ml to grams calculator online. So, we will talk about how to correctly calculate the dose of the drug for a child.

How many grams are in a milliliter? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since it directly depends on the substance, the mass of which needs to be known.

And why is this happening? Many people are sure to ask about this. It all depends on such an indicator as density. If you have at least basic knowledge of physics, you will understand that it is the density of a substance that affects its mass. That is why a milliliter of mercury is 13 times heavier than a milliliter of water.

There is, of course, the practice of measuring mass and volume with spoons. This refers to both cutlery and tea utensils. There are even special correspondence tables, so finding out how many grams are in a spoon is as easy as shelling pears. For example, a large tablespoon holds 18 grams of water, 20 grams of milk, 17 grams of sunflower oil, 20 grams of sugar, and 25 grams of salt. Of course, you noticed that the masses of an equal amount of different substances do not depend on the volume at all, because it is the same. Affects the weight, as mentioned above, the density of the substance.

By the way, based on these data, you can easily and simply calculate how many grams are in a milliliter of milk, for example. If 1 tablespoon \u003d 20 grams of this vitamin-rich liquid, and its volume is 18 milliliters, then it turns out that 1 ml of milk will weigh about 1.1 grams, so you should not be surprised at all by such discrepancies - each liquid has its own density.

And if we take ice cream as an example, then with the answer to the question of how many grams are in a milliliter, you can not decide at all. The problem here is that each manufacturer today produces a cold dessert according to its own recipe (as a result, the indicators can vary significantly).

For example, if you need to find out how many grams are in a milliliter of fat creamy ice cream, then you can look at the correspondence table, since this indicator has long been documented. But if you are faced with the task of finding out the same indicator for a treat made using powdered milk, then you will have to measure everything yourself. You can, of course, use a simple method: take a package of creamy ice cream in one hand, and a pack of a product made according to the "latest technologies" from artificial milk of the same volume in the other. "Naturprodukt" will always be heavier. So how many milliliters are in a gram of ice cream? For a real cold dessert, this figure will be 0.7-0.8 g / ml, and for its competitor - about 0.4-0.5 g / ml.

The following is also interesting: all the data calculated for tablespoons and teaspoons are 100% correct only at a pressure of 760 mm. rt. Art. and humidity at 0%, since these indicators are normal from the point of view of practical physics. That is why all measurements made in excellent conditions can be considered made "by eye". Thus, in mountain conditions, for example, you can, of course, find out how many grams are in a milliliter, but the results of such a "research" will differ from the standard ones.

Thus, as you can see, the volume is not identical to the mass in any case - for each substance there is its own value of the ratio of these two physical quantities. For food products, for example, even special tables have been compiled from which you can find out everything you need. We hope that with the help of this article you have found the answer to the question of how many grams are in a milliliter.

At first glance, the process of converting milliliters to grams may be required only when completing assignments in some disciplines, say, in physics, mathematics or chemistry. However, in reality, such actions can absolutely fit even a housewife in the kitchen. Tea often in the proposed recipe of dishes the same ingredients are given either in milliliters or in grams. This means that knowledge and skills of a similar kind will truly be able to be useful.

You will need

  • – Table of density of substances;
  • - calculator.


1. There is a formula that combines three collations: volume, mass and density: m = pV The designations for these parameters are as follows: V - volume, mlm - mass, g - density, g / ml The simplest example is to consider calculations with water, which has a continuous density of 1 g/ml.

2. Example No. 1. Calculate the mass of water if its volume is 500 ml. Write down the formula m = pV.

3. In the same way, it is allowed to convert milliliters to grams not only for water, but also for other substances. The main thing is to know the density values, which are reference material. They can be found in textbooks of physics, chemistry or on the Internet. In addition, occasionally the volume can be given not in milliliters, but in liters, in cubic centimeters or meters. In this case, the proposed data must certainly be converted to milliliters, and then carry out subsequent calculations.

4. Example No. 2. Calculate the mass of vegetable oil if its volume is 200 ml. The density of vegetable oils of different types varies between 0.87-0.98 g/cm3 or 0.87-0.98 g/ml. If a certain value of oil density is known, then it is easy to calculate the mass. Let's say the density is 0.93 g/mL. Plug this value into the formula m = pVm (oils) = 0.93 g/ml x 200 ml = 186 g

5. If necessary, using the same formula, it is also possible to perform a reverse recalculation, that is, convert grams to milliliters. Example No. 3. Calculate the volume of water if its mass is 500 g. value condition: V (water) = 500g / 1g/ml = 500ml

In the composition of most culinary recipes, many ingredients are indicated in grams. How to take the required amount of product when there is no accurate kitchen scale at hand? In fact, it is quite easy to calculate how many milliliters will be in the specified number of grams. And it will be much easier to measure the required volume in a measuring cup. Measurements made once for a particular product can be saved. Thus, quite quickly you will get your own table of the dimensional values ​​​​often used by you.

You will need

  • Pen and sheet of paper


1. Find reference information about the product being measured and record its density value.

2. Before calculating translate grams per kilo grams. To do this, divide the indicated weight of the product by 1000. The result you receive will indicate the mass of the substance in kilograms. Now it is allowed to substitute it into the formula.

3. Divide the mass of the substance by the reference density value. The result of the action will correspond to the volume of the product in cubic meters.

4. Convert cubic meters to milliliters. To do this, multiply the result of the previous action by 1000000. The resulting result is our desired value - the volume in milliliters for this product. Then it is allowed to measure the indicated number in a measuring cup.

The density of the product must be given in the reference book in the metric SI system, i.e. it is indicated in units of kg / m3.

Useful advice
Occasionally, in tabular reference books, not the exact number is indicated, but the possible limits of density values, say for buckwheat 1180-1280 kg / m3. In this case, the average value of these values ​​should be taken, because it will be especially close to the density given in less accurate tables.

The abbreviation "ml" (milli liter) are volume collations with respect to a small number of some substance. Milli liter is the derivative of liter a thousandth of it. The liter and all its derivatives are not part of the SI system. In this system, one millimeter liter y corresponds to a volume equal to one cubic centimeter, and liter y is equal to one cubic decimeter.


1. Divide by 1000 the known value of the volume of the substance in milli liter ah, to translate it into liter s.

2. Use, say, a calculator from the Windows OS, if it is difficult to calculate the value in your mind. You can start it by opening it by pressing the WIN key or by clicking on the "Start" button of the main menu and preferring the "Calculator" item in the "Typical" subsection of the "All Programs" section. Since it is a system component, by typing the short calc command and pressing Enter, you can open the calculator through the program launch dialog. This dialog can be seen by pressing the WIN + R key combination or by preferring the “Run” line in the menu on the “Start” button.

3. Switch the calculator interface to unit conversion mode. To do this, expand the "View" section in its menu and click on the item "Conversion". This version of the design of the calculator has three fields on the left side for selecting units of measurement and the "Translate" button below them.

4. Click the top list ("Category") and select the line "Volume" in it. When setting a value in this field, the calculator changes the composition of the units in 2 other lists. On the average of them ("Initial value"), select the value "milli liter". In the bottom ("Final value"), click the line " liter ».

5. Click on the calculator input field and enter the displacement in millimeters liter Oh. Then click on the button that says "Translate". This will complete the procedure - the calculator will calculate the entered value in liter Oh.

6. Another conversion method is to use the Google search engine. Recently, a calculator has appeared in it, one that can also translate the indicated values ​​​​from one unit to another. This converter does not have a separate interface - you need to enter the value at ease in the search query input field. You only need to clearly formulate the request. Let's say, in order to find out the required value, corresponding to one and a half thousand milli liter ov, type "1500 ml in liter Oh".

Grams measure body weight in any physical state, and milliliters measure fluid volume. The mass of a substance depends on its density, which, in turn, depends on the physicochemical properties of the substance and external conditions. Let's figure out how to bring these physical quantities into line.

You will need

  • - calculator,
  • - scales,
  • - barometer,
  • - thermometer,
  • - a guide to physics.


1. Determine the weight of the substance in grams. Use a scale to do this. Many foods are sold pre-packaged. In this case, the question of weight disappears by itself. For example, in a standard pack of granulated sugar, this food product is exactly one kilogram.

2. Find the density of the required substance in a physics handbook. To obtain a more accurate result of subsequent calculations, use the corrections for pressure, humidity and air temperature available in the handbook.

3. The value of the density of a substance in the reference book can be given in different units. If the density is indicated in kg / cubic meter - translate the density value in g / cubic ml. To do this, convert kilograms to grams, and cubic meters to milliliters. After that, substitute the appropriate units in the numerator and denominator, and multiply the tabular density value by them: density (from the table) * 1000 g / 1,000,000 ml.

4. With the help of a calculator, calculate the volume of a substance: divide the mass by the density. Do not forget about the units of measurement! The resulting value will determine the ratio of the mass of the substance in grams to its volume in milliliters.

In order to eliminate the error in the calculations, be observant with units of measurement.

Useful advice
There are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram. In 1 liter - 1000 milliliters. It is generally accepted that 1 gram of water is equal to 1 milliliter - 1 liter of distilled water at a temperature of 4 ° C weighs approximately 1 kilogram (the density of water under these conditions is 1000 kg / m3). The metamorphosis of the density of tap water (the ratio of body mass to the volume that it occupies), due to changes in pressure and temperature of the surrounding air, is usually not taken into account in everyday life. With more accurate calculations (say, when determining the mass of ballast on ships), everything is taken into account verbatim. If we talk about the density of water, sea water is heavier than fresh water. This is due to the presence of salts in it. For other substances, the density also changes to a greater or lesser extent depending on external factors: pressure, humidity and ambient temperature. At the same time, the more hygroscopic the substance (the more saturated it absorbs moisture), the more significant the metamorphoses of density. That is, the same container of a certain volume, filled with substances with different densities, will have an unequal mass. For example, the density of sand, depending on the content of the water in it, changes by about one and a half times. For the comfort of users, there are tables for converting grams to milliliters for many foods. Based on these tables, plastic measuring kitchen cups for liquid and bulk products are made.

Useful advice
In calculations, it must be taken into account that the density of the same substances may differ depending on their concentration. These data are also indicated in the directories.

To perform some actions with these units of measurement, it is necessary to understand their mathematical and physical essence, be able to apply the simplest formulas and use tables.

We offer to go all the way to calculating the mass with us and finally find out how many grams are in a milliliter and vice versa.

Concepts of mass units

What is a gram? This is a unit of mass, equal to a thousandth of a kilogram. In the chain of units for measuring body weight, it looks like this: 1 milligram → 1 gram → 1 kilogram → 1 centner → 1 ton.

Each subsequent unit of measurement in the metric system is 1000 times larger than the previous one.

What is a milliliter? This is a unit of volume, named after a manufacturer of glass containers named Litre.

1 milliliter (1 cube) → 1 liter → 1 cu.

Each subsequent unit of measurement is 1000 times larger. A cube with an edge of 1 cm is a model of 1 cm 3 \u003d 1 ml, 1 dm 3 \u003d 1 l, 1 m 3 \u003d 1 cube.

Volumes of liquids are measured in milliliters, liters. But in cooking, bulk and liquid products are often used, the volume of which is conveniently measured by containers for liquids. The term cube is used in medicine when dosing injections.

How many grams in one milliliter: formulas to help

To make the problem clear - how many grams are in a milliliter - one must turn to the concept of the density of a substance. All substances in nature have different densities.

This value is denoted by the letter p. It is equal to the ratio of a unit of mass to a unit of volume:

Note: in everyday life we ​​find the mass with the help of scales. But in physics, weight and mass are not the same thing.

Weight is the force with which an object presses on a support, it depends on the force of gravity. Mass is the amount of matter.

If the force of gravity changes (for example, on the Moon, in space - weightlessness), then the mass will remain the same, but the weight will change. Therefore, the mass per unit volume for different substances is not the same.

Why approximately? Because any measurements have inaccuracies (errors).

Conclusion: 1 g of water is placed in 1 ml of volume. Accordingly, 100 grams of water is 100 milliliters. For all other substances, this equality will not be valid.

For example, if you fill a glass with sugar, the volume will be 250 ml, but the mass (use the scales) is no longer 250 g, but only 200 g. 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of sunflower oil - they will all be have different weights.

Conclusion: 1 g of any substance, except water, occupies a volume not equal to 1 ml (the exception is substances with the same density as water).

How many milliliters are in one gram?

For milk:

For flour:

The following information will be no less useful. Learn how to measure the ingredients you need without a scale.

Love to cook eggs? No wonder, because they are tasty, easy to prepare and often help out many people on the planet, especially for breakfast. various methods of boiling soft-boiled eggs are described. Surprise loved ones!

Is it possible to lose weight with baking soda? Is it dangerous for the body? There are answers to these questions in Yet such an unconventional method of weight loss should be approached with the utmost care.

We calculate the mass of products

m=ϸV; mass = density × volume.

Values ​​for liquids:

  • 1ml of water weighs 1g; 100 ml of water weighs 100 g;
  • 1 ml of milk weighs 1.03 g/ml × 1 ml ≈ 1.03 g;
  • 100 ml of milk weighs ≈103g;
  • 200 ml of milk weighs ≈206g;
  • 300 ml of milk weighs ≈309g;
  • 500 ml of milk weighs ≈515g;
  • 1l \u003d 1000 ml of milk weighs ≈1030g.

Meanings for flour:

  • 1ml of flour weighs 0.57g/ml × 1ml≈0.57g;
  • 100 ml of flour weighs ≈57g;
  • 200 ml of flour weighs ≈114g;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs ≈171g;
  • 500 ml of flour weighs ≈285g;
  • 1l \u003d 1000 ml of flour weighs ≈570g.

Each time you do not have to calculate the values ​​​​if you use the weight measurement table.

Products (cereals and others) Density (g/l) Volume of 1kg products (ml) Weight (g) in a glass (250ml) Weight in a tablespoon (g) Weight in a teaspoon (g)
Buckwheat 800 1250 200 24 7
Rice 915 1100 228 24 8
Barley 918 1100 230 25 8
barley 915 1100 228 20 6
corn 720 1400 180 20 6
oatmeal 675 1470 170 18 5
semolina 800 1250 200 25 8
Millet 875 1140 220 24 8
Beans 880 1140 220 - -
Peas 915 1110 228 - -
Starch 800 1250 200 25 10
Wheat flour 570 1750 143 23 7
Sugar 800 1250 200 25 10
Salt 1300 770 325 30 12
Tomato juice 1000 1000 250 - -
tomato paste 1060 950 265 30 10
Tomato puree 895 1140 220 25 8
Whole milk 1030 970 258 18 5
Cream (20%) 998 1000 250 18 5
Sour cream (30%) 998 1000 250 25 10
Raisin - - 190 25 -
Almond - - 160 30 10
Peanut - - 175 25 8
Hazelnut - - 170 30 10
Powdered sugar - - 180 25 8
Powdered milk - - 120 20 8
Egg powder - - 100 25 9

All data in the table is approximate. In addition, the weight of products and other substances depends on the moisture content of the product, possible compaction during measurements.

The volume depends on the temperature. All data were taken at room temperature.

Products (d) in a tablespoon (d) in a teaspoon
Ghee butter 19 5
Cottage cheese 17 5
Margarine 16 4
Mayonnaise 16 4
Smalets 19 5
Condensed milk 28 11
Vegetable oil 20 5
Honey 30 9
Lemon acid 20 10
Gelatin powder 15 5
Cocoa 20 8
Coffee 24 10
Soda 28 12
Poppy 9 3

The volume of one tablespoon is approximately equal to 14.8 ml. Bulk products in a spoon are taken with a mountain. The accuracy of the measurement data is sufficient for cooking recipes.

If you have to measure with a faceted glass, then it contains 250 ml, and 200 ml along the rim. The mass of the empty glass is 173 g.

To calculate products that are not included in the tables, you can use the calculator on the Internet, choosing the cubic centimeter (milliliter) option and the product whose weight you want to look for.

It's good to have a kitchen scale. Then you can weigh the tare separately, and then together with the product, subtracting the tare weight, we get the weight of the product.

1 faceted glass (250 ml) is equal in volume to 18 tablespoons and 65 teaspoons (for liquids).

Interestingly, there are old units of volume, which almost no one remembers. Cubic vershok = 87.824 ml, cubic foot = 28.3168 liters, cubic inch = 16.3870 ml, bucket = 12.2994 liters, damask = 1/10 bucket = 1.22994 liters, cup = 1/100 bucket = 122.994 ml , for bulk products, a quarter \u003d 0.209909 m 3 was used, a quarter \u003d 0.262387 m 3, garnz \u003d 3.27984 l.

Here are some interesting calculations. We hope we have answered your question. We wish you good luck and thank you for your attention!

Finally, we suggest watching a video that shows the values ​​​​of grams and milliliters for a teaspoon, a tablespoon and a faceted glass:

For milk:

For flour:

The following information will be no less useful. Learn how to measure the ingredients you need without a scale.

We calculate the mass of products

m=ϸV; mass = density × volume.

Values ​​for liquids:

  • 1ml of water weighs 1g; 100 ml of water weighs 100 g;
  • 1 ml of milk weighs 1.03 g/ml × 1 ml ≈ 1.03 g;
  • 100 ml of milk weighs ≈103g;
  • 200 ml of milk weighs ≈206g;
  • 300 ml of milk weighs ≈309g;
  • 500 ml of milk weighs ≈515g;
  • 1l \u003d 1000 ml of milk weighs ≈1030g.

Meanings for flour:

  • 1ml of flour weighs 0.57g/ml × 1ml≈0.57g;
  • 100 ml of flour weighs ≈57g;
  • 200 ml of flour weighs ≈114g;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs ≈171g;
  • 500 ml of flour weighs ≈285g;
  • 1l \u003d 1000 ml of flour weighs ≈570g.

Each time you do not have to calculate the values ​​​​if you use the weight measurement table.

Products (cereals and others) Density (g/l) Volume of 1kg products (ml) Weight (g) in a glass (250ml) Weight in a tablespoon (g) Weight in a teaspoon (g)
Buckwheat 800 1250 200 24 7
Rice 915 1100 228 24 8
Barley 918 1100 230 25 8
barley 915 1100 228 20 6
corn 720 1400 180 20 6
oatmeal 675 1470 170 18 5
semolina 800 1250 200 25 8
Millet 875 1140 220 24 8
Beans 880 1140 220
Peas 915 1110 228
Starch 800 1250 200 25 10
Wheat flour 570 1750 143 23 7
Sugar 800 1250 200 25 10
Salt 1300 770 325 30 12
Tomato juice 1000 1000 250
tomato paste 1060 950 265 30 10
Tomato puree 895 1140 220 25 8
Whole milk 1030 970 258 18 5
Cream (20%) 998 1000 250 18 5
Sour cream (30%) 998 1000 250 25 10
Raisin 190 25
Almond 160 30 10
Peanut 175 25 8
Hazelnut 170 30 10
Powdered sugar 180 25 8
Powdered milk 120 20 8
Egg powder 100 25 9

All data in the table is approximate. In addition, the weight of products and other substances depends on the moisture content of the product, possible compaction during measurements.

The volume depends on the temperature. All data were taken at room temperature.

Products (d) in a tablespoon (d) in a teaspoon
Ghee butter 19 5
Cottage cheese 17 5
Margarine 16 4
Mayonnaise 16 4
Smalets 19 5
Condensed milk 28 11
Vegetable oil 20 5
Honey 30 9
Lemon acid 20 10
Gelatin powder 15 5
Cocoa 20 8
Coffee 24 10
Soda 28 12
Poppy 9 3

Helpful Hints

The volume of one tablespoon is approximately equal to 14.8 ml. Bulk products in a spoon are taken with a mountain. The accuracy of the measurement data is sufficient for cooking recipes.

If you have to measure with a faceted glass, then it contains 250 ml, and 200 ml along the rim. The mass of the empty glass is 173 g.

To calculate products that are not included in the tables, you can use the calculator on the Internet, choosing the cubic centimeter (milliliter) option and the product whose weight you want to look for.

It's good to have a kitchen scale. Then you can weigh the tare separately, and then together with the product, subtracting the tare weight, we get the weight of the product.

1 faceted glass (250 ml) is equal in volume to 18 tablespoons and 65 teaspoons (for liquids).

Interestingly, there are old units of volume, which almost no one remembers. Cubic vershok = 87.824 ml, cubic foot = 28.3168 liters, cubic inch = 16.3870 ml, bucket = 12.2994 liters, damask = 1/10 bucket = 1.22994 liters, cup = 1/100 bucket = 122.994 ml , for bulk products, a quarter = 0.209909 m3, a quarter = 0.262387 m3, garnz = 3.27984 l were used.

Enter what you know and click Calculate

THE WEIGHT: gram kilogram ounce pounds flour water salt sugar sand sugar icing soda vinegar butter cream. olive oil. oil rast. corn flour. potato flour. millet flour. milk powdered milk almonds peanuts buckwheat corn barley barley grains beans lentils peas pepper peas poppy raisins rice sago semolina wheat flakes yeast cheese grated cocoa coffee cinnamon cream, ice cream egg powder gelatin honey hazelnut citric acid liquor margarine mayonnaise millet oatmeal oatmeal parsley
VOLUME: milliliters liters teaspoon tablespoon glass teaspoon (English) dessert spoon (English) tablespoon (English) glass (English) ounce (Amer.) ounce (English) water salt sugar sand sugar icing soda vinegar butter cream. olive oil. oil rast. flour corn flour. potato flour. millet flour. milk powdered milk almonds peanuts buckwheat corn barley barley grains beans lentils peas pepper peas poppy raisins rice sago semolina wheat flakes yeast cheese grated cocoa coffee cinnamon cream, ice cream egg powder gelatin honey hazelnut citric acid liquor margarine mayonnaise millet oatmeal oatmeal parsley

The specified value is equal to:

Ounces (US)
ounces (English)
teaspoon (English)
Dessert spoon
table spoon (English)
glass (English)

Converter: converting volume and weight in cooking

To ensure the excellent taste of the prepared dish, it is mandatory to comply with all proportions clearly stated in the recipe. Very often, recipes are indicated for one serving, or one glass.

This is perplexing for some housewives, because sometimes you have to cook two or three servings for the whole family. Yes, and measuring the ingredients with glasses is not very convenient. It is much easier to apply a converter and associate data with familiar grams or other units of measurement.

It is often necessary to convert measures of weight to measures of volume, or vice versa. But not many people know how many grams are in the usual spoons or glasses, as well as how to convert milliliters to grams. This online converter allows you to convert mass or volume into the usual number of glasses, teaspoons or tablespoons.

The reverse conversion feature is also very useful. It is present in the culinary converter on the site. The function of supporting international measurement values ​​and measures, which can so often be seen in foreign culinary guides, deserves special attention.

A culinary weights and measures calculator will be a useful tool for all housewives who want to stick to a clear recipe and allow them to cook delicious meals. By converting units of volume to units of weight, you can calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare several servings of dishes.

With this cooking "cheat sheet" you will be able to know how much flour, salt, sugar or other crumbly or liquid ingredients to put in a dish. Be careful, as English glasses are different from what we are used to, the same situation happens with spoons.

The online converter also gives out fractional values ​​\u200b\u200bfor a third or half a teaspoon or a tablespoon. This is very convenient, since you can convert any volume into units of mass, regardless of its multiplicity.