which is found only on the Cape of Good Hope. This plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, has thin branches and needle-like soft leaves.

Rooibos tea: what is it, chemical composition and calorie content

In Europe, the drink appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, but quickly gained popularity. Since the plant grows best only in South Africa, this country has become a monopoly in its supply. The scale of exports is very impressive - up to about 6 thousand tons of raw materials are exported from the country to other continents. The crop is harvested only from two-year-old shrubs, cutting off the tops of the upper branches. The collected raw materials are transported to the factory and crushed.

The tea is made from the leaves, which, depending on processing, can remain greenish or take on a rich brick red hue.

  • In the first case, the leaves are simply steamed under high pressure, skipping the fermentation process. The taste of this tea is grassy, ​​and the color is light.
  • To make red rooibos, fermentation and drying in the sun is necessary. The finished drink acquires a brick-scarlet color and a rich sugary taste.

But in Africa they even like to sweeten it and dilute it with milk. Even the local African espresso is prepared from rooibos, which practically does not differ in appearance and characteristics from the coffee we are used to.

Locals say that a cup of such tea can be called a dietary supplement. But according to the results of research, the amount of vitamins and microelements is not so large as to cover human needs.

  • Nevertheless, rooibos contains a large amount of antioxidants - according to this parameter, it is several positions higher than green tea common in our country. These chemicals are able to bind and remove toxins in an inactive state, which has a positive effect on overall health.
  • Tea contains a decent amount of light monosaccharides, so the finished drink can be drunk without sweeteners. But this largely depends on the individual taste preferences of each person.
  • The calorie content of tea is low - only 16 kcal per 100 g of dry raw materials.

Few people know about the benefits and harms of rooibos tea. Meanwhile, this is a unique drink that affects the body in the most favorable way. Moreover, you can both drink it and use it for cosmetic purposes - you just need to know how to do it correctly.

Tea Features

Rooibos tea is obtained from a shrub that grows exclusively in South Africa. In Europe and America, its unusual taste was appreciated only in the 20th century. But he began to occupy a special place in the diet only after it became known about its beneficial properties. After all, he has a truly unique composition.

Tea after brewing may have a green or red color. It depends on how it is processed. In the first case, the leaves are steamed immediately after assembly. The taste is tender and grassy, ​​this type of rooibos is more valued.

To obtain red tea, the collected raw materials are subjected to a natural fermentation process. After that, it is dried in the fresh air. The taste of this drink is unusual, woody, slightly sweet. By the way, in Africa they prefer it.

It is worth noting that the quality of this tea does not depend on the leaves themselves, but on the raw materials used. After all, it is collected together with twigs and particles of bark.

The value of rooibos is due to its composition. It contains a lot of vitamins, primarily vitamin C, and minerals: calcium, sodium, potassium, copper and others. It cannot be said that tea is able to provide a person's need for nutrients. But it can help in maintaining the health of the body.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of rooibos, which distinguish it from other types of tea, are different.

  • It does not contain caffeine. This means that it can be strongly brewed and drunk even by those for whom caffeine is not recommended, such as pregnant women. Tea does not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system; a cup of drink drunk in the evening will not spoil sleep.
  • Despite the absence of caffeine, rooibos has a tonic effect. If you drink it in the morning, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day.
  • Tea contains flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect. They slow down the aging process.
  • Rooibos has a sweet taste due to glucose. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to people who are on a diet. It will help you to give up sweets.
  • Tea contains natural tetracycline, it is an antibiotic. It provides an antibacterial property, so that the drink helps with various infectious diseases. True, you need to know that it can accumulate in the body, which is why resistance to a number of tetracycline antibiotics is developed. Therefore, abuse is not recommended.

Due to its composition, rooibos has a minimum of contraindications. First of all, it is an individual intolerance. If any reaction was noticed while drinking the drink, for example, a rash appeared, then it is better to refuse it.

In chronic kidney or liver diseases, before introducing tea into the diet, you should consult a doctor. At the same time, many diseases are not contraindications. It does not contain oxalic acid, so it can be used for urolithiasis.

Due to the lack of caffeine, tea will not hurt with hypertension. Moreover, some compounds in it have a positive effect on blood circulation and lower blood pressure. Diabetes mellitus will not be a contraindication. Rooibos is useful in this disease, as it helps to normalize sugar levels.

It is important not to abuse the drink. Like other types of tea, it is able to retain water in the body, thereby provoking swelling.

The positive properties of rooibos make it possible to use it in a variety of cases. It can help with the following pathologies:

Rooibos has a well-balanced content of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it for those who constantly experience stress on the body: athletes, as well as people involved in hard work. Copper in the composition of the drink will help to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and calcium will support the health of bones and teeth.

How to brew

In addition to all the wonderful qualities of rooibos, it has one more feature - a healthy and tasty drink is easy to prepare. There is no need to conduct a whole ceremony, take water of a certain temperature, withstand a certain amount of time. The properties of the plant are not lost if you pour boiling water over it, you can brew as much as you need for the desired taste.

The easiest way to brew rooibos: pour a small heaping spoonful of boiling water over a glass and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. The longer it sits, the richer the color and flavor will be. You can drink it both hot and cold. It can be stored in the refrigerator without losing its beneficial qualities. It can be used in unusual cocktails.

It is best to buy rooibos in specialized tea shops. Only a quality product will delight you with taste and aroma.

Rooibos can be brewed like coffee. To do this, the raw material is ground using a coffee grinder. Then you need to bring the water to a boil, pour the powder into it and boil for several minutes. The drink will have crema, like an espresso. It is good cold as well. Then it is filtered, poured into a prepared container, and ice is added when used.

If the taste of pure tea is not very pleasant, it can be sweetened with sugar, or honey. Or choose a product with additives that will not reduce the benefits, but the drink will become more pleasant.

Use in cosmetology

Rooibos tea can be used for skin care. Vitamins and minerals, essential oils in its composition will help maintain youthful skin, tone it up, fight acne and red spots, and improve complexion.

Apply the tool in this way:

  • daily they wash themselves with tea or moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe their face;
  • freeze rooibos and rub the skin twice a day with such ice cubes;
  • make lotions for the eyes: this procedure removes dark circles and bags under the eyes, relieves swelling;
  • added to cosmetic masks: tea enhances their properties, the skin becomes fresher and softer, shallow wrinkles are smoothed out.

You can rinse your hair with rooibos infusion to speed up hair growth and add shine. A bath with this tea will help you relax and make your skin more elastic.

Rooibos tea is a wonderful drink that has unique properties. One or two cups in your daily diet will help to significantly improve the condition of the body.