Pancakes with cherry filling. Delicious pancakes with cherries

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Pancakes with cherries, the recipe with a photo of which is offered below, are tender and fragrant, in a small hole - just delicious. And with such a filling, you just can’t pull them by the ears. For breakfast, for evening tea - what you need! By the way, you can pick up others.

For pancakes we need:

- milk - half a liter;
- egg - 1-2 pieces;
- wheat flour - 1 cup (or a little more);
- sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
- sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
- a pinch of salt.

For filling:
- frozen pitted cherries - 200 g;
- starch - 2 tsp;
- sugar - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Beat the eggs with a whisk, introduce into the milk and add sugar, salt and mix everything well. Then gradually begin to introduce flour. The dough should be the consistency of liquid sour cream and drain from a spoon without difficulty. We make sure that there are no lumps in the dough. To make the process go faster - beat with a mixer or blender. The dough will turn out slightly foamy - this is what we need. Pancakes will be the most tender.

In order not to grease the pan, we add sunflower oil to the dough.

The finished dough can be put in the cold for a while, but for now, do the filling. Pour the thawed cherries and sugar into a bowl.

Dilute starch in a cup of water.

Let the cherry stand for a while and let the juice go, then put it in a saucepan and put it on a small fire, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. Sprinkle sugar to taste, if needed. At the end, pour the starch into the syrup, stirring until thickened. Remove from fire and let cool. Cherry filling is ready. It turns out thick jelly.

We leave it and proceed to the pancakes.
We will need: a pancake pan, a convenient ladle for dough, butter for spreading pancakes. Make the pancakes thin and not too fried, so that later you can fry the finished one with the filling in the pan. The state of roasting is easy to determine by the edges, if they begin to dry out and rise - it's time to turn over. We put the pancakes in turn on a convenient plate, smearing each pancake with butter.

Let's proceed to the final stage, we are preparing pancakes with cherry filling. We spread the cherry on the edge of the pancake without sparing, the more filling - the tastier and juicier!

Fold as you like: an envelope, a tube or a triangle, the main thing is that the edges are closed well and the filling does not leak out. Cherry jelly turns out to be quite dense, but anyway, it is better not to leave the edges open.

Everything! Our cherry pancakes are ready.

Before serving, sprinkle pancakes with powdered sugar, mint leaves, decorate with whipped cream from a bottle - as you like. Beauty, and more!
Happy tea!

Old Lesya
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Recipes with photos: thin pancakes with milk, oatmeal cookies and yeast

Pancake snack rolls. dgonke's blog on

Pancake rolls are a great appetizer for the festive table, especially during Maslenitsa. Such rolls are prepared from any pancake dough to taste, and a variety of products are used as fillings for them, including meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, greens, etc. Today I want to share a recipe for pancake rolls that can be served on snack. Pancake rolls are a great choice for any holiday, because they are not only hearty and tasty, but also very beautiful. These rolls can...

Who knows how to make a filling of cherries for pancakes, I really wanted something, but I don’t know how to do it, just cherries with sugar - I didn’t try it, I want something delicious, who made the recipe


I would take out the bones from the cherries, cover them with sugar, dilute the starch in the separated juice and warm it with berries, in my opinion it will turn out like the stuffing for pies in McDonald's, only you need to make pancakes even thicker.
And for refinement - cherry loves cinnamon and cloves, cloves really need a little.

07/06/2005 19:58:26, from DN

I read it, and I also wanted to))))
I'll try today. I think I’ll mix cherries and cottage cheese in a blender (well, with sugar, of course).

07/06/2005 09:55:30, Shimamoto

Pancake Filling Recipes

rnd=-464000576 Pancakes are tasty, of course, on their own, but adding toppings to them makes them even tastier. Today I bring to your attention recipes for fillings for pancakes, so that every day of Shrovetide (and not only) you can delight your loved ones with more and more new tastes of such a familiar and beloved dish. Pancakes can be cooked in different ways. Popular, for example, today are thin pancakes made with milk or water, and openwork pancakes, and surprisingly tender custard pancakes, and fluffy pancakes with yeast or ...

Pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya. dgonke's blog on

Cooking programs with Yulia Vysotskaya are very popular with domestic viewers. This is not surprising, because Julia tries in every issue to present even the most complex recipes in a very accessible way. So today, hostesses prefer to make many familiar dishes according to the recipes of the famous TV presenter. Let's, for example, learn how to cook pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya. Pancakes [link-1] - this is perhaps one of the most "Russian" dishes, along with cabbage soup, cereals, pies ...

It’s horrific how much there is this year! I’ve already rolled up a bunch of compotes, made jams. I decided to treat my sweet ones. there is no longer just a place :)) And it’s a pity to throw it away :(

Pancake Snack Recipes

Pancakes and various dishes from them are popular throughout the year, but most of all they are prepared, of course, during Maslenitsa week (Maslenitsa). And if you want to cook pancakes in an original way on Maslenitsa or just want to please your loved ones with an unusual dish, then pay attention to the recipes for snack bags of pancakes with filling. This is incredibly delicious and very beautiful! Pancake bags are by no means a novelty on domestic tables, but right now ...

People, tell me, where can I get such a cherry filling as in a fly, for example?

Girls. I want to try some sweet dumplings (with cherries, for example). The dough should be like for dumplings (as I understand it). I have already learned this (with the help of the conference - many thanks to everyone!). But how to make the filling sweet so that it does not flow out??!!!


The most delicious sweet filling is cherry with raspberries.

I make dough without eggs, because mine like thin tight and thin edges, but they say that the dough is delicious on kefir. Sometimes I first sprinkle the filling with sugar, when it gives the juice - I drain it a little, I sprinkle starch on the circle of dough in the middle, it will bind the juice and nothing will flow out, and the juice does not splash in this case. Sometimes just berries and sugar - nothing comes out

I’m sitting, I WANT to bake something, I don’t know what, but I want :) I found a recipe, apparently from a confa: 1 can of raw condensed milk, 1 glass of flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of soda (did not extinguish) ... Mix everything :-) Baking tray cold (!!) lubricate with oil, pour the dough in a thin layer, i.e. spread the dough well on a baking sheet with a thread, from the resulting mass I got 2 baking sheets about 30 by 40 cm in size, i.e. the layer must be very thin. Bake 5 (!!!) minutes (oven preheated to 150-180 degrees). In sweet cream...


I do it sometimes, I took it from Tanita, it turned out great, I make different fillings - from jam to cottage cheese with fruits. I don’t know about prosody, about cherries too :) but everything needs to be there quickly :) and it is also eaten very quickly :)

I didn’t give it here, but I’ve been making this roll for many years.
You can substitute baking soda for baking powder.
And I recommend not spreading the dough on a baking sheet, but on greased baking paper, because. he still has a habit of sticking.
I have such a portion on a baking sheet 40x40 cm. The thickness of the baked dough is about 0.5 cm. I don’t think it needs to be thinner.
Sour cream here is not as a cream, but as an impregnation, so it is better to use 10%. I usually pour sweet sour cream over it, and then sprinkle it with steamed raisins, nuts or other nonsense to taste.
If the edges are tinted (dried), it is better to cut them off immediately, before you roll up the roll. Otherwise, the roll will begin to break from the edges.
The roll is very tasty.

Kind people! tell me a proven recipe for a pie \ cake with cherries. There is a package of frozen. I found this recipe, but the large amount of milk and cream in the description confuses me. Share who bakes what from frozen cherries? Thanks in advance!

I want to make pancakes with apples and freeze them. What is the best way to make the filling? Just rub the apples and sprinkle with sugar, or are there some tricks? I'm afraid the filling will leak when heated. Or he can eat pancakes, and make something else out of apples (but not charlotte).

There is a frozen cherry (purchased) ... what to do with it (starch, sugar - how much? Butter?), so that they stuff it into dumplings and not really flow?

I’m trying to master yeast baking, I ran into a problem: if I make a pie with some kind of juicy filling or filling, it either doesn’t bake at the bottom or gets wet. how to deal with it? more specifically interested in: a pie with cherries (so far with ice cream) or with apples (diced), meat open with a filling of sour cream with cheese and an egg. Meat if poured immediately, as in the recipe, then the bottom remains "clay". I tried to bake first without sour cream, and then pour it. Then it gets baked, but...


when I make a strudel, I put apples on breadcrumbs (3 tbsp) just so that the moisture from the apples is absorbed

you’re baking the wrong thing, IMHO :-) well, they don’t bake ice cream cherries with yeast dough. and the filling with filling is some kind of crazy invention ..


This basic recipe is taken from the conference.
And Tatyana Gladchenko shared this recipe. Her comments and advice
turned out to be very valuable, I mainly relied on them, for which I thank her!

I usually start preparing for the cake in the summer, when they sell fresh cherries. ;))
That is, I buy cherries, ram them into a balloon, sprinkle with sugar, let the juice flow
and pour vodka. Or I give it another week to wander, and then I strengthen it with vodka
and in a refrigerator or in a dark place (a closet in a cool corridor,
For example). However, it is not always lucky to buy cherries in the summer, then the purchased
frozen cherry. I pour it into a glass jar, where it freezes
in sugar, letting out juice. You should not be afraid of the abundance of juice - there will be a delicious drink.
After letting the juice out, I fill it with vodka. In principle, in two days you can already
use cherries for the cake.

The cake itself. This is a biscuit that should be mercilessly dispensed with. Namely.
The biscuit should be light. I ended up with this recipe
(I always cook by eye, so the proportions are very approximate).

4-5 (depending on size) very cold eggs
1.5-2 cups of sugar
1 cup flour
We take out the eggs from the refrigerator, separate the whites from the yolks. Pour the whites into
large bowl and begin to beat with a mixer in a strong foam. When the foam
stands on mixing whisks, pour in about 3/4 cup of sugar and again
whisk thoroughly. We put the bowl in the refrigerator. Wash mixer beaters and
vytiarem. Combine the yolks in a small bowl with another 3/4 cup
sugar, beat with a mixer until light and fluffy
mogul. We take out a bowl of squirrels from the refrigerator, there a wooden
Scoop out the beaten egg whites with a spoon. I immediately pour flour through a sieve
and carefully .. from below-vwe-e-e-e-erh .. from below-vve-e-e-e-erh;)))) (c)
I stir. Then, at a faster pace, mix until smooth.
colors and textures. In this case, the proteins will sag a little, of course. Not
fearfully! dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, during which to heat the oven and
prepare a baking dish. I have a thin metal shape, but
detachable - that is, the ring-sides and the bottom are separated. Ring-boards have
a lock thanks to which to take out a biscuit from a form - as easy as shelling pears! Her
generously, abundantly, I grease with butter and sprinkle (not so abundantly)
flour. Shake out excess flour. I don't have an oven thermometer. She doesn't
must be fire! Pour the dough into the form (it turns out the consistency
thick mousse), smooth and put in the oven for me-e-e-e-slow
the fire. I bake a biscuit for an hour, and even a little more. How
As a rule, it rises every 4-6 times. At the end, when the biscuit has risen well and
almost baked, I add fire for a short time - for browning and
drying of the top layer.
While the biscuit is baking, the custard buttercream is being prepared.
Drunk Cherry Cream
I do this (again, the proportions are very approximate):
4 eggs
1.5 cups sugar
4 tbsp. l. flour
2-2.5 cups of milk

Beat eggs with sugar, add flour, stir, pour in milk and slowly
window with continuous stirring, brew until thickened - like semolina
"puff" when it starts. Cool down.

Then take the softened butter, whisk, add
gradually custard. How much oil - I don’t know for sure .. When you want,
to be fatter - 1.5-2 packs is possible. I usually do with 1 pack. He
it turns out not so creamy, which, in principle, is required for me
Take out the finished biscuit, let it cool slightly, cut lengthwise into two halves
(however, the lower part should still be made a little higher) and put
cool down and dry up. When cool, carefully (I do with a fork) remove
the middle, leaving, as it were, a box. It is worth not overdoing it - so that the cake
then kept in shape. That is, leave no less than centimeter walls. Well
and try not to make a hole in the bottom of the box. Although it is not essential, in

Take out the biscuit dough in a separate bowl, tear it with a smaller fork and
Gradually add the cream, bring to the consistency of tender and homogeneous
practically. Naturally, it shouldn’t be liquid, but it shouldn’t be tasty either.
will. In the lower (higher) box to the bottom in an even layer of 1 berry
lay out the cherry, taken out with a slotted spoon from the booze;), put on top
biscuit-cream mass with an innovative slide. Next, how dare you
enough - or put the mass in the top too and then manage to turn it over
upside down on the bottom half, without tearing or losing the filling. Or like me
cowardly creation - I just put more on the bottom - taking into account the height
top box, - and then just cover with the second box and lightly
I press down so that the mass is evenly distributed. Basically everything. For
decorations, either icing or cream is the same custard.

In the refrigerator for the night - the cake is ready. I advise you to do two at once;)) Because
then you can’t get offended, that everyone didn’t have enough with the addition
By the way, it turns out no less tasty if the biscuit is made white, and in cream
add cocoa. Or make both the dough and the cream chocolate. I even in something
more likely. But with cocoa sometimes my biscuit does not rise well
for some reason..

And now, not a lot of additions Tanya sent them to me later

In the biscuit itself, you need to add 2 tbsp. cocoa (sift through a sieve with

On a form with a diameter of 24 cm, a biscuit will turn out from 4-5 eggs,

From above, you can cover the cake with icing, but so that the icing does not squeak on your teeth
you can do so. Set aside part of the cream and add another 100 grams to it
butter, and then smear the cake with more cream

One layer of cherries is enough! Although many recommend it very much! I AM
took frozen pitted cherries, it seems firm 4 seasons

Add 2 tbsp to the cream too. cocoa

I hope you enjoy the cake as much as I do.

You need to leave your husband a supply of food for 2 weeks, which can be made ready very quickly. I have an idea to freeze it so that my husband only needs to warm it up. Question: what can be frozen like that? I remember someone said that cutlets should be without onions?

And how to make a filling for frozen berry dumplings? There are currants, strawberries ... It is necessary to put frozen in the dough. add berries and sugar? Or thaw, mix with sugar and without juice, wrap in dough? But what if I cook them for the future, i.e. freezing? And how to make sure that they do not fall apart during cooking? Thanks!


I thaw, mix with sugar and starch to dry it, and then everything is as usual. When cooking, they fall apart IMHO if there is too much filling, or too thin, or poorly stuck together (and they are badly stuck just when there is a lot of liquid in the filling). I can’t say anything about the future - we eat berries as they are produced: ((, only cottage cheese + cheese are frozen.

I have a recipe for an excellent dough for large pies, but I don’t have a delicious filling (recipes for it) ... Request to hostesses who regularly prepare pies - please share a VERIFIED recipe for the filling (I don’t trust the search, as well as what is printed in magazines ). Many thanks!!!


Thanks a lot, everyone!!! :)))

Salted mushrooms + boiled egg + raw turnip.
Dry mushrooms soaked and rolled + boiled egg + onion (for small pies).
Salmon fish (salted) with fried onions.
Whole fresh river fish with green onions.
Fresh blueberries with sugar and egg.

15.03.2006 13:12:11, Apatit

family recipes. Tillotama's blog on

Today it hit me again about food :) Sorry, that again by the night :) I remembered about family recipes, probably a little national. The first thing that came to mind was chicken soup with dumplings. In Russia, probably, they are called dumplings. In an almost cooked chicken soup, instead of vermicelli, a thick, viscous dough is placed in a spoonful (flour, egg, salt, soda-vinegar and unsweetened water). These funny clouds quickly float up and grow three times in size. There is always a lot of greens in the soup. Interestingly, the husband and...

I never get anything - the dough gets wet (


My favorite strawberry pie.
The basis is shortbread dough. Roll out to 1 cm thick, bake for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
In the meantime, beat the egg whites with sugar. Pull out the baked base and brush with whites (about 1.5 cm thick). Put chopped strawberries (a berry into 4 parts) on the whites TOP (!)
Send again to the oven for 10 minutes at 150 degrees. Until browning.
Nothing will get wet, the strawberries themselves will cover themselves with rising squirrels :))

I make such a cake: a shortcrust pastry cake (I have a form that when you turn it over, you get such a large basket with sides.
in the finished cake: creamy custard (I have the recipe in the food folder, where the eclairs are)
and frozen berries on top (mostly strawberries, but also blueberries, blackberries and others) + cake jelly on top. It does not allow the berries to spread.

where to look at the recipe as a thin bake, otherwise it doesn’t work out at all (((maybe you can throw ideas / tips / recipes ...


Thanks for the recipe

Beat 2 eggs with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar - pour in 0.5 liters of milk - and 5 heaping tablespoons of flour. Pour oil into the dough.
Thin and tasty - last year at school mine was recognized as the most delicious :))))))
I'll do it again on Friday.

Pancake recipes for the summer table: how to make dough and stuffing
...They also make savory pannukakku. In this case, it goes as a side dish to stewed venison, sausages, fried mushrooms, smoked salmon. You will need: 4 eggs 1 cup wheat flour 1 cup milk 40 g butter 3 tbsp. l. sugar 1 vanilla pod 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp baking powder 50 g frozen or fresh forest berries (blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries, cranberries, etc.) vegetable oil icing sugar Beat the eggs with a whisk or with a mixer. Add milk, sugar and salt. We melt the butter in a small ladle over low heat or in water. And the site where I took this recipe is the most convenient: it’s a pleasure to search there (otherwise, while you are looking for a recipe, the desire to cook disappears) - you ask what products you have and that’s it! And the cooking algorithm is described in stages and simply. . Spring rolls Ingredients 3 eggs, 120 g flour, 125 ml milk, 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 30 ml carbonated mineral water, a pinch of salt. Preparation Separate the yolks from the whites and rub them with flour, milk and mineral water. Separately, beat the whites to stiff peaks with a pinch of salt, carefully fold into the dough and mix ...

Pancakes for the filling are baked thin and elastic. It is better that there are fewer holes, otherwise the sparse filling will flow out / crawl out through them. One secret - pancakes can only be baked on one side. The filling is placed on the fried side and wrapped. And just before serving, pancakes are fried on the light side. These pancakes can be stored for several days in the refrigerator or frozen. Pancakes on kefir or yogurt are lush. You need to add soda, you can even a whole teaspoon without a slide. The dough is made quickly and easily. One drawback - the next day such pancakes are hard, and even heating in a pan or in the microwave does not save them. If you want to get real delicious pancakes - take a...
...You can also do with pate or soft cheese, chocolate spread, ham, etc. Sour cream, jam, condensed milk are served to the table in a separate bowl. If you prefer to cook in advance, then you can make a lot of toppings for pancakes. Minced meat, poultry, fish, liver, heart, mushrooms, potatoes with fried onions, boiled eggs, rice.


Pancakes with cherries, dumplings with cherries. And to freeze the pancakes is enough for a long time (although we don’t get stale :) Filling - just throw the cherry on a sieve, then add sugar.

Can you mix it with sugar? usually 1:1, you can make charlotte (3 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1 flour) with other berries.
Hold on!
Our refrigerator broke down 2 times, 1 time in the summer in the heat, 2 - in front of Rebenkin, Dr. horror! But we used the services of the neighbor's refrigerator. They also laughed, we had Siemens, and the neighbor Minsk, well, a new model, and rescued us 2 times!

The easiest way to make a morning snack or afternoon snack tasty and unforgettable is to cook an original dish. True, sometimes it takes too much time for the culinary process. But there is also a quick option, for example, to diversify ordinary homemade pancakes with an attractive and tasty filling for eaters. In my recipe, decorated with step-by-step photos, I, using the available ingredients, baked simple thin ones, and then “hid” the cherry filling in them. I used fresh berries, but frozen cherries can also be used.


  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon (+ for sprinkling berries);
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • wheat flour - 170 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • fresh cherries - 1 cup.

How to cook pancakes with cherries

I start the dough for pancakes by taking a suitable bowl. I break an egg into it. I add the declared norm of granulated sugar and a little salt to the ingredient. Pancakes will be bland without salt.

I mix the ingredients right away. It is good to use a regular whisk for this purpose. You can, of course, take a mixer.

I got a homogeneous egg mixture. I immediately pour a little warm water into it. I mix the ingredients again.

Now you can add flour. It is better to do it in small parts. I do not stop working with a whisk during the process.

My dough turned out smooth, there are no lumps in it. Only I also pour butter into pancake dough. Thanks to this technique, I grease the pan only before laying out the first portion of the dough.

Bake. On each side I bake each pancake for about one minute.

In parallel, I also “free” the berries from the seeds. However, you can do it ahead of time. You can also use frozen or canned. So the pancakes are ready. On one side of each pancake I lay out pieces of 6-7 berries. I sprinkle them with some sugar. The amount of sugar depends on your desire and taste.

I carefully fold the pancakes into an envelope shape.

I fill every pancake with such a simple cherry.

Homemade pancakes with cherries are ready. I bring them to the table! Happy meal everyone!

Ordinary cherries have many useful properties - it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol (thanks to a special substance - coumarin), strengthens blood vessels and the circulatory system in general. The berry has a positive effect on the digestive system - the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder. Antiseptic substances do not allow bacteria to multiply. The berry is useful for coughing, acute respiratory diseases. A high concentration of vitamin C has a positive effect on immunity. Vitamins, trace elements contained in cherry juice are involved in the formation of blood. Not to mention the fact that juicy fruits with a sour-sweet taste perfectly quench your thirst. And pancakes with cherries perfectly satisfy hunger, they can be made from both fresh berries and frozen ones.

Option 1

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups flour with a slide
  • 2 tablespoons starch
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking pancakes according to the recipe:

  1. Mix eggs, sugar, flour and starch.
  2. While stirring, pour in a small stream of milk, the dough should be the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  3. Add vegetable oil.

We fry pancakes.

Filling Ingredients:

  • 1/2 kg frozen or fresh cherries, pits removed
  • 1 tbsp corn starch (you can use cornstarch)
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of water

Preparing the filling according to the recipe:

  1. To frozen or fresh cherries, add two tablespoons of water and heat until it boils.
  2. Mix sugar and starch, pour the mixture to the cherry, stirring. Cook in this way for another three minutes.

We wrap the filling in pancakes. You can grate chocolate on top, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Option 2

You can cook pancakes with cherries according to a different recipe. For him, we need products:

  • 12 tablespoons wheat flour
  • half a glass of kefir
  • one and a half glasses of milk
  • one glass of water
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 5 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • half a tablespoon of soda
  • 2 cups frozen cherries (or fresh)
  • one big apple
  • 2 tablespoons of starch.

Recipe for pancakes:

  1. Mix eggs, salt, sugar, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of flour, mix.
  3. Add 3 tablespoons of oil, mix.
  4. Add soda to kefir, stir until the soda dissolves, then add kefir to the dough, mix well again.
  5. Mix a glass of water with half a glass of warm milk, mix with the dough.
  6. Add 4 tablespoons of flour, then - the rest of the milk, and then - 4 remaining tablespoons of flour, knead the dough and leave for half an hour.

We have two tablespoons of oil left, we grease the pan with them and bake pancakes.

  1. Thawed cherries should be without juice that needs to be drained, you do not need to throw away the juice, it will still come in handy. Berries are cut into two or four parts.
  2. We put in a saucepan, add one tablespoon of sugar and cook a little (you need to boil for about three minutes).
  3. Mix the juice that formed after defrosting the cherries with starch, pour into boiling cherries, stir quickly, boil for one minute and remove from heat.
  4. Peel the apple into small cubes and cook for one minute with a tablespoon of sugar.
  5. Mix apple and cherry. You can add cinnamon, dried fruits, such as dried apricots.
  6. Add starch to the filling - for a quarter cup of the filling we take one tablespoon of starch, mix.

We wrap the pancakes - for one pancake we take one tablespoon of the filling.

Pancakes with cherries are a very tasty dessert that even a novice cook can cook. There are a lot of recipes for such a dessert, and in this article the most delicious of them will be considered, with some additions. It is worth noting that the dish belongs not only to the summer kitchen, because you can cook it in the winter, using frozen berries for this.

Pancakes with cherries

First you need to prepare the ingredients:

  1. Pitted cherries - 0.5 kg.
  2. Pancakes - 10 pcs.
  3. Cheese - 200 gr.
  4. Powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  5. Vanilla sugar - ½ tsp
  6. Cream - 50 gr.

This dish is obtained for 4 servings, and the cooking technology is as follows:

  1. First you need to beat the cream cheese. To do this, you can use a mixer, but beat the product at medium speed.
  2. When the cheese is whipped, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar are poured into it, after which the ingredients are whipped again to get a uniform consistency, like a cream.
  3. In a separate container, whip the cream, it is recommended to use heavy cream.
  4. Next, cream and cream mass are combined, so that in the end there is a cream that is quite thick in consistency.
  5. Now you need to take ready-made pancakes and grease them with the resulting cream.
  6. Cherries are placed on top of the cream and rolled up.

Each resulting tube must be cut in two, and the dish will be ready. Serve pancakes with cherries, along with sour cream or leftover cream.

Pancakes with cherries, jelly and butter cream

It is not difficult to make pancakes with cherries, the recipe of which will be described below, and the taste is unusual due to the use of cocoa and other ingredients. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour - 200 gr.
  2. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Milk - 350 ml.
  4. Egg - 3 pcs.
  5. Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  6. Butter - 50 gr.
  7. Cherry juice - 200 gr.
  8. Boneless cherries - 100 gr.
  9. Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  10. Cream - 1 tbsp.
  11. Salt - a pinch.

Pancakes with cherries recipe with step by step photos:

  1. It is necessary to mix the flour and cocoa, and then sift the ingredients through a sieve into a large plate.
  2. Next, you need to break the eggs and beat them thoroughly.
  3. After that, you need to constantly stir to combine the flour with the eggs, and also pour in the milk. When the ingredients are combined, a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of sugar are added and stirred again.
  4. The resulting mixture must be kneaded and leave the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. At this time, starch is diluted in 2-3 tablespoons of cherry juice, the rest of the juice must be put on fire and boiled, when it boils, starch is added to it.
  6. After boiling the juice for a couple of minutes, you need to remove it from the stove, let it cool a little and add the cherry, previously peeled from the bone.
  7. Now you should fry the dough and make pancakes out of it. It is necessary to miss the pan with oil and pour the dough with a ladle, distributing it in a frying pan, fry one side and the other for a couple of minutes.
  8. Each pancake must be folded in four and then sent to a large dish.
  9. After frying the pancakes, you need to mix the cream and sugar, beat the ingredients thoroughly.

At the end, you need to put cherries on pancakes, juice, which should turn into jelly, and also decorate with cream. Such simple and delicious pancakes with cherries can please any sweet tooth.

Frozen cherry pancakes with chocolate

For cooking you need:

  1. Pitted cherries - 0.4 kg.
  2. Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  4. Water - 25 ml.
  5. Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

Pancakes with cherries recipe:

  1. First you need to knead the dough and make pancakes. Any recipe for pancakes can be used.
  2. When the pancakes are ready, you need to put the frozen berries in a saucepan and drain 25 ml of water. Then the container is placed on a small fire, and the ingredients are brought to a boil.
  3. At this time, starch and 4 tablespoons of sugar are mixed, and then the mixture is poured into cherries. You need to quickly mix everything, but at the same time be careful. After a couple of minutes, the container is removed from the stove and left to cool.
  4. Now the resulting berry filling is placed on each pancake and everything is wrapped with a tube.
  5. Then the chocolate cream is prepared. To do this, mix sour cream, 2 tablespoons of sugar and cocoa powder. The components should be put on fire and let the ingredients boil. After the cream has cooled, it is poured into pancakes.

The dessert is ready and if you need to get a more liquid chocolate cream, then you can pour 1 tablespoon of cocoa, but then the taste will not be so rich.

Pancakes with cherries in their own juice

For cooking you need:

  1. Cherry, you can use frozen - 200 gr.
  2. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Butter - 70 gr.
  4. Cream - 50 ml.
  1. Remove the cherries from the freezer and let them defrost, then place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar.
  2. The pan is put on a slow fire and the berries are boiled. It is necessary to stir all the time so that the berry does not burn.
  3. When the juice appears, you need to boil the berries for 10 minutes.
  4. Further, the resulting berry syrup is poured into a separate bowl, and the cherries are taken out separately.
  5. Ready-made pancakes need to be well smeared with butter, then cream is whipped with a mixer, the cooled syrup is poured into them.
  6. Berries are placed on pancakes and wrapped in a tube.

Before serving, pancakes with cherries should be cut in half and pour over with creamy berry syrup.


Using such simple recipes, you can make a great dessert that is suitable for any table, whether it's a holiday or an ordinary day. The cooking technology is simple and does not require special skills in cooking.