How to cook sorrel pies. Steps to prepare dessert pies with sorrel

Just do not think that sorrel pies can only be baked in summer. Nothing like this. Firstly, sorrel grows excellently in home beds on the windowsill. And secondly, out of season, you can always buy fresh sorrel in the supermarket. After all, the main thing is to make the filling tasty, and sorrel is grown in summer or it doesn’t matter in winter. I describe my cooking option step by step and put it here, accompanied by a photo.

You have to make yeast. Purchased dough is also suitable, but in our store it is often unsalted and unsweetened, so I love to bake with mine. When the dough is suitable, it must be kneaded, but so that it remains soft and does not stick to your hands.

We roll it into a short “sausage”, cut into “chunks” and knead them into cakes.

Now, the cakes need to stand, rise, become more magnificent, therefore, we close them with linen and leave for half an hour.

During this half an hour, you need to have time to prepare the sorrel filling: rinse the leaves, chop, sprinkle with sugar to taste and thoroughly wash the sorrel in a bowl. When you start preparing the filling, you need to remember that homemade sorrel is sourer than grown in the garden.

When the filling is ready, put a tablespoon of sweet sorrel on each cake.

We pinch. I usually pinch with an “edge”, as in the photo.

Then, I bend the pinch to the pie and spread it on a baking sheet with the pinch down.

Each pie must be pierced with a fork or make one small hole in the upper part of the pie - this is for steam to escape. In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, put a baking sheet on the middle shelf. We bake until the dough is ready, which we check with a toothpick.

We take out sweet pies with sorrel, put them on the canvas, cover with a towel, let them cool a little. Pies are served at the tea table.

Why do I love Russian cuisine so much? For summer pies with sorrel! I was looking forward to the dacha sorrel harvest in order to bake delicious pies with sorrel. I could not resist the first bunch and started cooking with one foot in the garden.

I will not “raise” a long dough on a dough, but I will knead a quick semi-puff pastry on dairy products and flour. I will make pies with sweet sorrel filling. They turn out very juicy and unusually tasty with sugar (in fact, this is the main secret of the juicy filling of pies with sorrel). I'll take a couple of pies to the neighbors for testing.

So, sorrel pies in the oven ...

First I take the products for the test. My list includes flour, sour cream, milk, mayonnaise, butter, sugar, salt, and baking soda. There is not as much as it might seem at first glance.

Cut the butter into pieces with a knife. First you need to slightly defrost.

I combine the butter with flour and bulk ingredients. At this stage, I take 2 full glasses of flour.

I rub it into crumbs with my hands.

I add sour cream, mayonnaise and milk - just a little bit.

I start kneading the dough. It should not stick to your hands. It will take more flour - I will add.

As a result, I have a soft semi-puff pastry. I send the dough to the freezer while the filling is being prepared.

For the filling, I will take fresh sorrel and sugar. The sorrel needs to be washed and dried.

Then chop, but do not grind.

Fill with sugar.

Shake well with hands.

I take the dough out of the freezer and immediately begin to form pies. I divide the dough into balls. I dip them in flour.

I roll into cakes.

In the middle I spread the sweet filling with sorrel.

I make pies. While sculpting, I dip my hands in flour.

I grease the baking sheet of the country oven with butter. I preheat the oven to 200°C.

I bake pies with sorrel in the oven for 30 minutes, until golden brown.

Country homemade pies with sorrel are ready!

Brought to treat the neighbors.

To prepare pies according to this recipe, you must have the following set of ingredients available:

  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 0.7 cups;
  • yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • cow's milk (3.2%) - 270-300 ml;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) - 75 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1-2 pcs;
  • fresh sorrel - 1 bunch.

You can replace milk with ordinary non-carbonated water: relevant for those who are allergic to this product. Salt is added to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix milk (water), sugar in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. and 3 st. l. flour.
  2. Leave the resulting mass for 15 minutes in a warm room.
  3. Then add the oil and the remaining flour to the container, constantly stirring the mass. Salt to taste and mix again.
  4. Knead the dough and leave for 15-20 minutes in a warm place.
  5. The chicken egg should be boiled (hard boiled).
  6. The sorrel should be washed well and finely chopped.
  7. Grind the boiled egg and mix with sorrel.
  8. Add the remaining sugar to the filling, mix.
  9. The dough must be carefully but carefully rolled out, separated for the convenience of subsequent work, equal portions for making pies.
  10. Fill each of them with stuffing, form a pie.
  11. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees. On a baking sheet, a little oiled, the pies are laid out and baked for 20 minutes.

Kefir fried pies with sorrel: a step by step recipe

Lush and delicious pies with sorrel can be prepared using dough cooked on kefir.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • kefir (you can use 1%) - 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar (white) - 4.5 tbsp. l;
  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • soda - 3-4 g;
  • iodized salt - to taste;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • fresh sorrel - 1 bunch;
  • sour cream (15% fat) - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare dough. To do this, you need to mix 1 tsp in a deep container. sugar, salt, soda, kefir and an egg.
  2. Then add sour cream and flour to the mixture, mix. Leave to rise for 20 minutes.
  3. The filling is made from crushed and washed sorrel and the remaining granulated sugar.
  4. The dough is divided into equal pieces, each of which is rolled out.
  5. The blanks are filled with stuffing, formed and pinched.
  6. Oil is poured into the pan and pies are laid out, fry on both sides until golden brown.

As soon as the pies are fried, they should be placed on a towel to get rid of excess fat.

Recipe for pies with sorrel from ready-made puff pastry

This recipe will also not take much free time, since you can not make the dough, but buy it ready-made in the store.

Ingredients needed to prepare the dish:

  • puff pastry (frozen) - 1 pack;
  • fresh sorrel - 1 bunch;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • butter (without additional flavorings and salt) - 30 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. The dough should be defrosted.
  2. Rinse the sorrel, chop and mix with sugar.
  3. Create 8 blanks from the dough and put the filling on each, form pies.
  4. Put pies on a baking sheet covered with parchment (it is better to give preference to the option with sides of medium height), grease each of them with an egg on top.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15 minutes.

On the filling of each pie, you need to put a small piece of butter and a little starch - this will add extra juiciness. The pies are served with tea or coffee.

Sweet sorrel pies "Dessert": recipe with sugar

Would need:

  • wheat flour - 450 g;
  • low-fat kefir - 310 ml;
  • vegetable oil (olive is allowed) - 3 tbsp. l;
  • baking soda - 2-4 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar (sand) - to taste;
  • sorrel - 200 g.

For filling:

  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l;
  • flour - "powder" the table.

Vegetable oil should not be with the smell of seeds, so as not to interrupt the taste of the dough and filling.

Steps for making dessert pies with sorrel:

  1. In a deep container, you need to place flour, kefir, butter and sugar, mix, salt and add soda, mix again, but with a mixer.
  2. Cover the dough with cling film and leave in a warm room for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the sorrel with running water, chop, mix with sugar.
  4. Sprinkle the work surface where the dough will be with a little flour.
  5. The dough is divided into small pieces of equal size, rolled out.
  6. A filling is placed in the center of each blank, the edges are pinched, and pies are formed.
  7. In a frying pan with high edges, it is necessary to heat the vegetable oil and place the pies in it.
  8. It is necessary to fry them on both sides until a crispy golden crust, which is an additional decoration of the finished dish.

Ready-made pies with a crispy crust are laid out on a paper towel or a clean cloth so that excess oil is glassed from them, thereby removing excess fat from the dish. It is served as a hearty dessert.

Recipe for sweet pies with sorrel and honey

Using fresh sorrel as the basis for the filling, you can create not only a tasty, but also an exquisite dish that will have a delicate aroma.

The recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • fresh sorrel (leaves) - 350 g;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • fresh mint (leaves) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 6-7 glasses;
  • yeast - 70 g;
  • cow's milk - 130 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - 120 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Warm the milk slightly (do not boil it and allow the formation of foam), add yeast to it and 1 tbsp. l sugar.
  2. The egg is carefully divided into two components - protein and yolk.
  3. Beat egg whites and sugar until soft but firm foam forms. Add kefir, oil and salt to it, mix thoroughly.
  4. It is best to sift the flour to achieve lightness and splendor, add to the container, mix again.
  5. Leave the dough in a warm room for 90 minutes.
  6. Lightly knead the finished dough with your hands and divide into small pieces.
  7. Roll out, creating a thin cake.
  8. Rinse the sorrel thoroughly using warm water, cut, mix with sugar.
  9. Mint must also be washed, chopped, added to a mixture of sorrel and sugar. Add honey, mix.
  10. Put the filling on each cake from the dough and form pies, fastening the edges.
  11. Put the blanks on a baking sheet, coat with beaten yolk.
  12. The oven should be heated to 190 degrees and place a baking sheet. Baking takes approximately 30 minutes.

Pies with sorrel (video)

Cooking pies is a simple and sometimes exciting process, especially if you explore a new recipe with your children. Juicy, mouth-watering, with ruddy sides and a wonderful fresh aroma, they create real family comfort at home.

Hi all!

You have landed on a blog that has a lot of delicious recipes. And today we will talk about one of them. Because we will make sorrel pies. In sorrel season, some do not know what to do with it. Sorrel is actually a weed. For many, it grows just like that. And the imagination does not go further for many. Therefore, this article is written in order to tell you how to utilize a delicious plant with the help of excellent recipes.

In the article you will find:

The sorrel filling is fantastic. This is probably one of the juicy herbs that you can stuff into the filling. This plant can be an excellent alternative to spinach. After all, spinach is an expensive product. Even some types of sorrel are called spinach. As a result, we got very tasty and juicy pies with sweet and sour filling. It will blow your mind, I assure you.

Sweet sorrel filling: no secrets

Before we start cooking pies, I would like to begin with you to disassemble the process of preparing a wonderful filler. From the fact that our plant is very juicy, then the product will turn out the same. Let's consider one of the options.

You will need 2-3 large bunches of sorrel. It needs to be washed first. We wash each leaf under running water on both sides. Therefore, you need to remove the thick legs, leave the leaves themselves. I do this because the leg is much harder and more sour. It seems to me that it will not be very pleasant to have such surprises in pies.

If you still decide to use the legs, then they need to be boiled separately from the leaves. To make them softer and less acidic.

Now we grind the plant. Cut first along, and then across. Cut into slices 1 cm wide. You can thinner.

Fill all this richness of vitamins with boiling water. The leaves immediately begin to fade. They are very gentle.

Let's interfere a little. And immediately you need to drain the water. We squeeze as much water as possible. The sorrel has decreased in volume.

If after decanting, water remains, then we additionally squeeze the plant. There should be no liquid in the filling. Otherwise, the pies will fall apart and the juice will flow onto the baking sheet. And they will burn.

That's all. The filling is ready for further preparation. If you have ready-made dough, you can immediately start sculpting pies. In previous posts, I dealt with the topic of secrets.

Delicious fried pies with sorrel: the dough will be yeast-free

The plant used shrinks very strongly during heat treatment. Therefore, do not look at the initial volume. The yeast dough takes longer to cook, so we will use kefir as a base. And we'll bake pies.

Keep in mind that with this filling you can do it even on puff, even on yeast dough.

We will need:

  • Fresh or frozen sorrel - 600 grams
  • Kefir (3.2%) - 300 milliliters
  • Flour - 350 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons (in the dough)
  • Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon each
  • Sugar for 1 pie - 1 teaspoon
  • Soda (or baking powder) - also 1 teaspoon

As you can see from the list of products, I do not use eggs for dough. I did it consciously. Because they make it heavier. And we need to make it as lush as possible. Some recipes recommend adding eggs when the pies are fried. But I still advise not to add. See for yourself, it's all optional. You can beat an egg.

Cooking steps:

1. Let's start with the preparation of the filling. As mentioned earlier, the plant is greatly reduced in volume by heat treatment. First of all, carefully wash the sorrel. We get rid of the hard legs, leaving only the leaves. Now we cut not very small.

2. And then what do you ask? And then we pour boiling water over these leaves. Literally for 30 seconds. So to speak, so that they boil a little. And after we drain the water, you will clearly see how the volume has significantly decreased. Once drained, it is advisable to compress with your hands to get rid of excess moisture. In this case, we have enough fillings for 5-6 pies. We will put half a tablespoon.

The leaves themselves are moist and juicy. And we do not need additional liquid inside the pie.

Test preparation

3. First, mix kefir with vegetable oil. Then add salt, sugar and soda there. Mix again.

4. Next, sift the flour and knead the dough. It should be soft enough not to stick to your hands. The dough should be easy to knead. Not to be tight. Weight, which is indicated in the list of ingredients, is indicative.

Remember! In any recipes, the weight of flour is always indicated as an approximate. You can add flour to the batter. But already in the pebble it is no longer possible to add moisture.

5. When the batch is finished, let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film.

6. Left for small things. Blind and bake pies. Tear off small pieces from the dough. You can choose the size if you wish. Just remember that during baking, the pies increase in size.

7. We knead each ball with our hands or roll it into a circle with a rolling pin. And add the sorrel filling where about half a tablespoon. I used to say that the filling is sweet. And it is at this stage that we add a teaspoon of sugar directly to the center of the circle. After that, add the filling.

8. And stick the filling inside the pie, like a dumpling.

9. It remains to bake pies. And we will bake by frying. For this we need a frying pan. Pour enough vegetable oil so that the layer is about 1/3-1/2 the height of the patty.

The basic rule for frying pies, potatoes, cutlets, oil must be well calcined. Never dip food into cold oil.

Well, put the pies in the pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. 3 minutes on each side is enough.

Which fire to choose for heating? The maximum you need, they will quickly burn out. They won't bake inside. the fire should be 60% of the maximum. About a little above average.

10. Pies with sorrel are ready. You have clearly seen how you can cook delicious sweet pies at home.

In fact, there are many filling options. It's sweet and plain. And I was interested in Vladimir's recipe. In the article, he shows how you can bake pies with apples so that you lick your fingers. In this recipe, he parses the sweet filling.

Sweet pies with sorrel on yeast dough: a step by step recipe with a photo

The second way, which turns out very tasty and airy pies from childhood. In this recipe, we will not soak the plant in boiling water. And you will also learn the secret of making dough with yeast so that the pies are airy.


For the test

  • Flour - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 50 grams (2 tablespoons with a slide)
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Natural yogurt without fillers - 125 grams
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon (5 grams)
  • Milk - 125 grams (This is an approximate amount, because the flour is different)
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Melted butter - 30 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 30 grams

For the filling (it all depends on the amount of dough)

  • Sorrel
  • Sugar

Cooking process:

1. And we will start with the dough, or rather with the dough (yeast bacon). Take a cup. Pour 50 grams of slightly warm water there. We throw yeast, 2 teaspoons of flour, a little sugar, literally half a teaspoon. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass, so that there are no lumps. And put in a warm place for 15 minutes.

If the yeast is alive, then during this time they will have time to wake up and give a foamy cap. If suddenly there are no foam caps, then they need to be replaced.

2. In the meantime, sift the flour. Add sugar to it. Crack in an egg here. Pour out the yogurt. Next, we mix everything. Do it with your hands or with a spoon.

3. Now add our yeast bacon. In 15 minutes foam formed. And stir again.

4. Then we will add milk in portions. And we will add until we have no dry flour left at all, i.e. everything will be wet. The dough should be not thick, medium consistency, soft enough. So gradually add milk and stir well each time. As a result, you should get a soft dough that will hold its shape well.

After kneading, cover the dough with a plate, towel or cling film. Leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. During this time, the flour will have time to absorb all the moisture, forming gluten. And the dough will be easier to knead.

5. After 20 minutes, add salt to the dough. Then we will drive in the oil mixture. It includes melted butter and vegetable oils.

You can take separately, both creamy and sunflower. Or you can even take margarine. This is optional.

Add the oil mixture in small portions. Add the next portion until the previous one is completely absorbed. And along the way, the dough is kneaded.

Preparing the dough for further fermentation

6. Then knead the dough well on the table in order to drive as much oxygen as possible into the dough. Along the way, it will stretch, it will be remembered. And as a result, the gluten threads will stretch. The dough will be firmer. It will better hold the carbon dioxide that will be formed as a result of fermentation.

Pull the dough and fold. Then you flip. We repeat. And so it is desirable for 10-15 minutes.

7. The result is a soft, fairly sticky dough. Put the ball in a bowl and level the surface. Cover with cling film and keep warm to ferment. During the fermentation process, the dough must be pulled and folded several times, as we do above on the table. This is done in order to develop gluten well. In turn, it will affect the quality of the finished test.

If the dough is very sticky, you can grease your hands with water or vegetable oil. Better of course oil.

8. The dough came up a little. We start from the edges to grab and drag to the opposite wall. And so in a circle. At the end you need to fold in half and turn over.

If you follow the rule and theory, then such additions need to be done 4-5 every 45 minutes. In practice, there are about 2-3 such additions. And you can do it not clearly after 45 minutes, but how the dough fits. Once the dough has doubled in size, fold in.

Forming dough balls

9. After all the manipulations, lay out the dough that has come up on the table. And cut into portions. Lay out the dough carefully. It is advisable not to pull it too hard.

10. We divide into portions, depending on what kind of pies we want to get. The dough is quite sticky, so we wrap our hands in flour. It turned out 18 pieces.

11. Then the lumps of dough need to be rounded. We do this: fold the dough to the center of the ball until the outer surface is stretched. I pinch the edges. And I roll. It turns out a smooth ball. And so we roll up the rest of the pieces.

As you do everything, cover the balls with a film and leave alone for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the gluten will relax and the dough will be easier to roll out.

We make pies

12. While the dough is resting, wash and cut the sorrel. By this time, the plant should be dry and clean. This time we will not soak sorrel in boiling water. We take a ball and roll it into a cake. We will not mix the plant with sugar. We will separately add sugar and sorrel to the pie.

If you mix sugar and sorrel in advance, then the grass will give juice. And the filling will be moist.

Roll out thin enough. Put a teaspoon of sugar in the center of the cake. Then we put sorrel. First, twist it in your hands, forming a lump. The most difficult thing is to blind the central edges together. And then it's easier. We blind like a dumpling.

13. Put the blinded pies on a baking sheet covered with food paper. And cover them with foil. And leave them for 30-40 minutes. The picture below is already after the time has passed.

14. Then, 5-7 minutes before baking, grease them with a beaten egg. And send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees until browned.

Note that the baking temperature is not absolute. Focus on your oven. You can bake at a lower or higher temperature.

The pies are ready. Enjoy your meal!

We fry pies in a pan: a detailed video

I want to show another example where yeast dough is also used. In the meantime, we will cook in a pan. It turns out just as delicious.

Dear reader, here we come to the end. Together we dismantled step-by-step recipes for making pies with sorrel. And I tried to show several options. You yourself have seen that the filling is suitable for both yeast dough and yeast-free dough. Considered two ways to prepare the filling. You can soak the sorrel in boiling water, but do not forget to survive excess moisture from it. You can post it raw.

Thank you for your attention! Like and class. Share recipes with your family and friends. And stay tuned for blog updates. All the best!

In this article, we will tell and show how to bake delicious fried sorrel pies. Step-by-step recipe with photos, see later in this article.

What did I know about sorrel before? That this is an ordinary plant from which you can cook my favorite soup, well, or in case of unprecedented heat, you can just gnaw a couple of leaves.

Not so long ago, sorrel opened up to me from the other side! I decided somehow to go with my kids to have fun in the central city park.

We walked and walked and of course, very soon everyone wanted to eat. I bought sweet pastries and juice for the children in the store, but I didn’t choose anything for myself - my soul wanted something unusual. Leaving the store, I noticed a clean and tidy grandmother who was selling fried pies nearby.

I know, I know, you will scold me now: you can’t buy from someone you don’t know, you can easily pick up a sore.

But I was terribly hungry, and fried pies are my old weakness, especially since I never ate them with sorrel! I bought one, and the children and I walked, slowly, to the nearest shop.

After biting off a couple of times, I rushed back to my grandmother in order to find out the recipe, and on the way home I kept mumbling it under my breath, trying not to forget anything.

I share the recipe with you - a very simple recipe, and in the hot season - just a godsend!

What we need for the test:

  • sugar (fine sand) - 25 g;
  • dry yeast (if you do not have a kitchen scale, pour half a teaspoon without a slide) - 7 g;
  • warm water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • wheat flour (we take the highest grade) - 390-400 g;
  • lean or any other vegetable oil - 17 ml .;

For filling:

  • sorrel - 1 large bunch;
  • sugar - 50 -70 g.


And after one or two minutes, add sugar, salt to them, stir everything with a spoon. Let the yeast rise a little.

We take a fine sieve and use it to sift the flour into a container with yeast. If you fill it up without a sieve, there will be a lot of lumps that will have to be kneaded for a long time and the dough will become heavy.

When you run out of all the flour, pour the butter into the dough and knead for a long time, thoroughly, so that all the ingredients are well mixed. When kneading, make whipping movements with your hands so that the dough is saturated with air. The finished dough will be soft and very plastic. We set the dough aside, let it "rest" for an hour and rise, but for now let's take care of the filling.

Wash the sorrel very carefully in running water, shake well and let excess moisture drain, you can even dry the leaves with a napkin or towel. On a cutting board, finely chop the leaves with a knife and put in a bowl. So that the sorrel does not bristle in a pie, you can knead the leaves in a bowl with a wooden mortar, and some housewives scald the already chopped sorrel with boiling water.
Sprinkle the table well with flour and lay out our dough. We knead it, along the way lightly rolling in flour.
We roll out the “sausage” from the dough and cut into pieces of blanks for pies of the desired size (the larger the piece of dough, the larger the pie), you can roll out the whole dough with a layer and cut out circles using a mold or a glass.
We roll each blank for the pie into a cake, put sugar on the surface of each (about a teaspoon).

After we fasten the edges of the pie, pressing them with our fingers. Sugar should be put on the dough, if you put it in chopped sorrel, then the plant will give abundant juice and the pie inside will be very wet, as if raw.
Thus, we make all the pies.