Carrot-apple juice for the winter.

Carrot juice is the healthiest drink that contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in the human body. winter period.

Carrot juice is the healthiest drink

The easiest way to get a drink from carrots at home is to prepare it with a juicer. In order to get a delicious fresh juice, you need to choose the right root crop: carrots should be large and fresh.

  1. To prepare 1 glass of drink, you will need about 3-4 root crops. Each of them should be thoroughly washed, peeled and rinsed again under running water.
  2. Next, the carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. The grated mass moves to the juicer, the device turns on.

In order to enjoy the drink, carrot juice just needs to be poured into a glass.

How to make carrot juice at home (video)

Preparing a drink by hand

If there is no juicer, you can squeeze the vitamin drink with your own hands, for this you need to follow the step-by-step technology:

  1. Juicy seasonal carrots are washed with a brush, peeled, rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting pulp is folded onto a gauze napkin folded in 5 layers.
  3. A bag is formed from a napkin, with the help of pressure on which carrot juice is squeezed out.

A mix of carrot and apple juice is a whole pantry of vitamins available to everyone. Delicious, fragrant, healthy, it is an indispensable drink in the winter-spring period, when the body is in dire need of vitamin support. And people who are practical and thinking about their health have long understood that it is worth drinking carrot-apple juice at every opportunity.

Apples and carrots are perhaps the most popular ingredients for making a vitamin cocktail: they are sure to be found in every home. And if it is simply not possible to eat a lot of them in the form of a separate unit or fruit salad, then juice extraction becomes an excellent alternative for obtaining the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

It is important to remember that you need to squeeze carrot-apple juice from high-quality fruits without damage. When choosing carrots, the main criterion is a bright orange color.

The coloring of apples is not of fundamental importance: the main thing is that they are juicy, especially in winter. Since carrots have a specific and sometimes even bitter taste, apples should play the “main violin” in the composition of the drink. If you like sweetness or are attracted to acid, choose the right kind of fruit.

About the benefits of carrot-apple juice

There is no doubt about the beneficial properties of carrot-apple juice. If we talk about apples, then they can be safely recorded as champions in the content of vitamins, microelements, and antioxidants. They contain a large amount of pectins, which contribute to the removal of radionuclides from the body. The high percentage of potassium characteristic of apples provides significant support to the work of the heart and contributes to the acid-base balance. Problems such as anemia, lack of vitamin C, rheumatism are an indication for intensive apple therapy. And the popular apple diet for weight loss is not in vain one of the most effective and is considered relatively harmless.

Carrot juice plays the role of a natural assistant that brings the whole body into excellent condition. Vitamin A is recognized as a key element in its composition - in this form it is perfectly absorbed.

In addition, carrot juice is rich in vitamins B, C, D, E and K. In the spectrum of its effects on the body, there is an improvement in appetite, digestion and dental health. It is of great importance for the diet of children and pregnant women. Freshly squeezed carrot juice is rich in important organic elements:

All these substances in the composition of vegetable juice become easily digestible for the body.

Carrot juice is a delicate natural "drug" for healing various kinds of wounds, ulcers and oncological formations. It increases resistance to respiratory tract infections. In addition, this juice becomes a real health elixir for our nervous system, being an excellent source of energy.

How to make carrot-apple juice


Wash the fruits. Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces. Cut the apples into pieces, remove the roots and the middle. You don't need to peel the apples. Using a juicer and adding small portions of the prepared ingredients, squeeze out the juice.

To get a drink, any juicer available to you will do.

Sometimes the drink, especially on older series juicers, turns out with pulp, children usually do not like it very much. Use a sieve to remove the pulp.

Experiment with flavors. Decide which one you and your family members like best. Try adding another fruit or vegetable to the mix, such as beets, oranges, pears.

You should know that freshly squeezed juices should be consumed immediately after preparation, as the concentration of useful properties tends to decrease. In addition, the taste and aroma of the drink change not for the better.

Use all the power of the gifts of nature available to you and be healthy!

Carrot juice is ahead of all other juices in terms of the amount of nutrients, in addition, it has a pleasant taste, due to the sugars that make up the composition. First of all, carrots are a source of beta-carotene, also known as vitamin A. This miracle vitamin improves the condition of the skin, vision, bones and teeth, and strengthens the immune system. In addition to carotene, the drink also contains other vitamins, such as vitamin E, which is very beneficial for women's health and reproductive function. It is known that carrot juice is useful for pregnant women, and it also improves breast milk. The mineral composition of the drink is also full of miracles, here are calcium, and manganese, and phosphorus, and iron, and zinc, but magnesium is in the first place. Carrot juice supplies the body with natural magnesium, and, accordingly, improves the state of the nervous system, gives a feeling of calmness, smoothes out signs of overexcitation. In addition, magnesium reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

Of course, it is most useful to use freshly squeezed carrot juice, but an environmentally friendly root crop from the garden is very difficult to preserve until winter, and a drink from carrots bought in a store will bring dubious benefits. That is why, despite the availability of all vegetables in the winter, the preservation of juices does not lose its popularity.

To harvest carrot juice, you need to have an idea about two methods of preservation: pasteurization and hot bottling. During pasteurization, the workpiece is heated almost to the boiling point over low heat (the main thing is that the juice does not boil, then part of the vitamins will disappear), and then it is poured into sterilized jars, and then full, but not to the brim, jars covered with lids are pasteurized using a water bath at a temperature of about 90 ° C, the duration of the procedure depends on the volume of the jar, sometimes the pasteurization of full jars is replaced by sterilization, then the water in the pot with the jars is already brought to a boil, but not intense, and the process itself is reduced. Now the method of hot filling is more popular, because. it is faster and does not require additional equipment: the workpiece must be heated, then boiled over low heat, then immediately poured into sterile jars and hermetically sealed, turned upside down and left to cool.

The juice does not contain a large amount of sugar and does not boil for a long time like jam, so the difficulty lies not in how to prepare it, but how to preserve it, preventing the development of harmful flora inside the jar, this should be the main focus. The rolled up drink should be left for a week in the dark at room temperature, during which time the low-quality juice will “show” itself, it will become cloudy, and signs of fermentation will appear. It is better not to store a canned product for more than a year. Before use, you need to make sure that everything is in order with the workpiece, that the lid is not swollen, that it has a normal color and consistency, if the canned juice is suspicious, then it should not be consumed, it is very dangerous for health.
There are many ways to prepare juice from carrots. Here are the most popular carrot juice recipes for the winter, which use all the canning methods and a variety of ingredients. Read about how to make juice from carrots.

On our site you can also find a delicious home-style recipe with step-by-step instructions.

This thick drink preserves the maximum amount of vitamins in fresh garden carrots, because. contains pulp and undergoes a short heat treatment. At the same time, the boiling process included in the recipe increases the chances that the juice will not spoil. Carrots are better digested with fats, so carrot juice with pulp will work perfectly if you add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it: olive, sunflower or any other. Carrot has a very good effect on hemoglobin, so it is recommended to drink this juice for pregnant women and children, but, of course, in moderation. The drink is very concentrated, so it can be diluted with apple, pear, grape juice or water.


  • Water - 1 liter
  • Ripe carrots - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons (to taste)

How to make carrot juice for the winter:

  1. Wash carrots, peel, wash again.
  2. Cut carrots into small cubes or slices, chop in a blender.
  3. Pour water (300-500 ml.) into the carrot gruel, mix.
  4. Bring to a boil, remove foam.
  5. Cook over a low heat until the carrots are completely soft.
  6. Remove from the stove, wait until the workpiece cools down.
  7. Prepare sugar syrup (remaining water and sugar), cook for about 10 minutes, achieve complete dispersal of sugar, stirring constantly.
  8. Beat the carrot puree with a mixer until completely smooth.
  9. Pour into an enameled saucepan, pour in the syrup and boil for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
  10. Pour the juice into jars sterilized in any way, tighten with a sterilized metal lid.
  11. Put the jar upside down, cover, observe for a while to make sure that the jar is sealed tightly and the juice does not flow out.

homemade carrot juice recipe

Carrot juice for the winter at home should appeal to children, because. it has not only a pleasant taste, but also a beautiful sunny color. The drink can be diluted, add sugar or mixed with apple or grape. Such a drink will be useful, both for babies, because. it strengthens the immune system, and the elderly, because. carrots normalize blood cholesterol levels. Juice must be well stored, because. being sterilized. In this recipe you will learn how to make carrot juice.


  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Citric acid - to taste (optional)

How to make carrot juice at home:

  1. Thoroughly wash the carrots, remove the peel and rinse the roots again, cut into pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the carrots using a juicer or a press, do not throw away the remaining cake - you can put it on different dishes - for example, carrot cutlets.
  3. Leave the juice for a while so that it stands, if desired, grated lemon zest can be added to it.
  4. Strain the juice through cheesecloth, you can add some water.
  5. Pour the filtered juice into a saucepan, put on the stove, heat over low heat, avoiding boiling (you can use a special thermometer).
  6. Pour sugar along the way (preferably a little), stir everything with a spatula so that the sugar dissolves, at the very end you can add citric acid (to taste - 2-3 g).
  7. Pour into sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids, do not roll up, do not screw.
  8. Subject jars of juice to sterilization for half an hour (for three-liter jars).
  9. Roll up, turn upside down, observe for a while that the jars are rolled up with high quality, then put them in a cool place.

If the farm does not have a juicer or press, then you can chop the carrots with a blender or a fine grater. You can add grated orange or lemon zest to the carrot gruel, then stir, let it stand, and squeeze the juice from this puree by hand.

Carrot pumpkin juice recipe for the winter

Of all the variations of combi juices, pumpkin-carrot juice is definitely the leader in terms of its beneficial properties. Pumpkin is a hypoallergenic and dietary product. It contains such rare vitamins as vitamin K, which regulates blood clotting, and vitamin T, which improves metabolism. In terms of iron content, pumpkin overtakes even apples. In addition, this juice is preserved with the help of hot bottling, so the hostess does not have to spend a lot of time preparing it.


  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • Carrots - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 150 gr. (taste)
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Citric acid - 10 gr.

How to make carrot juice without a juicer:

  1. Wash carrots, peel, then wash again.
  2. Cut the carrot into small pieces, it is better to chop with a grater or meat grinder.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, wash, cut into small pieces.
  4. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, add a small amount of water.
  5. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft.
  6. Rub the mixture through a sieve.
  7. Pour the workpiece back into the saucepan, bring to a boil.
  8. Put sugar, citric acid and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  9. Pour the juice into hot sterilized jars and close or roll up immediately.

Carrot juice recipe with apple

This double juice provides an unparalleled combination of taste and health benefits. Carrot carotene is supplemented with apple vitamins and microelements - vitamin C for immunity, iron for enriching blood with oxygen and magnesium for stress and bone flexibility. No wonder the British say that an apple a day - and the doctor is not needed, and a glass of juice contains more than one apple. When preserving this juice, pasteurization is used, so it retains the maximum amount of useful substances.


  • Carrots - 1.5 kg.
  • Apples - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.

The amount of ingredients is very approximate, it depends on how juicy the apples and carrots are, as a result, you get four times more apple juice than carrot juice, but these proportions can be changed.

Preparing carrot-apple juice:

  1. Wash and peel apples.
  2. Pass the apples through a juicer, set aside for the juice to infuse.
  3. Carefully remove the dirt from the carrot, peel, cut.
  4. Pass the carrot through juicers, do not throw away the cake - even if it is not needed now, it can be frozen.
  5. Strain the carrot juice through a cloth if you don't want to make a preparation with pulp.
  6. Remove the dense foam with a spoon and strain it through a cloth, strain the juice through a sieve with a cloth or 5 layers of gauze.
  7. Pour both juices into a saucepan, add sugar.
  8. Put the workpiece on the stove, cook over low heat, stirring constantly (so that the sand disperses), at a temperature of 90-95 ° C; it is very important not to bring the workpiece to a boil, you can adjust the fire and use a special thermometer.
  9. Pour the juice hot into sterilized jars and seal with sterilized lids to increase the chances of preserving the juice, you can also pasteurize the filled jars before closing them.
  10. After rolling, put the jars upside down, cover, cool, check the tightness of the roll or twist along the way, store in a cool place.

If pasteurization is in doubt, then you can boil the juice for five minutes, then pour it directly hot into sterile jars, any cooking process leaves fewer vitamins in the juice, but gives more guarantees for its safety.

Recipe for carrot juice in a juicer with the addition of tomatoes and peppers

Such juice can be used not only as a drink, but also as a base for sauces and dressings. This vegetable three will bring triple benefits: carotene (vitamin A) from carrots, B vitamins from tomato, vitamin C from bell peppers. Also, bell pepper gives the juice an interesting taste that causes appetite. Of course, people with diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach ulcers or allergies should refrain from such juice, but it will bring invaluable benefits to everyone else. This drink will help preserve the vitamins of garden vegetables until winter.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  • Sweet bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 - 3 pieces
  • Salt - to taste

The amount of ingredients can be changed depending on personal preference.

How to make carrot juice at home:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks, make a cross cut in the area of ​​the stalk, blanch (dip in boiling water for a couple of seconds then immediately into cold water), while the tomatoes are hot, remove the skin, then peel, cut.
  2. Wash peppers, remove seeds, cut.
  3. Wash carrots thoroughly, peel and cut.
  4. Use the juicer to get the juice from all the vegetables one by one.
  5. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add salt.
  6. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, remove the foam.
  7. Spill bubbling, i.e. hot juice in sterile jars.
  8. Seal tightly, turn neck down, set aside to cool completely, check for juice leaks, store in a cool place.

Carrot juice for the winter through a juicer with the addition of tomatoes and peppers is ready. Enjoy your meal!

There are certain rules for drinking carrot juice, it is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before meals, preferably in the morning, because. At the beginning of the day, our body absorbs nutrients better. It is advisable not to drink more than three glasses of juice a day. Juice works more effectively if you add a spoonful of vegetable oil, milk or cream to it. Carrot juice is good to mix with the juice of apple, lemon, celery, beets and other vegetables and fruits. Such a mix will even be twice as useful.

We must not forget that such juice is still not useful for everyone, this is precisely because of the large amount of carotene contained in carrots. The liver spends a lot of energy to absorb this component, so you need to consume it in moderation. In addition, carrot juice is not allowed for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, and people with diabetes.

For our readers, we have specially selected other interesting recipes for preparations for the winter, for example, or.


Carrot-apple juice for the winter you can cook in large quantities and pamper yourself and your loved ones with an incredibly healthy and very tasty drink on New Year's Eve. To taste, such a winter preparation will not be inferior to factory counterparts in any way and at the same time it will turn out to be completely natural. In addition to apple and carrot, we will also add some sugar to our future juice in order to even out the overall taste. However, even without adding sugar, you can get a tasty and vitamin-rich product.

The easiest way to quickly and correctly prepare such juice from apples with carrots at home is to use our step-by-step recipe with photos. A detailed description and visual instructions will ensure a comfortable and fast process, and the finished juice will pleasantly surprise you with its taste and delicate texture. You will see for yourself the benefits of carrot-apple juice: daily intake of such an amount of vitamins will favorably affect your body both internally and externally. This is especially necessary in the cold period, when the body feels the shortage of useful elements especially strongly. Homemade jamming of carrot-apple juice for the winter will definitely appeal to you and your loved ones.


Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients for making homemade carrot-apple juice. You can adjust the amount of ingredients yourself.

    Choose the variety of apples to your taste: they can be sweet or, conversely, sour.

    Thoroughly rinse the selected ingredients for carrot-apple juice in cold water. The next step involves using a juicer, so have it ready ahead of time. The need to cut apples and carrots will depend on the functionality of your household appliance. You also need to get rid of all the stalks and seals on the ingredients.

    It is best to drain the finished squeezed product into a plastic or glass container: iron will spoil the taste of the drink.

    Squeezed juice can be passed through gauze for re-cleansing. After that, pour all the liquid into a deep and voluminous pan for further cooking. Don't worry if there is pulp left in the juice: it contains a lot of fiber and is incredibly beneficial for the body. Add sugar to the ingredients to the pan to taste, bring the juice to a boil and let it boil for 3-5 minutes. Then we remove the released foam from the surface of the drink.

    We will prepare in advance sterilized jars of the required volume for corking carrot-apple juice at home. Pour the juice into jars and tightly close them with lids, then turn over and leave to cool under the covers.

    We leave the finished carrot-apple juice until winter in a cold, dark place.

Juice from apples and carrots is a very tasty and healthy drink that can be easily prepared for the winter at home during the season. Natural apple juice, as a rule, turns out to be sweet and sour, so carrots will give it not only natural sweetness, but also an appetizing sunny color and a pleasant taste. We will prepare apple-carrot juice using a juicer - the recipe for this preparation for the winter is simple, and the process will not take you much time.

To get a decent amount of juice, take apples that are juicy, dense, not wadded. I used White filling. Naturally, you can’t get a lot of juice from dry carrots either, so first try the fruits, and then proceed to the extraction. I really like the Nantes carrot variety - it has beautiful fruits, good juiciness, and increased sweetness. The amount of granulated sugar in the preparation of apple-carrot juice can be safely adjusted to your liking.

By the way, in order for carotene, which is so rich in carrots, to be absorbed, carrot juice must be consumed with any fat. We don’t like vegetable oil in a drink, so I add a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream to a glass of juice. Thus, fat helps the absorption of carotene in the liver. Remember that in large quantities, carrot juice will create a strong load on the liver, so do not overdo it.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The recipe for delicious and healthy homemade juice includes only 3 ingredients: apples, carrots and granulated sugar. By the way, if your apples and carrots are sweet enough on their own, you can not add sugar to the finished juice for the winter.

The order of obtaining juice from apples and carrots does not matter, so do what is more convenient for you personally. So, apples need to be sorted out, washed, if there are rotten places - cut out. We pass the fruit through the juicer, not forgetting to remove their cake from time to time.

Pour the resulting apple juice into a large container and let it stand for 10 minutes. During this time, the foam (it turns out to be a lot) will rise to the top and compact.

It is easier and easier for me to first strain the juice, and then squeeze out this dense foam - there is also a lot of juice in it. With a ladle, I remove the foam and transfer it to another container. If your pulp is wet, squeeze it too to get more juice from the apples.

Strain freshly squeezed apple juice through a dense natural cloth or 4-5 layers of gauze. At first, the juice will actively drain, after which it will begin to drip - then it will need to be squeezed out by hand. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, and if you also have a strong assistant, you can do it in minutes.

The result is a slightly hazy freshly squeezed apple juice, the color of which depends on the variety and color of the apples. From 3 kilograms of fruit, I (or rather a juicer) squeezed out 1.7 liters of juice.

Now you can do carrots: we clean the roots and mine. 2 kilograms is carrots washed, but not peeled.

We skip the carrots through the juicer. The juicier the fruits, the more juice you get. Do not throw away the cake: it can be put into bags and frozen, and, if necessary, added to first courses, stewed vegetables or casseroles.

Freshly squeezed carrot juice, if desired, filter through a sieve. I do this only with the aim that there is as little pulp as possible - my kids do not really like juice with pulp.

Pour both juices into a bowl of suitable volume, mix and taste for sweetness. Since I used sweet and sour apples, I also added sugar - only 200 grams. We put the pan on the fire and over medium heat, stirring, warm the juice to 95 degrees. You don't need to boil it.

Pour hot juice into pre-prepared jars. Each hostess sterilizes dishes for blanks in her own way, and I prefer to do it in the microwave - wash the jars in soda solution, rinse and pour 2 fingers into each cold water. We steam the jars in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If you sterilize, for example, 3 cans of 0.5-1 liter at once, 7-10 minutes will suffice. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.