Material from the encyclopedia of Nizhny Novgorod.

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia since December 2011. Previously First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia (2008-2011), Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia and Assistant to President Vladimir Putin (2004-2008). He came to work in the administration of the head of state in 1999, even under the first president, Boris Yeltsin. He was involved in a number of major political projects, including organizing the electoral blocs "Unity" (1999) and "Motherland" (2003), and also oversaw the party building of "United Russia" (2003) and "Fair Russia" (2006).

Vladislav Yurievich Surkov was born on September 21, 1964 in the village of Solntsevo, Lipetsk Region. According to other sources, Surkov (Aslambek Dudayev) was born in 1962 in the village of Duba-Yurt in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic.

In 1983-1985, Surkov served in the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU). From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, Surkov led a number of organizations and enterprises of non-state forms of ownership. In 1987, he headed the advertising department of the Center for Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Programs (TsMNTP) created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky - the Youth Initiative Fund under the Frunze District Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1996, Surkov served as head of the customer service department and head of the advertising department at the Association of Credit and Financial Enterprises "MENATEP", later - the bank "MENATEP", headed by Khodorkovsky.

In 1996-1997, Surkov was appointed deputy head, and then head of the PR Department of CJSC Rosprom. In February 1997, Surkov left for Alfa-Bank, headed by Mikhail Fridman, where he became the first deputy chairman of the bank's board.

In 1998-1999, Surkov served as First Deputy General Director, Director of Public Relations at Public Russian Television OJSC. The media published data that businessman Boris Berezovsky invited Surkov to ORT.

In the late 1990s, Surkov graduated from the International University and received a master's degree in economics.

In early 1999, still under Boris Yeltsin, Surkov first became assistant to the head of the presidential administration of Russia, and in August - deputy head of the administration. The media subsequently suggested that Surkov's arrival in the Kremlin was made possible by his connections with Berezovsky, but the possibility that Fridman or Alfa Bank president Pyotr Aven recommended him was not ruled out.

In March 2004, Surkov was appointed deputy head of the administration - assistant to the president. In this position, Surkov provided organizational, information and analytical support for the president's activities on domestic policy, as well as federal and interethnic relations.

In September 2004, Surkov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt (TNP). In February 2006, Surkov left this post, according to the order of Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov.

Among the political projects in which Surkov took an active part and which were aimed at strengthening the position of President Vladimir Putin, the media called the creation of youth movements "Walking Together" (2000) and "Ours" (2005), as well as the Rodina electoral bloc ( 2003). Surkov was considered one of the main founders and ideologists of the "party of power" United Russia, which won the parliamentary elections in December 2003. In addition, in 2006, Surkov, according to a number of media outlets, played a leading role in organizing the unification of the Rodina party, the Russian Pensioners' Party and the Russian Party of Life, whose alliance called "Fair Russia" competed with "United Russia" as the second " party in power."

In May 2008, after the official inauguration of the new President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, Surkov was appointed First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

In December 2011, President Medvedev appointed Surkov Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of modernization, releasing him from his post in the presidential administration.

In May 2012, after Putin was elected president of Russia and Medvedev was appointed head of government, Surkov retained the post of deputy prime minister and, in addition, headed the apparatus of the Russian government.

Surkov is married for the second time to Natalia Dubovitskaya. It was reported that Surkov had two children from this marriage. The first wife of the official was Yulia Vishnevskaya, from this marriage Surkov has a son, Tema.

Material from the DOSSIER


He was born on September 21, 1964 (the version about the birth of 1962 is not true) in the district hospital of the village. Shawls of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic; Until 1969, he bore the name Aslambek (Glory). Mother - Surkova Zinaida Antonovna came to the village of Duba-Yurt in the Shalinsky district in 1959 by distribution after graduating from the Lipetsk Pedagogical Institute to work in the Duba-Yurt school. I met Surkov's father, Dudayev Andarbek (Yuri) Danilbekovich, a Chechen from the Zandarky teip, who also worked as a teacher at the school (Aslambek Aslakhanov studied at the Oak-Yurt school and was their student). V. Surkov's grandfather Danilbek Dudayev - lawyer, lawyer, graduated from the Rostov Law Institute; he has four sons: Albek, Andarbek (Yuri), Ruslan and Sultan. In 1967, the family of Andarbek Dudayev moved to Grozny, to the Berezka microdistrict of oil workers, on Pugacheva Street. A.Dudaev left for Leningrad to enter the Leningrad Military School and never returned to his wife and son. In 1969, Z. Surkova-Dudaeva, together with her son Aslambek-Vladislav, moved to the city of Skopin, Ryazan Region, where she remarried.

V. Surkov studied in Skopin at the eight-year (incomplete secondary) school No. 62 (now No. 5) and secondary school No. 1; Graduated with honors from the eighth year. In 1982 he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS), from where he was taken to military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR (he served in 1983-85); MISIS did not graduate. He also studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture as a director, but did not graduate from the institute. In the late 90s he graduated from the International University (Gavriil Popova). Master of Economic Sciences.

At MISIS, he met Mikhail Fridman, with whom he studied on the same course, and with journalist Vladimir Solovyov, who was a year older. He worked as a turner, the head of an amateur theatrical group, worked as a translator. For some time he was unemployed. In 1988 he worked as an administrator for customer relations of the youth cooperative "Kamelopart". Then he worked at Menatep for Mikhail Khodorkovsky (beginning - allegedly as a bodyguard - MN, No. 6, 2004).

He headed the Metapress market communications agency (in fact, a division of Menatep).

In 1992 he was President of the Russian Association of Advertisers, since October 1992 - Vice President of the Association.

From January to May 1992 he was a member of the board of MFO "MENATEP".

From May to September 1992 - head of the advertising department of MFO "MENATEP".

From September to December 1992 - head of the department for work with clients of AKIB NTP "MENATEP".

From December 1992 to March 1994 - Deputy Head of the Client Relations Department, Head of the Advertising Department of MENATEP Bank.

From March 1994 to April 1996 - Deputy Head of the Public Relations Service of the Bank MENATEP.

He was an assistant on a voluntary basis to State Duma deputy Mikhail Lapshin, chairman of the Agrarian Party of Russia (Kommersant, September 28, 2005).

From March 1996 to February 1997 - Vice President, Head of the Department for Relations with Government Organizations of CJSC Rosprom.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Bank Menatep.

He tried to get a block of shares in the holding from M. Khodorkovsky ("They say ... that Surkov wished to become a partner of the owner of Menatep - Rosprom. To enter into a small, but - a share ..." - MN, No. 6, 2004). Not getting what he wanted, he moved from Rosprom to Alfa-Bank.

Since February 1997 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank M. Fridman.

From March 1997 to January 1998 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank OJSC.

On January 23, 1998, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of CJSC (since February 1998 - OJSC) Public Russian Television (ORT) for public relations and the media.

On April 2, 1998, he was approved as a member of the Open Supervisory Board at ORT OJSC. On May 20, 1998, at the first meeting of the council, he was elected executive secretary of the ONS of ORT OJSC.

He was a board member of the Mortgage Lending Association (AIK).

Since April 1999 - First Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Union of Public Unions, established by 14 organizations (the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises, the Unions of Architects and Journalists, NAUFOR, etc.).

Since 1999 - advisor to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (head of administration - Alexander Voloshin). Since August 3, 1999 - A. Voloshin's deputy. According to the job description, as deputy head of the Presidential Administration, he prepares proposals for the president on domestic policy issues; organizes the interaction of the administration with the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the CEC of Russia, political parties and movements, public and religious associations, trade unions; coordinates the activities of presidential plenipotentiaries in the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Constitutional Court. Coordinates interaction with the media; carries out operational management of the Main Department of Internal Policy of the President.

On August 27, 1999, the Segodnya newspaper wrote that Surkov lobbied for the adoption of a law on the disposal of nuclear waste in Russia; in September 1999, Surkov denied his involvement in lobbying for this law.

November 14, 1999 was appointed a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter political extremism in the Russian Federation.

On January 18, 2000, during the election of the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he led the actions of the Unity faction. At the end of March 2000, he held a closed briefing, at which he called Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky "presumptuous" and the most scandalous "oligarchs", ("Today", 03/30/2000), which was understood as the intention of the administration to put an end not only to the oppositionist Gusinsky, but until that time Berezovsky, loyal to Putin.

After the inauguration in May 2000 of President Vladimir Putin, on June 3, 2000 he was again appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (with the same duties).

In January 2001, as a guest, he attended the inauguration of the head of the administration of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Roman Abramovich.

Since February 2001 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Military Fund.

In March 2001, he became the head of the jury of a competition of creative works to develop the concept and design of the website of President Vladimir Putin.

In July 2002, Surkov was entrusted with the leadership of the department for work with compatriots abroad, created within the framework of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In November 2002, Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov became chairman of the supreme council of the United Russia party, which sharply weakened the position of Alexander Bespalov, chairman of the general council and the central executive committee of the party. The authorship of the "operation to overthrow Bespalov" in the Kremlin lobby was attributed personally to Surkov ("Kommersant Vlast", November 25, 2002). In February 2003, Bespalov lost his party post.

On October 30, 2003, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, replacing the resigned A. Voloshin. V. Surkov retained the post of deputy and the scope of powers. In April 2004, President Putin reorganized the Presidential Administration. D. Medvedev remained the head of the administration, the head of the administration had only 2 deputies - Igor Sechin and V. Surkov.

Since August 2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt (TNP), September 8, 2004 was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt.

After the appointment in November 2005 of Sergei Sobyanin as the new head of the Presidential Administration, V. Surkov retained the post of deputy head of the Presidential Administration and the scope of his powers.

In February 2006, he left the post of chairman of the board of directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt (Kommersant, 02/13/2006). the main role in the development of democracy to the parties as the "vanguard of civil society" and set the task for United Russia "not just to win in 2007, but to think about it and do everything to ensure the dominance of the party for at least 10-15 years to come ".

Since May 2006 - Member of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

In June 2006, he proposed the term "sovereign democracy" (previously used in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda by his protege Vasily Yakemenko), contrasting it with "managed democracy" - a political regime controlled, in his opinion, from the outside (Surkov V.Yu. Our Russian the model of democracy is called "sovereign democracy". / website of the party "United Russia", 06/28/2006). In July 2006, First Deputy Prime Minister D. Medvedev, in an interview with Expert magazine, criticized Surkov's terminology, calling Surkov's term "far from ideal" ("... this suggests that, after all, we are talking about some kind of other, non-traditional democracy" - "Expert", 24.07.2006. - No. 28 (522).

On August 16, 2006, information appeared in the media about a meeting between Surkov and representatives of the Russian Party of LIFE (RPZH) Sergei Mironov, which took place on March 24, 2006, but which was not previously reported. "Society does not have a second leg that can be stepped on when the first has gone numb. Russia needs a second major party," Surkov's speech was quoted. (Vedomosti, August 16, 2006).

On August 30, 2006, Surkov said: "If we do not create our own public ideology, a national ideology acceptable to the majority of citizens, then they will not reckon with us. Why talk with the dumb ... A sovereign state in the context of globalization: democracy and national identity." (RIA Novosti, August 30, 2006)

In the summer of 2006, Elena Lukyanova, a professor at Moscow State University and a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Vadim Prokhorov, a lawyer, asked the Prosecutor General to verify Surkov's compliance with the law "On State Civil Service" in connection with his public statement: "We supported, support and will continue to support United Russia." The applicants considered that that these actions fall under Article 286 of the Criminal Code "abuse of power", but the prosecutor's office considered that the appeal "does not contain sufficient data pointing to signs of a crime, and therefore there are no grounds for initiating a criminal case" (Kommersant, 17). October 2006)

In November 2006, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky wrote that Surkov's position in the Kremlin was allegedly seriously weakened. According to Belkovsky, in the spring of 2006, Surkov, together with Igor Sechin, unsuccessfully got involved in the struggle for a change of leadership in the Transneft company, which they lost. ("From that moment, the formal Kremlin curator of domestic politics began systemic troubles. He was deprived of control over state television - this function was transferred to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Alexei Gromov. Then Putin gave the green light to the creation of a second "party of power" - "Fair Russia", against which Surkov, who hates Sergei Mironov, tried to object. As a result, it became clear that Surkov was playing against the project approved by Putin, that there was a categorical violation of the Kremlin's ethics").

On November 20, 2006, Surkov's article "Nationalization of the Future" was published in the "Expert" magazine.

On February 8, 2007, he spoke at MGIMO at a conference dedicated to the anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt. He listed the facts of the political biography of Roosevelt, each of which resembled a similar fact from the life of Putin. According to Surkov, in the United States during the Great Depression, GDP "has almost halved," just like in Russia during the reform years of the 1990s. Roosevelt "came to power when the press and finances were almost completely controlled by irresponsible oligarchic groups who believed that democracy exists only for them." Finally, Roosevelt considered his opponents "financial monopolies, speculative capital, runaway banking businessmen" who seek to "seize control of the government." That is why he proclaimed that "democracy is justice for all", that "freedom from fear and want is no less important than freedom of speech and freedom of religion". (Kommersant, February 9, 2007) In January 2008, the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Sobyanin, went on vacation during the presidential election campaign (he headed Dmitry Medvedev's campaign headquarters). Position Acting Until May 2008, the head of the Administration was occupied by V. Surkov. On April 27, 2008, the publishing house "Europe" and the Effective Policy Foundation (FEP) held a presentation of Surkov's book "Texts 97-07", which included his public speeches and interviews.

In the Administration of President Dmitry Medvedev, in May 2008, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Administration (Head - Sergey Naryshkin). January 16, 2009 "United Russia" held a closed meeting with regional activists, dedicated to the party's actions during the crisis period. Surkov called the crisis unprecedented and stressed that "extraordinary measures" would be required to overcome it. In particular, he called for the use of street actions to support the "correct decisions of the government." (Kommersant, January 19, 2009)

On June 19, 2009, he visited the Youth Chamber at the Parliament of Bashkiria, where he answered, in particular, questions that included the expressions "attacks on the region", "pressure on the Bashkir constitution", "totalitarian regime", "return to direct elections of heads of subjects". "You guys have been well prepared," Surkov remarked. "If you want to teach the Russian Federation about democracy on the example of Bashkortostan, I guarantee you that this will not meet with a rush of interest." However, speaking to the activists of the Bashkir regional branch of United Russia, Surkov called the President of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov one of the best regional leaders in the country, and thus, according to the Komersant newspaper, "the tension that arose after Rakhimov's interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets, in which he allowed himself harsh remarks about the federal authorities and United Russia." - "Kommersant", June 20, 2009).

In July 2009 he was appointed coordinator of the Russian-American Commission on Civil Society. Well-known Russian human rights activists in an open appeal to Medvedev and Obama asked to reconsider this decision (“many negative tendencies in the development of democracy in Russia are associated with the name of Vladislav Surkov”). Appeal initiated by scientific director Center for Social Research Evgeny Gontmakher, signed by 22 human rights activists.

In December 2011, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister (the post of first deputy head of the Presidential Administration passed to Vyacheslav Volodin). In the new cabinet of Dmitry Medvedev, he was appointed in May 2012 as Deputy Chairman of the Government - Chief of Staff. On May 8, 2013, President Putin signed a decree on the dismissal of Vladislav Surkov from the post of Deputy Prime Minister - head of the government apparatus with the wording "of his own free will." The decree was preceded by a printed skirmish between Surkov and Vladimir Markin, a representative of the Investigative Committee, about the Skolkovo Foundation. Despite the official "voluntary" resignation, its real reason, apparently, was Surkov's loss of President Putin's confidence in connection with the investigation of the Investigative Committee of the suspiciously large Skolkovo fees to the opposition deputy and one of the leaders of the "bog rallies" Ilya Ponomarev, who are "solid" Putinists - Surkov's ill-wishers are inclined to interpret it as covert financing of the anti-Putin opposition at the expense of the state by the president of the foundation, Vmktor Vekselberg, with the connivance of Deputy Prime Minister Surkov, and possibly Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev himself.

A family

Married with a second marriage; wife Dubovitskaya Natalya Vasilievna - former deputy general director for public relations of JSC "Group of Industrial Enterprises RCP"; controls a number of large starch plants (in particular, Novlyansky Starch and Syrup Plant OJSC and Ibredkrakhmalpatoka OJSC); previously worked as a secretary at Menatep.

The first wife, Yulia Vishnevskaya (nee Lukoyanova), is a doll collector and organizer of the doll museum, general director of Art-Service LLP, a former economic observer for Radio Liberty (1994-95).

The son of Yu. Vishnevskaya, adopted by Surkov, Artem Surkov graduated from school in England and the philological faculty of Moscow State University; two children in the second marriage.

V. Surkov has a half sister Elena (daughter of his mother and stepfather) and two twin nephews; live in Moscow. There is also a cousin in Skopin, who at one time was married to the sister of the writer Zakhar Prilepin.

Reference: Father.

For neighbors, Yuri Dudayev is a military pensioner who received an apartment from the Ministry of Defense in the late 1980s, buried his son Ruslan, sent his daughter Olga for permanent residence abroad and quietly lives in an apartment on the top floor with his wife Mira.

The fact that Dudayev is also the father of the former Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov, who is still called the gray eminence of the Kremlin, no one here guesses. Actually, Yuri Danilbekovich himself does not cover this. Even from a personal meeting with journalists, he avoided for a long time, in the end, barely allowing himself to be persuaded into a telephone conversation and a half-hour conversation in the courtyard of his house.

Dudayev and reluctantly shares his biography. - I served in the Main Intelligence Directorate for some time. I was in the Expeditionary Directorate. Well, you know, commandos? Went to Vietnam a couple of times. To Saigon, after his release. Went on a business trip. Illegal, of course.

Dudayev left the GRU in 1975. I wanted to go into foreign intelligence. But, he says, he didn’t fit because of his bright appearance - “you need to be a gray mouse there, it’s only handsome spies in the movies.” Went to the troops. He makes sure he has no regrets. Although the choice of professions from his youth was wide, despite his childhood in deportation to Central Asia and ensuing disenfranchisement.

Before the army, after graduating from ten years, he managed to work as a teacher in Duba-Yurt, taught the second grade. There in 1959 he met Zoya Antonovna Surkova - future mother Vladislav Surkov. He left school for Grozny television. He was first an assistant director, then an assistant and, finally, an acting director of socio-political programs. He ended up in the GRU after the army, where he left as a 20-year-old and in many respects already an accomplished man. He says that the special services noticed him largely thanks to his Chekist father, who was always in good standing.

Private bussiness

Surkov and Ukraine

The Vedomosti newspaper in its issue of September 6, 2013, citing its sources, wrote that Vladislav Surkov could become an assistant to the president and oversee Ukraine, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Georgia. On September 13, also wrote that Surkov would oversee Ukrainian-Russian relations. According to the online publication, the order to appoint an official is already ready and is awaiting signing. Surkov declined to comment on this information.

He (Surkov - ed.) generally enjoys a bad reputation in our country. This is a man who strangled freedom of speech, supervised Putin's "Nashi" who organized provocations. The person who is at the head of the rigged elections in the country, who manipulates the public consciousness and so on.

“He also wrote songs for Agatha Christie, if you know… He is really a talented guy, it’s true. dark powers.

“I don’t think that the appointment of Surkov can lead to an improvement in Russian-Ukrainian relations. I’m sure of it,” Boris Nemtsov said on the air of the Inter TV channel

Reference: V. Surkov was bred by Sergey Dorenko under his own name in his novel "2008".

Zakhar Prilepin about his former relationship with Surkov: ... My sister was married three times, one of her husbands is the cousin of Vladislav Svet Yurievich. But the paradox is that if I saw Surkov at least once (as an adult, and, so to speak, a writer), then his cousin (my sister's ex-husband) never saw Vl-Yur-cha at all. Vl-Yur-ch was not related to anyone, did not appear in Skopin after the army, did not maintain any relations with anyone. Total: formally, we are not blood relatives, and for a long time we have not been relatives at all (since my sister divorced his brother 10 years ago). But in fact, we have a common nephew, to whom I am an uncle, and Surkov is a cousin.


Fluent in English.

He enjoys writing symphonic music and short stories. Writes poetry and songs.

In 2003, the album of the group "Agatha Christie" "Peninsula" was released, in which the author of the words of 11 songs was Surkov. The album did not enter the trading network, but was given away to friends. The project was produced by State Duma deputy (from the Liberal Democratic Party, later moved to EdRo) Konstantin Vetrov.

V. Surkov is credited with the authorship of the novel Near Zero, which was published in July 2009 under the pseudonym Natan Dubovitsky as a special supplement to the Russian Pioneer magazine. A novel about total corruption in the Russian parliament, law enforcement agencies and the media. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Surkov Vladislav Yurievich, Assistant to the President, was born on September 21, 1964. He is considered one of the leading statesmen of Russia. Previously, he was Deputy Chairman of the Government of the country. Consider further what Vladislav Surkov is known for.

Biography: early years

Until the age of five, he lived in the Chechen-Ingush Republic. In 1959, his mother Zoya Antonovna, who at that time was a graduate of the Tambov Pedagogical Institute, was sent for distribution to the village. Duba-Yurt. At the school where she began to work, there was a primary school teacher Yuri Dudayev. She soon married him, and on September 21, 1964 they had a son. In the meantime, various sources indicate various places where Surkov Vladislav Yuryevich was born. According to some sources, this is the city of Shali, according to others - Chaplygin, according to others - with. Duba-Yurt. However, according to official data, the place of his birth is with. Solntsevo, Chaplyginsky district, Lipetsk region This is confirmed by the birth certificate presented by his mother. According to the stories of the inhabitants of Duba-Yurt, Zoya Antonovna returned to her homeland already pregnant. She gave birth in Solntsevo, and then returned back to Duba-Yurt. The nationality of Vladislav Surkov, therefore, is Russian. For some time he was raised by his mother's parents. They had their own apiary then. Later, Vladislav Surkov came to Duba-Yurt to visit his parents. There, his upbringing was mainly done by his paternal grandparents. The villagers remember that he was their favorite, they did not refuse him anything.

Vladislav Surkov: real name

In 2005, the newspaper "Life" published an article about the childhood of a statesman. It cited the memories of the residents of Duba-Yurt. The article said that for the first five years his name was Aslanbek. The following year, 2006, a translation of an article from The Wall Street Journal appeared in Vedomosti. It said that Aslanbek Dudayev changed his name, and from that moment he was Surkov Vladislav Yurievich. After a while, the editorial office of the newspaper received collective letters from teachers who taught him in Skopin. The messages said that in 1971 Vladislav Surkov was enrolled in school No. 62. He also completed his studies at the #1 in 1981. In 2007, teachers from Skopin's schools gave an interview to Interlocutor, during which they confirmed the authenticity of their letters and the fact that Vladislav Surkov did not change his first and last name. Izvestia journalists found out that at the age of 16 he received the document. The document was issued in the name of Vladislav Yurievich Surkov.


From 1983 to 1985 Vladislav Surkov served in the ranks of the SA, as part of the artillery unit of the Southern Forces in Hungary. said that he also served in the special forces of the GRU. This fact was also confirmed by Surkov's father. In 1987, the future statesman became the head of the advertising department of the ISTP Center of the Fund for Youth Programs under the Frunze RVLKSM. Initially, he worked as Khodorkovsky's bodyguard. In 1988, Vladislav Surkov headed the Metapress agency. In 1992 he became Vice President of the Russian Advertisers Association. In the period from 1991 to 1996, he held senior positions in the Menatep Association, which at that time was headed by Khodorkovsky.

From 1996 to 1997 Surkov was the head of the Public Relations Department of CJSC Rosprom. During the same period, he was deputy chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank. Vladislav Surkov was friends with the head of this financial organization for a long time. In 1998-1999 he was the first deputy general director, head of the public relations department of ORT OJSC.

Activities under the Government

Since 1999, Vladislav Surkov has been the Deputy Head of the Administration of the Head of State. He is considered one of the ideologists and founders of United Russia. On December 27, 2011, he gave an interview to Interfax, in which he said that he was one of those who contributed to the peaceful transition of power. Surkov Vladislav Yuryevich (assistant to the president) participated in the creation of the pre-election bloc "Unity", which was considered a counterbalance to the unification of Primakov and Luzhkov. His projects were also "Rodina", "Fair Russia". In addition, he was the inspirer of the movement "Ours", "Walking Together". Since 2004, Vladislav Surkov has been an aide to the president.

Working in a new position

In August 2004, Vladislav Surkov became a member of the board of directors of OAO Transnefteprodukt. In September of the same year, he was elected chairman. From mid-May 2008, Surkov became the first deputy head of the administrative apparatus of the Head of State. On December 31, 2009, he was appointed head of the working group involved in the project of forming a territorially separate center for the development of research and development, commercialization of the results. In June of the following year, Vladislav Surkov became a member of the Board of Trustees from the Skolkovo Foundation. At the end of January 2010, he began work as a co-chairman of the working group on civil society issues as part of the bilateral Russian-American commission. Its first meeting was held in the capital of America. In 2012, he left the commission.


On May 7, 2013, V.V. Putin, in his speech, assessing the work of the Government, said that his instructions were not even fulfilled by a third. Surkov, responding to the president's words, objected to him on a number of important issues. In front of television cameras, Surkov argued with the head of the country. Some analysts cited this as one of the reasons for the aide's resignation the following day. On May 8, Vladimir Putin signed his statement "of his own free will." Surkov's resignation was received in different ways in political and public circles. For example, The Washington Post described the move as "Moscow's highest political intelligence." In the Western press, the dismissal was perceived as a blow to Medvedev's position. Members of the latter's cabinet, as the number of failures and protest moods increase, leave big politics one by one.


Since September 20, 2013, Surkov has been an assistant to the head of state. His powers include issues of relations with South Ossetia and Abkhazia. According to information from many unofficial sources, since September 2013 Surkov has also dealt with issues of relations with Ukraine. There is also information that from 2009 to 2010 he was responsible for financing Yanukovych. Thus, during Yushchenko's presidency, Ukraine's Secretary of State Rybachuk, who was involved in European integration, said in an interview that Surkov was very well known in business circles, information about his political intentions always came from representatives of Russian and Ukrainian businesses with interests in the Russian Federation. He also mentioned Surkov's involvement in financing Yanukovych's election campaign. In early 2014, Surkov worked as a secret representative, dealing with diplomatic issues in Ukraine. This is indicated by anonymous sources close to the Kremlin. Surkov made two trips to Yanukovych in Kyiv. One was at the end of January, and the other in mid-February 2014. In May of the same year, Surkov made several trips to Abkhazia. Speaking there, he tried to resolve the internal political crisis that had arisen.

Creativity and family

Vladislav Surkov is not only a politician. He enjoys writing short stories and symphonic music, and plays the guitar. He participated in the creation of the Peninsula albums together with Vadim Samoilov, acting as a lyricist. Surkov has a lot of acquaintances among representatives of Russian rock. The forum organized by him and Grebenshchikov attracted particular media attention. This meeting was attended by many rock performers (Zemfira, Splin, Chaif, Butusov and others), as well as producers Ponomarev and Groysman. During the event, issues of the prospects for the music market in the country were discussed. In 2009, the press suggested that the novel "About Zero" was actually written by him (Natan Dubovitsky was announced as the author of the work). At first, Surkov himself neither denied nor confirmed this information. However, later he indirectly confirmed that he was not the author of the book. A review of this novel, written by Vladislav Surkov, has been published.

The statesman's wife, Natalya Dubovitskaya, was his personal secretary until 1998. This is the second marriage of the statesman. Surkov has four children. The first was adopted in his first marriage with Yulia Vishnevskaya, three children appeared in the second.


In connection with the events in Ukraine, Surkov was banned from entering the United States. In addition, the sanctions provide for the seizure of property and assets. The American government considers Surkov one of the main high-ranking officials of the Russian apparatus responsible for violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Sanctions against him were also imposed by Canada. In response, Surkov said that he had no accounts in the United States, and he regarded Washington's behavior as recognition of his services to the Motherland. The statesman is also included in the lists under the sanctions of the EU, Switzerland and Australia. On December 12, 2014, RBC reported that Surkov had resigned as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Institute of Technology, where he had worked since 2012. According to information from the agency’s source, the statesman did not want to act as a political reason for the violation of harmony in the established relationship between Skoltech and its partner, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Surkov Vladislav Yurievich

Vladislav Yurievich Surkov (Aslanbek Andarbekovich Dudayev) (born September 21, 1964, Duba-Yurt, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) - Russian statesman, author of the concept of "sovereign democracy". Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation (since September 20, 2013).

In the past - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation (2012-2013).

Origin, early years:

The true birthplace of Vladislav Surkov remained unclear for a long time. According to the website of the President of Russia, Vladislav Surkov was born in the village of Solntsevo, Lipetsk Region. According to his father - in the village of Duba-Yurt, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic. In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine, Surkov said that he lived in Chechnya for the first five years. His father - Yuri (at birth - Andarbek) Danilbekovich Dudayev (b. 1942), a Chechen, worked as a teacher in the Oak-Yurt school, then served in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR; as of 2013 - a military pensioner, a resident of Ufa.

Mother - Zoya Antonovna Surkova, b. On May 31, 1935, she arrived in Duba-Yurt in 1959 by distribution after graduating from the Lipetsk Pedagogical Institute to work in the Duba-Yurt school, where she met teacher Yuri Dudayev. In the same place, in Duba-Yurt, their son was born.

As Surkov's father said in an interview with Izvestiya, his son was named Aslanbek at birth - in honor of the Bolshevik revolutionary Aslanbek Sharipov. Only his mother called him Vladislav. The family broke up when the future statesman was five years old, after which the son and mother left Checheno-Ingushetia for the city of Skopin, Ryazan Region. For a long time, Yuri Dudayev tried to hide his relationship with Vladislav Surkov from others.

Thus, the name of Vladislav Surkov at birth is Dudayev Aslanbek Andarbekovich. After the divorce, the mother gave her five-year-old son her last name and changed her patronymic name to Yuryevich.

According to another investigation by the Izvestia newspaper, when he entered school and institute, he was already called Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov and received a passport in the same name.

According to Ramzan Kadyrov, Surkov is a "pure Chechen".


He graduated from secondary school No. 1 in the city of Skopin, Ryazan Region.

He studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS) in 1982-1983 and for three years at the Moscow Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing mass theatrical performances, but did not graduate from these universities.

In the late 1990s, he graduated from the International University in Moscow. Master of Economic Sciences.

Fluent in English.

Biography :

In 1983-1985, Surkov served in the Soviet Army, in one of the artillery units of the Southern Group of Forces in Hungary. In an interview with the Vesti Nedeli program aired on the Rossiya TV channel, on November 12, 2006, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that he was ready to reveal to viewers a "secret": Surkov, like his counterpart in the government, Dmitry Kozak, served in special forces Main Intelligence Directorate. This fact was also confirmed by Surkov's father.

In 1988, he headed the Metapress market communications agency.

In 1991-1996, he held senior positions in the Menatep Association of Credit and Financial Enterprises (which at that time was headed by Mikhail Khodorkovsky), later on in the Menatep Bank.

In 1996-1997 - Deputy Head, Head of the Public Relations Department of CJSC Rosprom; First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Commercial Innovation Bank Alfa-Bank.

In 1998-1999 - First Deputy General Director, Director of Public Relations at Public Russian Television OJSC.

In 1999 - assistant to the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since August 1999 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. He is considered one of the founders and ideologists of the United Russia party. In an interview with Interfax on December 27, 2011, upon his resignation from the post of deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Russia, Surkov stated that: “I was among those who helped President Yeltsin to carry out a peaceful transition of power. Among those who helped President Putin stabilize the political system.”

In 2003, he announced the possible granting of "autonomy" to the Chechen Republic within Russia.

Since March 2004 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation.

In August 2004, he joined the board of directors of JSC AK Transnefteprodukt, in September of the same year he was elected chairman of the board of directors of the company.

One of the inspirers of the projects "Walking Together" (2000) and the movement "Nashi" (2005).

Since May 15, 2008 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

On December 31, 2009, he was appointed head of the working group "on the development of a project to create a territorially separate complex for the development of research and development and commercialization of their results." In June 2010, he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Since 2010 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Skolkovo Foundation.

December 27, 2011 - appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

On May 21, 2012, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation.

On June 9, 2012, he was appointed head of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting.

In June 2012, Surkov was instructed to oversee the media, justice, interaction with courts and prosecutors, and statistics.

August 13, 2012 was appointed curator of interaction with religious organizations.

By the end of the summer of 2012, according to journalists and interlocutors of the RBC Daily publication, he finally closed all personnel issues in the government to himself.

He opposed the draft federal law prohibiting civil servants from owning real estate abroad.

On May 1, 2013, giving a lecture at the London School of Economics, he argued that the investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee, despite the initiated criminal case, did not have evidence of theft in the Skolkovo innovation center. This speech, which a number of observers regarded as pressure on the investigation, caused a conflict with the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. A sharp rebuke to Surkov followed from the speaker of the Russian Investigative Committee V. Markin on the pages of the Izvestia newspaper, for which Surkov called Markin a graphomaniac.

On May 7, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation criticized the work of the government, which, according to Putin, did not fulfill his instructions even by a third. Responding to criticism, Surkov objected to the head of state on a number of issues and argued with Putin in front of television cameras. Some analysts blamed the skirmish with Putin for Surkov's dismissal the next day.

On May 8, 2013, he was dismissed by Putin from the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - with the wording "of his own free will."

The resignation of Surkov, whom The Washington Post described as "the outstanding political mind of the Kremlin", was perceived by the Western press as a blow to the positions of Prime Minister D. Medvedev, whose cabinet members, as economic failures and protest moods grow, are dropping out of big politics one by one . The main topic of Russian political scientists after the dismissal of Surkov was also the weakening of Medvedev's position and the resignation of the Russian government.

Since September 20, 2013 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. Deals with issues of relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Many unofficial sources indicated that, since September 2013, Surkov was also in charge of relations with Ukraine.

There are also indications that it was Surkov in 2009-2010 who was responsible for the financial side of the election of Viktor Yanukovych. So Oleg Rybachuk, Secretary of State of Ukraine during the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko, who was in charge of European integration, said about Surkov: “He is well known in business circles, information about his policies has always come from representatives of Russian business and Ukrainian entrepreneurs with interests in Russia. Among other things, Surkov was responsible for the financial support of Yanukovych's election campaign.

In early 2014, Surkov was engaged in secret diplomacy as a representative of the Russian president in Ukraine, as evidenced by anonymous sources close to the Kremlin and Surkov's two trips (at the end of January and February 14, 2014) to Kyiv to V. Yanukovych.

In May 2014, as an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, he traveled to Abkhazia and tried to resolve the internal political crisis in the republic.


Surkov considers himself Russian "by political views." He, being Deputy Prime Minister, stated this in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, which was published on October 23, 2012.

Ownership and income:

According to official data, Surkov's income for 2010 amounted to 4.59 million rubles, his wife's income - 85.16 million rubles. The family owns 4 land plots with a total area of ​​2.6 hectares, 3 residential buildings, an apartment and a car.

Surkov's income for 2011 amounted to 5.01 million rubles, his wife's income increased to 125.2 million rubles.

Criticism and assessments:

In early 2010, US Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Leytinen called Surkov "one of the main ideologists for the restriction of freedom of speech in Russia, the persecution of Russian journalists and representatives of opposition political parties."

Surkov's activities as Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation were repeatedly criticized by Russian human rights activists and opposition politicians who demanded Surkov's resignation. In their opinion, Surkov is the coordinator of illegal activities to rig elections, destroy political competition, organize campaigns against public organizations, as well as the creation of "detachments of young attack aircraft" like the Nashi movement. Boris Nemtsov called on the senior director for Russia of the US National Security Council to withdraw from the Russian-American commission on civil society, of which Surkov is the Russian co-chair.

Mikhail Prokhorov, being removed in September 2011 from the post of leader of the Just Cause party, called Surkov "the main puppeteer of the political process."

At the same time, Surkov expressed approval to the participants of the protest rallies in Moscow on December 10 and 24, 2011 against the falsification of the results of the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, calling the people who took to the streets, " the best part of our society”, whose opinions cannot be arrogantly brushed aside. On this occasion, the poet Dmitry Bykov wrote the fable "Marmot at a rally."

According to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Surkov is "an exceptionally gifted PR man" and "a very talented creative person" who can be forgiven for everything or almost everything for his talent.

US and Canadian Government Sanctions:

According to unofficial data, Surkov visited the capital of Ukraine during the confrontation on the Maidan between opposition and government forces.

On March 17, 2014, US government sanctions were imposed on Surkov, which provide for a ban on entry into the United States, as well as the seizure of assets and property located on the territory of the United States. The American side considers the assistant to the President of Russia one of the main high-ranking officials of the Russian administration responsible for violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Similar measures have been taken by the Government of Canada.

Surkov explained that he had no accounts abroad, and regarded Washington's decision as recognition of his services to Russia.

Creative activity:

He enjoys writing symphonic music and short stories. Likes to play the guitar. He took part in the creation of the albums "Peninsula" and "Peninsula 2" together with Vadim Samoilov as a lyricist. He has close ties among the figures of Russian rock. Much press attention was attracted by his meeting with famous rock musicians, organized by him and Boris Grebenshchikov (inaccessible link). The meeting was attended by members of the BI-2 groups, Spleen, Chaif, Vyacheslav Butusov, Zemfira, producers Dmitry Groisman and Alexander Ponomarev. According to Grebenshchikov, it was about the prospects for an independent music market in Russia. Novaya Gazeta suggested that the purpose of the forum was to enlist the support of musicians in case of political instability, but this version was rejected in interviews by many participants in the meeting.

In the summer of 2009, the Vedomosti newspaper suggested that Surkov was the real author of the novel Near Zero, previously published in an appendix to the Russian Pioneer magazine (the author was a certain Natan Dubovitsky, which is consonant with the name and surname of Surkov's wife). Surkov initially did not confirm or deny this version, but wrote a review of the novel. In November 2009, the writer Viktor Erofeev, in an interview with Literaturnaya Gazeta, confirmed Surkov's authorship. On October 20, 2011, A.P. Torshin, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council, confirmed in his microblog that “the book is autobiographical in places.” On May 21, 2012, in the Internet show Minaev Live, Vasily Yakemenko mentioned that Surkov was the author of Natan Dubovitsky's wiki novel "The Machine and Velik, or Simplification of Dublin", published on the Russian Pioneer magazine website, confirming that Natan Dubovitsky is pseudonym of Vladislav Surkov. On August 27, 2012, Novaya Gazeta published excerpts from Natan Dubovitsky's book The Machine and the Velik, agreed with the publisher, with the comment "it's stupid not to enjoy the undoubted gift of a person who probably chose the wrong profession."

Personal life:

First wife - Yulia Petrovna Vishnevskaya (surname after her first husband), nee Lukoyanova (b. 1966), creator of the Museum of Unique Dolls in Moscow, lives in London.

The second wife is Natalia Vasilievna Dubovitskaya (b. December 15, 1973), Deputy General Director for Public Relations of OJSC "Group of Industrial Enterprises RCP". Until 1998, she worked as Surkov's personal secretary. In 1998-2006 - the head of the company "Workshop of elegant solutions XXI century", specializing in interior design. According to official data, in 2010 she earned 85.2 million rubles, in 2011 - 125.2.

Children: Artyom Surkov (1987) - the son of Yulia Vishnevskaya from his first marriage, was adopted by Surkov in infancy; in his second marriage, Surkov had three children: Roman (2002), Maria (2004) and Timur (2010).


Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (November 13, 2003) - for a great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work.

Order of Honor (2012).

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (January 18, 2010) - for active participation in the preparation of the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (June 12, 2004) - for active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2004.

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (July 8, 2003) - for active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2003.

Medal of Stolypin P. A. II degree (September 21, 2011).

Certificate of honor of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (April 2, 2008) - for active assistance and significant assistance in organizing and conducting elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

Badge of honor of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation "For merits in organizing elections" (April 18, 2012) - for a significant contribution to the development of the electoral system of the Russian Federation.

class rank:

Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

We must know our enemies by sight: Aslambek Andarbekovich Dudayev, better known as Vladislav Yurievich Surkov.
The main Kremlin "puppeteer", the ideologist of the annexation of the capture of Ukraine. Since 2008 - oversees the direction of the Kremlin in Ukraine. Created a cult of the so-called "Surkov propaganda". A number of our Ukrainian politicians, including: Tsarev, Dobkin, and many other politicians of the first echelon of Ukraine are Surkov's creatures. Now the answer to the question of who exactly was the customer of the assassination attempt on Gennady Kernes is now obvious (during the active phase of the referendum in the Donbas, Surkov demanded fried - not at all chicken, he needed a victim of a Ukrainian political figure. Surkov has more than 10 such scenarios !!!) .
Surkov is the creator and main ideological inspirer of the so-called "movements of nationalism". Having successfully implemented and developed this technology in Russia, he began to apply it in relation to Ukraine, first creating and ideologizing the organization "Right Sector" so that there was someone to refer to, in the rampant "Bandera" and chaos in our country, then, artificially created on our territory separatists to implement plans to destabilize the country.

Biography of Surkov:

Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Head of the Government Staff (May 2012 - May 8, 2013) former First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration (2008-2011) former First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank
He was born on September 21, 1964 (the version about the birth of 1962 is not true) in the district hospital of the village. Shawls of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic; Until 1969, he bore the name Aslambek (Glory). Mother - Surkova Zinaida Antonovna came to the village of Duba-Yurt in the Shalinsky district in 1959 by distribution after graduating from the Lipetsk Pedagogical Institute to work in the Duba-Yurt school. She met Surkov's father, Dudaev Andarbek (Yuri) Danilbekovich, a Chechen from the teip of the Zandar'kyi mountain Jews, who also worked as a teacher at the school (Aslambek Aslakhanov studied at the Oak-Yurt school and was their student). V. Surkov's grandfather Danilbek Dudayev - lawyer, lawyer, graduated from the Rostov Law Institute; he has four sons: Albek, Andarbek (Yuri), Ruslan and Sultan.
In 1967, the family of Andarbek Dudayev moved to Grozny, to the Berezka microdistrict of oil workers, on Pugacheva Street. A.Dudaev left for Leningrad to enter the Leningrad Military School and never returned to his wife and son. In 1969, Z. Surkova-Dudaeva, together with her son Aslambek-Vladislav, moved to the city of Skopin, Ryazan Region, where she remarried.
V. Surkov studied in Skopin at the eight-year (incomplete secondary) school No. 62 (now No. 5) and secondary school No. 1; Graduated with honors from the eighth year.
In 1982 he entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS), from where he was taken to military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR (he served in 1983-85); MISIS did not graduate. He also studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture as a director, but did not graduate from the institute. In the late 90s he graduated from the International University (Gavriil Popova). Master of Economic Sciences.
At MISIS, he met Mikhail Fridman, with whom he studied on the same course, and with journalist Vladimir Solovyov, who was a year older. He worked as a turner, the head of an amateur theatrical group, worked as a translator. For some time he was unemployed.
In 1988 he worked as an administrator for customer relations of the youth cooperative "Kamelopart". Then he worked at Menatep for Mikhail Khodorkovsky (beginning - allegedly as a bodyguard - MN, No. 6, 2004).
He headed the Metapress market communications agency (in fact, a division of Menatep).
In 1992 he was President of the Russian Association of Advertisers, since October 1992 - Vice President of the Association. From January to May 1992 he was a member of the board of MFO "MENATEP". From May to September 1992 - head of the advertising department of MFO "MENATEP". From September to December 1992 - head of the department for work with clients of AKIB NTP "MENATEP". From December 1992 to March 1994 - Deputy Head of the Client Relations Department, Head of the Advertising Department of MENATEP Bank.
From March 1994 to April 1996 - Deputy Head of the Public Relations Service of the Bank MENATEP.
He was an assistant on a voluntary basis to State Duma deputy Mikhail Lapshin, chairman of the Agrarian Party of Russia (Kommersant, September 28, 2005).
From March 1996 to February 1997 - Vice President, Head of the Department for Relations with Government Organizations of CJSC Rosprom. He was a member of the Board of Directors of Bank Menatep.
He tried to get a block of shares in the holding from M. Khodorkovsky (My sources say ... that Surkov wished to become a partner of the owner of Menatep - Rosprom, to enter into a small, but - a share ..." - MN, No. 6 , 2004. Not getting what he wanted, he moved from Rosprom to Alfa-Bank. Since February 1997 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank M. Fridman.
From March 1997 to January 1998 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank OJSC. On January 23, 1998, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of CJSC (since February 1998 - OJSC) Public Russian Television (ORT) for public relations and the media.
On April 2, 1998, he was approved as a member of the Open Supervisory Board at ORT OJSC. On May 20, 1998, at the first meeting of the council, he was elected executive secretary of the ONS of ORT OJSC.
He was a board member of the Mortgage Lending Association (AIK).
Since April 1999 - First Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Union of Public Unions, established by 14 organizations (the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises, the Unions of Architects and Journalists, NAUFOR, etc.).
Since 1999 - advisor to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (head of administration - Alexander Voloshin). Since August 3, 1999 - A. Voloshin's deputy. According to the job description, as deputy head of the Presidential Administration, he prepares proposals for President Yeltsin on domestic policy issues; organizes the interaction of the administration with the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the CEC of Russia, political parties and movements, public and religious associations, trade unions; coordinates the activities of presidential plenipotentiaries in the Federation Council and the State Duma, the Constitutional Court. Coordinates interaction with the media; carries out operational management of the Main Department of Internal Policy of the President.
On August 27, 1999, the Segodnya newspaper wrote that Surkov lobbied for the adoption of a law on the disposal of nuclear waste in Russia; in September 1999, Surkov denied his involvement in lobbying for this law.
November 14, 1999 was appointed a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation to counter political extremism in the Russian Federation.
On January 18, 2000, during the election of the chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he led the actions of the Unity faction.
At the end of March 2000, he held a closed briefing, at which he called Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky "presumptuous" and the most scandalous "oligarchs", ("Today", 03/30/2000), which was understood as the intention of the administration to put an end not only to the oppositionist Gusinsky, but until that time Berezovsky, loyal to Putin.
After the inauguration in May 2000 of President Vladimir Putin, on June 3, 2000 he was again appointed Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (with the same duties).
In January 2001, as a guest, he attended the inauguration of the head of the administration of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Roman Abramovich.
Since February 2001 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Public Military Fund.
In March 2001, he became the head of the jury of a competition of creative works to develop the concept and design of the website of President Vladimir Putin.
In July 2002, Surkov was entrusted with the leadership of the department for work with compatriots abroad, created within the framework of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.
In November 2002, Interior Minister Boris Gryzlov became chairman of the supreme council of the United Russia party, which sharply weakened the position of Alexander Bespalov, chairman of the general council and the central executive committee of the party. The authorship of the "operation to overthrow Bespalov" in the Kremlin lobby was attributed personally to Surkov ("Kommersant Vlast", November 25, 2002). In February 2003, Bespalov lost his party post.
On October 30, 2003, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, replacing the resigned A. Voloshin. V. Surkov retained the post of deputy and the scope of powers. In April 2004, President Putin reorganized the Presidential Administration. D. Medvedev remained the head of the administration, the head of the administration had only 2 deputies - Igor Sechin and V. Surkov.
Since August 2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt (TNP), September 8, 2004 was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt.
After the appointment in November 2005 of the new head of the Presidential Administration, Sergei Sobyanin, V. Surkov retained the post of deputy. head of the AP and the scope of powers. In February 2006, he left the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO AK Transnefteprodukt (Kommersant, February 13, 2006).
On February 26, 2006, the official website of United Russia published a transcript of Surkov's speech to the audience of the United Russia Center for Party Studies, in which he assigned the main role in the development of democracy to parties as the "vanguard of civil society" and set the task for United Russia "not just to win in 2007 but think about that and do everything to ensure the dominance of the party for at least 10-15 years to come." Since May 2006 - Member of the Government Commission for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting.
In June 2006, he proposed the term "sovereign democracy" (previously used in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda by his protege Vasily Yakemenko), contrasting it with "managed democracy" - a political regime controlled, in his opinion, from the outside (Surkov V.Yu. Our Russian the model of democracy is called "sovereign democracy" (website of the party "United Russia", 06/28/2006) In July 2006, First Deputy Prime Minister D. Medvedev, in an interview with the magazine "Expert", criticized Surkov's terminology, calling Surkov's term "far from ideal "("... this suggests that after all we are talking about some other, non-traditional democracy" - "Expert", 07/24/2006. - No. 28 (522).
On August 16, 2006, information appeared in the media about a meeting between Surkov and representatives of the Russian Party of LIFE (RPZH) Sergei Mironov, which took place on March 24, 2006, but which was not previously reported. "Society does not have a second leg that can be stepped on when the first has gone numb. Russia needs a second major party," Surkov's speech was quoted. (Vedomosti, August 16, 2006).
On August 30, 2006, Surkov said: "If we do not create our own public ideology, a national ideology acceptable to the majority of citizens, then they will not reckon with us. Why talk with the dumb ... A sovereign state in the context of globalization: democracy and national identity." (RIA Novosti, August 30, 2006)
In the summer of 2006, Elena Lukyanova, a professor at Moscow State University and a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Vadim Prokhorov, a lawyer, asked the Prosecutor General to verify Surkov's compliance with the law "On State Civil Service" in connection with his public statement: "We supported, support and will continue to support United Russia." The applicants considered that that these actions fall under Article 286 of the Criminal Code "abuse of power", but the prosecutor's office considered that the appeal "does not contain sufficient data pointing to signs of a crime, and therefore there are no grounds for initiating a criminal case" (Kommersant, 17). October 2006)
In November 2006, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky wrote that Surkov's position in the Kremlin was seriously weakened. According to Belkovsky, in the spring of 2006, Surkov, together with Igor Sechin, unsuccessfully got involved in the struggle for a change of leadership in the Transneft company, which they lost. ("From that moment on, the formal Kremlin curator of domestic politics began systemic troubles. He was deprived of control over state television - this function was transferred to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Alexei Gromov. Then Putin gave the green light to the creation of a second "party of power" - "Fair Russia", against which Surkov, who hates Sergei Mironov, tried to object. As a result, it became clear that Surkov was playing against the project approved by Putin, that there was a categorical violation of the Kremlin's ethics").
On November 20, 2006, Surkov's article "Nationalization of the Future" was published in the "Expert" magazine.
On February 8, 2007, he spoke at MGIMO at a conference dedicated to the anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt. He listed the facts of the political biography of Roosevelt, each of which resembled a similar fact from the life of Putin. According to Surkov, in the United States during the Great Depression, GDP "has almost halved," just like in Russia during the reform years of the 1990s. Roosevelt "came to power when the press and finances were almost completely controlled by irresponsible oligarchic groups who believed that democracy exists only for them." Finally, Roosevelt considered his opponents "financial monopolies, speculative capital, runaway banking businessmen" who seek to "seize control of the government." That is why he proclaimed that "democracy is justice for all", that "freedom from fear and want is no less important than freedom of speech and freedom of religion". (Kommersant, February 9, 2007)
In January 2008, the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Sobyanin, went on vacation during the presidential election campaign (he headed the election headquarters of Dmitry Medvedev). Position Acting Until May 2008, the head of the Administration was occupied by V. Surkov.
On April 27, 2008, the publishing house "Europe" and the Effective Policy Foundation (FEP) held a presentation of Surkov's book "Texts 97-07", which included his public speeches and interviews.
In the Administration of President Dmitry Medvedev, in May 2008, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Administration (headed by Sergey Naryshkin).
January 16, 2009 "United Russia" held a closed meeting with regional activists, dedicated to the party's actions during the crisis period. Surkov called the crisis unprecedented and stressed that "extraordinary measures" would be required to overcome it. In particular, he called for the use of street actions to support the "correct decisions of the government." (Kommersant, January 19, 2009)
On June 19, 2009, he visited the Youth Chamber at the Parliament of Bashkiria, where he answered, in particular, questions that included the expressions "attacks on the region", "pressure on the Bashkir constitution", "totalitarian regime", "return to direct elections of heads of subjects". "You guys have been well prepared," Surkov remarked. "If you want to teach the Russian Federation about democracy on the example of Bashkortostan, I guarantee you that this will not meet with a rush of interest." However, speaking to the activists of the Bashkir regional branch of United Russia, Surkov called the President of Bashkiria Murtaza Rakhimov one of the best regional leaders in the country, and thus, according to the Komersant newspaper, "the tension that arose after Rakhimov's interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets, in which he allowed himself harsh remarks about the federal authorities and United Russia." - "Kommersant", June 20, 2009). In July 2009, Surkov was appointed coordinator of the Russian-American Civil Society Commission. Well-known Russian human rights activists in an open appeal to Medvedev and Obama asked to reconsider this decision (“many negative tendencies in the development of democracy in Russia are associated with the name of Vladislav Surkov”). The appeal, which was initiated by the scientific director of the Center for Social Research Evgeny Gontmakher, was signed by 22 human rights activists.
In December 2011, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister (the post of first deputy head of the Presidential Administration passed to Vyacheslav Volodin).
In the new cabinet of Dmitry Medvedev, he was appointed in May 2012 as Deputy Prime Minister - Chief of Staff.
On May 8, 2013, President Putin signed a decree on the dismissal of Vladislav Surkov from the post of Deputy Prime Minister - head of the government apparatus with the wording "of his own free will." The decree was preceded by a printed skirmish between Surkov and Vladimir Markin, a representative of the Investigative Committee, about the Skolkovo Foundation. Despite the official “voluntary” resignation, its real reason was Surkov’s loss of President Putin’s trust in connection with the investigation of the Investigative Committee of the suspiciously large Skolkovo fees to the opposition deputy and one of the leaders of the “bog rallies” Ilya Ponomarev, which “solid” Putinists - Surkov’s ill-wishers tend to interpret as hidden financing of the anti-Putin opposition at the expense of the state by the president of the fund, Viktor Vekselberg, with the connivance of Deputy Prime Minister Surkov and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev himself.
Fluent in English.
He enjoys writing symphonic music and short stories. Writes poetry and songs.
In 2003, the album of the group "Agatha Christie" "Peninsula" was released, in which the author of the words of 11 songs was Surkov. The album did not enter the trading network, but was given away to friends. The project was produced by State Duma deputy (from the Liberal Democratic Party, later moved to EdRo) Konstantin Vetrov.
V. Surkov is credited with the authorship of the novel Near Zero, which was published in July 2009 under the pseudonym Natan Dubovitsky as a special supplement to the Russian Pioneer magazine. A novel about total corruption in the Russian parliament, law enforcement agencies and the media.
Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Married with a second marriage; wife Dubovitskaya Natalya Vasilievna - former deputy general director for public relations of JSC "Group of Industrial Enterprises RCP"; controls a number of large starch plants (in particular, Novlyansky Starch and Syrup Plant OJSC and Ibredkrakhmalpatoka OJSC); previously worked as a secretary at Menatep.
The first wife, Yulia Vishnevskaya (nee Lukoyanova), is a doll collector and organizer of the doll museum, general director of Art-Service LLP, a former economic observer for Radio Liberty (1994-95).
The son of Yu. Vishnevskaya, adopted by Surkov, Artem Surkov graduated from school in England and the philological faculty of Moscow State University; has two children in his second marriage. Surkov has a half-sister, Elena (daughter of his mother and stepfather), and two twin nephews; live in Moscow. There is also a cousin in Skopin, who at one time was married to the sister of the writer Zakhar Prilepin.

V. Surkov was bred by Sergey Dorenko under his own name in his novel "2008". Zakhar Prilepin about his former relationship with Surkov: ... My sister was married three times, one of her husbands is the cousin of Vladislav Svet Yurievich. But the paradox is that if I saw Surkov at least once (as an adult, and, so to speak, a writer), then his cousin (my sister's ex-husband) never saw Vl-Yur-cha at all. Vl-Yur-ch was not related to anyone, did not appear in Skopin after the army, did not maintain any relations with anyone. Total: formally, we are not blood relatives, and for a long time we have not been relatives at all (since my sister divorced his brother 10 years ago). But in fact, we have a common nephew, to whom I am an uncle, and Surkov is a cousin. Surkov's philosophy: the ideological inspirer of mass censorship and the creation of a "personality cult" in the new Russia. At the same time, one of the forces driven by him, of course, is money, personal gain and his own ambitions.

From the very beginning, Surkov's philosophy has been that there is no real freedom in the world, and that all democracies are managed, so the key to success is the ability to influence people, giving them the illusion of freedom, when, in fact, they are controlled. . The only freedom from his point of view is "the freedom of the artist". Hence the strange concept of "sovereign democracy" created by Surkov in 2006 and his participation, in the same year, in the creation of the "second leg" of the Russian political system - the Just Russia party, which was supposed to become a member of a full-fledged two-party system. That is why I am SURE that Surkov contributed to the destruction of Yukos in 2003. His rancor against Khodorkovsky only exacerbated the conflict. One of the reasons was also Khodorkovsky's attempt to finance the opposition parties SPS and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, that is, to outplay Surkov. And Vyacheslav Yurievich, oh, how he doesn’t like to lose ...

About Surkov's "movements":

Surkov was directly involved in the formation of a number of youth movements in Russia. So, the pro-presidential youth movement "Walking Together", formed in 2000, was associated with his name. The movement was headed by a former employee of the presidential administration, Vasily Yakimenko. The first high-profile action of the "Walking Together" took place on November 7, 2000 in Moscow on Vasilyevsky Spusk: then it was possible to gather about 6 thousand people who urged "no drinking", "no smoking", "no swearing" and support Vladimir Putin. The media "walking together" was recognized as an "unsuccessful project": the movement turned into an odious structure, which, in the end, began to discredit Putin in the eyes of the domestic and world community. The press wrote that the activities of the majority of the Marching activists were based on a purely financial interest. In place of "Walking Together" in 2005 came "Ours". On February 21, 2005, Surkov met with the "commissars" of the new youth movement in St. Petersburg. Yakemenko also took part in the meeting, which the organizers tried to shield from the attention of journalists. Surkov and Yakemenko promised their supporters that by 2008 a new "party of power" would be created on the basis of Nashi. At the same time, it was especially emphasized that the creation of the movement was approved by Vladimir Putin. In the summer of 2005, 3,000 activists from 45 regions of the country gathered in the Nashi camp on Lake Seliger. Advisor to the head of the presidential administration, Gleb Pavlovsky, who came to the rally, called on the activists to be ready to "physically resist attempts at an anti-constitutional coup," and Surkov said: "Come quickly, we will hand over the country to you." "Ours" quickly gained notoriety and, in fact, repeated all the mistakes of their predecessors from the organization "Walking Together". With all this, Surkov is associated with the constant drug trafficking organized in Russia since 1979 (the beginning of the USSR war in Afghanistan), the distribution of drugs in schools, the organization of permanent networks of salons (saunas) throughout Russia, the ideological inspirer of the spread of prostitution.

Sergey Kryzhanovsky