Composition and proportions of monastic tea for the stomach. Stomach monastery tea

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are becoming more common. Adults and children, men and women suffer from them.

The most frequent The reason for this is malnutrition.: violation of the diet, the use of a large number of hard-to-digest dishes, chemical additives, the lack of the proper amount of liquid in food - dry food.

Stress is a significant factor. Nerves, fatigue from work leads the body to exhaustion and inability to perform its duties.

All this contributes to the development of gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, constipation, colitis, etc. Medications in this case often harm, or even not assigned at all. But natural fees are the best way to help cope with diseases and improve overall health.

Monastic tea: treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

The product is 100% composed of herbs growing in the territory of the Russian Federation. They are devoid of poisons and toxins, and therefore are allowed to be used even by children and the elderly. The detailed composition of the monastery tea with a description of each ingredient is located below. Now look at the diseases that this drink cures and alleviates:

Colitis- inflammation of the mucosa in the colon, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, loss of strength;

Gastritis- a dangerous disease, also associated with disruption of the mucosa and blood circulation. Able to go into chronic stages;

stomach ulcers- wounds on the inner walls of the intestines. They can cause excruciating suffering if you do not take the right food, drinks;

Intestinal dyspepsia- the stomach is not able to digest food. It develops a lot of bacteria, which leads to constipation, diarrhea, and bad breath.

Monastic tea will also help with household ailments like flatulence, strengthen gastrointestinal immunity. It is useful for children to drink as a prophylactic. from worms.

Brief history of the recipe

Monastic tea has existed for over 500 years. Little is known about its origin, but for centuries the recipe for the drink was passed down through the ministers of various churches, the first of which is considered to be the Solovetsky Monastery.

It was in it that the oldest manuscript was found, describing the method of preparation and containing a partial list of herbs - elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano, dog rose. Sometimes regular tea was added. Over time, the recipe was improved by ministers of other temples.

Tea recipe from Tolga Monastery

Pharmacies often sell monastery teas made from 3-4 plants like rose hips, chamomile, etc. They are also useful, but the effect is much lower, and may be directed to the wrong organs. The official store presents a collection of tea from 9 components, which received the best reviews from experts and ordinary consumers.

The composition was developed by the servants of the Tolga Monastery. The properties of each element are described in detail below, but for now you can look at the procedure for collecting herbs carried out by the novices of the temple.

The abundance of vitamin C, flavonoids, phytoncides and mineral salts has a beneficial effect on bowel function. The component is a mild diuretic, therefore it effectively cleanses the insides of toxins.

It contains ascorbic acid, talicins and carotene. The flowers of the plant do an excellent job of killing bacteria and increase the secretion of gastric juice.

A drink from them calms the nervous system, reducing the likelihood of developing stomach diseases due to stress.

They have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. By properties, they are very similar to currant leaves, and therefore complement them well both in taste and in chemical characteristics.

A storehouse of vitamins and elements (B3, A, C, PP). In addition to them, alkaloids and oils are present in the composition. The latter envelop the stomach, eliminating discomfort during the course of diseases.

Blooming Sally

It contains many useful substances - copper, nickel, titanium, boron, molybdenum. There is calcium, the lack of which leads to pain in the teeth, brittle bones.

Helps eliminate flatulence, diarrhea. Today it is widely used in medicine for the manufacture of teas, decoctions and oils.

Promotes resorption of gallstones, removal of ulcers. Due to its ability to heal wounds, it is also used as an ingredient in external compresses and ointments.

The element eliminates spasms and pains in the intestinal area. It helps bacteria digest hard-to-digest food.

In addition to its ability to remove toxins and cleanse the walls of the stomach, this plant helps to strengthen the respiratory system of the body.

An excellent tonic that improves blood circulation in the digestive tract. Imposes an anti-inflammatory effect and makes the taste of the drink light and fresh.

The presented recipe is truly balanced and outperforms most of the options on the market. In the official store you can buy tea made in strict compliance with the technology of the Tolga Monastery.

Doctors' opinions

Elena Mikhailovna (56 years old, gastroenterologist, Omsk)

I’ll say for sure that with serious diseases like stomach ulcers, you need to see a doctor, since in some cases diets will be required, and sometimes the intervention of surgeons.

Sergey Vartanovich (54 years old, gastroenterologist, Novorossiysk)

I can safely recommend monastery tea to patients with flatulence, gastritis, and constipation. People who want to improve their overall health will especially benefit from drinking it on a regular basis.

There are no harmful herbs in it, therefore, even with ulcers, it is allowed to drink a drink. It will especially help people with spasms and pains.

You should not apply the fee, refusing the services of modern medicine. Be sure to undergo examinations, as with advanced forms of the disease, more aggressive methods may be needed. And you can't mess with them.

Test purchase

Alexey Morozov (37 years old, military man, Moscow)

My stomach problems started at the age of 28. I didn’t go to the doctors and I don’t burn with desire. He suffered from heartburn, gastritis and a number of other unpleasant conditions. I ordered tea from this site. It came quickly. The packaging is well done. Dense, so nothing will fall from the side. Inside were large elements - no dust.

I opened it, filled it with water at 60-70 degrees, so that the useful properties would not disappear. After a couple of seconds, I felt the aroma, pleasant and awakening the appetite. The taste was also pleasing.

I started drinking 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. Sometimes used during the day. After 2-3 weeks it was possible to judge the effect - there was no heartburn at all. Spasms still occurred, but extremely weak and insignificant. What do I want to say? Result on the face. I've been drinking for 2 months now. Extremely happy with the feeling.

Where is the best place to buy

Today, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite common, which is directly related to the modern pace of life: snacking on the go, frequent stress. Often these factors lead to the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Help with this disease, which brings a lot of inconvenience and reduces the quality of life, can be medicinal herbs that are part of a unique collection that was inherited from one monastery to another. After all, as you know, from ancient times people turned to monks for help. Our article will tell you about the composition of monastery tea for stomach ulcers, and what beneficial effects it has on the body as a whole.

Action of monastery tea

Monastic tea from the stomach incorporates many medicinal herbs that can have a beneficial effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the entire body as a whole. This healing drink is capable of:

  • relieve stomach and intestinal cramps;
  • save the patient from heartburn, nausea, belching;
  • eliminate an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, which is caused by the release of gastric fractions;
  • have a positive effect on constipation;
  • restore bile secretion;
  • improve digestion;
  • normalize appetite;
  • restore the gastric mucosa;
  • stop attacks of ulcers and gastritis;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • relieve inflammation of the stomach;
  • improve the production of gastric juice;
  • facilitate the general well-being of the patient;
  • replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.
Herbal preparations enhance the medicinal effect of each other, thereby helping to reduce the risk of developing various complications, and speed up the healing process.

The composition of the main gastric tea

There are several varieties of monastic tea used to treat stomach problems. The classic version, on the other hand, incorporates nine medicinal plants and their seeds. It helps relieve nausea, eliminate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, restore appetite, stop spasms.

The main one consists of the following herbs:

  • Flax seeds, which are known for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action, they well envelop the gastric mucosa, reduce high acidity, and help eliminate constipation. However, this component is not recommended for women with endometritis and uterine fibroids, as well as during pregnancy.
  • Calendula, which restores the intestinal microflora, relieves the symptoms of gastritis, nausea, eliminates spasms, inflammation, and restores appetite. Calendula is known for its bactericidal and wound healing properties, so it is quite effective for stomach ulcers. Fees in which calendula is present are not recommended during pregnancy, since its action can provoke a miscarriage.
  • St. John's wort, which is a powerful antibacterial agent, can relieve pain and reduce spasms. It heals wounds well with ulcerative lesions, helps to reduce anxiety, nervousness, and eliminate depression. St. John's wort should not be taken at the same time as birth control pills, as it can reduce their effectiveness and increase the possibility of unplanned conception. Also, this herb is not taken simultaneously with antidepressants, antibiotics, because when combined with the former, it can cause hallucinations, and the latter removes from the body, making their use useless.
  • Rosehip has a tonic effect, helps eliminate beriberi, saturate the body with vitamin C, reduces inflammation, improves digestion. Rosehip should not be taken with cholelithiasis.
  • Peppermint calms well in a stressful situation, relieves the inflammatory process, eliminates pain. You can not take fees with mint for people suffering from low blood pressure and varicose veins.
  • Cushene, which has been used since ancient times to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis, because it is able to relieve the inflammatory process, heal wounds, and accelerate their healing process. Sushenitsa is also good in herbal tea because it has no contraindications.
  • Wormwood perfectly stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion, stimulates appetite, normalizes the acidity of the stomach, eliminates the inflammatory process of the intestines, flatulence. Wormwood has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a general calming effect. Wormwood is contraindicated during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, as it can lead to a deterioration in the taste of milk. Also, do not drink in the acute stage of the disease. It is forbidden to take wormwood for a long time, as hallucinations may develop.
  • Yarrow stops bleeding in ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect. When taking yarrow, flatulence decreases, the production of gastric juice increases.
  • Horsetail has a hemostatic effect, relieves inflammation, removes toxins. Not recommended for people suffering from heart and kidney failure.

How to brew monastery tea

Brewing monastery tea has some nuances. In order for tea to turn out not only healthy, but also tasty, it is recommended to brew it in porcelain or ceramic dishes. Metal utensils can spoil the quality of the taste. The usual proportion of the collection is 1 tsp. for 1 cup of boiling water. You can not brew with boiling water. First you should boil the water, then wait 10 minutes and then pour the composition, as steep boiling water can kill the beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in medicinal herbs. Monastic should be insisted for 30 minutes in an open container. It is not recommended to cover it with a lid, since the composition is enriched with oxygen at this time. You need to drink a healing drink only in a warm form.

How to take monastery tea

Slightly cooled tea is recommended to drink before meals. It should not be sweetened with jam or sugar. You can drink it with honey, but only as a bite. There is no need to dissolve honey in the drink. You can not brew tea "for later." It is recommended to drink it completely in no more than 2 hours, since in tea that is infused longer than the set time, small parts will be released that are completely unhealthy for the walls of the intestines and stomach. Gastric monastic tea is taken for 1 month, if taken for preventive purposes, then once a day, for therapeutic purposes - three times. Then there is a 2-week break, after which the treatment continues again. With ulcerative lesions of the stomach, it is allowed to carry out 3-4 such therapeutic courses.

At the beginning of treatment, you should try to brew half the recommended dose of the collection and take it this way for a week. If there are no allergic manifestations or nausea, then you can use the full dose.

What Not to Do

In order for monastery tea to bring the maximum effect, it should be brewed correctly. In order not to spoil the healing qualities of the drink, you should know some simple rules:

  • You can not bring the finished infusion to a boil, because when boiling, the beneficial qualities of medicinal herbs are destroyed, many vitamins and microelements are killed.
  • Drinks cannot be heated. It is best to drink healing tea warm, immediately. If it so happened that it has cooled down, then it is recommended to dilute it with hot water. If necessary, to take a ready-made drink with you to work, you can use a thermos to maintain the desired temperature for a short period of time.
  • Do not store the mixture in a plastic bag or in direct sunlight. Since ultraviolet and synthetic substances emitted by the package have a detrimental effect on the quality of the drug collection. It is better to store the herbal composition in canvas bags in a dry and dark place.

Before drinking monastic tea with a stomach ulcer, it is better to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your body and not aggravate the disease.

“A miracle is only a miracle because it does not actually happen,” wrote the great Anatole France. But it is human nature to believe in miracles, especially when it comes to healing from ailments. Having lost faith in the possibilities of medicine, he is looking for a "magic" panacea. An example of such a miracle cure is monastery stomach tea, which for ten years has been famous as a brand that cures all diseases of the stomach.

The production and distribution of tea in the CIS has gained impressive proportions. Some attribute this to its high efficiency, generating great demand, while others see it as another trick of marketing companies in pursuit of profit. Which of them is right - let's try to figure it out on the basis of an objective assessment of this sensational miracle drink.

The name "monastic" is directly related to the history of the origin of tea. Reliable sources say that it was first invented by hermit monks who lived in the Solovetsky, now the Transfiguration Monastery in the middle of the 15th century. The conditions of reclusive life had a negative impact on health, and the monks looked for healing herbs from mother nature that would help strengthen it, dried them and prepared them for the winter.

As a result, a collection of plants was born, the recipe of which is still kept on the original manuscript in the monastery as “monastic tea”, it is quite simple and includes the following ingredients:

This is the original of the drink, the other composition of the story is unknown. It was used to treat colds, gastric disorders, tuberculosis, general malaise, to increase strength.

Modern recipe for gastric monastic tea

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, gastric tea is used, made according to the monastic recipe, according to the manufacturers. It contains 8 ingredients:

  • peppermint leaf;
  • marsh cudweed herb;
  • hypericum herb;
  • horsetail grass;
  • wormwood grass;
  • calendula flowers;
  • flax seed;
  • dog-rose fruit.

As you can see, tea has retained only one ingredient from its historical ancestor - rose hips. But from the point of view of traditional medicine, the selection of ingredients is excellent, and all of them are used in the treatment of stomach diseases.

Indications and rules of preparation

Due to its balanced composition, gastric tea has the following effect: it reduces pain and cramps in the stomach, relieves heartburn, reduces inflammation, helps normalize gastric secretion, improves digestion, and restores the mucous membrane. It is recommended for acute and chronic gastritis, duodenitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation and bloating, food poisoning, metabolic disorders.

The composition of tea and the method of application are indicated on the packaging, if it is original. It is brewed like ordinary tea, pouring 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and letting it brew for half an hour. How much, at what time and how often to take tea depends on the nature of gastric secretion, this issue should be discussed with the doctor.


Manufacturers of gastrointestinal tea claim that it has no contraindications. However, experts in the field of medicine warn that in some cases it can have an adverse effect on health:

  • in the acute phase of gastritis;
  • with complications of peptic ulcer - gastric bleeding, perforation, pyloric stenosis;
  • with a high concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • in allergic conditions, intolerance to ingredients;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • children under 12 years old.

People with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, glaucoma should take tea with caution. The question of the possibility of drinking a drink should always be agreed with a gastroenterologist.

Possible side effects

Not a single remedy is insured against the appearance of side effects, whether it belongs to traditional or folk medicine. Monastic tea, used to treat the stomach, is also no exception. And although it is based only on proven natural ingredients, there may be undesirable effects associated with the peculiarity of the action of individual ingredients:

If the collection is prepared without respecting the proportion of its components, intoxication may occur in the form of vomiting, headache. This happens with an excess of St. John's wort and elecampane, which contain toxic substances.

Who is the manufacturer, where to buy and what is the price?

The main suppliers of natural raw materials for tea production are the Russian LLC Megan 200, Soyuztorg, Resurstorg, Afiva, Berezovy Mir and others. And there are a great many tea producers in all CIS countries where raw materials are supplied. The manufacturer sells finished products through herbal stores, online pharmacies and various trading sites.

Stomach tea prepared according to the monastic recipe is not sold in pharmacies of the state pharmacopoeia. The issue of its certification by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is still open, but suppliers have a declaration of the customs union on the conformity of the goods. Therefore, the question of trust in the manufacturer and the seller also remains open.

It should be borne in mind that not all online sellers offer a product with its true composition, and it is very problematic to determine it in a dry mixture of herbs. There are official sales sites, but their responsibility for quality is doubtful.

The price of 1 package of monastery tea for the stomach, according to its official online sellers, is 990-1000 rubles. But among the many offers of this product, there is a higher cost, reaching 4,000 rubles. This is a clear overstatement, and the likelihood that the composition is questionable.

Useful video

What is important to know about buying monastic tea and other similar products is voiced in this video.

Is it worth buying at all?

Before pinning hopes on healing tea, you should think carefully and weigh all the arguments, both in favor and against it. Undoubtedly, its composition is very good, and the role of traditional medicine in the treatment of gastric diseases cannot be belittled. And this is perhaps the only argument in favor of this drug.

There are many more negative points that should be looked at soberly, taking off rose-colored glasses:

Its history began in those days when all diseases were treated with herbs. The healers were mostly among the monks, but they treated well. That is why the recipe for gastric tea has come down to us since the time of monk healers.

The composition of this drink is natural: some herbs collected in untouched Siberian forests. This tea can not be bought in pharmacies. The monks recommended that the collection of herbs be postponed until the feast of Ivan Kupala - then they will gain their miraculous power. It was necessary to tear them at night or at dawn.

Causes of gastrointestinal problems

The main factors affecting the occurrence of problems with the intestines and stomach are:

  1. Systematic overeating;
  2. Prolonged fasting;
  3. Improper nutrition;
  4. Improper medication intake, abuse of them;
  5. Infectious bowel disease;
  6. Prolonged depression;
  7. stress;
  8. Impaired blood circulation of gastric tissues.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that treats gastric tea

The positive effect of Siberian tea for the stomach

Monastic tea is a collection of herbs useful for the stomach. Why is it useful to drink it in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

This collection will help restore health even after an ulcer thanks to the vitamins, amino acids, minerals and special tannins contained in green herbs. Siberian green collection is able to restore the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines after serious illnesses, improve metabolic processes and intestinal motility in the body, thereby providing a huge health benefit.

Tea composition

In order to understand why monastery tea is so popular, it is necessary to know its composition. All the green herbs that make up tea for the stomach, the monks advised to collect on the night of Ivan Kupala.

If, after a person has drunk a weak tea broth, he feels sick or vomits, then there is an individual intolerance and the Siberian collection must be canceled to maintain health.

Here is a list of green medicinal herbs that are part of the monastery collection:

tea recipe

The herbs included in the collection will give the maximum of all their healing properties only when the tea has been properly brewed in compliance with the dosage.

Preparing 1 cup of tea:

Pour 1 teaspoon of the monastery gastric collection into the dishes;
Pour boiling water (200-250 ml);
Infuse for 10-15 minutes without closing the lid;
Strain and drink if necessary. You can add sugar or lemon juice.

It is recommended to brew the drink immediately before drinking, but it is permissible to prepare tea immediately for the whole day (2-4 servings). It can not be heated (especially in a microwave oven) - so all useful substances will evaporate from the broth.

Usually, for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 2-3 weeks of taking a decoction are required. If the disease has passed into the chronic stage, several tea courses may be needed. Between them, you need to take a break of 1-2 weeks.

This fee can be purchased at any of the many online stores with delivery either by courier to your home or to the nearest post office. You can't find it in pharmacies.

Before using this remedy, consult your doctor! Monastic tea during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated!

Video about the beneficial properties of tea

How to prepare stomach tea according to the monastery recipe 9 from medicinal herbs?

If you want to put your digestive system in order, then it is not necessary to take medications that can harm the body. After numerous studies, it has been proven that the monastic recipe for gastric tea from 9 components can solve not only sudden problems (heartburn, constipation, burning), but also solve the most serious ailments.

Among the indications for the use of such tea can be noted:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal infections;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • metabolic disorder.

As a rule, we treat such diseases with medical methods, which most often have a high price and negative consequences for the body. Monastic tea will not only get rid of unpleasant diseases, but also strengthen the immunity of the body as a whole, give tone and cheerful mood every day. Another positive point is that the taste of the drink is very rich, so you can combine business with pleasure.

What is the duration of the use of gastric tea?

Gastric tea has no contraindications, so its long-term use will improve overall well-being. To solve exciting problems, it is enough to include it in a daily regimen for 2-3 weeks. Experts assure that after this period, a person will feel the first positive results.

Why is monastic tea so useful for the gastrointestinal tract?

The unique composition of this collection justifies its healing properties. Its components are 9 medicinal herbs that provide a comprehensive approach to the problem.

  • calendula - the main assistant in the treatment of gastritis and various kinds of ulcers;
  • flax seeds - fight against inflammatory processes, have a protective function for the mucous membrane of organs;
  • dog-rose fruit - are known for their choleretic effect and the content of a large amount of vitamins;
  • St. John's wort - normalizes the acidity of the stomach, also relieves inflammation;
  • cudweed - allows you to relieve pain and spasms;
  • peppermint - normalizes the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite;
  • sagebrush - normalizes metabolism;
  • horsetail - powerful antiseptic;
  • yarrow flowers - are known for their tonic properties.

Monastic recipe 9: reviews

People of different years send reviews about monastery gastric tea all over the Internet, as this drink helped them. Most people are 100% satisfied with their purchase, which not only solved their current problem, but also improved overall health.