How to make clear beef broth. How to make cloudy broth clear? A trick that every housewife must own

How to cook the most delicious broth: cooking secrets

The broth is both an independent first course and the basis for a soup or sauce. By the way, broth is a very low-calorie food. The calorie content of pure broth is only 15-20 kcal per 1 liter.

Bouillons are made from meat, bones, poultry, fish, mushrooms. It would seem, what is easier then? However, even such a simple thing as broth must be able to cook. After all, the taste and aroma of the broth depend on many "little things" - the ratio of water and boiled products, the size of boiled pieces, the time and temperature of cooking, the strength of the boil of the broth.

The most fragrant and healthy broths are obtained from beef and beef bones (see photo ... the soup is cooked on beef bone broth, I give the recipe at the end of the post), poultry and some types of game (partridges, pheasants, etc. .. Eh, I would try)))). Less tasty and healthy are broths made from lamb and especially from pork, as well as from the bones of these animals.

Even bone broth is better to cook not from a random set, a la "whatever comes to hand", but from 65% flat bones, 10% tubular and 25% spongy (with holes, the so-called "sugar"). Such a set is not accidental, because different bones contain different amounts of useful substances, and so on. the broth will be the richest and most delicious.

The finer the products are cut, the more nutrients pass during their cooking into the broth and the tastier, healthier and more nutritious the broth becomes. Meat is usually cut into pieces weighing 1.5 - 2 kg, brisket - up to 3 kg. (because it is quite thin in itself). It is not worth chopping meat more strongly, because. when cooking, its appearance will deteriorate and it will be difficult then to cut the meat beautifully for serving. The only exceptions are dietary broths intended for the nutrition of the sick and convalescents. The meat for such broths is crushed to the state of minced meat so that all valuable substances pass from the meat into the broth. At the end of cooking, such broths are filtered.

It is also better to chop the bones before cooking into pieces. Then more of them will enter the pan, and the broth will turn out tastier.

The best and healthiest broth is obtained by cooking in an open container. The use of pressure cookers and multicookers, of course, is more convenient, but due to the strong changes in proteins and fats when cooking under a sealed lid, the quality of such a broth is sharply reduced.

Bones are boiled for no more than 6 hours.

Meat - 2.5 - 3 hours (young meat does not need to be cooked for as long as an adult; overcooked meat will also not decorate the taste and appearance of the broth). Moreover, the broth boiled on the meat of adult animals is much healthier and tastier than the broth boiled on the meat of young animals.

Products intended for cooking broth are always poured with cold water.

During cooking, the broth should not boil too much, because. in this case, it will turn cloudy and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. The ideal option is a medium heat and a low boil on only one side of the pan. Fat will gather at the opposite wall and it will be easy to remove it. Remove fat and foam periodically throughout the cooking time.

Everything said above about cooking meat, bone and poultry broths is also true for mushroom and fish broths.


Meat broth is made from meat and bones (together), as well as poultry, tongue and other meat products, which are usually boiled for serving as a second course.

The quality, usefulness and taste of the broth very much depend on how strictly the technology of its preparation is observed:

  1. Bones (better, as I already wrote, beef) are washed in cold water, draining it at least 2-3 or even more times, then crushed (chopped into smaller pieces, revealing the internal parts of the bones). Then put in a saucepan and pour cold water (standards: 4.5 - 5 liters per kilogram of bones, or 1.25 liters per kilogram to obtain a concentrated broth). The brisket on the bones is cut into 2-3 parts and placed in a pan along with the bones. The muscle fibers of the brisket are very dense and coarse and require a long cooking time. Well-cooked brisket meat is easy to separate from the bones.
  2. It is better to try to heat the pot with food so that the water boils no earlier than after 30 minutes, and it is impossible to reduce the fire until the water boils.
  3. The most important thing is not to miss the moment when the water boils. At this point, you need to remove the lid, allow the foam to collect on the surface, get stronger when a slow boil begins and remove it with a slotted spoon. So that the broth does not boil much, you must immediately reduce the heat. This way you can keep the broth clear.
  4. During the entire cooking time, a certain mode of cooking the broth must be observed: it should not boil at all strongly and it is better that the broth boils only on one side. Then grease and foam will collect on the surface on the other side and it will be easier to remove them. And the broth will turn out more transparent and without a greasy bitter aftertaste. Clear meat broth is always tastier and healthier than the same broth, but cloudy. We remove the fat during the entire cooking time, but you still need to leave a little on the surface of the broth. So we will not let the aromatic substances escape from the broth and, therefore, we will preserve the rich taste.
  5. 20 - 30 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to add the stems and petioles of parsley tops, celery, young carrots to the broth (not all at once, but what is, and in a small amount; it is convenient to tie the tops into bundles before adding, so that later you can easily and simply was it all to extract from the broth), asparagus peelings, leeks or something similar that you come up with. It is also good to dip a whole unpeeled onion into the broth at this time ... the onion will give the broth its aroma, and the onion peel will give a golden hue. At the same time, just salt the broth.
  6. Boiling time of the broth should never exceed 4.5 - 6 hours (this depends on the age of the animal). If the broth is cooked longer than the specified time, the taste and aroma of the broth are lost. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing. When the meat is well cooked, it is very easy to pierce it (for example, with a toothpick). The finished meat is laid out on a dish and covered with a damp, clean cloth so that it does not dry out while waiting for its turn before serving.
  7. If the broth is not cooked from brisket, but from beef or other meat, then it is laid 2 hours after the bones start to cook. So we avoid overcooking the meat and keep it juicy. For meat soups, broths from veal, lamb, pork, poultry, etc. are used. Bouillon from a veal or pork head is boiled without the addition of bones or other meat, and the brain is also separated from the head. Fresh tongue and heart of cattle are boiled in broth in the same way as meat. Ready tongues are still warm, peeled. To prepare the broth from beef tails, they are cut into pieces along the joints, washed in cold water and placed in a saucepan. Pour cold water over and cook just like meat. Ready-made tails can be stored not only under a damp cloth, but also directly in the broth.
  8. All fat is completely removed from the finished broth, and the broth itself is filtered through a clean cloth.
  9. If you have cooked a concentrated broth (1.25 liters of water per 1 kg of meat products and bones), then it will need to be diluted with boiled water before use to a volume of 3.5-4 liters. and boil. Then you can cook soup on this broth.


In general, it is cooked in the same way as meat. Beef and lamb bones are boiled for 4.5 - 6 hours. Veal and pork - 2-3 hours. To make the broth transparent and more tasty, the bones are lightly browned in the oven beforehand.

By the way, boiled bones can be boiled again in a small amount of water, and the weak broth obtained in this way can be used to make sauces.

It is also not necessary to pour out the fat removed during the cooking of the broth, but you can collect it and use it for cooking other dishes (unless, of course, you like it). From 1 kg. bones can be obtained up to 100 grams of fat.


Poultry broth is prepared not only from a whole carcass, but also from offal (except for the liver), skin and bones. The bird is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled at a low boil. The main difference from cooking meat broth is that vegetables are laid in 20-30 minutes after the start of cooking (and not before it ends). Poultry broth is usually boiled for no longer than 1-2 hours, it all depends on which bird the broth is cooked from, what age and size it is. Salt the poultry broth at the same time as laying the vegetables. At the end, the broth is filtered, the bird is taken out and stored separately from the broth until serving.


Fish broths are boiled from heads, bones, fins, skin. From the heads of bream, roach, carp, roach, good broth does not work, because. he is bitter.

Large heads and bones are cut into 2-4 parts and washed in cold water. Gills must be removed. If there are rusty spots on the head and bones of sturgeons, then they should be scalded with boiling water, and then rinsed again with cold water.

Everything is placed in a saucepan, poured with cold water and covered with a lid. Before boiling, the lid is removed, the foam is removed, onions, stems or roots of parsley, celery, salt are added and boiled for about an hour. When cooking is over, the broth is left to stand for half an hour, then the fat is removed and the broth is filtered through a clean cloth.

If fish soup is prepared, then the fish is placed in a saucepan, poured with hot fish broth and boiled. The broth from cooking fish is used to make soup, and the fish is taken out and laid out on plates, pouring ready-made soup when serving.

If the soup is cooked from the heads of sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and beluga (heads), they are cut like this: cut in half lengthwise, cartilage is separated from each half and cooked separately. The meat is cut into pieces of 100-125 g, scalded, washed and put in a not too thick layer in a dish with low walls (stewpan). Pour in water and cook at a low boil for 1.5 - 2 hours (until the cartilage is soft). When the broth is ready, the pieces of the head are carefully removed with a slotted spoon, the hard parts of the shell are removed and, keeping the pieces intact, are placed on a dish. The broth is used to make soup.

For cooking fish broths and soups, heads and tails from salted fish are sometimes used - chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, salmon (if they are not covered with rust). Strongly salted fish is pre-soaked in cold water, changing it several times over several hours. This broth is cooked in the same way as fresh fish broth. Just be careful with salt, first you need to try the broth, it can be quite salty enough.


If dried mushrooms are used to prepare mushroom broth, then they are sorted out, thoroughly washed from dirt and adhering particles, poured with cold water at the rate of 4.5-5 liters per 400 g of dried mushrooms and left for 3-4 hours to swell. Boil in the same water without adding salt for 40-50 minutes. The finished broth is salted and filtered. Store until serving on a hot plate. Ready mushrooms are washed again to remove any remaining sand, cut as required in the recipe or as you like, and added to the soup.

If the mushroom broth is served as an independent dish, then when cooking, carrots, parsley and onions are added to it, cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts (for taste).

Fresh mushroom broth is cooked in exactly the same way, but they do not need to be soaked, they can be washed and boiled immediately.

POTATO SOUP WITH HOME Noodles(see photo)

The soup was cooked in beef bone broth. The broth turned out to be very concentrated, so I diluted it with hot water and boiled it before making the soup.

Soup Ingredients:

1 large onion

1 medium carrot

dried parsley and celery roots

5 medium potatoes

bunch of green onions

1 bay leaf

sunflower oil, salt and black pepper to taste


There is nothing difficult in preparing such a soup. Finely chopped onions and chopped carrots are sautéed together with dried parsley and celery roots (sold in the spice section of the store) in sunflower oil until half cooked (what is sautéing and how it differs from frying, I will write next time). Then they are added to a simmering broth. After 5 minutes, the broth is laid. When the potatoes are about half cooked, add the homemade noodles to the pot. Immediately add salt, bay leaf and pepper. Boil until the noodles are ready. Let stand for 5 minutes to cool slightly, pour into plates and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

A little about cooking homemade noodles:

To make homemade noodles a success, you must first roll out the dough very thinly, the layer should be no thicker than one millimeter. Then this layer must be dried ... that is, it must be rolled out in advance, and by the time we need ready-made noodles, the dough will already dry out. Only after that we roll up a layer of dough with a roll and cut it from 2 mm to 0.5 or even 1 cm wide. This is as you like, or as the recipe requires. It would be nice to dry the finished noodles a little more before putting them into the soup. Then it will not spread in the broth into sticky, unpleasant pieces, and the soup will be quite possible to eat the next day. Checked))

How to make delicious broth
Many people associate homemade broth with comfort, care and, of course, a cure for colds. Many mothers are sure that if a child gets sick, then there is no better food than broth. And they are right. Any warm soup, including broth, acts, firstly, as an inhalation, spreads out the nose with its vapors, and, secondly, a lot of warm liquid for a sore throat is the best treatment. Therefore, there is no housewife who does not want to know how to make delicious broth.

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The composition of the broths are different: meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom.

How to make delicious chicken broth

Stijn Nieuwendijk

Meat broth is usually made from chicken. In order for the dish to succeed, you need to follow a few simple rules. The meat should be put only in cold water, when boiling, you must not miss the moment and remove the foam, otherwise the broth will turn out to be cloudy. For a beautiful golden color, you can use a whole carrot, a whole onion, and celery root. These spices are not served on the table, they must be removed from the pan when the broth is ready. You can optionally put a bay leaf, a few peppercorns and a pinch of sage.

A small, handful of seeds is fraught with the power of minerals and vitamins. In addition to nutritional values, the undoubted advantage of these "babies" is the fact that they can be easily included in your daily diet. Here are four types of seeds that you can chew every day. What is useful flax seed for org...

It is better to salt the meat broth at the end, when it is almost ready. In no case should you cook the broth over high heat, only on a small one, it should boil slowly and not boil.

Even the material the spoon is made of can affect the flavor of the broth. Stainless steel is best, but not wood or silver. By the way, broth is not only a ready-made dish, but also an ingredient for other dishes, such as homemade noodles, stews and many other dishes. Thick rich broth can be frozen. To do this, it must be poured into molds for ice, and after solidification, folded into a plastic container. Thus, you will always have a ready-made basis for preparing your favorite dishes at hand.

Delicious fish broth

The best varieties of fish for fish broths are pike perch, ruff, perch and sturgeon. You can also use shrimp and other crustaceans. Spices such as onions, carrots, parsley are also suitable for fish.

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For cooking fish broth you don't have to use fish fillets. Suitable fish offal: tails, heads, backbone with the remains of meat. It is advisable to cut the ridge into pieces to fit in the pan. We place the offal in a saucepan and fill them with a small amount of water so that the water covers the fish mass by about the thickness of a finger. We put the pan on a small fire and begin to cook vegetables.

Stephen Rees

Cut carrots and leek into slices: white and light green parts. Immediately add the vegetables to the pot. Then we put the stems of parsley and dill, season the broth with the leaves when it is ready. The stems can be tied with a thread to make them easier to get later. Together with the stems, add the peas of black allspice and a little salt.

Now you need to wait until the broth boils. Do not make the fire strong, otherwise the broth will become cloudy when boiling.
As soon as the broth boils, it is necessary to remove the foam from the surface, the more carefully we remove the foam, the more transparent the broth will be.

How to determine the readiness of fish in the broth. When the fish has ceased to be transparent and has become matte throughout its thickness, it is ready.

After the broth is cooked, it must be strained to get rid of bones, small particles of fish and peppercorns. Only clear clear broth will remain. It is not necessary to squeeze out what gets into the cheesecloth, as the broth can become cloudy.

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We check the broth for salt, add salt if necessary, and put in it tomatoes without seeds and chopped greens: dill and parsley. Bring the broth to a boil, close the lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

Delicious vegetable broth

Adriana @ Great Food 360°

Vegetable broths are very light on the body. If there are contraindications for meat and fish broths, for example, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then vegetable broth is useful and suitable for absolutely everyone. Great for baby food. Vegetables can be used for every taste, seasoned with spices in moderation.

Any soup becomes tastier if it is cooked on the basis of vegetable broth. Vegetable broth is the easiest to make. For the broth, any vegetables that are in the refrigerator are suitable. The basic vegetables are onions, carrots, celery, garlic, that is, vegetables that we have all year round. It is also good to add aromatic herbs, spices and spices to the broth. For cooking, it is better to choose a deep pan than a wide one, this will protect against frequent boiling of water.

The most delicious broth is obtained from baked vegetables.

If you want your broth to be tasty, it is important to dip the vegetables directly into cold water. You need to cook until the vegetables soften.

mushroom broth

Robert Occhialini

Mushroom broths are made from dried mushrooms. White mushroom is the best. Cep broth will never turn cloudy. Spices are used standard, as for other types of broths.

porcini mushroom broth prepared as follows. For 50 grams of dry mushrooms, you need 2 - 3 liters of water. We wash dry mushrooms, put them in a pan. Add peeled and halved onion. Fill everything with cold water. Cook on low heat for 2 - 2.5 hours. To speed up cooking, you can pre-soak the mushrooms in cold water for 1 - 2 hours. This water will then be used for cooking. Readiness can be determined by the position of the mushrooms. When they sink to the bottom the broth is ready.
Strain the finished broth. Wash the mushrooms with cold water and finely chop. From the finished broth and chopped mushrooms, we prepare mushroom soup.

Every housewife must learn how to properly cook the broth so that it is transparent. It is used for aspic, soup, jelly and sauce.

Decoction based on meat or fish is an independent dish, so when cooking these products, you need to follow some rules.

But, not always it turns out the desired shade. In this case, you can use some tricks to make the broth transparent and appetizing.

Why is chicken broth cloudy?

Chicken broth is loved not only by adults, but also by children. It is best to cook it from poultry so that it turns out to be more rich and pleasant in taste.

Do not buy from the broiler market. Before cooking, the bird should be chilled, but not frozen.

There are several important reasons that affect transparency:

What is the reason Peculiarities
Too fatty meat If you buy fatty chicken, then the likelihood of getting a cloudy broth increases. During cooking, fats become liquid and form an emulsion.

With prolonged boiling, they decompose into acids and glycerin. It is these substances that affect the transparency and purity of the broth.

thawed meat Only fresh chicken pieces should be used for cooking. During defrosting, all the juices that remain in the water during boiling leave the meat.

The broth will turn out nutritious and will have a richer taste. During boiling, proteins coagulate, and white or dark foam forms on the surface of the water.

Strong boiling water During a strong seething of water, the broth begins to lose its appearance and becomes cloudy.

This is due to the fact that small drops of fat begin to mix intensively with protein flakes.

As a result of such cooking, an emulsion is formed, which leads to cloudiness of the liquid.

Foam when cooking meat When water boils, foam appears on the surface, which must be removed immediately. Do this until the water is completely clear.

Cooking chicken broth requires close attention from the hostess. In order to avoid mistakes, you need to know why it became cloudy.

Based on it, you can cook a delicious mushroom soup with noodles or vermicelli.

Why cloudy fish and meat broths?

So that the fish broth does not turn out cloudy, you need to know what products to prepare it from. Ruff, perch and pike perch are suitable for cooking, which have good taste.

Before cooking perch and ruff, all the insides are removed from them. They are boiled whole, the skin is not removed.

If pike perch is used, then bones and skin are removed from the fish, on the basis of which a rich broth is prepared.

Water must be heated gradually in several stages. She must languish on a low fire. After boiling, the resulting foam is removed.

To improve the taste during cooking, it is recommended to add finely chopped vegetables, herbs and various roots. The duration of languor is about one hour.

If the broth is cloudy after cooking, you can use protein to clarify it. Take two eggs, separate the proteins and pour them into hot water.

The saucepan is put on a slow fire, for the protein to curl. It perfectly clarifies the broth and makes it completely transparent.

What to do with meat before cooking and all the tricks of its preparation:

  1. The pieces of meat are thoroughly washed under cold running water. Housewives need to carefully remove the remnants of blood.
  2. It is laid only in cold water. With this cooking mode, meat products gradually give up their juice and fats, so the broth will turn out tasty and rich.
  3. Water is brought to a boil over high heat which is then reduced and the foam is removed.
  4. It is important to cover the pan loosely with a lid, so that the water does not boil and remains clear.
  5. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon or spoon. It is advisable to remove the fat formed on the surface of the water during boiling.

How to make cloudy broth golden?

To prepare a clear broth from beef or pork, you must adhere to the following technology:

  1. Food preparation. Vegetables are peeled and cut into cubes or cubes.

    The meat is washed under running water and thrown into the water whole so that it gives up its nourishing juice. The chicken requires more careful processing and the skin is necessarily removed from it.

    Thanks to this, the finished dish will not be greasy.

  2. Meat is poured into cold water and never put to boil in boiling water. This is due to the fact that its surface is quickly covered with a dense film and the juice remains inside.
  3. After boiling water it is necessary to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. You can't let her sink to the bottom.
  4. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables and spices to taste.
  5. Vegetables must languish on slow fire. The duration of cooking chicken meat is 1.5 hours. Pork and veal are cooked for two hours.
  6. Next, take out the meat and the broth is filtered through a fine sieve or using several layers of gauze.

To clarify and correct the cloudy meat broth from pork, lamb and beef, you need to use a special guy.

To do this, remove the fat with a spoon, which formed on the surface, and filter the broth. The best and proven version of the brace is egg whites.

They are added at the rate of: one protein per two liters of water. The finished mass is poured into the boiling broth, it is curtailed and the broth can be filtered.

It is forbidden to add acidic absorbents, that spoil the taste of the food.

Chicken broth can be given a nice golden color. To do this, during the cooking of meat, a whole onion with a husk is added to the water.

It can also be boiled separately. and add the liquid to the stock pot.

This option is used to make the color acquire a beautiful shade. Also, the broth is enriched with nutrients.

How to lighten beef broth for jelly?

To make beef broth use the meat of young bulls, whose age does not exceed 3 years. It is quite tender and juicy.

When choosing pork, you need to pay attention only to bacon breeds. Pieces of meat have a good layer and a little fat. The broth is aromatic and tender.

An egg white draw can also be used to clarify beef broth and to prepare jelly.

In the finished mass add 100 grams of ground beef. This is the best absorbent that helps to clear the broth and make it transparent. Minced meat saturates it with nutrients.

Useful video

Meat broths can be prepared from any meat (beef, pork, veal, etc.). The main difference between meat broth and chicken broth is that it takes much longer to cook and is more fatty. Meat broths are used to prepare various soups, cabbage soup, borscht and other first and second courses. The easiest way to make a soup based on meat broth is to add vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.) and seasonings. Peas, bay leaves, herbs, roots are added to the broth. For richness and flavor, you can add tomato paste, lecho or other sauce to the soup. For two to three liters of broth, one medium onion, medium-sized carrots and a few stalks of celery are enough. Meat broths go well with leeks, parsnips, turnips.

Meat broths can also be prepared with mushrooms, rice, millet, pasta, meatballs, etc. The taste of meat broth mainly depends on the meat used. It must be fresh. For beef soups, it is better to take young beef (not older than three years). Such meat is very juicy, soft and less fatty. To prepare first courses on meat broths, you need to take meat on the bones; during the cooking process, the bones release a large amount of extracts that make the soup fragrant and rich.

For pork broths, it is best to use a spatula, for beef, necks and brisket are suitable, to cook lamb soup, you can use a spatula, medallions or brisket. Cooking time for meat broth depends on the size of the pieces and the stiffness of the meat. For young meat, an hour and a half is enough, for older meat, the cooking time increases to two to three hours.

Meat broth - preparing food and dishes

To prepare meat broth, you will need a large saucepan, a frying pan, a cutting board, knives for cutting and cutting meat, gauze for straining.

Before cooking, the meat must be washed and cut, vegetables washed, peeled and chopped. Prepare the right amount of herbs, spices and seasonings.

Meat broth recipes:

Recipe 1: Meat Broth

Take this recipe as a base for any first course. Add new ingredients each time - and you will get completely different dishes. On such a broth, you can easily cook cabbage soup, borscht, and various soups.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beef and pork - in equal shares;
  • Onions and carrots - for taste (optional);
  • Spices (salt, pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Water - about three liters.

Cooking method:

To begin with, we will process the meat: wash it and cut off the veins with skins. It is better to take the meat on the "sugar bone" - the soup will come out rich and rich. We put the pieces in a large saucepan and pour water into it (take water according to the amount of meat and the desired concentration of the broth). We put the pot on the stove. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. We clean the onion with carrots and throw it into the pan, if desired, you can also add roots. Add bay leaf (1-2 pcs.). It is impossible to name the exact time for how long the meat broth should be cooked - it depends primarily on the quality of the meat itself. On average, the broth needs to be cooked for about an hour and a half (sometimes more) over low heat. We check the readiness of the meat with a knife. At the end of cooking, you need to take out the vegetables and bay leaf - we will no longer need them, since they have already given up all their taste and aroma. Put the meat on a plate and remove from the bones, cut into portions. We filter the broth. Then you can add any ingredients: vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, etc. When serving meat broth, put pieces of meat on the plates.

Recipe 2: Meat broth in a slow cooker

A slow cooker not only replaces the mass of kitchen utensils, but also greatly facilitates the cooking process. Just prepare all the products, put them in the device, set the mode and go about your business. Meat broth from a slow cooker is no worse than cooked in the usual way on the stove.

Required Ingredients:

  • Meat (one or two types) - we take depending on the desired richness;
  • Lukovichka;
  • Carrot;
  • Black pepper;
  • Salt;
  • Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat properly, cut it into pieces, put it in a slow cooker. We clean onions and carrots. We cut the carrots into circles and send them to the slow cooker after the meat, put the whole onion. We throw lavrushka, pepper and other spices. Fill all the components with water, usually for broths pour water to the maximum mark. We set the “stewing” mode for an hour and a half (for tougher meat, the time can be increased). After the broth is cooked, strain it from vegetables, parsley and pepper. Rich meat broth is ready!

Recipe 3: Meat broth with vegetables

Very tasty meat broth, which is prepared with vegetables: carrots, onions, tomatoes, potatoes and zucchini. A sauce is also used here, which gives the soup a rich taste and aroma.

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • ½ zucchini;
  • Tomato;
  • Half a glass of lecho;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Several potatoes;
  • Greens;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • One and a half liters of meat broth.

Cooking method:

We clean the vegetables, remove the skin from the tomato (for this we scald it with boiling water). Cut the onion into thin half rings. We cut the potatoes, carrots and zucchini into strips, finely chop the garlic, cut the tomato into small pieces. After the broth boils, we throw potatoes into it. After a few minutes, spread the carrots with onions. A little later, add garlic and zucchini. Later we add lecho with tomato and herbs. At the end, salt and pepper the meat broth to taste. Boil until all the vegetables are ready and leave to infuse.

Recipe 4: Meat broth with herbs and eggs

Simple meat broth with herbs and eggs. A very light and satisfying first course, for the preparation of which you do not need a lot of products.

Required Ingredients:

  • A kilogram of beef (pulp);
  • 0.25 kg of bones;
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • parsley roots;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Greens.

Cooking method:

We fill the bones with water and begin to cook, periodically remove the noise. Cook the broth for about an hour, then lay out the pieces of meat, remove the foam. Salt the soup after a few minutes, continue to cook the broth until the meat is soft. We cut the roots with onions and bake for half an hour in the oven. We put the baked vegetables in the soup half an hour before the end of cooking. Ready meat broth filter, season with pepper. Serve with half a boiled egg and chopped herbs.

Recipe 5: Meat Broth with Rice

Another option for a hearty second course based on meat broth. Rice, vegetables, herbs and spices are used here for taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • A kilogram of meat on the bone;
  • Potatoes - a few pieces;
  • Lukovichka;
  • Carrot;
  • 80 g of swede;
  • 45 g fat;
  • parsley root;
  • Allspice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Rice is washed and placed in the soup after the meat is cooked. We cut onion, carrot, swede, parsley roots into strips. Vegetables are fried in oil along with bay leaves and sweet peas. We spread the vegetable dressing and potatoes in the soup. At the end, add greens. Cook until all products are ready.

- It is better to take meat for broths on the bones - the soup will turn out to be more saturated and rich;

- Ready meat broth must be filtered. Only in this way does it turn out clean and transparent;

- Spices should be added at the end of cooking. At the beginning of cooking the broth, you can add a little salt, at the end you need to try the soup and if there is not enough salt, add more salt;

- Particular attention should be paid to water. It is recommended to take clean water: spring, from a well, filtered or purchased in bottles. The liquid should not be too hard, otherwise the meat will not be able to give all its taste. For a kilogram of meat pulp, two or three liters of liquid are usually taken. It depends on how fat and concentrated the broth should be;

- When cooking meat broth, you need to take into account the fact that some of the water will boil away. Therefore, fluids must be taken with this factor in mind.

The preparation of the broth is a real art, it is not enough just to put the meat in the pan and cook it, you need to choose the right cuts that will make the broth play with taste, the necessary fat and aroma. Meat broth is not easy to cook, but the article will help you comprehend the science without much difficulty.

Meat preparation

Cooking meat broth begins with the purchase and preparation of meat cuts:

- for chicken broths, wings, chicken paws (the ones that are sold with claws), necks are suitable;

- for beef, you should pay attention to the tails, legs (without hooves), large bones with cartilage;

- for pork broth, front or hind legs, tails, a “piglet” of a pig (there is a lot of gelatin in it), ears are suitable.

After the purchase, the meat is thoroughly washed, cleaned of impurities, especially pig ears and tails, chopped to medium size so that the meat fits in a pan where the broth will be boiled. This is how fish and vegetable broths are prepared, only for fish one should take fish bones, heads, fins, and for vegetable - carrots, celery root, parsnips, onions.

Meat, fish, vegetables prepared for cooking are sent to the liquid for further cooking. Traditionally, the blank is placed in a container, filled with water so that it barely covers the products, then the broth will turn out to be rich, thick and tasty. Water with vegetables or fish lowered there should be brought to a boil, then with a ladle or slotted spoon it is worth removing the foam from the surface, then simply boil for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.

As for meat broths, it takes much more time to cook. It is important to extract more gelatin to enrich the liquid, so you need to cook it for several hours: chicken for at least 2 hours, beef and pork for 3-4 hours. The dissolution of gelatin in the liquid is necessary, if the broth is boiled down to make sauces, this ingredient will give the sauce the necessary consistency.

To make the broth clean and transparent, you should add and heat cold water gradually at the beginning of the process. With this approach, the proteins released from the meat slowly curl up, settling on the bottom and walls of the pan, or rise to the surface, from where they can be easily removed with the back of the ladle.

Maximum taste

Evaporation of the broth is an important process in which foreign matter in the pan rises to the surface of the liquid in the form of foam, because of this, the finished broth can become cloudy, and in some cases even bitter. Therefore, the liquid should be boiled over low heat, then the meat particles will not disperse and it will be easy to collect them. To collect exfoliated proteins, it is required to carry out manipulations, which in the culinary world are called the French word “depouillage”, that is, the removal of foam and foreign particles with a ladle with a skimmer, a ladle.

When the broth barely boils, the curdled protein is grouped into one mass and rises to the surface in a “heap”, it is worth moving the pan off the heat and the foam will immediately move to the cold side, then it is easy to remove it with a slotted spoon and the broth will become clean, light, almost transparent.

How long to boil the liquid?

Cooking time depends on the further use of the product. The broth for glazing or concentrated extract for the sauce must be boiled out longer than the usual broth for soup. When the liquid evaporates, the taste becomes more concentrated, the consistency thickens, and it is important to strike a balance here. If the sauce has been reduced to the desired taste, but not thick enough, there is no point in evaporating further, as it will become very salty and the taste concentrated, which is not always good for demiglace-type sauces.

How to cook broth?

It is important not to cover the pan with a lid when cooking meat or fish broth so that the liquid does not boil too much and the foam can be easily removed from the surface as it appears. This cooking method is the most correct, but the product will turn out even tastier if you use a well-known and even slightly old-fashioned pressure cooker for cooking. It may seem to some that using a pressure cooker is a throwback to the 70s, in fact, modern kitchen appliances have become more advanced and are ideal for cooking broths.

A pressure cooker is a secret weapon for preparing excellent meat, vegetable or fish broth. With a hermetically sealed lid, odors do not evaporate, but remain inside the pan, cooking at a high temperature enriches the aroma more, as it triggers the Maillard reaction, in which the aromas and flavors of the products are revealed and dissolved in water.

Higher brewing temperatures offer huge benefits:

- the ingredients release more flavor;

- the high temperature inside the hermetically sealed pan triggers the Maillard reaction, it is also called the browning reaction;

- more saturated, complex and rich aromas and tastes are created.

The result of high-pressure cooking is a deep broth flavor that cannot be achieved when cooking broth in a conventional saucepan.

How to make the right broth?

When the broth is ready, it must be filtered to remove particles of the original products. The matter is simple, but requires a reasonable approach. If you are not preparing consommé (the broth for this meat dish should be filtered, not strained), then pieces of the fragments should be caught with a slotted spoon, and the rest of the liquid should be passed through a colander. To improve the taste, before straining, you should mash vegetables, spices, meat with a ladle so that they give the liquid a taste, add juiciness, after which the broth should be filtered again.

The second filtering is performed through a fine sieve or through a colander with a clean towel or three times folded gauze lined at the bottom. Remember, wet gauze filters better than dry gauze, so it should be pre-moistened. Double straining through a coarse sieve, then through a fine sieve may seem like an extra complication, but this is how you get a beautiful clear broth without extra particles and inclusions.

Storage of the finished broth:

1. When the preparation of the broth is over, you need to deal with its storage. The great thing about cooking broths is that if you take a large pot and cook the broth with a margin, you can freeze it, as the finished product retains its taste and aroma well when frozen. But if you are going to store a fragrant preparation in large volumes (1-2 liters), do not freeze it in one huge lump. This is not practical, suddenly then you need to separate 200 or 500 ml for the sauce. Take special ice-forming cells for freezing or ordinary silicone baking molds and fill them with saturated liquid. Place in freezer and store until needed.

2. Ideally, boil down the "extra" broth to a concentrated state, when it takes the form of a viscous and dense syrup consistency, then pour it into silicone molds for ice. In the future, ice pieces can be used instead of bouillon cubes, which are sold in the store in the form of a pressed powder, only a decoction cooked at home will be much more useful.

How to get the best taste?

When preparing meat brown broths, you want to add characteristic, complex flavors caused by the Maillard reaction (high-temperature frying of ingredients). This can be achieved by frying the meat and / or bones in a frying pan, grill, in the oven in a baking dish before cooking.

The meat, when fried in a dry frying pan or when baked, will acquire a rich taste that will enrich the broth. After frying, you can use the pieces that have stuck to the bottom of the mold or pan, for this you need to deglaze the sediment: pour in the liquid, heat, scrape with a spatula so that the liquid absorbs the caramelized nuances of the residue, their taste and aroma, then add the resulting mixture to the broth, any other dish or prepare a sauce based on it.

Deglazing allows you to enrich sauces, broths with complex shades of aromas and tastes. Most often, the pan is deglazed with alcohol (wine) or vinegar, but any liquid that goes well with the dish will do. If the decoction is intended for a rich sauce prepared on the basis of port wine, red wine, then the pan should be deglazed with brandy, port wine, red wine. For chicken broth, white wine is suitable, for fish - vermouth or a couple of drops of Pernod. A small amount of lemon juice is good for deglazing a frying pan where poultry was fried, rum is good for caramelizing bananas.


Deglazing is a great cooking technique that will help you make a great sauce. Once you have baked the chicken and left it to "rest", the remaining meat juices should be deglazed over high heat, adding grain mustard and water to the container. After frying the fish, it is best to “treat” the pan with lemon juice, add butter there, warm it up a little and pour the finished fish with this sauce, it will turn out unforgettably delicious.

The last way to bring out and enhance the taste of fish or meat broth is to fry a finely chopped onion and a couple of anise stars in butter. You can experiment by changing the amount of anise and onion, add vegetable oil instead of butter, but the result will always be the same. It will be delicious!

The effect of frying onions with anise is incredible! The ingredients, when combined, create notes of cinnamon, cloves, thyme, black pepper, chili, very suitable for a meat dish or onion soup. They simply enrich the meaty flavor of the meat broth. In order for the method to “play” with shades, you should add the fried components to the liquid. Then, bring the entire mixture to a concentrated state. Then the components that make up the decoction will begin to interact with each other, creating new shades of aroma and taste. Now you know how to cook the broth correctly so that it turns out delicious! Enjoy cooking and successful experiments in the kitchen, friends!

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