Salad snow white from cabbage and cucumbers. Layered salad with cabbage and Snow White cheese

Salad "Snow White" is a tender, tasty and low-calorie dish. It can be included in the daily diet, as well as cooked for the holiday. This salad is especially useful for those who want to lose extra pounds. Often during a diet, a person is disturbed by the feeling of hunger. The use of such a product contributes to satiety, while the dish does not contain a large amount of calories. The classic salad recipe includes chicken breast and apples. Poultry contains a lot of protein and is practically devoid of fat. Apples will help enrich the body with vitamins. Thus, you can get a healthy dish that is easy and quick to prepare.

Required Ingredients

For the Snow White salad with chicken, you will need a pound of chicken breast or fillet and 200 g of apples. It is better to choose a green variety of fruits, their sour taste will go well with other salad ingredients.

You will also need cheese. The salad will turn out to be more dietary and low-calorie, if you choose soft cheeses, they can replace the dressing. If the cheese is hard, then you need to take a little mayonnaise (to taste). To impregnate the salad, you will need a small sprig of parsley and a little orange juice (50 g). To decorate the dish, you need to prepare lettuce leaves in advance.

Preparation of ingredients

First you need to cook the chicken breast or fillet. The meat is slightly salted and placed in a special sleeve (or wrapped in foil), and then placed in a well-heated oven. It is necessary to periodically check the readiness of the bird. If the meat is baked too long, it will be too dry, and the Snow White salad will turn out to be tasteless.

You can make a salad of boiled chicken meat. To do this, the breast is boiled until tender in lightly salted water.

Lettuce, parsley and apples must be thoroughly washed under running water. Then the fruit is peeled with a knife.

Salad step by step

Cooking salad "Snow White" with chicken and apples consists of several stages:

  1. First you need to chop the meat. Thermally processed (boiled or baked) poultry breast must be divided into separate thin fibers. It is better to do this not with a knife, but with your hands.
  2. Then you should prepare the fruit. Peeled apples cut into long thin pieces, similar to straws. In this case, do not forget to remove the cores with bones.
  3. The apple pieces and chicken fibers are mixed in a deep dish or bowl.
  4. Cheese is added to the same container. If the cheese is soft, then it can be kneaded with a spoon, and then mix the whole mass. In this case, you do not need to put mayonnaise in the dish. If the cheese is hard, then it must be chopped with a knife or on a grater. Then put a small amount of mayonnaise. Do not use too much Snow White salad dressing. This is a dietary dish, its taste should not be too rich and spicy.
  5. Then you should cut the parsley very finely and place it in a mass of chicken, cheese and apples. After that, orange juice is added to the dish.
  6. This product does not need seasonings and salt. It is enough to slightly salt the chicken when cooking. Brynza also has a salty taste. After adding the juice, the mass is well mixed, and the dish can be laid out in a salad bowl.

The product is almost ready. It remains only to beautifully decorate the Snow White salad. To do this, green leaves are laid out on a deep dish, and the resulting mass is placed on top in the form of a small slide.

This product is best consumed immediately after preparation. Salad "Snow White" with apple, chicken and cheese does not always withstand long-term storage. Pieces of fruit darken over time, and the meat fibers dry out quickly, and the dish loses its taste.

This tasty and juicy salad of fresh cabbage and carrots is also called "Vitamin". And this is a very true name, since cabbage and carrots contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. This salad is very easy to prepare and is available at any time of the year and for any budget. It's tasty, not necessarily expensive.

We will tell you about several variations of this salad.

Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots as in the dining room

There is nothing strange in the fact that such a simple dish is loved by many people. This is partly due to the domestic public catering, which instilled in us the habit of getting fresh vitamins in salads both in winter and summer. Such a salad can be found in the menu of canteens, cafes and even in educational institutions. After all, these are the most affordable and healthy vegetables in our latitudes.

How to cook this famous salad to make it just as tasty.

For cooking you will need:

  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

That's the whole simple composition.

Preparing a fresh cabbage salad with carrots is just as easy. Chop the cabbage with thin feathers, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. You can use a grater for Korean carrots.

Put the cabbage and carrots in a bowl and knead them with your hands for a few minutes so that the cabbage releases the juice. This will make the salad tastier and juicier.

Then add vinegar, salt and sugar. Mix well. Then, pour in vegetable oil, mix and refrigerate for half an hour. In the refrigerator, the salad will infuse and become saturated with aromas, the vegetables will pickle a little and acquire that very favorite sourness.

Serve with herbs as a main course for lunch or dinner.

Fresh cabbage salad with carrots and mayonnaise

The next variation of the salad is just as tasty, but a little more high-calorie. Mayonnaise gives it more satiety, which is good when you need to feed a husband who is hungry at work or a child who has worked up. In winter, more hearty salads keep us in a good mood, since it takes more energy to generate heat.

To prepare the salad is used:

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 pieces of medium size,
  • hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - to taste.

Chop the cabbage into thin slices, grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater. Very little cheese is required for such a salad, as it has a very bright taste and will begin to overshadow the vegetables. But also cheese will give it a special tenderness.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and add mayonnaise. Add salt carefully, because it is already contained in mayonnaise and you can accidentally oversalt the salad. In addition, different varieties of hard cheese have different salinity.

Before serving, the salad can be infused a little in the refrigerator, from which it will only benefit in taste.

Salad of fresh cabbage and carrots with bell pepper

Such a fresh salad will be a little different from previous recipes due to the rich taste of sweet bell pepper. It will also look brighter and more appetizing, which will allow it to take its rightful place on the festive table.

  • fresh cabbage - 300-400 grams,
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 pieces of medium size,
  • bell pepper - 1 piece,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon,
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive to your taste) - 2-3 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • salt - to taste.

To prepare the salad, cut the cabbage and bell pepper into small strips, grate the carrots. Mix all ingredients and season with oil and vinegar. Let it brew for a while. Delicious salad is ready.

Published: 03.12.2015
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

When you are already tired of complex bulky salads with a huge number of ingredients, it's time to unload and try to cook a light and tender Snow White Chicken Salad. Yes, the salad got such an interesting name precisely from the fact that all the ingredients that make up its composition are light in color. Moreover, they are perfectly combined not only in color, but also in taste.
All ingredients in the salad are added boiled, which makes it more dietary and tender. Imagine potatoes, eggs and chicken, all stacked in layers and smeared with mayonnaise. You can lay such a salad on green juicy lettuce leaves, and decorate with olives on top.
It is difficult to say whether it is possible to cook it on the festive table, because you need to understand the taste preferences of your family. But if it will be an evening of meeting with girlfriends, then by all means prepare such a salad. Yes, that's right, because it is more feminine than masculine.
If you want, you can diversify it by sprinkling with grated cheese and adding your favorite herbs to the sauce. To do this, if you have purchased mayonnaise, then simply mix it with finely chopped greens. And if you want, then cook. It is incredibly easy to prepare and most importantly fast. Pour sour cream and kefir or yogurt into the mixer bowl and beat for several minutes. Then add a bunch of finely chopped greens, garlic passed through a press, a few tablespoons of lemon juice and spices. Stir and a delicious salad dressing is ready.
The recipe is for 4 servings of salad.


- chicken meat - 200 g,
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
- potato tubers - 2 pcs.,
- olives or olives - 10 pcs.,
- Provencal mayonnaise or sour cream sauce,
- salt.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Boil potato tubers in uniform. Peel the cooled potatoes and chop with a grater.
Hard boil chicken eggs for 7-10 minutes. To make them cool faster and easier to peel them, fill them with cold water for 10 minutes. Then we clean them and grind them too.
Cool the boiled fillet and cut into pieces.
Olives cut into rings.

Now put the grated potatoes in the first layer. We smear it with mayonnaise.

Then we put pieces of boiled chicken fillet and again coat with sauce or mayonnaise.

Then sprinkle with grated chicken eggs. Coat this layer with mayonnaise.

Snow White Salad is a simple and tasty salad that uses white or almost white ingredients, which is how it got its name. I have been using this recipe for a long time, sometimes I make such a salad for breakfast or dinner. There is another version of this salad with crab sticks, but that's a completely different story. I will introduce you to the classic version of the Snow White salad.

For the salad, prepare the necessary products from the list. Eggs must be boiled first.

Cut the Chinese cabbage into strips and place in a bowl.

Cut the boiled chicken fillet into cubes and add to the bowl with the cabbage.

Cheese also cut into cubes. Instead of cheese, you can use feta cheese, but add it at the very end, as it crumbles a lot.

Divide boiled eggs into yolks and whites. We do not need yolks in this recipe, and proteins should be cut into cubes and added to the salad.

For the sauce, mix sour cream with mustard and lemon juice, add chopped garlic. Salt can be added if desired, but since the cheese is salty, I did not add salt to the salad.

Mix the sauce thoroughly and add to the salad.

Mix all ingredients. Salad "Snow White" is ready!

For serving, you can cover a flat plate with Beijing cabbage leaves and put the salad in a slide.

Bon Appetit!