Herring under a fur coat classic recipe with sausage. "Herring under a fur coat" in pita bread, I give a recipe with a photo

There are a huge number of variations of the delicious herring salad under a fur coat at the moment, but how to choose the one that can rightfully be called the most delicious? Easily! Here they are all assembled! The most original, unusually appetizing and refined. A delicious recipe for herring under a fur coat can both surprise and delight guests at the table.

Prepare ! Even the simplest dish in an original presentation, such as or - will decorate not only the dining, but also the festive table!

Herring under a fur coat is delicious

The most juicy and original version is, of course, a delicious herring under a fur coat. It is not for nothing that the salad is so loved by everyone and has taken root so much. A rich dish, with a pleasant and delicate taste, which simply amazingly transforms even ordinary root crops.

To make the salad coat very tasty you need:

  • 1 herring;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 beets;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 20 gr. vinegar.

How to cook herring under a fur coat deliciously:

  1. The herring must first be prepared, separated from the head, take out all the insides, cut off the skin and select all the bones. Only cut the fillet already obtained as a result into tiny cubes.
  2. Root crops are washed, boiled, then cooled and cleaned, ground on a grater.
  3. Onions are peeled, chopped very finely and poured with vinegar, in which they are left for at least ten minutes.
  4. Eggs are boiled and then poured with cold water, in which they are forcibly cooled. Then they are peeled and grated, like vegetables.
  5. Each layer of the future salad is smeared with mayonnaise.
  6. Potatoes are laid out first in a salad bowl, and then onions and herring.
  7. Eggs are placed on the herring, followed by carrots.
  8. Complete the composition with beets.
  9. The dish must be insisted for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and only after that it is served on the table.

Tip: the grater does not have to be washed after each of the products. It is enough just to follow the correct order, and the components will not be painted. First - potatoes, then eggs, carrots and beets. The grater will have to be washed only after the last component. It seems to be a trifle, but cooking is a little faster and easier.

Herring under a fur coat the most delicious recipe

A truly exquisite is the most delicious herring under a fur coat, in which there is an apple. It seems to be the most common, unremarkable fruit, but it is this component that makes the dish especially tender and juicy, with a pleasant sourness and a delicate crunch.

You will need:

  • 1 herring;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

How to cook herring under a fur coat deliciously:

  1. Potatoes and all other root crops are washed and boiled in ordinary water. After cooking, they cool and clean, grind with a grater.
  2. Eggs are also boiled, cooled by immersion in cold water and ground on a grater.
  3. The fish is cut, the head is cut off, the giblets are taken out, the skin is removed and the bones are removed. Only after that the fillet is cut into small pieces.
  4. Peel the apple, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.
  5. It remains only to collect the salad, processing each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. The first is potatoes, followed by fish and onions.
  7. Next, carrots, apples and eggs.
  8. Beets are added last to the dish.
  9. If desired, the finished dish can be decorated and let it brew in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Important! Vegetables should be chopped as finely as possible, this will make the "Fur coat" much more tender. But apples are better cut, not grated.

The recipe for a delicious herring under a fur coat

It seems that there is already nothing to surprise skillful hostesses. Well, what else can you think of to make the “Fur Coat” special, sophisticated and original? It turns out that there is still room for those who like to experiment. One of the latest innovations is a salad in the form of a roll.

You will need:

  • 2 beets;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 150 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1 herring;
  • 5 gr. gelatin.

The most delicious herring recipe under a fur coat:

  1. Gelatin must be dissolved in 50 grams of water and held in a water bath until it is completely dissolved. At the same time, it is necessary to follow. So that the liquid does not boil.
  2. After steaming, the liquid is mixed with mayonnaise.
  3. Root crops are washed, boiled, then cooled, cleaned and rubbed.
  4. The herring is freed from the skin and bones, finely chopped.
  5. On the cling film, laid out on the table, the future salad begins to spread.
  6. The first spread a mixture of beets and mayonnaise with gelatin.
  7. Next, add a layer of cheese, also mixed with mayonnaise and gelatin.
  8. All subsequent layers in area should be slightly smaller than their predecessor.
  9. Be sure to add a mixture made from gelatin to each layer.
  10. Line for potatoes and carrots.
  11. For carrots add herring.
  12. At the end, the products on the film are twisted in such a way that a roll is obtained and it is moved to the refrigerator for several hours.
  13. When the required period of time has been maintained, the roll is taken out, the film is removed from it, and the dish is cut into portioned pieces.

Delicious herring under a fur coat recipe

Fried mushrooms, if they are used to prepare "Fur Coats", can surprise absolutely everyone with their taste. Such a dish turns out to be simply insanely tasty, nutritious and very refined.

You will need:

  • 300 gr. champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 50 gr. onion greens;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

The most delicious herring under a fur coat recipe:

  1. The onion is peeled and chopped.
  2. Mushrooms are sorted, washed and finely cut. Then the mass is mixed with onions and fried in a pan.
  3. The fried and cooled mushrooms are laid out in a salad bowl in the first layer.
  4. Potatoes are boiled, cooled and peeled. Then grated and covered with the resulting mass of mushrooms, be sure to soak with mayonnaise.
  5. Cucumbers are rubbed, squeezed with high quality and spread on potatoes.
  6. Eggs are boiled, forced to cool, cleaned and laid out next. The layer needs to be lubricated.
  7. Cheese is rubbed and covered with all products.
  8. It remains only to chop the greens, decorate the dish and let the salad brew.

Tip: you can choose absolutely any cheese for this dish. It can be melted, and hard, and smoked, and even cheese.

Herring under a fur coat delicious recipe

Another delicacy that gives the dish a special, incredibly bright taste is red fish. With her, perhaps, any culinary creation will become special, memorable.

You will need:

  • 100 gr. red fish;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 beet;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 30 gr. dill.

Delicious herring under a fur coat recipe:

  1. All vegetables must be washed and boiled separately from each other. After cooking, cool and clean. Then grate, using a grater for this purpose.
  2. Free the fish from the bones, finely chop the fillet. Mix the crushed mass with very finely chopped herbs and crushed garlic with a press.
  3. The onion needs to be peeled and chopped.
  4. First, place the fish in a salad bowl and cover with a layer of onion, which, like all subsequent ones, must be soaked in mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Then add carrots and potatoes.
  6. The final layer will be beets, as in any traditional recipe.
  7. If desired, you can decorate the appetizer with herbs and pieces of vegetables.

Tip: to add a special note to the dish, you can use not boiled carrots, but cooked in Korean. It is in this version that the delicate “Fur Coat” will be transformed, acquire a piquant taste that cannot be compared with the original.

Herring under a fur coat is the most delicious in any version is very refined. There is no limit to the imagination of the hostesses, and they come up with more and more new recipes, thanks to which it becomes possible to satisfy the most sophisticated needs.

Salad herring under a fur coat - the most New Year's salad. It's like Olivier, without which there is little to eat on New Year's Eve. By the way, about Olivier, leafing through some pages that interest me, I came across one blog http://bitbat.ru/, where there are a lot of salad recipes, there is also an Olivier recipe, if you are interested. I thought, I need to take note, it will suddenly come in handy for the New Year holidays, if not for me, then maybe for my friends and acquaintances.

Herring under a fur coat has been a favorite dish for several generations of people, for some this recipe is no longer festive, but everyday.

Check out the basic salad recipes today!

Do you have your own "classic" cooking option? Is it really a recognized classic?

For any person, the classic is long familiar, their own. We offer today to expand knowledge about "Herring under a fur coat"!

Herring under a fur coat with potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs

What will be required?

  • Fish or fillet - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise sauce

How to cook?

First, boil the vegetables in their skins until soft. First, carrots

then beets

You also need to cut the herring into small pieces.

We rub the potatoes on a grater.

We grind carrots

and beets.

We chop the onion.

It is required to pour boiling water over it so that the bitter aftertaste is gone.

We begin to collect the ingredients for the salad. First put the potatoes, add mayonnaise on top.

Then put the chopped herring fillet and mayonnaise.

Top with finely chopped onion.

After that, finely chopped egg, on top - sauce.

Then we put carrots and mayonnaise sauce

Put the beets on top of the carrots, draw nice figures from the sauce, decorate with vegetables and nuts.

The classic recipe for herring under a fur coat without eggs

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet or herring - 0.4 kg.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 200 ml.

How to cook?

The herring must be cut, the bones removed

and cut into small cubes.

Meanwhile, cook the vegetables in their skins until soft and peel.

Put grated potatoes on the bottom of the dish, add the sauce on top.

Lay the onion on top.

Upstairs - herring fillet, put mayonnaise sauce.

Grated carrots, put on top of the fish layer, sauce on top.

We complete the salad with beets, draw various figures on it with sauce and decorate

fruits, vegetables and nuts. An amazing recipe for the New Year's menu is ready!

Step-by-step classic recipe for herring under a fur coat

Herring under a fur coat is a very popular recipe, especially for the New Year holidays. Today we present to your attention an unusual version of the famous dish with the addition of apples.

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet - 400 g
  • Beets - 100 g
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise sauce - 200 mg.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp

How to cook?

Boil vegetables ahead of time.

We put the potatoes chopped on a grater on a dish, a little sauce on top.

top mayonnaise

Then you need pickled onions. To prepare it, chop the onion and soak in a solution of salt, sugar and vinegar for a few minutes.

Place the onion on top of the potatoes.

Put diced herring on top, a little sauce.

Then put the grated carrots, brush with sauce.

On top of the carrots, place a sweet apple, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise sauce on top.

Place an egg on the apple, do not spare this layer of mayonnaise sauce.

The final layer will be beets, also coat it.

Decorate the salad to your liking!

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe with an egg

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's feast without this salad. Each housewife has her own secrets and cooking preferences. Someone cooks with an apple, someone cooks a classic version. I want to offer you a herring under a fur coat with an egg. In my opinion, in this version, the salad turns out to be more tender and airy.

What will be required?

  • Herring fillet - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 250-300 gr.
  • Carrots - 300 gr.
  • Beets - 300 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise sauce

How to cook?

We prepare vegetables: cook in a peel until cooked, first beets

then carrots and potatoes.

then cool in water, grind separately on a grater.

Hard boil the eggs, rub the yolks and whites separately.

We cut the fish into small cubes.

We will collect the salad from the layers on the dish:

  • 1 layer: herring + onion + mayonnaise.

  • 2 layer: potatoes + mayonnaise.

  • 3 layer: proteins.
  • 4 layer: carrots + mayonnaise.

  • 5 layer: beets + mayonnaise + yolks.

  • Decorate the salad with your choice of nuts, fruits or vegetables.

Herring under a fur coat is a salad whose recipe is known to many housewives. It is this salad that is present on every holiday table, and the New Year is no exception.

Many people prefer to prepare a salad according to the classic recipe, using only vegetables - potatoes, onions, carrots, beets - and herring. Very often this recipe is supplemented with boiled eggs. If desired, you can diversify it and make the “fur coat” more exotic by adding apples, avocados and even pineapple pieces.

If you do not like onions, then you can also exclude it. A herring under a fur coat will not get any worse from this. To give a spicy note to the salad, you can add grated garlic or pickled cucumber. The taste of the dish is perfectly complemented by grated cheese.

Regardless of what ingredients you plan to use, herring under a fur coat is always cooked in layers. In the classic version, the sequence of layers will be as follows: potatoes, herring, onions, boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled beets. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise.

After the salad is assembled, it must be put in the refrigerator so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise. It is best if it spends the whole night in the refrigerator before serving. You can decorate the salad in different ways - it all depends on your imagination.

Herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe with an egg

The classic salad recipe uses only vegetables and herring. Herring under a fur coat must be laid out in layers, each of which is smeared with mayonnaise. As a decoration, you can take chopped onion rings, parsley leaves, dill sprigs, or just a squashed egg.


  • one herring (fatter);
  • boiled carrots;
  • boiled eggs;
  • a couple of potatoes;
  • medium-sized beets;
  • bulb;
  • mayonnaise;
  • onions and herbs for decoration.


Wash the vegetables and put them to boil in different pots. First of all, it concerns beets. She will repaint everything and carrots and potatoes.

From the herring you need to make a fillet, taking out all the bones. Then the fish will need to be cut into squares.

Onion cut into thin half rings or cubes. To get rid of bitterness and make it tastier, onions can be marinated in a mixture of water and vinegar.

The potatoes must be peeled and cut into cubes. Carrots and beets are also peeled and grated into separate plates. We also grate the eggs into a separate bowl.

Now you can start shaping the salad. Layer go in the following sequence:

  • potato cubes;
  • herring;
  • grated egg;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Do not forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise. Beets also need to be smeared with mayonnaise and put the salad in the refrigerator for soaking.

Before serving the dish to the table, it can be decorated. For example, sprinkle the surface with thinly chopped onion slices or lay a few sprigs of herbs.

Herring under a fur coat roll

Herring under a fur coat can be served on the table in the usual form for everyone - like a layer cake - or in an original way: in the form of a roll. Don't worry, there is nothing complicated in its preparation. The set of products is standard, only the way the appetizer is decorated is slightly modified.

To create a roll, you will need cling film. When buying, choose the one that is denser. Otherwise, it may break at the most crucial moment - while rolling the roll.


  1. First boil vegetables and eggs. Cool them, peel and grate them into separate plates.
  2. We cut the herring into fillets - we select all the bones - and cut it into small cubes.
  3. Lay out the cling film on the table. If it is thin, then make several layers. Then it will definitely not tear when you wrap the roll.
  4. We spread the prepared products on it, but in the reverse order: beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs, fish and pickled onions. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. Now we form a roll and put it all night in the refrigerator.

Herring under a fur coat - a recipe with an apple

Herring and apple are completely incompatible products, but this is not entirely true. For example, in this version of herring under a fur coat, on the contrary, they harmoniously complement each other and only give the classic salad an unusual taste. It becomes more juicy and gets a slight sourness.


  • three boiled potatoes;
  • a couple of boiled eggs;
  • boiled carrots - 2 pieces;
  • boiled beets - medium in size;
  • salted herring (bigger);
  • mayonnaise;
  • onion;
  • two sour apples.


  1. We clean the herring and cut it into fillets, removing all the bones.
  2. We peel the vegetables and rub them on a medium grater into separate plates.
  3. Cut the apple in half and remove the core with seeds. We rub the fruit on a coarse grater. So that they do not become dark, pour them with lemon juice.
  4. Now that all the ingredients are prepared, you can collect the salad. The layers will go in the following sequence: part of the potato, herring cubes, onions. Spread a layer of mayonnaise. Next - carrots, half the beets and all the eggs. Again we put a layer of mayonnaise. Then lay out the rest of the potatoes, apples and beets. We put the mayonnaise again and put the snack in the refrigerator.

The salad should stand in the refrigerator all night, then it will be well soaked and will be even tastier.

Herring recipe under a fur coat with garlic

The classic taste of herring under a fur coat can be "diluted" with a spicy garlic note. This recipe is worth trying for those who are a little bored with the standard “fur coat”.


  • 500 grams of salted fatty herring;
  • onion;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • two - three potatoes;
  • beet;
  • clove of garlic;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Vegetables should be boiled, cooled and peeled.
  2. We make a fillet from the herring and cut it into small pieces in the form of cubes.
  3. Onion, to save it from excessive bitterness, scalded with boiling water. It will become softer and tastier.
  4. Now we will rub vegetables - beets and carrots in different bowls. We cut the potatoes into cubes (medium-sized).
  5. Now we take a deep salad bowl and begin to form an appetizer. Do not forget to coat each layer with mayonnaise. The sequence of layers will be as follows: herring cubes, onions, grated carrots, chopped garlic, potatoes and beets (she comes last).

We also generously coat the beetroot layer with mayonnaise. And already by tradition we put the salad in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Spicy herring under a fur coat - a recipe with pickled cucumber

Another original salad recipe. But now we will add pickled cucumber to it. It's pickled, not salted. You will need crispy juicy cucumbers and always spicy in taste - this is very important.

Ingredients - a standard set + a few pickled cucumbers. The ones sold in stores are ideal.


  1. First, boil vegetables - potatoes, carrots and beets - and eggs. We cool them and clean them, and then cut or grate (as you like) into different plates.
  2. Chop onions and cucumbers.
  3. Cut the herring fillet into small cubes.
  4. Now let's make a snack. Coat all layers with mayonnaise. The sequence of layers: half a potato (it needs to be slightly salted), herring + onion rings, carrots (add a little), half of the grated beets, eggs, the rest of the potatoes, pickled cucumbers and the remains of beets.

We put the salad for several hours in a cold place. Decorate with herbs before serving.

Herring salad under a fur coat - a recipe with fried mushrooms

This recipe was a discovery for me, but it turns out that a herring under a fur coat can be cooked even with mushrooms. Such a salad can be called a classic with a stretch, but it’s still worth trying to cook.


  • salted fatty herring;
  • champignons - 250 grams;
  • boiled potatoes - two - three pieces;
  • fresh carrots;
  • onion head;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. We make a fillet from the herring and cut it into small cubes. We spread it in the first layer in a salad bowl.
  2. We cut the mushrooms, fry them in oil and put them in a second layer.
  3. We rub the boiled and cooled potatoes on a coarse grater and put them in the third layer. We coat it with mayonnaise, after a little salt.
  4. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes and fry the vegetable mixture until tender. This will be the last layer, which we also coat with mayonnaise.

Everything, the salad is ready. He needs to let it brew and you can serve it to the table.

If there is not much time left before the start of the feast, then each component of the salad can be mixed with mayonnaise and laid out in this form as a layer. Such a trick will save time and will not affect the taste of the appetizer at all - the salad will turn out great.

Herring under a fur coat in a classic design and design - video recipe

With the onset of cold weather and on the eve of big holidays, we all want to please our loved ones with something tasty and familiar from childhood. One of the most favorite dishes in Russia in the winter season is salad "" - the classic recipe is known to many housewives, but we decided to refresh it in your memory by providing a step-by-step recipe, and also talk about how to cook some variations of this popular salad.

What ingredients to choose

Potatoes, which are some kind of basis for this easy-to-cook dish, must be carefully selected: it is better to give preference to a brighter variety so that the vegetable looks prettier in a salad, and you should also not take starchy potatoes, which can be very boiled during cooking.

The same applies to other vegetables - carrots and beets. Ideally, if all vegetables are natural, from a home garden, however, products from the store are also great.


Lazy "herring under a fur coat"

If you don’t have a lot of time and simply don’t have the opportunity to lay out classic layers, but you still want to treat yourself to the taste of this wonderful and beloved dish, cook a lazy “herring”. To do this, prepare all the ingredients and mix as you would a regular salad, dressing with mayonnaise, and let it brew a little.


"Fur coat" with red caviar

A more refined version of the traditional treat will turn out if, in addition to herring, red caviar is also added to the ingredients. In this case, you can follow the following sequence in preparing the salad:

  • a layer of potatoes;
  • thin uniform layer of caviar;
  • carrot;
  • herring;
  • beet;
  • egg;
  • on top - caviar as a small decoration.

In this case, it is required to smear all layers with mayonnaise, except for caviar.

Vegetarian option

If you or someone in your household adheres to a vegetarian diet, you can cook an alternative version of Herring under a Fur Coat for them, using seaweed instead of fish. As a sauce, also prepare a lighter, but no less tasty "homemade mayonnaise" - just mix 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and 1 teaspoon of vinegar, mustard and lemon juice.

You will find two more interesting cooking and design options in the following video:

Spicy option

If none of the previous options interested you, but you still want to diversify the traditional "Herring under a fur coat" - this option is just for you. Just replace the second "potato layer" in the classic recipe with an apple. It should be grated on a coarse grater, like other vegetables. In this case, it is better to give preference to sweet and sour and more juicy apples. And add 100-150 grams of capers to the onion layer to give the taste even more variety.

Herring under a fur coat is a classic of the New Year genre. Spectacular, easy to prepare and very tasty winter salad. Even with cleaning and soaking the fish, now you don’t have to bother - to make a “fur coat”, you can take the finished fillet. The only difficulty is the eternal confusion of which layer follows which. Moreover, it happens that you have already made herring a hundred times and still you cannot remember exactly how to cook herring under a fur coat. A step-by-step recipe is the most successful solution to this problem. Every year, on December 31, I open my own recipe to refresh my memory. And I walk calmly. First a herring, then an onion ... And so on. See for yourself. I showed here the most complex version of the preparation of salad - in portioned form. And if you do it in a large opaque dish, then cooking herring under a fur coat will take you less energy, if only because you won’t need to stuff anything anywhere, fearing: what if it doesn’t fit? ...


  • 1 herring (or a package of finished fillet),
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 medium or 3 small beets
  • mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe how to cook herring under a fur coat

Vegetables and eggs for salad should be boiled without peeling. I boil the beets in a separate pot. Firstly, it is cooked longer (on average, about one and a half hours). And secondly, it can color the rest of the products, and then the fur coat will turn out to be all the same beetroot color.

Herring under a fur coat is a layered salad with a well-defined set of products. However, about the first layer, the opinions of culinary specialists were divided. Someone starts a “fur coat” with a layer of potatoes, and someone with a herring. I tried this and that, and I like it better when the first layer is fish. Fortunately, the recipe allows for such discrepancies.

If you have unpeeled herring, then first you need to cut it and remove all the bones. If you took the finished fillet, then there are no bones in it, and you can immediately cut it into small cubes.

We spread the herring in an even layer on the bottom of the salad bowl. I use two appetizer molds because I don't have a flat salad bowl.

Put a layer of finely chopped onions on the herring. Level and cover with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

Now you can hide the herring in a fur coat. We start with the potato layer. We will rub all products on a coarse grater. After potatoes, the grater becomes sticky. And hands too. So it's best to wash the grater before continuing to prepare the salad. Flatten the potatoes and cover with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

It's time for the carrots. We clean, three on a grater, spread on a layer of potatoes, cover with mayonnaise.

As for eggs, there is a tradition to separate the proteins from the yolks - it is customary to sprinkle the herring under a fur coat on top with finely chopped yolks as a decoration. I almost never do this, because on the festive table the "fur coat" is adjacent to the Mimosa salad, which must be sprinkled with yolks without fail (otherwise it will not be "Mimosa"). So I rub the whole eggs on a grater and lay them in a layer on top of the carrots. And again I cover with mayonnaise.

And the final layer of our “fur coat” is beetroot.

We act carefully so as not to stain everything around with juice. I spread the mayonnaise a little longer so that the top of the salad becomes such a pinkish-burgundy.

Because I serve herring under a fur coat without decorations. This is how it looks, in my opinion, the most appetizing, attracting the attention of guests with its multi-colored layers.

Why is the herring under a fur coat, and not in a coat? Name history.

As a child, I was sure that herring is dressed up in a fur coat so that it does not freeze in winter. Winter salad. And when I recently decided to ask why the salad is called that, I had a good laugh. It turns out that the herring under a fur coat has a glorious revolutionary past. "Shuba" in this case is not a fur winter coat at all, but an abbreviation, an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of the name "Chauvinism and decline - boycott and anathema." Abbreviated: "SH.U.B.A." Under this name, a herring appetizer (and initially it was served in portions) was listed in the menu of taverns of the merchant Anastas Bogomilov. In 1918, Soviet Russia was going through a period of devastation and an acute shortage of food. Carrot tea, crackers and herring were in wide circulation. From it, the cook Aristarkh Prokoptsev came up with the idea of ​​​​preparing an unusual puff snack. FUR COAT. turned out to be so successful that the recipe was widely spread and firmly entered the New Year's menu of most Russian families. Both hunger and years of shortages are behind us. And the herring under a fur coat continues to delight all lovers of a hearty and tasty holiday snack.