Promising brie. Using Brie as an Ingredient

What do we associate France with? With the sophistication and refined taste of French women, the charm and gallantry of the French, and even with the best wines and delicious cheeses of various tastes, aromas and textures. Surely everyone has their favorite item or product associated with this country. Here is Brie cheese, which has earned recognition all over the world - another "gift" of France. It is an essential element of a good "cheese plate", which is served in restaurants with wines or instead of a sweet dessert. This product has a rich history and an equally rich taste. But first things first.

History of the "King"

Brie cheese was first mentioned in the 8th century, when it was already recognized as one of the most exquisite French dishes. The noble gourmet Charlemagne appreciated this delicate dairy product, soaked in the aromas of green meadows, by tasting it in a village called Bree. Later, the cheese became a regular guest of the royal tables, being considered the most expensive and privileged of its kind. Among the famous admirers of "Brie" were Louis XVI, and Henry IV, and Queen Margot, and Philip Augustus, and many, many others. And at one of the congresses held in Vienna in 1815, this cheese won a competitive tasting arranged by the participants of the meeting, beating Parmesan, Gouda and Stilton. That's when Brie earned the title of "King of Cheeses".

Homeland and main producer of Brie cheese

Since then, a lot of time has passed, and this exquisite product began to be sold in markets and supermarkets around the world. However, the championship in the production of the best tasting Brie cheese belongs to its homeland - France. Several varieties are produced here, the quality and origin of which are kept under strict control. The Appellation d "Origine Contrôlée (or AOC for short) is doing this.

Taste features of Brie

If you take a poll among the French, asking them to name the most delicate cheese with noble mold, the soft "Brie" will undoubtedly come out on top. And it will be absolutely deserved. From above it is covered with a thin crust of white mold, which has a slight sharpness and piquancy, and inside its texture is very tender, creamy and melts in your mouth. The taste of Brie is truly noble.

The best varieties of Brie cheese

Different varieties of cheese differ in aromas and flavors. Here are some of the most famous around the world. Brie de Meaux - it was the first to be produced in France and delivered to the royal table. It is smooth and slightly viscous in texture, has a delicate aroma of mushrooms and matures up to 8 weeks. Somewhat spicier and saltier, Brie de Melun has a softer texture and a hint of meadows. It is more mature and matures up to 2 months. Delicate Brie de Nangis has a pleasant fruity aroma and sweetish taste, aged 4-5 weeks. Soft and resilient cheese with a yellowish rind and white bloom - Brie de Montereau - matures up to 6 weeks. And, finally, the youngest of the presented varieties - Brie de Coulommiers - has a delicate straw shade, melting texture and a long aftertaste, ripens for about 8 weeks. Here is such a different, but invariably royally delicious Brie cheese is made in France.

Brie is good with or without wine.

This product can be eaten without any additives, served with French Bordeaux or delicate Burgundy wine. Although in the preparation of many dishes (from salads to hot dishes and desserts), Brie cheese is often used. Recipes with him are always refined and refined. For example, an appetizer made from fried cheese in dough is popular. As you bite into the crispy crust, you will feel the pleasant creamy taste of the flowing hot Brie. Usually served with cranberry sauce - a delicious combination. This is such a simple yet elegant dish.

Any cheeses, like fermented milk products, are certainly useful for humans. But there are varieties that are more than useful for the body, as they contain elements that are not only important, but also medicinal. One such product is Brie cheese, covered with a white coating, from which the antibiotic penicillin has been isolated.

Brie cheese composition

Brie cheese contains essential amino acids. They are so called because they are not synthesized inside the body and are not replaced by anything else.

Amino acids in the composition of brie cheese, and their role in the human body:

  • Tyrosine - is involved in the synthesis of important hormones: adrenaline, melanin and dopamine;
  • Tryptophan - provides the production of serotonin - an anti-stress hormone;
  • Methionine - is part of the liver enzymes responsible for the neutralization of toxic substances.

Due to the high content of these amino acids, mood improves without additional doping, although gourmets recommend using brie cheese with Champagne. How can cheese improve your mood?

Elementary. Adrenaline raises the tone, because it speeds up all vital processes. Dopamine acts directly on the pleasure center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, melanin smooths out the action of adrenaline, eliminating unnecessary effects in the form of an increase in blood pressure. Serotonin sets up the digestive system for a calm digestion of food, eliminating stress factors that contribute to the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Finally, methionine provides positive emotions from the process itself - eating brie cheese.

Cheese contains a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in the production of steroid hormones, including sex hormones. Fatty acids are called fatty only by the chemical formula - it is impossible to gain weight by eating brie cheese, which has a calorie content of about 300 kcal. According to the calculations of people who are fond of diets, this number of kilocalories corresponds to one glass of sweet iced tea.

The most important trace element is calcium, due to the sufficient content of which the work of the following organs and systems is ensured:

  • Neuromuscular transmission: conscious movements, including the use of fine motor skills. In "jewelry work", for example;
  • Automatism and contractility of the heart muscle;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels in order to prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • Prevention of the destruction of tooth enamel with the development of caries;
  • Strengthening bone tissue is especially important for the elderly and athletes.

Finally, about the most important element of brie cheese, which is present only in its composition, unlike other cheeses. This is a white coating called mold. And this name is more microbiological than colloquial. A delicate and thin white film on the surface of the cheese is not a fungal mold growing on damp walls, but a very thin structure, inside which small mycelia ripen. They are the precursors of penicillin. The pharmacological action of the mold film is much lower than that of solutions and tablets of penicillin, but it is enough to suppress the activity of Staphylococcus aureus, which accidentally got into food.

Brie Cheese: Recipes

Brie cheese recipes were developed in the province of the same name in France during the Louis dynasty. To date, soft brie cheese is also prepared using a similar technology in other European countries and even in the United States of America. Americans, as they tend to, use all sorts of improvements and modifications: they add mushrooms, nuts, herbs. However, according to this recipe, brie cheese is made only in France.

All brie cheese recipes are not trade secrets, but their exact repetition does not give such taste and useful properties. The fact is that this product is prepared by hand from raw materials (cow's milk) obtained in France. An American or Kholmogory cow gives the same milk in composition, but not the same in quality. Grass in other parts of the world is somewhat different. In addition, after separating the whey, it is salted and placed in special cellars. They contain the necessary fungi, which turn into a white film on the surface of the cheese.

The finished product is stored in refrigerators, and be sure to give time to warm up to room temperature before use. Only after that the product acquires a unique taste, reminiscent of a nut. These are the recipes for brie cheese, a product that is not only exotic, but also the most useful.

Additional Benefits of Soft Brie Cheese

Brie cheese is useful not only for the important substances that it contains, but also for the absence of components that are harmful or potentially hazardous to health. So, in soft brie cheese there is no glucose, which makes it possible for diabetics to eat it. Also, due to the action of the mold film, the main element of dairy products - lactose - enters the human body in a bound state. This fact cannot go unnoticed by people who cannot tolerate milk and low-acid dairy products.

Everything is good in moderation

The relatively low calorie content of brie cheese is not enough to be limited to one piece for the whole day. However, increasing the dose does not cover energy costs, on the contrary, it increases the load on the body.

For persons suffering from dysbacteriosis, blue cheese is also contraindicated. Additional intake of an antibiotic, even if only its predecessor, exacerbates the course of the disease. The normal intestinal microflora dies, and conditionally pathogenic bacteria multiply due to active division. However, dysbacteriosis is a temporary condition. After its treatment, contraindications for eating mold cheese are removed.

Delicious soft brie cheese is recommended for people exposed to sunlight: on the beaches. Accelerated production of melatonin protects the skin from sunburn. A person rests, the tan spreads evenly, the mood remains elevated, because such a small thing as eating brie cheese solves the problem of purchasing sunscreens and the effects of sunburn. At the same time, excessive consumption of blue cheese leads to intestinal disorders due to exposure to noble mold containing the precursor of penicillin.

Brie cheese, exotic or everyday?

Delicious blue brie cheese was a favorite delicacy of the French kings, who respected it and consumed it on holidays. Today we have the opportunity to serve a royal dish to the table, both for a big celebration and as an ordinary breakfast. The high price compensates for the pleasures guaranteed by brie cheese, the calorie content of which does not cause fear for the safety of the figure. And yet, mold cheese is not a simple fermented milk product, but a kind of medicine, and it is not recommended to exceed its dosage.

Brie (French: Brie) is a soft cheese made from cow's milk, which got its name from the French province in the central region of Ile-de-France near Paris, where it was first made.

After the French Revolution, brie was proclaimed the people's cheese.

One French revolutionary wrote: “Brie cheese, so beloved by the rich, is now loved by the poor.

It has become a symbol of equality between the rich and the poor." The cheese of kings became the king of cheeses.

Brie cheese with white mold (Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum) has a pale color with a grayish tint and the shape of a flat circle with a diameter of 30-60 centimeters and a thickness of 3-5 centimeters. The thinner the cake, the sharper the cheese.

In the store you can usually buy smaller boxes or individual segments in the package.

Brie cheese smells like ammonia, this smell is light, not spoiling the taste. A more pronounced aroma of ammonia has a moldy crust, but this crust is also eaten.

Young brie is softer and more delicate in taste, becoming sharper as it matures.

A good brie is covered in mildew that resembles white velvet in color. Sometimes the crust has reddish streaks.

Beneath it is the most delicate fluid mass of creamy color, from which a light aroma of hazelnuts emanates.

When you cut a fresh brie, it seems that the cheese will immediately spread before your eyes, but for some reason he does not.

Brie is the most famous French cheese, which is known throughout the world.

This is one of the oldest cheeses, known since the Middle Ages.

Of the other white mold cheeses, Brie is most similar to Camembert, but has less fat content.

There are more than a dozen varieties of brie, but only two types - Brie de Meaux (Brie de Meaux), Brie de Melun (Brie de Melun), bearing the names of small towns located east of Paris, have AOC certification in France (fr. Appellation d 'original contrôlée).

Many varieties of this delicious cheese are produced in different countries, for example, cheese with herbs, nuts, double and triple brie, varieties not made from cow's milk.

How is Brie cheese made?

Brie is produced at any time of the year, and it is one of the most "versatile" French cheeses, as it is well suited to both a regular dinner and a festive table.

An interesting feature of the production of this cheese today is that it is usually made from milk brought from other parts of France.

However, hand-made traditions remain, as true brie is almost impossible to manufacture industrially.

Brie is made using cow's milk and rennet.

The classic brie recipe calls for raw milk, but it's usually pasteurized to be safe.

First, the milk is heated to about 37°C. Two hours after adding the enzyme, the cheese jelly is ready.

The technology for the production of soft French cheeses excludes pressing, therefore, to obtain a quality product, it is necessary to properly strain the whey into.

After shaping, the cheese heads are placed on a straw or plastic mat and turned over regularly.

A week later, mold spores are applied to the surface of the cheese head, which eventually form a thin white crust, sometimes with red streaks.

Fungi give the cheese that unique aroma and spicy taste, enrich it with vitamins.

Then the cheese heads end up in a special room, where, at a strictly controlled temperature, they ripen from 3 to 10 weeks, during which they are periodically turned over.

Pretty realistic to cook

The benefits and harms of Bree

The chemical composition of brie (in 100 g):

  • Water - 48.42 g
  • Proteins - 20.75 g
  • Fats - 27.68 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.45 g
  • Ash - 2.7 g


  • A (retinol) - 173 mcg
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.07 mg
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.52 mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) - 0.38 mg
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.69 mg
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.235 mg
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) 65 mcg
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 1.65 mcg
  • D (calciferol) - 0.5 mcg
  • E (tocopherol) - 0.24 mg
  • K (phylloquinone) - 2.3 mcg
  • Choline (Vitamin B4) 15.4 mg


  • Potassium - 152 mg
  • Calcium - 184 mg
  • Magnesium - 20 mg
  • Sodium - 629 mg
  • Phosphorus - 188 mg
  • Iron - 0.5 mg
  • Manganese - 34 mcg
  • Copper - 19 mcg
  • Zinc - 2.38 mg
  • Selenium - 14.5 mcg

The fat content of Brie is 25%, and the energy value (calorie content) is about 334 kcal.

Useful properties of Brie

Brie cheese contains a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals.

There is practically no lactose in it, but all other milk components necessary for the body are present.

Therefore, the French delicacy is ideal for anyone who is lactose intolerant.

Many nutritionists believe that white mold cheese contains beneficial bacteria that help the intestines work, and Turkish scientists have discovered that noble mold contains special substances that protect the skin from the sun.

They accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, and melanin is produced in greater quantities, which means that the risk of sunburn is reduced.

Harm of blue cheese

The penicillin fungi used to make these cheeses secrete antibiotics that inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria, as well as the intestinal microflora.

Therefore, there is no need to eat blue cheeses often and no more than 50 g at a time to avoid dysbacteriosis.

brie consumption

Brie is on the list of cheeses for the classic cheese plate. What else can be made from it?

If you cut off the rind, then the cheese is suitable for soups and sauces, as it melts well and gives a creamy taste and the right consistency.

Sliced, you can serve it in boiled or baked potatoes.

Fried brie is very good with cranberry or lingonberry sauce. You can bake it in the oven, as an option, in puff pastry.

In the Île-de-France region, where brie comes from, they like to dissolve pieces of it in coffee with milk and drink this drink for breakfast.

Brie is combined with apples, pears (see), melon, pineapple, grapes, figs, honey, sour cherry compote, apple cider, French baguette, white crackers, almonds, candied walnuts.

How to choose Brie

Choose a thick soft brie with a clean white rind.

Buy brie for no more than the next 2 weeks so that it does not spoil.

This cheese is sold both as a whole circle - as a "flat cake", and as individual triangular pieces.

Don't buy brie that has a brown tint and a strong smell of ammonia. These are signs of overripe cheese.

Don't buy hard or shrunken brie.

Brie, hard to the touch, is immature and will not improve with age.

As soon as it is cut, the brie ceases to ripen.

Frequently asked Questions:

  1. How is brie cheese eaten? Room temperature, take out of the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Can you eat the crust? This cheese is eaten with mold, it does not need to be cleaned.
  3. What kind of wine is recommended to drink? The best option is Chateau Clarcke 1993, white wine from Chardonnay grapes, Sauvignon, dessert wines, champagne.
  4. How to store brie cheese? Cheese is stored at a temperature of +2…-4 °C. So he "lives" 84 days in general.
  5. Is brie cheese bitter? Bitterness usually appears in overripe cheeses. And they continue to ripen until the first piece is cut off.

Let me introduce you to a cheese that is very popular in France and far beyond its borders. Brie (French Brie) is a soft cheese made from cow's milk. The name of the cheese was given by the French province of Brie, in which this cheese was originally produced (the territory of the modern department of Seine and Marne). The cheese has a fairly pale color with a slight grayish tinge under the crust of white mold; very soft and savory with a subtle hint of ammonia. The white rind is edible and does not need to be cut before consumption.

The name of the Brie region in the original is feminine (la Brie), but French products take on the gender of the general category. Thus, the word "cheese" (le fromage) is masculine, and hence the name of the variety is also masculine - le Brie.

Brie is made from whole or partially skimmed milk. Rennet is added to milk to make curd mass, then it is heated to a maximum temperature of 37°C (98.6°F). Then the cheese is sent into special molds, and sometimes into traditional ladles with holes called "pelle à brie". 20 cm molds are filled with several thin layers of cheese and then dried for about 18 hours. The cheese is then removed from the moulds, salted, molded (Penicillium candidum, Penicillium camemberti and/or Brevibacterium linens) and aged in cellars for at least 4-5 weeks.

If aged longer, usually from several months to a year, the cheese acquires a rich flavor and aroma, and the crust is much darker and more crumbly. This cheese is called Brie Noir, translated from French - black Brie. Throughout the Île-de-France region where Brie is produced, the French love to have Brie for breakfast and dunk it in their coffee with milk. The longer Brie is aged, the higher the concentration of ammonia, which has a very unpleasant odor. It is secreted by microorganisms in the process of aging.

There are many varieties of Brie on the market today, including classic, green, double and triple Brie, as well as Brie made from different types of milk. But despite this diversity, the French government has awarded official certificates to only two species: Brie de Meaux (Brie de Meaux) and Brie de Melun (Brie de Melun).

Brie de Meaux has been produced outside of Paris since the 8th century. Its first name is "King's Cheese" (later, after the French Revolution, the cheese became known as the "king of cheeses"), he was loved by both ordinary peasants and the nobility. In 1980, the cheese received the AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) certificate of origin control. It is mainly produced in the eastern part of the Parisian basin.

You can buy a whole head of Brie or a piece. The cheese is cut along the radius of the head, not across. The white velvety crust is not only edible, it is considered bad manners to cut it off.


Blue cheeses gradually moved from the category of exotic to familiar products like spiced bread or. You no longer need to go to France for the real one - just go down to the nearest supermarket. But what lies behind the dense snow-white crust and viscous creamy texture of the cheese?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claims that the product is 70% dangerous trans fats, and the remaining 30% is a good source. What you need to know about blue cheeses and how safe are they for the human body?

General characteristics of the product

Cheeses with white mold are delicate, fatty creamy pulp and a dense snow-white crust.

For the production of the product, special types of mold from the genus Penicillum are used, which are safe for the human body. The maturation period of cheeses is about 5 weeks and can vary in both directions depending on the variety and characteristics of the product. The shape of white cheese is standard - oval, round or square.

Interesting: cheeses with white mold are considered the smallest group compared, for example, with blue ones. They appeared much later on the shelves of supermarkets and for a long time retained a high cost.

Popular product varieties with white mold


It is this type of blue cheese that has gained particular popularity. It is a soft cow's cheese. Its name is associated with the French province, which is located in the central region of Ile-de-France - this place is considered the birthplace of the product. Bree has gained worldwide popularity and recognition. It is made in almost every corner of the planet, bringing a special touch of individuality and geographical recognition. That is why it is customary to talk about the Brie family of cheeses, and not about a specific product.

Historical note: Brie has long been considered a royal dessert. Blanca of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, often sent a white cheese head as a precious gift to King Philip Augustus. The entire royal court was delighted with the taste and aroma of cheese, so for every holiday, the retinue was looking forward to another moldy gift. Henry IV and Queen Margot also made no secret of their love for the Brie.

The peculiarity of brie is a pale color with subtle grayish blotches. The delicate texture of the pulp is covered with a layer of noble mold Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Most often, the product is made in the form of a cake with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters and a thickness of up to 5 centimeters. The mold crust is characterized by a pronounced ammonia aroma, and the cheese itself gives off a slight smell of ammonia, but this does not affect its taste or nutritional properties.

Young brie has a delicate mild taste. The older the cheese, the more sharp and spicy notes in its flavor palette. Another rule that applies to brie is that the spiciness of the cheese depends on the size of the tortilla. The thinner it is, the sharper the product. Cheese is produced on an industrial scale at any time of the year. It belongs to the so-called universal French cheeses, as it is equally well suited for a family lunch or a special gourmet dinner.

Advice. To achieve a delicate texture and dense crust, remove the brie from the refrigerator a few hours before the meal. The optimum storage temperature is +2 to -4 °C.

Boulette d'Aven

It is a French flavored cheese made from cow's milk. The name of the product is associated with the city of Aven. It was with Aven that the rapid history of blue cheese began.

Initially, skim cream from cow's milk was used for the base of the cheese. Over time, the recipe changed, and the main component was the fresh sediment of Marual cheese. The raw materials are crushed, mixed with an abundance of seasonings (tarragon, cloves, and are most often used), after which they are shaped into balls or cones. The cheese crust is tinted with a special annatto plant, sprinkled with paprika and white mold. The ripening period of cheese is from 2 to 3 months. During maturation, the crust is periodically soaked in beer, which provides additional flavor and aroma accents.

Triangular or round pieces of cheese weigh no more than 300 grams. The product is covered with a moist red crust, which consists of paprika and mold. Under it hides a snow-white pulp with bright splashes of spices. The fat content of the product is 45%. The main flavor notes are provided by tarragon, pepper and milk base. Boulette d'Aven is eaten as a main course or served as an appetizer with gin or red wines.


It is a type of soft fatty cheese. It, like most cheese products, is prepared on the basis of cow's milk. painted in a pleasant light creamy or snow-white shade, covered with a dense crust of mold. The outside of the cheese is covered with Geotrichum candidum, on top of which the fluffy mold Penicillium camemberti additionally develops. The peculiarity of the product lies in the taste - a delicate creamy taste is combined with noticeable mushroom notes.

Interesting: the French writer Léon-Paul Fargue wrote that the aroma of camembert is comparable to the “smell of the feet of God” (Le camembert, ce fromage qui fleure les pieds du bon Dieu).

Camembert is based on whole cow's milk. In some cases, a minimum amount of skimmed milk is introduced into the composition. From 25 liters of milk liquid, you can get 12 heads of cheese with the following parameters:

  • thickness - 3 centimeters;
  • diameter - 11.3 centimeters;
  • weight - 340 grams.

Hot weather can adversely affect the ripening of the product, so the cheese is prepared from September to May. Unpasteurized milk is poured into massive molds, left for a while, then rennet is added and the mixture is waiting for it to curdle. During production, the liquid is stirred periodically to prevent the cream from settling.

Ready clots are poured into metal molds and left to dry overnight. During this time, Camembert loses about ⅔ of its original mass. In the morning, the technology is repeated until the cheese acquires the necessary structure. Then the product is salted and put on the shelves for maturation.

Important: the growth and type of mold depends on the temperature of the room in which the cheese ripens. The specific taste of Camembert is formed by a combination of different types of mold and their subsequent development. If the sequence is not followed, then the product will lose the necessary texture, crust and taste.

Camembert is transported in light wooden boxes or several heads are packed in straw. The shelf life of cheese is minimal, so they tend to sell it as soon as possible.


A French cheese made in Upper Normandy. The peculiarity of the nechatel lies in a dry dense crust covered with fluffy white mold and elastic pulp with a mushroom aroma.

The manufacturing technology of the nechatel has not changed much over the several centuries of the existence of the product. Milk is poured into warm containers, rennet, whey are added and the mixture is left for 1-2 days. After that, the whey is drained, mold bacteria are launched into the vat, after which the cheese mass is pressed and left to dry on wooden racks. The neuchatel is salted by hand and left to mature in the cellar for at least 10 days (sometimes the ripening period is extended to 10 weeks to achieve a sharp taste and mushroom notes).

The fat content of the finished product is 50%. The crust is formed dry, velvety, completely covered with white uniform mold. Neuchâtel is known for its special form of serving. It is most often prepared and sold in the shape of a large or miniature heart rather than the traditional oval, circle or square.

Useful properties of the product

Behind the specific smell and unattractive appearance lies not only a masterpiece of cheese production, but also a storehouse of benefits for the human body. The Penicillium mold that coats the product is considered noble and extremely beneficial. Why?

In cheese production, Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium glaucum are most commonly used. They are added to the mass by injection, after which they are waiting for the maturation and growth of mold. Penicillium fights against pathological bacteria in the body, kills harmful microflora, cleanses the intestines and improves the functionality of the heart.

Scientists have identified a specific phenomenon called the "French Paradox". The paradox itself is that France has the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world. This is attributed to the abundance of red wine and cheese with noble mold in the daily diet of the French. Cheese is indeed known for its anti-inflammatory effect. It helps cleanse joints/arteries, protects them from heart attack/arthritis, and improves performance.

Interesting: Penicillium slows down the aging process of the human body and, as a nice bonus, helps get rid of cellulite.

The composition of cheeses with white mold includes, and calcium (Ca). All of these nutrients help maintain the health and quality of our body.

Useful properties of cheese:

  • strengthening of the bone skeleton, muscular system and teeth;
  • reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • improvement of control over one's own psycho-emotional state, harmonization of the nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • additional protection and strengthening of the immune system;
  • control of water balance in cells and tissues;
  • increase in working capacity, stimulation of brain cells, improvement of memory and cognitive functions;
  • reduced risk of developing breast cancer;
  • start the process of natural breakdown of fats.

But there is also the other side of the coin. The main component of cheese is milk of animal origin. Scientists have proven that an adult does not need milk, and drinking plenty of fluids leads to unpleasant symptoms - acne, intestinal problems, poor metabolism, allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting.

If possible, give preference to cheeses based on sheep or goat milk. They contain less milk sugar, which we stop absorbing when we reach 5-7 years. The main thing is not to abuse the cheese. This is a fairly high-calorie product with an abundance of saturated fats, an excess of which negatively affects a person. Limit yourself to a few bites to enjoy the taste, but satisfy your hunger with organic meats, vegetables, fruits, or grains.

Why is cheese dangerous?


Cheese is recognized as the most salty product. According to the Consensus Action on Salt and Health, it is ranked #3 behind bread and bacon. For every 100 grams of dairy product, there is an average of 1.7 grams of salt (the daily requirement is 2,300 milligrams). The abundance of salt in white, moldy heads far exceeds the dosage that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. The constant excess of dietary sodium leads not only to violations of the functionality of the body, but also to addiction.


How do hormones get into brie or camembert? The answer is simple - through cow's milk. Cheese products also contain pus from the animal's bladder. Often, manufacturers do not care about the quality of the supplied product, but about personal gain. In this case, cows on farms receive injections of hormones and antibiotics instead of proper care. All these unnatural enzymes penetrate the milk of the animal, and from there - into the human body. The result is the development of osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, prostate and breast cancer.

Formation of dependence

According to statistics, in modern America they consume 3 times more cheese than 40 years ago. The effect of a food drug is remarkably similar to that of an opiate - it deceives the nerve cells and the stomach, forcing us to consume the product uncontrollably.

Fact: people who depend on sugar and fat are helped by the same medications as drug addicts with an overdose.

Enzymes, which are strikingly similar to narcotic ones, are formed in the internal organs of cows, and their principle of movement is absolutely identical to hormones. The situation is aggravated by the consumption of cheese. We are used to using it not only as an independent dish, but also as an addition / sauce / seasoning to the main meal.

Bacteria that threaten pregnancy

Listeria monocyotogenes bacteria can concentrate in unpasteurized milk, poultry and seafood. They cause the infectious disease listeriosis. Symptoms of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • pain in the muscular corset;
  • chills;
  • jaundice;
  • fever.

All these symptoms are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Listeriosis can cause premature birth, miscarriage, sepsis/meningitis/pneumonia in the fetus. That is why doctors recommend completely eliminating soft cheeses with white mold for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The problem of ethical production

There are many doubts about the ethics of the production of the product. You should not trust the inscriptions "organic" and "vegetarian", it is best to carefully study the composition. Most cheeses are prepared with the addition of rennet enzymes. This is the fourth section of the calf's stomach. In the vast majority of cases, producers use enzymes from newly born slaughtered calves.

Important. If you want to eat vegetarian cheese, make sure that the ingredients include fungi, bacteria, or genetically modified microorganisms instead of rennet.

Is it really necessary to give up cheese with white mold? No, the main thing is to carefully study the composition and know when to stop. Try to avoid foods with a lot of additives and preservatives. Look for products that comply with GOST (state requirements), and not TU (organizational requirements) and do not eat a whole head of cheese in one sitting - stretch the pleasure. Approach nutrition from a rational point of view and be healthy!