Canned fish Ustkamchatryba stew from Pacific salmon fish. Canned stew natural from salmon fish What is prepared from canned fish

Canned natural fish "Ragout" from Far Eastern salmon fish species. Produced by LLC "Ustkamchatryba" Kamchatka-Russia, according to GOST 7452-97

Pacific salmon family.

This family includes pink salmon (capable of changing color depending on the reservoir), Salmon, Ketu, found in Primorye, one of the most “demanded” salmon species. You can also note such little-known fish of the family as Sockeye salmon, which in its shape resembles Ketu, Sima (6 kg of live weight), Chinook salmon, which is one of the largest fish (61 kg). What it is?

Drawing an analogy with the vegetable dish of the same name, canned natural stew made from Pacific salmon fish, this is such a combined mixture of pieces of the back of the heads, kaltychki. With the addition of tail and small pieces of salmon fish meat. In some cases, pectoral fins are added. The meat is bright red, with a pleasant aroma, juicy, soft and tasty. Basically, such canned food is used for making soups.


Natural canned stews are produced without heat treatment of raw materials, and the addition of salmon fat or vegetable oil, the prepared so-called fish "soup set" of Pacific salmon fish, is placed in cans, spices (salt, pepper, bay leaf) are also put there and sent for seaming . By the way, the raw materials used for canned food should be of the first grade according to regulatory documents.

It can be noted that almost all canned stews are produced with or without a ring, three lines must be stamped on the surface of the can, the date of manufacture, the expiration date, and the marking with the serial number. Canned stews are marked according to GOST 32156 with the letter "K".

canned stew recipe

It is not for nothing that Pacific salmon stew is called a delicacy soup set, this is because it makes an excellent soup with rice, potatoes, carrots and onions.

First you need to put a pot of water on the fire, and while the water boils, you can chop the carrots and onions, and when the water boils, throw them in there and reduce the heat, wait 5 minutes until the potatoes are peeled and cut. After that, rinse a glass of rice well and also into a common cauldron. After 10 minutes, check the potatoes, if ready, then you can send canned food. The soup is rich but not greasy.

Order canned "Ragout" on the page

From canned fish stew, my mother used to cook light soups, a kind of ear in childhood) And now, when I want a light first course, I do not miss the opportunity to cook fish soup from canned food) I caught the eye of a stew from a Kamchatka manufacturer, the price seemed expensive, but I decided to take a chance and buy. Imagine my surprise when I saw fatty pieces of fish in the jar. It cannot be compared with canned pink salmon either in appearance or in taste. Relatives of the older generation all unanimously say that the taste is like in Soviet times, according to the information on the label, the canned food is produced in accordance with GOST 32156-2013. Shelf life 2 years, jar with key for easy opening.

The manufacturer promises a jar of fish heads, the fish itself and salt. The inscription "natural stew" means that the canned food is made without the addition of oil. But in the jar, the brine (or whatever you can call this slurry :)) is quite fat. Pieces of a pleasant bright (compared again with pink salmon) color, well, based on the date of production (summer months), you understand that this product is most likely produced at sea during fishing from fresh fish. It must be understood that the stew suggests that there will be a minimum of fish pieces, mostly trimmings, but the quality of what you see and try leaves a good impression. And out of almost a dozen cans, heads were not found in any of them, fortunately) Well, judging by the color, either sockeye salmon or coho was used. The jar is "stuffed" with fish quite tightly.

I have not seen this product on store shelves in our city, I have to take it in joint purchases. The price is now 90 rubles per jar. According to the organizer, most of the stew is exported to Japan. I don’t know how true the information is, but knowing how the Japanese love to buy our seafood, and the fact that this canned food was not found on store shelves, this seems to be true.

Well, a photo of the soup. Light, transparent, men are unlikely to appreciate this) It’s very good to chop half a clove of garlic into hot soup, greens would be on top, but in the absence of black ground pepper)

Enjoy your meal!

from Far Eastern salmon fish

GOST 10981-97

684400 Kamchatka Territory,
Ust-Kamchatsk, st. Komsomolskaya - 1

Ingredients: heads, fish, salt

Grades on a five-point scale:

  • external appearance of content - 4
  • jar full - 5
  • smell - 4
  • taste sensations - 4.5
Canning news:

"...Rospatent deprived the protection of the trademark "Cod Liver", the rights to which belonged to the state..."
Well, now to the point:

An interesting jar came across to us today. Fish stew - we have not even seen anything like this before, and even canned food, and even from salmon fish ... Very original. The address of the manufacturer was especially encouraging: so far we have not come across bad canned food from the Far East, but, looking ahead, we will say that today's test only confirmed this rule.
Outside, this jar turned out to have only one drawback, quite funny: the label was pasted upside down, that is, if you look at the position of the label, then the opening lid with the ring is at the bottom. Well, we are not picky people in this regard, we don’t lower our rating for this. Inside the jar, the first thing that catches your eye is excellent stuffing. The contents are crammed under the lid, there is almost no accompanying liquid. Accuracy, however, the pieces of fish do not differ, they look like rags:

Moreover, bones (well-boiled), fins and pieces of heads come across (which, however, is reported on the label). If these canned food were simply called fish, then they would never get more than 3 for their appearance. But the name "Ragout" changes everything. In a stew, the fish can look like anything, and in this case, it would not be fair to make claims about the appearance. Nevertheless, we did not raise our hand more than 4-ki. The smell seemed strange to us. For some reason, he reminded me of the smell of crab meat, and the Second Expert suspected that the fish had been left a little in a warm place before the canning process. A certain strange shade is certainly present, but in general the impression is still rather positive. I immediately liked the taste very much, and the Second said that he had not tasted it, smacked his lips for a long time, twisted his nose and rolled his eyes, but, in the end, he agreed. Undoubtedly, this is a very tasty fish stew, great for cooking first and second courses, as well as salads (it is recommended to remove large bones and pieces of heads, fortunately there are not many of them), and for consumption in its pure form. True, we would not recommend the latter option for gala dinners. Undisguised ragged pieces can scare impressionable guests.

Pacific salmon is a source of delicious, healthy pink meat. To preserve the properties of wild fish, salmon stew is made at the fishing site. It includes juicy pieces from the back of the heads and tail zones. You can buy salmon stew with bright red, fragrant and soft meat in a convenient jar with a euro lock. Tightly packed pieces in fish broth is a delicious, ready-to-eat product.

What is prepared from canned fish?

Salmon stew is the perfect option for a first course: just add rice, potatoes and carrots with onions to a jar of canned salmon and a simple but very tasty soup is ready! The product is unpretentious in terms of storage conditions, so practical housewives often keep several jars in reserve, and thanks to the conveniently opened lid, canned food is indispensable on trips to cook fish soup and on trips to the country.

Why buy salmon stew?

  • Wild salmon, when preserved, retains most of its beneficial properties.
  • Natural product without harmful additives and preservatives.
  • Contains valuable trace elements, vitamins and Omega-3 acids.

Finely chop the onion. In a heavy bottomed saucepan, add 4 tbsp. l. oil, put the onion and fry over very low heat, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with paprika and immediately remove from heat. Set aside.

Cut off the crusts from the bread, cut the crumb into cubes with a side of 1 cm. Heat 3–4 tbsp in a small frying pan. l. oil, put whole peeled garlic cloves and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes. Take out the garlic, put it in a mortar. Place the bread cubes in the buttered skillet, fry until golden brown, stirring occasionally, 2 minutes. Take out the bread, put it on the garlic, set the pan aside.

Chop the parsley. Mash the garlic and bread with a pestle, add the parsley and mash again.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large slices. Pour the broth into a saucepan, add thyme and oregano, bring to a boil, put the potatoes, cook over medium heat until tender, 15-20 minutes. Transfer the potatoes with a slotted spoon to the pot with the onions. Increase the heat under the broth to maximum, reduce by 2/3.

Pour the broth and wine into the pot with the onion and paprika. Close the lid and put on a minimum fire. In the meantime, cut the salmon fillet into strips 5 cm wide (fillets are usually 3 cm high). Heat the skillet where the garlic and bread were fried, quickly fry the fish over high heat in portions so that the pieces inside remain raw, for 20 seconds. from each side.