Apple marmalade without sugar. quince marmalade recipe

  1. Use dishes with a thick bottom so that fruits and berries do not burn.
  2. You can adjust the density of marmalade by experimenting with the amount of thickener. But be careful: if you add too little of it, the marmalade will not seize. If too much, an unpleasant aftertaste or aroma may appear.
  3. Store homemade marmalade in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Andrey Korzun /

Pectin, unlike gelatin, is a thickener of plant origin. So even vegetarians can eat this marmalade. You can also make dessert with water or wine.


  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 2 large Granny Smith apples
  • 2 large pears;
  • 1 glass of water or dry white wine;
  • 1 teaspoon pectin;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ground cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg - to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste.


Prepare a square or rectangular shape. Line it with parchment paper and brush with vegetable oil.

Remove cores from apples and pears and cut fruit into small pieces. Place them in a saucepan or heavy bottomed pot, add water or wine and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and, stirring occasionally, simmer the fruit for 15-20 minutes until they soften.

Like pectin, natural vegetable thickener agar-agar is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The marmalade will turn out to be a bright pink color, and the sweet beets will shade the strawberry sourness and give the dessert a richer taste.


  • ½ cup of water;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of agar-agar;
  • 1 glass of strawberries;
  • 2 tablespoons grated;
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

You will need silicone molds: bears, worms, hearts - which ones you like best.

Combine water with agar-agar in a saucepan or saucepan, beat with a whisk. Set aside for 5 minutes. If your agar-agar package says a different time, follow the instructions.

Grind the strawberries and beets with a blender to a puree consistency. Pass it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to get rid of unground particles. Transfer the mass to a saucepan with a mixture of water and thickener, add lemon juice, honey or maple syrup and whisk again.

Cook over medium heat. Once the mixture boils and begins to thicken, remove it from the stove. Using a culinary pipette or spatula, spread the mass into silicone molds.

Place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

An unusual but noteworthy marmalade recipe. Instead of water, you will need kombucha - a drink based on kombucha.


  • 1½ cups of any berries;
  • 1 glass;
  • 4 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


Puree the berries in a blender. In a small saucepan, heat the kombucha for 1-2 minutes, but do not bring to a boil. Add the thickener, whisking with a whisk until completely dissolved. Add berry puree and honey, whisk and remove from heat.

Pour the mixture into molds and leave in the refrigerator until done.

Marmalade for lovers of an invigorating drink. Take with you to work and chew with or instead of coffee.


  • ¼ cup milk (you can use);
  • ⅔ cup freshly brewed espresso
  • 3 tablespoons of gelatin.


Mix coffee with milk in a small saucepan. Heat over low heat until steam appears, but do not boil. Remove from heat and add gelatin, whisking constantly.

Using a pipette or a heat-resistant spatula, spread the mass into the molds. Cool slightly and refrigerate until done.

It's almost like chocolates! If you cook them in curly molds, and then pack them beautifully, you will get a great gift.


  • 1 dark chocolate bar or ¾ cup chocolate drops
  • ¼ cup of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 1 glass of milk (you can use);
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • a few leaves of fresh mint.


Break the chocolate bar into very small pieces and set it aside, leaving the drops as is. Dissolve the thickener in water. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and heat it over low heat. Add diluted thickener, honey and mint. Mix for 3-4 minutes until you get a smooth consistency.

Strain the resulting mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and add the chocolate. Stir. Pour into molds and refrigerate to set marmalade.

Dessert for those who love sour.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • ¼ cup lemon juice;
  • ¼ cup lime juice;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • ½ cup chopped into small pieces (fresh or canned).


Mix citrus juices in a saucepan, add gelatin and honey, beat until smooth. Stirring constantly, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.

Pour into a glass mold and leave for 5-10 minutes. Pour finely chopped pineapple into the mixture and refrigerate. Cut the finished marmalade into cubes and roll in sugar.

The most delicious will come from fresh berries. But you can also use frozen ones. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


  • 1 cup blueberries;
  • 1 cup blackberries;
  • ⅓ cup of water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey - optional
  • 1 tablespoon of agar agar.


Put the berries in water and use a spice pestle or crush to squeeze out all the juice from them. Pass through a sieve or cheesecloth to separate the skin and large particles. Press well.

Pour the juice into a saucepan and place over medium heat. You can add if you want sweeter marmalade. Add agar-agar and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. After boiling, wait 30 seconds and remove from the stove.

Pour into molds and refrigerate until candy is completely set.

This spicy dessert for tea will warm and cheer you up.


  • 1 glass of milk or water;
  • ¼ cup gelatin;
  • 1½ cups puree;
  • ½ cup applesauce;
  • 1½ teaspoons cinnamon;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • ¾ teaspoon of ginger;
  • ⅛ teaspoon cardamom.


Pour milk or water into a saucepan, pour in the thickener and stir until the powder is completely dissolved.

Add pumpkin and apple puree, honey and spices and whisk until smooth.

Divide into molds or pour into a large glass mold and send to freeze in the refrigerator.

A simple and quick recipe if you really want homemade marmalade, but apart from juice, there is nothing in the refrigerator.


  • 1½ cups fruit or vegetable juice;
  • 4 tablespoons of gelatin;
  • 2-4 tablespoons of honey.


Pour the juice into a saucepan and add the gelatin. Place over medium heat and heat until the thickener is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Turn off the burner and add honey. If you chose not very sweet juice, such as grapefruit, add more honey.

Mix and pour the mass into molds. Leave in the refrigerator until the marmalade hardens.

In diabetes, restrictions are placed on many sweets because they increase blood sugar levels, but marmalade is one of the few exceptions. This is a healthy dessert that stimulates digestion, lowers cholesterol, removes heavy metals and pesticides. What kind of marmalade you can eat, and how to cook a delicacy yourself, we will consider further.

Is it possible to eat?

Marmalade is a healthy sweet if it is made with the right technology from natural products and thickeners. The calorie content of one such candy is about 10 kcal, and the glycemic index is low - from 10 to 30 units, which is due to the fruits used in cooking. The most popular among them:

  • apples - 30 units;
  • plums - 20 units;
  • apricot - 20 units;
  • pear - 33 units;
  • blackcurrant - 15 units;
  • red currant - 30 units;
  • cherry plum - 25 units.

To fill the daily need for sweetness, which is necessary for the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, a diabetic can eat up to 150 g of natural marmalade, but preferably in the morning, in order to spend the energy received before going to bed.

It is important to note that with diabetes, you will have to abandon store-bought marmalade, since it contains sugar. In addition, for a rich taste and bright appearance of sweets, manufacturers often use food acids, dyes and flavors, which are strictly prohibited for diabetics. To be sure of the naturalness and safety of marmalade, you can cook it yourself.

The choice of products and the principle of preparation

To make marmalade tasty and healthy for a diabetic, the main thing is to choose the right products. So, the following ingredients may be included in the recipe:

  • Fruit. Preference is given to those fruits that contain pectin in large quantities, since it breaks down fats, removes harmful substances and reduces blood glucose. Moreover, the more pectin, the denser the base will be in marmalade. Based on this criterion, the preferred fruits are apples, pears and citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits).
  • syrups. Marmalade can be prepared on the basis of berry or fruit syrup, which is brewed from freshly squeezed juice. In addition, marmalade sweets based on hibiscus tea, which has a pleasant sour taste, are useful for diabetes. It uplifts the mood and restores strength.
  • stevia. This is a natural sugar substitute in the form of an herb, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Stevia is several times sweeter than sugar, but it does not increase blood glucose levels. In addition, it has many useful properties, including giving a feeling of satiety and improves metabolic processes.
  • Gelatin. It is a thickening agent that gives marmalade a dense jelly-like consistency. Gelatin is rich in phosphorus and calcium, helps strengthen bones, and improves brain function and memory.
  • agar agar. This product is made from dried algae. It is also called vegetarian gelatin. It has few calories, it is well absorbed, and also contains various useful substances, including iodine. It is important to note that agar-agar has a higher density than gelatin, therefore it is more suitable as a thickener for marmalade.

The technology for preparing marmalade comes down to boiling the selected fruits, grinding to a puree state, mixing with a thickener and a sweetener, re-boiling and cooling, pouring into molds. Since everything is very simple, everyone can cook a delicacy to their taste.

Delicious recipes

Depending on the main ingredients used, gummies can be different. In any case, properly prepared sweets should have a transparent structure, and when pressed, quickly take their original shape. Their recipes can be found below.

Based on hibiscus and gelatin

The order of preparation is as follows:

  1. Pour 7 tbsp. l. Hibiscus 200 ml boiling water. Infuse for about 30 minutes.
  2. Dissolve 25 g of gelatin in a small amount of warm water and leave to swell.
  3. Strain the hibiscus, add sweetener to taste and bring to a boil.
  4. Mix tea and gelatin solution. Mix thoroughly and pass through a sieve.
  5. Pour the syrup into molds and put in the refrigerator to cool. As a rule, it takes up to 2-3 hours.

Hibiscus is allowed to replace any natural juice without sugar. For example, delicious marmalade can be made from cherry juice according to the recipe from the video:

Citrus with stevia


You can cook from any berries to your taste:

  1. Wash and sort the berries. Squeeze out the juice from them, which put on a small fire and cook until a thick jelly.
  2. Put the mass in a thin layer on a baking sheet, which is pre-layed with parchment.
  3. Move the baking sheet to the oven and dry the marmalade with the door open at a temperature of 70-80 degrees.
  4. Once the layer dries, it can be formed into a roll and cut into slices. If desired, the mass can be squeezed out with small cookie cutters.

Ready marmalade keep in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.


Such marmalades will appeal to lovers of culinary experiments. Rinse 2 kg of tomatoes, remove the stalks and chop finely. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, bring to a boil and pass through a sieve. Add sweetener to taste to the resulting paste and boil to get a mass of thick consistency. Then pour it in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, dry it slightly and place in the refrigerator until it cools.

Video: 3 sugar-free marmalade recipes

The following video offers different recipes for delicious and healthy marmalades:

Natural marmalade is a great sweet for diabetics because it does not cause blood sugar spikes. You can eat a treat in 2-3 pieces in the morning - for breakfast or lunch (between breakfast and lunch). It will cheer you up and satisfy your body's need for sweets.

I share my idea: a very successful marmalade recipe at home. Preparing jelly from agar agar and without sugar. These two facts indicate that this recipe for homemade marmalade is dietary, there is nowhere else to go.

Dieting is not a reason to deny yourself something delicious. On the contrary, in order to avoid breakdowns and the desire to finish the diet ahead of time, you should treat yourself to desserts regularly (low-calorie treat option -).

One of the most delicious delicacies is homemade marmalade on agar-agar. For the preparation of a super diet option, we use a sweetener. The most popular sugar substitute is stevia, but other sweeteners can also be used.

To get the most dietary marmalade at home, we use agar-agar. This algae powder has a mild laxative effect, perfectly helps fight hunger and satiates well. Also, this substance has an important dietary quality, unlike gelatin, it does not contain calories.
When preparing jelly, as well as others, we get a dish with the same calorie content as the main product used to prepare it.

The basis for sugar-free marmalade is puree, berry or fruit. In summer it can be any seasonal products, and in winter it can be prepared from frozen strawberries and cherries, currants. Therefore, the sweeter the raw materials for preparing the dessert, the less sakhzam will be needed and the tastier and more pleasant the jelly will taste.

Homemade jelly can be either single-component or multi-component, made from different berries and fruits. you can not only from mashed potatoes, but also from juice, you will also find this recipe on the site.

Sugar free marmalade recipe at home


  • 350 gr. cherries (cherries, strawberries, currants and other berries, you can use frozen ones)
  • 3 sachets of stevia, or other sweetener, in the amount necessary to make crushed fruit sweet. The sweetness of the semi-finished product should be much more than desired, as it is reduced as a result of the reaction with agar-agar.
  • 1 gram or 0.5 tsp agar-agar (you can buy on the iHerb website, this recipe uses this agar)

Homemade marmalade calories per 100 g - 52 kcal
Proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 1.1/ 0.4/ 10.6

Diet jelly on agar-agar with stevia

  1. If you use fresh berries and fruits, then they must be freed from petioles, sepals and seeds. Frozen foods should be thawed before making homemade marmalade. Puree fruit or berry raw materials with a blender. Transfer one third of the resulting slurry to a saucepan, add the sweetener and bring to a boil.
  2. Put the entire amount of agar-agar into a boiling liquid and mix thoroughly. Boil berry puree with agar for 2-3 minutes. Unlike gelatin, it must be boiled for a while in order to activate the gelling properties.
  3. Boiled marmalade with agar and stevia is combined with the rest of the berry puree and mixed thoroughly. The finished mixture must be quickly poured into molds, as agar-based jelly hardens in a short time. We clean the completely cooled forms in the refrigerator, and after 30-40 minutes. jelly will be ready.

Marmalade prepared according to this recipe at home will have a calorie content of about 50 kcal per 100 g. You should not even eat dietary jelly in large quantities, but pampering yourself with a few things over evening tea is not only possible, but necessary.

With the use of agar-agar, you can cook savory dishes, try it and see how delicious it is.

A wonderful gelling powder can also be used for cosmetic purposes. have been very popular lately

Marmalade is generally considered a relatively dietary dessert - fruit puree or juice (ideally, of course) + gelling agent and ... a lot of sugar. Sugar - that's the trouble with all industrial marmalade. It's because of sugar that I don't particularly like marmalade . No, not even so much for dietary reasons, but because I don’t like cloyingly sweet desserts, and reducing the amount of sweets in recipes is a familiar thing to me. Not so long ago, I came across an option that is prepared without sugar. This idea appealed to me, and I was happy to implement it incompetitive diet cake . That is why there was already a desire to cook marmalade solo - on its own.

The basic gelling agent used to make marmalade is pectin . It gives a special texture, which is considered “marmalade”. Unfortunately, I have not yet acquired pectin, and my attempts to prepare marmalade on a pectin-containing additive for jams did not lead to a concrete result due to the incomprehensibility of the proportions. But you can also make homemade delicious marmalade without a huge amount of sugar. on agar or gelatin . By the way, marmalade on agar and gelatin is not sprinkled with sugar, otherwise it will flow. In addition, it is worth paying attention to specific fruit juices / purees if you are preparing gelatin marmalade. For example, in the case of kiwi and pineapple, whose enzymes break down animal proteins, jellies and marmalades will not harden. But it is worth replacing animal gelatin with vegetable agar, and everything will work. And one more thing: gelatin marmalade must be stored only in the refrigerator.

Combination kiwi banana peeped at Marina Zhuravleva. This marmalade really attracts with its little black dots! For myself, I added a sprinkling of coconut flakes - that marmalades, that I like Turkish delights more in it. You can make this marmalade without using any sweetener - the sweetness of a banana will be enough. I also added a teaspoon of honey.


2 large ripe bananas
2 ripe soft kiwis
10 gr agar
35 gr water
1 tsp honey
coconut flakes

Agar pour water and leave. With this time, peel and punch the fruit in a blender until a smooth puree.

Bring fruit puree to a boil over low heat, stirring it, then add agar and boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour the mass into small silicone molds for sweets or into a large mold so that the layer of marmalade is 1.5-2 cm thick. Leave the mass to harden for 3-4 hours, then carefully remove, cut into cubes and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

I have been making this recipe for a very long time. This is not just about fruit puree, which was thickened with gelatin or agar-agar, beautifully poured into molds and called marmalade.

I wanted to create a fruity treat that would be as French as possible" pate de fruit "or Spanish membrillo, but not so sugary-sweet, and at the same time having the taste of a fruity delicacy. In addition, I wanted it to have a marmalade consistency and be well molded and cut. The aesthetic part interested me less - you can’t get everything at the same time .

I think that this recipe will be of interest to parents who want to make their children a tasty and healthy treat, diabetics and people who want to reduce the amount of sugar on the menu, but not give up a delicious fruit dessert, and those who adhere to the principles of a "healthy" diet .

I want to remind you of the colossal usefulness of this kind of delicacy - it is maximally saturated with the most useful dietary fibers and pectins, vitamins, and at the same time it has great taste advantages - unlike the colorful and undoubtedly much less useful, sweet "chemically pure" marmalade sweets, which are full There are plenty of sweets in the market.

Its only limitation is that I still store it in the refrigerator, since it does not contain any preservatives or sugar that preserves it.

I tried different ways, different combinations of fruits and different pectins that I could get.

Version number one - with a little added sugar.

For this version, I added about 150 g of sugar to about 1.2 kg of peeled and chopped fruit.

I left them to stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Then brought to a boil. Then, taking into account our sunny climate, I put the jam in the sun for the whole day - this is the principle of "solar" jam. The advantage of this method is that the jam is evaporated due to solar energy and becomes very fragrant, and the disadvantage is that the manufacturing process takes about 3 days.

The second option is jam without added sugar(I saw the idea of ​​​​evaporating marmalade in the microwave in the magazine of a respected zmoj ): Peeled and chopped fruits are boiled in the microwave until the weight is evaporated by about half (approximate mode is 20 minutes at maximum power, another 20-25 minutes at half power, and about 20 more minutes at minimum power). What is good about this method is that the whole thickening process takes place within one day and does not require standing at a hot stove in mittens and with a ladle for hours. As a sweetener, you can use sucralose, honey.

Now I come to the most important part - pectin. Numerous noname pectins, which are quite a lot in stores, as well as venerable Dr "Oetker, pectins from Ball" s are not suitable for such marmalade, since they require either a substantial amount of sugar in the fruit pulp and / or a small percentage of fruit in the mass, and / or the addition of a substantial amount of lemon juice for acidification - only in this case they turn the mass into a hard jelly. Either no-sugar versions contain a preservative.

It didn't suit me in any way.

An additional parameter - the pectin I chose did not add any taste or smell to the final product (I checked this by tasting the final product by my daughter, who has a very delicate taste and smell and she distinguishes overtones of flavors and aromas well).

After much experimentation, I found one and only pectin that met all my requirements. This " Pomona pectin low - methoxyl.

Sold in US and Canadian stores. Can be ordered on-line in Vitacost store (this is not an advertisement, I do not receive any bonuses from either the manufacturer or the store, I just want to make the search easier, because I myself have been looking for it in chain stores for a very long time and without crazy shipping costs).

This pectin gels any fruit puree in the presence of calcium salts, so each pack contains a sachet of pectin and a small sachet of a non-bitter calcium preparation. This drug is dissolved and this solution is added to the fruit puree in the amount of 1-2 tbsp. per 1 kg of fruit (approximately - instructions on quantities are attached).

The last stage - I add a calcium solution to the hot fruit puree, stir, then pour out the pectin and grind it with a hand blender so that there are no lumps of pectin. (as an option - pre-mix pectin with sugar).

With vigorous stirring, bring the fruit puree to a boil and immediately lay out in molds. I put some in silicone candy molds, and most in glass. box.

Allowed to cool, put in the refrigerator, covered with a napkin.

The next day I took the marmalade out of the molds and simply cut a large piece into slices.

At room temperature, such marmalade retains its consistency. When stored in a refrigerator, unlike marmalade on agar, water is released from it (in the form of droplets on the surface) in very modest amounts.

This marmalade is made from equal amounts of white peaches, nectarines and red large plums. I added some powder to improve the color. Annato.

This variety of pectin allows you to make marmalade from such fruits poor in pectin as strawberries, peaches, cherries, melons. You can also use dry powdered beetroot juice for pink or red (stir in at the very last moment so that the color does not turn red). For green, you can use spinach juice powder (but it definitely has an aftertaste).

I made the most delicious and beautiful marmalade from Goldin apples (so that it was not too sour) and lingonberries / cranberries, or from pears and black currants. To reduce the calorie content and sugar content in the final marmalade, it is worth making an amazingly beautiful and healthy marmalade from pumpkin and orange / lemon concentrate (we sell such a concentrate in frozen form, it is made from natural oranges and lemons - I think that such a concentrate may be found in others regions). You can and should experiment with varieties and combinations of fruits and even vegetables. The main thing that is important and invariable is the evaporation of the fruit puree and the use of the correct pectin.