Meat broths from how many months to children. From how many months can you give a child vegetable and meat soup (video recipe)

According to most parents, soup is a must-have dish on a child's menu. However, complementary foods are introduced to the baby, starting with vegetables, then proceed to cereals and fruits. When can you start making soup? What recipes for this dish are suitable for feeding a baby up to a year? We will tell you in detail at what age you can offer soups to your baby, and how to cook them correctly.

Soup for a baby is an important food, so he gets used to more adult food

The optimal age of the child for the introduction of soups in the diet

From how many months can an infant be offered soup for lunch (we recommend reading:)? According to experts, it is important to wait for the stage when the baby's digestive tract is completely ready to work on digesting the dish. On average, the age when a baby can be given a liquid dish without fear is 9 months. At the same time, after consulting with a pediatrician, it makes sense to try to feed the baby with soup earlier - starting from the 8th month (we recommend reading:).

If a child is bottle-fed, he can taste a new dish even earlier - at 7 months (we recommend reading:). It should be understood that at first complementary foods should be introduced in small portions, it is desirable to bring the volume of the decoction to 100-150 ml by the end of the second week. After a year, this portion may already be 200-220 ml.

The benefits of soup for infants are obvious: liquid meals stimulate appetite, deliver nutrients to their destination, and replenish body fluids.

In addition, a decoction of vegetables and cereals indirectly helps other dishes to be better absorbed, as they stimulate the production of gastric juice. In this regard, they are called first courses, which are best eaten before eating more difficult to digest foods. Soups useful for babies:

  • with the addition of vegetables, they are a source of fiber, in addition, they saturate the body with mineral salts and organic acids;
  • dairy with cereals - rich in vegetable proteins, starch, vitamins;
  • pea or based on other types of legumes will also become a source of protein, they contain vitamins, trace elements (more in the article:);
  • with meat - the child needs animal protein, but it can be given closer to the year.

Pediatricians note that during the preparation of the first course, it is important to take into account other foods on the baby's menu. If the child has already eaten mashed potatoes or other vegetables for breakfast, it is better to prepare the soup for him with the addition of cereals.

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Soup for a child is different from dishes for adults. It is important to understand that many food processing techniques are unacceptable in a children's kitchen. We have collected recommendations from experts on preparing first courses for babies:

  • It is advisable to take purified water, do not boil taken from the tap. Poor quality water will reduce the usefulness of the dish, and add toxic substances to it.
  • Children should not prepare ahead of time. Let the broth be freshly prepared, then most of the vitamins and minerals will be preserved, and the dish will be as useful as possible. For the same reason, you should not feed the crumbs with yesterday's food.
  • Vegetables that are intended for preparing a decoction are best cleaned and washed immediately before cooking.
  • Do not cook the dish on high heat. It is advisable only to bring it to a boil, then simmer at the very minimum heat, covered with a lid. This technique will allow you to save a maximum of vitamins.

The very first children's soups are prepared exclusively on water.
  • Soups for babies are cooked on water, not on broth. It is better to add meat to the dish later, by cooking it separately. Rich meat broth will be a heavy burden for the imperfect digestive system of the baby.
  • If you want to make the dish bright, with a rich taste, it makes sense to use several types of vegetables, but do not abuse salt. Lightly salting is not forbidden, but there should be a minimum amount of salt. In order not to oversalt the soup, a saline solution is used. To prepare it, you need to take 25 g of salt per 100 g of water. Use this solution for dishes at the rate of 1 tsp. per 200 g of food.
  • Most often, babies are offered pureed soups. Such a consistency of dishes is not only comfortable for a child who does not yet have teeth, puree food is ideal for the stomach, it is well absorbed. Watch video recipes and explore the options for mashed soups.

vegetable soups

Soups based on vegetables are the first to be offered to the baby. These dishes are easier to digest, improve digestion, they are indicated for constipation. It is important to use only proven vegetables that have not been grown with toxic substances. So that the food does not lose its nutrients, it should be cooked immediately before eating.

Zucchini soup puree with broccoli

For this dish you will need 200 ml of water or vegetable broth. You will also need:

  • zucchini, diced - 50 g;
  • broccoli - 2-3 inflorescences;

Pour vegetables into boiling water or broth, cover with a lid, cook until soft. Then knead (as an option, grind through a sieve), mix with liquid, add salt solution, bring to 100 degrees. Before giving to a child, fill with oil.

Adults will also like this dish, it includes the usual ingredients. You will need:

  • potatoes - 40 g (1 pc.);
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • white cabbage - 50 g;
  • butter of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Potato and carrot soup

Vegetables cut into rectangles, pour 1 cup boiling water, cook, covered with a lid, using low heat. Rub through a sieve, even more convenient with a blender, add saline, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, drizzle with butter.

Carrot soup with millet

The dish is cooked on a carrot broth, only then other ingredients are added to it. Would need:

  • carrots - 15-20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • potatoes - 15 g (1/4 pc.);
  • millet - 2 tsp;
  • salt dissolved in water - 3 ml;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Chop the carrots into circles, pour a glass with a quarter of boiling water. Cook under the lid until boiling, drain the broth into another bowl. Pour well-washed millet into it, boil for several minutes, add chopped potatoes. Before the end of cooking, add boiled carrots, salt solution, bring to a boil. Fill with oil at the end.

Cream soup with semolina and green peas

The dish is bright, very nutritious due to peas and semolina. Take:

  • potatoes - 20 g;
  • tomato - 20 g;
  • fresh green peas - 20 g;
  • cabbage - 20 g;
  • zucchini (peeled) - 20g;
  • green beans - 20 g;
  • onions - to taste;
  • semolina - 1 tsp;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Wash, peel and chop all vegetables. Pour boiling water, cook for half an hour under the lid. Grind through a sieve, add semolina, after boiling, cook for another quarter of an hour. Serve with oil.

Soups with meat and fish fillets

Many babies are happy to eat pre-chopped meat and fish. If the child does not want to eat these foods, you can prepare a decoction with the addition of one of them so that the baby gets a lot of useful substances.

We will offer several recipes for meat and fish soups for the baby. It is better to cook such soups closer to the year, so as not to burden the digestive system of the crumbs. Choose the best option and be sure to offer your child a healthy dish!

Rice with turkey meat

For this dish, turkey meat must be boiled separately, and the broth should be used in other recipes. Soup for the baby is better to cook on the basis of water. Would need:

  • potatoes - 70 g;
  • boiled turkey meat (fillet) - 30 g;
  • rice - 2 tsp;
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • onions - 20 g (1/2 pc.).

In boiling water (200 ml), pour washed rice, grated carrots, onions, potatoes into pieces. Boil under the lid for as long as necessary until the vegetables are soft. Add chopped meat, salt solution, bring to a boil.

With meatballs

Soup with meatballs

Children love vegetable broths with meatballs. To instill in a child a love for liquid dishes, it is quite possible to cook such a meal for a baby. You will need:

  • rabbit meat - 100 g;
  • carrots - 20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • parsley root - 20 g (1/4 pc.);
  • onion head - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • white bread - 10 g;
  • quail egg - 2 pcs. or chicken - ½ pc.

Boil the meat, grind in a meat grinder or chop with a blender along with white bread. Add half a raw egg to the mass, roll up small round meatballs. In boiling water (200 ml), add pieces of vegetables, boil. Add meatballs and boil for a quarter of an hour.

Bean with beef

Pour beans with cold water, leave for a couple of hours to soak. Then rinse, put on fire, cook until tender. Separately boil the meat. You will need:

  • boiled beef meat - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • carrots - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • onion - 30 g (1/2 pc.);
  • boiled white beans - 1 tbsp;
  • salt dissolved in water - 3 ml.

Pour a glass of water into the ladle, bring to 100 degrees. Add chopped carrots, finely chopped onions, diced potatoes. Boil under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Pour beans, chopped meat. Boil the same amount, at the end add a solution of salt.

Rice with fish

Fish dishes occupy a special place in the children's menu. It is quite possible for a child to offer fish from the age of 9 months. For this dish, take:

  • sea ​​fish fillet (hake, pollock) - 100 g;
  • rice - 1 tsp;
  • potatoes - 50 g (1/2 pc.);
  • carrots - 30 g;
  • onion - 30 g;
  • oil of the highest fat content - 5 g.

Cut the fish and boil for half an hour. Separately, boil potatoes, carrots, onions, cut into small cubes in a glass of water. Add rice to vegetables, boil for another 10 minutes. After that, add the fish and salt solution, bring to a boil, season with butter.

As your child becomes familiar with a variety of foods, in addition to juices, purees and cereals, it is time for real soup to appear on his menu. Of course, not "adult" cabbage soup, borscht or pickle, but a special children's dish. Soups are healthy, satiate well, easy to digest, this is a complete nutrition that is simply necessary for improving health. So, when can you give your child soup and what varieties of this dish should be introduced into the diet?

By about 9-10 months of age, babies are usually ready to try their first soup. But everyone has individual characteristics, and if the pediatrician does not mind, treat the child to the “first” earlier, at 7 or 8 months. For “artificial” children, the doctor may recommend such nutrition from 5-6 months. You can feed your baby with soup once at lunchtime or twice - for lunch and dinner. Up to a year, the baby needs 100-150 ml, then this amount is brought to 200-250 ml.

Cooking rules for baby

Any soups replenish nutrient fluid reserves, stimulate appetite, as well as the secretion of digestive juice, suitable for the absorption of other dishes. They are called "first" courses, as they open lunch. Different stews "supply" different nutrients to babies:

  • vegetable - mineral salts, vegetable fibers (fiber), organic acids;
  • cereals, pasta, milk- vegetable protein, vitamins, starch;
  • legumes - vegetable protein, vitamins, trace elements.

Here are a few simple principles that will help you create a delicious and healthy first course for your child.

Cooking delicious nutritious meals for your baby is not difficult, and there are a great many recipes for them. We will talk about popular options suitable for different ages and reveal interesting “kitchen” secrets.

Milk soups

Milk soup for children is prepared with both pasta and cereals, vegetables. First, the products are boiled until cooked, then poured with boiling milk. It can be whole or dry - of course, if there is no allergy to dairy. Whole milk should be diluted halfway with water until the child is two years old. Dilute dry with water to the consistency of sour cream, then add a little water (all you need is a liter of water per 50 g of powdered milk).

A thick-walled saucepan is suitable for milk soup. Milk will not burn if you rinse it with cold water before pouring it into the pan. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently.

Here is one of the recipes with potatoes (suitable soup for a 7 month old baby).

  1. Wash a small peeled potato, cut into thin strips.
  2. Pour the chopped potatoes with 100 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour in 1 cup of hot milk. Boil, leave on the stove for 2 minutes.
  4. Put in a piece of butter.

A very popular recipe is with pasta or vermicelli.

  1. In 500 ml of boiling water, pour 5-6 tablespoons of thin vermicelli-"cobwebs", cook for 7 minutes.
  2. Drain the vermicelli into a colander.
  3. Boil 1.5 liters of milk, put the vermicelli, cook over low heat for 3 minutes.
  4. Fill with butter.

vegetable soups

Vegetable soup for a child is very useful - the main thing to remember is that at too high a temperature, the nutrients in vegetables will not last long. Here, for example, is such a recipe.

  1. Cut into thin slices one small potato, 15 g pumpkin pulp and 15 g carrots.
  2. Pour water over the carrots (2 tablespoons), add a piece of butter and sweat until the carrots are soft.
  3. Add potatoes, pumpkin, a few broccoli florets.
  4. Pour the vegetables with a glass of water, close the pan with a lid, cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Remove the pot from the stove immediately after boiling.

For a change, you can alternate this soup with vegetable puree. You can also make puree soup for children from one year old: boiled vegetables are rubbed through a sieve or chopped with a blender, then poured with chilled broth from the same vegetables (sometimes milk) and brought to a boil.

Pea soup for children is often one of the most favorite. Despite the fact that peas are a dietary product, they are very nutritious, as they contain a lot of protein. The only remark: you should not cook such a dish too often, as the beans are the cause of excessive gas formation.

Light pea soup can be given to babies from the age of six months. For cooking, you need to take not dry, but frozen or fresh green peas.

Here are the basic principles for making pea soup for an 8 month old baby. It is permissible to add meat to the dish (chicken, turkey, veal), cooked separately and chopped in a meat grinder or blender.

  • To make the peas boil better, soak them in cool water overnight.
  • Boil soup in vegetable broth.
  • Put the ingredients that take longer to cook first. For example, first peas, then carrots, potatoes and onions.

If your family eats dietary pea soup that does not contain smoked meats, fatty meats, spices and other ingredients that are “incomprehensible” (and unhealthy) for the baby, just dilute it with water by half and feed the baby.

Soups with meat

You can make meat soup for a 1 year old baby. By this age, you have probably introduced meat into complementary foods. Just put the meat puree from the jar into the already prepared vegetable broth. Add regular chicken or veal: the meat is cooked separately and then chopped (sometimes a pre-soaked bun is added to the minced meat). And if you pour a tablespoon of cold water into the minced meat and form small balls, you will get meatballs.

Dip fresh meatballs into the broth 10 minutes before cooking. Meatballs (like vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, carrots) can be prepared in advance by freezing in the freezer.

This is how they cook soup with meatballs for children.

  1. Put 3-4 frozen meatballs into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, wash, peel and cut the vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Pour the vegetables into a saucepan, cook for about 25 minutes on the lowest heat with stirring (time increases if potatoes are among the vegetables).

In almost every home, soup is an indispensable part of the meal, and although the cooking methods for adults and very young ones differ, it is simply necessary to teach a child to this dish. You have learned different recipes for soups for children and you can diversify your baby's diet, bringing it closer to the food familiar to the whole family. This is not the only and not the main dish for lunch (the main nutritional load is still the main course), but the more often it is on the child's menu, the better.


The nutrition of a small child is one of the main concerns of young parents, because the substances and microelements contained in the products directly affect the harmonious development and health. From birth, the baby feeds on mother's milk, but then it is necessary to introduce other dishes into the diet of a son or daughter. One of the important questions that worries parents: when can you give your child soup? This dish is easy to prepare, does not require a large number of ingredients and will only bring benefits, the main thing is to know when and how to cook it correctly.

Cooking rules for baby

You need to start feeding your baby with soup carefully. This is due to the fact that the body of a child does not work quite the same way as the body of an adult. You can easily find recipes for soups for children, when using which you must follow certain rules. A few words about how to cook the first dish, ideally suited for the body of a small child:

  • Buy good vegetables in a trusted place where everything is always fresh. Do not give food cooked with beaten, overripe, rotten vegetables. Before preparing the soup, thoroughly clean everything and soak in water. Do not cut vegetables into too small pieces, otherwise they will have less useful substances after cooking.
  • Choose low-fat meat. The first courses on the menu of an adult are rich, with fatty, juicy broth, but in no case should you feed a child with a soup of this composition. In order not to irritate the digestive system, it is worth preparing soups with turkey fillet, chicken, lean veal, beef, and rabbit. Soup with meat is desirable to cook on the second or third water.
  • For cooking use table water y. The soup must be boiled in a purified, filtered liquid, otherwise it may turn out to be too heavy.
  • Avoid prolonged heat treatment. If you want to give a light pea soup so that it retains all the nutrients, throw the prepared, pre-soaked peas into already boiling water - in this case, the vitamins will not “cook”. It is allowed to store it only for 1 day, you should not warm up the soup, and then give it to the baby.
  • Oil minimum! Fat must be consumed for the harmonious development of the child, but it is worth doing it in a limited way - two teaspoons per 100 ml. Use fresh butter, olive oil.
  • Use familiar ingredients. The digestive system adapts for a long time to the products that we use daily, so you need to introduce them into the menu gradually. Before preparing soups, you should give porridge with one vegetable - peas, cabbage, potatoes, and only then make first courses from them.
  • The baby should not be given, pickle, borscht, kharcho, mushroom soup, hodgepodge, soups with seafood. Remember that puree soup for children from a year or a little younger does not look like a first course familiar to adults.
  • If the baby does not want to eat: think you might be doing something wrong, like adding spices or a lot of salt. Maybe he doesn't like the taste of onions or cauliflower. Try replacing components. Some children don't like the consistency - for example, you could make it too thick or vice versa - liquid. You can also try to take a break from this meal for a few days and then try again.

Milk soups

Milk soup for babies 5-6 months is ideal. As a rule, milk diluted with water is used for cooking, later - whole. To make the soup more satisfying, give energy, supplement it with cereals, noodles, pasta, vegetables. It is important that everything is well boiled, otherwise the food may be too hard for the child. Be sure to add butter to such a dish - so it will become more tender. Read below the recipe for pea soup for children with milk.


  • Half a potato.
  • 30 gr cabbage.
  • 30 gr carrots.
  • 1 small spoon of canned peas.
  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • 175 milliliters of water.
  • Two teaspoons of butter.
  • A little salt.

How to cook:

  1. Wash fresh vegetables well. Chop the cabbage thoroughly by shredding, grate the carrots and potatoes or cut into small strips (if you are already 1 year old).
  2. Stew carrots: to do this, put them in an aluminum pan, add a teaspoon of butter, leave for ten minutes under a closed lid.
  3. Add chopped potatoes, cabbage, some green peas to the stewed carrots in a saucepan.
  4. Warm up the water, salt. Add it to vegetables. Keep on fire until the ingredients are cooked.
  5. Warm up the milk, pour into the finished soup. Wait until the mixture boils, let it simmer a little over low heat, and then remove the pan and leave to cool.
  6. Add the remaining butter - you can give the soup to the child.

vegetable soups

Vegetable soup for a child is a storehouse of trace elements. They help the body to be healthy. At first, you need to give soup with vegetable puree, in which the products are carefully chopped. A little later, when the digestive system gets used to the new food, when the child grows up a little, it is allowed to cut the vegetables into larger pieces. The first dish can be consumed from 5-6 months, and the combined options - from 7-8 months.

Soup for a 7-month-old baby can be a mixture of vegetable components - peas, cabbage, potatoes, broccoli. Especially popular with parents is the dietary first course of peas, which contains many useful substances, is easily tolerated by the baby's stomach, and promotes health. Such pea soup is suitable for a child of 8 months and older. The recipe is simple and healthy. How to make cream soup with peas, read below.


  • 100 g frozen or canned peas (fresh is perfect in summer).
  • 1 potato.
  • 10 gr butter.

How to cook:

  1. Peel potatoes, rinse well. Rinse the peas too if they are frozen.
  2. Put the potatoes to boil.
  3. When the potatoes are cooked, grind them together with the peas to a mushy state.
  4. Transfer vegetables to a saucepan, add oil, mix thoroughly.
  5. Delicious cream soup is ready!

Meat soups

Meat dishes can be hard on the body, so doctors recommend giving them no earlier than eight months of age. In order not to overload the digestive system, you should use lean meat - for example, chicken, turkey, veal, beef. It will give the child the substances necessary for the body: proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B. Up to a year, vegetable broth is used, the meat itself is added there after cooking, the water is drained from it.

By the time meat is introduced into the diet, the child will most likely already have teeth with which he can chew food. Therefore, parents do not have to make cream soup, you can knead everything well with a fork, turning it into a puree. Below you can read the recipe for cooking food for the baby, which is gentle on the digestive tract.


  • 1 potato.
  • 40 gr carrots.
  • 20 gr onion.
  • 1 tablespoon of buckwheat.
  • 50 gr turkey.

How to do:

  1. Peel all vegetables well, wash, chop into cubes. Boil until cooked along with buckwheat.
  2. Boil the turkey fillet separately.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a blender, bringing to a puree state and knead with a fork.
  4. Before serving, add a little vegetable oil.

If you want to cook meat soup for a 1 year old baby, you can already gradually use broths made with meat. However, it is worth remembering that in this case it is necessary to cook vegetables on the “second” water. This means that after boiling the product, the liquid is drained, then it is boiled again and food is cooked on the resulting broth. Vegetables can be cut into small pieces rather than mashed. Soup with meatballs for children is cooked already after reaching the age of one and a half years.

Soups are a necessary dish that should be included in the daily diet of every child. Feeding the baby begins with the introduction of vegetables, then the baby is given gluten-free and dairy-free cereals, hypoallergenic fruits, juices. The first vegetarian soups with vegetables are given to the baby as early as 6-7 months after the inclusion of vegetable purees. The baby's first soup is vegetable puree, diluted with water or vegetable broth, cooked without salt and other spices.

Then, closer to the year, soups with chicken and meat broth, recipes with noodles and meatballs, and milk soups are gradually introduced into the child's diet closer to the year. After a year, the diet includes fish soup, cabbage soup and children's borscht. At the age of 1.5-2 years, they begin to cook pea and bean soups. But it is better to refuse dishes with mushrooms for at least three to four years. Let's take a closer look at how and at what age children can be given soup. Learn the rules and recipes for cooking for the little ones and older kids.

What soups to feed

Pediatricians are advised to include soups from 6-7 months after the introduction of vegetables. First courses should be as simple as possible and consist of no more than two components. Zucchini, squash, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli work well. Gradually, new ingredients are included in the recipe and already three- and four-component dishes are given. Vegetable soups are rich in minerals and vitamins, useful organic acids and vegetable fibers. This composition ensures the full growth and proper development of each child.

At first, the dish should have a puree or creamy consistency, and the ingredients should be crushed. It should be convenient and comfortable for the baby to eat, because he still does not know how to chew well. Gradually increase the amount of broth. In a year, a baby can already be given a traditional liquid soup with finely chopped pieces of vegetables.

Pieces of meat and chicken, small meatballs are added to the soup at the age of 9-10 months. At 11-12 months, chopped fish can be added to the soup. When preparing such dishes, meat or fish is boiled separately from the broth, then finely cut or passed through a blender and added to the finished soup. They cook such food only on vegetable broth!

Among meat products, chicken and turkey, beef, and rabbit are perfect for babies. From fish, the child is primarily given low-fat varieties, including river perch, hake and pollock, pike perch and haddock. But soup with meat or fish broth is not recommended for children under three years old. When cooked, fish and meat release certain substances that are difficult to digest and digest, and negatively affect the digestion of a small child.

After a year, milk soups with noodles, vermicelli or cereals are included in the diet. Such food is filled with vitamins and minerals, starch and vegetable proteins. This is a very nutritious soup that quickly saturates the body and, if necessary, helps to gain weight. Pediatricians recommend cooking cereals and pasta separately, and then pour the components with warmed milk. In addition, at first it is better to dilute milk with water.

Many parents are interested in whether children can have mushroom soup. Pediatricians advise giving dishes with mushrooms closer to 6-7 years. Mushrooms are a dangerous and heavy product, which, due to the content of chitin, is very difficult and takes a long time to digest. This leads to indigestion, indigestion and stool. In addition, mushrooms absorb toxins and toxic substances from the soil and the environment well, which can cause poisoning.

When to introduce soups into complementary foods

Dish When to give How often can you give
Vegetable soup with vegetable broth 6-7 months Every day
Soup puree with meat in vegetable broth 8-9 months Two to three times a week
Cereal soup-puree on vegetable broth 8-9 months Once or twice a week
Vegetable liquid soup with vegetable broth 10-12 months Every day
Soup puree with fish in vegetable broth 9-12 months Once a week
Thin soup with pieces of meat in vegetable broth 12 months Two or three times a week
Liquid cereal soup in vegetable broth 12-13 months Once or twice a week
Soup with meatballs in vegetable broth 12-13 months Once or twice a week
Soups with pieces of fish in vegetable broth 12-13 months Once or twice a week
Milk soups 12-13 months Once or twice a week
Borscht in vegetable broth 1.5 years Once or twice a week
Pickle in vegetable broth 1.5 years Once a week
Bean and pea soup in vegetable broth 1.5-2 years Once a week
Soups with meat and fish broth 2.5-3 years In one day
Mushroom cream soup Over 3 years old Once for two weeks
Classic mushroom soup 5-7 years No more than once a week

How to include soups in complementary foods

  • For the first time, prepare a vegetable puree for your baby from one ingredient and dilute it with vegetable broth so that the dish gets the consistency of puree. You can beat the puree with the broth again;
  • Let the baby try the dish in the amount of half or one teaspoon and observe how the crumbs feel. If you notice symptoms of food allergies, indigestion, or stool problems, delay administration and contact your doctor;
  • If there is no negative reaction, continue to give the soup and gradually increase the portion to 80-100 ml. This is the daily rate for a child at 6-7 months, at 8-9 months the rate is increased to 150 ml, by the year - up to 180 ml. For a baby 1.5-2 years old, a portion of soup is 200-220 ml;
  • Before cooking, the ingredients are carefully selected, washed and cleaned. If it is meat, the fillet is left for 1-2 hours in cold water. Grains are sorted and washed in cool water;
  • When cooking do not use spices. After a year, salt and a little pepper can be added to the recipe if desired. For taste, the soup is seasoned with sour cream. Vegetable puree soups can be seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, and butter is put in dairy dishes;
  • Do not fry the ingredients for the recipe. Vegetables and other products need to be boiled, baked or lightly stewed in vegetable oil;
  • When a new dish is included, each ingredient in its composition must already be introduced into the diet of the baby;
  • Don't force your child to eat if he doesn't want to. Do not teach children to eat while watching TV or playing. What to do if the baby does not want to eat, read.

Soup recipes for babies

Vegetable puree soup for the first meal

To prepare the first soup, take broccoli or cauliflower, rinse the vegetable and divide into inflorescences. Leave in cool water for one to two hours, then dip into boiling water and cook until soft, about six to seven minutes. Ready cabbage is passed through a blender and poured with vegetable broth. In the future, carrots and potatoes can be added to this recipe.

Vegetable cream soup with chicken for 8 months old baby

  • Pumpkin - 10 grams of pulp;
  • Carrots - ½ pieces;
  • Potato - ½ fruit;
  • Chicken fillet - 20 grams;
  • Quail egg - 1 boiled yolk;
  • Chopped herbs - 1 tsp. a spoon;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tsp. spoons.

Prepare vegetables. Boil the pumpkin and potatoes, finely chop the carrots and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Boil the chicken separately, cut into small pieces. Mix the vegetables, add the yolk and chicken, chop in a blender. Pour a little decoction after the pumpkin into the finished soup, if desired. Mix the mass, add vegetable oil and sprinkle with herbs.

Milk soup for a child a year

  • Milk - 1.5 l;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Vermicelli or homemade noodles - 50 grams.

For making soup, it is better to use homemade noodles. To do this, you need a chicken egg and 100 grams of first grade wheat flour. The egg is beaten separately and mixed with flour. Knead a stiff dough, which is placed in a plastic bag or cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The finished dough is cut into pieces, rolled in flour, rolled out and left to dry completely. The resulting dry cakes are cut into thin noodles.

To prepare milk soup, pasta is sent to boiling water and cooked until tender for 8-10 minutes. Drain the noodles or vermicelli into a colander. When they drain, put in boiling milk and cook for another three minutes. Put a piece of butter in the finished dish.

Milk rice soup for a one year old baby

  • Rice - 150 gr;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Milk - 1.5 liters.

The rice is washed and sorted. The grains are boiled in water until cooked, the excess liquid is drained and added to preheated milk. The dish is cooked over low heat for about twenty minutes, stirring the rice regularly. Instead of rice, you can take oatmeal, corn or barley grits, barley. It is not recommended to take buckwheat, since in combination with milk it is very difficult and takes a long time to digest.

Soup with meatballs

  • Minced beef or chicken without salt - 200 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 1 yolk;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Bulb - ½ head.

Peel the vegetables, finely chop the onion and carrot, stew in vegetable oil. Cut potatoes and cook separately. Mash the prepared ingredients with a fork, and mix the minced meat with the egg and form meatballs. Put vegetables and meatballs into potato broth. Cook until meatballs float. This soup is suitable for children older than 9-10 months.

Soup with meatballs and vermicelli

  • Minced beef or chicken without salt - 300 gr;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Bulb - 1 piece;
  • Vermicelli short - 50 grams.

This recipe is suitable for children over 1.5 years old. Peel and chop the vegetables, except for the onion. Put potatoes and a whole onion into boiling salted water. Form meatballs from minced meat and add to the broth after five minutes. Stew the carrots for about three minutes and put in the soup when the potatoes are cooked. Add vermicelli and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Remove the onion from the finished dish with a slotted spoon, if desired, you can add chopped fresh herbs. Parsley or dill works well.

Chicken soup with beans for children 1.5-2 years old

  • Chicken fillet - 200 gr;
  • Beans - ½ cup;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Bulb - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece.

For the preparation of children's soups, you can not take canned beans or canned peas! Canned foods contain a large amount of chemicals and dangerous components that adversely affect the baby's digestion.

Rinse the beans, sort and soak for 8-12 hours in cold water. Then drain the water and cook until tender. Boil the chicken separately. Peel and cut vegetables. Saute onions and carrots a little. If the kids already eat tomatoes, you can add chopped tomatoes without peel. The potatoes are added to the beans when they become soft, and now they are boiled until the potatoes are soft. Five minutes before readiness, put onions and carrots in the dish. The chicken is finely chopped and put in a ready-made dish.

Pea soup with meat for babies

  • Peas - 1 cup;
  • Beef - 100 gr;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Bulb - 1 piece.

Sort the peas and soak in cool water for 8-10 hours. Then drain the water and refill with new water. Put the peas to boil. Peel and finely chop onions and carrots, stew in vegetable oil. Cut the peeled potatoes and add to the peas after 1.5 hours from the start of cooking.

Cook until potatoes are soft. Five minutes before cooking, put onions and carrots in the soup. Boil beef separately until cooked for 1.5-2 hours. Finely chop the cooked meat and add to the finished soup. The dish is decorated with chopped parsley or dill. Such a soup, like bean soup, is given to children after 1.5 years.

Mushroom puree soup for children over three years old

  • Fresh champignons - 250 gr;
  • Wheat flour - 2 table. spoons;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Milk - 2 cups;
  • Butter - 40 gr;
  • Cream 5% - 100 ml.

Champignons are considered the safest mushrooms, as they are grown in greenhouse or farm conditions far from roads, factories and other negative factors. Such mushrooms do not absorb chemicals and hazardous substances. Also, you won't make the mistake of picking a poisonous mushroom, as can happen when picking mushrooms in the forest.

Peel and chop the washed mushrooms and onions. Stew the onion in melted butter until soft (about three minutes), add flour and simmer for another one or two minutes. Add two tablespoons of warm water and beat the mass with a mixer or blender. Pour another half glass of water and milk, salt if necessary and bring the mixture to a boil.

Put chopped mushrooms and cook for 15-20 minutes. Pour in the cream and boil for another two minutes. Beat the resulting mixture again with a blender or mixer. Chopped fresh herbs can be added to the finished dish. You can find even more recipes for babies at the link.

The content of the article:

The first complementary foods are introduced into the diet of an infant when he is six months old. At this time, many mothers begin to ask various questions about this. The complementary foods calendar will help determine from which month and in what order one or another product should be introduced into the crumbs menu. But there comes a time when it is the turn of the baby to get acquainted with soups. In this article, we will figure out when to give chicken soup to children and how to cook it properly.

At what age can children have chicken soup

Vegetarian vegetable soups are the first to appear in a child's diet. In fact, you give your baby mashed vegetables, the consistency of which is more liquid due to the fact that a decoction is added to them.

Pediatricians disagree somewhat when it is better to offer the child first courses. Some are of the opinion that the best age for this is 6-7 months. The rest believe that children who are bottle-fed can get acquainted with the soup at 7-8 months, and babies who eat mother's milk - at 10-12 months.

At about the age of 9-10 months, when meat has already appeared on the baby’s menu, you can add chicken meatballs or boiled finely chopped fillet to the soup. After 10 months, the baby can no longer be given mashed soups, but first courses with vegetables chopped with a fork. Thanks to this, the baby will learn to chew faster.

If you are about to introduce a new dish to the baby’s menu, start with one spoonful of broth and see what the reaction will be. If everything is good, then gradually increase the volume, bringing it to the norm corresponding to age (80-100 ml per day).

How to cook chicken soup for kids

Chicken soup for a baby is significantly different from the dish prepared for the rest of the family. A dish for babies should be boiled only in water, not in broth, because at the moment such food is very heavy for him. Toxic substances that are released during cooking can put a lot of stress on the liver and pancreas of the baby.

Chicken broth soups for babies should not be given before the baby is 10 months old, although many pediatricians tend to only do this after 1.5 years.

When preparing chicken broth, it is necessary to boil the lean parts of the bird in a large volume of water, removing the skin from it. The best option would be chicken breast soup for children. When the water boils, you need to remove the foam, then drain the broth and again pour the chicken with fresh water, then cook until cooked. It is highly undesirable to put chicken soup for a child of 9 months in the refrigerator, and then warm it up. When the meat broth is heated, harmful substances appear in it that have a negative effect on the delicate gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs. Salt should be added to the chicken broth after boiling.

Below are a few options on how to cook chicken soup for a child at 1 year old, as well as for older children. Among them, you are sure to pick up a soup that your baby will like.

Baby Chicken Soup Recipe: Puree Soup

Chicken puree soup for babies is an ideal option for baby food. These dishes are always included in the diet menu for the child. It is better to cook them with vegetables, so the body of the crumbs will receive a large amount of vitamins and useful trace elements that are necessary for its full growth and development. This chicken cream soup can be given to babies after 9 months.


10 g pumpkin;

Half a carrot;

Half a potato;

20 g chicken fillet;

Boiled quail egg yolk;

Vegetable oil;


How to prepare:

1. Peel and rinse vegetables. Boil potatoes and pumpkin, grate carrots and simmer for about three minutes.

2. Boil the chicken separately, finely chop.

3. Mix vegetables, put the yolk and chicken, beat with a blender.

4. Add a small amount of water to the cooked dish, in which potatoes and pumpkin were boiled.

5. Add oil and chopped herbs.

Soup with chicken meatballs

This soup can feed a baby older than 10 months.

What you need for cooking:

200 g unsalted minced chicken;

One yolk;

One carrot;

Two potatoes;

Half an onion.

How to cook:

1. Cut carrots and onions, fry in a pan with vegetable oil.

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil.

3. Mash all prepared vegetables with a fork.

4. Move the minced meat with the yolk, mold the meatballs.

5. In the water in which the potatoes were boiled, send vegetables and minced meat balls, cook until the meatballs float.

Chicken soup with buckwheat

You get such a soup easy and very useful.

For cooking you will need:

Chicken breast;

Three potatoes;

100 g of buckwheat;

One carrot;



One bulb.

How to prepare:

1. Sort buckwheat, rinse twice, put in a saucepan, pour water and put on medium heat. When the water boils, boil for 5 minutes.

2. Finely chop the onion and carrot and stew until golden brown in a pan.

3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and put in water with buckwheat.

4. Rinse the chicken fillet and pass through a meat grinder, add a little salt. Make small meatballs from the minced meat.

5. 10 minutes after the start of cooking potatoes, put minced meat balls in the pan, boil for the same amount of time.

6. Send onions and carrots to the pan, cook for another 3 minutes.

7. Serving on the table, add chopped greens.

In the same way, chicken soup with rice is prepared.

Chicken soup with vermicelli

To save time, many young mothers prefer to cook such chicken soup for children in a slow cooker.

For cooking you will need:

100 g chicken breast;

One carrot and one onion;

One potato;

3 tbsp vermicelli.

How to prepare:

1. Cut the chicken into large pieces.

2. Grate carrots.

3. Pour 500 ml of water into the multicooker bowl.

4. Select the "Extinguishing" mode, set the time - 60 minutes.

5. After this time, take out the chicken and cut into small pieces.

6. Put back into the bowl, add the vermicelli, set the "steam" mode, cook for one minute.

7. Turn off the multicooker, pour the soup into a bowl. Add greens.