Soup sauce in a slow cooker recipe. Soup with meatballs

A slow cooker is a miracle saucepan in your kitchen. She will be able to cook different dishes with your minimum participation. Putting out, cooking or frying food is not a problem for her. At the same time, it will keep your food healthy and dietary.

The number of recipes for Martha's multicookers is so huge that there is not a single housewife who could not find something for herself and her family there. Since you need to cook in Martha's slow cooker with minimal participation from you, in the meantime you can go about your business.

To cook soups, now you need to spend only ten or fifteen minutes of your time. And then, it will go to the preparation of products and their placement in a pan.

In the Marta multicooker you can cook:

  • first meal;
  • second;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • sad pastries;
  • children's menu;
  • holiday menu.

Food in the Marta multicooker cooks quickly and evenly. Your food will not burn or stick to the sides of the pot, nor will it remain soggy.

The Marta multicooker can be used by both an experienced housewife and an inept cook. The recipes presented in our cookbook are very easy to prepare. It describes the cooking process in detail and contains step-by-step photos. There are also photos of finished dishes. They will help you navigate the table setting.

What and how to cook

Cooking soups in this modern electric pot is so easy and simple that you won't even notice how the beep will "call" you to the table. You can surprise your family members by making pureed or creamy soups, clear broths and borscht.

To cook porridge in a slow cooker, you also do not need to stand near the stove and stir it in order to avoid burning or worrying that it does not end up on the stove. Your assistant will do everything herself. And you only need to correctly maintain the proportions of the products and put them in a container. Rice and buckwheat porridge will turn out crumbly, oatmeal and millet - rich and satisfying.

Our cookbook will tell you about the sequence of cooking processes for each recipe. But there are points that are common to certain product groups. For example, before preparing meat dishes, you need to choose suitable cuts of meat, because sinewy cuts of meat will be tough, the same can be said about meat from an older animal. It is better to cook fish on steam than in water. So it retains more nutrients. Before preparing the vegetable stew, the vegetables are chopped in such a way that all the pieces, without exception, are cooked evenly.

How to cook pastries?

The cookbook of our site contains many recipes for delicious sweet pastries for the slow cooker. The main thing when baking flour products is not to open the lid of your favorite Martha until the end of baking, because the product may sag. To remove the finished cake from the pan, turn it over and lightly tap the bottom with a blunt object. Also, to facilitate this process, special paper is placed on the bottom of the pan before baking.

Cakes, pies and bread rise well, bake evenly and do not burn. We'll show you how to cook delicious cheesecakes and other desserts in your Marta oven. In the photo you can see what result to expect and how best to serve dessert to the table.

Indeed, cooking soup in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears. All you need to do is put all the necessary products into the capacity of the device, fill them with water, set the “soup” mode and the right time. Everything! You can do other important household chores, kitchen appliances will do everything by itself at the highest level. And after all, what is interesting: the slow cooker can cook the most incredible soups, even exotic and complex ones, for example, kharcho soup. In the multicooker everything turns out! And how tasty is pea soup in a slow cooker, or mushroom soup in a slow cooker!

Having understood all the advantages of this miracle device, you will probably want to cook some kind of soup with it. We advise you to try chicken soup in a slow cooker or soup with meatballs in a slow cooker. These dishes will declare themselves in a new way, conquer your hearts and stomachs with new tastes and aromas. But that's not all, with such an assistant you can make other seemingly impossible options for soups. Such first courses also come out great: cheese soup in a slow cooker, vermicelli soup in a slow cooker, milk soup in a slow cooker. There are a lot of options for cooking with this technique, choose your soup in a slow cooker, there are recipes for every taste. Any soup puree in a slow cooker is a work of art that you definitely want to try.

And if you have not previously had to cook dishes such as soup in a slow cooker, recipes with photos will surely help you with this. There is another option for studying the process of making soup in a slow cooker - a step-by-step recipe that introduces the reader to each stage of the process with his photograph. It is very convenient and visual.

Our main advice: cook soups in a slow cooker more often, because it will not only cook, but also keep it warm in the heating mode, it will make it possible to serve hot and tasty soup to the table if the household is late.

There are a few more small tips on how to cook soup in a slow cooker:

Do not add water to the soup, even if for some reason it turned out to be thick. So you can irretrievably spoil the dish;

Whatever it seems to you, whatever you want to tweak a little, do not do it, but strictly follow the cooking recipe;

In one container for one time, it is recommended to cook up to five liters of soup. The volume of the multicooker bowl can allow more, but in any case, you need to make sure that at least two centimeters remain from the level of the laid products to the edge of the bowl;

Salt the soup should be a few minutes before the end of cooking, all the ingredients will take only the required amount of salt;

A very important note: the soup should languish, not boil;

Cook the soup for exactly as long as recommended in the recipe. In any other case, the taste will be spoiled, and you will not benefit from such food.

Any housewife prepares at least once a week the first course. But it is best to cook soup every day. After all, the soup is just right for both the winter and summer menus. And in general, it is simply impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without okroshka, borscht, cabbage soup, hodgepodge and other culinary masterpieces. To facilitate the cooking process, you can cook the soup in a slow cooker.

Although some consider this device just an electric pan, its possibilities are endless. Those housewives who actively use this miracle of technology cannot imagine their kitchen without it. In a slow cooker, you can not only cook porridge, but also make all kinds of pastries, fry, stew. Soup is also easy to make. All you need is to choose the right recipes and prepare the ingredients.

Traditional cooking soup

Making soup is a labor intensive process. Even if you choose the easiest and fastest recipe. In addition to the saucepan, you may additionally need a frying pan for frying. And if the recipes are more complex, then the help of an oven or grill may be required.

The difficulty in cooking soup lies also in the fact that it is necessary to take into account the speed of cooking all the ingredients. If, for example, potatoes are boiled for a long time, then it will boil and turn into an unappetizing porridge.

While the soup broth is cooking, the hostess needs to peel the vegetables. And at the same time, you need to make sure that the broth does not boil too much and have time to remove the foam. During the direct cooking of the soup, you need to cut the vegetables, prepare the frying, cut or cook the necessary ingredients. And if unexpected guests suddenly appeared or someone just called, then the soup may not work out.

After such throwing around the kitchen, the hostess will still need to wash the stove. And there is no more power left. And all these sacrifices for the sake of a well-fed and contented family. How to make life easier for hostesses?

Multicooker - assistant

A device to make life easier has already been invented. This is a multicooker. It combines not only the functions of pots and pans, but also ovens, rice cookers, steamers and some models even deep fryers. Cooking soup in a slow cooker using your favorite recipes is not difficult.

After all, despite the great possibilities, the design of the multicooker is quite simple. It consists of a body, a heating element and a bowl. But the most important thing is programs with a given temperature regime and time. They make the cooking process easy.

The hostess only needs to choose recipes, prepare the ingredients as needed, place them in the bowl and select the program.

Making soup in a slow cooker is as easy as making a casserole. All that is needed is to put the ingredients in a bowl, pour the right amount of water and turn on the "soup" program, if any. And the hostess is absolutely free all the time of cooking. Then the soup in the slow cooker will cook on its own.

And if suddenly family members are late for dinner, then the soup will remain warm in the appliance. After the cooking process is completed, the “keep warm” function will automatically turn on.

If the hostess wants to leave her favorite soup recipes unchanged, then you can separately fry the vegetables. But it is not necessary to use a frying pan for this purpose. Roasting can be cooked all in the same slow cooker. And you don’t have to wash a mountain of dirty dishes.

Features of cooking first courses in a slow cooker

For some housewives, it may be inconvenient that it is necessary to organize successive actions correctly. For example, fry the vegetables first, then add the rest of the ingredients. After all, there is only one bowl in the multicooker. But if it’s inconvenient to cook like this, then you can still use the pan to fry the ingredients.

You can cook soup in a slow cooker in the “soup”, “stewing” or “steaming” mode. These programs differ in cooking temperature and therefore in intensity of boiling.

On the “stewing” program, the soup does not boil much, but languishes. Thus, the aroma and taste are better preserved in the finished dish. Despite the fact that in this mode there is a rather long cooking time (from 1.5 hours), the taste cannot be compared with anything. After all, with this method of cooking, the first dish will taste like cooked in a Russian stove.

The most important thing is to determine how much water or broth to pour. It is not advisable to add water during the cooking process. This can affect the taste of the finished dish. But if you still didn’t calculate with the liquid, then you can add boiling water.

Usually recipes for making soup in a slow cooker can be divided into several steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients.
  2. Chop the onion and carrot and fry in the "baking" mode.
  3. Put the rest of the ingredients and pour water.
  4. Turn on the "soup" or "stew" program.

If the recipes suggest the presence of meat or fish, then you can do it in two ways:

  1. Put meat or fish (including bones) at the very bottom of the pan. The pulp must be immediately cut into small pieces. Remove the bones from the soup after cooking.
  2. Place meat or fish in a steaming bowl. So the meat component will cook and nourish the soup with juices.

A huge plus of the multicooker is that it has a heating function. Even if you decide to postpone lunch for a few hours, the first course will remain hot. And you don't have to warm it up.

You can cook any soup recipes in a slow cooker. The main thing is to know the main features of cooking first courses in this miracle device.

Pea soup

Pea soup recipes have their origins in Denmark. In Russia, they began to prepare it only in the 17th century. But this did not stop him from becoming a favorite dish of many housewives. And many cook pea soup in a slow cooker.



  1. Rinse the meat well and cut into portions.
  2. Wash the peas and soak them in cold water for a couple of hours.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion.
  4. Pour a little oil into the bowl and fry the vegetables in the "baking" mode. The meat can also be pre-fried. But this is optional.
  5. Add meat, peas and potatoes to the fried vegetables. Fill everything with hot water up to the mark. Salt and add spices to taste.
  6. Leave in the extinguishing mode for 2 hours.
  7. After the signal, you can serve the dish to the table. It goes well with sour cream, crackers and herbs.


This soup is a traditional Georgian dish. And in Russia he found a lot of fans.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of beef or veal;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • 2 pcs. bell pepper;
  • tomato paste or fresh tomatoes to taste;
  • 1 multi-cooker glass of rice;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • seasonings and salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. The first step is to prepare the ingredients. Cut the meat across the grain into small pieces. Potatoes and sweet peppers cut into small cubes, onions - finely or half rings, and grate the carrots. Rinse rice.
  2. On the "baking" program, heat the vegetable oil and fry the meat for 20 minutes. Then add the onion and fry for another 10 minutes. Put the bell pepper with carrots and leave on this mode for another 10 minutes.
  3. After the base is fried, you can turn off the multicooker. Put rice with potatoes in a bowl and pour water. Add spices and salt and leave for 1.5 hours "stewing".
  4. Kharcho should be served with chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press.

Cheese soup

This soup, originally from France, can become a favorite of your family. And making cheese soup in a slow cooker is easy.



  1. Pour 2 liters of water into the bowl. Put the ribs and leave on the "buckwheat" mode.
  2. Chop onions, carrots. Fry in vegetable oil in a pan.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send to the broth. Put the roasted vegetables in there. Set to cook for 1 hour on "quenching".
  4. After 30 minutes, put the processed cheese.

Diet chicken soup

Cooked soup in a slow cooker will come out not only fragrant and tasty, but also light. Similar recipes can be included in the children's menu.



  1. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into half rings. Cut the chicken into small pieces.
  2. Fry vegetables in oil on a suitable program. Add chicken, salt, spices and set the “stewing” program for one hour.
  3. Add vermicelli 10 minutes before the dish is ready.

The technology for making soups in a slow cooker is no more complicated than the traditional one. Except that the hostess has free time for her family and herself.

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Our site contains a huge number of recipes for making soups in a slow cooker. Try to cook and appreciate the taste of everyone! Soup recipes for a slow cooker are prepared quickly and without unnecessary difficulties!

Soup is an important dish in the diet of any person! Almost every kitchen has soup recipes. Cooking in a slow cooker makes the process quick and hassle-free!

Soup (derived from the French word)- usually this is a liquid dish, you can find it in almost any country, because. It's very easy to make and can be made with just about anything you have on hand. In the vast majority of cases, the soup is prepared by boiling, especially for hot soups. But there are also cold soups prepared without raising the temperature, such as okroshka. We will tell you exactly how to cook soups in our favorite device - a slow cooker.

Pearl barley is one of the popular products. Various soups, main dishes are prepared from pearl barley, and even added to the filling for pies. Having pearl barley, many are wondering: what to cook from pearl barley for lunch? You can cook a delicious soup with barley and mushrooms. Fresh or dried mushrooms are added to the soup. So. Ingredients for making soup with barley and mushrooms: 70 grams of barley […]

Women who tirelessly care for their families are constantly thinking about what dishes to include in their daily menu for the next day. For housewives who want to please loved ones not only with very tasty, but also varied food, we recommend that you pay attention to the recipe - a simple soup in a slow cooker with an egg and green peas. And you can easily cook such a dish in a slow cooker. By the way, the dish is different […]

In this article, I will share a recipe for a very simple and very, very tasty soup. This is lentil soup in a slow cooker. It is ready in 40 minutes and is perfect for a hearty lunch or a light dinner. I'm ready to eat for breakfast too :) We will find the origins of the recipe in Turkish cuisine. It is believed that this soup was originally prepared by the poor and consisted of red lentils, onions and […]

Very often, adherents of a healthy diet include rabbit soup in their diet. Such a dish is also included in the children's menu, since rabbit meat is a hypoallergenic product. Rabbit soup in a slow cooker is low-calorie and has many minerals and vitamins that children need so much. This is one of the diet soups. It is very easy to cook in a slow cooker. All that is required from a cook is […]

A variety of chicken soups can often be found on the dinner tables of many families, incl. chicken soup with potatoes in a slow cooker. This dish is quite common because it has a simple recipe. Soup can be made both nutritious and satisfying, as well as unloading and light. There is nothing easier than cooking in a slow cooker. Firstly, when stewing, vegetables do not burn, and secondly, the first dish will never […]

This dish (cheese soup in a slow cooker) has its own history, the inhabitants of each state add their secrets and additions to its preparation. The choice is yours, with what kind of cheese to cook soup. Do not forget that cheese is the basis of the soup and the taste of the whole dish depends on it. Therefore, choose the highest quality and freshest cheese.

For many years, oyster mushroom soup in a slow cooker has not lost its popularity. Recommendations for its preparation are diligently passed on from the elders to the younger ones. And now you can cook it in our favorite device! Many home cooks use their own tricks to prepare this soup. However, no matter how many soups you try, they are all special and distinguished by their taste. Soup is a very nutritious dish [...]

We bring to your attention a light chicken soup with egg and vermicelli. Hearty and fragrant, it will appeal to both children and adults. Chicken soup with vermicelli and egg, cooked quickly in a slow cooker. Chicken soup with vermicelli and egg. Ingredients: Water - 2-2.5 liters. Chicken drumstick - 2 pcs. Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. Onion - 1 pc. Carrot - 1 pc. Vermicelli […]

Pork Soup with Vegetables - This recipe allows you to turn your imagination around and diversify the soup with any vegetables from your refrigerator: from frozen corn to olives and capers. If desired, you can add hot red pepper. Some add cauliflower or even green beans. You can cook such a soup from any pork: shank, brisket, fillet, ribs and so on. As they say, who likes how! […]

Make dried mushroom soup in the slow cooker using the stock you worked so hard to make in the fall! Fragrant, rich, so tasty, this soup will become your favorite dish) The soup is prepared quickly enough when you have dried mushrooms. Soup from dried mushrooms in a slow cooker. What we need: 100 g dried mushrooms 1 large onion 1 medium-sized carrot 5-6 potato tubers 1-2 […]

Craving a hearty, delicious soup? You are welcome! Borsch with chicken in a slow cooker will be ready very quickly! Thanks to chicken stomachs, tomatoes and bell peppers, borscht turns out to be spicy and amazingly tasty! What we need: 200 g of chicken stomachs, 400 g of potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 medium beetroot, 300 g of fresh cabbage, 2 bell peppers, 400 g of pureed tomatoes, 2 tbsp. […]

This delicious dish will delight your household. Rice soup in a slow cooker, and even with Caucasian herbs, mmm ... A rich, not hackneyed taste, combined with the aroma of spices, cannot but be liked. To prepare the soup, we need the following products: Meat 500 grams; Onion 150 grams; Carrots 150 grams; Bulgarian pepper 150 grams; Tomato 150 grams; Rice 70 grams; Potatoes 200 grams; Vegetable […]

Lentil stew in a slow cooker is a tasty, healthy, easy-to-prepare dish of Mediterranean cuisine. This recipe is very easy to prepare if you have a slow cooker, and the exquisite taste will delight your home gourmets. To prepare the soup you will need: Large onion 1 pc. Diced eggplant 1 pc. (in winter, you can use frozen) Lentils 200 grams Tomato paste 70 grams Olive oil 4-6 tbsp. l. Salt Pepper Mixture of Italian herbs Basil dry 1 tsp […]

Today, you can find chicken, meat, and fresh fish in stores. Such variety! This is why canned foods are not so popular. Canned food is considered something of poor quality. But meanwhile, they are still tasty and healthy, today soy is not added to canned food. In addition, in a quality product you will immediately see the whole fish, whole pieces, without impurities. Previously, canned food was considered a rarity, so […]

Want to cook something flavorful? Of course, one of the best options for this is a recipe using mushrooms. As for porcini mushrooms, this is a traditionally festive and surprisingly fragrant product. What we need: some dried porcini mushrooms - about 50 g; processed cheese Hochland. With creamy taste "- 0.3 kg; potatoes - 0.3 kg; one carrot; onion - 1 piece; gossamer vermicelli - […]

We have known red cabbage for a long time. It is also common in Europe and North Africa. It appeared to us at the end of the 17th century, and most often it is eaten raw. And really, why invent something when it's a great ingredient for a salad. But then soups were also made from red cabbage. This is not surprising for two reasons. First, the dish is very tasty. […]

There are many options for cooking chicken soup in a slow cooker. They differ not only in additional components, but also in the main ones. For example, someone prefers to make chicken soup with green beans instead of broccoli. It is safe to say that in both cases the result will always be excellent. Some do not add potatoes, but the recipe includes both broccoli and beans. This dish will especially appeal to […]

Such soups - thick, fishy, ​​with the use of cream, are usually preferred to be made in northern countries, where there is no shortage of fish. Soup with salmon or salmon, with a small amount of broth - warms and nourishes well. To make the broth, all the non-meaty components of the fish (head, skeleton, tail) are used. What we need: half a kilo of salmon (trout, salmon); large carrot - 1 piece; […]

Soup with meatballs is a favorite dish of many. Meat balls bathed in broth immediately attract attention, involuntarily forming saliva. It is important that in addition to taste, this soup is very light, because its preparation does not require frying vegetables. If you use a slow cooker, then the dish will turn out even more saturated, as if you cooked it in a Russian oven. What we need: ground beef (you can take […]

Borsch is a traditional Slavic dish that differs from other soups in its red color. This is due to beets, which, in addition to color, give the dish a unique taste. But beets are not the only ingredient in borscht. You can add meat, such as pork, to it. Other components can also be varied depending on taste preferences. So, often 1-2 cloves of garlic are added to the frying, which gives the […]

The aroma of any mushroom dish is simply incomparable. And when the broth is supplemented with meat ingredients, then an ordinary lunch turns into a real pleasure. Mushroom soup can feed the whole family, tasty and nutritious. Mushroom soup with meatballs in a slow cooker is hearty, healthy and tasty. We strongly recommend you such a delicious first course! Mushroom soup with meatballs in a slow cooker. What we need: Minced […]

One of the most delicious and quick soups cooked in a slow cooker is soup with bacon and green peas. This soup is not only quite tasty, beautiful in appearance, but also very healthy, also contains a minimum amount of calories and is a great solution for breakfast or lunch. For cooking you will need: medium carrots - 1 piece; onions - 1 piece; bacon - 150 grams; […]

Lentil soup is a dish of Turkish cuisine, without which no lunch is complete in Turkey. Now it becomes clear that soup - mashed potatoes with lentils, vegetables and cumin is not only tasty, but also quite healthy food, which is prepared in a matter of minutes with the help of a slow cooker. For cooking you need: lentils - 200 grams; medium carrot - 1 pc.; small bulb; one large potato; cumin powder […]

Cheese soup with pork ribs in a slow cooker, this recipe is simple, like many recipes for cheese soups. Only he's not exactly normal. Here, in addition to the ingredients familiar to connoisseurs of interesting recipes, new unexpected products are added. From this, the soup will not only lose its amazing taste, but will also acquire sophistication. Yes, and with the proposed set of products, this first course will be much more satisfying than any […]

We will need: - a couple of chicken breasts - one onion - cauliflower - 0.5 kg - a can of corn - a little sunflower oil - turmeric Preparation: - peel and finely chop the onion - rinse the breast, remove the bones, skin, cut into small pieces - pour sunflower oil in a container - put the cooked breast and onion inside, cook on the stewing mode. - fry […]

This soup is always a hit! Thanks to beef, the broth is tasty, but not greasy. If you want to diversify the dish, you can add 4-5 chopped walnuts, they will make the soup unusual. Ingredients for Kharcho Soup in a slow cooker: Water - 2 - 2.5 liters. Beef - 300 gr. Potatoes - 3 pcs. Rice - 3 tbsp. Onion - 1 pc. Carrot - 1 pc. Sweet […]

Pickle in a slow cooker is prepared very simply. By adding all the ingredients to the bowl, you can forget about cooking for a while, and after 40 minutes enjoy a hot fragrant dish. Ingredients: Beef - 0.25 kg. Potatoes - 0.4 kg. Cabbage 0.2 kg. Carrots - 80 gr. Onion - 130 gr. Pearl barley - 0.1 kg. Pickled cucumbers - 0.1 kg. Cucumber pickle - 0.1 […]

Hot soups have always and in all cuisines of the world been considered an integral part of the diet. Meat soup saturates well, restores strength and helps restore water balance. It is due to the combination of taste and useful properties that soups should be in the daily diet of both adults and children. For those who prefer a light diet meal, we suggest preparing turkey soup. Ingredients: 600-700 gr. turkey meat. Carrot […]

As you know, lunch is the most important meal of the day. And if with breakfast you can still deceive your body, which has not woken up, and get by with a sandwich and coffee, then you need to have a hearty and satisfying dinner so that you have enough strength for all the affairs of the rest of the day. Lentils, like any legume, are a very satisfying vegetable. When properly prepared, lentils add a rich flavor range and a lot of vitamins to the soup. Ingredients: […]

This soup will please you with fragrant aroma; in addition, it is not at all greasy and not heavy, it can be eaten at any time of the year. Ingredients: Sea fish fillet - 1 kg. Fish broth - 1 l. Butter - 1 tsp Flour - 1 tbsp Egg (hard boiled) - 2 pcs. Sour cream - 150 gr. Salt to taste. Preparation: Wash the fish and […]

As you know, beans are a vegetable analogue of meat, and besides, they contain a huge amount of vitamins, so bean soup turns out to be very healthy and low-calorie, and also easy and simple to prepare. Ingredients: Canned red beans - 400 gr. Potatoes - 3 pcs. Carrot - 1 pc. Onion - 2 pcs. Tomato paste - 2 tbsp Vegetable oil - 2 […]

If you prefer to eat tasty and healthy food, watch your figure and like to cook original dishes, this soup is just a godsend for you. Chickpeas, also called chickpeas, can replace meat, reducing the fat content of the whole dish, so they are actively used in vegetarian cuisine, and the soup itself will be refreshing, with a slight sourness, and, in addition, it is quite quick and easy to […]

A recipe for those who like to experiment. Depending on the variety of lentils, a shorter cooking time may be required. The dish turns out to be relatively low-calorie, it can also be prepared absolutely without meat, and then it will be lean. Ingredients: Chicken fillet - 300-500 gr. Onion - 1 pc. Carrot - 1 pc. Tomatoes - 2 pcs. Potatoes - 2 pcs. Red lentils - 300 gr. Preparation: Cut […]

A variant of the traditional kharcho. The dish is more healthy, dietary, especially for those who like to cook tasty and at the same time healthy dishes. Ingredients: Pink salmon - 500-700 gr. Carrot - 1 pc. Onion - 1 pc. Tomatoes - 2 pcs. Parsnip root. Parsley root - 1 pc. Soup mix 3 tbsp. spoons (you can use 3 types of legumes and cereals). Tomato paste […]

During the preparation of any dish, including such a common and simple one as soup, several elements of kitchen utensils are used. In addition to the pan itself, depending on the recipe, you will most likely have to use a frying pan. And if there is a desire to make the dish even more diverse, then an oven or electric grill is used.

Over the long history of its existence, the soup has gone from an elite dish for the privileged classes to a classic family dish on the dinner table. Previously, it was customary to cook soups with strict adherence to complex recipes and various culinary techniques, but now the situation has changed significantly.

The traditional process of cooking soup often turns the hostess almost into a real "tight-rope walker", considering that you still need to track the sequence of throwing different ingredients, since each of them requires a certain cooking time.

While the same broth is being cooked, it is important to have time to peel carrots, onions, and potatoes. But do not be distracted so that nothing splashes out and does not burn. What if acquaintances come or you have an important call - what to do then?

You also have to stir the future dish often, regularly try the ingredients so as not to miss when you need to put the next one. No matter how careful you are, you still have to wash the stove. As a result of such torsion, you don’t feel like eating anymore. But when the household is happy to knead your dish, you can only rejoice and be proud that it turned out. And how many family rubbish happens on a domestic basis, just because the husband was late at work. Like, this is the fifth time I'm warming up the soup, now eat it cold or warm it up and pour it yourself.

You can avoid all these inconveniences by having such a modern electrical appliance as a multicooker in the kitchen. Cooking soup in it is a pleasure. Simply put all the ingredients in a working container, select the "soup" mode and set the desired cooking time, pour in broth or water, and you can do your homework or go watch a TV series.

Also, soups in a slow cooker can be cooked in the “Stew” mode, which is often replaced by the “Baking” program. There are also recipes that specify the use of the “Steaming” mode (for example, sorrel soup).

The only drawback of this unit is that it does not know how to prepare the ingredients on its own. That is, you can’t get rid of washing the components, cleaning them, cutting them. But if your family members for some reason do not have time for a meal in time, the heating mode will save the situation, thanks to which you will serve the dish hot on the table.

Although if you want to cook soup in a multicooker "in the old fashioned way", according to your signature recipe, when some ingredients need to be baked or fried beforehand, then by showing imagination, all operations can really be carried out using one miracle device. As a result, you do not have to wash a lot of dishes and “sand” the same pan for half an hour.

Cooking soup in a slow cooker: recipes with photos from the site

It is interesting that the slow cooker can cook the most delicious soups, even complex and exotic ones, for example, kharcho soup. Anything can happen in a multicooker. It is especially tasty to cook mushroom or pea soup, saturated with a pleasant aroma.

Having appreciated all the advantages of this kitchen appliance, you will want to cook some kind of soup in it. Among the most popular, it is worth highlighting meatball soup or chicken soup. These dishes will open themselves from the other side, conquering the stomachs of your household with new aromas and tastes.

With such an assistant, you can also make other, rarer varieties of soups, such as milk or cheese soup. There are many recipes for making soups in a slow cooker, and you can easily choose the most suitable among them. You will see, already after the first preparation of soup in this miracle saucepan, you will not want to return to the stove.

If you have never cooked soup in a slow cooker before, recipes with photos from our site will definitely help you. All of them are step-by-step and provide the reader with each step with a photo, which clearly demonstrates the whole process.

The slow cooker will not only cook delicious soup, but also keep it warm by switching to the heating mode, giving you the opportunity to serve delicious and hot soup to the table, if suddenly your family did not gather on time.

  • No matter how you feel better, no matter what you want to correct, you should not do this, but just follow our step-by-step recipes with photos. Inept changes and you will easily spoil the dish.
  • Do not add water to the soup if it is thick. By doing this, you run the risk of irrevocably spoiling the soup.
  • For one time in one container it is recommended to cook up to 5 liters of soup. The volume of the bowl often allows you to cook more, but in any case, you should make sure that there is at least 2 cm from the level of the products to the edge of the bowl.
  • Salt the soup a few minutes before the end of cooking, so that each ingredient can take the required amount of salt.
  • Do not forget that the soup should languish, but in no case should it boil.
  • You need to cook the soup for as long as it is written in the recipe. Otherwise, you will spoil the taste and get no benefit from such food.

Simple soup recipes in a slow cooker step by step and with a photo

Choose which soup you want to cook in the slow cooker, carefully read its step-by-step recipe, watch the video if necessary, and start cooking. For you, we have selected a variety of soup recipes from around the world! Dare!