Quick holiday table. Delicious seafood salad

Each housewife has her favorite list of dishes that she prefers to cook for the holidays. But New Year's Eve dictate their own rules for preparing treats. After all, you need to please not only those who gather for a home dinner or a friendly banquet, but also the totem of the year. In 2018, we will try to feed the Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, when choosing dishes, it is better to take into account the culinary preferences of this friendly animal. They say that dogs are omnivores. But is it? Does this myth extend to the Chinese character? Let's try to figure out what to cook for the New Year - the year of the Dog, to please the animal and attract good luck.

What to cook on the table in the year of the Dog - culinary habits of the Yellow Earth symbol

When compiling the menu and choosing dishes, what to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018, it is advisable to take into account not so much the nature of the animal as its culinary preferences. A friend loves to eat. A well-fed Dog is a guarantee of safety and well-being in the house it guards.

Therefore, asceticism is the wrong choice for the New Year 2018. There should be enough treats on the table so that no one goes hungry.

At the same time, the dog does not tolerate window dressing and unjustified squandering.

The hostess of the year simply will not understand you when she sees a table bursting with snacks, meat and sweets.

There should be no more treats than guests can eat in an evening. Look for the golden mean. The option with bowls of salads, 10 meat and fish dishes, so as not to cook after the New Year, will not work this time.

Take a closer look at how the Dog treats food? She will not eat yesterday's, suspicious and incomprehensible. With caution, she will also treat new, unknown treats.

Therefore, when choosing what to cook in the Year of the Dog 2018, give preference to simple and familiar dishes.

No need to amaze the imagination of guests and hurt the psyche of the Mistress of the Year with overseas delicacies and new salads with unimaginable ingredients.

And the Dog is incredibly friendly, which should be reflected in the nature of the menu, in what you decide to cook for the year of the Yellow Dog. It is necessary to take into account the wishes of everyone who will celebrate the New Year at the same table.

It would be useful to ask what dishes are your favorite, or to make a New Year's menu with the whole family.

And in order not to miss a single nuance when preparing the menu, we recommend that you get acquainted with what you can and should cook for the Year of the Dog.

What to serve on the table in the Year of the Dog as a main dish

A dog by nature is a hunter, whose means of subsistence is meat. And even those individuals that have long become not only domesticated, but also exotic, will not refuse a piece of meat, although they are accustomed to balanced dry food.

Therefore, the center of the table and the attention of guests should take. It doesn't matter if it's a beef steak or well-done lamb skewers, homemade pork or your favorite roast.

The main thing is that the dish is tasty, fragrant and attractive. And one more nuance, preferably pieces of meat on the bone.

After all, a sugar bone is a favorite dog treat and entertainment.

You can cook a steak on the bone, bake or stew meat ribs. And how appetizing is a piece of meat with ribs, baked whole in the oven, pork chops on the bone.

If you want to surprise your guests, cook beef shank ossobuco. Incredibly tasty and the Dog will love it.

An incredibly fragrant dish - a pork leg cooked in beer will decorate the most sophisticated table and is ideal for celebrating the New Year of the Dog.

But the dog will not refuse a bird, a game either. Chicken, which was banned last year, is quite appropriate to cook on the table in the year of the Dog.

Roast the whole bird, cook the wings on the fire or grill, fry the legs or thighs and serve with a hot sauce.

Chicken legs baked in puff pastry will look original. The combination of meat and bread will please the Dog very much.

If you decide what to cook on the table in the year of the Dog will be a goose or a duck, do not give up such a great idea.

A bird cooked whole with apples, dried fruits or cabbage will decorate the New Year's table and will be a suitable treat for a dog.

And even when lovers of both meat dishes and poultry treats should gather in one company, do not puzzle over what to cook on the table in the year of the Dog, but make two main hot dishes.

Let the Mistress of the Year have a choice. The main thing is that the table should be familiar to all those present.

But if you love fish, is it worth changing your preferences. The dog is loyal to fish dishes.

But it is worth remembering that the dog should not be given fish with small bones. Therefore, it is better to refuse carp, pike, and other river fish.

Yes, and the usual herring under a fur coat is not the best choice.

Year of the Dog 2018: what to put on the table as snacks

Since the dog loves meat and fish in any form, then when choosing snacks, salads, it is advisable to move in this direction. Meat and mixed cuts, canape with sausage, tartlets with liver - all this will find a place on the festive New Year's table.

And you can cook both hot and. Delicious cuts of homemade boiled pork, mouth-watering meat rolls with mushrooms or prunes, fragrant meatballs and, of course, jellied meat with mustard.

Here is such a truly homely table that will inspire notes of nostalgia and the dog will really like it.

As for chicken, offal, then do not limit your imagination here either - remember simple but tasty recipes. Aspic with tongue, liver pate, navels with onions, liver cake will perfectly complement your meat table.

And don't forget about pickles - we put out assorted sauerkraut with pickled cucumbers and pickled mushrooms.

Year of the Dog: what salads we will cook for the New Year

Try not to change traditions. And if your family is quite satisfied, do not waste time looking for new products. In the spirit of the dog year, there will be a favorite salad and original men's salads.

If you want to add zest to traditional salads, cook them with unusual ingredients or give them an unusual shape, play with the design.

Or prepare salads with winter or New Year's notes for the New Year of the Dog. Check out these salad recipes:

  • "Winter";
  • "Snowball";
  • "New Year's extravaganza";
  • "New Year's light";
  • "New year's night";
  • "Christmas story";
  • "Pleasure";
  • "New Year's Elf";
  • "Christmas mood".

Recipes for the most New Year's salads can be found in the article

And we have prepared for you a selection of New Year's meat salads - such a gift for the Mistress of the year and, of course, for men. But lovers of mixed salads will not remain offended this New Year - they are waiting for the TOP-10 New Year's original salads that can be safely prepared for the festive table.

For those who are used to preparing enchanting salads, we suggest getting acquainted with, among which you can choose recipes for original vegetable and mixed treats such as:

  • "Goat in the garden";
  • "Chicken with a twist";
  • "Drunken ship";
  • "Princess";
  • "Watermelon";
  • "Orange Paradise";
  • "Christmas toys";
  • "Ease".

Advice! Since the Chinese dog is yellow, it is better to decorate salads with crushed egg yolks, pieces of boiled carrots.

As you can see, the dog likes salads with meat and fish, with vegetables and mixed cocktails with the usual ingredients. Therefore, choose any salad you like, but also exclude recipes with exotic ingredients and unusual tastes, unimaginable combinations of products.

What can be cooked for the year of the Dog on a sweet table

It turns out that Dogs are still those sweet teeth. They will be happy to treat themselves to cake and sweets. But their favorite treat will be apples and oranges. Therefore, we select recipes for baking and desserts with these fruits.

It could be baked apples. Do you think it's trite? Stuff them with raisins, cottage cheese and add a little honey. Serve with ice cream and blackberries, topped with crushed nuts.

You can also cook a fragrant apple pie or bake puff pastry envelopes with apple filling. More experienced housewives can experiment with apple strudel or homemade marshmallow.

Citrus fruits must be on the festive table for the New Year of the Dog. After all, the talisman is yellow. Therefore, oranges, tangerines, lemons can be served in the form of fruit slices, and various desserts can be prepared from them.

Try the citrus mousse with refreshing sourness. Citrus terrine with caramelized grapefruit zest, as well as citrus jelly with tangerine pieces and nuts will look original.

Do you prefer? Prepare for the Year of the Dog New Year's muffins with walnuts and tangerines or a sweet pie with oranges.

And surprise guests and relatives with an unusual wine jelly with pieces of citrus.

Nothing limits the culinary fantasy this year when it comes to savory pastries.

The dog loves bread and rolls, pies and pies. Bake homemade rye and white bread, with additives, herbs, nuts.

Experiment with pies with fillings. Moreover, you can stuff them with meat, legumes, chicken, cabbage, mushrooms.

As you can see, from the usual and traditional dishes you can set a rich and varied New Year's table, which will not only please the Dog, but also please the guests.

Year of the Dog: what food on the New Year's table is better to refuse

Still, Dogs are not omnivorous, as it seems at first glance. Some even the usual dishes will have to be abandoned.

We immediately cross out all fish dishes from the New Year. Even red fish, herring, caviar are contraindicated this year. Don't risk teasing the Mistress of the Year.

She will eat such treats, but they will not add health to her. Trendy sushi and rolls were also on the ignore list. Postpone such dishes until the next New Year.

When choosing meat products for cutting, pay attention to their composition.

In no case should they contain horse meat. Such a treat is not to the liking of a freedom-loving animal.

Korean dishes will also be inappropriate. Indeed, in exotic versions in its original form, dog meat is often present.

And do not try to serve fast food on the table, especially with the prefix "dog". Do not treat guests with hot dogs, root dogs.

A special restriction applies to alcoholic beverages. Dogs can't stand violent drunken people.

Therefore, strong alcohol will also have to be abandoned. It is better to stop at champagne, wine, light cocktails.

But even here you need to feel the line between light enthusiasm, good mood and intoxicating fog. But various compotes, fruit drinks, lemonades and even kvass and homemade beer will be appropriate on the New Year's table.

And remember that the Dog is waiting for you on New Year's Eve cheerful and in a good mood. Therefore, you should not devote the entire New Year's day to cooking.

Try to finish all the preparations in advance so that you can be cheerful and fresh at the holiday.

Video: what you can cook for the New Year of the Dog

We offer you to get acquainted with a selection of hot meat dishes that are ideal for celebrating the New Year of the Dog:

New Year's table 2018: what should be on the table?

How difficult it is to decide what to cook for the New Year. Moreover, hostesses face this problem every year. Although every woman has a huge number of recipes in stock, it is very difficult to create a menu in such a way that there is enough food for everyone and that none of the guests are left hungry because they do not eat meat or, for example, mayonnaise. And yet, you need to think not only about the guests, but also about the symbol of the next year. This time we will meet the Yellow Dog on New Year's Eve, so many people are interested in what the 2018 New Year's table should be like. in the Year of the Dog? Of course, meat dishes will be in favor and will appeal to the symbol of the year.
And another task that the hostesses set themselves is to surprise everyone with a new and unusual dish. And it is clear that there will be no time to train before the New Year. Therefore, the “zest” of the festive table should be simple and easy to prepare. Moreover, such a dish does not have to be hot, it can be a salad effectively laid out on a dish, and a dessert. Several recipes for interesting New Year's dishes are given below, but also do not forget about the beautiful design of cold cuts.

What do guests see when they first sit down at the table? Of course, snacks, salads and various meat, cheese and vegetable plates carefully prepared by the hostess. That is why these dishes should be not only tasty, but also very beautiful. With all this, they should also be light, so that people have the desire to eat the main dishes and dessert. Here are some salads that you can decorate beautifully.

Salad Dog

Such a cute salad in the shape of a Dog's muzzle is made from a classic crab stick salad recipe. Prepare a regular crab salad, put it on a dish in the form of a Dog's muzzle. Then, where the ears are, we cover the salad with corn, and sprinkle the entire remaining surface with grated egg white. We make eyes and a nose from olives, and a tongue from a crab stick.

Salad Bone

At the heart of this salad is the Mimosa recipe. Recall what products will be needed:

Canned salmon natural - 1 can (240 gr.) - knead with a fork.

chicken egg - 4 pcs. boil, rub.

potatoes - 2 pcs. boil, rub.

carrots - 2-3 pcs. boil, rub.

purple salad onion - 1 pc. finely chop.

mayonnaise - 150 ml

Put the salad in layers in the form of a bone, coat each layer with a mayonnaise net, cover with grated egg white on top.

Salad “Calendar Leaf”

The beauty of this salad is that it can be prepared for any occasion. Only the design will change. A salad is laid out in the form of a calendar sheet, but any date can be laid out from pieces of vegetables. On the New Year, of course, the number one and the name of the first month of the year are laid out from the products. Here is a list of required ingredients:

  • canned fish such as sardines
  • one bulb
  • two potatoes
  • one carrot
  • four eggs
  • mayonnaise

for decoration:

  • bell pepper
  • greenery
  • olives
  • a few pieces of carrots

Cooking: First of all, you need to boil potatoes, carrots, eggs and cool. Then you need to open canned fish, drain all the liquid and transfer to any plate. Then the fish is well kneaded with a fork and laid out on a dish for serving in the form of a rectangle. After that, the first layer of the dish is smeared with mayonnaise. Then you need to peel the onion, finely chop and put on top of the mayonnaise layer.
The next layer is proteins. The eggs must be peeled, the yolks must be removed and set aside, and the whites must be grated on a fine grater. You need to spread only half of the proteins, the second part will be needed for decoration.
Next, we clean the boiled carrots and also three on a grater, and then spread them in a small layer on top of the proteins. Again we coat the salad with mayonnaise. Potatoes are also peeled, grated and laid out in the next layer.
It happens that the shape of the salad starts to break, in this case you need to take a knife with a wide blade and crush it a little on all sides. It remains only to sprinkle the salad with grated protein, the top can also be decorated with chopped yolks or grated cheese. The number one can be laid out from pieces of red bell pepper, the word "January" - from pieces of carrots. You can also decorate the dish with slices of olives and herbs.

Salad with beef tongue “Yolka”

This is a very easy salad to make. The main ingredient is beef tongue. Here's what you need to make this salad:

  • beef tongue
  • one bulb
  • one medium carrot
  • corn in a jar
  • two pickles
  • two potatoes
  • mayonnaise
  • sunflower oil
  • salt pepper
  • dill and pomegranate seeds for garnish

Preparing the salad:

First of all, you need to deal with the tongue - boil it, and, while it is still hot, peel it. Then the tongue must be cut into small cubes. Along with this, you need to cook potatoes and carrots. Vegetables should be cooled, peeled and also cut into cubes. Grind cucumbers into pieces of the same size. Onions must be cut into half rings, and then fried a little in sunflower oil. Put all the products together with the corn from the jar in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix well.
After that, you can proceed to the design of the salad. We suggest laying it out in the shape of a Christmas tree, then sprinkle generously with dill. And pomegranate seeds and corn are suitable for making toys out of them or a garland for the resulting Christmas tree.

Main dishes

The task of the main holiday dish is to be hearty, tasty and fragrant. And from what to cook it - pork, beef or, maybe, a rabbit, each hostess chooses herself, focusing on the tastes of the guests. But there are dishes that everyone loves without exception, and one of them is meat in French.

Meat in French

This recipe allows you to make a dish that can be easily shared among all participants in the feast. In addition, French meat always turns out tender and juicy. Here's what you need to prepare:

  • beef or pork fillet - 400 gr.
  • one bulb
  • potatoes - 300-400 gr.
  • tomatoes - 600-700 gr.
  • large onion
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • champignons (frozen) - 700 gr.
  • mayonnaise
  • sunflower oil

First you need to prepare a large baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil. The onion is peeled and cut into half rings. Then the onion should be evenly spread on a baking sheet. After that, you need to deal with mushrooms. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed. Then they are chopped into slices and fried in a pan with sunflower oil for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you need to peel the potatoes, cut into circles. Their thickness should not exceed one and a half centimeters. Place the potato slices on top of the onion and spread evenly over the entire surface of the baking sheet. The potato layer can be salted.
Let's move on to the meat. It needs to be washed well, dried slightly and cut across the fibers into small pieces about two centimeters thick. All pieces must be beaten off on both sides, it is better to do this through several layers of cling film or a bag. Then the meat is laid out on top of the potatoes and smeared with mayonnaise.
Then wash the tomatoes, cut into circles and spread on each meat piece. Lastly, put the mushrooms on the tomatoes. Before sending the dish to a preheated oven, it is necessary to sprinkle it with grated hard cheese. The first few minutes you can bake the dish at 220 degrees, then the temperature should be reduced. After forty to fifty minutes, the meat can be checked for readiness.

Carp in foil

Not all people eat meat, so fish should also be on the festive table. And nothing looks more appetizing than whole baked fish. We suggest cooking carp in foil. Here is the list of ingredients:

  • carp from 2 to 2.5 kg
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • three cloves of garlic
  • spices to taste

Of course, you will have to tinker with the carp, but what can you not do for the sake of the holiday! First, the fish must be washed, then cleaned well, gutted and rinsed again. It is necessary to remove all films and gills. Then you can proceed to the preparation of the marinade. To do this, mix mayonnaise with salt, pepper, spices and chopped garlic cloves. Then you need to cut the lime into two halves, squeeze the juice from one part into the marinade and mix well. The fish should be well coated with the resulting sauce, do not forget about the abdomen, then put the carp aside for three hours.
At this time, you can prepare other dishes, such as salads. It remains to spread the foil on a baking sheet, transfer the carp there and overlay the lime cut into circles. Then the carp should be wrapped in foil and sent to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. The main thing is not to overdry the fish! Serve it on a beautiful dish. The foil can be beautifully wrapped or simply cut off.

Ribs or barbecue

Be sure to cook hot ribs or barbecue on the grill. These are the most favorite foods in the diet of any Dog. If it is possible to cook dishes on the grill, then give preference to barbecue, and if this is not possible, then bake the ribs in the oven according to any recipe you choose.

New Year's dessert

Why don't all people eat dessert on New Year's Eve? Because, basically, they are all very high-calorie, and a person simply cannot eat everything in one night. Therefore, you can prepare a very light fruit dessert, which would be appropriate to serve at the end of the feast.

fruit cut

Fruit or berry sorbet

The name of such a dish can inspire fear in those who traditionally prepare cakes and pastries for all holidays. But there is no need to bake anything. Preparing such a delicacy is very simple, it is enough to have a blender, champagne, berries and fruits in the house.
First you need to peel all the fruits and cut into small pieces. Just rinse the berries, or wait until they melt if frozen are used. Suitable and strawberries, and currants, and even lingonberries. From fruits you can take bananas, tangerines, kiwi, apples, pears. You can make sorbet with different flavors, or mix several fruits and berries. The selected ingredients must be put into a blender bowl, add a tablespoon of sugar and pour a glass of champagne (there should always be less sparkling drink than fruit). Then everything needs to be turned into a homogeneous mass and laid out in bowls or beautiful glasses and put in the refrigerator for three to four hours. Before serving, the dessert can be decorated with pieces of fruit, berries and mint leaves.

Here are a few recipes that can be adopted by those who have not yet decided what it will be: what should be on the table, and what can be cooked. But the main thing, of course, is not the dishes, but the festive mood. And if it is, then no one will pay attention to the fact that the pie is a little burnt on one side, or that someone has a piece of meat more, and someone has less. Do everything with love, and everything will definitely work out!

Very soon, the Fire Rooster, who ruled in the outgoing year according to the eastern calendar, will give way to the patroness of the New Year - the Yellow Earth Dog. This animal is distinguished by a kind, cheerful and complaisant character. The dog is located to people and is always ready to play. So astrologers promise in advance that the year will be more positive and easier. If only the patroness of the year does not remain hungry! How to set the New Year's table in order to appease the Yellow Earth Dog and attract good luck, prosperity and success into your life?

What must be put on the festive table

It is necessary to meet 2018 at a plentiful table, which should be laid taking into account the tastes of the patroness of the year. It's good that the Dog is an omnivore. But still, the main place should be given to meat in all its forms.

Oven-baked boiled pork, pork knuckle, grilled steaks, chops, fragrant tender shish kebab, bird - goose, duck or home-baked whole chicken. Various meat pies, sausage and ham cuts, salads with meat or poultry and jelly are also appropriate. It is especially great if New Year's dishes are prepared taking into account the tastes of the hostess of the year: baked pork ribs or veal on the bone are suitable, if cutlets - then in Kiev and on the bone, if steaks, then with blood.

In addition, on the New Year's table 2018, any cuts of sausage or ham, as well as various meat snacks and salads, will certainly be held in high esteem.

The second condition that must be met is the color scheme of the treats. They should be bright, with a predominance of warm tones, especially yellow and orange. Therefore, fresh and baked vegetables are welcome: yellow and orange bell peppers, corn cobs, mouth-watering ruddy potatoes, red tomatoes. For the sake of color, you can even decorate the table with small pumpkins.

The Dog is not indifferent to fruits, especially bright ones. Be sure to put a large vase on the table, which will contain oranges, tangerines, pears, apples, bananas and persimmons. It is also good to cut melon and papaya into pieces, or prepare bright fruity canapes.

Dogs are very friendly with children and share their love for sweets. Therefore, there should be a lot of various desserts and sweet pastries on the table, especially homemade ones. After all, the dog loves home comfort and homemade goodies. But chocolate is not welcome, because dogs cannot eat it!

What should not be on the New Year's table

As you know, dogs are not too fond of cats. And they don't like cat food either. This applies primarily to fish, especially those in which there are a lot of bones. Therefore, if you definitely need fish on the New Year's table, choose varieties that have a minimum of bones. It is advisable to bake and serve it whole, with the head, tail and fins, because in the east this symbolizes abundance and wealth.

I would like to hope that among the readers there are no such lovers of Korean cuisine who are ready to try exotic national dishes from dog meat. Needless to say, this is a sure way to piss off the Dog!

Korean food is generally not welcome on the New Year's table. It is also forbidden to cook dishes from broken noodles, because in the east, where the Yellow Earth Dog comes from, they believe that longevity depends on the length of the noodles. So don't shorten it!

You should also not tease the Dog with cooking hot dogs (for obvious reasons) and in general any fast food. Dogs are big lovers of home comfort and homemade food. So, the more treats prepared with love and with your own hands, the better.

It is also undesirable to put carbonated drinks on the New Year's table - the dog is at least indifferent to them. An exception may be the traditional New Year's champagne. But it is better to replace beer, lemonades and kvass with compotes, fruit drinks and juices.

The patroness of the year does not welcome strong alcoholic drinks. Surely you have ever observed how dogs do not like drunk people! Therefore, it is better if white and red wines, mulled wine or, in extreme cases, liqueurs are on the table. It is clear that this does not suit everyone, but forewarned is forearmed.

Serving and decor

Table setting for the meeting of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog should be decided in warm, bright colors, with a predominance of yellow, orange and all the colors of the earth - from sand and ocher to noble dark wood.

One of the respectable and elegant options is a white tablecloth and gilded appliances. As well as table accessories and decor with gilding. But then it is better to avoid combining all this with silver, that is, with gray. Fruits and vegetables on the table will add brightness, as well as the color scheme of all other dishes.

Another, more democratic option is a riot of colors in warm tones. There are so many hostesses, so many options! It will turn out very fun and elegant!

On the festive table, there must certainly be a figurine of a dog. You can get by with a soft toy, then it has a place not on the table, but at the table, for example, on a separate chair or on a sofa, among the guests. It is very good if there is a live dog in the house. Just do not overdo it with treats, trying to please her on New Year's Eve! And then the four-legged friend, stunned with happiness, will need the help of a veterinarian the next day.

And remember that the dog loves to play and have fun, she really does not like despondency and stiffness. Therefore, the treat is only part of the holiday. Be sure to plan fun competitions, dances and a walk, outdoor games in the frosty air or a ride down a hill. Then the Dog will be absolutely satisfied with you and will bring a lot of joy and real success in the new year!

Tatyana Rubleva

Preparations for the New Year holidays in families usually begin long before the onset of the gala night. So I want to make the table unforgettable in order to surprise my relatives. This time we will celebrate the Year of the Rooster. What should be put on the New Year's table so that the Rooster favors the family throughout its entire year?

What to put on the table in the year of the Rooster: what dishes and salads should be

We will definitely put on the New Year's table those dishes that the Rooster loves - this is, first of all, pastries. And any: lean and fatty, shortbread and puff, yeast and rich.

Remember the recipes for the most fragrant, ruddy and. Make buns and pies, pies and cakes, and cookies.

Do not forget about pizza, savory pies. Put various canapes, tartlets and, of course, on the table. Let them be cold and hot, layered and on toasted bread.

Since we have a Fiery and Red Cockerel, it is customary to serve pastries from the heat, from the heat.

What can be served hot? Open or closed pies with various fillings. Just do not cook chickens - the Master of the Year will not like this choice. You can put pies or buns hot.

And definitely hot sandwiches. What to do with them? With mushrooms and cheese, with meat and vegetables. But never with eggs.

What should be this year's cakes? Multi-layered and bright, like the multi-colored tail of the Cockerel. Decorate such a treat with bright fruits, multi-colored patterns.

You can cook not just a cake, but a complex dance. An enchanting combination of various layers, fillings, cream, as well as an unimaginable friendship of unimaginable tastes will appeal to both the guests and the Master of the Year.

There must be a rich bread basket on the table. Bread has always symbolized prosperity and wealth. And in the Year of the Rooster, bread on the New Year's table will be especially relevant.

Diversify your basket by putting in it a white loaf and black Borodino bread, healthy bran and unusual onion bread, with seeds and candied fruits. It will definitely be better if the hostess bakes the bread herself.

Fortunately, now you can pick up simple recipes.

And ladies experienced in culinary business will be able to handle new interesting bread recipes.

The cockerel will like to see a lot on the festive table.

Corn. Petushka's favorite treat. And it just has to be on the table. What exactly to put on the table, choose yourself. It can be millet, and millet, and oats.

Did you manage to germinate some wheat by the New Year? It will be a wonderful table decoration and an unsurpassed treat for the Cockerel.

Having put the cereal on the table, we will appease the Cockerel. But you can try to cook festive dishes from cereals. Consider options for pilaf, buckwheat with mushrooms, quinoa with vegetables. It is not necessary to cook the usual potatoes for a side dish on the table on New Year's Eve. Cereal dishes can also be festive, tasty and unusual. And, most importantly, the Fire Rooster will like them.

What else will please Cockerel on the New Year's table? Fruit. But only they should be the color of the elements of the year.

Yellow, orange, red. Therefore, feel free to put bright multi-colored apples, bananas, persimmons, any citrus fruits in a vase.

You can make bright jelly, fruit salad from such fruits. In this case, use not seasonal, but frozen fruits in the form of strawberries, raspberries, red currants.

Of course, with the use of vegetables in the colors of the year.

Peppers of bright colors, tomatoes will be appropriate. And be sure to have a lot of different greens.

Parsley, celery and basil may not match the color scheme, but Cockerel, as a resident of the village, loves her very much.

Therefore, feel free to flavor salads with herbs and spread it just like that on a vegetable plate.

What is better not to put on the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster

There are not so many prohibitions in the Year of the Rooster that apply to holiday treats, but they are significant.

First of all, the categorical ban applies to chicken. You should not cook any bird now for the New Year. The Master of the Year will not like to see his fellows baked or fried on the table.

Therefore, leave the idea with the New Year's goose for implementation on other holidays. For the New Year, it is better to cook a rabbit. The meat of the animal is considered dietary, and if it is cooked correctly, it is very tender and tasty.

For lovers of meat delights, the scope for a flight of fancy is not limited.

Cook chops, baked boiled pork, cabbage rolls and cutlets, goulash and steaks, complex meat dishes, etc. holiday appetizers.

The main thing is that there is no chicken in the recipes. We take pork, lamb, beef, veal.

The second significant ban this year is the taboo on eggs. Every second hostess will grab her head. What about the beloved Olivier and fur coat? Without eggs?

Yes, if you don't want to upset the betta, stop using eggs in salads.

By the way, without eggs they will acquire a new unfamiliar taste. Try to replace the eggs in the Olivier with avocado, and the fur coat will not lose at all due to the lack of eggs.

You shouldn't get upset. There is a sea of ​​​​various recipes, mushrooms, legumes, meat, where eggs are not used.

For those who want to thoroughly observe the strictness of New Year's traditions, they will also have to abandon the use of mayonnaise. Indeed, in this not entirely healthy sauce, chicken or quail eggs are also used. But for sure, experienced housewives know how to do without this deadly treat.

But you can decorate dishes in the form of chickens and hens, cockerels. On the net you can find tips on how to make cool chickens from boiled eggs. Stop - we remember that we do not put eggs on the New Year's table.

Therefore, such an idea would simply not be appropriate. How to make funny chickens. Use tartlets for this.

Faberge Eggs, which in fact are jelly with bright vegetables, will look original in the form of delicious table decorations.

Holiday Drinks That Will Surprise the Fire Rooster

What will be your favorite drinks this year? First of all, guilt. Especially those that match the palette of the year. Serve wines of red, golden hues.

Mulled wine will be appropriate. This magnificent drink is suitable for celebrating the New Year 2017 in all respects. First of all, it includes red wine. Citrus fruits that have an orange color are definitely present. And most importantly, the alcoholic drink is served hot - it's just great for meeting the Fiery Symbol of the year.

Men can bet on cognac. The amber notes of this noble drink will also appeal to the Rooster.

And the main guest of the New Year's table is cocktails, in any performance. After all, even the name “cocktail” itself is translated as “rooster tail”. Such a drink is the place on the New Year's table. You can use the famous recipes, gin, vodka, liqueurs. Combine different colors, flavors. Make cocktails bright, layered.

You can also make non-alcoholic sweet cocktails. To do this, use fruits in the theme, which have a red-orange palette.

Mix them with milk, ice cream, yogurt. Make bright smoothies.

Freshly squeezed juice can be made from fruits. Peach, apricot, pineapple, orange, pomegranate, apple, grapefruit, grape, tomato juice will suit the celebration of the New Year's party. Compotes, fruit drinks and even multi-colored ready-made carbonated drinks are also suitable.

What hot drinks to serve on the New Year's table? Suitable coffee, which is easy to make layered. It can be a latte with a layer of syrup and a cap of whipped cream.

How to serve the New Year's table in the Year of the Rooster

This year it will be possible to set the table using the ideas of two directions, which are dictated by the Symbol of the Year of the Rooster.

First of all, this is a village theme, as the Boss is a resident of the village. The theme of fire, flame is also relevant.

A cockerel who is not familiar with the bustle of the city will be impressed by the rustic style. Therefore, use a linen tablecloth and napkins.

Put wicker coasters on the table, which are used for bread, pastries, fruits. They will also look good in wicker frames.

To decorate cutlery, you can use canvas, burlap. On the tables, in addition to Christmas tree branches, you can put bouquets of spikelets, dried flowers. Decorate the table with ceramic figurines, candlesticks.

Ceramics will also be appropriate as portioned dishes. Pilaf or roast can be served in pots, and clay bowls can be used instead of salad bowls. For serving sweet desserts, you can use ceramic bowls.

Another option for decorating the New Year's table is the style of fire, flame. The central color, of course, will be red.

But don't overdo it. If you have a red tablecloth, use contrasting white or gold napkins.

In this case, red napkins, and matching balls, and snowmen in bright hats and scarves will be appropriate. In general, the combination of red and white is a common classic. And in 2017, this combination also corresponds to the theme of the year.

But since our Rooster is also Fiery, he loves gold, glitter and chic. Therefore, feel free to take out any dishes or accessories with gilding. Let it be a table service painted with gold or glasses with instructions.

Dishes and glasses of red, scarlet, burgundy colors will also be appropriate. The combination of red and gold allows you to choose many different colorful attributes to decorate the New Year's table. This coloring has long become fashionable, as it corresponds to the colors of European Christmas.

But just do not overdo it with brightness, with sparkles. So that your table does not turn into a solid red and gold spot.

Another important detail is fire. Rooster is our Fire. Therefore, if the house has a fireplace, try to place the New Year's table next to it. But even in its absence, you can create a fiery imitation using candles, sparklers.

The symbol of the upcoming 2019 will be an earthen pig, so you need to set a table that the animal will like. The menu should be with lots of fruits and vegetables. And also meat - chicken, rabbit, beef. The main pork dishes should not be in abundance.

You also need to take care of the table setting. For decoration it is recommended to use natural colors. You should focus on the following shades:

  • White
  • Green
  • Golden
  • Brown
  • Beige
  • Sand
  • Yellow

From bright and dark shades should be discarded. If the design seems too boring, then you can add a few bright elements.

It is better to set the table with a tablecloth made of cotton or linen. You can use two coatings - one will be the main one for dishes, and the second one is three times smaller, intended for cutlery.

If you have a wooden table in your house or apartment, then you can not cover it. For decoration, it is enough to twist napkins with the image of a pig. Eastern culture experts recommend decorating the New Year's table with transparent vases, clay slides, baskets with cones, branches or flowers.

The pig does not like strong odors, so scented candles are not recommended. But the figurine of the symbol of the next year should be mandatory.

Menu for the new year 2019. What can be put, and what is not recommended?

Each hostess should take care of the design of the table. To do this, it is important to know which dishes are preferable to cook in order to please the symbol of the next year. Recommendations of the 2019 meeting:

  • Meat dishes from pork should not prevail on the table.
  • It is allowed to cook a small number of dishes with mushrooms and sea fish.
  • Like vegetables and fruits of yellow and brown color.
  • For baking, it is not recommended to use yeast dough; it is better to make unleavened or puff pastry.
  • The king of dinner can be a stuffed goose or rabbit.

If we recall the past years ... The Year of the Rooster was not recommended to be met with poultry dishes. But the dog will love this tender meat in any form. What to say about the year of the pig 2019 - it is logical that on the festive table there should be delicious, hearty and meat dishes, but not in priority from pork.

Gala Dinner Menu:

  • Main course
  • side dishes
  • Various salads
  • Snacks
  • Beverages
  • desserts

Also on the table should be cold snacks. Traditional options are suitable here: meat and vegetable rolls, canapes, sandwiches with red fish, cheese balls, eggs stuffed with caviar.

Of course, no new year is complete without salads. To date, there are a huge number of recipes. For cooking, it is recommended to use meat and fresh vegetables. Several names of non-traditional salads: Inspiration, Merchant, White Night, Male Caprice, Florence, Glutton, Herringbone.

The hostess should put on the table and hot snacks. Two courses are enough, because guests will also be offered the main course. Several variants:

  • Turkey with mushrooms.
  • Bacon with baked pear.
  • Shrimps in batter.
  • Shashlik.
  • Stuffed mushrooms.
  • Pizza.
  • Ossetian pie.
  • Baked rabbit.
  • French meat.
  • Beef roll.

The main ingredient of the main dish should be meat. For dinner, you can cook the following:

  • Meat steak.
  • Lamb ribs.
  • Veal chops.
  • Beef stroganoff.
  • Braised lamb.
  • Baked bird.
  • Pork stew.

It is good if there are a small amount of desserts on the table.

For the New Year's table, you can prepare the following types of desserts:

  • Apples with nuts baked in the oven.
  • Parfait with peaches.
  • Napoleon.
  • Smetannik.
  • Mandarin dessert.
  • Orange soufflé.
  • Curd with bananas.
  • Ice cream.
  • Fruit sherbet.
  • Yogurt with berries.

You can make muffins, cheesecake, muffins, profiteroles, cake.

  • Cherry liqueur.
  • Ryabinovka.
  • Slivyanka.
  • Cider.
  • Rowan wine or tincture.

It is important to understand that the article contains only examples of table design. But knowing the main principles, you can organize a holiday and prepare delicious dishes for dinner.

If you cannot imagine a festive table without fish, then prepare a small amount of dishes, as the symbol of the coming year does not approve of such food. It is better to cook fish with the tail and head.

At dinner, there should be a minimum of sweets and no fast food. The pig is unpretentious to food!

For cooking, in no case use an abundance of pork, it will be a bad omen. But in Russia, such dishes are popular, so everyone can follow this rule.