Pyramid of glasses: a pyramid of champagne glasses with your own hands. Pyramid of champagne for a wedding How beautiful to make a pyramid of wine glasses

A wedding is a celebration that everyone strives to make the brightest, most colorful and unforgettable, because it happens once in a lifetime (at least everyone hopes so). For this reason, neither the newlyweds nor their parents spare either money or their physical strength. One of the points of the wedding banquet is an aperitif, which is served to guests during the gathering. Of course, this aperitif can be served without any pathos, but you can arrange a real bartending show or surprise guests with a pyramid of champagne.

Champagne pyramid, also called cascade, are glasses stacked on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid. Champagne is poured into the top glass, gradually filling the lower glasses. This is a truly beautiful and solemn spectacle that will not leave anyone indifferent. Golden color, white foam and flowing stream from the pyramid of champagne will bring aesthetic pleasure to your guests. However, it should be taken into account - the larger the champagne pyramid, the more spectacular it looks and vice versa, the smaller the pyramid, the less impression it will leave in the memory of your guests.

Champagne pyramid, also called cascade, are glasses stacked on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid. Champagne is poured into the top glass, gradually filling the lower glasses. This is a truly beautiful and solemn spectacle that will not leave anyone indifferent. Golden color, white foam and flowing stream from the pyramid of champagne will bring aesthetic pleasure to your guests. However, it should be taken into account - the larger the champagne pyramid, the more spectacular it looks and vice versa, the smaller the pyramid, the less impressions it will leave in the memory of your guests.

A bartender from a restaurant builds a pyramid of champagne quite cleverly, but not quickly. It all depends on how many wine glasses you plan to use. Experienced bartenders can create a pyramid from an incredibly large number of glasses, exceeding several hundred, then you have to spend up to 4 hours. The shape of a champagne pyramid can be triangular and square, but some experienced bartenders are willing to build a pyramid accompanied by more original shapes, including the shape of a cylinder or heart.

But if, nevertheless, a craving for adventure woke up in you, then try to assemble the pyramid with your own hands, carefully studying the recommendations below.

The Great Champagne Pyramid is a very complex structure. It must not only be installed correctly, but also properly filled with champagne. The secret lies in the fact that you need to pour champagne evenly in a thin stream into the topmost glass, from where the champagne pours into the second level and further, to the very last level. With the correct construction of the pyramid, literally a few drops spill past the glasses - from the lowest, reference level. At the slightest defect in the addition or displacement of the glasses, the pyramid can crumble - a domino effect occurs and the whole structure falls apart, scattering into a million fragments and splashes. However, those present are unlikely to appreciate such pleasure. Therefore, you should not try to collect a large pyramid of champagne on your own - you run the risk of being left without glasses, champagne and pleasure, as they say "with nothing", so it's better to turn to professionals.
But if, nevertheless, a craving for adventure woke up in you, then try to assemble the pyramid with your own hands, carefully studying the recommendations below.

So, if a decision is made to create such a miracle, one should prepare for it in advance and Purchase the following items:

  • table;
  • festive tablecloth;
  • tray;
  • wine glasses on a long stem (purchased with a small margin);
  • decorations.

Tray should be of such a size that all the glasses of the lower tier can be placed on it.

wine glasses for the construction of a champagne pyramid, it is best to purchase inexpensive ones, the spectacle itself is fascinating, so there is no need to spend money on crystal glasses. You can take special glasses for champagne, which are called "saucers" or "Martinki" - with an extended neck.

Table must be stable so that it does not move if accidentally touched.

Tablecloth most often acquire snow-white, and its shape can be any.

Technology for the implementation of the plan:

According to the number of glasses, stock up on the required number of bottles of champagne in advance so that during the pouring process they are enough and all glasses are filled with champagne. On average, for 55 glasses, you need to purchase 16 bottles of champagne.

Initially, you should determine the number of glasses. Most often, they are guided by the number of people invited to the celebration, so that each guest has the opportunity to take a glass from this wonderful pyramid and treat himself to champagne. If the pyramid is being built by someone who has little or no practical experience, it is best not to exceed the number of 35-55 glasses.

According to the number of glasses, stock up on the required number of bottles of champagne in advance so that during the pouring process they are enough and all glasses are filled with champagne. On average, for 55 glasses, you need to purchase 16 bottles of champagne.

To build a pyramid of 55 glasses, the first 25 glasses are placed on a tray in the form of a square with sides of 5 glasses. Each glass should be tightly adjacent to the neighboring ones, leaving no gaps. Check the correctness of the square should be using improvised means, including cardboard.

The next row is already created from 16 glasses. Each glass is set in such a way that its leg captures equally the upper parts of the 4 lower glasses.

The third and all subsequent rows are set according to the same rule, the number of glasses decreases with each new row - 9, 4 and 1.

When you place the last glass, the only one on top, the pyramid will be built.

The next steps should be actions related to decorating the wedding pyramid. Glasses can be decorated with artificial flowers, fresh flower petals, sweets in beautiful wrappers. In the container where the champagne bottles are installed, you can put dry ice, which will “smoke” in an original way.

In the end, it remains to fill the pyramid. Do this when all the guests are in the collection. Such a mission can be entrusted to the newlyweds themselves. Champagne is poured in a slow stream into the uppermost glass, and it will cascade overflow and reach the lower tier.

Of course, the higher the champagne pyramid, the more spectacular it will look.

In February 2006, Dutch businessman Gert-Jan Stock at the Wijnegem shopping center near Antwerp. It consisted of 35,990 glasses. The height of the structure was seven meters. Of course, they did not completely fill it with champagne, since in order to fix the record, it was enough to fill only a few upper levels.

At a wedding, such high pyramids are not needed, but even a medium-sized pyramid can become the most original highlight of the celebration, so it’s still worth trying to make a champagne pyramid for a wedding.

If you decide to entrust the creation of a wedding pyramid to professionals, then you should know that the cost of the service usually already includes: delivery of glasses, installation of the pyramid, pouring champagne, dismantling the pyramid, collecting dishes. Additionally, various special effects and design work are discussed.

Pyramid of glasses video

A slide of glasses photo

G orca champagne

Despite its name, a glass slide can be made with martinis, punch, and other drinks. But sparkling wine is considered a classic. It effectively foams and hisses, pouring from the upper tier to the lower one, has a specific intoxicating aroma and is considered an integral sign of celebration. The haze effect looks especially chic when dry ice is used.

Imagine only the emotions of your guests, when before their eyes a cascade of glasses, placed in a pyramid, is filled with a sparkling noble drink. And if the slide also glows with different colors of the rainbow and drowns in clouds of smoke? "Fountain" of glasses is always a spectacular show for guests and an unforgettable gift to the hero of the occasion, the embodiment of a solemn atmosphere and a sea of ​​positive moments.

Our professional bartenders in each pyramid embody their and your fantasies, turning it into a unique work of art. And the installation, filling glasses and distributing drinks will become a real mix of professionalism, personal charm of the bartender and his artistry. Our aces show their dexterity in entertaining tricks and numbers. You can additionally order flairing - juggling with bottles, various special effects, for example, cold flames or pyrotechnic numbers.

We will tell, show... and let the guests try to pour champagne to the applause of the audience!! At a welcome drink, the option of pouring glasses in advance with or without decoration is more relevant. Decorations, according to your desire, can be flowers, exotic fruits, all kinds of syrups to give different color shades. You can also order the effect of smoke and the illumination of the pyramid, which give the hill of glasses a special spectacle.

The price of a slide of glasses

Number of glasses Number of levels (tiers) pyramid shape Minimum number of bottles (0.75l.) Price per pyramid
35 5 triangle 6 6000
55 5 square 8 7000
56 6 triangle 8 7000
84 7 triangle 10 8000
91 6 square 11 9000
120 8 triangle 14 10000
140 7 square 18 12000
165 9 triangle 20 14000
204 8 square 25 16000
220 10 triangle 28 18000
Download prices

Options for customers:

    Children's parties (non-alcoholic champagne or b\alk. cocktails) For weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, New Years Business corporate parties, presentations, etc. (relevant for welcome drink)

Included in the price:

    Delivery of glassesInstallation of the pyramid Bartender's work for an hour (bottling and distribution of glasses) Dismantling of the pyramid and collection of dishes.

Discussed separately:

    Number of glasses of the pyramid Pyramid shape

Three main conditions (from the customer's side):

    lack of wind. flat floor. flat stable table (or our table)

In Moscow by TimFlair℠ - RIGHT CHOICE!

How to effectively present guests with gift champagne before the start of the official wedding feast? A spectacular surprise in the festive program of the wedding day will be slide of champagne- a beautiful pyramid of glasses, which will alternately be filled with sparkling wine from top to bottom.

Many people cannot afford a professional bartender show with a cascade of champagne - renting glasses, installing a pyramid, decorating and helping to fill the pyramid cost 8-10 thousand rubles. But the high cost of this service is not a reason to refuse the original festive zest, because you can make a slide of glasses with your own hands. You will only have to spend money on additional glasses for the wedding and champagne for the ceremony.

What you need

  1. Glass Martini glasses - on a thin stem with a triangular flared bowl - or champagne saucers.
  2. Several bottles of champagne per number of glasses.
  3. A separate table for the device of the pyramid.
  4. Elegant tablecloth and matching decor.
  5. A large tray that will fit the entire first tier of the cascade.


  1. First you need to determine the size of the pyramid, based on the number of drinking guests. It is better to limit the independent construction of a wedding cascade to 55-70 glasses. You can pre-draw a diagram of the installation of glasses, so that during the installation of the structure you are not distracted by calculations and reconciliations.
  2. Calculate the required amount of champagne to fill all the glasses of the pyramid - one standard bottle of champagne with a volume of 0.75 liters. enough for about 3-4 glasses filled to the top.
  3. Choose the right martins. It is better to buy such wedding glasses in bulk in sets - it will be cheaper and more convenient. It is better not to experiment with ordinary champagne glasses - they are difficult to install and almost impossible to fill without spilling. In case of a battle of wine glasses, buy them with some margin.
  4. Place a stable table on a flat surface, if necessary, make additional paper supports. The ideal option is a buffet round table with a white tablecloth and a draped skirt.
  5. Prepare a tray commensurate with the lower tier of the pyramid, which will protect the tablecloth from drops of champagne. Set up the first row of glasses, lining them up evenly and tightly together. You can then align the base triangle or rectangle with cardboard or a second tray.
  6. In the second row of the pyramid, place the glasses with the base of the legs at the point of contact of three (four) glasses of the lower tier. Observe the size of the picture and take your time.
  7. Similarly, the third and subsequent rows are installed, while at the top of the entire pyramid there should be only one glass.
  8. The finished slide can be decorated with various decorative elements during assembly or after the installation of the cascade is completed.
  9. At a solemn moment, uncork the champagne and carefully fill all the glasses of the slide from top to bottom, pouring the drink in a thin stream only into the topmost glass. If the pyramid is assembled correctly, there will be practically no spilled drops, and all glasses will be evenly filled with sparkling wine.
  10. Enjoy the taste of champagne and the delight of the guests from this small but unusually bright wedding show.
  1. Pyramid glasses can be filled not only with champagne. You can make a beautiful show with cocktails of different colors.
  2. To decorate the composition, you can use flowers, petals, lights, fruits, berries and other thematic decor.
  3. Use dry ice to wrap your wedding champagne in thick puffs of smoke as you fill your glasses.
  4. Installation and decoration of a cascade of glasses takes from half an hour to two hours - depending on the number of glasses, the skill of the master and the complexity of the accompanying decor.
  5. The higher the pyramid - the more spectacular it looks, the lower - the easier and safer.
  6. Before the big day, rehearse the installation and filling of the pyramid of plastic cups and water bottles.
  7. It is advisable to seek help from one of the guests or organizers of the event, so that by the time the newlyweds arrive at the venue of the banquet, the pyramid of glasses is already ready.

A pyramid of sparkling champagne is an additional decoration of any holiday and gives an unforgettable experience to guests! The brilliance of glass glasses in combination with decor elements (strawberries, cocktail cherries, carambola, rose petals) and sparkling wine bubbles will make you want to get a filled glass as soon as possible. Festive champagne flowing down the glass is the perfect start to any celebration.

A slide of champagne glasses is an indispensable attribute of a wedding celebration. This service is in demand not only at weddings, but also at New Year's banquets, corporate parties, office holidays. In addition, we offer a spectacular show with ice and fireworks, creating a magical aura of the performance!

If your event is held outdoors, then you will get an additional effect: when exposed to direct sunlight, in the process of pouring the drink, the cascade of champagne shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. A slide of glasses always looks festive and solemn. In addition to the pyramid, we offer this package of services is most in demand, because on your table there will be champagne, strawberries and chocolate at the same time. We will make your holiday special!

The standard package of the Champagne Hill service includes:

Delivery in Moscow;

glass rental;

Table rental;

Show "dry ice";

Work on the installation of the pyramid;

the work of the staff;

Collection of utensils and equipment.

Hill of champagne

Services offered:

5 levels (square), 55 glasses

6 levels (triangle), 56 glasses

6 levels (square), 91 glasses

7 levels (triangle), 84 glasses

7 levels (square), 140 glasses

8 levels (triangle), 120 glasses

8 levels (square), 204 glasses

9 levels (triangle), 165 glasses

9 levels (square), 285 glasses

10 levels (triangle), 220 glasses

10 levels (square), 385 glasses

Last year, at the New Year's corporate party, we ordered a champagne pyramid, the spectacle is simply amazing, everyone was delighted, and I hope this new year we will repeat this business.)

And recently I was at a wedding, there was also such a pyramid, and I decided to write a post about

how to make it yourself.

The construction principle is

Need special glasses

Such glasses for

called a "saucer" - with an extended neck.

It is better to arrange a pyramid on a separate table, perhaps a serving one.

Option 1

Set the glasses in a line, for example, seven pieces so that the necks touch each other. Set five glasses on these glasses, lowering the legs to the connection of the necks. On five - the next three. The building is crowned with one glass. You can use more glasses, the main thing is to set them in the form of a pyramid, the higher it is, the more interesting.

Option 2

Build a triangle base from glasses (they lie like balls in billiards at the beginning of the game).

Let's say you build a 5-tier pyramid. The base will take 15 glasses (5 glasses per side). The next tier is 10 glasses, then 6.3 and 1. Under the leg of each glass you will always have three "saucers" from the bottom tier. Don't forget to place the lowest glasses on the tray.

All this must be installed strictly horizontally.

(in the pictures option 2, option 1 was not found)

Now to pour champagne into the top glass to the top, and it will fill the rest of the glasses with a waterfall.
Try experimenting with water first ;)

beauty from the internet

P.S I warn you, I didn’t make such pyramids myself, so I don’t bear responsibility for the final result)))

One thing is clear, you need to act very carefully
But anyway, it will be fun!

I wish you good luck and happy holidays!
