What soup to cook for a nursing mother recipes. Video: lean soup with a variety of vegetables

Soups and broths are integral parts of the menu of a nursing mother. Warm liquid has a positive effect on the course of lactation, helps to strengthen and adapt the digestion of the baby. In addition, soup with vegetables fills the mother's body with vitamins and useful elements, which helps to recover faster after childbirth.

  • Broths can be eaten in the first days after childbirth. Such dishes must be included in the daily menu of a nursing mother!;
  • Eat broths and soups warm. Hot food will harm the digestion of the newborn, and cold food will not do as much good as warm food;
  • For the first 7-10 days of the menu, you should use regular vegetable broth without adding other ingredients. Then you can gradually add zucchini and potatoes, cauliflower and greens, with caution - carrots, because due to the bright color, the risk of allergies in the newborn increases. For more information on what vegetables a nursing mother can eat, read;
  • During the period of breastfeeding, you can not use mayonnaise, spicy seasonings and spices. You can add sour cream, a little salt, dill and parsley to the soup. Garlic and onions during breastfeeding are not recommended for the first 5-6 months of lactation. In the absence of a negative reaction in the baby, you can use it in the third month in a small dosage;
  • Carefully select and wash food before cooking. Stew vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil and water, but do not fry! When cooking meat or fish, drain the broth after three minutes and pour in a new one. Cook meat soup and broth on lean meat of rabbit, chicken and turkey, beef;
  • When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to eat mushrooms, as they are too difficult for the digestion of the baby and often cause poisoning. Therefore, mushroom soup during the feeding period is prohibited. However, you can try low-fat champignon broth after six months of lactation;
  • Introduce puree soup into your diet. This is a very healthy dish, as chopped foods are easier to digest in heat treatment;
  • When introducing new ingredients, carefully monitor the reaction of the newborn. For allergies or indigestion. Eliminate the product from the diet for a while. You can try again after one month.

Light vegetable broth will become safe and nutritious, which will saturate the body and will not cause a negative reaction in the baby. Such a dish promotes weight loss and maintains a slim figure, improves the production of breast milk. Let's look at what other soups you can breastfeed without risk to the baby and lactation.

Beef broth with buckwheat

Buckwheat is a healthy and safe cereal that can be consumed already in the first week after childbirth. It goes well with beef and vegetables, so the soup will turn out to be very satisfying and tasty. To prepare, take:

  • Water - 2 l;
  • Beef - 500 gr;
  • Buckwheat - 100 gr;
  • Potato - 3 medium tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece;
  • Greens, salt, vegetable oil.

Cut the beef, cover with water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Change the water to clean and put to boil. Salt the boiling broth and cook for two hours. Then take out the cooked meat, strain the broth and put it back on the fire.

Finely chop the carrot and stew. You can add some onion. Add to broth along with potatoes. Then rinse the buckwheat and add to the pan. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Add chopped meat and greens to the infused broth.

Broth with vermicelli and egg

Eggs while breastfeeding can be eaten in limited quantities. Pediatricians do not recommend that lactating women eat more than two eggs at a time and four pieces a week. If the baby is allergic to cow protein, chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. To prepare a dish, take:

  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Vermicelli - 150 gr;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Butter, salt, herbs.

Boil water, add salt and butter, add vermicelli. When the vermicelli is ready, beat the eggs and carefully pour into the broth. Mix well and cook for about a minute. Add herbs to the finished soup. You can also cook soup with rabbit, turkey or chicken meat. It will turn out more rich and satisfying.

Vegetable soup with rice

Boiled rice is good for nursing mothers and babies. However, you can use such cereals only if the nursing mother or baby does not have constipation. This recipe for meatless lean soup is perfect for a diet. For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Rice - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Parsley.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and cool in cold water, remove the skin. Cooked skinless tomatoes are safer for babies and significantly reduce the risk of allergies. Cut the fruits into slices, add greens and simmer for a few minutes. Add vegetable dressing and rice to boiled water. Boil 15 minutes.

Vegetable puree soup

This dish contains zucchini, which is a real source of vitamins and nutrients. At the same time, it is one of the safest vegetables for breastfeeding. For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • Potato - 3 medium tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece;
  • Zucchini - 1 piece of medium size;
  • Green onions - 1 stalk.

Boil the broth on the chicken, remove the meat and set aside. Strain the broth and bring back to a boil. Then add finely chopped vegetables. When they are cooked, add the meat to the pan. Grind the contents with a blender. Chop the green onion and add to the puree.

Fish soup puree

Fish should also be included in the diet of a nursing mother. You can eat fish products boiled or stewed 2 times a week. Soup-puree with fish, barley and vegetables will become the best dish for lunch. To prepare a dish, take:

  • Hake or mentai - 300 gr;
  • Potato - 8 large tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece;
  • Barley or millet groats - 50 gr;
  • Vegetable oil, salt and herbs.

Cover the fish with water and boil for three minutes. Drain the liquid, fill in a new one and cook the fish until tender. Then take out and strain the broth. Add peeled potatoes whole tubers or half, cook for 20 minutes. Pour in the cereal and cook for another 10 minutes. Then chop the fish and add to the mixture, beat in a blender. Season with herbs.

For meatballs, take homemade minced chicken or beef. Preservatives and other chemicals are often added to store-bought minced meat, which will lead to poisoning of the baby. Take the following ingredients:

  • Minced meat - 500 gr;
  • Potatoes - 5 medium tubers;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Thin small vermicelli - 100 gr;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Greenery.

Break the egg into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Shape the meatballs into small balls. Dip in boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes. Chop the vegetables and add to the pot. When the potatoes begin to boil, add the vermicelli and cook for 5-6 minutes. Add greens. Instead of vermicelli, you can take 50 grams of barley or millet groats. Only cereals need to fall asleep immediately after vegetables. Get a new soup recipe!

Nettle has a positive effect on the course of lactation. This plant is often included in herbal teas and drinks for nursing mothers. It forms and strengthens the immune system, protects against colds. For soup, choose nettles with leaves that are no larger than half the size of the palm of your hand. To prepare this dish, take:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Beef - 200 gr;
  • Nettle - 100 gr;
  • Sorrel - 200 gr;
  • Potato - 2 small tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece;
  • Salt.

Boil the carrots for 30 minutes, then add the meat and cook for another 10 minutes. Take out the beef and carrots, strain the broth. cut the meat and add it together with the chopped potatoes to the strained water. Set to negotiate. Tear the sorrel into pieces, cut the nettle leaves into thin strips. Add greens when potatoes are half cooked.

After 5-6 minutes, turn off the pan, close the lid and let it brew.

During lactation, a woman's diet should be balanced, and foods that can provoke allergies or digestive problems should be excluded. Soup is a versatile dish that is beneficial when breastfeeding if you choose the right ingredients. Warm soup made from the right ingredients can and should even be included in the daily menu of a nursing mother.

Unwanted ingredients in first courses

Borscht is generally a nutritious and healthy first course, but it is not recommended to include it in the diet in the first months of lactation.

The younger the baby, the more sensitive it is to new foods in the mother's diet. Food components are passed to him with breast milk and can provoke unwanted reactions. For this reason, in the first months of a baby’s life, any products that can cause allergies or increased gas formation, colic, and constipation are inappropriate on the menu of a nursing woman. At the same time, the mother’s body needs healthy and varied food in order to recover faster after childbirth, gain strength and improve lactation. Soup is a dish that can benefit both mother and baby, but the choice of ingredients will have to be taken responsibly. We list the popular ingredients of soups that are undesirable to use during breastfeeding, at least in the first 3 months after childbirth:

  • Cabbage. This vegetable contains a large amount of coarse fiber and even after heat treatment can provoke flatulence, colic in the baby. Accordingly, you should not rush to introduce borscht and cabbage soup into the diet.
  • Fried vegetables or meat. It is recommended to refuse the favorite “frying” for soup by many. Food should be dietary and cooked in a gentle way. Fried foods can cause heartburn in the mother, digestive problems in the baby.
  • Bright colored vegetables. Beets can cause allergies in a baby, besides, it has a laxative effect on the body. Carrots are used to make soups for nursing mothers, but in small quantities. Tomatoes are included in the diet 3-4 months after childbirth; before adding to the soup, they must be peeled and seeds removed and stewed. Such products should be used with caution, observing the reaction of the child.
  • Legumes. Peas, beans, lentils provoke increased gas formation in both mother and baby. With excessive use, the colic of the newborn increases, the child experiences discomfort and pain in the tummy.
  • Hot spices. Bay leaves, peppercorns and salt in reasonable quantities are appropriate in the soup. Spicy seasonings and spices can adversely affect the taste of milk, cause digestive disorders, so soups like "Kharcho" are undesirable.
  • Mayonnaise. A store-bought product contains chemical additives - preservatives, flavors and others. Homemade mayonnaise is allowed in small quantities, but not before the baby is 3 months old. This type of food is high in fat and contains spices and egg yolks, a potential allergen.
  • Onion and garlic. These products have a pungent odor and a specific taste that can give milk an unpleasant aftertaste for the baby. As part of the soup, only a small amount of onion is allowed - during the cooking process, its properties become less expressive.
  • Seafood. Despite all the useful qualities of seafood, many of them are strong allergens and it is not recommended to use them in the first months of a baby's life.
  • Cucumbers. Fresh fruits provoke flatulence, and canned ones contain too much salt, spices and vinegar. For this reason, it is not recommended to include pickle in the diet - a soup based on pickled cucumbers.

Mushrooms cause a lot of controversy as a component of soups during lactation. These products are digested for a long time in the intestines, loading the liver. Fungi can also accumulate toxins and heavy metals from the soil. However, breastfeeding experts allow nursing mothers to eat soups made from the safest types of mushrooms - champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are grown on special farms and sold in stores. You can add them to the soup fresh, but in no case canned.

Mushrooms are most easily digested, previously dried and ground into powder, but there are almost no useful substances left in them. Other types of mushrooms, including forest ones, are prohibited.

What soups can a nursing mother

Crushed soup ingredients are better absorbed and easier to digest than cut into large pieces.

During lactation, it is especially important to drink enough fluids throughout the day (2-2.5 liters). This is necessary for the formation of the desired volume of breast milk. The soup contains a large amount of liquid, and vegetables, meat and fish components give it nutritional value and allow you to enrich the composition of breast milk. The first courses also help to improve the functioning of the digestive system and cope with postpartum constipation. The low calorie content of the dish and the high nutritional value make it possible to include soups in the daily menu without fear of gaining excess weight.

The basis of the soup is the broth, the quality of which also requires attention. It is made from lean meat - chicken breast, beef tenderloin, turkey. Some recipes replace the broth with low-fat milk or cream.

The following types of soups are most useful for a nursing mother and baby:

  • Oxalic. Green leafy vegetables, which include sorrel, are rich in folic acid, dietary fiber, vitamin C, B, F and many other useful nutrients. Sorrel, spinach, celery, parsley, dill, lettuce are not allergens, are well tolerated by the baby and help to improve digestion, diversify the composition of breast milk.
  • Vegetable. Hypoallergenic vegetables that are useful during lactation include broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini. Carrots and onions are added in small amounts, provided that they do not cause digestive problems and allergies in the child. Soup vegetables should be fresh or frozen. Canned or dried foods are undesirable.
  • Buckwheat. Among the carbohydrate products added to the soup, buckwheat is optimal. Unlike other popular additives - rice and pasta, buckwheat belongs to dietary products and is easily absorbed by the body, contains iron, B vitamins and other useful nutrients. Barley, which also has a rich mineral composition and a positive effect on digestion, can compete with buckwheat in soups for nursing.
  • Pumpkin puree soup. Do not be afraid of the bright color of this vegetable - an allergy to it rarely occurs. This coloring is due to the high content of carotene and lycopene in the composition, necessary to maintain healthy vision, strengthen the immunity of mother and baby. Due to the specific consistency of pumpkin, it is usually used in puree soups, which are whipped with a blender after cooking.
  • Fish soup. Fish is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, essential fatty acids necessary for the full development of the baby. Fish should be introduced into the diet with caution to avoid allergic reactions. The safest during lactation are low-fat varieties with white meat - pollock, hake, cod.
  • Soup with meatballs. Such a soup is prepared not in broth, but in water, adding a meat ingredient in the form of minced meat balls. By choosing the right meat for meatballs (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal), you can cook a delicious and healthy soup for a nursing mother. You should carefully consider rice as part of meat balls - it can have a fixing effect, so it is not recommended if a mother or child is prone to constipation. It might be worth replacing it with barley.

Rules for eating first courses while breastfeeding

Instead of soft bread, use oven-dried crackers, which can be added directly to the soup.

Already in the first days after childbirth, mothers can refresh themselves with warm meat broth. In the following days, gradually add hypoallergenic vegetables to the composition and monitor the reaction of the baby. In order for the soup to bring maximum benefit to the nursing mother and child, be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Soups should be eaten warm, preferably freshly brewed. Hot soup can harm the digestive process, while cold soup is less beneficial for lactation.
  • The ingredients can be pre-stewed in a saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil, but do not fry.
  • When preparing broth from meat or fish, drain the water after 3 minutes of boiling and fill with new water.
  • Vegetables for soup should be fresh, without signs of rot, sluggish. Rinse thoroughly before adding to soup.
  • Include pureed soups in your diet. Thanks to the grinding of the ingredients, they are better absorbed.
  • Soups with healthy products, but capable of causing allergies, you can try to introduce into the diet no earlier than the child is 3 months old, in the absence of contraindications.
  • Pay close attention to your baby's reaction to new foods in the diet. With the appearance of a rash, redness of the skin, digestive problems, they must be excluded from the diet.
  • As an additive to the finished soup, you can use low-fat sour cream, fresh herbs.

I eat mushroom soup every day, it's wonderful. True, be careful with the choice of mushrooms. Either mushrooms or oyster mushrooms.



but who knows) in the maternity hospital, the postpartum doctors said you must eat chicken broth, and the children's doctors yelled “what are you eating? you can't!" and so with all products. try, if the child does not have allergies, then eat



cabbage is not allowed in soups, stewed or salted, it is better not to experiment while they are small, it will be 5 months then you will try it! And do the soup as before, just don’t fry the vegetables, well, without cabbage))) You can have such a soup with meat, carrots, onions (I make a whole head and then throw it away when it’s cooked), potatoes, greens can still be added! well, or beets can also be in soup! the only thing is not to fry, and eat the soup with sour cream without mayonnaise)))



Recipes for nursing mothers

The recipe for many soups for nursing mothers is similar to the first courses recommended for dietary nutrition. Particular attention is paid to the allergenic status of the ingredients. Here are some popular soup recipes useful for lactation.


If the baby is allergic to eggs, sorrel soup can be prepared without them or replaced with quail


  • beef 300 g;
  • water 2 l;
  • fresh or frozen sorrel 300 g;
  • potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process

  1. Rinse beef tenderloin, pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Pour in water, add salt and cook for 1.5 hours.
  3. Select the sorrel and wash or defrost.
  4. Cut the sorrel finely.
  5. Peel potatoes, cut into cubes.
  6. Remove beef from broth, add potatoes and sorrel. Boil 10 minutes.
  7. Let the beef cool slightly, chop and add to the pan.
  8. Beat 1 egg, pour into the soup in a thin stream. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  9. 1 hard boiled egg.
  10. Pour the soup into bowls, add chopped boiled egg and sour cream.

Vegetable soup with chicken broth

Broccoli soup looks colorful and appetizing


  • chicken breast 300 g;
  • potatoes 1 pc.;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • leeks 100 g;
  • broccoli 200 g;
  • parsley 20 g;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process

  1. Boil chicken breast until done.
  2. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes.
  3. Finely chop the onion.
  4. Divide broccoli into small florets.
  5. Bring the broth to a boil, add potatoes, carrots and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Add broccoli and leek, salt and spices, cook for another 10 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

The finished dish can be decorated with a “path” of cream


  • pumpkin 500 g;
  • onion 1 head;
  • cream 200 ml;
  • hard cheese 20 g;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process

  1. Bake fresh pumpkin in the oven at 180 degrees for 1 hour.
  2. Finely chop the onion, stew in a frying pan with the addition of oil.
  3. Heat the cream, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. Add the peeled pumpkin pulp, stewed onions, salt and spices to the cream.
  5. Beat with a blender, pour into plates.
  6. Grate the cheese, sprinkle the soup in a bowl.


Buckwheat soup saturates well due to the content of complex carbohydrates in buckwheat


  • lean meat 500 g;
  • buckwheat 100 g;
  • potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • carrots ½ pcs.;
  • onion ½ head;
  • water 2 l;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking process

The broth is the basis of nutrition for nursing mothers. This dish can and should be included in the diet in the first days of lactation. Warm nutritious broth improves digestion and normalizes stools, saturates the body with vitamins and improves the outflow of breast milk. Such a dish restores strength and energizes the body, so it must be included in the daily menu when breastfeeding.

Rules for the use and preparation of broth during lactation

  • It is better to start introducing broths and soups when breastfeeding with vegetables. After vegetables include meat;
  • Try a few spoonfuls for the first time. If within two days the baby did not show allergy symptoms and digestive problems, the mother can easily eat this dish without risk to the baby and lactation.
  • Broths should be eaten warm. Cold soup will not bring a beneficial effect, and hot soup will only burn the intestines;
  • When cooking, use only high-quality products, try to put as little salt and pepper as possible. Avoid hot spices;
  • Carefully select and wash vegetables before cooking. Do not take stale fruits with black dots, dents or rot! Simmer the ingredients in water or vegetable oil;
  • Soak meat for one to two hours before cooking. After 3-5 minutes of cooking, drain the broth and pour new water;
  • Do not use mayonnaise or mustard for dressing! You can add sour cream to the broth;
  • If you are used to eating with bread, take products with cumin or bran;
  • The consumption rate of broth during lactation is 150 grams per day every day.

vegetable broths

In the first week after giving birth, mom can eat cauliflower and broccoli, potatoes and zucchini, greens. Then tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin and onions are added to the diet. But beets and white cabbage use with caution. These are hard-to-digest foods that take a long time to digest, cause increased gas formation and severe colic in an infant.

In addition, such products cause constipation in mother and baby, but they are useful for diarrhea. It is not recommended to eat beets for the first three months, and white cabbage for at least six months. By the way, cabbage leaf compresses are excellent for lactostasis and chest pains.

It is better to cook the broth over low heat, so it will turn out transparent and rich. During cooking, constantly remove the foam. And after cooking, strain the broth. The cleaner the soup turns out, the longer it will last. However, when lactating, it is better to eat the dish immediately. If necessary, store the finished broth for no more than 10-12 hours in the refrigerator.

chicken broths

Chicken is a valuable dietary product with a high protein content. Protein will help the mother recover more quickly after childbirth, and for the baby it will ensure proper and full growth. Protein forms and strengthens the bone skeleton, muscles and tissues. It stimulates the brain and the development of mental abilities, relieves fatigue and restores strength.

But a nursing mother should take into account that chicken contains histamines, which increase the risk of an allergic reaction in a baby. It is better to include chicken in the diet after the second week of lactation after beef. Keep an eye on the well-being of the baby! If a child develops a food allergy, delay the introduction for 4-5 weeks.

Chicken should not be consumed if the baby has a protein allergy!

When choosing a chicken, pay attention not only to the manufacturer, but also to the expiration date. Of great importance is the part of the bird. So, for a nursing mother and baby, chicken fillet and breast will be the safest and most useful. These pieces do not contain harmful fats and are less caloric.

During lactation, it is not recommended to eat chicken skin, as it causes indigestion, chicken wings due to the high content of allergens. The most harmful is the leg, which practically does not include useful elements. In addition, it is high in fat and calories.

Meat broths

Meat is a valuable source of protein, minerals and vitamins. It ensures the formation and development of cells, strengthens and tones the body, gives vitality and energy, and is responsible for the functioning of internal organs. Meat normalizes metabolism and increases resistance to stress, and meat broth increases appetite, improves digestion and bowel function. In addition, it is easily absorbed and digested, which is important for the fragile stomach of the baby.

A nursing mother can eat beef and veal, turkey and chicken, rabbit meat. At the same time, beef is considered the safest type of meat. This is lean meat that strengthens bones, muscles and blood vessels, lowers blood cholesterol levels and improves eyesight, prevents heart attacks and the development of anemia.

During lactation, it is not recommended to use lamb and pork, venison and horse meat, goose or duck meat. Such food is hard to digest and often causes colic in the baby. Do not eat wild meat, as it can bring infection. Due to the strong spiciness and high fat content, a nursing woman should not eat lard and streaks. It is better to refuse offal for the first three months. After the introduction of offal, such a dish can be consumed up to two times a week.

How to make broth

For cooking, choose only fresh, unfrozen meat. Remember that modern manufacturers often add various preservatives and chemicals to meat products, which is very dangerous for a nursing baby and lactation!

To make a simple chicken or beef broth for nursing, take carrots and onions. You will also need salt, pepper and herbs to taste. The chicken needs to be cut and poured with water so that it covers the meat by 1.5-2 fingers. When cooking, when the water boils away, pour new hot water.

Grate the carrots or chop finely, chop the onion. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. After boiling, add salt, pepper and vegetables to the broth, reduce the heat and cook until tender. Add chopped greens to the finished dish. By the way, the older the meat, the longer it cooks.

You can add cauliflower and broccoli, potatoes and other vegetables to the dish. To get a clean broth, the vegetables are pulled out with a slotted spoon, and the broth itself is filtered. Cooked vegetables can be used as a second course, for making stews or salads.

When cooking meat broth, pre-soak the meat in water. After boiling, it is better to drain the water and fill in a new hot one. Therefore, when cooking, additionally boil water. You can add a boiled egg to the broth. When to introduce chicken or quail eggs into the diet while breastfeeding, read.

Nursing mothers should carefully plan their daily diet. Their proper nutrition is the key to the healthy development of the baby, his calmness and absence of colic. It is very important to strictly adhere to the recommendations of breastfeeding experts in the first three months of a baby's life. Indeed, during this period, all the necessary enzymes are not yet in his ventricle, and the digestive system is only establishing independent work. So, what do you need to know about the consumption of soups and other liquid foods for lactating women?

What are the benefits and harms of liquid meals during lactation

In Soviet times, doctors said that children and adults should eat first courses every day. Today, the opinions of nutritionists, gastroenterologists and therapists on this issue are no longer so unambiguous. Some believe that it is harmful to eat soups, since it is the mixing of solid food and water, which promotes fermentation in the intestines. Supporters of this point of view insist that after eating, for example, porridge or vegetables, at least 40-60 minutes should pass before you can drink. If food is washed down, then it will ferment in the intestines, and there is little benefit from such nutrition. Soup is just an option for mixing liquids with vegetables and cereals.

But supporters of eating hot dishes see nothing wrong with the fact that solid food enters the stomach along with liquid, that is, in the form of meat, fish or vegetable broth. They are sure that in this way a person will rather feel full, will not overeat and, accordingly, gain weight. This is important for lactating women, who often recover after childbirth.

Both points of view are understandable and acceptable. Every woman has the right to decide for herself how to eat. But if she used liquid meals with pleasure before and during pregnancy, then she must continue like this. You need to listen to your body.

However, during lactation, a woman no longer has the right to eat as she did before pregnancy. It is impossible to use soup kharcho, mushroom, tomato, pea when breastfeeding. These first courses will cause colic in the child, disturbance of the stool and anxiety. Fatty borscht on pork broth with beans is also banned. Pork, by the way, is also not allowed on its own. It is also forbidden to eat sorrel borscht.

If a nursing mother loves liquid meals, then she should use vegetables and cereals to prepare them. Potatoes are a component of most first courses. However, the vegetable contains a lot of starch. Therefore, it is worth putting less potatoes in the soup, if possible, replace it with other vegetables. Asparagus, broccoli, spinach, carrots will bring more benefits to the body of a lactating woman.

Do not use red vegetables (peppers, tomatoes) for cooking first courses. Even boiled, they can become a source of allergies in crumbs. This recommendation applies to at least the first three months of a baby's life and mother's nutrition. Bulgarian pepper can be added to the soup if it is green. It is better to refuse beets. Do not fill soups with heavily fried vegetable sautéing.

If a woman prepares a dish in meat broth, then it must be beef. Nutritionists advise to boil a piece of meat for 2-3 minutes, drain the first broth, and then pour it with cold water and cook for one and a half to two hours until other components are added. The same goes for fish or chicken broth as the base of the dish.

To prepare soup, you can use a pressure cooker or simply cook in a saucepan with a lid on so that more healthy ingredients remain in it. Dill in the dish will give it a flavor, an aesthetic appearance, and will prevent gas formation in the crumbs. It can be thrown into soup fresh or dried. But parsley is better not to add.

As for cereals, the best components of the soup for a nursing woman will be buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, pearl barley. You can cook soups with meatballs with the addition of pasta, vermicelli. Rice soup can provoke constipation in a nursing mother and baby. In this case, it is necessary to look for reasonable compromises in nutrition. For example, for breakfast, mom can eat cottage cheese or yogurt, and for lunch - rice soup.

Eating liquid meals daily or several times a day is an individual matter. A nursing mother should listen to her well-being and monitor the reaction of the child.

One of the first dishes that is advised to be introduced into the diet of nursing mothers is soup. After all, all useful substances are collected in vegetable and meat broth. It is very important to prepare the soup correctly so as not to inadvertently harm your baby. You should know what foods to cook broths from, what soups you can breastfeed.

In order for such a dish to promote lactation, not provoke colic, stool disorders in the baby, you need to know how to enter it into the menu after the birth of a child.

  1. Soups for nursing mothers should be in the diet of a woman after childbirth every day.
  2. It is better to eat them not very hot, but not cold either. The optimal temperature will not only be comfortable for the stomach, but also beneficial for the baby.
  3. In the first month of your baby's life, it is not recommended to eat rich first courses. What soups can a nursing mother? Give preference to lean broths that do not contain fillers that can cause an allergic reaction in crumbs.
  4. The best dressing for soup is low-fat sour cream. Give up mayonnaise, hot sauces and seasonings, a lot of salt, spices, as well as garlic, onions.
  5. To make frying, vegetables should only be stewed a little in vegetable oil and water.
  6. In the future, when cooking fish and meat soups, it is best to cook the main ingredient for about five minutes, then drain the water and pour fresh water into the pan, and then cook until tender.
  7. Mushrooms are a heavy product for the digestive tract not only of a child's body, but even of an adult. In order not to provoke colic, constipation in the baby, include mushroom soups in the diet after 6 months.
  8. Puree soups are useful for HB, as they are easier to digest, retain many vitamins. Please note that all vegetables must be thoroughly washed before cooking.
  9. Feeding experts advise very carefully to introduce a new dish into the menu. All babies may react differently to the same recipe. Therefore, it is not always worth listening to the advice of friends and mothers on what to eat, watch the reaction of the child.

How to cook

Nutritionists give some advice to nursing mothers on how to cook soups while breastfeeding so that they bring maximum benefit, maintain lactation, and, if necessary, increase milk production.

  1. In the case when a woman prepares a soup with meat and fish ingredients, you should not cook too strong a broth, add a lot of seasonings.
  2. Lenten soups should be cooked only from the set of products to which the little one is not allergic. Try to cut vegetables as small as possible, if possible, make mashed soups.
  3. What soups a nursing mother can eat depends more on her individual preferences and the child's reaction to the ingredient. However, there is a group of products that it is desirable to refuse during lactation or introduce them into the diet later than 4-5 months.

Base selection

For the preparation of first courses, you can take for the base:

  1. Meat. Make sure this product is fresh. For an excellent meat broth, you need to cook the main ingredient longer. Such a base for soup will saturate the body with proteins, normalize lactation, and the baby will quickly eat up milk.
  2. Fish. Many mothers are beginning to love fish soups. This is easy to explain, because they contain a lot of protein, which is easily digested, does not provoke pain and gas formation in the baby's tummy. In order for the soup to be as useful as possible, the fish should be of a low-fat variety, always fresh, not canned.
  3. Vegetables. There is no need to talk about the benefits of such plant products. They contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as protein. The main thing is to choose exactly the vegetable that will not be an allergen for the crumbs.
  4. Milk. Another great soup base, if the mother or her child is, of course, not allergic to lactose. Milk soups are not so popular, although they carry a lot of benefits, they perfectly saturate.
  5. Many are interested in whether it is possible to cook soups based on legumes in the first months of lactation. Doctors recommend completely eliminating such dishes or delaying them. After all, the children's stomach and intestines, unaccustomed to a wide variety, are unlikely to be happy with flatulence or colic. Favorite by many, pea soup with HB is often the subject of controversy.

Suitable Products

The least allergens are such products:

  • potato;
  • cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • sorrel;
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • spinach;
  • buckwheat;
  • small pasta;

They can be added to the dish, most likely they will be well absorbed and will not cause pain in the little ones.

Often mothers cook pea soups, because they taste good and perfectly saturate. Whether peas are good for breastfeeding can be found below.

Unwanted Products

  • white cabbage;
  • beets;
  • offal;
  • legumes;
  • canned food.

In addition, it is undesirable to supplement the dish:

  • garlic;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • bow.

What soups to choose

Not all soups are useful during lactation. Which ones are best avoided for the time of feeding, and which, on the contrary, is it preferable to introduce into your diet on a daily basis?


Many mothers are interested in the question of whether pea soup is possible while breastfeeding. This issue is still controversial. Some of the nutritionists advise young mothers to eat this dish from the first or second month of life, after checking whether this type of legume is an allergen for babies.

Fresh green peas when breastfeeding bring great benefits to the body.

But, despite its positive properties, there is also a risk of dangerous reactions in the baby and the woman herself.

There may be such consequences:

  • negative effect on lactation;
  • flatulence and / or impaired stool in a newborn;
  • colic;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence in nursing.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether pea soup is possible for a nursing mother. According to statistics, not many women and their children experience harm from this dish. Before entering it into the menu, it is best to check how the baby will react to the main product, whether green peas can be breastfed, whether it will harm.

What are the benefits hidden in peas:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, heavy metals.
  2. Helps to relax, relieve tension, fight chronic stress.
  3. It has a positive effect on physical development.
  4. Works great for various infections.
  5. Returns shine and shine to the hair, makes the hair thicker, increases the growth of nails.

All these positive aspects of the product undoubtedly incline a woman to positively answer the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat pea soup.

In some recipes, pea soups are not cooked from fresh green peas or their usual dry form, but canned. There is nothing easier than just opening a tin, adding some potatoes and other vegetables to taste - the soup is ready! However, all experts agree on the question of whether canned peas can be given to a nursing mother. No, because it contains a lot of preservatives and other substances, because of which the work of the digestive tract is upset not only in the baby, but also in his mother.


Fragrant and tasty mushroom soup rarely leaves anyone indifferent. During the summer-autumn period, many nursing people do not know if such a dish belongs to the allowed soups during breastfeeding in the first month of a peanut's life. Nutritionists allow cooking mushroom soup only after 6 months and only from champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are purchased from trusted suppliers.

This is due to many reasons:

  1. Lots of heavy fiber.
  2. Protein is difficult to digest.
  3. Animal starch complicates the process of digestion.
  4. Toxicity, most harmful substances are transferred to mushrooms from the soil of the area where they grow.
  5. Possible poisoning.
  6. As soon as the stomach and intestines of the crumbs adapt a little after birth, and this happens just after six months, a young mother can introduce such a soup into her diet without a doubt.


Like peas, beans can cause increased gas formation. But if bean soup is a dish that a mother can't refuse, the best option would be to try a little boiled beans. If the baby does not have abdominal pain and allergies, such a soup can be introduced into the diet from 3-4 months of feeding, but in small portions, watching the child.

Beans have many positive aspects:

  • a lot of protein, which is easily digested;
  • many useful substances, they strengthen teeth and bones;
  • improvement of immunity;
  • the level of hemoglobin rises;
  • diuretic action.

But there is a group of people who are forbidden to eat bean soup due to health problems.

Diseases-contraindications include:

  • nephritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • cholecystitis.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have bean soup, each woman must determine for herself, given the benefits of such a product and the risk of unpleasant consequences.


Nutrition experts advise to give up red soups, such as cabbage soup or borscht. They are cooked on beets and cabbage. Such products are allergens. The components that enter milk with the mother's diet have properties that negatively affect the children's digestive system.

It is best to give preference to soups based on fresh fish or meat, chicken. Pay special attention to the quality of the main ingredient. You can make soup with meatballs from minced meat. Experts advise to abandon frying, it is better not to eat something fried at all during breastfeeding. Chicken soup for a nursing mother is a storehouse of vitamins. It raises immunity in the cold season, warms and perfectly saturates, although there are not very many calories in it.

For vegetable soup during breastfeeding, prohibitions do not apply at all, unless, of course, the child has an allergy to any vegetable in the composition of the broth. As a base, you can choose potatoes, cauliflower, and zucchini. The main thing is not to overdo it with salt and seasonings, otherwise milk production will deteriorate. There are many varieties of vegetable soup for a nursing mother; cereals are also added in recipes: small pasta, rice or buckwheat. It will be much richer and healthier.

Healthy Soup Recipes for Nursing Moms

It is easy to cook soup for a nursing mother, the recipes are striking in their diversity. We offer several recipes. Such preparation will not harm the baby's digestive system, and the mother will like the taste.

Chicken with noodles

Would need:

  • 350-400 g chicken breast (fillet);
  • noodles (a great option would be homemade, in which there are no extra additives);
  • Carrots (one medium);
  • Greens as desired.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the breast in boiling water, after a few minutes drain the liquid and fill the pan with clean water, put the chicken in it, bring to a boil.
  2. As soon as the broth is ready, you should finely chop the carrot and put it in the future soup.
  3. Noodles can be boiled separately (so that the soup is transparent in appearance) or added a few minutes before cooking.

Before serving, the dish can be salted and peppered to taste, sprinkled with herbs on top.

with rice

Nutritionists advise eating soups for a nursing mother of a newborn, the recipes of which are based on vegetables and cereals, such as rice. But this version of a light soup can be safely eaten only by those who do not have constipation.

Would need:

  • rice (three tablespoons);
  • tomatoes (two pieces);
  • greenery.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. This is easy to do if you scald each vegetable with boiling water, then cool in cold water.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces, put in a pan and simmer for a couple of minutes, adding finely chopped parsley.
  3. Boil water, add such sauce there, add cereal.
  4. Cook over medium heat for about fifteen minutes.


Soup recipes for HB can be quite simple in terms of preparation, but at the same time they taste good.

Dry peas (15-200 g);

  • chicken breast fillet (200-250 g);
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • potatoes (five tubers);
  • salt/seasonings;
  • greens for dressing.
  • How to cook:

    1. Soak the peas in water (leave for 12 hours).
    2. Rinse it, add it to water and boil it.
    3. As soon as the peas become soft, drain the liquid.
    4. Boil chicken meat in advance, cut it into small pieces.
    5. Add grated carrots, finely chopped onions, potatoes, peas to the broth. Cook everything until the vegetables are ready.
    6. Before serving, put pieces of fillet, greens, if desired, croutons without additives.

    With meatballs and buckwheat

    This dish will delight not only a nursing mother, but also all households with a wonderful aroma and taste.

    Would need:

    • buckwheat (3 tablespoons);
    • minced meat (300 g);
    • potatoes (4 tubers);
    • carrot;
    • salt pepper;
    • dill or parsley.

    How to cook:

    1. Roll minced meat into small balls, boil.
    2. After 10 minutes, add the diced potatoes.
    3. After another 10-15 minutes, add grated carrots, chopped onions, buckwheat.
    4. Salt and add the necessary seasonings.
    5. Cook until done. In total, it will take 35-40 minutes.
    6. Before serving, chop the greens and put on a plate.

    It is soups that are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother first of all. They are very useful, easy to digest, well saturate. When choosing a dish, special attention should be paid to the ingredients from which the dish will be prepared. If you add an allergen product to which the baby has a reaction, then the main component will definitely get into the mother's milk. In this situation, serious consequences will not be long in coming.


    The recipe from our video will help you prepare a delicious milk soup and remember the taste of childhood.