Original ideas for crafts and figures made from salt dough with photos. Salt dough applique

Dough modeling is a fun way to spend time with children. After all, they not only sculpt, but also cook: they can experiment with the flour mixture in the process of measuring and mixing ingredients, and then observe the metamorphoses that occur with the finished product when temperatures change during the drying process.

In addition, crafts made from salt dough are harmless to children, they do not contain allergens and can be safely tasted.

Figures made from homemade flour mixture are harder and preserve better than plasticine.

Basic play dough recipe

Before making modeling dough, you need to imagine what kind of products will be made, whether the dough needs to be painted, how long the modeling will take, and what drying mode will be chosen.

The basic recipe for craft dough consists of one part salt and two parts wheat flour to which 2 tsp citric acid is added. for 1 cup salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The amount of water added during kneading should be equal to the amount of salt.

Dough preparation method

The dough is prepared in the following order:

  • Mix flour with salt and citric acid and pour this mixture into a saucepan;
  • Place the pan over moderate heat and gradually add water, stirring constantly, until the dough comes away from the pan and can be rolled into a ball.
  • Remove from heat and knead the dough with your hands.

Food coloring or gouache must be diluted in water, which is added before kneading the dough.

During operation, depending on the required consistency, the salt-flour mixture can be further diluted with water or oil, or flour can be added for hardness.

It is better to prepare the dough in small portions if possible, right before starting to model, and store it only in a tightly closed container or cling film.

Drying salt dough crafts

In order for handmade salt dough crafts to retain their shape and not break or crack, you need to choose the correct drying mode. You can simply leave the figures to dry naturally in the air, or you can place them in the oven.

There are two different methods for oven drying. The first is to preheat the oven, then turn it off and place the figures in the heated space. You can also bake the products at 100 degrees, making sure that there is no burning.

A master class on making dough crafts involves, first of all, experimenting with the material: the composition of the dough and its drying mode, so failures in this process are inevitable.

Helpful advice: When starting sculpting with children, you need to set them up so that the first success, after many not entirely aesthetic attempts, becomes a real miracle for them.

It is better to start with simple and uniform shapes, such as round beads of various colors and sizes. You can use them to make garlands to decorate your room.

Then you can master more complex silhouettes - stars, hearts, and three-dimensional figures - New Year's snowflakes, Christmas trees, Easter eggs with patterns, egg coasters, chickens.

You can time the production of figurines to coincide with the holidays, or choose more neutral motifs for all occasions, making souvenirs and gifts in the form of stylized horseshoes, suns, stars, airplanes and funny faces.

During modeling, you can use special molds for modeling and baking, and other things, according to the prompting of your imagination: garlic crush - for making thin ropes from dough, bottle caps - for cutting out circles, plastic toy parts - for making prints, almost everything Whatever you have on hand, from toothpicks to toy car wheels, can become a tool for modeling dough.


It is easy to make holes in the salt dough, both decorative and for hanging on threads. Holes on flat figures retain their shape when dry.

But when making more voluminous parts, such as spherical balls, in order to create a hole for the thread, you need to pierce the figure with a toothpick or other sharp instrument made of wood or plastic and do not remove it until the product dries.

Helpful tip: To glue the dough elements, just wet the individual sections and place them next to each other.

You can make garlands, keychains, medals and pendants from voluminous and flat figures. You can fashion chests and cups for storing jewelry, small treasures and pencils.

Volumetric figurines of animals

Three-dimensional figurines of animals are especially popular among children; they can be made in accordance with popular step-by-step instructions, which are intended for plasticine and clay crafts.


You can sculpt from dough without dyes, then paint the finished figurine and, after drying, coat it with varnish.

You can also cut out various figures: having made a model of them from cardboard, place it on a smooth dough previously rolled out with a rolling pin and carefully cut out along the edges. Then you can paint the figurine, add the necessary texture - roughness, strokes, make eyes, a nose or decorations from beads.

A wonderful homemade gift could be a photo frame or a unique candlestick.

Making panels that combine elements of mosaic, applique and modeling can captivate both children and adults. For the little ones, simple drawings are suitable: you first need to draw a silhouette on parchment, then carefully fill it with dough along the lines.

You can also conceive and implement more complex ideas using beads, mosaics of cereals, dried flowers, etc.


Photos of dough crafts

Testoplasty is a new exciting type of needlework that involves creating a wide variety of paintings from salt dough. If earlier this type of needlework was intended to develop fine motor skills in children, today it is a full-fledged form of art. Adult handicraftsmen create entire paintings from this material.

Why has dough modeling become so popular? There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. It is not expensive. If any other handicraft, be it embroidery, knitting or drawing, requires the purchase of high-quality tools and materials, then for this handicraft you only need flour and salt;
  2. It doesn't require any special skills. It is not at all necessary to graduate from an art history department or a sculpture school to create masterpieces;
  3. It develops. Modeling promotes the development of thinking, imagination, and the ability to compose a composition;
  4. This improves spatial thinking. With the help of modeling you can learn to convey shapes, proportions and colors.

Modeling dough has been popular for a long time. The history of this handicraft goes deep into history. Even with the advent of the first flour (about 6,000 years ago), people began to sculpt various figures from ready-made dough, and later they became the first amulets, along with herbs and stones.

Very often, for a skillfully molded amulet or figurine, people received the equilibrium price in gold.

Today such paintings are very popular among craftswomen and needlewomen. They usually consist of a canvas (sheet of cardboard, canvas, etc.) on which various pictures are sculpted. They are not flat, but voluminous due to the texture of the material. Products are painted or varnished to subsequently decorate interiors. Testoplasty is a full-fledged art form that you should definitely try!

Preparing salted dough for modeling is very simple. All that is needed is:

  • flour – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 0.2 kg;
  • water – 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

If you need to immediately get a multi-colored product, then you need to add a dye that dissolves in water to this recipe.

There are two methods of kneading. Both of them are good and are chosen according to personal preference:

  1. Salt is mixed with flour until smooth (fluffed with a blender if desired), and then water is gradually added to this mixture. The dye is water soluble;
  2. Salt and dye are dissolved in water, and then flour is gradually introduced into it.

The resulting mass must be mixed vigorously. First, the dough must be brought to a state in which it will not stick to your hands, and then beaten on a wooden or iron surface. If it starts to crumble, then you need to add water, and if it sticks to your hands, add flour. After kneading, it is very advisable to keep the finished material in a bag in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. And after that you can start sculpting.

A simple DIY painting “Cat” made from salt dough

This work is done on a wooden background or on a cutting board. Transferring the drawing is not required, so the work is performed based on the sketch.

You will need:

  • background or board;
  • watercolor and gouache paints;
  • paint brushes;
  • salty dough;
  • PVA glue";
  • clear varnish;

Master class with step-by-step photos:

How to make a picture with flowers from salt dough

“Daisies in a vase” is the name of this painting, and it is done quite simply.

You will need:

  • cling film or cellophane;
  • salty dough;
  • cardboard sheet or wooden strip for background;
  • matter (optional) for background;
  • toothpick;
  • brush;
  • nail scissors;
  • water.

Step by step process with photos:

  1. The salt dough is prepared according to the standard recipe and is divided into three parts: one larger one for the flowers, the second for the base for the flowers and the third for the vase. Cling film or cellophane is spread over a wooden background;
  2. A vase is formed from a piece of dough. It can be whatever the needlewoman wants. Here it is formed from 3 parts: the base is made from a large piece (it is rolled out and shaped like a vase), the stand and handle are made from two smaller pieces;
  3. Using a knife, a design was made on the vase;
  4. Next, flowers are made;
  5. An oval is rolled out from the second part and placed on top of the vase - flowers will be attached to it;
  6. A small piece of dough is rolled into a slightly flat ball;
  7. It is “cut” into petals with nail scissors;
  8. Then, using your thumb and index finger, the “square” petal is slightly compressed and shaped. These steps must be repeated with each petal;
  9. The result is voluminous petals;
  10. Using a toothpick, veins are made on the petals;
  11. The place where the flower should be located is slightly moistened with water and the flower is placed there. It needs to be pressed down lightly using the back of the brush;
  12. Roll a small piece of dough into a ball - this will be the core of the flower;
  13. The core also needs to be slightly pressed down;
  14. And lightly prick the petals at the junction with the base with the sharp end of a toothpick so that they connect;
  15. Repeat this procedure with all the flowers;
  16. Once the painting is ready, it must be left to air dry until completely hardened;
  17. As soon as the dough dries, turn the picture over with the dough facing down onto a soft surface and carefully peel off the film;
  18. The background is covered with coarse fabric (burlap, linen) on both sides;
  19. Spread the back surface of the work (i.e. dough) with glue. It is best to take "Dragon". And, without lifting the product, attach it to the fabric. Those. the lubricated surface itself sticks to the fabric;
  20. Then the work is painted or varnished as desired;
  21. After the paint has dried, you can attach a frame to the background.

How to make a picture with a salt dough basket

The painting is done on a large sheet of parchment paper - it comes off easier after drying, without spoiling the painting itself. You can also use cling film or do the work on a ready-made background.


  • ingredients for the dough or ready-made salt dough;
  • parchment paper – 1 sheet;
  • sharp knife or stacks;
  • garlic press;
  • paper basket and leaves template;
  • paints and brushes;
  • water for wetting;
  • cloves – 3-4 pcs.

Master class on creating a painting with your own hands:

Some useful tips for needlewomen:

Cooking with salt dough is fun. You can involve children of all ages in this activity and it will become not only entertaining, but also useful!

Another tutorial on making flowers from salt dough is in the following video.

Salt dough applique. Master class “Water lily” with your own hands

Age: 3 years

Head: Oksana Vitalievna Anisimova, mother.

This master class is intended for educators and parents.

I would like to offer you a fascinating applique that you can make on summer weekends with your child. You'll like it.

Look at the river, mom.

You see, mom, there in the shadows

So many little panama hats!

I wonder whose they are?

And mom said:

That flower over there

among green thickets

It's called a water lily!

Materials to complete the work:

· Gouache 3 colors (pink, yellow, green)

· Molds (butterfly, petal)

· Rolling pin and plank

· Cardboard template for water lily leaf


1. First of all, dilute the gouache with water in a glass. The amount of water depends on how much dough you need for a given color. Then mix salt and flour in equal proportions

2. Divide the resulting mixture of flour and salt into three parts. The parts are also divided depending on how much dough of a given color you need. Fill the mixture with diluted gouache.

3. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

5. Having drawn up the sheet, we begin to roll out the pink dough for the water lily petals

6. Place the finished petals on our green leaf

7. After the petals, we begin to decorate the core of the flower with yellow dough

8. Final stage: decorate the butterfly on the flower. Here you can imagine for the child himself. Give him the opportunity to decorate it the way he wants. We made the butterfly itself with an applique mold

Application using salt dough

It is believed that people began making dough crafts immediately after obtaining flour from grain. Applications using salt dough are attractive, bright, unusual, and can decorate the interior.

In children's creativity, this version of arts and crafts is very interesting and entertaining. Like plasticine, dough modeling develops creativity and imagination. The dough is easy to prepare at home; it can be easily washed off hands, clothes, and the table. Absolutely safe if accidentally ingested.

Preparing the dough

  • You need to mix two tablespoons of salt, three tablespoons of flour and about 10 ml of water.
  • Knead the dough until it comes off your hands well. If it sticks, add a little more flour. You can also add PVA glue. Then the dough will be less brittle when dried.

Application "Red Cat"

Children aged 4 are able to complete all the proposed crafts themselves. will be able to make this application with a little help from parents.

Take half a landscape sheet. It is advisable that the paper be thick. Otherwise, it will be greatly deformed and get wet. Draw an oval (the body and head of the cat) on the sheet with a pencil, leaving space around the edges. At the bottom there will be a little more, our cat’s tail will be there.

First, let's mix the colors. Combine yellow and red gouache to make orange. Let your child “find” the desired color himself. As a rule, children love such transformations: “Yellow and red became friends and orange turned out.”

Now we outline the oval with orange paint. The baby won’t do it very smoothly, and that means our cat will be fluffy. Paint the oval in the middle.

Roll two large balls for the muzzle, two small ones for the eyes, and one for the nose. A long sausage for the tongue. Apply PVA glue one by one to those places on the muzzle where the dough pieces will be attached. The baby presses the balls of dough with his finger, flattening them, and getting a nose, eyes, and tongue.

Then mix white and red paint for the nose. “Red and white became friends and it turned out pink.” We color the nose pink, the tongue red, the muzzle and eyes white.

Then we take either beads or black pepper. Press into the eyes.
Roll large balls of dough for the ears. We glue them with PVA glue and sharpen the ends at the top already at work. We roll four large balls for the paws and glue them too.

We supplement the image of the cat with details: whiskers, claws, etc.

We admire it!

Material for the lesson.


Sculpting is incredibly interesting! In the drawing, the world looks flat, but the sculptural work is multidimensional and - what is especially remarkable - multifunctional. What can you do with the finished drawing? Hang on the wall and admire. And with a well-made, say, plasticine craft, you can play… Each new work is a new toy, especially pleasing to the baby because it was made with his own hands.

What you might need


If your baby is 1.5-2 years old, it’s time to start sculpting with plasticine!

The first thing you need to do after purchasing it is to arrange a “presentation” of the material. Even if you are not able to “sculpt” a hare or a bear (which is not difficult in principle), depict something simpler: a snake (a long sausage), an airplane (two sausages criss-crossed) or a snowman (three balls on top of each other). The main thing is that the child understands the purpose of plasticine.

Most likely, the baby will start by tearing off small pieces and sticking them somewhere. (An activity extremely useful for developing fine motor skills). Direct this activity in a peaceful direction - give him a piece of colored cardboard for this purpose. The result will be a plasticine “relief” - most likely abstract, but perhaps you will be able to see some kind of image in it. In any case, you will have in your hands your baby’s first “volumetric” work, which can already be saved and put on public display. Praise, choose a prominent place on the shelf and solemnly install the “masterpiece” there. In the future, the “gallery” will be replenished, and the skills will be improved.

  • easy to cut with plastic modeling stack;
  • quickly warm up in your hands and become soft;
  • do not crumble, but also do not smudge, do not melt in your hands;
  • roll between your palms and on any surface without sticking to it;
  • With the help of a plastic stack, it can be easily removed from any surface without leaving stains
  • one piece of plasticine should easily mold to another and hold well afterwards;
  • easy to stick to paper, cardboard, wood;
  • stay in the open air for a long time without changing your qualities;
  • Easy to wash off hands with warm water.

Therefore, when purchasing plasticine for the first time, buy the smallest set. If you are lucky enough to find something described above, this material will bring your child a lot of joy. (In Russia, for example, such plasticine is produced by the Yaroslavl Luch plant). If the brand you choose meets all the requirements, you can purchase kits that contain the maximum range of colors and always include a stack - a knife for cutting and processing the material.

The disposable mass, which is molded using special molds, is completely unsuitable for small children. Often, expensive plasticine that does not stick to your hands turns out to be only suitable for rolling balls - even making two balls together turns out to be impossible - the plasticine does not stick not only to your hands, but does not stick to anything at all. Plasticine, laid out in separate containers (by color), sometimes dries out quickly, leaving you without its original jar.

Salty dough

With the smallest children (up to a year) it is good to start with salt dough. The material is pleasant to the touch, warm, soft, completely harmless from an environmental and allergen point of view. If you manage to knead the dough correctly, the possibilities become almost unlimited.

There are a lot of recipes for salt dough - the one that works best for us is: 1 part salt - 2 parts flour - 1-2 tablespoons of dry wallpaper glue (you can add another tablespoon of vegetable oil), mix and add water little by little so that the dough is stiff, not It stuck to your hands and didn’t crumble.

Advantages of salt dough over:

  • can be prepared at any time without spending extra money;
  • easy to clean and leaves no traces;
  • safe if it gets into the mouth (if you don’t add glue) - usually, after tasting the dough once, the child no longer tries to put it in his mouth - it’s tasteless!!!
  • it molds wonderfully and doesn’t stick to your hands (if it’s mixed correctly);
  • You can dry it in the oven, or you can dry it without it - just in the air;
  • any paint sticks, and the possibilities for painting are almost unlimited;
  • It’s good to varnish over the paint - it will last for centuries...
  • You can play with the finished “product” - without fear that it will lose its shape.


  • the figures may become deformed when drying - especially if the dough is not steep enough - plasticine retains its shape;
  • crafts are fragile - they often break and break;
  • dough is a disposable material, good plasticine can be used as much as you like;
  • The dough has a shorter shelf life (although when placed in a plastic bag, it will keep for quite a long time in the refrigerator).

Valeria Belotserkovskaya, [email protected], teacher of the history of fine arts, aesthetic education and artistic creativity.


20.01.2006 15:54:14, Alena Frolova-Vasnetsova

My son is 3 years old, he started sculpting when he was 10 months old - I sculpted a basket, and he “rolled” the testicles, initially it was difficult for a child to roll a ball, it turned out to be sausages :) almost the entire carpet was in these testicles. But it was the three-dimensional figures that aroused my son’s interest in sculpting. I immediately noticed a leap in the child’s speech development. Now Serge is 3 years old - he draws wonderfully, and in graphic editors too, he sculpts quite well, but the most important thing is that he has acquired a large vocabulary and thinks logically!

20.01.2006 15:54:10, Alena Frolova-Vasnetsova

my daughter is one year old. We are just getting ready to sculpt. I hide a Kinder toy in a piece of clay, and she looks for it.

01/17/2006 21:27:05, Natasha Shchigaleva

My Nastena really likes to squeeze out molds. and then play with them: a little man on a car and BI-BI! But we somehow didn’t think of this idea about the relief.

Lena and I combine modeling and geography classes. We create all kinds of “pictures” from plasticine. Here are some of them: 1) relief - we put mountains, sea, lake, hill, bay, strait, island, etc. on a piece of cardboard;
2) continents - the principle is the same, but I cut out the outlines of the continent from cardboard;
3)underwater world;
4) volcano (active)
There are other ideas that have not yet been implemented:
- starry sky with constellations;
- rainbow;
- natural areas - mountains, tundra, desert, etc.

05.11.2002 13:29:39, Violetta Plastinina

Comment on the article "Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough"

Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough. We will sculpt from plasticine! Modeling for a 2 year old. Tell me how to teach a child to sculpt from plasticine.

Register. About gifts for teachers. Take twenty. pressure 60 to 20. hotels in turkey belek 5 stars. plasticine applications on paper.

About plasticine.. Toys and games. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development About plasticine. Most people sculpt from play do? Or I'm wrong?

Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough. Multi-colored, soft, warm and even a little tasty plasticine or modern dough I can’t always sculpt all the heroes of a fairy tale; toys and pictures, puzzles come to the rescue.

I suggest making paper leaves for appliques and crafts. Required. only album sheet and gouache. Cut out and color.

How to develop a child. How to sculpt from plasticine and salt dough with a child from 1 to 2 years old. With December everything is clear, we usually prepare for the New Year :) So there were crafts in class. For example: you can endlessly Prepare for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough.

We make plasticine at home. You can always find a way to replace regular colorful plasticine, which, by the way, is not very environmentally friendly, and is not very suitable for small children who want to appreciate everything. Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough.

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Look at other discussions: Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough. Salty dough. With the smallest children (up to a year) it is good to start with salt dough. But it was the three-dimensional figures that aroused my son’s interest in sculpting.

How to sculpt from plasticine and salt dough with a child from 1 to 2 years old. Who remembers the recipe for salt dough? I want to. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and Getting ready for modeling and appliqué: plasticine and salt dough.