Ten lean sweets. Lenten desserts

Consumption ecology. New Year is a controversial date for a church-going family. On the one hand, there is a strict fast, on the other hand, feasts with neighbors and relatives and children, looking at pastries and cakes with sad eyes. On the third - ahead of Christmas, a long-awaited and joyful holiday.

New Year is a controversial date for a churched family. On the one hand, there is a strict fast, on the other hand, feasts with neighbors and relatives and children, looking at pastries and cakes with sad eyes. On the third - ahead of Christmas, a long-awaited and joyful holiday. And on the fourth - you can please the kids, respect your mother and treat your friends to delicious treats without violating the canon.

We offer you, dear housewives, 10 recipes for lean, beautiful and festive sweets.


The beauty of this cake, which is not even baked, is cashew nuts, coconut cream and fresh berries. Soak 0.5 kg of cashews overnight. In the morning, grind 10 dates in a blender, 150 g of a nut mixture (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts) with 1 tbsp. l coconut milk, put on a base lined with cling film. Then grind cashews with 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l, honey and 1 tbsp. l. coconut milk. Pour 2/3 of the cream into the mold. 1/3 mixed with 200 g of bright berries, beat, put on top. Send until the evening in the freezer. Sprinkle with shredded coconut before serving and garnish with whatever you like. Delicious astonishing!


The "chip" of gingerbread is in a wonderful aroma, ease of baking and the ability to play with the recipe. Base - 0.5 kg of rye flour mixed with 0.5 kg of honey or sugar syrup and a bag of baking powder. Then add to the dough to taste 2 tablespoons of rum and / or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated ginger, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of citrus zest, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped nuts, seeds, sesame seeds or small candied fruits. Most importantly - a mixture of fragrant spices. Gather to your taste star anise, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg. Heat honey, sift flour, mix with baking powder and nuts, knead sticky dough on honey. Roll it into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, cut out the figures, bake. Ready-made gingerbread must stand (hang on the Christmas tree) for at least 24 hours, otherwise they will be tough.


A simple, cheap and favorite homemade treat for children. It will take 200 g of granulated sugar, 2-4 tbsp. l. water, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 100 g sunflower seeds or sesame seeds, walnuts, peanuts or almonds to taste. Roast the seeds or nuts until golden brown. Prepare a mold for kozinaki, cover it with parchment paper and grease with oil. Boil caramel in a skillet with sugar, water and lemon juice until a nice light coffee color. Pour in the filler, mix very quickly and pour into the mold. When the treat begins to harden, make cuts on a soft surface to make it easier to break into portioned pieces. And eat healthy!


Light, beautiful and endlessly varied dessert. If you simplify the task and use ready-made bags, even a dad or a schoolchild can handle it. If you follow the example of grandmothers and boil currants or quince with sugar, it will come out in an original way. And the golden mean is an agar-agar base, natural dye (beetroot, raspberry, cherry, spinach, carrot, turmeric, saffron juice), fruit, berry or mixed filler and decor - mint leaves, whole berries, vegetable cream, sprinkling or topping . Soak 4 tsp. agar-agar, add a glass of water, a glass of sugar, bring to a boil, boil for 30 seconds, turn off, add dye, syrup and / or filler, pour into molds, put in the refrigerator, take out and decorate after 6-8 hours. Voila!

Fruit salad

Dietary, tasty and healthy dish. Feature - a combination of tastes and textures of different components. Soft bananas and grainy pear chunks, slippery pineapple and gooey dates, tender persimmons and crunchy apples. Sour kiwi and sweet plum, rich citruses and calm blueberries, zesty raspberries and exotic mango. You can add nuts, candied fruits, seeds, grated chocolate, sprinkle with coconut or corn flakes (before serving), add vanilla or cinnamon. The sauce in the short version is made from whipped cream or sour cream with sugar, in the lean version - from syrup, vegetable or coconut cream.


Yes, yes, those same cockerels on a stick that were sold by gypsies in parks (it was strictly forbidden to buy them!). The recipe is as elementary as the alphabet. Prepare and grease the molds with butter (boxes from figured sweets, metal lids from cans, etc. are suitable), make “legs” out of matches or toothpicks. Boil syrup - 10 tbsp. l. sugar for 10 tbsp. l. water + 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice + natural food coloring. When a drop of syrup begins to solidify in water - it's ready. Pour into molds, insert "legs", let cool - and feel like happy kids.

homemade sweets

Or rather, sweet balls, an Indian recipe. You will need a blender (in extreme cases, a meat grinder), moderately viscous juicy dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins), honey (1 tablespoon per 300 g of the mixture), sprinkles (sesame seeds, coconut flakes, cocoa powder, grated nuts) and toppings (banana slices, candied citrus or melon, whole almonds, hazelnuts). Grind 300 g of pitted dried fruits by adding honey and (if the mixture is too crumbly) a quarter of a banana. With moistened hands, mold balls the size of a walnut, flatten them into a cake, put the filling in the middle, roll it up, roll it in sprinkles, put it on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment, put it in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. And now - winter is around, and Calcutta is on the table!


This recipe breaks patterns - how is it, charlotte - and without eggs ?! However, the role of eggs is perfectly performed by a banana crushed in mashed potatoes or half a glass of freshly squeezed banana, apple, quince or pear juice. We cut 3 sour apples into thin slices, mix a glass of sugar, 150 ml of refined oil, a pinch of salt, a thickener (juice or banana) in a blender until the sugar is completely dissolved, then gradually add the sifted flour, baking powder and vanillin to the dough. We put the apples in a greased form, pour the dough and bake like a regular charlotte. The family will be surprised!


Remember the Nutcracker and the marzipan sweets you could only dream of? It turns out that touching and funny edible toys are easy to prepare at home. Soak 200 g of almonds in the evening, grind in a blender, mix with 100 g of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l. hot water and a drop of almond essence or a teaspoon of rum or cognac. Knead the almond dough. And feel like a magical confectioner - marzipan can be mixed with nuts, raisins, candied fruits, small pieces of chocolate, sprinkled with poppy seeds, coconut flakes, cocoa powder, painted with natural food colors and glazed “under the snow”. Anything can be molded from the plastic mass - craftsmen build castles, build carriages and build ships. And you can make fruit, a rose, a pig or a lamb. And at the same time - something for the Christmas table - marzipan can be stored for up to two months.

Apples in caramel

A wonderful piece of treat - suitable for a children's birthday. Take 600 g of small apples, cook for 5 minutes, drain and leave to dry. Can be wiped off with a cloth. Make a syrup from 300 ml of sugar and half a glass of water, when the drop begins to thicken in water - dip the apples, dip them thoroughly on all sides, take them out and lay them on parchment to dry. Stick a “leg” into each apple. Melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath, dip the semi-finished product, sprinkle with coconut or sesame seeds. Ready!

Have a sweet vacation! published

Therefore, no matter what, we will try to find those lean sweets that can be eaten. In addition, in addition to their "sinlessness", many of them will probably also be useful - the fewer ingredients, the more likely that the product will not harm.

First, let's deal with what is impossible. If you act strictly within the "law", you can not do much - all products of animal origin. Meat, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, cheeses - this is what lies on the surface. Did you know that gelatin is also of animal origin? Therefore, it is also impossible. Therefore, we also cross out all types of jelly. Fortunately, gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar, a gelling agent that is extracted from algae.

But there are many such pitfalls. For example, almost all pastries are excluded - the composition contains milk powder, eggs or egg powder ... Some types of marshmallow and halva will not work - their recipe (kos-halva or protein marshmallow) contains either milk or eggs. Milk chocolate is not allowed - we also cross out sweets covered with chocolate icing.

What remains? Honey, nuts, dried fruits, fruits, jam. And with this you can already live and even come up with various delicious recipes. From homemade caramel to quite lean poppy seed pretzels and sweet carrot cakes. It's just a matter of desire and imagination. But there is not always time for cooking, so we went to the shops to see how we can sweeten thoughts of the high and brighten up the fasting life.

By the way, great hopes were placed on marshmallows - its recipe is extremely lean: applesauce, agar-agar and sugar. But alas, in store versions, egg white powder is added everywhere. Therefore, to our great regret, the marshmallow had to be crossed out.

At first, sherbet pleased with its composition, but serum was later found in it. And with a more thorough study of the recipe, it turned out that this is a dairy treat. Alas, it is past.

On the other hand, many other sweets were found, but in order not to turn onto a curved path, read the composition before buying anyway - there are many manufacturers, everyone has their own recipe.

Sushi and bagels

It didn’t work out with marshmallows, but the composition of the dryers and bagels pleased me: flour, water, yeast, sugar. The icing is also simple: sugar and water or poppy seeds. Raisins are sometimes added. In general, no crime, you can safely eat.

Price: EUR 0.72 for sushi (200 g) and EUR 0.88 for crackers (150 g)


It is more difficult with cookies - many of the ones we are used to contain butter, eggs, milk (including condensed milk). We have found variants of oatmeal cookies - they are almost all harmless from the point of view of lean food and very healthy from the point of view of health: whole oatmeal is used, which is very good for digestion. There is also a "digestif" - round biscuit cookies, which are often called Marie. They also do not contain crime.

Price: €0.74 for 250g oatmeal cookies.


Oriental sweets, by the way, are one of the ways to seriously diversify the diet. Halva, Turkish delight, gozinaki - everything that is sweet, nutty and very, very lean. For example, halva is made from seeds (nuts, for example, peanuts), sugar, flour, water, vegetable oil. If you decide to cook at home, sugar can be replaced with honey.

Price: 0.65 euros for 150g.


Lokum is made even simpler than halva: sugar, water and starch. For flavor notes, either lemon juice or nuts are added. The delicacy is inexpensive, due to its sweetness it is also economical - you won’t eat much, and the amount of sugar will satisfy the most severe sweet tooth.

Price: 1.90 euros for a box of 100g.


Kozinaki is a nut mixture boiled in sugar or honey syrup. There are no more additives in the ideal gozinak, and due to its composition, it is also a calorie bomb. Eat carefully - the sweetness is quite hard.

Price: 0.55 euros for 50g.


Almonds grated with sugar. What else can you tell about marzipan? It is unlikely that this mass can be eaten just like that. Therefore, you can dream up: cut the mass into cubes, melt the dark chocolate and pour over the cubes. You will get lean and very tasty sweets. True, calories. But in the post, perhaps, it's even good.

Price: 2.45 euros for 150g.


There are no problems at all. Sugar, water, flavors, dyes - for every taste and budget. Caramel can be consumed without any reservations.

Price: from 0.53 euros for 90g.

candied fruits

Here you can find cranberries in sugar, cranberries in sugar and chocolate, a variety of pieces of fruit in chocolate icing. The main thing is to look at the composition of the chocolate so that there are no milk and egg inclusions.

Price: candied cranberries 2.19 euros for 110g.


Quite a tasty treat. Just look at the ingredients. In the "correct" marmalade, you can find only fruit puree, agar-agar, sugar, possibly acidity regulators and dyes. Preferably natural.

An excellent natural marmalade from one of our farms was found on the eco-lot of one of the retail chains. The downside is the price, which is 3.25 euros for 200g Plus - a completely natural composition, no synthetics.

Price: 0.85 euros for 150g.


With chocolate, everything is very complicated. Dairy contains milk powder - it can not be used at all. But, if completely unbearable, dark chocolate is allowed. Just make sure it doesn't contain milk first.

Fortunately, we have no problems with dark chocolate, a rich assortment is presented in any distribution network, there are a variety of firms, and the density of the product is also for every taste: very hard varieties and slightly softer ones. Like the cocoa content - from 50 to 90%. It seems even higher.

Price: 1.09 euros per 100g.


Here, too, there is something to relax on. No dangerous products were found in the composition of the gingerbreads we studied, so you can brighten up your lean life with them. And if you look at the markets, then among other sweets there are also Tula sweets - spicy, tasty, with jam ...

But! When we were looking for lean gingerbread, we found options that included both cream and egg powder. And, of course, you can’t take gingerbread stuffed with condensed milk - fasting.

Price: €0.63 for a pack of 250g vanilla gingerbread.


But not the usual, which is made on the basis of proteins, but fruit. Its production is a rather long process, but it is worth it (by the way, it can be easily made at home). Fruit puree, stewed with sugar, is laid out in a thin layer on baking paper and dried for a long time, evaporating excess moisture. The result is a plate of very tasty treats. You can buy in stores, in the department of eco-products. (Sea buckthorn marshmallow is very tasty, but you still have to look for it ...) In addition, funny fruit pastilles Veri Beri were found in one of the central grocery stores - completely based on fruits, the composition also contains the fibers of these very fruits, which is considered very useful.

Price: Veri Beri lozenges - from 1.15 euros for 50g.

Sweet tooth in fasting is not sweet. It is more difficult for them to give up their favorite delicacies than any meat and dairy pleasures. That's when lean sweets come to the rescue, the recipes of which we will discuss.

oat benefits

What sweets can you eat in fasting? Oatmeal cookies, because they are so tasty and healthy! Mix 50 ml of vegetable oil, 80 g of sugar, ½ tsp each. cloves, ginger, cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and salt. Enter 1 tsp. soda, quenched 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 180 g ground oatmeal, 100 g flour and 5 tbsp. l. water. We knead the dough, make cookies and bake for 25 minutes at 200 ° C. Add pineapple chunks to the batter for a tropical flavor.

honey dreams

Traditional sweetness in post - honey . We heat a mixture of 250 g of sugar, 250 ml of water, 100 ml of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. l. honey. When the sugar dissolves, put 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tsp baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla to taste. We introduce 320 g of flour, 80 g of crushed nuts, 80 g of steamed raisins and knead a thick dough. We fill them with a baking dish and put in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. Lubricate the gingerbread with jam, and the sweet tooth will be delighted.

apples in feather bed

Craving sweets while fasting? Make apple pie without eggs. We combine 200 g of applesauce, 150 ml of orange juice, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla and salt. Pour 200 g of flour and semolina, 100 g of sugar and beat the dough with a mixer. We put half in a baking dish, generously sprinkle with slices of apples and cover with the second half of the dough. Bake the charlotte for 30 minutes at 180°C. This ruddy pie will bring immense joy to everyone.

poppy miracle

Poppy seed roll was created for the Lenten menu. Dilute 50 g of yeast in 400 ml of warm water, stir in 400 g of flour and let the dough rise. We introduce another 600 g of flour, 180 ml of vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, knead the dough and keep warm for 2 hours. Cook 200 g of poppy with 6 tbsp. l. honey 15 minutes. We roll out a rectangle 1 cm thick from the dough, spread the poppy seeds, 2 bananas and an orange into cubes, roll up the roll. Lubricate it with strong black tea and bake for 30 minutes at 200 ° C. You can decorate the roll with fudge made from water and powdered sugar.

funny muffins

Carrot muffins with dates - a delicious lean sweetness. Puree 150 g of pitted dates with 50 ml of carrot juice. Add 200 ml of olive oil, 300 ml of carrot juice, 400 g of flour and 1 tsp. baking powder. Pour 100 g of nuts, knead the dough and fill the muffin molds. Lubricate them with icing from 70 g of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. boiling water and 1 tsp. lemon juice and bake for 40 minutes at 180°C. These muffins are convenient to take with you to work or a walk with children.

ruddy sun

Pancakes are quite acceptable in the Lenten menu. In a deep bowl, mix 200 g flour, 400 ml orange juice, orange zest, 30 ml vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and ¼ tsp. ground ginger. Beat the dough with a mixer, pour in 130 ml of boiling water with ½ tsp. soda and mix again. And then fry pancakes in a heated pan with vegetable oil. Drizzle them with honey or maple syrup for a great lean dessert.

Tales of the East

Perfect for sweet post halva, made by hand. We take 400 g of different nuts, 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds and fry in a dry frying pan. We grind them with a blender into crumbs, put 200 g of raisins and continue to grind. Pour in 300 g of liquid honey, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix. We fill the baking sheet with this mass and let it harden. With such a beautiful and tasty halva, no other can be compared.

Crispy citruses

Do not rush to throw out orange peels - they will turn out excellent. Cut the peel of 2 oranges into strips, soak in water for a day to remove the bitterness. Ideally, you need to change it 5-6 times. We heat 200 ml of water, dissolve 200 g of sugar in it and pour out the crusts. We cook them for 30 minutes from the moment of boiling, put them on parchment paper and wait until the sweet crust hardens. This delicacy will charge you with good mood and vitamins.

Candies for health

Candies are easy to turn into healthy sweets during fasting. Brown 100 g cashews in a dry frying pan and grind into flour. Soak for 10 minutes in boiling water 70 g of raisins, 200 g of dried apricots and pitted dates. We pass dried fruits through a meat grinder, combine with cashews and sculpt small balls. Roll them in sesame seeds and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Such sweets are good in their purest form.

fruit harmony

Perhaps the easiest lean dessert is a fruit smoothie. Peel and cut into cubes large ripe banana, pear and kiwi. We combine them with 150 g of defrosted blueberries and beat them with a blender into a puree. Pour in 150 ml of coconut or almond milk, put 4 tbsp. l. flax seeds, 1 tbsp. l. honey and mix. Instead of lean milk, you can take fruit juice - the taste of the smoothie will become even more interesting.

We hope these sweets will replenish your piggy bank of delicious recipes during Lent. Lenten menu, whatever you say, should be varied and interesting. What kind of desserts do you make yourself? Share your good finds in the comments. It is also very easy to prepare fasting with frozen vegetable and fruit mixtures. You can cook a wide variety of dishes with them: stews, baked vegetables, soups, vegetable casseroles, as well as light and tasty desserts with berries and fruits. Delicious post!

The period of Great Lent is a time of spiritual and bodily cleansing. The clergy insist that spiritual abstinence and purification should be in the foreground, for "the main thing in fasting is not to eat each other ...". The time of prayers and repentance must certainly be accompanied by physical abstinence, including from the use of certain foods. The most difficult thing is to survive this period of purification for children and people of mental labor, as well as those with a sweet tooth. For the normal functioning of the brain, glucose is necessary, the body receives it from sweet and confectionery products, most of which are prohibited for consumption in fasting. However, few people know that many sweets loved by adults and children are still allowed during Lent.

Fruit and berry products based on pectin or agar

The modern confectionery industry has established the production of confectionery products based on different ingredients. Considering that all components of animal origin are excluded from fasting dishes, most sweets in fasting are classified as prohibited. When choosing treats for consumption, fasting people, as a rule, pay attention to the composition of the product. At the same time, many people have a logical question: “What sweets can I fast? Is it possible to eat marshmallows in fasting?
The composition of some types of marshmallow includes gelatin - a product of purely animal origin, but in the composition of other types you can read "pectin" or "agar-agar". Both thickeners are vegetable based. Those fruit and berry products that are made on the basis of vegetable astringents (marmalade, jelly delicacies), a fasting person can safely use.

Marshmallow ban

With marshmallows, the situation is somewhat more complicated. This product contains egg whites, which are not allowed to be consumed during Great Lent, which, accordingly, makes marshmallows prohibited during Lent. You can also include marshmallow, which has protein in its composition, to the list of sweets prohibited in fasting. However, the question of whether it is possible to eat marshmallows in fasting cannot be answered unambiguously in the negative. Modern chefs can offer an alternative replacement for protein marshmallows.

Marshmallow - an alternative replacement for protein marshmallows

A modern relative of marshmallow and marshmallow appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. Its components are somewhat different from the domestic product, since water, corn starch and boiled grape juice are used instead of proteins. Such components give the same effect as the use of proteins, but make the sweetness available to the fasting person. Is it possible to eat marshmallows in fasting, it’s easy to understand, you just need to read the composition of the product. You can eat marshmallows in fasting without fear of sinning if it is prepared using marshmallow technology.

Flour confectionery for Lent

In addition to marshmallows and marmalade, the assortment of sweet products allowed in fasting contains enough other delicacies. Supermarkets offer special types of gingerbread and cookies for lovers of flour products. Cookies in fasting are allowed if they do not contain fast foods. One of the most favorite among children and adults is oatmeal cookies.

A healthy and nutritious sweet flour product, moreover, it is perfect for fasting, as it does not contain animal fats and eggs. In addition, many types of puff pastry do not contain fast ingredients, which makes products made from them available for consumption during the period of abstinence and purification. Puff pastry in fasting is used by fasting people after studying its composition: it should not contain margarine (except vegetable) and eggs. An interesting composition of lean shortbread cookies is available for both home baking and mass confectionery production. Lenten cookies and gingerbread are preferred by those who are not puzzled by the problem of excess weight.

Lean chocolate

A pleasant surprise for a fasting person will be permission to back up his strength with a piece of chocolate. Chocolate in fasting is not only allowed, but also recommended in small quantities. The main requirement for his choice is the complete absence of animal fats in the composition of products. Therefore, the most suitable chocolate for fasting is bitter black.

It contains only cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar. Lean chocolate typically has a percentage of cocoa between 58% and 99%, and is free of milk and animal fats on the label. The use will also relieve the depressive state that often accompanies a fasting person.

Desserts without a ban

In addition to dark chocolate, confectionery factories offer a wide range of candy products for fasting. These sweets do not contain only herbal ingredients in their composition. Fasting sweets are consumed in moderation, in order to make up for the lack of glucose in the period from 4 to 6 pm. According to experts, it is during these hours that the brain takes the main amount of glucose it needs to work, therefore, the sweetness consumed during this time period will go as far as possible for its intended purpose. Jelly, fondant sweets, lollipops, some types of caramel are allowed for use during the fasting period. Of chocolates - only those that are covered with dark chocolate. Safe for someone who is on a lean diet, roasted candies in chocolate will be safe, since both the filling and the icing in such sweets do not contain fast ingredients.

Lenten oriental sweets

In addition to chocolate and sweets, a fasting person can still afford a sufficient amount of not only tasty, but also very healthy delicacies. Halva is a product consisting entirely of herbal ingredients. At the same time, such a delicacy is recognized as one of the most useful sweet products. Halva is recommended for use by children and people, as everyone knows its properties that improve bowel function. This oriental sweetness contains vitamins, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. Halva charges the body with energy, and the brain with glucose. Similar in composition to halva gozinaki, which are presented in assortment in supermarkets. They make such an oriental sweetness from different ingredients: seeds, nuts, sesame seeds, but all components are invariably of plant origin. This is what makes such sweets in fasting available for consumption without restrictions.

sweet post

So, now the question of what sweets can be fasted, whether marshmallows can be eaten during fasting, an answer has been found and a list of sweet desserts allowed for those who follow the rules of fasting can be compiled.

The list of lean sweets looks like this:

Marmalade based on pectin or agar-agar;

Marshmallow and marshmallow technology;

Jelly candies, some types of roasting in chocolate, caramel, lollipops;

Dark chocolate (cocoa content from 58%);

Halva, gozinaki, nuts in dark chocolate;

Candied fruits, dried fruits;

Nuts in sugar or fruit glaze.

The list is quite impressive, considering that almost all types of jam, marmalade, confiture are also allowed without restrictions in the lenten menu. Therefore, it is quite possible to avoid a lack of glucose while observing the rules of lean nutrition, following a simple recommendation: eat your favorite sweets, while not forgetting to carefully study the ingredients that make up the product on the labels.

If you are one of those who cannot imagine and cannot imagine everyday life without desserts and pastries, you should get a “magic” list of recipes for sweet dishes that are allowed in Lent. Alas, it is not so easy to find tasty, worthy and strictly lean options, but still real. We give a selection of the best lenten desserts - for holidays and for family gatherings at the table!

Our magical selection:

Lenten desserts - three recipes for every day


Do not expect reasons for enthusiasm and applause from this recipe. Just cookies - nibble on tea or have a snack in the afternoon. Unobtrusive, inexpensive, uncomplicated - in general, an ideal option for every day.

140 g of sugar;
75 g oatmeal;
140 g wheat flour;
3 art. l. any fruit juice;
50 ml of vegetable oil;
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda.

Mix both types of flour, sugar, salt, soda.
Separately combine juice and oil. Gradually adding the dry mixture, knead a soft, non-sticky, tender dough.
We roll it into a thin layer, cut out cookies with cookie cutters.
We shift to a baking sheet, bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Advice. If desired, finely chopped dried fruits, nuts, seeds can be added to the dough.


The recipe is so simple that it's hard to believe that something worthwhile will come out of it. But you believe! Absolutely simple, almost primitive - but the result is very, very worthy.

2 cups of flour;
1 glass of any fruit juice;
1 cup of sugar;
6 art. l. odorless vegetable oil;
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda;
nuts, berries or dried fruits to taste.

Mix dry ingredients. Mix oil and juice. We connect both masses, add berries or nuts. We lay out the dough in muffin molds and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.

Advice. If desired, fruit juice can be replaced with strong tea.


Nothing special, just pancakes. Nothing complicated, just mix and wait for the mass to double. Nothing difficult, just fry as usual. And yet… they are wonderful. Who needs thin lean pancakes with yeast?

2 glasses of warm water;
1.5 tsp yeast;
1/3 cup sugar;
1/3 tsp salt;
3 art. l. vegetable oil;
1.5 cups flour.

Mix all dry ingredients, add warm water and oil. Knead a homogeneous liquid dough, put it in a warm place to rise.
We fry in a well-heated pan like ordinary thin pancakes, if necessary, periodically grease the pan with oil. We enjoy the lace result.

Advice. Don't forget to get a jar of grandma's jam - it greatly improves the taste of lean pancakes.

Lenten desserts - three recipes for family tea drinking


Crispy and very tasty, the biscuit captivates with thoughts of usefulness: eating piece by piece, I want to think that whole grain flour brings more benefits than centimeters at the waist, and apples share vitamins more generously than calories.

150 g of ordinary wheat flour;
100 g whole grain flour;
100 ml of vegetable oil;
100 ml of boiling water;
a pinch of salt;
3 large apples;
2 tsp lemon juice;
1/2 tsp cinnamon;
2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

In a bowl of sufficient volume, mix both types of flour, add salt. Pour in vegetable oil, rub into crumbs. Pour in boiling water, knead a soft, elastic, non-sticky dough.
Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into thin slices using a vegetable cutter. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Roll out the dough into a thin round layer. On the entire surface of the biscuit, with the exception of 2-3 cm at the edges, spread the apples in an even layer. Sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon.
We wrap the edges of the biscuit up, carefully transfer it to a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees until cooked - about 25 minutes.

Advice. Add some sea buckthorn or cranberries to apples - the taste will be completely different!


The taste of this cupcake is very simple and unobtrusive - just what you need to decorate a family tea party. A simple cooking process, a fairly simple result, simple home gatherings. However, do not think that all this simplicity is an indicator of the poor quality of baking - on the contrary, the cake comes out very good: light, fragrant, real.

150 ml of orange juice;
zest of 1 large orange;
150 g of vegetable oil;
150 g of sugar;
380 g flour;
1/3 tsp salt;
1 tsp soda;
2 tbsp. l. water;
1 st. l. vinegar.

Remove the zest from the orange, squeeze out the juice.
Mix orange fresh with vegetable oil (refined, odorless), add sugar, stir until all grains are dissolved. Add salt and vinegar, add flour and knead a homogeneous dough.

In a small container, mix soda and water and add to the dough.
We shift the dough into a greased and floured form, bake until cooked for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. If desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut after complete cooling.

Advice. If you have time, make additional thick orange syrup and soak the finished cake with it.

Look at honey cookies in olive oil.


Like the bulk of lean baking, due to the absence of eggs in the dough, the cake turns out to be rather loose and crumbly, however, in this case this is not a minus, but rather a plus: a minimum of effort - and for tea you have a piece of ginger joy melting on your tongue, nice surprising richness of taste shades.

80 ml of refined sunflower oil;
80 g pitted prunes;
80 g of sugar;
150 ml of strong black tea;
150 g + 1 tbsp. l. flour;
90 g of honey (about 3 tablespoons);
1 tsp ginger powder;
1 tsp cinnamon;
1 tsp soda;
1/2 tsp salt.

First, we brew tea - strong and rich. For a more interesting result, you should take tea with bergamot, orange zest or candied lemon - a citrus note will perfectly fit into the overall flavor range, turning an ordinary cupcake into a stylish treat.
Pour oil into a saucepan, add sugar and honey, stir, put in a water bath and heat until the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Cut the prunes into small pieces, roll it in a tablespoon of flour.
Add soda to a saucepan with honey, sugar and butter, mix - the mass will begin to foam and grow. Excellent, as it should be - add salt, cinnamon, ginger. We add tea. Add flour - mix everything quickly until smooth. The dough will not be thick and runny.
Add prunes, pour into a greased baking dish. In the oven - for 40 minutes, temperature 180 degrees. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.
The finished cupcake can be decorated with any jam or sprinkled with powdered sugar or cocoa.

Advice. When serving, garnish the cake with finely chopped candied ginger.

Do you know what can be cooked?

Lenten desserts - three recipes for the festive table


Believe me, this is one of the most incredible meatless cakes you will ever try! Incredibly rich, chocolatey, moist and rich in flavor, guests will be blown away. And those who do not fast, by the way, too.

250 ml plant milk (soy, coconut, almond, sesame, oat or any other);
300 g flour;
1/2 bar of dark chocolate;
130 ml of odorless vegetable oil;
130 g of sugar;
3 art. l. cocoa;
1/2 tsp salt;
1 tsp baking powder;
1 st. l. lemon juice.

Fruit layer:
150 ml of any jam with a sour taste (currant, plum).

270 ml of strong tea;
300 g dark chocolate.

Korzh. To prepare the cake, heat the milk. Put the chocolate broken into pieces in a saucepan with milk, stir until completely dissolved. Add sugar, salt, baking powder, cocoa, pour in vegetable oil. Gradually add flour - the dough should be viscous, but it's pretty good to drain from a spoon. Pour in the lemon juice, mix again quickly. We spread the mass in a greased form, bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 40 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick.

We take out the cake from the mold only after it has completely cooled. Cut lengthwise into two equal parts.
Beat the jam with a blender into a homogeneous mass, put it on the bottom cake, evenly distribute.

Cream. We prepare in advance two bowls of different sizes that will fit into each other. Put ice in the big one. Pour freshly brewed warm tea into the smaller one (it’s good if it is tea with bergamot or orange zest), spread the chocolate and stir until it is completely dissolved. After that, we put a small bowl in a large one filled with ice, and begin to whip the cream. It sounds strange, but this is exactly what needs to be done - at first the mass will be liquid (it will begin to seem that everything is gone, and the products are spoiled in vain), then it will gradually begin to thicken. At this stage, periodically turn off the mixer and check the consistency of the cream - when the whisks begin to leave a distinct mark on the surface of the cream, finish, because at this moment it is easy to over-whip the cream (in this embodiment, it will be so thick that you cannot grease the cake with it, you will have to cut and lay out in pieces). The final result should be soft, mousse-like and keep its shape well.

Spread half of the finished cream on the bottom cake, evenly distribute over the entire surface, cover with the top cake. Spread the other half of the cream over the top and sides of the cake.
We leave the cake for soaking overnight, after which you can brew coffee and surprise guests.

Advice. Prepare a little more cream - decorations come out of it perfectly, which can be deposited from a pastry syringe.


Layered cakes, custard. Everything is for real, as in, only in the lean version!

1 glass of vegetable oil;
1 glass of mineral water with gas;
4.5 cups flour;
1/2 tsp salt.

150 g of peeled almonds;
1 liter of water;
300 g of sugar;
200 g of semolina;
juice and zest of 1 lemon.

Mix oil, water, salt. Gradually adding flour, knead a non-sticky elastic dough. We form a ball and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, divide the dough into equal pieces (12-15 parts), roll each of which into a thin layer, cut off the excess with an inverted plate, carefully transfer to a baking sheet, prick with a fork in several places. We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 5-7 minutes each - until light golden.

Grind the almonds into crumbs. Gradually adding water, do not stop working with a blender. Mix the resulting milk with sugar, bring to a boil, pour semolina in a thin stream, cook until thickened. Add lemon juice and zest to the cooled cream, beat again with a blender.
Lubricate each cake with cream, leave part of the cream on the sides and top. If desired, we break one cake for sprinkling, decorate the cake.
Leave for impregnation for at least 5 hours. Serve guests and collect compliments.

Advice. Decorate the cake with nuts if desired.

Dessert for a snack


It's great when there is something sweet and pleasant at hand - something that can cheer you up, satisfy your hunger and at the same time be useful. How about homemade cereal bars?

2 cups of oatmeal;
2 ripe bananas;
2 tbsp. l. honey;
1/2 cup chopped nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds, etc.)
1/2 cup chopped dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes and others).

We spread the oatmeal on a dry frying pan and dry it properly - a pleasant, distinct smell of oatmeal should appear in the air.
In the same way, lightly fry the mixture of chopped nuts.
Peel bananas, mash with a fork to puree.
Mix nuts, cereals, dried fruits, mashed potatoes and honey. Pour the mixture into a baking dish lined with parchment paper. We level, tamp - the thickness of future bars should not exceed 1 cm.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cut into sticks, leave to cool completely in the form, then separate from each other, if necessary, wrap with baking paper and store in a hermetically sealed container.

Advice. Try adding a grated apple or pear to the mass for bars - this reduces the shelf life, but softens and improves the taste.

In addition to bars, you can also do it by connecting the child to the most exciting process.

Great Lent is not a time for despondency, sadness or dullness. Fantasize. Create. Live to the fullest and enjoy what your days are filled with today.