Gravy with sour cream and tomato paste. How to cook and freeze tomato-sour cream sauce for cabbage rolls

Let's start preparing the sauce for cabbage rolls with onions. Initially, of course, it must be cleaned, and only then cut it. How to cut? Yes, whatever you like: half rings, cubes, quarter rings - as you imagine it in the sauce, cut it. I cut thin quarter rings. We throw onion into a hot pan and start frying. Do not forget to add vegetable oil there too. Do not make a big fire, the onion will only burn, and we need it to be fried evenly.

Well, while it is fried, peel the carrots. I like to rub it on a grater, which is smaller than beetroot and carrot. In this case, the carrot will completely disperse in the sauce (my youngest does not like it in a stew-boiled form).
Throw the carrots to the onion and continue to fry. Enough and two minutes.

Then comes the tomato paste. She also loves roasting, after which all the aromas and tastes are revealed. Another minute of frying, and add sour cream. I do not like to take fat sour cream, because I don’t need extra calories, and the taste with 15% sour cream will be about as good as with 30%.

Stir and heat vegetables with sour cream for a couple of minutes.
It's time to add seasonings and herbs. As you can see in the photo, I take a piece of hot red pepper (I choose seeds), but this is definitely not necessary. You can just season it with regular black pepper.

Add salt and herbs. I always use the traditional dill and parsley, and to give the sauce a little more sophisticated flavor, I always add cilantro. A little, about a tablespoon of finely chopped or, as in my case, all the greens were freshly frozen (I urgently use the last year's leftovers). So, I have 1 tablespoon of parsley, dill and cilantro.

It remains only to add water and bring the sauce to the consistency that you will like and taste. For me, the best option is 250-300 grams. Bring the cabbage sauce to a boil and simmer over very low heat for about 2 minutes. If you are going to fill them with ready-made cabbage rolls, then simmer for 5-7 minutes. If you fill them with cabbage rolls for stewing in the oven or in a saucepan, then a minute or two of languishing - and carefully pour the sauce onto tightly packed cabbage rolls and simmer until the latter are ready. After languishing, I throw out the chili pepper.

Sour cream-tomato sauce with garlic and herbs is suitable for meat or fish, for a side dish, and you can also season a salad with it. Preparing such a sauce is quite simple, literally in 10 minutes. You can add any greens you want - parsley, dill, green onions, basil. Garlic and fresh herbs can be chopped with a knife, or you can “twist” everything together with a blender. The finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, but it is better to cover the bowl with cling film - the sauce can absorb the smells of other products.


  • 150 ml sour cream
  • 1 st. l. tomato paste
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 5 sprigs of fresh herbs (parsley, basil)
  • 1/5 tsp red ground pepper


1. Pour sour cream of any fat content into a bowl, fatter sour cream is thicker. That is, if you want to get a more liquid sauce, then it is better to take sour cream with a minimum fat content or you will have to add a little water (broth).

2. Add tomato paste to the bowl. It can be replaced with tomato puree or mashed tomatoes.

3. Garlic cloves need to be peeled and chopped. You can skip the garlic through a special press or finely chop.

4. Wash and dry the greens, chop finely.

5. Send chopped greens in a bowl with sour cream. Grind all the ingredients with a blender to make the structure smoother and more uniform. You can just mix everything so that pieces of garlic and herbs come across in the sauce.

Sour cream sauce is a dressing that can be used with a wide variety of dishes, both vegetable and meat. In addition, if you cook from a low-fat product, then it will also come out quite dietary.

The easiest way to make sour cream sauce is according to the classic recipe. Rest assured, it will be the perfect accompaniment to just about anything you traditionally serve for dinner.

Required Ingredients:

200 g sour cream;
two tablespoons of flour;
spices to taste, salt.

Cooking process:

1. Place the indicated amount of flour in a frying pan heated over low heat and fry a little so that the color becomes ruddy.
2. Gently start adding sour cream, which you seasoned with spices in advance, and constantly stir the composition. It is even better to beat it with a whisk so that there are no lumps at all.
3. Cook the mixture for a couple of minutes over low heat until it thickens, remove and serve.

With garlic

Sour cream sauce with garlic is prepared as quickly as the classic version, but it comes out more spicy. It goes well with fish, chicken and various beer snacks.

Required Ingredients:

Fresh herbs and any seasonings of your choice;
garlic - a few cloves, proceed from your preferences;
about 200 grams of sour cream or as needed.

Cooking process:

1. Place sour cream in a deep container.
2. Add grated or crushed garlic and herbs there. The latter, of course, pre-cut finely.

In a similar sauce, it is good to use, for example, dill and green onions.

3. Put the selected spices, add salt and lightly beat the mass with a whisk or mixer. But it is better not to use a blender, otherwise the greens will practically cease to be felt.
4. Ready sauce can be slightly cooled and used for its intended purpose.

How to cook for meatballs

If you want to diversify the usual dish, then be sure to prepare sour cream sauce for meatballs.

Required Ingredients:

About two tablespoons of flour;
sour cream - a package weighing about 0.2 kg;
use any seasonings to enhance the taste;
150 milliliters of cream.

Cooking process:

1. Heat the pan well, but only on low heat, put the flour there and fry it a little until a ruddy color forms.
2. Combine the cream with sour cream, add seasonings and pour this mixture into the pan. Stir immediately, without ceasing, until the desired consistency.
3. Cook the composition for a couple more minutes without increasing the heat, then remove from the stove and pour over the finished meatballs.

Cream sauce for fish

Sour cream goes very well with almost all seafood, so why not make a sauce for fish? This dressing will give the dish a special tenderness and rich creamy taste.

Sauce Ingredients:

Any seasonings of your choice;
20 grams of flour;
about 400 gamma of sour cream, preferably not greasy;
about 30 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

1. Pour flour into a frying pan, which was previously heated over low heat.
2. Constantly stirring, bring it to a beautiful golden color and add butter so that the mass comes out with small lumps.
3. Pour sour cream. It is better to take it not greasy, otherwise the sauce will come out very thick.
4. Mix the dressing well until smooth, you can even use a whisk, and season with spices. Be sure to put salt, black pepper, and the rest is already optional.
5. We keep the composition on the stove for just another minute, so that it becomes thicker, and remove it from the stove.

For chicken

No less tasty is the sauce for chicken. It is suitable for serving already cooked meat, for baking and even for snacks, such as nuggets.

Required Ingredients:

A small bunch of fresh herbs and seasonings to your taste;
about 200 milliliters of milk and the same amount of sour cream;
2 - 3 cloves of garlic.

Cooking process:

1. We shift sour cream into any container, add greens to it, which must first be very finely chopped. Best suited for the sauce, parsley, dill and cilantro.
2. Mix everything well, put the garlic, passed through a press or just grated.
3. Sprinkle the dressing with spices. Be sure to add salt and ground pepper. Stir the mixture again until smooth.
4. If you are serving an appetizer or a ready-made chicken, then the sauce can be left as is.
5. In the case of baking, frying or stewing, pour warm milk into the resulting mixture and add the sauce to the dish.

With mushrooms

Required Ingredients:

One small onion;
about 250 grams of champignons or other mushrooms;
a glass of sour cream;
various spices and herbs to your liking.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the selected mushrooms into small slices. Chop the onion into small cubes and put the food in the pan.
2. Simmer the ingredients over medium heat until all the moisture has been removed from the mushrooms and they become more ruddy.
3. Mix the fried mushrooms with onions with sour cream, put finely chopped herbs and spices, salt and a mix of peppers to them.
4. First, mix everything well, and then beat a little in a blender so that the mass becomes more homogeneous and large pieces of mushrooms do not come across in it.

Tomato-sour cream sauce

Required Ingredients:

Two tablespoons of butter and the same amount of flour;
one small onion;
put spices as you wish;
a package of sour cream weighing 400 grams;
30 grams of tomato paste or tomato puree.

Cooking process:

1. We spread the flour on a heated pan, the fire level should be slightly below medium.
2. Lightly fry until it becomes golden brown, then add oil. Mix well, pour sour cream and constantly stir the sauce for another 6-8 minutes so that unpleasant lumps do not form.
3. Season the mixture with seasonings, you can also add a little crushed garlic.
4. Send the onion, chopped into cubes, to another pan. Fry it until golden brown, add tomato paste or puree and keep the food on fire for some more time.
5. Mix the sour cream mass with the tomato and continue to cook for about five more minutes. Now the sauce is ready!

Cooking with mustard

Another very light and gentle option for making sour cream sauce.

It is great for dressing vegetable salads and egg appetizers.

Required products:

One tablespoon of non-burning mustard;
seasonings to your taste;
1 tsp vinegar;
two tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil;
about 250 grams of sour cream.

Cooking process:

1. We place the indicated amount of the selected oil in the container, put a little mustard to it and mix well so that the components are evenly distributed and form a homogeneous mixture.
2. Gently introduce sour cream into it. Constantly stir the sauce, bringing to the desired state.
3. Pour a little vinegar, put spices, crush with salt and a mixture of peppers. Do not overdo it with the latter, as the mustard already gives some sharpness. You can also put a pinch of sugar in the sauce.
4. Knead the resulting dressing and use it to serve the selected dish.
As you can see from the proposed recipes, sour cream-based sauce is very easy to prepare. For it, only the simplest and most inexpensive products are used, the combination of which gives an interesting and rich taste. Do not be afraid to experiment, add other components to improve the result. Let your sour cream sauce "scatter" off the table first!

September 8, 2016

Sour cream sauce with tomato is one of the most popular derivatives of sour cream sauce. If preparing the main sour cream sauce is not a problem for you, then converting it into sour cream with tomato is a matter of a few minutes. It is enough to heat a couple of tablespoons of tomato puree or a spoonful of tomato paste to a boil, add to sour cream sauce, mix and boil for a couple of minutes. We will briefly show how this is done again.

Sour cream sauce with tomato is widely used in cooking to accompany minced meat, poultry, fish dishes, as well as to stew and bake vegetables in it, including stuffed dishes. Like the main sour cream sauce, it is prepared natural (on undiluted sour cream) or with dilution of sour cream with white sauce cooked on broth or vegetable broth, condensed with flour browned in butter. We give both recipes based on 500 grams of sauce.

Sour cream for the sauce can be taken with any fat content, according to your preferences, but preferably fresh, not too sour - there is less risk of flaking, although sour cream sauces rarely do without them

As a tomato component, which determines the peculiarity of the sauce compared to the main sour cream, tomato puree or tomato paste is used. Tomato paste is much thicker than tomato puree, so it is put into the sauce about half as much. If desired, the sauce can be given a spicy taste by adding ground red or black pepper.

  • Training: 5 minutes
  • Cooking: 20 minutes
  • Get: 500 gr

For natural sour cream sauce with tomato:

25-30 gr wheat flour

25 gr butter

For sour cream-tomato sauce with dilution of sour cream:

250 gr broth or broth

25-30 gr wheat flour

25 gr butter

50 gr tomato puree or 25 gr tomato paste

salt, sugar, ground red or black pepper to taste

Cooking natural sour cream sauce with tomato:

1 Put the sour cream in a saucepan of a suitable volume and bring to a boil over low heat.

2 In a frying pan, heat the butter and, with low heat with stirring, pass the sifted flour with butter - literally 1-2 minutes, until it acquires a light creamy shade and a pleasant aroma.

3 Add tomato puree or tomato paste, and with active stirring continue sauteing for another 7-10 minutes. Then cool a little and dilute the contents of the pan with hot sour cream.

4 Mix well, add salt, sugar, pepper to taste, and other ground spices recommended for the dish for which the sauce is prepared, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 3-5 minutes so that the flour disperses and thickens the sauce. If it was not possible to avoid flakes and lumps, then the sauce will have to be filtered through a sieve and brought to a boil again. Ready

Cooking sour cream-tomato sauce with dilution of sour cream:

1 Everything is almost exactly the same, only we replace half of the sour cream with broth or broth. We take meat or chicken broth. For fish dishes, you can take fish broth if it has a pleasant, not pungent smell. That's all you need.

2 Pass the flour in the same way with butter (we leave a little oil for sautéing the tomato), then cool it slightly and gradually add hot broth to the flour.

3 Grind the flour with the broth to make a "slurry" without lumps. Dilute it with the remaining broth and boil for a couple of minutes until it acquires a sauce consistency.

4 Bring the cream to a boil.

5 Combine with prepared white sauce.

6 We warm the tomato puree or paste with a little oil to eliminate the raw taste characteristic of tomato compositions.

7 We shift the browned tomato into the sauce, add salt, sugar, pepper to taste, mix.

8 Bring to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes, strain if necessary.

9 And again - done

The sauce is medium thick. If desired, the density of the sauce can be adjusted by adding more or less flour. The consistency of the sauce is pleasantly viscous, the taste harmoniously combines sour cream and tomato notes. If you want to enhance the flavor of the sauce, then it is not forbidden to use other spices, mixtures of herbs that are suitable for the dish for which the sauce is being prepared. Pepper can be added to the sauce of the desired spiciness.

If you serve sour cream and tomato sauce in a gravy boat, then it should be heated before filling. More often, the sauce is simply added to the plate to the main product.

Dishes stewed and baked in sour cream and tomato sauce are very appetizing. Usually, home cooks simplify cooking by simply adding tomato compounds and sour cream to the dish when stewing, but without adding sautéed flour, instead of sauce, you get a rare gravy, and with proper preparation, you will immediately feel and appreciate the difference

Here are our favorite dishes using sour cream sauce with tomato - homemade cabbage rolls.

Stuffed peppers, zucchini or eggplant.

Almost all baked vegetable dishes turn out very tasty in it. Recommended

  1. Take a large frying pan, heat it up, and then mix and soften the butter and flour. They need to be mixed well, and then lightly fried.
  2. Gradually pour the fish broth (water) into the same pan, but we need to stir vigorously, otherwise we will not avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Add sour cream and again carefully mix everything right in the pan. We need to get a homogeneous mass and avoid burning.
  4. Add tomato paste to the sauce and you can immediately salt and add the rest of the spices. Also, if you have canned tomatoes at home, you can beat them in a blender and use in place of tomato paste. It will turn out even tastier. After all, a natural product.
  5. Stir regularly and keep in the pan for about 3-4 more minutes. You can then add the wig and mix again. Ready!

That's all. Our special creamy tomato sauce is ready for your meal. The family will definitely appreciate the innovation. In addition, it goes well with fish cabbage rolls. And so, it can be attributed not only to fish, but also to meat second courses!

The good thing about the sauce is that its taste can be adjusted by adding various spices. We recommend trying different options so you can see what you like best. For example, you can add dried basil. Or freshly ground pepper. And a mixture of herbs is also very good in this sauce.