Popcorn - the benefits and harm to the human body. The benefits and harms of popcorn for the body

Popcorn is a favorite snack for many movie goers.. For most people, going to the movies is not complete without a helping of crunchy popcorn. But is popcorn really safe, is there any benefit to humans in it? In this article, we have considered the benefits and harms of popcorn, its effect on the human body, the possibility of poisoning them.

Useful properties of popcorn

Popcorn is made from corn kernels. When heated in an oven or microwave, they burst and turn inside out, turning into a delicious and airy snack. Therefore, the beneficial properties of popcorn are no different from those of corn. In small quantities, it is beneficial to the body.

Here is a list of the health benefits of popcorn:

  • Promotes the elimination of toxins from the intestines. Popcorn is able to cleanse the digestive tract of harmful chemicals and carcinogens.
  • Enriches the body with B vitamins and fiber.
  • Due to its low calorie content, it is suitable for people trying to bring their weight back to normal. Also, popcorn quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger. A few handfuls of it are enough to feel full, which is also important for losing weight people.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Contains powerful antioxidants, polyphenols. These substances help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

All of the above useful qualities are relevant only in relation to natural popcorn prepared without any flavorings, fats and flavorings.

Is popcorn harmful?

Is popcorn bad for health? If we talk about natural popcorn prepared by a person on his own, at home, from ordinary corn grains, the harm of this product is minimal. It is contraindicated to be eaten only by people suffering from diabetes and stomach ulcers.

But, unfortunately, popcorn sold on the shelves of our supermarkets and in cinemas cannot boast of being useful and safe for our body. It contains a lot of dangerous fats, which, when frying, turn into carcinogens. It also contains a lot of salt or sugar, flavoring chemicals, non-natural additives.

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Popcorn sold in stores in special bags for microwave cooking is harmful to the body. It contains a lot of dangerous fats and flavorings.

What is the harm of popcorn for the body:

  • Salted popcorn can disrupt the water and electrolyte balance. It leads to fluid retention in the body and edema. You've probably noticed that after a serving of your favorite salted popcorn, you become very thirsty.
  • Sweet popcorn, when consumed regularly, can cause excess weight and even obesity. A portion of such a delicacy in terms of calories is equal to the daily human need for energy. Thus, excess calories are deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
  • The oil on the basis of which popcorn is prepared can cause an increase in oncological pathologies and the development of lung diseases. In the process of frying, it produces a dangerous substance, diacetyl. Scientists have proven that it is the cause of the development of Alzheimer's disease and fibrosis of the lung tissue.
  • Carbohydrates and fats, which are so “enriched” in popcorn treated with oil and flavorings, sugar, can lead to the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and pancreatitis.

Many are interested in what is more harmful, popcorn or chips. In fact, when compared with the popcorn chips that are sold in movie theaters, there is not much difference. Potatoes, like corn, provided that they are cooked correctly, without fats and a lot of salt, do not pose a particular threat to the body. But when it is deep-fried and when a large amount of salt is added, it becomes dangerous for our health.

Ready-made popcorn with flavorings and a lot of oil is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, children and people with diabetes, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathologies.

popcorn poisoning

Anyone can get sick with popcorn. This product, although it does not belong to the rapidly perishable, becomes dangerous during long-term storage. It can host pathogenic bacteria and fungi.. Also, poisoning can occur if sanitary and hygienic standards are not observed when it is prepared and served to customers at the cinema. Dirty hands of staff can be carriers of infections and bacteria.

Clinical manifestations of poisoning

Popcorn poisoning is clinically manifested during the first 12 hours after eating it.
. Symptoms characteristic of food poisoning develop:

  1. Nausea and vomiting. Vomit may contain remnants of eaten popcorn, even if more than 4 hours have passed since it was eaten. The thing is that when spoiled food enters the stomach, motility can decrease in it. Thus, the body tries not to let the toxins pass further, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.
  2. Abdominal pain. She is, usually localized in the stomach, in the epigastrium.
  3. Increased gas formation, leading to intestinal colic.
  4. Diarrhea can be quite profuse.
  5. Headache, general weakness, dizziness.
  6. An increase in body temperature develops rarely. It grows to subfebrile numbers, 37-37.5 degrees.

Possible complications of poisoning

Popcorn poisoning can lead to complications. As a rule, they are associated with the irritating effect of toxins on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Possible complications of popcorn poisoning include:

  • Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Manifested by heartburn, a feeling of bloating, nausea, vomiting, flatulence.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. In this case, the patient may be tormented by girdle pains in the abdomen, loosening of the stool, nausea, vomiting and general weakness. Also develops flatulence, bloating.
  • Acetonemic syndrome. This complication is typical for preschool children. Runs like pancreatitis. A characteristic distinguishing feature is the smell of acetone from the baby's mouth.

What to do in case of poisoning

If you develop popcorn poisoning, seek medical attention. If the patient's condition worsens, he develops indomitable vomiting, body temperature rises - call an ambulance. In the case of a relatively stable condition of a poisoned person, you can seek help from a polyclinic.

You can independently provide the patient with first aid. Below we have listed its main components:

  • Remove the remaining toxins from the stomach. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of plain water in one gulp and induce vomiting by pressing your finger on the root of the tongue. Water should be non-carbonated, room temperature. Potassium permanganate does not need to be used.
  • Let the patient drink sorbents. These drugs should be in every home first aid kit. Any medicine from this group is suitable, for example, atoxil, activated carbon, enterosgel. Before taking the sorbent, carefully read the instructions, pay attention to the dosing rules.
  • Start drinking the poisoned person. It is best to use alkaline mineral water, without gases. Drink little and often. So you can drink a sip every five minutes. Such a drinking regimen will save a person from repeated vomiting attacks.

Further treatment will be prescribed by the doctor. It must include diet food. For 7-10 days, you should give up alcohol, coffee, fatty, spicy, rich, smoked.

Popcorn is a healthy and low-calorie product. But it is such only if it is prepared at home from ordinary corn grains. The popcorn that is sold on the shelves of cinemas and supermarkets contains a large amount of harmful substances that can lead to obesity, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. You can also get sick with popcorn. Such poisoning proceeds as usual food poisoning. It must be treated under the supervision of a doctor. Do not self-medicate. And in the end, we want to add that any products, even store-bought popcorn, will not harm the body with moderate and rare use. If you, visiting the cinema, eat a small portion of popcorn, with your favorite flavorings, nothing bad will happen to you.

Today, not a single movie show can do without puffed corn, called popcorn. The tradition of eating specially prepared corn kernels came to us from the USA, where such a delicacy is very popular. But is popcorn as safe as it seems at first glance, and should it be eaten regularly?

What are the benefits of popcorn?

Popcorn proponents are unanimous in their opinion that there is nothing healthier and tastier than popcorn. Indeed, this product contains a huge amount of B vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, popcorn contains potassium, which has a very positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular muscle. In terms of nutritional value, popcorn is often equated with germinated grains of oats and wheat, which have unique dietary properties. Indeed, popcorn is a very low-calorie food, and many celebrities even include it in their daily diet. This is not surprising, because the energy value of 100 g of popcorn is only 375 kilocalories. True, we are talking about a pure product without any additives. However, they cannot be avoided if you buy a ready-made treat in a cinema, supermarket, or during a city holiday.

Thus, in order to be 100% sure of the benefits of popcorn, it is best to fry it yourself, without adding salt, sugar and all kinds of spices to the corn. But making popcorn at home is not easy at all. To do this, you need to buy a special semi-finished product that does not contain additives and flavors. Typically, such products are labeled "Nature", but they are not so common on sale. Therefore, many are content with the finished product, not even suspecting that instead of benefiting they cause irreparable damage to their health.

Why is popcorn dangerous?

The harm of puffed corn lies precisely in all sorts of additives and fillers, which are abundantly flavored by sellers of popcorn, wanting to attract as many buyers as possible to their product. Sweet flavors added to corn have a negative effect on the liver and pancreas, and also contribute to the formation of fatty deposits. Not only do salty additives make you feel thirsty and cause many of us to wash down the treat with soda, but they can also cause serious kidney problems. Generally, the combination of popcorn and soda is the worst enemy of our stomach. Especially if you forgot to eat tightly before using this dangerous mixture. As a result, popcorn lovers suffer not only from being overweight, but also from gastritis, and even ulcers, and complain about problems with digestion and defecation.

Separately, it should be said about all kinds of dyes that are added to popcorn and pose a real threat to human health. It has been proven that they are able to destroy brain cells, which leads to the development of dementia even in young people, not to mention older popcorn lovers. Blame diacetyl, which is contained in such supplements and is deposited in the brain in the form of plaques that destroy the structure of this vital organ and cause its dysfunction. No less harmful are cheap vegetable oils used in the preparation of popcorn. They are a source of carcinogens that lead to the development of various forms of oncology.

Who is contraindicated for popcorn?

First of all, for children who simply love popcorn and are ready to eat it in unlimited quantities. So if you're taking your toddler to the cinema, it's best to stock up on fresh fruit to help take your child off the popcorn. Well, if this is not possible, then before going to the cinema, the baby should be well fed. However, the advice not to eat popcorn on an empty stomach applies to everyone, and is especially true for people who are overweight or have digestive problems. You should also refrain from eating popcorn for women during pregnancy and lactation, as harmless, at first glance, puffed corn with chemical additives can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby.

It's an essential part of a good movie show. Many people talk about the dangers of popcorn. Is it really?
Delicacy of the ancient Indians

Popcorn is a delicacy that is hundreds of years old. Popcorn was first made by American Indians. They accidentally discovered that some grains explode when heated. Already in the 20th century, scientists explained this phenomenon. The thing is that corn grains contain droplets of starch with water. When heated, the water inside the grain boils, which leads to an explosion: the grain opens and increases in size.

Today, popcorn is the favorite food of moviegoers. A bucket of popcorn during a movie show has already become a tradition for most. Have you ever thought about how harmful that product can be? What damage are you doing to your body if you regularly eat popcorn?

Which popcorn is unhealthy?

You have probably heard about the dangers of popcorn. Many doctors talk about this, strongly recommending abandoning popcorn or at least minimizing its use.

The results of numerous studies really confirm the fact that popcorn is harmful. But we are only talking about the popcorn that is sold in movie theaters. As a rule, this is popcorn, for the preparation of which a lot of oil, sugar, salt, aromatic additives and other chemical compounds are used that can be hazardous to human health. In addition, such popcorn is very high in calories and has a stimulating effect on appetite.

How to make your own popcorn?

As you already understood, it is better to refuse the “cine” popcorn. And if you can’t imagine watching a movie without popcorn, then you can cook it yourself. So, in supermarkets you can buy organic popcorn, which is easy to prepare. It is enough to place the bag in the microwave, wait a while and the popcorn is ready.

You can easily make popcorn from corn (you just need to choose "exploding" varieties). It will be enough to heat the pan on maximum heat, add vegetable oil and pour corn so that it covers the bottom of the pan. Quickly cover with a lid and listen to the "cannonade" of bursting grains. As soon as the process subsides - the popcorn is ready! By the way, this is the easiest and cheapest way to make popcorn. If you've invited friends home to watch a movie, you'll be able to make a large amount of popcorn without a problem.

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What is the benefit of popcorn?

If the popcorn sold in movie theaters and supermarkets is unhealthy, then with natural popcorn, things are different. This is a whole grain product, which contains a large amount of fiber, which is very useful for digestion. Fiber helps to eliminate toxic substances, in particular nitrite, which is so abundant in semi-finished products and sausages.

It has been noted that regular consumption of natural popcorn contributes to the normalization of blood sugar levels, and also normalizes the secretion of insulin, which is important for the prevention of diabetes.

Popcorn contains many vitamins and minerals. In particular, it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. Potassium, which is rich in corn, normalizes the body's water balance and improves the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Arkady Galanin

Popcorn. Benefit or harm? What is included? How many calories? Is it possible to give to children. Tips for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Popcorn is a favorite treat for both children and adults. No trip to the cinema is complete without a box of popcorn. How many different flavors are presented to choose from: salty, cheesy, with caramel, chocolate, etc. But how to understand what popcorn is, whether it is good or bad for the body? Does it contain useful substances and how high-calorie is this product?

The history of popcorn and analysis of the composition

The history of popcorn is more than a dozen or even a hundred years. It appeared among the Indians of America several thousand years ago. They discovered an unusual property of corn kernels to burst when heated. Later, during colonization, popcorn spread among the Americans. Mass production of these products began in 1885. This is the time when Charles Critors invented the first mobile popcorn machine. And in 1984, for the first time, grains were prepared for cooking in the microwave.
Popped corn, cooked without any additives, contains a number of useful substances.
Popcorn. Compound.
  • B vitamins
  • Trace elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus
  • Polyphenols are antioxidants that contribute to the process of slowing down cell aging.
  • Fiber promotes accelerated satiety, improves bowel function
  • Starch has a beneficial effect on metabolism, improves muscle growth

The effect of popcorn on the body: is there any benefit, or only harm

As you can see from the composition, popcorn is good for the body. But we are talking only about the most puffed corn without any additives. So is popcorn harmful to the body? Especially the one that is sold in stores or public places.
You need to be very careful when choosing this product. Popcorn itself is safe for the body, but additives and flavors, especially if they are synthetic, are a threat.
Attention! Commercially produced popcorn often contains diacetyl, which can lead to some respiratory problems. Often it is contained in bags of grains intended for microwave cooking.
Also, the finished product may contain trans fats, which adversely affect the cardiovascular system.
However, the benefits of popcorn for the body undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages. The most healthy and harmless is the one that is made independently at home. In this case, you know exactly what you are using to prepare it. And you can be completely sure of its safety.

famous types of popcorn

There are different types of popcorn.
  • Salty. This type is considered more useful, less high-calorie. Salt is used as a seasoning
  • Caramelized. In this case, popcorn is poured with various sugar syrups. One of the most common is caramel.
  • Air corn with various types of additives. For example, with the taste of cheese, paprika, bacon, etc.

How high-calorie is popcorn?

Is popcorn high in calories? Is it possible to get better as a result of its frequent use? Is it necessary to eat it for those people who adhere to proper nutrition?
So, 100 grams of pure popcorn contains no more than 350 kcal. Various additions make this product more high-calorie. Experts have found that for viewing one session a person can eat about 1700-1800 kcal. Therefore, be careful with the amount of this snack.
Advice! Going to watch a movie at the cinema, take a small glass of popcorn (half a liter), it is better if it is salty. This portion contains about 150 kcal. In sweet popcorn, with the taste of cheese or bacon, there will be significantly more calories.
If you make your own popcorn at home, you can eat it as a snack. In this case, it will only be useful.

Popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be treated very carefully. Although it is not included in the list of prohibited foods, components added during cooking can have an adverse effect on the body of the mother and baby.
If you really want this snack, then it is better to cook it from the grains yourself.
Features of the use of popcorn during breastfeeding.
  • Add to food not earlier than the baby is three months old (if he does not have colic). Otherwise, after the baby reaches the age of five months
  • For the first time, consume no more than 10 things before lunch
  • If in the next two days the baby does not have any disturbances in the digestive system, then you can gradually increase the amount
  • However, you can eat about 70-80 grams per day. The maximum allowable dose per week is 200 grams
It is recommended to eat this snack without any flavorings and flavorings.

Can kids have popcorn

The answer to this question is: “Yes, children can have popcorn, but in limited quantities.” Again, in this case, the question arises of the benefits and harms of this snack for children. The product itself is useful, but the oil and flavors that are added to it during production are not the best product for children.
At what age can you give popcorn to children. Definitely after three years, when the digestive system will finally take shape. The later the child gets acquainted with this snack, the better. Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving popcorn to a child no earlier than the age of five to six years.

Did you know popcorn has a birthday?

Indeed, there is a birthday popcorn. It is celebrated on January 22. Popcorn has become a traditional snack when watching movies in cinemas. These days, some movie theaters are giving away popcorn to their patrons for free.

Popcorn production: video

This delicacy is known to all. It's hard to imagine watching a movie at home or in the cinema without a bucket of popcorn. It is called an analogue of seeds, it also tightens with its original taste. In this article, we will talk about the benefits and harms of popcorn.

Meanwhile, mankind has been familiar with popcorn for a very long time. The first corn pollen was found in the deposits of stones, whose age is 80 thousand years. Of course, the Americans became the discoverers of the popularity of popcorn. It was they who set up production and brought it to the level of industrial scale. And it happened in 1885, when the first popcorn machine was invented.

The inventor came up with a whole marketing ploy, the essence of which is that the manufacturing apparatus was transported around the city and stopped near cinemas. Sales were strong, but at first the directors of the halls wanted to ban the sale of popcorn, as they thought that eating treats would distract viewers from watching the movie. Then progress stepped forward and popcorn became an integral part of watching a movie.

Today, you don't have to go to the movies to eat popcorn. Almost every store has special corn kernels that can be cooked in a skillet or microwave. Gourmets turn classic popcorn into an interesting snack. They add grated cheese or tomato paste to it and thus get a refined and unusual taste. Sweet lovers sprinkle the grains with powdered sugar, which is also original. There are many variations, just like popcorn fans, let's try to understand its properties in more detail.

How to make popcorn

Corn is a unique grain that does not let water through. This is its main difference from oats or wheat. When the corn is subjected to heat, the pressure reaches a peak and the grain bursts into the shape of a loose flower. At this point, the popcorn is ready to eat. Only special grains are suitable for making popcorn, which contain liquid starch in their core. It is he who breaks the corn during heat treatment.

The benefits of popcorn

Useful properties of popcorn depend on the quality of the feedstock. Nutritionists are heated discussions about the product. On the one hand, it has a very high calorie content, almost 400 kilocalories per 100 grams. But there are other aspects, corn has a high level of nutritional properties and minerals. Popcorn gives a quick feeling of satiety, while it does not interrupt the appetite, rather the opposite. It is quickly excreted from the body and quickly digested. Also, corn is a complete grain, with a lot of fiber. It is she who cleanses the intestines and fills the stomach, thereby creating a feeling of fullness. Fiber is also a cure for irritated stomach walls. Its use is advised after taking antibiotics and stomach operations.

Impact of popcorn on digestion and blood condition

Popcorn improves digestion and metabolism due to the presence of complex amino acids and fibrous compounds in corn. It does not cause a feeling of heaviness and does not have a detrimental effect on the intestines. In addition, corn grains contain components in their chemical composition that can lower blood glucose levels, which is a definite plus for people with diabetes.

Popcorn is a natural antioxidant

In addition to internal effects, popcorn, or rather, the original component improves the condition of the skin and removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, which accumulate in the tissues and eventually begin to adversely affect health. Polyphenol, a rare substance in grains, but corn boasts of having it. It has the ability to protect the immune system from the occurrence of inflammatory diseases and fungal infections.

In addition to unique components, corn contains a number of familiar vitamins that are of great importance for the body. So, it contains potassium, the action of which regulates the work of the cardiovascular system. Without it, the vessels lose their elasticity. Also, the grains are rich in B vitamins, namely vitamin B1 and B2, which in turn prevent a decrease in efficiency. They supply the body with energy.

Paying attention to all the useful properties of popcorn, it is clear that they directly depend on the quality of corn. This quality includes the area of ​​growth, it must be environmentally friendly. And of course, grains also need to be stored correctly so that they do not lose their beneficial properties. It is necessary to avoid high humidity in barns and make sure that pests do not start.

Why is popcorn bad?

Having understood the beneficial properties of popcorn, it may be believed that there is no harm from the product. But it is and depends on the additives that have become popular recently. Dyes, fillers and flavors interrupt all the useful properties of the raw materials.

Popcorn contains a lot of salt

To achieve a spicy taste, popcorn manufacturers flavor it with a lot of salt. Excessive use of which can cause serious diseases or awaken existing ones. Water-salt metabolism is disturbed, this negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and blood vessels. Being carried away by salty popcorn can disrupt the pancreas. Nutritionists believe that eating savory popcorn makes people thirsty and fights the craving for sweet soda, which is available in movie theaters. The consumer should regulate the process and monitor the quantity and quality of his diet.

Harm of oil in popcorn

In addition to the natural taste of corn, popcorn has an alluring smell. It appears due to the oil on which the grains are fried. In America, numerous experiments and studies were conducted, during which it was found that the flavor added to the oil over time can cause lung disease. There is no confirmation of the theory, but it is possible that the suspicions are well founded.

Why is it so delicious?

Classical flavors were no longer enough, and cheese, caramel and even tomato fillers began to be added to popcorn. This diversified the choice of the buyer. This is where the good times end. All fillers contain a huge amount of harmful components. A single use won't hurt. Regular consumption can lead to chronic stomach problems. It is the flavoring additives that cause the development of dermatitis and other allergic ailments. A product with flavors will appeal to children who quickly get used to chemical components. A growing organism, like a sponge, will absorb all the harmful properties, in the future this will affect the state of health.

There is always a way out and it is not necessary to refuse to eat popcorn. But you need to monitor the quality and composition. In order not to harm your own health, you should cook popcorn at home. Thus, you can be sure of the benefits of the product. When purchasing a product in a cinema, it is better to give preference to the classic version.

Popcorn is a favorite treat for children and adults. Like any product, it must be consumed in moderation, then aesthetic pleasure will not cause sad consequences.


Popcorn - benefits and harms, product composition

Popcorn takes the first place among the favorite products of children and adults in entertainment centers, cinemas, and children's attractions. The benefits and harms of popcorn directly depend on the method of preparation, the flavorings used, the quality of the oil and flavors.

History of popcorn

The ability of corn kernels to explode at high temperatures was first discovered by the ancient Indians of America. There is an assumption that an ear of maize, a special variety of corn, fell into the fire when kindling a fire. This led to deafening explosions of the product and frightened people. The taste of the airy dish pleased the Indians, they began to add it to food, decorate their hair and make various accessories from the opened flakes.

In Europe, the delicacy appeared around the 15th century, but the modern way of preparing snacks was invented much later. At the end of the 19th century, in 1885, the American Charles Kritos invented the "Popper" - a special machine for frying popcorn. This miracle invention was on wheels, so Charles could move around the city with it and sell delicious cereal.

In 1984, a special popcorn for microwave ovens appeared. Such grains are in special packages, which does not allow them to scatter when heated.

Why do grains explode

Only certain types of corn kernels explode when heated. This can be explained by the content of liquid starch inside the seeds of the plant. With a strong increase in air temperature near the product, the liquid boils from the inside, steam forms in the dense grain, and pressure increases. The steam expands and breaks the shell with force, the product opens, increases in volume, turning into a snow-white “flower”, which instantly hardens.

For cracking corn and turning dry grains into an airy dish, its shell must be whole, without chips and cracks, and the inside must not be overdried. At about 170-180°C, the seeds heat up, which helps to open the skin.

popcorn composition

Natural popcorn, without additives and dyes, contains the following useful substances:

  • polyphenols - antioxidants necessary to slow down the aging process of cells, prevent cancer;
  • B vitamins - convert the food that has entered the body into energy, play an important role in the health of hair and nails;
  • fiber - a high content of the substance has a positive effect on the intestines, promotes rapid saturation;
  • trace elements - potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, iron;
  • starch - contributes to normal metabolism, growth of muscle tissue.

Potassium is necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalization of pressure, its regulation. A nutrient deficiency can lead to a heart attack. Calcium has a beneficial effect on human bones, teeth and muscles.

Calorie treats

The nutritional value of grains is about 70 kcal. But when frying delicious flakes, this figure increases significantly.

The calorie content of popcorn depends on the type of popcorn. A simple snack, without caramel, sugar, salt, flavor enhancers and other additives, contains approximately 360-380 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. In the salty "satellite" of the cinephile, this figure increases - 400 kcal per 100 g, in the sweet one it rises to 450-500 kcal. According to some reports, a person can eat up to 1700-1800 kcal during a session.

The benefits of popcorn

Popcorn, which is prepared according to old recipes, without oil, dyes, flavors, and is eaten in small quantities, has only a positive effect on many organs and body systems:

  • cleanses the intestines, removes carcinogens;
  • regulates sugar levels;
  • gives a large amount of carbohydrates, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • due to the content of B vitamins, it helps to fight depression, stress, takes care of the condition of the skin;
  • improves the process of digestion.

Popcorn itself is high in calories, but due to its lightness and airiness, it is difficult to eat a large amount of the product. Due to the volume, the cereal clogs the stomach, leaving a person full for a long time. Corn delicacy is recommended to eat in small portions for overweight people.

The high fiber content allows processed food to pass through the digestive tract faster. This relieves the intestines from problems with constipation. Special varieties of fibers in whole grains of corn, as it were, “remove” excess cholesterol from the walls of arteries and blood vessels. This reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Of all the types of "quick" snacks (chips, chocolate, nuts), popcorn is considered the most harmless. The product is easily excreted from the body and quickly satisfies hunger.

Harm of different types of popcorn

"Pure" popcorn is not often found on sale. More often in cinemas and zoos they sell air flakes with salt, sugar, caramel, cheese, bacon, chocolate and other flavors. In this form, an appetizer will do harm.

It is worth understanding the negative impact of additives on humans.

  • Sweet corn - contains a lot of calories, overloads the pancreas.
  • Salted corn - causes thirst, salt retains fluid in the body, disturbed water-salt balance.
  • Buttered snack is the most dangerous type of popcorn. High calorie, low quality oil for making cereal adversely affects health.
  • Flavored product (onions, bacon, cheese) - can cause gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweet and caramelized popcorn in large quantities threatens to gain extra pounds.

Regardless of the type of popcorn, the following factors of harm from eating it are distinguished.

  • Many puffed dish makers use diacetyl, an oil-scented flavoring agent. This dangerous substance can lead to lung and brain diseases.
  • Chemical additives are provocateurs of some problems with the esophagus and stomach.
  • The peel on the finished product can injure the gums and tooth enamel.
  • If the cooking technology is violated, a high content of carcinogens in flakes is possible, which negatively affects the liver.

The harm of a snack is manifested when eating a dish in large quantities.

Flavoring additives cause a feeling of thirst, so after eating a treat, you will definitely want to drink. To maintain health and figure, it is better to satisfy this desire with pure non-carbonated water.

People who cook popcorn are prone to respiratory diseases. This can be explained by the harmful effects of diacetyl in popcorn oil on the respiratory system.

Contraindications for eating popcorn

It is forbidden to include popcorn in the diet in the following cases:

  • with personal intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  • with vascular thrombosis due to the high content of vitamin K (it increases blood clotting);
  • with problems with the intestines, stomach, during an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers;
  • with allergic reactions to corn kernels.

In addition, the salt in the product retains fluid in the body, which threatens with headaches and swelling.

popcorn during pregnancy

Pregnant women should be wary of this product. Popcorn made at a movie theater or other entertainment venue often contains unnecessary oils, colors, and additives. Therefore, while waiting for the baby, it is better to refuse a purchased treat, and pay attention to homemade popcorn.

Cooking a corn snack is preferably not in a microwave (due to harmful microwaves), but in a pan with high sides. You need to choose grains that are medium-sized, with a smooth and shiny surface, of a reddish hue. Homemade natural popcorn in reasonable quantities will only benefit the body of the expectant mother, diversify the diet, saturate it with nutrients and is perfect as a snack.

If fragrant and tasty popcorn is eaten in moderation, then it will have a positive effect on the body, enrich it with useful compounds, and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. Excessive consumption of popcorn can lead to the development of many diseases. Much healthier is a home-cooked snack with minimal spices, salt, and sugar.



Nowadays, the well-known tasty dish like popcorn is not at all an invention of modern days. Even in ancient times, people noted the unique feature of corn seeds, which, at a high heating temperature, begin to explode, taking the form of mouth-watering flakes.

Modern popcorn was first used by the Indians, and then by the American colonists, who tried this dish from them. However, today's popcorn differs from the one that the Indians offered as a treat to their guests, it lies in the technique of its production. Today, in the production of this product, a considerable number of various additives and not always good-quality oil are used.

It is this fact that has become a stumbling block for nutritionists and just lovers of this delicacy. Since the calorie content of such a product increases several times, however, the product loses its valuable and beneficial substances, without having such a beneficial effect on the body.

In this article, we will try to figure out what effect popcorn actually has on the human body?

Popcorn contains B vitamins. This product contains potassium and fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

These corn flakes are rich in antioxidant chemicals and elements such as sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and many more.

Today, almost all public places that are associated with entertainment and recreation are covered with a delicious caramel flavor of popcorn.

Wherever we go, be it a park filled with various attractions, a circus or a zoo, it is impossible to imagine watching a movie in a cinema without a slight crunch and rustling that is created during the use of this product. Manufacturers of puffed corn flakes today offer them in many accessible places, so not only adults, but also children love this delicacy today.

Speaking of popcorn, it should be noted that in fact this product is an ordinary corn enriched with fiber, which is favorably displayed on the digestive system. In addition, the natural substances that make up the composition are able to provide a protective function, preventing the occurrence of various diseases.

This product is even used in complexes aimed at figure correction, in one serving there are no more than 70 kilocalories, while it gives a feeling of fullness for a fairly long period.

This puffed corn is a complete product, which is saturated in a considerable amount of carbohydrates, which are required for normal life. This delicacy does not affect the appetite, since it is quickly “evacuated” from the stomach.

  1. If popcorn is consumed in extremely small portions, then the body will receive the beneficial properties of this product, while unnecessary fat folds will not appear on the body.
  2. This snack, as popcorn is also called, contains vitamin B1, which is responsible for the condition of nails and hair, it plays an important role in the metabolic process, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. This product is desirable, but not often used by athletes, the elderly and those who perform physical labor.
  3. If a person develops depression or suffers from stress, then popcorn in a small amount is able to overcome these conditions, since the B2 contained in its composition has a beneficial effect on the body.

About what effect these delicious flakes have on the body, we can say that its effect is directly related to the method of preparation. Sellers of this delicacy, for whom profit is important, often offer it with various synthetic additives.

Today, the consumer can choose salted or sweet puffed corn, with cheese or caramel flavor, but it is worth saying that such a product contains much more calories than a product that does not have additives. In addition, the excessive use of this product turns it into a rather harmful product.

American doctors have found that a large consumption of popcorn can lead to various diseases. This even applies to those people in the food industry who are directly involved in the preparation of this product.

They have respiratory ailments, this is due to the fact that the oil includes the chemical flavor diacetyl in its composition, and it causes significant harm to the body.

As a result, I would like to note that, nevertheless, puffed corn is much healthier than salted nuts, chocolate bars and chips. The main thing is to include popcorn in your diet in small portions and then no problems will affect your health.

The calorie content of one hundred grams of this product without the addition of various additives is no more than 350 kcal. But all kinds of additives and have a continuous harm to the body. After all, just add a little salt and one hundred grams will already contain about 450 kcal.

Sweet popcorn contains 440 to 500 calories per 100 grams. Some experts have calculated that for one watched movie a person is able to eat approximately 1700-1800 kcal.

Therefore, when you go to the cinema, you should remember that it is advisable to purchase a small package of popcorn at all, and one that is smaller.


Popcorn - calories, benefits and harms

Such a popular delicacy today as popcorn is not at all an invention of our time. An interesting feature of corn grains - to explode with strong heating, turning into delicious flakes, people noticed 5 thousand years ago. This date dates back to the most ancient flakes found. And popcorn first became popular among the first American colonists who saw and tasted this delicacy from the Indians.

But the difference between modern popcorn and the one that the wise Indians treated their guests to is that a large number of additives are used in its production, as well as oil, which is not always of high quality. This has become a stumbling block for nutritionists. And anyone who loves popcorn. Calorie content from such manipulations grows two or three times, and useful trace elements and vitamins disappear. And it is not for nothing that such flakes are declared harmful. How to figure out if popcorn is healthy, and what kind of treat is more acceptable?

Corn itself is quite nutritious. All the useful substances contained in it, contains popcorn. Its calorie content is quite high, but it's not so bad. Sieving 40 g of a properly prepared treat for breakfast, you can completely satisfy your hunger and not harm your stomach. It contains polyphenols, which have high antioxidant activity. Cellulose and ballast materials. It is rich in B vitamins - B1 and B2. The trace elements contained in this delicacy are especially useful - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Why is there so much debate about whether popcorn is healthy? What are nutritionists right about, and how to avoid the threat of adding extra pounds by gobbling up this delicacy while watching a movie? Here are a few mistakes that people who love popcorn often make.

The calorie content of food largely depends on the method of preparation. No one argues with the fact that boiled meat is healthier than fried in a large amount of oil. So is popcorn. It acquires calories during the cooking process. Do not expect that by frying corn in a pan with the addition of a sufficiently large amount of oil or fat, as well as salt, you will get a dietary and healthy product. Try not to use them at all or reduce the amount.

The most healthy popcorn, the calorie content of which does not threaten the figure at all, is cooked with air under pressure, without salt, sugar and oil. Nutritionists advise using only spices for taste - black, red pepper or others.

Preparation of popcorn from semi-finished products. Such things are already stuffed with various dyes, flavors, sweeteners, etc. Popcorn made from natural corn is much healthier.

The ready-made popcorn we buy at movie theaters is really bad. And for the figure, and for health. But not by itself, but because of the additives. Some of them are not recommended for use, for example, in the USA. But they are still used in the industrial production of popcorn. In addition, with strong heat treatment (much stronger than in a homemade frying pan), most of the useful trace elements and vitamins are destroyed.

Popcorn with various additives - cheese, caramel - has a much higher calorie content. If for a simple one it is about 300 kcal per 100 g, then for caramel (dipped in caramel syrup) it is already 900.

Popcorn is tasty and light, so you can eat a lot of it in one sitting. Especially if at this moment you enjoy a thriller. This is what destroys the figures of his fans. If you have such a weakness, take yourself only an acceptable amount. And keep in mind that after salty popcorn you will really want to drink. And lemonade is also quite high in calories.

And yet, if you choose between chips, crackers, chocolate bars and other snacks, then popcorn will be more useful. If you do not eat it in an amount calculated in buckets. But it already depends on us.