Preservation of tomatoes for the winter. Proven recipes for years

Step-by-step recipes for cooking white and cauliflower pickled cabbage with tomatoes: pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter, instant cooking options

2018-10-16 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


5 gr.

22 kcal.

Option 1: Pickled cabbage with tomatoes for the winter - a classic recipe

Pickles and pickled vegetables are plentiful and rich in Russian cuisine. They knew how and loved to make various recipes in Russia, and it was necessary year after year, depending on the fruits born in abundance. Cabbage is prepared with apples and cranberries, prunes, other dried fruits or vegetables are put in barrels.

Ingredients per liter jar:

  • two kilos of small tomatoes;
  • medium fork of white cabbage;
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • garlic;
  • 6% vinegar solution - 3 tablespoons;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • a glass of coarse salt;
  • nine liters of drinking water;
  • one laurel leaf.

A step by step recipe for a simple pickled cabbage with tomatoes

We thoroughly wash the container in a soda solution and rinse well the remnants of the detergent. Turning on the neck, we leave the glass containers on a clean towel.

Rinse the cabbage forks. We remove the upper leaves and, cutting the head of cabbage in half, chop it into thin strips. To make the cabbage straw come out beautiful, you should chop with a well-honed knife or use a special shredder or potato peeler.

My tomatoes. Putting in a bowl, set aside for a while, so that the excess moisture from the tomatoes comes off. Peel a large clove of garlic. Rinse and wipe dry with a towel.

On the bottom of clean containers we lay out the garlic cut into plates, peppercorns and parsley, it is worth adding fresh dill. Lay the tomatoes and shredded cabbage in layers.

Place a pot of water on high heat, add sugar and salt. While stirring, heat the marinade to a boil. Pour in the bite and boil for another three minutes.

Pour the products laid in jars with boiling marinade for five minutes. Drain the marinade into a saucepan, bring it to a boil again and pour it into jars again. Having stood until cooling, we repeat boiling and pour the containers for the last time. Cover with lids and seal them tightly.

We arrange the jars upside down on a terry towel, wrap them tightly with a thick blanket and leave it under it until it cools completely.

Option 2: Pickled Cabbage with Tomatoes and Bell Peppers - A Quick Recipe

Shading the taste of the marinade with sweet pepper is a great idea if the appetizer is being prepared for hearty meat dishes. Such cabbage is suitable for any side dish, but it is worth cooling it a little before serving.


  • half a kilo of white cabbage;
  • four large tomatoes;
  • small carrot;
  • one bell pepper (fleshy);
  • half a large onion;
  • 20 gr. Sahara;
  • a spoonful of fine salt;
  • three small laurels;
  • a couple of tablespoons of oil;
  • 10 ml of a table solution of vinegar;
  • half a spoonful of coriander in grains.

How to quickly cook pickled cabbage with tomatoes

Dissolve the cabbage forks in half, then cut into thin strips.

After peeling, rinse the carrots, coarsely rub to the cabbage. Slightly adding salt and mixing with your hands, crush the cabbage a little.

We clean the onion and sweet pepper. After rinsing, cut the onion into thin half rings, and the pulp of the pepper into short strips. Cut the tomatoes into slices no more than 1 cm wide.

Pour the chopped vegetables to the cabbage and gently mix with your hands. Add sugar, the rest of the salt, coriander, vegetable oil and a bite. Squeezing lightly, mix everything thoroughly.

At the bottom of pre-prepared jars we put a little vegetable mixture, and on top of it, the wheels of tomatoes. We repeat the layers until we fill the containers, we do not tamp down hard! Don't forget to put bay leaves between the layers.

We cover the filled container with clean nylon lids and keep it in the cold for up to three days.

Option 3: "Assorted" - pickled cabbage with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter

A rich set of vegetables in a simple marinade, the appetizer will come out spicy and fragrant. Ignite, not too much, unrefined sunflower oil, let the aromatic spices warm up in it and cool the aromatic dressing. Add it to cabbage to taste.


  • half a kilo of tomatoes;
  • four medium-sized cucumbers;
  • a small head of juicy cabbage;
  • spicy pepper;
  • three carrots;
  • three onions;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • a sprig of tarragon;
  • garlic - two medium-sized heads;
  • pepper, black - six peas;
  • two leaves of lavrushka.
  • Per liter of marinade from the appropriate amount of water:
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • sugar, beetroot - one and a half tablespoons;
  • table 9% vinegar - a quarter cup.

How to cook

Rinse the head of cabbage and remove the top sheets from it. Cut in half, cut out the stalk and chop the cabbage into thin strips.

Dividing into slices, peel the garlic. We cut off the skin from the carrots with a thin layer, rinse the root crops with water. We wash the cucumbers and hot peppers, clean the onions. We wash the tomatoes and from the side of the stalk we pierce the fruits several times with a toothpick.

We cut cucumbers and carrots into thin circles, chop onions in half rings or quarters of rings, if the heads are large. We dissolve the hot pepper lengthwise into four parts, we clean it from the seeds.

Heat clean water in a large saucepan until it boils. Alternately laying out in a sieve, for a couple of minutes we lower the prepared vegetables into boiling water. Dry separately, laying out on clean towels.

Wash jars clean with baking soda. Rinse off the remaining detergent with hot water and steam the container. We put the lids in a saucepan, boil for seven minutes.

We fill the prepared containers with prepared vegetables in layers, laying garlic, hot peppers, dill, parsley, peppercorns, cut into plates between the rows. Pour the vegetables with boiling water and leave under the lid until cool.

In drinking water, according to the recommended proportions, pour sugar and salt. Bringing to a boil, add vinegar and boil for two minutes. Pour the vegetables laid in jars, cover with lids and roll them with a seaming key. Leave the jars upside down under the covers until completely cool.

Option 4: Pickled cabbage with green tomatoes

The whiter in color the tomatoes selected for pickling are, the more appetizing the appetizer as a whole will be. Practice on a pair of tomatoes to determine how the seed sacs are located inside the fruit. Try to cut the fruits so that the seeds remain inside the slices, and do not flow into the marinade.


  • medium-sized cabbage forks;
  • two carrots;
  • dark beets - a pair of root crops;
  • salt;
  • kilogram of milk ripe tomatoes (green);
  • garlic;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9 percent.

Step by step recipe

Having dissolved the washed forks into four slices, we cut out parts of the stalk from them. We divide the cabbage further into smaller pieces - each part is still in two.

We put the cabbage in a wide container, sprinkle with salt, taking about 20 gr. Having kneaded and thoroughly mixed, we leave for half an hour under oppression. After that, we re-knead well and return under oppression for another half an hour.

We sort and wash the greens, wipe dry, do not chop too finely. Just grate the beets with carrots coarsely.

We mix chopped beets with carrots into the matured cabbage. Having installed the load, leave it warm for another hour.

We disassemble a large head of garlic into teeth, peel and dissolve into plates. Rinse green tomatoes and, after drying well, cut into slices.

In dry, pre-steamed jars, lay vegetables in layers. Rows of cabbage and tomatoes are layered with garlic, herbs and spices. We tamp tightly, trying not to leave voids.

Salt the remaining juice in the bowl. For every liter of vegetable juice, we take 50 grams of coarse salt. We divide the brine into jars, pour a spoonful of vinegar on top of each and cork with nylon lids. For two days we place the containers in a dark place, keep at normal temperature. We store blanks in the refrigerator or cellar.

Option 5: Pickled Cauliflower with Tomatoes, Green Beans, and Carrots

A solution of vinegar of the concentration indicated in the recipe is rarely found in finished form. It is permissible to replace it with 50 milliliters of 6 percent, to which 25 milliliters of pure water are added.


  • small tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • two handfuls of green beans;
  • three heads of garlic;
  • cauliflower forks;
  • three carrots;
  • pepper, hot - four pods;
  • a bunch of tender juicy dill.

Per liter of marinade:

  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • sugar - 25 gr.;
  • 1000 milliliters of water;
  • 70 ml 4% vinegar.

How to cook

Rinse vegetables and herbs. We clean the carrots, garlic, rinse again. We clean the jars with a soda solution, scald them with boiling water.

We disassemble the cauliflower into separate inflorescences. Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise, dissolve the carrots into cubes. We pierce the pods of hot peppers and tomatoes in several places with a toothpick.

We place a large pot of water on the stove, turn on the maximum heating. As soon as it boils, start the beans and, bringing to a boil, blanch for three minutes. We spread the pods on a sieve or in a colander. In the same water, blanch the cabbage inflorescences for up to two minutes.

When the beans and cabbage have cooled, we begin to fill the prepared jars. On the bottom we lay out sprigs of greens and hot peppers, then tomatoes, cabbage, garlic and carrots on them, the last will be asparagus beans.

After boiling water for the marinade, dissolve sugar and salt in it. After cooling, we introduce vinegar and pour the marinade into jars. Covering with nylon lids, we leave the jars in the kitchen for three days, then put them in the cold for four days.

Pickled tomatoes have long been considered a traditional Russian snack. Few people can remain indifferent and not try this unpretentious pickle at the table.

Exists a large number of ways of pickling and pickling tomatoes (modern recipes in a package in 15 minutes are especially popular now).

There are no harmful and dangerous components in our recipes (vinegar, aspirin, acetyl chloride), but only useful and natural ones! Such sour and fresh tomatoes will complement your nutrition system well!

Also, we have good news for those who follow their figure: the calorie content of pickled tomatoes is much less than raw ones! Tomatoes contain a large amount of vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, K, nicotinic acid and beta-carotene, the benefits of which for the human body are undeniable.

So, how to ferment tomatoes? For these purposes, you can use a barrel, and in its absence, a jar, bucket or iron pan is quite suitable.

Tomatoes pickled in cabbage for the winter


Servings: - +

  • cabbage 2 kg
  • salt 75 g
  • tomatoes 1 kg
  • celery (stalks)200 g
  • cherry and currant leaves10 pieces.
  • hot pepper 1 PC.
  • mint optional

per serving

Calories: 15 kcal

Proteins: 1.7 g

Fats: 0.2 g

Carbohydrates: 1.8 g

1 hour. 10 min. Video recipe Print

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Posh! Gotta fix it

It is better to store the product in a cool place, ideally in the cellar. In the conditions of the apartment - on the balcony. Pickled tomatoes in cabbage can be stored for more than 30 days. It is not necessary to rinse them before serving.

Barrel spicy tomatoes with mustard

Time for preparing: 60 minutes

Servings: 30

The energy value

  • calories - 17 kcal;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2 g.


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • small tomatoes (you can take cherry tomatoes) - 3 kg;
  • bay leaf - 4 sheets;
  • mustard or mustard powder - 1 heaping tablespoon;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons with a slide;
  • dill - 2-3 sprigs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • horseradish root - 20 g;
  • black and allspice peas - 7 pcs.

Step by step cooking

  1. Place bay leaf, pepper, dill, peeled and chopped horseradish root, garlic on the bottom of a barrel or other container.
  2. Rinse the tomatoes, pierce in the stalk area with a match or a toothpick.
  3. Now let's prepare the brine. To do this, take water at room temperature, add salt and mix well. Then vegetables are poured with this brine.
  4. Cover the container with gauze on top, and pour mustard on top of it so that the vegetables do not get moldy.
  5. For the first 3 weeks, tomatoes should be stored at room temperature. Then they are transferred to the refrigerator until the salting is completed. The whole process takes about 1 month.

Pickled tomatoes in a jar in a cold way (tastes like cask)

Time for preparing: 50 minutes

Servings: 20

The energy value

  • calories - 19 kcal;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • proteins - 1.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.1 g.


  • ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • peeled and chopped horseradish root - 50 g;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • dill - 2-3 sprigs;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking

  1. Place washed greens, peeled and cut garlic cloves, pepper, horseradish root and leaf, bay leaves on the bottom of the container.
  2. Then the tomatoes are laid, but not to the very top. It is required to leave room for the second part of the spices, the container is covered with a sheet of horseradish.
  3. Now we prepare the brine - for 5 liters of water 1 tablespoon of salt.
  4. Fill the tomatoes and close them with a nylon lid. After a day, vegetables at room temperature will begin to ferment and they can be moved to a cool place.

This product will keep for about 3 months. Salted tomatoes according to this recipe do not explode, and therefore, they can also be rolled under an iron lid. However, if brown or green tomatoes are fermented according to this recipe, it is better to use nylon lids.

You can also make this quick homemade pickle in a small saucepan.

We hope that you will like the proposed recipes and will take pride of place on your table for many years to come.

Posh! Gotta fix it

Hello dear hostesses! Preservation of tomatoes for the winter continues. The recipes described in the article are those that I myself make from year to year. That is, proven, tasty, and most importantly simple, no sterilization, aspirin, in its own juice without vinegar.

Tomatoes with cabbage

  1. Tomatoes.
  2. Cabbage.
  3. Salt.
  4. Sugar.
  5. Garlic (can be without it).
  6. Sweet pea.
  7. Horseradish (if any).
  8. Vinegar essence.


  • It is advisable to prepare jars in advance. Wash, as you used to (soda, detergent), rinse well, turn upside down to drain.
  • In the meantime, prepare vegetables for laying in glass containers.
  • Sort the fruits, wash, leave to dry. While they are drying, we are working on other ingredients at this time.
  • Forks of cabbage I choose medium varieties. It is not tender and not hard, just what you need. In general, whatever it is will do. The selected vegetable must be chopped and folded to the bottom, approximately three centimeters.

  • Add garlic, sweet peas. If there is a horseradish root (I put horseradish leaves only in cucumbers).
  • I put it in a glass bottle freely, without stuffing. So that the fruits are whole without deformation.

Marinade per 1 liter

  1. Sugar 3 tbsp. l. with a top (how much it holds).
  2. Salts 1 tbsp. l. with a small tubercle.

There are 2 options for pouring marinade. Namely: single and double. Believe me, it depends on courage and experience. Remember that all housewives have their own habits and intuition.

I filled in both ways. They stand transparent until we eat them. But my advice! roll up, with uncertainty, one jar per sample. But next year, feel free to use the already proven method. The technique, how and how many times to fill in is described.

Final stage. Add vinegar 1 tablespoon 70% per 3 liter jar. Roll up, wrap on its side or upside down. If you lay the fruits freely, then thin white ribbons easily rise up. Then you get a magical, snowy look of canned tomatoes with cabbage.

An experiment that failed

I decided to experiment with tomatoes and cabbage, put salt and sugar in a container without boiling. The experiment failed, after cooling it became cloudy, but the lid was still intact (in three days it would definitely have fallen off). Knowing that she would swell and be sure to break, I did not wait for the sad moment, I opened it for eating together for lunch.

The vegetables are still sweet, just a day has passed, the taste is awesome, it’s impossible to convey, you just need to try, the cabbage crunches, the marinade came in handy for okroshka. So, everything was very tasty, went with a bang for the future.

By the way, this method justified itself in another recipe.

Tomatoes in tomato

I love tomatoes in tomato without vinegar. Rolling is very easy according to my recipe. We prepare filling from ripe fruits.

I use a mixer, as I bought it, I forgot about the meat grinder, I have it for all cases of twisting, a grater is also suitable.

In order for the juice to easily pass to the very bottom between the vegetables, like water, it must be filtered through a colander, it is easier to chop the thick mixture with a blender (the bones will also become smaller). You can leave it as it is, then, put fewer vegetables in the jar, shake slightly when pouring. I ran ahead, let's continue.

Mix the crushed liquid with the rest of the juice, put the pan on the fire. Cook for at least 40 minutes, stirring occasionally, otherwise it will burn, especially if it is thick.

While it is cooking, put plain water on the fire, we begin the stage of filling the container with already clean tomatoes. I love garlic, I always put it, you can put horseradish root, it will be more fragrant. Pour boiling water over the fruits to the very top and cover with a lid for heating for 5 minutes. Drain, not needed.

In a boiling tomato for 5 minutes. until cooked, pour salt and sugar (1 to 2 or 1 to 3), taste what you like (sweet-salty). We throw lavrushka and allspice into it for aroma, then you need to take it out. Pour the finished (40 minutes) tomato into jars and roll up, wrap for 24 hours. Remember vinegar is not needed, tomatoes are marinated in their own juice.

with grapes

Made it for testing. A handful of grapes without twigs, thrown from above. They, like pearls, were distributed over the bottle, it turned out beautifully. Doused with boiling water, poured marinade. In the winter I will determine what happened. Added garlic and allspice.


My recipes for preserving tomatoes for the winter can be counted on the fingers, but I collected them, refined them, checked them from year to year, and those who ate them already gave an assessment. And you, dear ladies, will have to take my word for it, everyone likes it.

In the kitchen, every housewife is a sorceress, she adds a combination of different ingredients (carrots, currants, zucchini, bell peppers), as a result, masterpieces with a different taste are obtained. Create, everything is in your hands.

Now it’s easier for me to share my experience, you will have it within walking distance, so save the blog as a bookmark.

I will twist, I will add more with mustard, chopped greens. And, a recipe for sweet vegetables with vinegar without sterilization and aspirin has already been described.

Hear what the hit "Tom Walker - Leave a Light On" is all about.

My son translates almost verbatim, it's not me, but his fans say.

Take care of your health and love your loved ones!

Not one family feast is complete without pickled, salted tomatoes and cabbage. How tasty the hostess of the house turns out this dish is the main criterion for her skill.

Although in the summer you will have to sweat a little in the kitchen, your efforts will pay off in full when the whole family will enjoy delicious and healthy dishes all winter long.

After all, fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and on the digestive organs. In addition, both tomatoes and cabbage perfectly retain their natural vitamin qualities. Here are some healthy recipes to enjoy this product in the fall and winter.

Recipe 1. Salted tomatoes with cabbage

At the bottom of a large saucepan, lay:

Dill (necessarily umbrellas, if not, you can replace it with dry seeds),
. horseradish root,
. peeled garlic cloves,
. black peppercorns,
. allspice,
. bay leaf (for an amateur).

You can also put a few sheets of cherries or currants, horseradish root can be replaced with leaves.

washed tomatoes and
. cabbage, cut into large pieces (a small head is cut into 4-5 parts and a head of cabbage is taken out).

How to cook:

Then we prepare the brine, for 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons with a slide of salt. Pour cabbage with tomatoes with hot brine.
We cover it with gauze on top, it will need to be changed periodically, and cover it with a lid on top, but not tightly so that the fermentation process occurs, air must enter the pan, otherwise the tomatoes may suffocate.

Then we take the pan to the balcony or basement. You can eat vegetables in a month and a half.

But this recipe is good for use until the end of autumn, the tomatoes in the pan will not last longer.

Recipe 2. Pickled tomatoes with cabbage in jars

Here is an example of a good recipe for salting for the winter. To cook pickled tomatoes with cabbage for the winter, you also need:

Make cabbage in large pieces, but so that it fits in a jar,
. carrot slices,
. fuck and
. garlic.

How to cook:

We lay out the washed tomatoes and cabbage in three-liter jars and proceed to the preparation of the brine.

For 10 liters of water, 250 g of salt and 250 g of sugar, bring to a boil and pour hot jars with tomatoes and cabbage, cover with gauze on top, leave in a warm place for fermentation for about a month.

Then we remove the gauze, close it with nylon lids and send it to the basement until winter.

Recipe 3. Pickled tomatoes with cabbage for the winter

Another good recipe. We will need:

1 kg of cabbage;
. 2 pcs. Sweet pepper;
. 1 kg of tomatoes;
. 2 pcs. onion.

For marinade:

100g sugar
. 250ml vinegar
. black pepper and
. fragrant peas,
. 50 g salt.

How to cook:

We choose tomato varieties that are good, elastic with a thin skin and fleshy. We thoroughly wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices, chop the cabbage, remove the heads of cabbage, peel the bell peppers from the seeds and cut into strips.

Onion cut into rings or half rings, if very large. All peeled and washed vegetables are sent to an enameled pan or bowl, put under pressure for 10-12 hours.

You can cover with a lid and put a brick on top. While the vegetables release juice, wash and sterilize the jars well. Then drain the juice, add sugar, vinegar and pepper, mix.

We put the pan on a small fire and cook for 10 minutes. We scatter on the banks and roll up with metal lids for the winter. We wrap the finished canned food with a blanket and keep it until completely cooled, and then send it to the basement.

It's so easy to cook salted tomatoes with cabbage for the winter for the whole family. Enjoy your meal!

Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter- a recipe that has thousands of fans. If you still do not appreciate its taste, urgently fix it!

Recipe for tomatoes with cabbage for the winter


- allspice
- dill umbrellas
- peeled garlic cloves
- horseradish root
- red tomatoes
- large cabbage slices

Prepare the brine: in two liters of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. fine kitchen salt. Pour over vegetables with hot filling. Throw a gauze fabric on top, which should be changed periodically. Put a lid on top, but not tightly. Take the pot to the basement. After 1-15 months, you can enjoy a snack.

Do and .

Tomatoes with cabbage for the winter in jars

Required components:

- horseradish
- carrot slices
- cabbage slices
- tomatoes

How to cook:

Arrange the washed tomatoes with cabbage in three-liter containers, prepare the brine. In ten liters of water, dissolve 245 g of granulated sugar with kitchen salt, bring to a boil, pour into hot jars of vegetables. Cover with dry gauze on top, let stand in the room for about a month. Remove the gauze fabric, cover with nylon caps, send it to the basement until winter.

Salad for the winter with cabbage and tomatoes

Pair of bulbs
- tomatoes, cabbage head - 1 kg each
- sweet pepper - a couple of things

For marinade filling:

Acetic acid - 0.25 liters
- granulated sugar - 0.1 kg
- salt - 50 g
- sweet peas
- black polka dots

Select elastic, high-quality fruits, with a thin skin. The pulp should be firm and fleshy. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, chop into slices. Chop the cabbage head into strips. Remove the heads, clean the seeds from the sweet pepper and cut the flesh into strips. Chop the onion into rings. Transfer the prepared vegetables to an enameled container, put under pressure for ten hours. You can simply cover with a lid and put a brick on top. While the vegetables release their juice, thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars. Drain the juice, add granulated sugar, pepper and acetic acid, stir. Put the saucepan on a quiet fire, cook for 10 minutes. Arrange in jars, roll up with metal lids. Wrap canned food with a blanket, hold until completely cooled.

Make the salad described.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables

You will need:

Cabbage head - 1.6 kg
- tomatoes - 3 kg
- carrot

For filling:

4.2 tablespoons of kitchen salt
- granulated sugar - a couple of tablespoons
- a couple of liters of clean water

Cooking steps:

Trim off the ends of thoroughly washed tomatoes. Scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. The pulp can be used to make juice or tomato puree. Chop the cabbage into strips, rub the carrots. Pack the stuffing tightly into the tomatoes. Place stuffed vegetables in a bowl. Can be applied in 2-3 layers. Pour cold water into a separate container, dilute sugar and salt. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting filling, put oppression on top. A three-liter jar filled with water is perfect. After 3 days, transfer the vegetables to jars. Strain the filling through cheesecloth, pour the contents of the jars, cover with nylon lids, transfer to storage in the cellar.

Do and .

Cauliflower with tomatoes for the winter

Required products:

Lavrushka - 4 things
- tomatoes
- dill umbrellas
- cauliflower
- garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
- black peppercorns

How to cook:

Sterilize glass containers, throw a few laurels into them. Put cabbage inflorescences, tomatoes. Fill with water, put peppercorns, garlic cloves. Make a marinade filling: dilute kitchen salt with sugar in some water. Top up with vinegar essence. Seal with lids, turn over, wrap until cool.

Prepare and.

Cabbage with tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter


White cabbage - 1.6 kg
- cucumbers - 1 kg
- onion - 1 kg
- carrots - 0.75 g
- tomatoes - 1 kg
- tablespoon
- garlic head
- a small teaspoon of black pepper
- Lavrushka
- refined sunflower oil - 2.2 tbsp. l.
- table vinegar - 1.1 tbsp. spoons

Cooking features:

Remove damaged and green leaves, chop into thin strips. Wash the carrots, grate after peeling. Chop the tomatoes into small pieces. Chop the cucumbers in transverse circles. Wash them first. Cut the peeled onions in half. Chop each half into thin half rings.

Cabbage salad with green tomatoes

You will need:

Sugar - 90 g
- white cabbage, green tomatoes - 1 kg each
- large onion - 2 pieces
- granulated sugar - 90 g
- sweet pepper pod - 2 pcs.
- a pea of ​​fragrant pepper - 7 pcs.
- apple cider vinegar - 0.25 liters

Finely chop the cabbage. Chop the washed tomatoes into small cubes. Chop the peeled onion, cut out the seed part of the peppers, chop the flesh into strips of 2 cm. Combine the prepared vegetables in a deep enameled bowl, salt, mix well. Put the vegetable mixture on a plate, put a weight according to the size, let stand for 12 hours. Drain the juice. Combine the vegetable mixture with apple cider vinegar and sugar, spices. Move the container to a weak fire. Pack the vegetable mass in calcined glass containers.