What strength moonshine is best to infuse in an oak barrel. Recipe for moonshine tincture in an oak barrel

The technology for the production of elite alcoholic beverages involves aging alcohol for a long time in an oak barrel so that the liquid filled with useful substances contained in wood.

The properties of wood are such that oxygen from the air easily penetrates into the middle of the container, enriching the drink located there. But there is no way back for alcohol vapor.

Small-capacity oak barrels used at home from 2 to 50 liters. At the same time, the alcohol matures faster, becoming saturated with the taste and aromatic properties that oak wood imparts to the drink.

The contact of each liter in a two-liter keg with the surface of the container is 400 sq. cm, and with a container volume of 50 liters, the contact area is only 152 sq. cm. Therefore, for your own consumption it is better to purchase oak barrels up to 10 liters.

An oak barrel for moonshine must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal capacity for home needs – 2-50 liters;
  • container has been produced made of split oak wood along the grain. The price of the product directly depends on the growth of the tree. For example, wood from Serbia is quite expensive, but barrels made from oak grown in Russia, Slovenia, western Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Hungary are relatively cheap;
  • it is desirable that the inner surface is burned by fire not below average. The treatment helps release the aromas from the cheap wood. At the same time, medium roasting is characterized by the smell of vanilla, coconut, almond, caramel, which is suitable for converting moonshine from an oak barrel into, brandy. Strong firing releases aromas suitable for Calvados. The drink is saturated with the smell and taste of chocolate, cocoa, and the smoky aroma of prunes appears;
  • do not do it purchase products with inserted metal tap. If there is a leak at the point where it is connected, the entire drink can flow out in a fairly short time. If there is no other choice, it is recommended to remove the tap altogether by plugging the hole with a wooden gag;
  • better to choose waxed products. If you purchased an untreated oak barrel, you should carefully lubricate it with wax yourself. Wax does not prevent the wood from “breathing”, while at the same time protecting the product from damage;
  • the hoops on the barrel should fit tightly. The material is galvanized iron or stainless steel, since the environment in which the container is used is characterized by high humidity. If the hoops are loose, you need to carefully tap them around the circumference with a hammer, avoiding bending.

It is practically impossible to make an oak barrel with your own hands, since it requires special training, skill and work experience. It is necessary to take the purchase of a container seriously so that the wooden product lasts as long as possible.

What is the angels' share and how can I reduce it?

When aging moonshine in an oak barrel, natural evaporation of liquid. The amount of loss is 1 liter per year, regardless of the container volume. Therefore, it is undesirable to store alcohol in small containers for a long time: in 2 years the drink will completely disappear from a two-liter keg.

The evaporating volume was called angels' shares, each alcohol manufacturer tries to reduce this share without compromising the quality of the drink:

  • cracks are sealed with natural oils and paint;
  • the outer part of the oak barrel is treated with wax;
  • Moonshine should not be kept in a barrel for long. As soon as the drink acquires the desired qualities ( cognac color, softness, pleasant aroma), it is recommended to pour the liquid into glass bottles. Further infusion and storage of moonshine occurs in another container.

The strength of the drink depends on the storage conditions:

  1. at high humidity (65-75%), moonshine becomes less strong, but the proportion of angels also decreases;
  2. if alcohol is stored at room temperature (20-25 °C), then its maturation occurs faster, the strength increases, but natural evaporation is also higher.

Preparing a new barrel

A new product is not suitable for immediately filling it with moonshine. Should carry out pre-treatment keg to reduce tannin content.

Preparing an oak barrel for moonshine includes several mandatory operations:

  1. Soaking product allows you to detect and correct defects in the barrel. In addition, components that are unnecessary for infusing alcoholic raw materials (tannins, dyes, tart substances) pass into the water.
  2. Steaming, in addition to waxed containers, helps clean the container from harmful bacteria that can harm homemade alcohol.
  3. Drying The finished product ensures long-term use of oak containers to obtain a tasty alcoholic drink.

Oak containers should first be soaked every day, filling the container to the top with water and leaving it in the barrel for a day. Then it is recommended to extend the infusion period of the aqueous content to 2-5 days. After half a month, the water infused in the container should be absolutely transparent, colorless and have no foreign odor.

The second stage begins with steaming the inside of the barrel with boiling water (preferably steam). The container is filled halfway with boiling water with the addition of baking soda, the amount of which is approximately 10% of the volume of liquid.

The inner walls are thoroughly washed with a hot soda solution by rolling the barrel on the ground on its side. Then you need to rinse off the soda solution with hot water.

The oak product is washed several times with clean warm or cold water. Storage conditions for containers must meet the following characteristics:

  • air humidity about 75%;
  • absence of drafts and direct sunlight;
  • temperature range from 10 to 15°C.

How to use the secondary container?

How to prepare an oak barrel for infusing moonshine when reusing:

  • it is necessary to rinse the container several times with clean, cool water;
  • roll the barrel on its side, filling it halfway with boiling water;
  • remove the remaining cream of tartar with a hot solution of soda (2%);
  • Rinse the product thoroughly to remove soda residue several times;
  • After storing red wine in a container, it is advisable to treat its inner surface with a 2% solution of bleach. Then rinse the wooden surface with boiling water and treat with steam;
  • rinse again with cold water and leave to dry outside in direct sunlight.

If the treatment does not help get rid of the sour musty smell, you should burn the inside and wash the container in the same way as for a new product. The use of secondary containers is preferable for infusing moonshine. Barrels after Sherry enjoy special authority.

A properly prepared oak barrel can last for several years, providing homemade alcohol with the unique aroma of noble drinks.

Professional winemakers know how ordinary moonshine in a barrel turns into a noble drink. The reason is the chemical and physical processes that occur during aging of alcohols.

Physical processes occurring during refining in a barrel:

1. Extraction. Various substances pass from the wood of the barrel into alcohol: acids, protein and nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannids, lignin. In addition, wood contains minerals such as potassium and sodium. All these components create an alcohol extract. To make the extraction process more active, you need to increase the storage temperature and lower the pH of the distillate. Once in solution, all of the listed substances begin to enter into I'm waiting for myself in chemical reactions. So, the drink is purchased at oak barrel color, taste and aroma.

2. Evaporation. Any high-quality barrel has pores, crevices and other microscopic holes. Volatile substances evaporate through them, leaving less volatile ones. Alcohol evaporates easily, so as a result of evaporation, the strength of the drink decreases. Important The main factor is the humidity in the storage. Interestingly, at 70% humidity, alcohol and water evaporate at the same rate. The drink decreases in volume, but retains the same strength. If the humidity is above 70%, the alcohol evaporates faster than water, and the strength decreases. At humidity below 70% the reverse process occurs.

3. Absorption. An oak barrel not only enriches alcohol with useful substances, it is not only responsible for evaporation, it also absorbs alcohol. The intensity of this process depends on the porosity of the wood, storage temperature, volume, ethanol concentration and air speed (ventilation, drafts, etc.). There are two more important characteristics that affect absorption - the viscosity of the distillate and the pressure inside the barrel. Pressure is formed in a tightly closed container due to thermal expansion. And viscosity increases over time as a result of extraction. The higher the pressure, the more alcohol is absorbed by the wood; the higher the viscosity, the less absorption.

Chemical processes in barrels for aging alcohol

1. Redox reactions. Oxygen penetrates inside through chimneys, joints and rivets. Part of it, dissolving, forms peroxides. Both oxygen and peroxides are unevenly distributed throughout the distillate. Their maximum concentration is formed in the upper layers, the minimum – in the lower ones. The longer the infusion in the barrel lasts, the more peroxides accumulate in the drink. Redox reactions are accelerated by catalysts. In alcohol it is copper and iron. These elements precipitate and accumulate over time on the inner walls of the barrel.
2. Formation of aldehydes. Under the influence of oxygen, not only peroxides are formed. This gas combines with all alcohols, turning them into aldehydes. Another source of aldehydes are amino acids, which undergo oxidation and decarboxylation. In addition, lignin that enters the drink through extraction, under the influence of acids and alcohol, breaks down into substances that can be oxidized. As a result, aromatic aldehydes such as vanillin and syringaldehyde are formed. This is how the bouquet of the future drink is formed, which it is no coincidence that experts placed it in an oak barrel.
3. Hydrolysis to monosaccharides. The hemicelluloses contained in oak wood have a huge impact on the taste of the drink. Under the influence of acids and as a result of other factors, they undergo hydrolysis. Monosaccharides are formed that give the alcohol softness: glucose, arabinose, xylose, xylan, galactan. At the first stage of aging in a barrel, xylose and arabinose predominate, and in 10-15-year-old alcohol, levulose and glucose predominate.
4. Tannins. In the first 3-4 years, due to tannins, the drink acquires a rough taste, but becomes rich and beautifully colored. With longer aging, tannins oxidize. The alcohol becomes “soft”.
In other words, after a few years of infusion, moonshine in a barrel completely loses its original properties and turns into an alcohol extract infused with oak wood. Every year the drink becomes more and more expensive. After all, it not only evaporates, but also takes up barrels, for the storage of which you have to pay

Barrels for aging alcohol

New or used? In different countries, barrels are used according to different principles. For example, in America, whiskey is aged exclusively in new barrels. In Ireland and Scotland, whiskey is made from bourbon, sherry, port, etc. barrels.

Different in shape: in Spain, narrow elongated barrels similar to cigars are highly valued. It is in them that port wines are traditionally aged in Oporto, Portugal.

Different in size: for each type of noble drink, a barrel of a specific size is used. In particular, 6 types of barrels are used in the production of Scotch whiskey. The largest is called “butt”, its volume is about 500 liters (110 gallons). The smallest is the "octave" at 45-68 l (10 gallons).

Only real masters can create oak barrels, whose work is highly valued. Oak wood is difficult to process. In addition to skills, you need to be patient. For example, each stave is kept outdoors for 5 years. The cooper determines its readiness by taste.

To refine the moonshine and give the alcohol a rich taste and rich color, you will need oak barrels. Aging grain and fruit distillates in oak barrels has a very positive effect on alcohol. The barrel breathes, oxygen enters through the pores of the wood, saturating the drink with unique aromas and making it an elite alcohol.

If you become the owner of a new oak barrel, then know that you cannot immediately pour wine or distillate into it. First, the barrel must be properly prepared, otherwise you risk spoiling the drink. Aged alcohol will have a sharp, unpleasant taste, tart. Distillers call this drink “plintusovka” or “Buratinovka”.

How to choose a good oak barrel? For infusing wine, moonshine or cognac at home, small oak barrels with a volume of 2–10 liters are suitable. The smaller the container, the faster the aging process will take place; the oak will quickly saturate the distillate with tannins. If you plan to infuse moonshine in an oak barrel for a long time, then it is better to buy a container with a volume of 10-50 liters.

But remember, when the drink matures, a small part of the alcohol evaporates. About 1 liter of drink evaporates per year. The so-called “Angels' Share”. And it doesn’t matter whether the barrel is 5 liters or 50 liters. That is, what we get is that if you pour 10 liters of moonshine into a barrel, then after about 10 years you risk being left without homemade cognac. A loss of 5-10% of alcohols over the course of a year is considered normal.

To reduce the “share of angels”, you need to purchase waxed barrels, or wax them during preparation. Waxing protects oak wood from various external influences, as a result the barrel lasts longer. The wax does not affect the ripening process, gas exchange is good, and the aesthetic appearance is much better. This applies to small volumes of 3-20 liters. There is no point in waxing larger containers.

For barrels of 10 liters or more, it is not recommended to install a drain valve. The tap is the weak point of the barrel; too often it breaks and leaks. If you still decide to use a faucet, then it is better to use it made of stainless steel. Good barrels for wine and distillate are made from split oak, from high-quality wood that has been dried for at least 3 years in the open air.

The older the oak, the better the quality of the harvest. An oak barrel must be fired from the nutria; such firing promotes better transfer of tannins to wine, cognac or whiskey. Hoops should be made of galvanized steel, or, at best, stainless steel.

Preparing a new barrel

The process of preparing an oak barrel for aging moonshine, cognac or whiskey is divided into several stages. The most important thing is to reduce the concentration of tannins in oak - tannins, which in large quantities spoil the taste of the distillate.

  1. Fill the new barrel 90% with clean water, preferably spring or filtered. Use water at room temperature. Close the filler hole and leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. Carefully inspect the barrel from all sides for leaks. Small leaks are not critical; when the oak staves get wet, the leak will stop. Drain the liquid.
  3. Fill it again to the top with water, close the hole and leave it in the room at room temperature; if there is a leak, put it in the bathroom and periodically add water until the leak goes away. After 2-3 days, pour out the liquid, it should be dark brown, pour a new batch.
  4. Drain the water after a day, pour in boiling water at the rate of 1 part water per 10 parts volume, close it and, rocking the barrel in different directions, rinse the entire inside of it. Wait 30-40 minutes, top up with water and plug with a stopper.
  5. After a day or two, drain the water and fill it with new water. And continue soaking until the drained liquid is clear, odorless and tasteless. Soaking usually takes 1 month.
  6. After soaking, fill half the volume with hot water at a temperature of 70-80° mixed with soda (20 grams per 1 liter of water), shake the barrel thoroughly for 10 minutes. Drain the water.
  7. After this, you need to rinse from soda water, fill the barrel to the top with hot water, wait for 15 - 20 minutes, drain. Pour in clean cold water, let stand for 10-12 hours and drain.
  8. Pour good moonshine into a soaked barrel after fractional distillation with a strength of 20-30° with the addition of wine, you can also use wine and keep it for 2-3 months. Do not pour low-quality distillate into the barrel for soaking, especially the heads, you will ruin the barrel!
  9. Drain the alcohol mixture, rinse the barrel and you can pour your distillate, moonshine, future cognac, whiskey, bourbon or wine without fear that the drink will spoil. During aging, periodically check the taste of the alcohol and remember the angels’ share, top up the barrel with distillate so that the top staves do not dry out.

How to store an empty barrel

There is a time when oak containers are idle and in order for them to retain their qualities, it is necessary to properly store the empty barrel. To avoid re-preparing the barrel after aging moonshine, cognac or wine, you need to fill it a quarter full with clean water and shake it thoroughly to thoroughly rinse the inside of the barrel. Drain and repeat this procedure 3-4 times.

Then rinse the barrel with hot water and baking soda as indicated above during preparation. Rinse with cold water. Allow to dry and wrap in a cloth, put in a dark, dry, cool place with good ventilation. If the product has not been used for a long time, then the wooden vessel should be fumigated with sulfur, which will kill harmful microorganisms and fungi.

How long to infuse homemade alcohol in barrels

Proper preparation of an oak barrel for moonshine or cognac does not mean that the aging process can be left unattended. Drinks should be kept in a cool, ventilated area with moderate humidity, and there should be no heat sources nearby.

The infusion time for the distillate largely depends on the volume of the wooden container, the amount of the drink, and its strength. The timing is affected by ambient temperature and humidity. There are other minor nuances. In a dry place, the strength of the product increases significantly and can rise from 55° to 75°, and when keeping the drink in a damp place, the strength drops from 50° and can reach 40°. In both cases, the total volume of content is reduced.

Don’t forget about the “Angel’s Share” and sometimes top up the contents. Once a month (if the oak barrel is 5-10 liters), taste it, taste the infused moonshine, it’s better to hold it a little longer than to hold the distillate too long.

Approximate maturation times for grain and fruit distillates in a 5 liter oak barrel at room temperature: (bourbon) becomes completely ready for consumption in 3-4 months, whiskey takes approximately 6 to 10 months, Calvados will be ready in 4-6 months.

How long will one barrel last?

After each use of a wooden container, it is necessary to increase the ripening period. The process of releasing valuable substances into the drink slows down. After just three cycles you can feel the difference. Therefore, it is recommended to use barrels for moonshine for 6-7 aging periods. It all depends on the container, the thickness of the riveting and the holding time. If we take 7 cycles of 6 months, we will end up with 3.5 years. These are approximate figures, you can increase the time and use the barrel as a storage container for more than one year, because repeated use will not affect the strength of the product in any way.

Oak barrels have been used for storing alcoholic beverages since ancient times. World experience is also widely used by moonshiners, who note that if you follow the technology of the recipe for tincture of moonshine in an oak barrel, the final drink acquires noble taste and aromatic qualities. To get the desired result and improve the quality of the drink, you need to start by preparing the oak container itself.

Let's consider the main stages of preparing a barrel for use:

  1. Steam treatment. The inside of the barrel walls must be thoroughly steamed. This is done, firstly, for hygiene purposes (to remove bacteria). And, secondly, steam treatment makes it possible to enhance the smell of wood. After completing the process, the barrel must be thoroughly dried.
  2. Eliminate defective areas. If an oak barrel was purchased from a specialized store, most likely there will be no gaps in it. And if you have to work with an already used barrel, you need to do a check - pour plain water. If there are places where it leaks, you need to dry the defective area thoroughly using a hairdryer. If the gap is large, it needs to be sealed.
  3. Soaking. This process takes several weeks. It is necessary to fill the barrel one third with boiling water, close it tightly and keep it there for an hour, constantly shaking the container. Then add more water and change it every day for two weeks.

Consider the recipe for moonshine in an oak barrel

The result will be unusual, because the moonshine will turn into brandy, whiskey, Calvados or cognac - everything will depend on the raw materials from which the moonshine was obtained. This is the main property of an oak barrel - it imparts color, aroma and taste to moonshine, which enhances homemade alcohol. You can use any at your discretion. This drink is pleasant to drink both in its pure form and to use in.

You need to prepare:

  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 3 tbsp. oak bark;
  • 50 g charcoal;
  • 6 pcs. dried apricots.

To produce coal, wood without resin must be used. First, take coal and grind it into powder. Pour the moonshine into the barrel, add all the other ingredients and close tightly.
For complete confidence in the quality of the finished drink, it is best to use alcohol prepared independently, and for this you need (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand). Choosing one is often difficult, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with it before purchasing.

Oak barrels should only be stored in a dark room, subject to obligatory temperature conditions – from 14 to 20 degrees. It is also important that there are no extraneous strong odors in the basement or other dark place chosen for storage. The humidity level must also be maintained; it should not be less than 75%. To increase the importance, you can simply place a basin of water next to the barrel. Remember that storing moonshine in oak barrels requires strict adherence to all these rules.

How not to get a "plinth". How to properly use a aging barrel. What drinks are best to infuse in a new barrel and other important questions about aging moonshine in an oak barrel.

Secrets of aging home distillate

When it comes to aging distillate in an oak barrel, time, microclimate, and how the barrel is prepared are important.

The age of the barrel also matters; a fresh barrel contains a large amount of substances that will be shared with the drink. Let's look at the life of an oak barrel in the long term. New barrels are recommended first for bourbon, which is historically aged in new charred barrels.

After several agings of bourbon, it’s time for whiskey or Calvados (according to technology, manufacturers use barrels after bourbon). Cognac occupies a separate place, or rather a separate barrel, which will be only his. After cognac or cognac, or only Calvados, in the absence of it, any fruit distillate. The main recommendation is to try the drink periodically (every few weeks), this will allow you to understand what transformations it undergoes as it matures and you can stop the process when the result suits your taste.

If, when using the barrel for the first time during one of the tests, it turns out that the taste is too oaky, we take action. The barrel is not sufficiently aged with alcohol-containing liquid, it will take another month or even two. What to do with the distillate? In case of minimal oakiness, the distillate can be returned to the barrel after additional preparation; do not forget to take a sample. It happens that there is too much tannin, and the taste is not just oaky, but completely wooden, it’s also not a problem, we distill the distillate without selection and repeat the aging process.

In the unlikely event that the barrel has aged in your lifetime, it no longer “ennobles” the original drink. It will be enough to add properly prepared oak chips, bars or wood chips to the barrel.

The result of aging is influenced by many circumstances: temperature, air humidity in the room where the barrel is stored, aging time. About the conditions in which barrels will be comfortable during aging. It is not at all necessary that it will be a basement or cellar, the conditions themselves are important. The barrels should be placed on wooden pallets, laid out in a pyramid - convenient and no less beautiful. Air humidity varies between 70-80%, there should be no drafts, the light is not bright - rather twilight, the temperature range is 10-16°C.

The key to success, of course, is a barrel prepared according to the rules and compliance with operating conditions. Paired with the perfect distillate, you can easily get an authentic drink. Those who don't take risks are unlikely to try their own whiskey.